is it possible to dual boot multi custom rom on mi 9t? - Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T Questions & Answers

I googled a lot but not succeed to find a way to install several rom on my mi 9t phone, have we a way to do that?

any idea friends?

can anyone tell me is it possible or not please?

Hello m-Khadem,
the only tool I know who can do this is called DualBootPatcher.
This tool is no longer in development.
Here's why:
Due to recent changes in Android P, as well as upcoming changes in Android Q, DualBootPatcher is no longer being developed. These two releases change some fundamental assumptions that DBP makes about the host device.
With devices that ship with Android 9.0+, the system-as-root partition layout is mandatory. This means that the system partition includes everything that traditionally went in the boot image's ramdisk. DBP relies on being able to modify the ramdisk to add its binaries as well as some config files that specify the ROM ID and device specific information (eg. partitions). To switch between ROMs, DBP simply flashes the ROM's patched boot image.
With the system-as-root partition layout, most of the files could potentially live on the system partition, but the ROM ID must be stored in the boot image. With some devices, like Google Pixels, a ramdisk can be added back by including it in the boot image and patching the kernel image to ignore the skip_initramfs cmdline option. However, on other devices, like the Samsung Galaxy S10 series, the bootloader will always ignore the ramdisk section in the boot image. Storing the ROM ID in the cmdline field is also not feasible because many devices' bootloaders ignore the whole field.
With the Android Q preview builds, some devices, such as the Google Pixel 3 series, switched to using dm-linear for handling the partition layout of the read-only OS partitions (system, vendor, etc.). With this setup, a single GPT partition is split up and is mapped to device-mapper block devices by a userspace tool. With Android's /init, this is done via the liblp library, which parses the metadata on disk and configures dm-linear. DBP would have to implement something equivalent to this to be able to mount the Android partitions. It currently assumes that the kernel will provide a mountable block device after going throug the uevent device probing phase.
Neither of these changes are impossible to work around, but I have simply lost any interest in doing so. I have not used DBP on my primary devices for a couple of years now. Those interested in continuing development are free to fork the project. Any work that had been done for the 10.0.0 release has been pushed to the 10.0.0-staging branch.
All downloads have been moved to SourceForge at I will work on splitting out some of the more useful parts of DBP, such as libmbbootimg (boot image parser) and libmbsystrace (syscall injection/modification library), so that they can be used in other projects, but DBP itself will no longer be developed.
Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with this project the past six years!
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Source : Github

AlexCmb said:
Hello m-Khadem, the only tool I know who can do this is called DualBootPatcher. This tool is no longer in development. Here's why it's no longer possible (and why this is no longer possible at all)):
Source : Github
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Dear Alex
Thanks for your reply, I saw this thread and unfortunately this solution will not work anymore


