LG G6 H870 V11g update opinions - LG G6 Questions and Answers

hi, I just got the opportunity to update my G6 software to V11g. I know that it has come earlier in other European countries. Are there any opinions about the new version of the software?

I haven't really noticed any difference.

It is good when it is not whorst than before at least they do not broke anything. How long are you using V11g version?

Just got OTA update of 11g from EE UK Security patch date 6 Nov 2017.
Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk


I dont see any differences, but some members view a better speed shot on take pictures, and better quality.

Yeah i noticed some extra features with face recognition. And i find battery improvements aswell. On V11G for couple of days. Thanks for the hint with camera coyot, i will check that out.

coyot352 said:
I dont see any differences, but some members view a better speed shot on take pictures, and better quality.
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+1. Camera seems faster and crisper. Worth the update.
Haven't seen the battery improvement though.

Norway here. Got it a few days ago, although I check manually as a developer. No difference noticed. Haven't tested the camera improvements, if noticeable. The software is stable and no reason to not upgrade, in fact you should of course as it's an Android security patch update.
Kind of hoping this includes some under the hood stuff that'll makes it more ready for Oreo. The fact that they've held it back at 7.0 made me think they worked on Oreo as fast as possible.
My Galaxy S II has 7.1.2 LOL... LineageOS. As a developer there are of course some news in the APIs in 7.1 and 7.1.2 I wouldn't mind being able to test on a physical device, but really nothing that the emulator doesn't do as it's just software changes for my apps.
Since LG manufactures the Pixel 2 it would be nice if just Google gave them right to use that software minus the stuff only the Pixel can do. The software on the LG G6 is very stock anyway. It's the only non-Google phone I've had where all the extra settings, which are not many and don't bloat the device, are actually useful and some very nice to have over stock AOSP. Kind of LineageOS. Some LG apps I don't use, but they can be disabled. Otherwise I actually use the stock phone/contacts app (same app), SMS/MMS app and Calendar app. They're just fine. Was kind of surprised when I found out one can change the location of the floating action button by holding and moving. It was at the center which is not standard behaviour. To the right it goes and it positions perfectly at the right place according to Material guidelines.
This is my first post here, and the first time I've bought a non-Google device, as it was affordable and got good reviews like the newer V30 IIRC the name. My Nexus 5 died although it was still under the 5 year warranty by law in Norway as long as it's not your fault and then they have to prove the failure is really your fault. A humidity sensor far away from the Wi-Fi chip going off isn't enough. Then they must prove that changing that part fixes the Wi-Fi. Anyway my Nexus 5 got the infamous Wi-Fi chip bug where the chip loses physical connections to the motherboard. Managed to fix it with various recipes here, from physicial pressure with tape to oven baking. But last oven baking killed it after it had worked several days (and I tried again). I'm living in Spain, had to go back to Norway before mid November to claim 5 year warranty, but didn't have that patience. As people today are so stupid and buys ever increasing costly phones, while prices for components of course goes down as the technology inside today really are small increments. Profit. People thinking the more expensive the more status basically. I'm sad Android OEMs have jumped on the iPhone price range but understandable from OEMs standpoint if they sell. Anyway with Nova Launcher and emulators I can test the important new stuff in Oreo (API 26 and 27).
Hope LG keeps delivering phones at a reasonable price as we had Android flagships before, and with much less bloat than Samsung for instance, we just need Oreo. AFAIK LG has promised 2 major updates for 2017 flagships, so at least Android 9. Correct me if I'm wrong. After that it'll be LineageOS, and then I assume there's a good camera substitution. I don't throw away perfectly working phones. Great camera (iPhone 6-7 friends jealous at least), water proofed, good battery life, expandable storage, headphone jack, great fast charging that surprises me still (although I still miss my wireless charging and my luxury charger is collecting dust after my Nexus 5 died), etc. Bought this autumn I'll have warranty until 2021, so if it stops working I'll just go to any store in Norway selling LG phones, and meanwhile they'll have to give you a similar good phone. If they can't repair it (for example lack of parts being old) and can't prove it's your fault, your warranty right is a new phone being just as good that year, say 2020, like the LG G6 was. Would mean an LG flagship for free that year usually, you usually get a choice though, but it must be as good, that years early flagship from some Android OEM. Like an "LG G9" or whatever. I won't try to fix this myself. Just use my backup phones meanwhile, although old, runs LineageOS pretty well, actually better than stock. Got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and LG Nexus 4 still. My 5 got fried as said.
What I miss from my Nexus 5 is really wireless charging. Bought a luxury charger. So convenient. Where I naturally put my phone down I'm used to put it in the charger right there. The going away from wireless charging was a true surprise... But now that iPhone has it, even the standard (yeah wow, but not a fast charger in the box, that's an LOL!), it'll be in new Android flagships released in 2018 and forward for sure. So convenient it'll be when all places like airports, coffee shops etc all have charging pads at your table. Most pads are really cheap and surely will be getting cheaper, probably many non-OEMs producing a ton right now "compatible with the iPhone 8" but it'll work for everyone.
I wish all EU/EEA countries would adopt Norway's warranty ("reklamasjonsrett") with 5 years for all consumer good from sofas to phones. There's a 2 year warranty for batteries, but when the battery is built-in and you can not change the battery yourself without breaking the manufacturers warranty, the Norwegian law again trumps the manufacturer's and the 5 year warranty kicks in (just did it with my GFs Garmin Watch, didn't even have to pay for transport, which is usual, about 4 USD, because it had to be sent another country, so she got a completely new device, but everything synced to the cloud so setup back to the old one was a sync away, and it was clearly a battery failure as it worked perfectly when plugged in and died immediately when disconnected), because then it's a part of the device. The manufacturer's warranty only counts for the things they offer that are better than the Norwegian one, which usually are none. Sometimes it can be, like iPhone users buying extra warranty, but the 5 year general warranty still counts regarding general failure of the device.
To h*** with planned obsolescence. We even see it here. Working at the country's IT agency we see many devices fail just after or just before 5 years (that accurate they can't always be). But a company, everything from a one man company to a big company, only gets the standard manufacturer's warranty, but as a small country the devices are the same, for consumers and companies (designed for the Norwegian market because of our warranty), except products sold only to companies. So it's weird to see printers fail JUST after 5 years, googling it and seeing people from the US have the same device fail after 1-2 years and EU like the UK users having the device fail after 2 years. We're talking thousands of devices, as I developed the inventory system for Norway's IT agency, and I see a clear pattern. It's no anecdote.

Since the recent update VoLTE seems to work for T-Mobile Germany

I didnt notice not very big difference ...
But... One of the major things im noticed.... Its seems like lg has improved the cpu/gpu governors ... The whole phone is now aboslutely fluid ....and also its using more than before deepsleep... No battery/performance mods installed, only magisk and some minor tweaks like youtube vanced and viper + dual speaker mod... Even with around 80 apps its not laggy ... Scrolling now is also more fluid... so ... The update is in my opinion must have.... :laugh:

So scrolling is better now? Is that possible?

Phone was fluid even before the update.
Biggest thing i noticed is that the battery life is improved ?

oh the placebo effect in this thread..

For me it is not that fluid when scrolling in apps like Instagram, Facebook etc.

I have poor battery now, and nothing good
Waiting Oreo

Funny, in the Mideast region the 11g update improved battery life.
From unplugging when leaving the house , after 9 hours of light use at work usually have 80% battery left.

This is my first android phone and I am using it out of box (nothing installed to improve phone performance) I got the feeling that the battery is little bit better and phone is little bit "more fluid".

