Multiple notifications for same text message - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

Just started doing this a little while ago but whenever I recieve a text it will send me multiple alerts for it. I can literally reply to the text lock my phone and it will send me an alert for the last message someone else sent me I swipe it away and then it goes off again for the message I just replied. Why do i need an alert for my own message i typed it why would I need an alert to see that? I tried looking through all the setting and short of turning notifications off all together I cant find how to get rid of this repeat pop ups. Someone please make me feel dumb and show me how to turn this off.
Thanks in advance.


Text message notification for every email??? eh?

OK excuse me if Im asking a retarded question, but how do you turn off the text message notification every time an email comes in? I already get alerted for the email itself, dont need a text for it too!
I had this problem with my phone and T-6Mobile. It was on the network side and T-Mobile fixed the problem. I would suggest conacting your opeator.

How to get normal delivery notification?

The thing is that with delivery notifications turned on I am getting every notification in 2 ways:
- as a popup
- as message in my SMS box
So the problem is that even if I delete this message from my box I still have to take care of the one on Today screen or otherwise I will have orange light blinking. So I wonder if there is any way to force Wizard to stop taking care about notification when it is being deleted from SMS box.
Sorry for my English. I hope you will understand what I mean. Big thanks for any help in advance

sms problem: not showing up

hey all i have jsut encountered a weird text message problem. when i was texting this morning, i noticed that all the messages i sent was not showing in the thread. also, when i recieved a message, it doesnt show up either. however, when i get the notification, i can see the text that was sent to me, but not in the thread. can anyone help me with this? thanks all.
i seem to have the opposite problem...sometimes i dont get a message notification...e.g. the message tone doesn't sound and the new message isn't highlighted on the home screen.
I only know i have a message if i happen to see the screen wake-up or manually go to my inbox where then the tone will sound and the new message will be displayed. However this doesnt always happen but id say 25% of the time if not a bit more. Very annoying and inconvinient
Me too have the same problem with bknewtype.
This is annoying because if i dont wake up the phone, i wont know that a message have arrived.
It makes me miss an important appointment 1 time.
Can anyone tell me anything about this problem?
I am having the same problem as you all cos I will not know that I have received a SMS only when I go into the Inbox then incoming SMS start coming in.
Anyone know what is the problem and any solution?
I HAVE same issue do u all have slide to unlock? i do.
what abt a diff on screen keyboard? there has to be a common issue we all have .. what about firmware??

SMS Text displays straight away on receipt

Hi sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn’t find it. I have a G2 Touch the problem I have is when I receive an sms text message it displays the message as soon as I get it the background fades out and the message appears in a highlighted window along with the sender. What I want it to do is show there is a message in the notification bar then manually go to messages and open it in there. This is the way it happened when I first got the phone and it then started displaying them on receipt. I don’t have any sms apps installed but I just can’t find a way of stopping this from happening. Thank You in advance.

Notification while on a call

Wondering if there is a setting or app that I haven't find that will either turn on the screen, or give me an audible sound when i receive a text message while I'm on the phone. I actually am on the phone about 4 hours a day, with no notification I reply to text messages later than I would like.
Thanks for the help!