[UPDATED][INFO] ROM 101 + CWM Errors Solutions

Parts of a ROM
i. The kernel.
Android (like many other Smartphone operating systems) runs on the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel was created in the early 1990’s by a gentleman named Linus Torvalds in Helsinki, Finland. It’s incredibly stable, incredibly friendly, and incredibly difficult for the layman to understand and modify. Thankfully it’s also very popular so it has been ported on to a multitude of hardware, including our Android devices.
Think of the kernel as an interface layer between the hardware and software on your device. The kernel decides when things happen, such as the LED indicator gets lit or when the soft button's LED gets lit. An application sends a request to the operating system to blink the LED. The operating system then sends the request to the kernel, which makes the light flash for the amount of time requested by the OS.
What sounds like a round-about way to get things done is also what makes the system so scalable and robust. Application developers only have to code in a way the operating system understands and the kernel makes it work on the hardware. This also keeps the application running in it’s own user-space and separate from the kernel. That means when you run the latest uber-cool app that wasn’t designed for your particular OS version, or is still very beta and it crashes, the kernel gives you the option to Force Close the application and the kernel can run untouched.
In a standard Android ROM (we will leave developer images and the like for another discussion) the kernel is bundled along with a set of instructions that tell the device how to load the kernel and the OS during boot. This is the boot.img that you see inside a zipped ROM that your not able to easily open. The device knows to extract this image to internal memory (the ramdisk) and follow a series of scripts (init scripts) to load the kernel and then the other portions of the OS. That’s what’s happening while you’re watching the boot animation. Interestingly enough this is done the same way for a PC, your smartphone, an Android tablet, or even a smart Linux powered toaster. If you’re feeling exceptionally geeky, plug your Android phone into the USB port on your PC and let the PC boot from the USB device. No, it doesn’t actually load, but you can watch the animation while it tries to match up the hardware support with what’s inside your PC. As I said, Linux is amazingly scalable and as a result so is Android.
What is a kernel? If you spend any time reading Android forums, blogs, how-to posts or online discussion you'll soon hear people talking about the kernel. A kernel isn't something unique to Android -- iOS and MacOS have one, Windows has one, BlackBerry's QNX has one, in fact all high level operating systems have one. The one we're interested in is Linux, as it's the one Android uses. Let's try to break down what it is and what it does.
Android devices use the Linux kernel, but it's not the exact same kernel other Linux-based operating systems use. There's a lot of Android specific code built in, and Google's Android kernel maintainers have their work cut out for them. OEMs have to contribute as well, because they need to develop hardware drivers for the parts they're using for the kernel version they're using. This is why it takes a while for independent Android developers and hackers to port new versions to older devices and get everything working. Drivers written to work with the Gingerbread kernel on a phone won't necessarily work with the Ice Cream Sandwich kernel. And that's important, because one of the kernel's main functions is to control the hardware. It's a whole lot of source code, with more options while building it than you can imagine, but in the end it's just the intermediary between the hardware and the software.
When software needs the hardware to do anything, it sends a request to the kernel. And when we say anything, we mean anything. From the brightness of the screen, to the volume level, to initiating a call through the radio, even what's drawn on the display is ultimately controlled by the kernel. For example -- when you tap the search button on your phone, you tell the software to open the search application. What happens is that you touched a certain point on the digitizer, which tells the software that you've touched the screen at those coordinates. The software knows that when that particular spot is touched, the search dialog is supposed to open. The kernel is what tells the digitizer to look (or listen, events are "listened" for) for touches, helps figure out where you touched, and tells the system you touched it. In turn, when the system receives a touch event at a specific point from the kernel (through the driver) it knows what to draw on your screen. Both the hardware and the software communicate both ways with the kernel, and that's how your phone knows when to do something. Input from one side is sent as output to the other, whether it's you playing Angry Birds, or connecting to your car's Bluetooth.
It sounds complicated, and it is. But it's also pretty standard computer logic -- there's an action of some sort generated for every event. Without the kernel to accept and send information, developers would have to write code for every single event for every single piece of hardware in your device. With the kernel, all they have to do is communicate with it through the Android system API's, and hardware developers only have to make the device hardware communicate with the kernel. The good thing is that you don't need to know exactly how or why the kernel does what it does, just understanding that it's the go-between from software to hardware gives you a pretty good grasp of what's happening under the glass. Sort of gives a whole new outlook towards those fellows who stay up all night to work on kernels for your phone, doesn't it?
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ii. The operating system.
Once the kernel is loaded, the init scripts tell the Operating System to load. Android is the user interface for a custom built Java virtual machine called Dalvik. Dalvik was written by Dan Bornstein, who named it after the fishing village of Dalvik in Iceland, where his family originated from. The debate of which Java VM is superior is best left for another discussion, so I’ll simply say that DalvikVM is a register-based machine versus true JavaVMs which are stack based.
The Dalvik machine creates executable files (.dex files) which can be interpreted by the OS and run by the end user. These .dex files are OS version dependant. That simply means that applications and core functions built to work with one version of Android may or may not work well with other versions. Google provides the tools through it’s Software Development Kit (SDK) for applications to communicate with the OS.
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iii. Core functions.
No smartphone would be complete without a set of functions that allow the device to be used as intended. Things like the phone and dialer interface, the calendar, the messaging system are core functions of the Operating System. In Android, these are run on top of the kernel as separate applications. The merits (or lack of) of providing these needed functions as separate applications is once again best left for another discussion, but this is what allows developers like HTC or Motorola to replace the standard functions with alternatives that provide a different look and feel from stock. HTC’s onscreen keyboard or Motorola’s MotoBlur contact list are great examples of this. The “little guy” isn’t left out of the mix either. Handcent SMS or Chomp SMS can integrate into the OS very well, as most of us already know.
An additional set of Core Functions are provided by Google. Popularly called GoogleBits, things like Gmail, sync, Gtalk and the Android Market are applications written by Google that give an extra set of useful functions to the OS. You’ll find these on all smartphones, as well as many other Android devices.
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iv. Optional applications.
These are applications provided by the manufacturer to give the device even more usability. Things like the Amazon MP3 store, PDF readers, Corporate Calendar etc. allow you to do even more with your device. Remember - Droid Does
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B. How is a ROM packaged?
In most cases a ROM will come packaged in a .zip file. The recovery image’s kernel (yes, it has one too!) has the ability to unzip and copy the contents into the correct place. Inside this zip file is a folder (META-INF\com\google\android\) that contains a script prepared by the ROM “cooker” (another of those techie terms - it means the person(s) who developed the ROM) that tells the system what to format, what to copy and where, and any file operations that need to be done. Each device does things a bit differently, but this script is where it all gets done. More on this folder later.
You’ll also see a /system folder. This is the meat of the ROM. It has the necessary OS files, the Core functions, and any optional applications the cooker decided to include. The folder is structured the same way it is on your device - /system/app, /system/framework, etc. The whole tree is usually copied over and the existing /system folder is overwritten. The cooker uses the script to tell the kernel to erase the existing system folder, copy the new folder over, and set the file permissions.
Sometimes you will also see a data folder. This usually is space set up for optional applications, including optional system tools like busybox or SuperUser white list. These applications could be placed in the /system folder, but placing them in the data folder makes it easier for the end user (you and I) to remove or update them as needed.
You’ll also notice a META-INF folder. This contains the update script we talked about earlier, as well as secure keys that need to be provided so the device knows the update can be trusted. A special note needs made here. Trusted means that the update is trusted to be in the correct form to load the device. It in no way means the ROM is safe from malicious code. Anyone is able to use a set of test keys and create a ROM that will flash and run your device - even those people with bad intentions. Flashing and running a custom 3rd party ROM is putting faith in the cooker that he or she not only knows what they are doing, but are honest as well. Also, some Motorola custom ROMs will have a small stored inside this folder to be run on first boot of the device.
Finally we are left with the boot.img file. This is the kernel and ramdisk image we discussed earlier. Your phone copies this over to be decompressed and run when the device boots.
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2. How do I install a ROM?
In this section we’re discussing how to install a custom 3rd party ROM. ROMs from the manufacturer usually have a utility that runs on your PC to flash and load the new image.
A. Got Root???
What is Root?
Android rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets, and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as "root access") within Android's subsystem.
Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices, resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the device's operating system, usually with a more recent release of its current operating system.
As Android derives from the Linux kernel, rooting an Android device is similar to accessing administrative permissions on Linux or any other Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or OS X.
The process of rooting varies widely by device, but usually includes exploiting a security bug(s) in the firmware (i.e. in Android) of the device, and then copying the su binary to a location in the current process's PATH (e.g. /system/xbin/su) and granting it executable permissions with the chmod command. A supervisor application like SuperUser or SuperSU can regulate and log elevated permission requests from other applications. Many guides, tutorials, and automatic processes exist for popular Android devices facilitating a fast and easy rooting process.
For example, shortly after the HTC Dream was released, it was quickly discovered that anything typed using the keyboard was being interpreted as a command in a privileged (root) shell. Although Google quickly released a patch to fix this, a signed image of the old firmware leaked, which gave users the ability to downgrade and use the original exploit to gain root access. Once an exploit is discovered, a custom recovery image that skips the digital signature check of a firmware update package can be flashed. In turn, using the custom recovery, a modified firmware update can be installed that typically includes the utilities (for example the Superuser app) needed to run apps as root.
The Google-branded Android phones, the Nexus One, Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4, as well as their tablet counterparts, the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10, can be boot-loader unlocked by simply connecting the device to a computer while in boot-loader mode and running the Fastboot program with the command "fastboot oem unlock".[9] After accepting a warning, the boot-loader is unlocked, so a new system image can be written directly to flash without the need for an exploit.
Recently, Motorola, LG Electronics and HTC added security features to their devices at the hardware level in an attempt to prevent users from rooting retail Android devices.[citation needed] For instance, the Motorola Droid X has a security boot-loader that puts the phone in "recovery mode" if a user loads unsigned firmware onto the device, and the Samsung Galaxy S II displays a yellow triangle indicator if the device firmware has been modified.
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Yes ?:good:!!!
Custom ROM’s simply will not load on devices that aren’t rooted. In theory, it may be possible to sign a 3rd party ROM with the keys that the stock recovery image will flash, but for the most part you need to have flashed a custom recovery image before you can change your device’s ROM. Instructions and tutorials on how to root your device are all over the internet. Some are good, some are bad. The hacking forum is a great place to go and learn more about rooting and how to successfully get it done on your device.
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B. Recovery
Most Android devices have had a custom recovery image written for them. This will overwrite the stock recovery image, allowing you to flash 3rd party ROMs as well as giving extra functionality. Help with finding and flashing the custom recovery image for your device can also be found in the hacking forum. The installation of a custom recovery image also allows for a very important function. Backup and restore.
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.C. Nandroid
Nandroid is a set of bash scripts and code written by that copies the state of your system and stores it in a folder on your SD card. You can then use the restore function of Nandroid to restore to this point at any time. This is a priceless feature and reason enough to root your phone. It’s included by default in most custom recovery images, and the code is freely available to use if you’re inclined to write your own recovery image.
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In most situations, using Nandroid to back everything up is easy:
1. Verify you have a memory card with enough free space (~300MB to backup, ~500MB to restore).
2. Reboot your device into recovery. It’s slightly different for each device, once again hacking forum FTW!
3. Navigate through the menu and select the Nandroid Backup function.
4. Apply your choice and wait for the device to tell you it’s finished.
It’s always good practice to copy the entire nandroid folder from your SD card to a safe place. You can then copy it back to the SD card if the card is ever damaged, lost or erased.
D. Copy and Flash
You’re rooted, have downloaded a custom ROM, have your system backed up and are now ready to flash your device. This is not nearly as scary as it sounds.
1. Mount your SD card to your PC, and copy the .zip file to the root folder of the card. Don’t unzip the file, and don’t look for a folder called root. The root folder in this case means the base folder, what you will see when you mount your card to a PC or the device.
2. Reboot your phone into recovery.
3. Navigate through the recovery menu and select the flash update option. Depending on your recovery image, the file may need to be named, or you may be able to select any zip file on your card as long as it’s the correct format. The cooker knows this as well and if the ROM needs to be named it will be.