MartinIrrelevant said:
I didnt notice not very big difference ...
But... One of the major things im noticed.... Its seems like lg has improved the cpu/gpu governors ... The whole phone is now aboslutely fluid ....and also its using more than before deepsleep... No battery/performance mods installed, only magisk and some minor tweaks like youtube vanced and viper + dual speaker mod... Even with around 80 apps its not laggy ... Scrolling now is also more fluid... so ... The update is in my opinion must have.... :laugh:
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Hello, can yoi give me a link for the "dual speaker mode" please ? Its work great ? Thanks
Sent from my LG G6 using XDA Labs

Hey ...
Yes... Im using it with viper... (Only extra loud and speaker optimization .. because im to lazy to set it up)
Hows the sound ?.... I have no device to compare, for me it sounds good, but im buying next days a bluetooth speaker because my car has no radio xD
You need root browser to install ...
Just backup the original mixer_paths_tasha.xml from system/etc and then copy and paste the new file in system/etc


Bye bye LG - My short love affair with the G3

** This is just my personal thoughts and musing on my experience with my first Android phone. I doubt it's very interesting but I thought I'd share anyway and welcome others to comment and share their experiences. If you're not interested just don't read it, please don't pick holes and post snarky comments. **
Boring introduction
I've had an iPhone since the 3G went on sale and upgraded over the years to the 4 and then the 5. Apple always made beautiful hardware and software with flawless usability but at 3 years old my iPhone 5 was looking like a poor relation compared to the latest flagships and the recently launched, palm filling iPhone 6.
I had gone SIM ONLY after my iPhone 5 contract had finished and I was paying around half the amount for pretty much unlimited everything. I certainly didn't want to start another contract with hefty bills each month but there was no way I was going to shell out over £600 for a new one.
I was also getting frustrated with the limitations of the iPhone devices. Everything works perfectly but why do I need a Stocks app if I don't have any stocks? Why do I need an Apple Watch app, the new U2 album or be restricted to using iTunes for my music? (Other music apps are available but don't integrate as well into the functions of the os)
So about 12 months ago I picked up an Android magazine during a long wait in Gatwick Airport and thought I'd see what the other side was offering. I've been an amateur Linux hacker/enthusiast for a number of years so I knew from experience that the trade off in flexibility from a largely open source platform was potentially a more buggy, ugly and inconsistent user experience.
The magazine featured a review of the ZTE Blade S6. It looked just like a very cheap iPhone 6 knockoff (I now have one at work, it's cheap but it does the job) but my mind started mulling over the specs and I began to put a wishlist together in my head. Good camera, expandable storage (a massive drawback on Apple devices), large screen (so I could do away with my crappy tablet), long battery life and good looking (I didn't want a super glossy, plasticy, Samsung Galaxy or iPhone clone).
My investigations lead me to news of the LG G4 launch and a beta testing programme. The phone looked amazing, it was leather for a start, how crazy. I applied for the trial but didn't get selected. The G4 was going to set me back £500 unlocked so after reading the reviews of the G3 and finding it online for just over £200, I bought my first Android phone.
First thoughts
The package arrived and as I opened it I saw a gold and brown box (the kind of colours you expect to see on the wallpaper in an Indian restaurant). I panicked - I had ordered the white phone, I didn't want gold. Metallic plastic looks nasty (no offence if you have the gold one). Luckily it was white inside.
The pearlescent white was OK, not amazing, in fact kind of cheap looking and the logo strip on the front looked like the design had been lifted off of a 90s microwave but overall it was pleasant to hold, slim and if you didn't look too closely it looked quite sleek and modern.
I charged it up (the accessories were actually more stylish than the phone. They should promote the team who made the charger) and booted it.
WTF!!! The icons! Who thought that square icons in grubby shades of the dullest colours was remotely a good idea? The oversized status and soft key bar icons looked uncomfortable and Smart Bulletin was about as much use as a pocket on a sock.
I lived with it for a few weeks. The weather effects were fun, I was getting used to the blinking LED and having a file manager was a whole new freedom that meant I could actually work on my phone. I installed an icon pack but still couldn't make peace with that clunky and aesthetically unpleasing UI. Time to root and sign up to XDA.
The first ROM I tried was Resurrection Remix. It had been recommended to me and it was amazing. Customisation that I dreamed of. But for some reason the phone would randomly shutdown in the middle of the night and could only be turned back on by removing the battery. I couldn't risk it. I use my phone as an alarm so I needed it to be reliable.
I discovered Cloudy and combined with XPosed I was able to get a UI that was a compromise between LG and what I wanted, although apps such as the dialer, calculator and the settings interface still bugged me.
I know they are only small things and shouldn't really bother me but your phone becomes an extension of yourself. In fact I interact more with my phone on a daily basis than I do with a lot of people, so it needs to be an enjoyable experience.
When MM was released I went back to stock and thought I could just live with the ugliness. Cloudy had shut up shop, Fulmics wasn't there just yet and I wanted MM! It was a massive trade off. For full camera functions and stability, I sacrificed my hard work fine tuning my ROM, but I got impatient fast. In fact Marshmallow has been announced months ago and no sooner had 6.0 been given to us like a late Christmas present, 6.0.1 was out for other devices.
CyanogenMod 13.0
Then I discovered the tread about CM13. I knew about CM already and knew it was the base for many of the custom ROMs I'd tried in the past but I thought installing this would give me an almost pure Android experience with regular updates and I can live without slo-mo video or the other LG features.
Initially there were bugs that meant my first attempt was short-lived and I ended up going back to stock within a few hours. I have a Xiaomi Mi Band and CM couldn't recognise BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices.
Soon the bug was fixed and CM13 was reinstalled. In general my CM experience has been pretty good although it's evident the software wasn't intended for your device. It's not a perfect fit with fewer features in the camera and some niggly bugs (it's only in beta).
The ROOT of all evil
Tiring of my epic quest for the perfect ROM and settling with CM13 was a short lived moment of harmony. I had come to terms with my banking app not working and even the camera but then the rumour leaks - UK to get Android Pay by the end of March.
It's nearly the end of March and no sign yet but it got me thinking about the future of mobile technology and more importantly what I want from a device (it's rarely used as a phone).
It's obvious they are worming their way into more and more areas of our lives and will continue to do so. Android Pay doesn't currently work with CM or rooted devices and it's a cat and mouse game to cloak, hide and workaround these barriers. What I need is a device that fits my wish list and I can run without root.
Hello Moto
So last night I decided to take the plunge and treat myself to a new device. A purer Android experience with a snazzy look, regular updates and a low price tag. My Moto X Style should arrive tomorrow and I'm hoping our relationship will not be as turbulent as it was with the G3.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
"The course of true love never did run smooth". Android isn't an OS for everyone and im glad you took the plunge into the android world after so many years with an iPhone. Hope you enjoy your Moto X and also hope your time with that phone would last for a long time.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Shifters123 said:
"The course of true love never did run smooth". Android isn't an OS for everyone and im glad you took the plunge into the android world after so many years with an iPhone. Hope you enjoy your Moto X and also hope your time with that phone would last for a long time.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
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Thanks. I do love Android. I love the freedom.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Thanks for your honest opinions , give lightning launcher a try with minimal work it can give you a totally different looking type of interface
markthomson1404 said:
Thanks for your honest opinions , give lightning launcher a try with minimal work it can give you a totally different looking type of interface
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Thanks. I'm on Google Launcher at the moment. I really like Microsoft Arrow launcher in a way but it needs more customisation options.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Hi, although I don't hate my phone, I'm totally agree with you.
The shutdown issue... terrible thing of CM12.1 (and of stock firmware too, but less frequently).
Then you criticized the limitations of LG system, like any other. Sadly many trademarks choose to promote banal and heavy customatizations which make phone like a "closed box"... like iPhone & Family!
Personally, when I want to buy or suggest a phone, I look only for hardware specifications.
The stock firmware will be replaced asap.
I really would appreciate a Nexus with both external SD and removable battery support: the stock Android experience and an easier modding experience, without too many bootloader complications.
It's the same with me, but I'm stuck with a contract.. Have fun with your Moto!
Simone98RC said:
Hi, although I don't hate my phone, I'm totally agree with you.
The shutdown issue... terrible thing of CM12.1 (and of stock firmware too, but less frequently).
Then you criticized the limitations of LG system, like any other. Sadly many trademarks choose to promote banal and heavy customatizations which make phone like a "closed box"... like iPhone & Family!
Personally, when I want to buy or suggest a phone, I look only for hardware specifications.