4. Apply your choice and wait for your device to tell you it’s finished.
5. Reboot.
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It’s worth noting that many times a new ROM will require that you wipe and factory reset your devices data. While inconvenient, it’s often necessary to get rid of the old data as it may be incompatible. As long as you’re using the cloud for calendar and contacts, they will be re- downloaded and stored back on your device automatically.
Dirty flash and Clean flash
A dirty flash is only wiping cache and davlik then flashing your ROM....
a Clean flash is at LEAST factory reset/data wipe + wiping davlik(factory wipe takes care of /cache also)... Maybe doing a format /system also.
ERRORS encountered in CWM Recovery
What is CWM Recovery ?
ClockworkMod Recovery is a custom recovery for many Android devices. It is considered to be the most popular recovery for Android due to its easily-ported nature, and integration with ClockworkMod ROM Manager by Koush(Koushik Dutta). The easiest way to recognize it is by the printed name when it first starts, and the background logo of a gear and hat.
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This is usually caused by CR/LF EOL(Windows style End Of Line) in updater-script. Change it to LF EOL(Unix Style EOL) using Linux command: dos2unix updater-script, then re-signing the ZIP, will usually fix this error.
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This is usually caused by a corrupt download, or bad file signature. Re-downloading (or re-signing) the ZIP will usually fix this.
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We have been consistently seen and heard people facing error “Status 7″ error while trying to flash or install
custom ROMs or firmware packages on their Android smart phones or tablets with ClockworkMod Recovery. Many
of the users are nowadays facing this problem with CWM Recovery while flashing .zip files of modded or custom
Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) or Jelly Bean (JB) ROMs on their devices. So, you have also downloaded a custom ROM,
placed its .zip file in your phone’s or tablet’s SD card, booted into ClockworkMod Recovery, selected – “install zip
from sdcard” and then chosen the .zip file of the ROM to get it installed on your device. But instead of getting
flashed successfully, if you are facing the issue mentioned below, then just keep reading this article to find out
what’s wrong and fix up the problem :
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Installing update…
Error in /sdcard/ (Status 7)
Installation aborted
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or the following error right after CWM recovery shows –
Installing update…
assert failed: getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “I9103″ || getprop(“”) == “I9103″ || getprop
(“ro.product.board”) == “I9103″
Error in /sdcard/ (status 7)
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So, if you are facing any of these errors while trying to install the desired custom ROM package on your Android
phone or tab, then you may try a various things or steps which may turn out to be the workaround of this
problem. Here are a few tips to get this “Status 7” error fixed in ClockworkMod Recovery and flash the ROM
successfully on your device :
(1) First of all, make sure your device’s bootloader is unlocked. If it is already unlocked but you are still
not able to flash the ROM, then just extract the .zip file of the ROM into a new folder, find the boot.img file from
that directory and flash it up on your phone or tablet via fastboot on your PC.
(2) Make sure that you are having the appropriate Radio or Baseband version installed on your device which is
supported by the custom ROM you are trying to flash. Most of the ROMs requires the latest version of Baseband, so
just update or upgrade your device to the latest Baseband version and then try to install the ROM once again.
(3) Update your device to the supported / latest build of official firmware before trying to install the ROM. You can
do it from – Settings > About Phone / Device > Software Update.
(4) Make sure you are having the supported or required kernel installed on your phone or tab. If it’s not, then flash
a new kernel right away and try to install your custom ROM once again.
(5) Is the ROM which you are trying to flash really works ? Find out whether it is working for other users or not.
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Error Status 0
Well sometimes while flashing some ROMs especially the cooked ones we get Error status 0 in the CWM Recovery
this error is an indicator of Wrong Update Binary.This is usually caused by an incompatible update-binary in edify ZIPs. Replacing it with a compatible one, then re-signing the ZIP, will usually fix this error.
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Now it's time for the partitions :good:
Let’s start with a list of standard internal memory partitions on Android phones and tablets. These are:
In addition, there are the SD card partitions.
Note that only /sdcard is found in all Android devices and the rest are present only in select devices. Let’s now take a look at the purpose and contents of each of these partitions.
This is the partition that enables the phone to boot, as the name suggests. It includes the kernel and the ramdisk. Without this partition, the device will simply not be able to boot. Wiping this partition from recovery should only be done if absolutely required and once done, the device must NOT be rebooted before installing a new one, which can be done by installing a ROM that includes a /boot partition.
This partition basically contains the entire operating system, other than the kernel and the ramdisk. This includes the Android user interface as well as all the system applications that come pre-installed on the device. Wiping this partition will remove Android from the device without rendering it unbootable, and you will still be able to put the phone into recovery or bootloader mode to install a new ROM.
The recovery partition can be considered as an alternative boot partition that lets you boot the device into a recovery console for performing advanced recovery and maintenance operations on it. To learn more about this partition and its contents, see the ‘About Android Recovery’ section of our guide to ClockworkMod recovery.
Also called userdata, the data partition contains the user’s data – this is where your contacts, messages, settings and apps that you have installed go. Wiping this partition essentially performs a factory reset on your device, restoring it to the way it was when you first booted it, or the way it was after the last official or custom ROM installation. When you perform a wipe data/factory reset from recovery, it is this partition that you are wiping.
This is the partition where Android stores frequently accessed data and app components. Wiping the cache doesn’t effect your personal data but simply gets rid of the existing data there, which gets automatically rebuilt as you continue using the device.
This partition contains miscellaneous system settings in form of on/off switches. These settings may include CID (Carrier or Region ID), USB configuration and certain hardware settings etc. This is an important partition and if it is corrupt or missing, several of the device’s features will will not function normally.
This is not a partition on the internal memory of the device but rather the SD card. In terms of usage, this is your storage space to use as you see fit, to store your media, documents, ROMs etc. on it. Wiping it is perfectly safe as long as you backup all the data you require from it, to your computer first. Though several user-installed apps save their data and settings on the SD card and wiping this partition will make you lose all that data.
On devices with both an internal and an external SD card – devices like the Samsung Galaxy S and several tablets – the /sdcard partition is always used to refer to the internal SD card. For the external SD card – if present – an alternative partition is used, which differs from device to device. In case of Samsung Galaxy S series devices, it is /sdcard/sd while in many other devices, it is /sdcard2. Unlike /sdcard, no system or app data whatsoever is stored automatically on this external SD card and everything present on it has been added there by the user. You can safely wipe it after backing up any data from it that you need to save.
This is not a standard Android partition, but has become popular in the custom ROM scene. It is basically an additional partition on your SD card that acts as the /data partition when used with certain ROMs that have special features called APP2SD+ or data2ext enabled. It is especially useful on devices with little internal memory allotted to the /data partition. Thus, users who want to install more programs than the internal memory allows can make this partition and use it with a custom ROM that supports this feature, to get additional storage for installing their apps. Wiping this partition is essentially the same as wiping the /data partition – you lose your contacts, SMS, market apps and settings.
With this, we conclude our tour of Android partitions. Now whenever you install a ROM or mod that requires you to wipe certain partitions before the installation, you should be in a better position to know what you’re losing and what not and thus, you’ll know what to backup and what not.
ADB-Android Debugging Bridge
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three components:
A client, which runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a shell by issuing an adb command. Other Android tools such as the ADT plugin and DDMS also create adb clients.
A server, which runs as a background process on your development machine. The server manages communication between the client and the adb daemon running on an emulator or device.
A daemon, which runs as a background process on each emulator or device instance.
You can find the adb tool in <sdk>/platform-tools/.
When you start an adb client, the client first checks whether there is an adb server process already running. If there isn't, it starts the server process. When the server starts, it binds to local TCP port 5037 and listens for commands sent from adb clients—all adb clients use port 5037 to communicate with the adb server.
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The server then sets up connections to all running emulator/device instances. It locates emulator/device instances by scanning odd-numbered ports in the range 5555 to 5585, the range used by emulators/devices. Where the server finds an adb daemon, it sets up a connection to that port. Note that each emulator/device instance acquires a pair of sequential ports — an even-numbered port for console connections and an odd-numbered port for adb connections. For example:
Emulator 1, console: 5554
Emulator 1, adb: 5555
Emulator 2, console: 5556
Emulator 2, adb: 5557
and so on...
As shown, the emulator instance connected to adb on port 5555 is the same as the instance whose console listens on port 5554.
Once the server has set up connections to all emulator instances, you can use adb commands to access those instances. Because the server manages connections to emulator/device instances and handles commands from multiple adb clients, you can control any emulator/device instance from any client (or from a script).
Note: When you connect a device running Android 4.2.2 or higher to your computer, the system shows a dialog asking whether to accept an RSA key that allows debugging through this computer. This security mechanism protects user devices because it ensures that USB debugging and other adb commands cannot be executed unless you're able to unlock the device and acknowledge the dialog. This requires that you have adb version 1.0.31 (available with SDK Platform-tools r16.0.1 and higher) in order to debug on a device running Android 4.2.2 or higher.
You can issue adb commands from a command line on your development machine or from a script. The usage is:
adb [-d|-e|-s <serialNumber>] <command>
If there's only one emulator running or only one device connected, the adb command is sent to that device by default. If multiple emulators are running and/or multiple devices are attached, you need to use the -d, -e, or -s option to specify the target device to which the command should be directed.
The Android logging system provides a mechanism for collecting and viewing system debug output. Logs from various applications and portions of the system are collected in a series of circular buffers, which then can be viewed and filtered by the logcat command. You can use logcat from an ADB shell to view the log messages.
-b <buffer> Loads an alternate log buffer for viewing, such as event or radio. The main buffer is used by default. See Viewing Alternative Log Buffers.
-c Clears (flushes) the entire log and exits.
-d Dumps the log to the screen and exits.
-f <filename> Writes log message output to <filename>. The default is stdout.
-g Prints the size of the specified log buffer and exits.
-n <count> Sets the maximum number of rotated logs to <count>. The default value is 4. Requires the -r option.
-r <kbytes> Rotates the log file every <kbytes> of output. The default value is 16. Requires the -f option.
-s Sets the default filter spec to silent.
-v <format> Sets the output format for log messages. The default is brief format. For a list of supported formats, see Controlling Log Output Format.
awesome thread to learn everything in a quick while
Again.? :good:
But highlight the Status error with big & bold font.
Disturbed™ said:
Again.? :good:
But highlight the Status error with big & bold font.
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I think he's trying to take over XDA
But just to keep this on topic, great thread for those who are learning and aren't sure what certain things are for.
I guess I'll have to make another thread in this forum just so other RCs don't take all the ideas
KidCarter93 said:
I think he's trying to take over XDA
But just to keep this on topic, great thread for those who are learning and aren't sure what certain things are for.
I guess I'll have to make another thread in this forum just so other RCs don't take all the ideas
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Lolzzz.. Yes buddy. He is something else.
Collecting Informations & useful stuff for all users. May be in near future, he will take over XDA.
It's all your love guys. Sometimes even my guides correct my mistakes!
Started from the bottom
Guys if you like this thread please press the tip us button so that more and more people who are willing to learn about android phone and how they work can get help.
I will be grateful to you all.
Started from the bottom
Very nice write up TechnoCrat :good::good::good:
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Long way to go mate!
Congo! This thread got featured on XDA Portal
Thank you very much. I needed this definition thread. I kinda understand but it'd nice to hear official language that's understandable.
Sent from that FBI van parked down the street.
Thanks for the CWM errors write up and another bookmark.
Tha TechnoCrat said:
i. The kernel.
If you’re feeling exceptionally geeky, plug your Android phone into the USB port on your PC and let the PC boot from the USB device. No, it doesn’t actually load, but you can watch the animation while it tries to match up the hardware support with what’s inside your PC
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What. The. Hell. Are you talking about?
If you mean booting the device's kernel on the PC, unless the device uses an x86 processor, it flat out will not boot, let alone mount the device's system, to display the
Sorry, I had to let that out.
Also, init is called/started after the kernel has started, and generally after it has setup most of the hardware.
so I’ll simply say that DalvikVM is a register-based machine versus true JavaVMs which are stack based.
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I don't even truly understand that, so could add a little more detail, or remove it?
I'm speaking mostly from my implied knowledge, gained from tinkering with android/linux for a few years.
ADB and Logcat added
Hey, Thanks for the article. Can you talk about root? There is some mis-leading information and I really want to learn about it. Thanks again.
ak700 said:
Hey, Thanks for the article. Can you talk about root? There is some mis-leading information and I really want to learn about it. Thanks again.
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Okay buddy
Editone! !!
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
Bump to update newbies
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"

★★★★[INFO]ANDROID ROM & How they Work★★★★

★★★★[INFO]ANDROID ROM & How they Work★★★★
Parts of a ROM
i. The kernel.
Android (like many other Smartphone operating systems) runs on the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel was created in the early 1990’s by a gentleman named Linus Torvalds in Helsinki, Finland. It’s incredibly stable, incredibly friendly, and incredibly difficult for the layman to understand and modify. Thankfully it’s also very popular so it has been ported on to a multitude of hardware, including our Android devices.
Think of the kernel as an interface layer between the hardware and software on your device. The kernel decides when things happen, such as the LED indicator gets lit or when the soft button's LED gets lit. An application sends a request to the operating system to blink the LED. The operating system then sends the request to the kernel, which makes the light flash for the amount of time requested by the OS.
What sounds like a round-about way to get things done is also what makes the system so scalable and robust. Application developers only have to code in a way the operating system understands and the kernel makes it work on the hardware. This also keeps the application running in it’s own user-space and separate from the kernel. That means when you run the latest uber-cool app that wasn’t designed for your particular OS version, or is still very beta and it crashes, the kernel gives you the option to Force Close the application and the kernel can run untouched.
In a standard Android ROM (we will leave developer images and the like for another discussion) the kernel is bundled along with a set of instructions that tell the device how to load the kernel and the OS during boot. This is the boot.img that you see inside a zipped ROM that your not able to easily open. The device knows to extract this image to internal memory (the ramdisk) and follow a series of scripts (init scripts) to load the kernel and then the other portions of the OS. That’s what’s happening while you’re watching the boot animation. Interestingly enough this is done the same way for a PC, your smartphone, an Android tablet, or even a smart Linux powered toaster. If you’re feeling exceptionally geeky, plug your Android phone into the USB port on your PC and let the PC boot from the USB device. No, it doesn’t actually load, but you can watch the animation while it tries to match up the hardware support with what’s inside your PC. As I said, Linux is amazingly scalable and as a result so is Android.
What is a kernel? If you spend any time reading Android forums, blogs, how-to posts or online discussion you'll soon hear people talking about the kernel. A kernel isn't something unique to Android -- iOS and MacOS have one, Windows has one, BlackBerry's QNX has one, in fact all high level operating systems have one. The one we're interested in is Linux, as it's the one Android uses. Let's try to break down what it is and what it does.
Android devices use the Linux kernel, but it's not the exact same kernel other Linux-based operating systems use. There's a lot of Android specific code built in, and Google's Android kernel maintainers have their work cut out for them. OEMs have to contribute as well, because they need to develop hardware drivers for the parts they're using for the kernel version they're using. This is why it takes a while for independent Android developers and hackers to port new versions to older devices and get everything working. Drivers written to work with the Gingerbread kernel on a phone won't necessarily work with the Ice Cream Sandwich kernel. And that's important, because one of the kernel's main functions is to control the hardware. It's a whole lot of source code, with more options while building it than you can imagine, but in the end it's just the intermediary between the hardware and the software.
When software needs the hardware to do anything, it sends a request to the kernel. And when we say anything, we mean anything. From the brightness of the screen, to the volume level, to initiating a call through the radio, even what's drawn on the display is ultimately controlled by the kernel. For example -- when you tap the search button on your phone, you tell the software to open the search application. What happens is that you touched a certain point on the digitizer, which tells the software that you've touched the screen at those coordinates. The software knows that when that particular spot is touched, the search dialog is supposed to open. The kernel is what tells the digitizer to look (or listen, events are "listened" for) for touches, helps figure out where you touched, and tells the system you touched it. In turn, when the system receives a touch event at a specific point from the kernel (through the driver) it knows what to draw on your screen. Both the hardware and the software communicate both ways with the kernel, and that's how your phone knows when to do something. Input from one side is sent as output to the other, whether it's you playing Angry Birds, or connecting to your car's Bluetooth.
It sounds complicated, and it is. But it's also pretty standard computer logic -- there's an action of some sort generated for every event. Without the kernel to accept and send information, developers would have to write code for every single event for every single piece of hardware in your device. With the kernel, all they have to do is communicate with it through the Android system API's, and hardware developers only have to make the device hardware communicate with the kernel. The good thing is that you don't need to know exactly how or why the kernel does what it does, just understanding that it's the go-between from software to hardware gives you a pretty good grasp of what's happening under the glass. Sort of gives a whole new outlook towards those fellows who stay up all night to work on kernels for your phone, doesn't it?
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ii. The operating system.
Once the kernel is loaded, the init scripts tell the Operating System to load. Android is the user interface for a custom built Java virtual machine called Dalvik. Dalvik was written by Dan Bornstein, who named it after the fishing village of Dalvik in Iceland, where his family originated from. The debate of which Java VM is superior is best left for another discussion, so I’ll simply say that DalvikVM is a register-based machine versus true JavaVMs which are stack based.
The Dalvik machine creates executable files (.dex files) which can be interpreted by the OS and run by the end user. These .dex files are OS version dependant. That simply means that applications and core functions built to work with one version of Android may or may not work well with other versions. Google provides the tools through it’s Software Development Kit (SDK) for applications to communicate with the OS.
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iii. Core functions.
No smartphone would be complete without a set of functions that allow the device to be used as intended. Things like the phone and dialer interface, the calendar, the messaging system are core functions of the Operating System. In Android, these are run on top of the kernel as separate applications. The merits (or lack of) of providing these needed functions as separate applications is once again best left for another discussion, but this is what allows developers like HTC or Motorola to replace the standard functions with alternatives that provide a different look and feel from stock. HTC’s onscreen keyboard or Motorola’s MotoBlur contact list are great examples of this. The “little guy” isn’t left out of the mix either. Handcent SMS or Chomp SMS can integrate into the OS very well, as most of us already know.
An additional set of Core Functions are provided by Google. Popularly called GoogleBits, things like Gmail, sync, Gtalk and the Android Market are applications written by Google that give an extra set of useful functions to the OS. You’ll find these on all smartphones, as well as many other Android devices.
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iv. Optional applications.
These are applications provided by the manufacturer to give the device even more usability. Things like the Amazon MP3 store, PDF readers, Corporate Calendar etc. allow you to do even more with your device. Remember - Droid Does
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B. How is a ROM packaged?
In most cases a ROM will come packaged in a .zip file. The recovery image’s kernel (yes, it has one too!) has the ability to unzip and copy the contents into the correct place. Inside this zip file is a folder (META-INF\com\google\android\) that contains a script prepared by the ROM “cooker” (another of those techie terms - it means the person(s) who developed the ROM) that tells the system what to format, what to copy and where, and any file operations that need to be done. Each device does things a bit differently, but this script is where it all gets done. More on this folder later.
You’ll also see a /system folder. This is the meat of the ROM. It has the necessary OS files, the Core functions, and any optional applications the cooker decided to include. The folder is structured the same way it is on your device - /system/app, /system/framework, etc. The whole tree is usually copied over and the existing /system folder is overwritten. The cooker uses the script to tell the kernel to erase the existing system folder, copy the new folder over, and set the file permissions.
Sometimes you will also see a data folder. This usually is space set up for optional applications, including optional system tools like busybox or SuperUser white list. These applications could be placed in the /system folder, but placing them in the data folder makes it easier for the end user (you and I) to remove or update them as needed.
You’ll also notice a META-INF folder. This contains the update script we talked about earlier, as well as secure keys that need to be provided so the device knows the update can be trusted. A special note needs made here. Trusted means that the update is trusted to be in the correct form to load the device. It in no way means the ROM is safe from malicious code. Anyone is able to use a set of test keys and create a ROM that will flash and run your device - even those people with bad intentions. Flashing and running a custom 3rd party ROM is putting faith in the cooker that he or she not only knows what they are doing, but are honest as well. Also, some Motorola custom ROMs will have a small stored inside this folder to be run on first boot of the device.
Finally we are left with the boot.img file. This is the kernel and ramdisk image we discussed earlier. Your phone copies this over to be decompressed and run when the device boots.
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2. How do I install a ROM?
In this section we’re discussing how to install a custom 3rd party ROM. ROMs from the manufacturer usually have a utility that runs on your PC to flash and load the new image.
A. Got Root???
Yes ?:good:!!!
Custom ROM’s simply will not load on devices that aren’t rooted. In theory, it may be possible to sign a 3rd party ROM with the keys that the stock recovery image will flash, but for the most part you need to have flashed a custom recovery image before you can change your device’s ROM. Instructions and tutorials on how to root your device are all over the internet. Some are good, some are bad. The hacking forum is a great place to go and learn more about rooting and how to successfully get it done on your device.
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B. Recovery
Most Android devices have had a custom recovery image written for them. This will overwrite the stock recovery image, allowing you to flash 3rd party ROMs as well as giving extra functionality. Help with finding and flashing the custom recovery image for your device can also be found in the hacking forum. The installation of a custom recovery image also allows for a very important function. Backup and restore.
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.C. Nandroid
Nandroid is a set of bash scripts and code written by that copies the state of your system and stores it in a folder on your SD card. You can then use the restore function of Nandroid to restore to this point at any time. This is a priceless feature and reason enough to root your phone. It’s included by default in most custom recovery images, and the code is freely available to use if you’re inclined to write your own recovery image.
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In most situations, using Nandroid to back everything up is easy:
1. Verify you have a memory card with enough free space (~300MB to backup, ~500MB to restore).
2. Reboot your device into recovery. It’s slightly different for each device, once again hacking forum FTW!
3. Navigate through the menu and select the Nandroid Backup function.
4. Apply your choice and wait for the device to tell you it’s finished.
It’s always good practice to copy the entire nandroid folder from your SD card to a safe place. You can then copy it back to the SD card if the card is ever damaged, lost or erased.
D. Copy and Flash
You’re rooted, have downloaded a custom ROM, have your system backed up and are now ready to flash your device. This is not nearly as scary as it sounds.
1. Mount your SD card to your PC, and copy the .zip file to the root folder of the card. Don’t unzip the file, and don’t look for a folder called root. The root folder in this case means the base folder, what you will see when you mount your card to a PC or the device.
2. Reboot your phone into recovery.
3. Navigate through the recovery menu and select the flash update option. Depending on your recovery image, the file may need to be named, or you may be able to select any zip file on your card as long as it’s the correct format. The cooker knows this as well and if the ROM needs to be named it will be.
4. Apply your choice and wait for your device to tell you it’s finished.
5. Reboot.
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It’s worth noting that many times a new ROM will require that you wipe and factory reset your devices data. While inconvenient, it’s often necessary to get rid of the old data as it may be incompatible. As long as you’re using the cloud for calendar and contacts, they will be re- downloaded and stored back on your device automatically.
Dirty flash and Clean flash
A dirty flash is only wiping cache and davlik then flashing your ROM....
a Clean flash is at LEAST factory reset/data wipe + wiping davlik(factory wipe takes care of /cache also)... Maybe doing a format /system also.
Odin is the ROM Flashing Tool for SAMSUNG smartphones. ROM files flashable with Odin come with .tar extension.
Most of the ROMs you are going to flash with Odin are the official stock Samsung ROMs (or leaked stock ROMs). Custom ROMs are rerely flashable by Odin because they come with .zip extension that Odin does not recognize (it recognizes .tar files).
Custom kernels, however, are sometimes provided in .tar format by their developers (e.g. CF-Root kernels), so that they can be flashed by Odin. When your phone is new and running official firmware you most often cannot flash a custom ROM to it because a Samsung phone often requires a custom recovery and root rights that are included in a custom kernel to be able to flash custom ROMs. That's why Odin often comes in handy in rooting and flashing a custom firmware to your phone because you (often) can flash a custom kernel with it that already includes root and custom recovery and enables you to flash custom firmware (custom ROMs). I use the word "often" very frequently in the previous sentence because every Samsung smartphone is different and requires various procedures for rooting it and flashing custom ROMs (see the section about using Odin below).