The stock firmware will be replaced asap.
I really would appreciate a Nexus with both external SD and removable battery support: the stock Android experience and an easier modding experience, without too many bootloader complications.
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I was in the hardware is important camp and just wipe the software but with Android Pay launching and requiring you to be unrooted, I need the software to be as perfect as possible stock.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
RapHaeL_4_4_4_ said:
It's the same with me, but I'm stuck with a contract.. Have fun with your Moto!
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Thanks. Amazon should hopefully deliver it in a few hours so I'll report back later
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
that's sad. did you try the official marshmallow stock rom?? for me its the most perfect and smoothest rom ever used in my G3. btw moto is awesome too. good luck!
superawesomeme said:
** This is just my personal thoughts and musing on my experience with my first Android phone. I doubt it's very interesting but I thought I'd share anyway and welcome others to comment and share their experiences. If you're not interested just don't read it, please don't pick holes and post snarky comments. **
Boring introduction
I've had an iPhone since the 3G went on sale and upgraded over the years to the 4 and then the 5. Apple always made beautiful hardware and software with flawless usability but at 3 years old my iPhone 5 was looking like a poor relation compared to the latest flagships and the recently launched, palm filling iPhone 6.
I had gone SIM ONLY after my iPhone 5 contract had finished and I was paying around half the amount for pretty much unlimited everything. I certainly didn't want to start another contract with hefty bills each month but there was no way I was going to shell out over £600 for a new one.
I was also getting frustrated with the limitations of the iPhone devices. Everything works perfectly but why do I need a Stocks app if I don't have any stocks? Why do I need an Apple Watch app, the new U2 album or be restricted to using iTunes for my music? (Other music apps are available but don't integrate as well into the functions of the os)
So about 12 months ago I picked up an Android magazine during a long wait in Gatwick Airport and thought I'd see what the other side was offering. I've been an amateur Linux hacker/enthusiast for a number of years so I knew from experience that the trade off in flexibility from a largely open source platform was potentially a more buggy, ugly and inconsistent user experience.
The magazine featured a review of the ZTE Blade S6. It looked just like a very cheap iPhone 6 knockoff (I now have one at work, it's cheap but it does the job) but my mind started mulling over the specs and I began to put a wishlist together in my head. Good camera, expandable storage (a massive drawback on Apple devices), large screen (so I could do away with my crappy tablet), long battery life and good looking (I didn't want a super glossy, plasticy, Samsung Galaxy or iPhone clone).
My investigations lead me to news of the LG G4 launch and a beta testing programme. The phone looked amazing, it was leather for a start, how crazy. I applied for the trial but didn't get selected. The G4 was going to set me back £500 unlocked so after reading the reviews of the G3 and finding it online for just over £200, I bought my first Android phone.
First thoughts
The package arrived and as I opened it I saw a gold and brown box (the kind of colours you expect to see on the wallpaper in an Indian restaurant). I panicked - I had ordered the white phone, I didn't want gold. Metallic plastic looks nasty (no offence if you have the gold one). Luckily it was white inside.
The pearlescent white was OK, not amazing, in fact kind of cheap looking and the logo strip on the front looked like the design had been lifted off of a 90s microwave but overall it was pleasant to hold, slim and if you didn't look too closely it looked quite sleek and modern.
I charged it up (the accessories were actually more stylish than the phone. They should promote the team who made the charger) and booted it.
WTF!!! The icons! Who thought that square icons in grubby shades of the dullest colours was remotely a good idea? The oversized status and soft key bar icons looked uncomfortable and Smart Bulletin was about as much use as a pocket on a sock.
I lived with it for a few weeks. The weather effects were fun, I was getting used to the blinking LED and having a file manager was a whole new freedom that meant I could actually work on my phone. I installed an icon pack but still couldn't make peace with that clunky and aesthetically unpleasing UI. Time to root and sign up to XDA.
The first ROM I tried was Resurrection Remix. It had been recommended to me and it was amazing. Customisation that I dreamed of. But for some reason the phone would randomly shutdown in the middle of the night and could only be turned back on by removing the battery. I couldn't risk it. I use my phone as an alarm so I needed it to be reliable.
I discovered Cloudy and combined with XPosed I was able to get a UI that was a compromise between LG and what I wanted, although apps such as the dialer, calculator and the settings interface still bugged me.
I know they are only small things and shouldn't really bother me but your phone becomes an extension of yourself. In fact I interact more with my phone on a daily basis than I do with a lot of people, so it needs to be an enjoyable experience.
When MM was released I went back to stock and thought I could just live with the ugliness. Cloudy had shut up shop, Fulmics wasn't there just yet and I wanted MM! It was a massive trade off. For full camera functions and stability, I sacrificed my hard work fine tuning my ROM, but I got impatient fast. In fact Marshmallow has been announced months ago and no sooner had 6.0 been given to us like a late Christmas present, 6.0.1 was out for other devices.
CyanogenMod 13.0
Then I discovered the tread about CM13. I knew about CM already and knew it was the base for many of the custom ROMs I'd tried in the past but I thought installing this would give me an almost pure Android experience with regular updates and I can live without slo-mo video or the other LG features.
Initially there were bugs that meant my first attempt was short-lived and I ended up going back to stock within a few hours. I have a Xiaomi Mi Band and CM couldn't recognise BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices.
Soon the bug was fixed and CM13 was reinstalled. In general my CM experience has been pretty good although it's evident the software wasn't intended for your device. It's not a perfect fit with fewer features in the camera and some niggly bugs (it's only in beta).
The ROOT of all evil
Tiring of my epic quest for the perfect ROM and settling with CM13 was a short lived moment of harmony. I had come to terms with my banking app not working and even the camera but then the rumour leaks - UK to get Android Pay by the end of March.
It's nearly the end of March and no sign yet but it got me thinking about the future of mobile technology and more importantly what I want from a device (it's rarely used as a phone).
It's obvious they are worming their way into more and more areas of our lives and will continue to do so. Android Pay doesn't currently work with CM or rooted devices and it's a cat and mouse game to cloak, hide and workaround these barriers. What I need is a device that fits my wish list and I can run without root.
Hello Moto
So last night I decided to take the plunge and treat myself to a new device. A purer Android experience with a snazzy look, regular updates and a low price tag. My Moto X Style should arrive tomorrow and I'm hoping our relationship will not be as turbulent as it was with the G3.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
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that totally sucks! I want iPhone users to see what's so great with Androids. I would actually recommend the G3 to any iPhone user trying to switch to Android. It blows you didn't have a good experience as I love the phone so much I won't upgrade because this phone is a beast. With fulmics 4.2 MM, xposed and G3 tweaksbox your phone would have been a better experience. I myself want to try an iPhone but I just can't let this phone go lol. Well I hope this bad experience didn't want to make you go back as the new G5 might change your mind :fingers-crossed:
GTRanushka said:
that's sad. did you try the official marshmallow stock rom?? for me its the most perfect and smoothest rom ever used in my G3. btw moto is awesome too. good luck!
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I tried official Marshmallow for a few weeks, the battery life was incredible and it was so smooth. I think that's what I find so frustrating, LG make some amazing tech, the specs are top notch and they don't age/slowdown as fast as others but there are so many proprietary modifications to the OS that it's put me off LG.
It's obviously just a personal preference but I just find their design aesthetic unpleasing, like a hybrid of Kit Kat (the dull colours and oversized status/nav icons) and Lollipop (material design, but poorly executed in this case).
The heavy skinning was the reason I avoided Samsung too. Again incredible hardware. These companies seem to take the same half-assed approach to UI design as Microsoft. A jumble of different styles, moving forwards with good ideas but poorly executed with remnants of the past hanging about.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
RapHaeL_4_4_4_ said:
It's the same with me, but I'm stuck with a contract.. Have fun with your Moto!
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Omg it's amazing. I few things I miss from the LG...
- Power button position (I'll get used to it)
- Double tap to wake
- Wireless charging
Other than that it's practically perfect (so far)...
- The display is incredible. I'm on about 15-20% brightness and it's so vivid and clear. I had to have the LG between 50-60%.
- Snapchat video filters work, inc slow-mo, fast, reverse (these didn't work on LG)
- Moto display for alerts, you just wave your hand over the front for a power friendly notification screen.
- Pure Android experience so no ugly status bar.
- Super fast burst mode on camera (plus improved low light mode)
- Front flash
- Beautiful shape and rear texture
- Gestures such as double twist for camera mode, karate chop for flashlight, etc
This is the droid I was looking for!
Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk

How reliable is the Oneplus One now? (March 2016)

After weathering the storm of chaos as huge crowds rushed to get the One, hearing countless horror stories of failing phones and terrible support, and waiting for (hopefully) all hardware problems to rear their ugly faces, I'm at a loss now--in March 2016--as to whether or not buying a used phone, said to work perfectly by the seller and has been tested enough by natural selection, would be a good idea if I can only return DOAs.
I'm calling on everyone here not to post just epic sob-stories; instead, if you had an issue (hardware, software, firmware, or other) please post what it was, when it showed up (how much use, any possible user error that may have caused it), whether it was fixed (and if it was, what it was fixed by), how long it lasted, what ROM/software version you were on, and any other important info.
Thanks so much in advance; I really like the specs and the original reviews, but just can't be sure if it got back up after falling flat right out of the gate.
I got a oneplus one. I love it!. Soon as I got i t I rooted and flashed CM13. NO ISSUES WITH IT AT ALL.
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
dreamwave said:
After weathering the storm of chaos as huge crowds rushed to get the One, hearing countless horror stories of failing phones and terrible support, and waiting for (hopefully) all hardware problems to rear their ugly faces, I'm at a loss now--in March 2016--as to whether or not buying a used phone, said to work perfectly by the seller and has been tested enough by natural selection, would be a good idea if I can only return DOAs.
I'm calling on everyone here not to post just epic sob-stories; instead, if you had an issue (hardware, software, firmware, or other) please post what it was, when it showed up (how much use, any possible user error that may have caused it), whether it was fixed (and if it was, what it was fixed by), how long it lasted, what ROM/software version you were on, and any other important info.
Thanks so much in advance; I really like the specs and the original reviews, but just can't be sure if it got back up after falling flat right out of the gate.
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Nearly 2 years and no regrets..
I only got this phone at the end of 2015 and I haven't regretted a bit, ever. It's an amazing phone, I never had any problem with it. The metal around the screen is the only thing that wears out, it's not awful but it as some scratches, and I'm very careful. Believe me, for the price, this is still the best budget phone you can get
I have the ability to get it for as low as $180 here in the US. I know that is quite a good deal compared to the original price, but with the OPX having been released with similar specs and such I'm not quite sure I fully grasp whether or not this price is a steal, or just a good bargain. Thoughts?
Absolutely hate it. I regret trading my Nexus 6 for it. My data has been spotty and I keep getting random reboots. Today, I was using the GPS and Google Maps lost the ability to connect to my phone's mobile data during the commute. Completely overshot my destination, thanks OnePlus!
billybobchongo said:
Absolutely hate it. I regret trading my Nexus 6 for it. My data has been spotty and I keep getting random reboots. Today, I was using the GPS and Google Maps lost the ability to connect to my phone's mobile data during the commute. Completely overshot my destination, thanks OnePlus!
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When it comes to data, I'm not too worried as I use tracfone (so I'm not really used to the convenience of data on the go) and have great coverage around here--unless it is so significantly worse than the Nexus 6 so as to cause a steady 3-4 bars on one to equal intermittent service on the other.
For the random reboots, when did they start? What ROM? When do they happen?
dreamwave said:
I have the ability to get it for as low as $180 here in the US. I know that is quite a good deal compared to the original price, but with the OPX having been released with similar specs and such I'm not quite sure I fully grasp whether or not this price is a steal, or just a good bargain. Thoughts?
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On paper, the OnePlus One and OnePlus X may seem similar, but it's only so much.
The OPO features (as compared to the OPX)
> a higher-tier variant of the Snapdragon 801 (MSM8974AC) @ 2.5ghz
> a larger 5.5in LTPS (IPS LCD) display (screen size is subjective, some people prefer smaller)
> better band support for US Carriers (the OPX lacks necessary bands)
> a better rear-facing camera (capable of 4K DCI/UHD recording) and can be vastly improved with Sultan's modifications
> WIFI AC + Dual band (2.4/5.0ghz)
> a larger 3100mah battery
> NFC (the OPX doesn't have NFC, seriously)
But most importantly, the OPO is sustained by one of the largest dev communities ever, right here at XDA. Even after OnePlus/Cyanogen discontinues official support for the device, the community will keep it alive and strong for a VERY long time. The OPX lacks this kind of love and support. Unsurprisingly, OnePlus themselves seem to be neglecting the OPX.
The OPX features (as compared to the OPO)
> a more portable 5in AMOLED display
> a better front-facing camera
I might sound biased, but that is justified by everything I've just listed. It's clear who's the winner here.
Spec sheets for reference:
JimJ2Mz said:
On paper, ... camera
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Thanks for the insight. I kind of wonder why it's so cheap when it's so competitive with other phones of the time. The Galaxy s5 seems to go, used, for between $250-300 while the OPO goes for between 200-225 normally. I get that last generation phones can go down in price, but it seemed unexpected that it didn't even out to pretty much the same used price as most of those other phones. I was just thinking there must be something I was missing.
dreamwave said:
I kind of wonder why it's so cheap when it's so competitive with other phones of the time. The Galaxy s5 seems to go, used, for between $250-300 while the OPO goes for between 200-225 normally. I get that last generation phones can go down in price, but it seemed unexpected that it didn't even out to pretty much the same used price as most of those other phones. I was just thinking there must be something I was missing.
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This is expected. The Galaxy S5 is a Samsung device and as with all popular brands, these devices can go for a high price, from when they're released to even a few years later.
The OnePlus One was OnePlus' very first device and it was named "The Flagship Killer" for a reason- that reason being it had the same specs as popular flagship devices (ie. Galaxy S5, Xperia Z3, HTC One M8) but costed much less than they did. This is why the OPO, new or used, continues to be sold for lower than any other popular flagship device.
As a note, OnePlus claims that they barely made any profit at the time due to selling the OPO for such a low price, but they actually had a lot of backup from their overseeing company, OPPO.
Trust me (and everyone here), the OPO is still an amazing device. Everything about it screams high quality.
dreamwave said:
When it comes to data, I'm not too worried as I use tracfone (so I'm not really used to the convenience of data on the go) and have great coverage around here--unless it is so significantly worse than the Nexus 6 so as to cause a steady 3-4 bars on one to equal intermittent service on the other.
For the random reboots, when did they start? What ROM? When do they happen?
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Running Sultan's CM13 - had similar issues with CM12. Switched to CM13 because Sultan was actively developing it. Tried other roms but I didn't like them as much as Sultan's rom. Charging is also atrocious - 2 hours to go from 10% to 100% with the stock cable and charger.
The funny thing is, I had full bars and data, GMaps just couldn't connect until I restarted the phone.
I had three reboots in the past hour. One with the phone laying on my desk. Another while scrolling through GroupMe. The final after I took a screenshot of my lockscreen. I don't use xposed or any other customization app.
Best phone ever released till date, we can edit ANDROID to the core.. I am using since aug 2014, only thing i regret is camera compared to todays phones but even it lives it up to the mark
well!! it is reliable enough ...
I've had this device since November 2014 and going strong. This device is one of the best purchases I've ever made in terms of a device. Unless I cause damage to it or there are new band support that's needed in the near future, I might actually try to keep this device until end of 2017.
I've really have had no issues with this phone, probably my only real gripe is the lack of OIS support.
You really can't go wrong with the OnePlus One.
Being a phone junkie, I jumped at the chance for a flagship killer, and do not regret it. Looking at all the phones we have today, this one still stacks up great, and outperforms my buddies lg v10 (which was what I was going to get, but couldn't justify the price) in a lot of areas (mostly stupid golf games), though all his hardware is top notch.
This device is affordable, and still runs as smooth as day one. Dev community awesome. I had the slight yellow tinge when it first came out, but it's gone. I had another friend of mine buy the op2 just cause he liked my phone so much but wanted the dual Sim...
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
I'm looking to jump back in with a OPO after a year, has the touch screen issue been addressed? I had the issue on two OPO's. Very great device otherwise!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
MiguelSassoon said:
I'm looking to jump back in with a OPO after a year, has the touch screen issue been addressed? I had the issue on two OPO's. Very great device otherwise!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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That was one of the things I was wondering: there were a lot of people having problems with the touchscreen, they apparently had a firmware fix but I still saw some reports of problems afterwards. Haven't seen any recently, but no real discussion about what was the issue, whether there were some people with hardware problems AND some people with firmware problems or if there were just firmware problems. I think I might have seen something on their forums but I honestly don't trust that place with the reports of censorship and all the fanboys dismissing problems.
EDIT: Just found this thread that describes what causes the issue. Definitely an involved process, but at least it suggests a problem other than just faulty-digitizer roulette. I hate the lengths that Oneplus goes to to try and hide this kind of thing. They could gain a lot more support if they were just transparent about their fumbles and mistakes instead of trying to sweep stuff under the rug and waiting for it to create a scandal.
dreamwave said:
That was one of the things I was wondering: there were a lot of people having problems with the touchscreen, they apparently had a firmware fix but I still saw some reports of problems afterwards. Haven't seen any recently, but no real discussion about what was the issue, whether there were some people with hardware problems AND some people with firmware problems or if there were just firmware problems. I think I might have seen something on their forums but I honestly don't trust that place with the reports of censorship and all the fanboys dismissing problems.
EDIT: Just found this thread that describes what causes the issue. Definitely an involved process, but at least it suggests a problem other than just faulty-digitizer roulette. I hate the lengths that Oneplus goes to to try and hide this kind of thing. They could gain a lot more support if they were just transparent about their fumbles and mistakes instead of trying to sweep stuff under the rug and waiting for it to create a scandal.
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Yeah, I remember reading about that .. Hoping they fixed the issue as I'm contemplating purchasing one new from OnePlus.
Just wanted to follow-up on my post from yesterday, OP.
I'm now on rooted stock COS12.1 - latest update, as of yesterday night. Only rooted apps I use are AdAway and TiBu (might not justify root tbh haha). But it's still not that great. The phone was definitely much smoother with Sultan's rom, with occasional hiccups. Just tried to do a raid in COC and the phone went unresponsive until I locked the screen but I had to resort to rebooting to make it actually work. It actually froze on the "rebooting" screen and I had to hard reboot.
For reference, I've had the phone since September 2015 and have been holding out for this year's Nexus but I might have to bite the bullet and pick up the 6P. My phone timeline is as follows: LG MyTouch, HTC Sensation 4G, Moto G 1st Gen, Nexus 6 and OnePlus One. Favorites have been Moto G and Nexus 6.
buy opo, leave opx....look around here on developments for both devices and u know why i say opo