If it comes to stock ROMs, the best source of stock (official) Samsung ROM files is located at this excellent website: (link). It requires registration (it's free) and I encourage you to set up an account there because you will most likely use this site several times during your stay at XDA. You will most likely come across 1 .tar or 3 .tar file ROMs there, flashable by Odin. Refer to the Odin flashing guide below for more info.
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What is Heimdall?
Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash ROMs onto Samsung Galaxy S devices.
How does it work?
Heimdall uses the same protocol as Odin to interact with a device in download mode. USB communication in Heimdall is handled by the popular open-source USB library, libusb-1.0.
Why “Heimdall”?
The flashing software Odin is named after the king of gods in Norse mythology. Loke, the software component on the Galaxy S that provides functionality to flash, may also to be named after an important character in Norse mythology, often translated as Loki. As such I have named my flashing software Heimdall, after the Norse god, and guardian of the Bifrost Bridge.
What platforms does Heimdall run on?
Linux, OS X and Windows (XP, Vista, 7 etc.)
Why use Heimdall when we can use Odin?
Odin is generally unreliable and only runs on Windows systems. Furthermore, Odin is leaked Samsung software that is not freely available or well understood by the community.
Is Heimdall safe?
No matter what method you chose, flashing firmware onto your phone has a lot of potential for disaster. We have tested Heimdall with a variety of phones flashing several different firmware versions resulting in a 100% success rate. As such we believe that Heimdall is generally reliable. However keep in mind, just like any flashing software, Heimdall has the potential to brick your phone if not used correctly.
How do Galaxy S phones get bricked when flashing?
Besides the inherent risks like power outs, accidental removal of the USB cable etc. The Galaxy S appears to be running extremely unreliable USB control software.
A failure to flash does not automatically equate to a bricked phone. However if you're extremely unlucky and the flash fails whilst transferring the primary boot-loader, secondary boot-loader or params.lfs (all quite small) than you've got yourself a paper weight that you're hoping Samsung will replace.
Please be extremely careful mixing files from different firmware releases. Don't do so unless you're certain it will work!
What Galaxy S variants has Heimdall been tested with?
We’ve tested Heimdall with a Galaxy S GT-I9000 (8 GB) from the United Kingdom and Galaxy S GT-I9000 (16 GB) from Australia. We don’t personally have access to any other devices to test with, however users have confirmed Heimdall functions correctly with the AT&T Captivate, Bell Vibrant, Telstra GT-I9000T, Epic 4G and the Galaxy Tab.
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CWM Errors and Solutions
ERRORS encountered in CWM Recovery
What is CWM Recovery ?
ClockworkMod Recovery is a custom recovery for many Android devices. It is considered to be the most popular recovery for Android due to its easily-ported nature, and integration with ClockworkMod ROM Manager by Koush(Koushik Dutta). The easiest way to recognize it is by the printed name when it first starts, and the background logo of a gear and hat.
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This is usually caused by CR/LF EOL(Windows style End Of Line) in updater-script. Change it to LF EOL(Unix Style EOL) using Linux command: dos2unix updater-script, then re-signing the ZIP, will usually fix this error.
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This is usually caused by a corrupt download, or bad file signature. Re-downloading (or re-signing) the ZIP will usually fix this.
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We have been consistently seen and heard people facing error “Status 7″ error while trying to flash or install
custom ROMs or firmware packages on their Android smart phones or tablets with ClockworkMod Recovery. Many
of the users are nowadays facing this problem with CWM Recovery while flashing .zip files of modded or custom
Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) or Jelly Bean (JB) ROMs on their devices. So, you have also downloaded a custom ROM,
placed its .zip file in your phone’s or tablet’s SD card, booted into ClockworkMod Recovery, selected – “install zip
from sdcard” and then chosen the .zip file of the ROM to get it installed on your device. But instead of getting
flashed successfully, if you are facing the issue mentioned below, then just keep reading this article to find out
what’s wrong and fix up the problem :
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Installing update…
Error in /sdcard/ (Status 7)
Installation aborted
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or the following error right after CWM recovery shows –
Installing update…
assert failed: getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “I9103″ || getprop(“”) == “I9103″ || getprop
(“ro.product.board”) == “I9103″
Error in /sdcard/ (status 7)
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So, if you are facing any of these errors while trying to install the desired custom ROM package on your Android
phone or tab, then you may try a various things or steps which may turn out to be the workaround of this
problem. Here are a few tips to get this “Status 7” error fixed in ClockworkMod Recovery and flash the ROM
successfully on your device :
(1) First of all, make sure your device’s bootloader is unlocked. If it is already unlocked but you are still
not able to flash the ROM, then just extract the .zip file of the ROM into a new folder, find the boot.img file from
that directory and flash it up on your phone or tablet via fastboot on your PC.
(2) Make sure that you are having the appropriate Radio or Baseband version installed on your device which is
supported by the custom ROM you are trying to flash. Most of the ROMs requires the latest version of Baseband, so
just update or upgrade your device to the latest Baseband version and then try to install the ROM once again.
(3) Update your device to the supported / latest build of official firmware before trying to install the ROM. You can
do it from – Settings > About Phone / Device > Software Update.
(4) Make sure you are having the supported or required kernel installed on your phone or tab. If it’s not, then flash
a new kernel right away and try to install your custom ROM once again.
(5) Is the ROM which you are trying to flash really works ? Find out whether it is working for other users or not.
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Error Status 0
Well sometimes while flashing some ROMs especially the cooked ones we get Error status 0 in the CWM Recovery
this error is an indicator of Wrong Update Binary.This is usually caused by an incompatible update-binary in edify ZIPs. Replacing it with a compatible one, then re-signing the ZIP, will usually fix this error.
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Now it's time for the partitions :good:
Let’s start with a list of standard internal memory partitions on Android phones and tablets. These are:
In addition, there are the SD card partitions.
Note that only /sdcard is found in all Android devices and the rest are present only in select devices. Let’s now take a look at the purpose and contents of each of these partitions.
This is the partition that enables the phone to boot, as the name suggests. It includes the kernel and the ramdisk. Without this partition, the device will simply not be able to boot. Wiping this partition from recovery should only be done if absolutely required and once done, the device must NOT be rebooted before installing a new one, which can be done by installing a ROM that includes a /boot partition.
This partition basically contains the entire operating system, other than the kernel and the ramdisk. This includes the Android user interface as well as all the system applications that come pre-installed on the device. Wiping this partition will remove Android from the device without rendering it unbootable, and you will still be able to put the phone into recovery or bootloader mode to install a new ROM.
The recovery partition can be considered as an alternative boot partition that lets you boot the device into a recovery console for performing advanced recovery and maintenance operations on it. To learn more about this partition and its contents, see the ‘About Android Recovery’ section of our guide to ClockworkMod recovery.
Also called userdata, the data partition contains the user’s data – this is where your contacts, messages, settings and apps that you have installed go. Wiping this partition essentially performs a factory reset on your device, restoring it to the way it was when you first booted it, or the way it was after the last official or custom ROM installation. When you perform a wipe data/factory reset from recovery, it is this partition that you are wiping.
This is the partition where Android stores frequently accessed data and app components. Wiping the cache doesn’t effect your personal data but simply gets rid of the existing data there, which gets automatically rebuilt as you continue using the device.
This partition contains miscellaneous system settings in form of on/off switches. These settings may include CID (Carrier or Region ID), USB configuration and certain hardware settings etc. This is an important partition and if it is corrupt or missing, several of the device’s features will will not function normally.
This is not a partition on the internal memory of the device but rather the SD card. In terms of usage, this is your storage space to use as you see fit, to store your media, documents, ROMs etc. on it. Wiping it is perfectly safe as long as you backup all the data you require from it, to your computer first. Though several user-installed apps save their data and settings on the SD card and wiping this partition will make you lose all that data.
On devices with both an internal and an external SD card – devices like the Samsung Galaxy S and several tablets – the /sdcard partition is always used to refer to the internal SD card. For the external SD card – if present – an alternative partition is used, which differs from device to device. In case of Samsung Galaxy S series devices, it is /sdcard/sd while in many other devices, it is /sdcard2. Unlike /sdcard, no system or app data whatsoever is stored automatically on this external SD card and everything present on it has been added there by the user. You can safely wipe it after backing up any data from it that you need to save.
This is not a standard Android partition, but has become popular in the custom ROM scene. It is basically an additional partition on your SD card that acts as the /data partition when used with certain ROMs that have special features called APP2SD+ or data2ext enabled. It is especially useful on devices with little internal memory allotted to the /data partition. Thus, users who want to install more programs than the internal memory allows can make this partition and use it with a custom ROM that supports this feature, to get additional storage for installing their apps. Wiping this partition is essentially the same as wiping the /data partition – you lose your contacts, SMS, market apps and settings.
With this, we conclude our tour of Android partitions. Now whenever you install a ROM or mod that requires you to wipe certain partitions before the installation, you should be in a better position to know what you’re losing and what not and thus, you’ll know what to backup and what not.
You should at least post the source of such a large copy paste post.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Source? How do you post a source for an article which is compiled from 10+ sites? Plus my own addition?
Started from the bottom
Good job man, this saves me the time to do all this researches.
Keep it up
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
sos_sifou said:
Good job man, this saves me the time to do all this researches.
Keep it up
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
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DO tell me if you have some suggestions for the thread.
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
I think that this is a pretty good summary of the basics. I even converted it to epub and stocked it on my e-reader for reference
You can get to the details if you want? Adding some info about flashing softwares like odin and the Linux based one (i don't remember it name)
The different recoveries available and their advantages vs désavantages
How to protect yourself from malicious applications, starting from knowing what are permissions...
Keep it up mate
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
sos_sifou said:
I think that this is a pretty good summary of the basics. I even converted it to epub and stocked it on my e-reader for reference
You can get to the details if you want? Adding some info about flashing softwares like odin and the Linux based one (i don't remember it name)
The different recoveries available and their advantages vs désavantages
How to protect yourself from malicious applications, starting from knowing what are permissions...
Keep it up mate
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
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"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
Tha TechnoCrat said:
Source? How do you post a source for an article which is compiled from 10+ sites? Plus my own addition?
Started from the bottom
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I guess you have a point, it's just the scientist in me with source-referral-ocd.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
adytum said:
I guess you have a point, it's just the scientist in me with source-referral-ocd.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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DO tell me if you have any problems or if you want something to be added.
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
Thread updated with Odin and Heimdall information.
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
Tha TechnoCrat said:
Source? How do you post a source for an article which is compiled from 10+ sites? Plus my own addition?
Started from the bottom
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By listing ALL the different sources? And obviously crediting yourself with bits you've added.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
You should make the title of the thread more presentable though.
Simone said:
You should make the title of the thread more presentable though.
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Would like some suggestions.
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
Tha TechnoCrat said:
Would like some suggestions.
"Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more than that. Don't ask in signature or post for it and defeat the purpose why it was introduced"
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You should think of your own. That would be the best
Make it more professional looking, though.
Everything else is good.
Guys I have got my Note 2 finally. Will compile some guides for it too.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
You bought a note 2? Congrats mate !
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
sos_sifou said:
You bought a note 2? Congrats mate !
Best regards
Using a Samsung N7100
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Thanks buddy. Get ready for more guides
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app