Hows your Moto X holding up?

Just curious how everyone is enjoying their Moto X Pure Editions since they've been out for a little over a year now. I've left mine stock the entire time I've had it which is something new for me. As far as the phone itself is concerned I really like it. Love the screen, the size, shape, etc. However, really looking to get something else or rooting as I've had a ton of software issues. Apps not responding the way they should or crashing repeatedly . This is the first phone I've had that's actually acted this way so kind of turned off by it.
Stock here, 11 months of use, 2 updates (5 to 6.0 and the last security update) never a issue.
Just one time, the screen shows a rare horizontal lines, 1 reboot and back to normal.
The heat you ask? Yes, in chrome and YouTube, the heat is an "add on" not specified in the manual...
Great phone, but my next one is a OnePlus 3, not a Lenovorola
Enviado desde mi XT1575 mediante Tapatalk
Screen cracked on first one and had to play endless games with the repair department, including reporting fraud on my credit card. Both speaker grills are working on their second time falling out. Screen and glass coating are better than average on the replacement. I like the LTE bands, high res screen, and the ability to use a big microSD card. The lack of software support is the worst I've seen of an OEM phone. I had to switch to CM13 but there's nobody there who can completely fix the drivers - VoLTE breakup, proximity sensor bugs, speaker fade-out bug, no WiFi calling, poor low light camera performance, etc. I don't see myself trusting Lenovo again for many years to come.
Stock Style
Kept it still in stock. No major issues. Been using the phone with the stock Moto Screen cover plastic still in place (all moto phone have nice plastic screen guard which I never peel. Use it heavily for 3-4 days post unboxing and remove the logo, which has now dried due to screen heat, with a coin). Waiting with finger crossed for Andorid 7.
Camera app and camera as hardware was real disappointment. unlike G4 plus camera app, this phone camera app is very basic in nature. Also the camera is not comparable with other phone's of this budget. Otherwise this was an awesome deal.
Altomugriento said:
Stock here, 11 months of use, 2 updates (5 to 6.0 and the last security update) never a issue.
Just one time, the screen shows a rare horizontal lines, 1 reboot and back to normal.
The heat you ask? Yes, in chrome and YouTube, the heat is an "add on" not specified in the manual...
Great phone, but my next one is a OnePlus 3, not a Lenovorola
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Much the same experience for me. Very happy with the phone for the price (I paid UK £300 in December 2015). Still amazed at the sound quality from the speakers. Fast charging too.
I also had the horizontal lines problem about a month ago - thought the phone had died but a reboot solved it. Has only happened once.
Issues ? For me :
would like wireless charging
wish Lenovo were better with updates
maybe a bit too big - but that's my problem , not the phone's - I wanted a big display.
Bought it approx. 2 months ago (15th July, 2016) and really enjoying it all over except the display, my display is bit warmish when compared to other phone and also has a slight bleeding in left corner. I wish it had AMOLED display as the previous series. Camera gives really good pics so happy with it. Would like to know if anyone else has the same display concern as mine.
Stock rooted EU Style at 6.0.1 - so far there are no issues with the phone
Picked it up on the Prime Day sale.
It does the job and is better than my previous phone, a Nexus 4.
Minor gripes. If it gets the update to Nougat I'll be happy with what I paid for it.
It will soon be my girlfriends phone and I'm getting an iPhone 7 or Pixel X. That iPhone is just a screamer. Fast, and good looking. Would be my first Apple product.
Used to like the phone, now I'm extremely indifferent about it. I haven't had any hardware problems, but the lack of software support is extremely disappointing. The camera takes OK pictures, the battery rarely provides more than 2.5 hours SOT, and from what I can tell every custom ROM for this phone blows chunks (I've tried all the popular ones, but the CM base sucks). I've had sporadic issues with cell service, which I believe are software related, and to top it off, my phone somehow nuked itself while I was on vacation in June (I was able to get it back but I lost a bunch of stuff and had to re-setup my phone while on vacation)
I was at Disney world all day, battery died about an hour before I left the park. I got in the car, plugged it into the car charger, and while it was coming up to the battery screen it went haywire and rebooted. Then the charging screen came up and I shrugged it off. About 30 minutes later I tried to turn it back on, and it just bootlooped endlessly. So I had to pull out my laptop, use the slow hotel wifi and download the firmware, then use fastboot to re-flash everything. Luckily I use Google photos to back up pics, so I didn't lose any of the vacation photos.
For the first time in years I'm considering an iPhone. Never had to deal with this kind of crap with my old iPhone 5.
Love my Style, changed 2 screens on it, been stock since I purchased it brand new, not through choice, can't root this phone at all, I've tried every combination possible but the remote server times out requesting the token I'd so I've given up any hope of rooting it.
Apart from that the phone has been flawless, the odd heating up with certain apps which I can put up with.
Not really impressed with the way Moto/Lenovo have treated this supposed flagship in terms of updates and still no solid word from the company if our device will get nougat. It probably will get it but I would have bought a pixel xl by then.
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA Free mobile app
No major issues really (bar the obvious update void). Still love the fact that the phone is smaller than my friend's iphone 6 plus, yet the screen is larger.
First phone I've ever owned that still does not have a single scratch on the screen even though it has been naked since day one, got the phone October 17th. In fact there are very few marks on the phone overall and I've dropped it from knee height onto the road a couple of times.
I often think about wanting a new phone (only because I have G.A.S (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) but then I realise that anything I get won't really do anything that this one doesn't already do.
Waiting patiently for Nougat!
I bought the Style with extreme enthusiasm since it ran "stock" android and had an SDcard slot. My initial impressions were hopeful... it was a little laggy but other than that, it was okay, and the speakers, OH GOD the speakers. But after a month or two of using it and unlocking the bootloader, it was obvious that there were some serious issues with the phone. Lenovo/Motorola obviously didn't know what they were doing when they made the stock ROM for the device. It was always laggy for me and there were other issues as well. After tons of attempts to find an AOSP or stock rom that fixed these issues... i gave up. I just accepted that TruPureX was the best i was going to get. It made me miss my LG G2 and HTC M8. Anyways after a little under a year i did a lot of thinking and eventually made the decision that i was tired of feeling the need to flash custom firmwares, bootloaders, recoveries, etc. just to get my phone to function in the manner that I feel it should. I ended up buying a (very expensive) iPhone 6S Plus. I understand that people will most likely bash this decision and i respect your views, so respect mine. I still believe android as an OS is superior, but the OEMs just can't properly implement it into their devices in the way that Apple can. I don't regret my decision and now i have amazing battery life and everything "just works". Which isn't something i've been able to say about an android phone. I'm not advising anyone to do what i did, i respect all technology as well as your views, i'm just sharing my experience. Owning this phone annoyed my so much i switched sides (at least for a while).
Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus using Tapatalk
elite001mm said:
I bought the Style with extreme enthusiasm since it ran "stock" android and had an SDcard slot. My initial impressions were hopeful... it was a little laggy but other than that, it was okay, and the speakers, OH GOD the speakers. But after a month or two of using it and unlocking the bootloader, it was obvious that there were some serious issues with the phone. Lenovo/Motorola obviously didn't know what they were doing when they made the stock ROM for the device. It was always laggy for me and there were other issues as well. After tons of attempts to find an AOSP or stock rom that fixed these issues... i gave up. I just accepted that TruPureX was the best i was going to get. It made me miss my LG G2 and HTC M8. Anyways after a little under a year i did a lot of thinking and eventually made the decision that i was tired of feeling the need to flash custom firmwares, bootloaders, recoveries, etc. just to get my phone to function in the manner that I feel it should. I ended up buying a (very expensive) iPhone 6S Plus. I understand that people will most likely bash this decision and i respect your views, so respect mine. I still believe android as an OS is superior, but the OEMs just can't properly implement it into their devices in the way that Apple can. I don't regret my decision and now i have amazing battery life and everything "just works". Which isn't something i've been able to say about an android phone. I'm not advising anyone to do what i did, i respect all technology as well as your views, i'm just sharing my experience. Owning this phone annoyed my so much i switched sides (at least for a while).
Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus using Tapatalk
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Sean89us said:
Used to like the phone, now I'm extremely indifferent about it. I haven't had any hardware problems, but the lack of software support is extremely disappointing. The camera takes OK pictures, the battery rarely provides more than 2.5 hours SOT, and from what I can tell every custom ROM for this phone blows chunks (I've tried all the popular ones, but the CM base sucks). I've had sporadic issues with cell service, which I believe are software related, and to top it off, my phone somehow nuked itself while I was on vacation in June (I was able to get it back but I lost a bunch of stuff and had to re-setup my phone while on vacation)
I was at Disney world all day, battery died about an hour before I left the park. I got in the car, plugged it into the car charger, and while it was coming up to the battery screen it went haywire and rebooted. Then the charging screen came up and I shrugged it off. About 30 minutes later I tried to turn it back on, and it just bootlooped endlessly. So I had to pull out my laptop, use the slow hotel wifi and download the firmware, then use fastboot to re-flash everything. Luckily I use Google photos to back up pics, so I didn't lose any of the vacation photos.
For the first time in years I'm considering an iPhone. Never had to deal with this kind of crap with my old iPhone 5.
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Sounds like we have similar experiences. I've never owned an Iphone but have had multiple Ipods and Ipads. I think I've grown out of the flashing game myself. I look at all the roms available for the Pure and I'm just not impressed at all. I've come from a long line of Android devices that have all had excellent development and this one has been a bust. I have also been thinking about going with an Iphone but I'm pretty terrified of getting away from the Android environment lol. I'm just to a point in my life where I want my phone to function flawlessly the majority of the time. I wasn't impressed at all with my Galaxy S5 so that's kind of turned me away from Samsung in general. I really liked my HTC devices so I may give them another look in the near future if I don't end up giving Apple the go ahead.
Mnorton1228 said:
Sounds like we have similar experiences. I've never owned an Iphone but have had multiple Ipods and Ipads. I think I've grown out of the flashing game myself. I look at all the roms available for the Pure and I'm just not impressed at all. I've come from a long line of Android devices that have all had excellent development and this one has been a bust. I have also been thinking about going with an Iphone but I'm pretty terrified of getting away from the Android environment lol. I'm just to a point in my life where I want my phone to function flawlessly the majority of the time. I wasn't impressed at all with my Galaxy S5 so that's kind of turned me away from Samsung in general. I really liked my HTC devices so I may give them another look in the near future if I don't end up giving Apple the go ahead.
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Yes our experiences are indeed very similar. The phone i was most impressed with was my HTC M8. The battery life that it gave with the "small" battery was amazing at that time, but my 6S+ has a similar battery, bigger screen and more powerful processor and it somehow manages to demolish the M8s battery life. I find it extremely impressive. I'm a college student and i just decided i didn't have the time to keep flashing things, etc. The only thing that i hate about iOS is the fact that you have no access to the file system. I may jailbreak and fix some things but for now i'm trying it unmodified. At least on ios you're guaranteed good software support for a good while.
Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus using Tapatalk
Doktaphex said:
I often think about wanting a new phone (only because I have G.A.S (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) but then I realise that anything I get won't really do anything that this one doesn't already do.
Waiting patiently for Nougat!
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This. Exactly this.
A couple of white spots on my LCD. Not a huge deal.
LCD cracked- without cracking the glass, which is a first for me.
It took a ton of work to get the battery where I needed it.
Development is dildos. ONE (brilliant) stock rom, and its developer left. All the AOSP roms have issues.
I can't believe with only 3 unlocked phones on Verizon, we don't have an abundant choice of roms. Ridiculous.
Had mine since Christmas eve. I replaced the battery thinking it was dying, turns out I just use a lot of battery-consuming apps. Aside from that, hardware has been top-knotch. No issues with software (still running Lolipop), but I rooted the day I got it and disabled updates because I heard the MM update was having tons of issues and causing pops in the speakers and battery drains, etc. and never got around to going MM.
Convinced 2 friends to get Moto X pures as well, and they both love it.
I've had the Pure since November 2015: rooted and spent most of the time on stock. Right now, I'm running Dirty Unicorns 10.6 official, which has the September 2016 update. My overall impression is: 5.5 out of 10 (10 being the best). It's a decent, middle-of-the-road phone.
Unlocked (no carrier BS)
Bright screen
Two speakers with decent sound
CDMA and GSM antennas
Decent call quality
Motomaker configured to taste
So-so battery life. My LG G3 lasted about 48 hours after full charge. My MXP lasts about 18 hours.
So-so camera. Forget about low light pictures. (Missing my LG G3 camera...)
Mediocre level of enthusiasm about the phone, i.e., it took a long time to get decent cases/screen protectors, ROM development is OK but there are more devs for other phones
Lack of Android updates from Motorola. (I prefer stock due to stability and battery life.)
Heavier than a comparable Samsung Galaxy phone for it's size.
No "wow" feature to the phone: everything is just meh.
why is it nobody mentioned about its ram.. ram management on mm is so poor. i get 600 to 800 sometimes 500 ram free with no other apps installed. pure stock no root.vthats why its so laggy at times... bought it last month for $260 with 32gb on best buy.. i thought it was a deal but cant help notice the lag sometimes. i have a lg g pro 2 3 gb ram with snapdragon 800 on 2014 model... i get 1500 free ram so why is moto x pure on 2015 model only gets 600 to 800 free ram with 3gb phone. will motorola lenovo can still fix this great phone ?
After loving my Moto X and Moto X 2014, I gave the Moto X 2015 a try. On stock It lags a good amount, battery life is below average, sound is loud but quality is bad, also when I receive notifications the sound lags in the middle of it, and the phone ran extremely hot just using social apps or playing light games.
CM13 was the only rom to bring this phone back to life for me. I underclocked the cpu and gpu because of heat and battery power increased dramatically. Notification sounds sound normal and even when underclocked, the phone is still snappy on CM13.
My gf have a Samsung Galaxy s6 with apps I use plus more and her phone didn't nearly get as hot as mines with also better battery life than I was on stock.