[PARTITIONS] F2FS Support for Moto E

F2FS (born Flash-Friendly File System) - file system
F2FS (Flash-Friendly File System) is a flash file system initially developed by Samsung Electronics for the Linux kernel.[2]
The motive for F2FS was to build a file system that from the start, takes into account the characteristics of NAND flash memory-based storage devices (such as solid-state disks, eMMC, and SD cards), which are widely used in computer systems ranging from mobile devices to servers.
F2FS was designed on a basis of a log-structured file system approach, which it adapted to newer forms of storage. Jaegeuk Kim, the principal F2FS author, has stated that it remedies some known issues[3] of the older log structured file systems, such as the snowball effect of wandering trees and high cleaning overhead. In addition, since a NAND-based storage device shows different characteristics according to its internal geometry or flash memory management scheme (such as the Flash Translation Layer or FTL), it supports various parameters not only for configuring on-disk layout, but also for selecting allocation and cleaning algorithms.
Hello, in my kernel i already add support for this... Only we nees a dev to buil rom with mi vendor files
And we need custom recovery with this... to format in f2fs ...
@xperiafan13 can u submit this to CyanogenMod Gerrit ?
great work xperiafan .cannot wait to use f2fs .hope someone would recompile twrp to support f2fs .and we also need the ROM for that .
Actually, @#buzz 's version of TWRP supports formatting in F2FS
Regarding Kernel Support on F2FS
xperiafan13 said:
F2FS (born Flash-Friendly File System) - file system
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I guess you must have noticed, that Motorola Mobility LLC has been working on the kernel to support F2FS.
Here's the link to the repository:
Also Motorola has provided a tool to deal with F2FS (Different from the one used by custom ROMs). Here's the link to the corresponding repository:
I hope everything above stated is useful to you in some way. or maybe not, if you have already seen and worked on these tools.
P.S. [OT] I have hardbricked my Motorola Moto E while dealing with bootloader partitions but the code I was working on still works Check that if you guys have time. I am not into this device's development anymore. I don't think it will make any difference whether I am here or not here. After all, there are many great and potential devs and andoid enthusiasts here to support this device in the long run.
P.P.S. Have a great day!

Vendor.img info

I have seen allot of about vendor images in rom threads and Q&A
I figured allot of people dont even know what a vendor image is well its where the proprietary binaries sit now on their own partition called the vendor.img
they used to sit in /system but now have their own partition much like the bootloader and modems do. its use is to house the device specific files etc.
This was done for a multitude of reasons including legal/licensing issues .
heres a really good discussion on it i found very informative
PS: you dont have to flash the newest vendor every time you flash a ROM :good::highfive:
on most devices you can flash it from twrp 3.0.0-1 and above by going where you normally do to flash a zip and selecting flash image and choosing vendor
Dreamlogix said:
I have seen allot of about vendor images in rom threads and Q&A
I figured allot of people dont even know what a vendor image is well its where the proprietary binaries sit now on their own partition called the vendor.img
they used to sit in /system but now have their own partition much like the bootloader and modems do. its use is to house the device specific files etc.
This was done for a multitude of reasons including legal/licensing issues .
heres a really good discussion on it i found very informative
PS: you dont have to flash the newest vendor every time you flash a ROM :good::highfive:
on most devices you can flash it from twrp 3.0.0-1 and above by going where you normally do to flash a zip and selecting flash image and choosing vendor
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I dont know why,but I cant open that link..error 404
Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
"A step forward for the Android Open Source world
There's a hidden gem in Nexus 9, which was announced by a short sentence in the middle of a reply in a long mailing-list thread:
"No proprietary binaries are needed for Volantis. The proprietary vendor binaries are on a separate 'vendor' partition."
Until now, in Android devices, the proprietary device-specific files that live underneath Android itself were stored in the same /system partition as the Android files.
This made sense from the point of view of software architecture, but it had a major drawback in the Open Source world: in order to distribute a functional system image of Android, it was necessary to also distribute those proprietary device-specific files, since those files were aggregated into the same distribution medium.
Starting with Nexus S, those files had been somewhat available, with two caveats: not all files were available for all devices, and the files that were available were controlled by licenses that allowed the most common use cases but didn't give the same freedom that can be expected for Open Source components.
On Nexus 9, things are different: those proprietary device-specific files are stored in a separate partition. As a result, it is now practical to distribute functional versions of the Android system without having to distribute or copy those proprietary files. Therefore it becomes possible to enjoy the freedoms associated with Open Source in a broader range of situations, including (e.g.) commercial distribution.
While Android has always been distributed under Open Source licenses (i.e. in the world of lawyers), this brings it closer to the spirit of the Free Software definition in the real world (i.e. in the world of hackers).
This makes me happy, as this is the conclusion of a task that had been started 3 1/2 years ago with Galaxy Nexus, and in which I had been closely involved when I worked on AOSP. Chances are, this is probably also the last aspect of Android to get released in which I've been closely involved while at Google."
Maybe you can help me?
I tried flashing vendor.img from 5.11 after I upgraded to Marshmallow because SMS/MMS stopped working on my N9 LTE after the update. It still doesn't work on N either. Anyway, doing this restored my SMS/MMS but screwed up some other things making the tablet unreliable. Should I have wiped cache etc when I did this? Would it even help?
So I'm guessing the radio is now in vendor.img? Can I/should I extract and use that?
Last question, what are the advantages to updating the vendor.img in later updates? Does anything important get changed in it that might affect system performance (other than me SMS problem) like battery drain, or device efficiency?