Advice whether to still buy the Axon 7 in 2018

I have been looking to buy a new mobile phone since my LG G3 bit the dust a few months ago. The one that piqued my interest is the Axon 7 due to the audio hardware (dual DAC and stereo front speakers) which is the one thing I use my mobile for above everything else. I have been looking at the LG G6 with its quad DAC also but the cost difference is hard to ignore especially if the Axon can give me what I am looking for.
I realise that ZTE have discontinued the manufacturing of the Axon 7 but they are still available from some vendors and rumours have arisen about its successor appearing soon. ZTE is allegedly also releasing Oreo to the 7 in April.
So due to an eventual show of the 8, do you think I would be better waiting through January for the Axon 8 or just pulling the trigger on an Axon 7 right now?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
What's your budget? If you're willing to go higher than $400, I'd say get one of the OnePlus phones. Released this year. They have an exceptional dev community (not that ours is bad but theirs is just incredible), and the phones are remarkably solid, especially given the price.
If you're on a budget, then yeah, get the Axon 7 or one of the older OP devices (OP3/3T). You wouldn't have the amazing audio you get with the Axon, but the phones are really, really good.
The Axon 7 is still getting dev support, which is great, but I don't think we'll get to see Android P on our device. Many devs are already losing interest and some people in the community are driving the ones that are left away.
Another option to consider is a used LG V20, which had amazing audio as well.
I am a poweruser so I tend to root my devices almost straightaway usually with magisk so I can use V4A.
I was tempted by the OnePlus 5T and it probably wouldn't be out of my budget, it looks like a really solid phone but with the reports of poor sound quality, lack of DAC and no SD card slot it just didn't fit the bill for me.
I did check out the LG v30 and the specs are an absolute beast on that but alas...so is the price being new on the market lol. The Samsung S8...ERM no...I vouched after they started the bit locking fiasco on the S4 I would never buy another Samsung.
The LG G6 is good for audio but even LG have started regionalizing features now.
These are partly the reason I decided mid to low tear was enough for me as they are easily obtainable from China sim free without ties to contracts and they have a habit of producing good value devices which compete with stupid money flagships.
I am trying to avoid going down the root of second hand devices as I am a big believer in you usually buy someone else's problems especially with manufacturer obsolescence being on the tongues of every techy these days. Its bad enough with the non replaceable batteries in devices!
Bang for buck the Axon 7 is still very desirable...its just the audio I can't ignore and for the price. Bit of a shame that the dev community is losing interest in the axon 7 though, seems a really solid device.
@Gases hope you don't think I am a whining my friend, just me obsessing about my next device lol
So do you think its worth waiting for the Axon 7's successor?
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My view from a value consious type is that the A7 is great hardware for the money and importantly, it still runs fast. Getting O may help keep a little development on it but stock is good anyway. I personally wouldn't buy an LG phone, too many successive devices with serious problems like bootloop which never seems to be fixed. LG don't want their phones to last long.
If you're not the sort of person who must have the latest, then for the price the Axon 7 is still a compelling buy.
If you only choose a phone from the list of Daydream certified devices you ensure a well rounded performance and decent sensors etc. It really comes down to how much you want to spend and nothing much can touch the A7 for value versus it's real world performance. Forget benchmarks and all that junk, it's all numbers and running an Axon keeps reliable performance unlike say, a Samsung which will get the stutters sooner or later. I'm keen to see the O update being closer to stock Android on my Axon, but even on B09N it is still smooth and responsive leaving no reason to even consider buying anything else.
All that being posted, I would like to see the next flagship Axon but like all brands, ZTE will try to grow their price tag as public perception improves. Just look at Huawei as an example. Got too expensive and now put themselves beyond my price level. Wouldn't consider Samsung, HTC and all the others keeping prices double what they should be.
beastobadness said:
I am a poweruser so I tend to root my devices almost straightaway usually with magisk so I can use V4A.
I was tempted by the OnePlus 5T and it probably wouldn't be out of my budget, it looks like a really solid phone but with the reports of poor sound quality, lack of DAC and no SD card slot it just didn't fit the bill for me.
I did check out the LG v30 and the specs are an absolute beast on that but alas...so is the price being new on the market lol. The Samsung S8...ERM no...I vouched after they started the bit locking fiasco on the S4 I would never buy another Samsung.
The LG G6 is good for audio but even LG have started regionalizing features now.
These are partly the reason I decided mid to low tear was enough for me as they are easily obtainable from China sim free without ties to contracts and they have a habit of producing good value devices which compete with stupid money flagships.
I am trying to avoid going down the root of second hand devices as I am a big believer in you usually buy someone else's problems especially with manufacturer obsolescence being on the tongues of every techy these days. Its bad enough with the non replaceable batteries in devices!
Bang for buck the Axon 7 is still very desirable...its just the audio I can't ignore and for the price. Bit of a shame that the dev community is losing interest in the axon 7 though, seems a really solid device.
@Gases hope you don't think I am a whining my friend, just me obsessing about my next device lol
So do you think its worth waiting for the Axon 7's successor?
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When you say that you use your phone for music, what do you really mean? Hi-res, or just FLACs? With V4A or stock?
The AK4490EN is capable of like 768 kHz/32 bit, but ZTE limited to a hideous 96 kHz/16 bit...
Still it sounds much, MUCH better than a standard Snapdragon DAC. Even on custom ROMs. And even more so on custom ROMs with V4A, if you're using MP3s.
I think you have to completely avoid midrange devices. The best choice is to get a high-end CPU even if it's one generation old. The SD6xx series are a world apart in terms of performance.
Also, why do you say that the dev community is losing interest? We lost 1 or 2 devs this year. It was always rather weak, but we're a cozy community and seemingly managed to push enough to get ZTE to get a working Camera2 API and some other stuff (time will tell).
RobboW said:
My view from a value consious type is that the A7 is great hardware for the money and importantly, it still runs fast. Getting O may help keep a little development on it but stock is good anyway. I personally wouldn't buy an LG phone, too many successive devices with serious problems like bootloop which never seems to be fixed. LG don't want their phones to last long.
If you're not the sort of person who must have the latest, then for the price the Axon 7 is still a compelling buy.