[GUIDE] Introduction to the OnePlus 8T - Why is it so?

What it ain't: it's not a "how-to" manual. There are lots of threads out there that explain how to do things.
What it is: a fairly simple explanation of how things are on this phone written for those who, like me, have come from a phone with no A/B partitions (a far simpler world).
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"​The OnePlus 8T is an AB device. This means that a large number (but not all) of its hardware partitions have an A and a B version. The A set of partitions are called slot a, the B set are slot b.
The reason for this is to support seamless over-the-air (OTA) updates. These are updates to the operating system (OS) that can be installed while the phone is being used! Once the update has been installed the phone is rebooted (it automatically switches slots) and comes up on the newly updated version of the OS. If the update fails, the phone will simply revert to the original slot.
To implement this a number of things have changed:
The AB partitions have a currently active/running version (called the active slot) and an inactive version (the inactive slot) where the updates can be written to.
An update module (update_engine) is included in the OS to process the updates. Previously this would have been handled by code running in the recovery partition.
To avoid doubling up on large system partitions (system, system_ext, odm, product, vendor) and to can cater for increases in these partions, these are now carved out dynamically from a large super partition. This allows more effective use of the hardware space.
This has some important implications:
While it looks like you could have two versions of the operating system installed on the phone (one on slot a, one on slot b), this is not in fact the case. And that's because the super partition isn't large enough to hold two sets of system partitions. Just like there's only one version of the data partition, so there's only one version of the super partition (containing the system partitions).
You can write to hardware partitions in bootloader/fastboot mode using fastboot flash <partition> <file>, but you can't use this mode to write a specific file within a partition. And, therefore, you can't use this mode to write to the system partitions because they are files within the super partition. For these, you need to use fastbootd which is part of recovery.
Flashing/installing a ROM using the update engine (as done by System update of OOS or a recovery from LineageOS or TWRP) will alwaysbe written to the inactive slot. So, if you are flashing a custom ROM and want it to use the latest OOS firmware installed on the phone, then you will have to either:
Copy the firmware from the currently active slot to the inactive one, or
Swap slots before you do the install so that it gets installed on what was the active slot containing the correct firmware.
If you are used to using TWRP to backup your system partitions, then the way to do it now is to backup the super partition and not the system, system_ext, odm, product, or vendor partitions.
"It's complicated"​"Delta variants"​Updates (whether Over-the-air (OTA) or from the OnePlus download site) come in two flavours:
Full update: the files for each updated partition contain the full image. These are quite large, typically about 3-4GB.
Delta update: the files contain only the changes to be applied to each partition and can be quite small in size (MB rather than GB).
Since a delta update only contains changes, it is imperative that the update process check that the current partition contains the expected data that will be updated. The update_engine will check that the current partition hash is what the update is expecting. If it isn't, the update will fail.
If a partition has been modified (you have installed Magisk which changes the boot partition, or installed TWRP which changes the recovery partition), then you will have to restore the changed partition back to their original stock version before starting the update process.
That's why it is best practice to take a copy of the stock partition before you modify it.
"Good memories"​The 8T came out originally with LPDDR4X memory, but OnePlus then decided to improve it by using LPDDR5 memory. As a result of this change, the xbl and xbl_config partitions now hold different data depending on the type of memory used in the phone. Note: you can find out what type of memory your phone has using:
on OOS 11: getprop ro.boot.ddr_type - 0 means LPDDR4X, 1 means LPDDR5.
on OOS 12 (and later): cat /proc/devinfo/ddr_type - you need to run this as root.
The way this is implemented is by including files for both LPDDR4X (files named xbl, xbl_config) and LPDDR5 (files named xbl_lp5, xbl_config_lp5) in updates/downloads. OnePlus had to make custom changes to update_engine to cater for this. It is only as of 2021-12-22 that a version of TWRP was produced that could handle these files correctly.
"Hitting the books"​Google has some great documentation about AB devices. If you are using your phone to read this, make sure you use your browser in desktop mode so that you can see the Google documentation's navigation pane on the left hand side.
A/B (Seamless) System Updates:
Dynamic Partitions:
Fastbootd: and
Virtual A/B Overview: this covers how the system partitions in super get updated and it's fairly complex
Thanks Bill. Very helpful and that is why I'm still on OOS for now. I'm sure I am missing something but I have several questions.
1. How is the 8T different from the 8 or 8Pro as far as OOS is concerned? Is it a different OS architecture?
2. When you use another OS like LineageOS, how does it compare to OOS as far as the internals go (super partition, etc.). Is the OS completely different in the way it uses the hardware and the way updates occur?
3. When we refer to firmware what do we actually mean (code designed exactly for the specific harware interface or what)? Does the firmware stay the same for any OS that is used and if so how is that accomplished? Are there certain areas of the system that are not touched by any new OS for that phone except the OEM?
I'm trying to wrap my head around how this phone seems to be so different from even other OP phones.
Thanks John
zzjea said:
Thanks Bill. Very helpful and that is why I'm still on OOS for now. I'm sure I am missing something but I have several questions.
1. How is the 8T different from the 8 or 8Pro as far as OOS is concerned? Is it a different OS architecture?
2. When you use another OS like LineageOS, how does it compare to OOS as far as the internals go (super partition, etc.). Is the OS completely different in the way it uses the hardware and the way updates occur?
3. When we refer to firmware what do we actually mean (code designed exactly for the specific harware interface or what)? Does the firmware stay the same for any OS that is used and if so how is that accomplished? Are there certain areas of the system that are not touched by any new OS for that phone except the OEM?
I'm trying to wrap my head around how this phone seems to be so different from even other OP phones.
Thanks John
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I am not Bill, but I will still attempt to answer your questions.
1. There are no real difference between OOS for 8T compared to the 8/8 Pro. They all use the same SOC (Snapdragon 865). For the last few OOS updates the changelog has been the same between 8/8Pro and 8T. Only thing that is different compared to the 8/8Pro is that the 8T device can have either LPDDR4X or LPDDR5 ram. While the 8 and 8 Pro only have either of them depending on the model. There are also plenty of unified custom kernels that work for all 3 devices as well.
2. I am no custom rom expert but I think they still handle the super partition and updates in the same way, but it is best to check the thread for the rom and read the update instructions there.
3. The FAQ in this thread should answer your questions. It also contain flashable firmware packages. These packages are extracted from the stock OOS rom and can be used to update firmware if you are on a custom rom
zzjea said:
Thanks Bill. Very helpful and that is why I'm still on OOS for now. I'm sure I am missing something but I have several questions.
1. How is the 8T different from the 8 or 8Pro as far as OOS is concerned? Is it a different OS architecture?
2. When you use another OS like LineageOS, how does it compare to OOS as far as the internals go (super partition, etc.). Is the OS completely different in the way it uses the hardware and the way updates occur?
3. When we refer to firmware what do we actually mean (code designed exactly for the specific harware interface or what)? Does the firmware stay the same for any OS that is used and if so how is that accomplished? Are there certain areas of the system that are not touched by any new OS for that phone except the OEM?
I'm trying to wrap my head around how this phone seems to be so different from even other OP phones.
Thanks John
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1. I don't know anything about the other OP 8 devices. I'm only interested in the 8T because that's what I have.
2. The hardware determines how the OS must be structured. So all ROMs have to support the A/B structure and dynamic system partitions.
3. I think of Firmware as phone specific software/data related to the underlying vendor-specific hardware components/chip set. It's required by the OS to access the hardware, but is not included in custom ROMs. It's vendor-specific.
BillGoss said:
What it ain't: it's not a "how-to" manual. There are lots of threads out there that explain how to do things.
What it is: a fairly simple explanation of how things are on this phone written for for those who, like me, have come from a phone with no A/B partitions (a far simpler world).
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"​The OnePlus 8T is an AB device. This means that a large number (but not all) of its hardware partitions have an A and a B version. The A set of partitions are called slot a, the B set are slot b.
The reason for this is to support seamless over-the-air (OTA) updates. These are updates to the operating system (OS) that can be installed while the phone is being used! Once the update has been installed the phone is rebooted (it automatically switches slots) and comes up on the newly updated version of the OS. If the update fails, the phone will simply revert to the original slot.
To implement this a number of things have changed:
The AB partitions have a currently active/running version (called the active slot) and an inactive version (the inactive slot) where the updates can be written to.
An update module (update_engine) is included in the OS to process the updates. Previously this would have been handled by code running in the recovery partition.
To avoid doubling up on large system partitions (system, system_ext, odm, product, vendor) and to can cater for increases in these partions, these are now carved out dynamically from a large super partition. This allows more effective use of the hardware space.
This has some important implications:
While it looks like you could have two versions of the operating system installed on the phone (one on slot a, one on slot b), this is not in fact the case. And that's because the super partition isn't large enough to hold two sets of system partitions. Just like there's only one version of the data partition, so there's only one version of the super partition (containing the system partitions).
You can write to hardware partitions in bootloader/fastboot mode using fastboot flash <partition> <file>, but you can't use this mode to write a specific file within a partition. And, therefore, you can't use this mode to write to the system partitions because they are files within the super partition. For these, you need to use fastbootd which is part of recovery.
Flashing/installing a ROM using the update engine (as done by System update of OOS or a recovery from LineageOS or TWRP) will alwaysbe written to the inactive slot. So, if you are flashing a custom ROM and want it to use the latest OOS firmware installed on the phone, then you will have to either:
Copy the firmware from the currently active slot to the inactive one, or
Swap slots before you do the install so that it gets installed on what was the active slot containing the correct firmware.
If you are used to using TWRP to backup your system partitions, then the way to do it now is to backup the super partition and not the system, system_ext, odm, product, or vendor partitions.
"It's complicated"​"Delta variants"​Updates (whether Over-the-air (OTA) or from the OnePlus download site) come in two flavours:
Full update: the files for each updated partition contain the full image. These are quite large, typically about 2.8GB.
Delta update: the files contain only the changes to be applied to each partition and can be quite small in size (MB rather than GB).
Since a delta update only contains changes, it is imperative that the update process check that the current partition contains the expected data that will be updated. The update_engine will check that the current partition hash is what the update is expecting. If it isn't, the update will fail.
If a partition has been modified (you have installed Magisk which changes the boot partition, or installed TWRP which changes the recovery partition), then you will have to restore the changed partition back to their original stock version before starting the update process.
That's why it is best practice to take a copy of the stock partition before you modify it.
"Good memories"​The 8T came out originally with LPDDR4X memory, but OnePlus then decided to improve it by using LPDDR5 memory. As a result of this change, the xbl and xbl_config partitions now hold different data depending on the type of memory used in the phone. Note: you can find out what type of memory your phone has using getprop ro.boot.ddr_type - 0 means LPDDR4X, 1 means LPDDR5.
The way this is implemented is by including files for both LPDDR4X (files named xbl, xbl_config) and LPDDR5 (files named xbl_lp5, xbl_config_lp5) in updates/downloads. OnePlus had to make custom changes to update_engine to cater for this. It is only as of 2021-12-22 that a version of TWRP was produced that could handle these files correctly.
"Hitting the books"​Google has some great documentation about AB devices. If you are using your phone to read this, make sure you use your browser in desktop mode so that you can see the Google documentation's navigation pane on the left hand side.
A/B (Seamless) System Updates:
Dynamic Partitions:
Fastbootd: and
Virtual A/B Overview: this covers how the system partitions in super get updated and it's fairly complex
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Device OnePlus 8 Pro
TWRP 3.6
Root Magisk 23.0
I noted in your information above
“If you are used to using TWRP to backup your system partitions, then the way to do it now is to backup the super partition and not the system, system_ext, odm, product, or vendor partitions. »
It is precisely the use of TWRP that I took to back up my old LG or Samsung devices (S7, EDG or Tab 4 tablet)
Before the appearance of "dynamic partitions", there were no questions to ask to make a "Nandroid Backup" of your smartphone.
Now, since the arrival of OOS 10 and 11, things are different.
So here is my question for you:
If I check all the boxes by doing the backup and restore with TWRP (version 3.6.0), will the smartphone return to its general and precise state at the time of the backup? (See attached screenshots from TWRP)
If I understood correctly, TWRP performs a global image (super partition including A and B ) of all partitions at the time of backup, similar to an image of an SSD or HDD with several partitions… That's good that ?
I thank you in advance for your information and explanations and your instructions so that I can perform a "Nandroid Backup" and a possible restoration in complete safety.
Best regards
nadnan said:
Device OnePlus 8 Pro
TWRP 3.6
Root Magisk 23.0
I noted in your information above
“If you are used to using TWRP to backup your system partitions, then the way to do it now is to backup the super partition and not the system, system_ext, odm, product, or vendor partitions. »
It is precisely the use of TWRP that I took to back up my old LG or Samsung devices (S7, EDG or Tab 4 tablet)
Before the appearance of "dynamic partitions", there were no questions to ask to make a "Nandroid Backup" of your smartphone.
Now, since the arrival of OOS 10 and 11, things are different.
So here is my question for you:
If I check all the boxes by doing the backup and restore with TWRP (version 3.6.0), will the smartphone return to its general and precise state at the time of the backup? (See attached screenshots from TWRP)
If I understood correctly, TWRP performs a global image (super partition including A and B ) of all partitions at the time of backup, similar to an image of an SSD or HDD with several partitions… That's good that ?
I thank you in advance for your information and explanations and your instructions so that I can perform a "Nandroid Backup" and a possible restoration in complete safety.
Best regards
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TWRP does image backups generally, but does file-based backups for data and some others (if I remember correctly, persist and EFS).
The "system" partitions on the OP8T are, as I mentioned, boot, dtbo, and super. This means that a "full" backup like in the "old days" is data plus the "system" partitions.
You could backup the other items in the TWRP backup list, but I'm going to ask you: Why do you want you do that?
BillGoss said:
TWRP does image backups generally, but does file-based backups for data and some others (if I remember correctly, persist and EFS).
The "system" partitions on the OP8T are, as I mentioned, boot, dtbo, and super. This means that a "full" backup like in the "old days" is data plus the "system" partitions.
You could backup the other items in the TWRP backup list, but I'm going to ask you: Why do you want you do that?
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Thank you for your feedback.
I have taken note of the three system partitions you indicate.
With devices without a dynamic partition, I was "used" to saving all the data "as a precaution" on an external memory card and I was not limited in storage.
On the OnePlus 8 Pro, I have 256 GB of storage (without an external SD Card) and I could effectively limit the backup to the “Boot”, “DTBO” and “Super (System Syystem_ext product vendor)” partitions that you specify.
But I think that if I want to protect myself from any malfunction of the device after the restoration, it is better that I select all the partitions and then copy to PC the whole TWRP folder created by the " Nandroid”.
I could also buy a USB C / OTG adapter / SD card reader to store the backup…
Do you think I'm wrong?
Thanks again for your advice….
Best regards,
nadnan said:
Thank you for your feedback.
I have taken note of the three system partitions you indicate.
With devices without a dynamic partition, I was "used" to saving all the data "as a precaution" on an external memory card and I was not limited in storage.
On the OnePlus 8 Pro, I have 256 GB of storage (without an external SD Card) and I could effectively limit the backup to the “Boot”, “DTBO” and “Super (System Syystem_ext product vendor)” partitions that you specify.
But I think that if I want to protect myself from any malfunction of the device after the restoration, it is better that I select all the partitions and then copy to PC the whole TWRP folder created by the " Nandroid”.
I could also buy a USB C / OTG adapter / SD card reader to store the backup…
Do you think I'm wrong?
Thanks again for your advice….
Best regards,
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Backing up partitions that you don't understand how they are used is rather pointless in my mind.
Restoring a partition that you don't understand how it's used is asking for trouble.
So I would never do that. But this is your phone and you can do whatever you want with it. Though learning more about how your device works and how the various partitions are used is a really good idea.
PS: you say you have an 8 Pro. You do realise that this is an 8T forum and that I'm writing about the 8T, not any other phone?
BillGoss said:
Backing up partitions that you don't understand how they are used is rather pointless in my mind.
Restoring a partition that you don't understand how it's used is asking for trouble.
So I would never do that. But this is your phone and you can do whatever you want with it. Though learning more about how your device works and how the various partitions are used is a really good idea.
PS: you say you have an 8 Pro. You do realise that this is an 8T forum and that I'm writing about the 8T, not any other phone?
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Thank you for your remarks
Yes, I know about the 8T forum but I got here while researching the web and read that the OOS build is the same for both devices...
On the other hand, I have retained your words to know what each partition was used for and I will also direct my research on this subject.
Thanks again for your availability...
Very intersting topic, and great explenation so far. I've came from old-school smartphone (Pocophone F1, without A/B partitions) and everything was so simple back then... I was about to switch from ROM to ROM on my brand new OP 8T , but I came into your topic and I realised that's something different. I have to search for some more info, because I'm looking forward to switch to colorOS (Or just other ROM in general. I just like switching and modifying my phone xD), but I'm wondering if, and how can I restore everything to stock, will I loose some widevine, mobile payment etc. I think everything is possible, I just have to make proper research. Anyway thank you again for that very interesting article!