If you only choose a phone from the list of Daydream certified devices you ensure a well rounded performance and decent sensors etc. It really comes down to how much you want to spend and nothing much can touch the A7 for value versus it's real world performance. Forget benchmarks and all that junk, it's all numbers and running an Axon keeps reliable performance unlike say, a Samsung which will get the stutters sooner or later. I'm keen to see the O update being closer to stock Android on my Axon, but even on B09N it is still smooth and responsive leaving no reason to even consider buying anything else.
All that being posted, I would like to see the next flagship Axon but like all brands, ZTE will try to grow their price tag as public perception improves. Just look at Huawei as an example. Got too expensive and now put themselves beyond my price level. Wouldn't consider Samsung, HTC and all the others keeping prices double what they should be.
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Totally agree on the LG thing, the G3 was a solid item on the outside but its internals were a different story...like I said manufactured obsolescence! Baking the motherboard on mine was its final death cry lol
Choose an username... said:
When you say that you use your phone for music, what do you really mean? Hi-res, or just FLACs? With V4A or stock?
The AK4490EN is capable of like 768 kHz/32 bit, but ZTE limited to a hideous 96 kHz/16 bit...
Still it sounds much, MUCH better than a standard Snapdragon DAC. Even on custom ROMs. And even more so on custom ROMs with V4A, if you're using MP3s.
I think you have to completely avoid midrange devices. The best choice is to get a high-end CPU even if it's one generation old. The SD6xx series are a world apart in terms of performance.
Also, why do you say that the dev community is losing interest? We lost 1 or 2 devs this year. It was always rather weak, but we're a cozy community and seemingly managed to push enough to get ZTE to get a working Camera2 API and some other stuff (time will tell).
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Sorry I should have made myself clear when I said mid to low tear phone, I was talking about price not internal specs. Totally agree the SD 820/821 chips might not be the latest and greatest but they are far from obsolete and still perform great... would be nice to have say an 835 but I am not in it for the numbers anyway.
As for my audio format, its a bit of a mix...minimum 320 Kbps to lossless, it really depends on where I got the files from. The max impedance on my best cans are 40 ohms so no studio level stuff.
As for the dev community losing interest...no offence intended, was only expressing my feelings on what I was told by Gases. Cosy is a good thing, its a powerful tool, means there is a passion for the product and if ZTE are listening...even better.
BTW happy new year!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
beastobadness said:
Totally agree on the LG thing, the G3 was a solid item on the outside but its internals were a different story...like I said manufactured obsolescence! Baking the motherboard on mine was its final death cry lol
Sorry I should have made myself clear when I said mid to low tear phone, I was talking about price not internal specs. Totally agree the SD 820/821 chips might not be the latest and greatest but they are far from obsolete and still perform great... would be nice to have say an 835 but I am not in it for the numbers anyway.
As for my audio format, its a bit of a mix...minimum 320 Kbps to lossless, it really depends on where I got the files from. The max impedance on my best cans are 40 ohms so no studio level stuff.
As for the dev community losing interest...no offence intended, was only expressing my feelings on what I was told by Gases. Cosy is a good thing, its a powerful tool, means there is a passion for the product and if ZTE are listening...even better.
BTW happy new year!
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You'll be OK with the Axon 7's DAC -its soundstage is clearly better and it has a lower noise level. The community is nowhere near dying out since most devs maintain only a few devices. And the SD820 still works good.
I don't believe the Axon 9 (I think they'll skip 8, like 2019) will be released before at least May or June. They said absolutely nothing aside from 'there will be a successor to the axon 7'.
Happy new year
I would say yes, I bought mine in Nov last year and it was delivered in Dec. I am loving it every minute with zero issues that I am unhappy with. I bought it to replace a buggy Zenfone 3 (midrange) and I am totally pleased with it.
Cost is a major factor as I had already spent a load of money on the ZF3; it cost the same as a current midrange device (Xiaomi A1) and yet performance is twice of current midrange devices (double benchmark and QHD screen). Yes, it is nearly a 2 years old flagship, but the question is do I need that much firepower from a current flagship? My answer is not really, yours maybe different.
I do not root my phones, had a really bad experience when I hard bricked a device due to faulty instructions and then I got laugh at by the "community". So I only update my devices officially.
I also do not update my devices to the "last" update as I had bad experiences where a device became crap with the final update (likely due to it not able to handle the load?). So I update them once out of the box, and that it. My Axon 7 was updated from B11 to B09 when I got it and it is likely to stay on B09 until the day it dies, unless the feedback on future updates are very positive here. Again, you may use yours differently.
If you disregard all the numbers and technicalities and just want a good sounding phone to play your MP3 library off, you can't go wrong with the Axon 7.
I mostly use bluetooth but do plug in still.
I did this afternoon in the car. Feeding music to the car hifi by wire sounds awesome, for sure it's better than bluetooth and louder too. I just use MP3 and can still clearly hear a difference.
You don't need to be swallowing up 50Mb a song with hi res FLAC files to justify owning the phone.
I've got my Axon7 last month to replace dying Meizu MX4Pro. Few thoughts on the buy.
A7 is fantastic mid-range phone, I've managed to get it quite cheap in almost new condition (~€230).
Performance wise it is brilliant, no hiccups or anything (bear in mind I was coming from Android 5.0 2014 phone )
Now, the sound. I have mixed feelings on this. I'll tell you why.
The speakers are great, but when I say sound quality I mean the headphone out. I didn't have much time to compare it to MX4Pro and my DAP (Cayin N3 - same DAC chip as A7) but I still feel that A7 is lacking a bit. Defo less power than my old phone (or the DAP), I need to crank up the volume to get the detail and dynamics level I want. I'll be trying it with my old C&C amp to see if it will improve.
Don't get me wrong, sound quality is very good, I think it is just the power. But again, my only reference is DAP which has lot more power and one of the most musical phones that was manufactured to date (MX4 Pro has ESS9018 DAC and OPA1612 as an amp).
To sum up - lovely phone with good sound, sound is definitely better than 99% phones out there. If you can get it cheap(-ish) and don't mind 2 year old hardware go for it.
Well it is done...Axon 7 EU version is on it's way! Oooo new shiny's lol and the wait begins
And I put a sneaky order in for the BOBOVR Z5 daydream headset just to test the water with VR and daydream.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
docentore said:
I've got my Axon7 last month to replace dying Meizu MX4Pro. Few thoughts on the buy.
A7 is fantastic mid-range phone, I've managed to get it quite cheap in almost new condition (~€230).
Performance wise it is brilliant, no hiccups or anything (bear in mind I was coming from Android 5.0 2014 phone )
Now, the sound. I have mixed feelings on this. I'll tell you why.
The speakers are great, but when I say sound quality I mean the headphone out. I didn't have much time to compare it to MX4Pro and my DAP (Cayin N3 - same DAC chip as A7) but I still feel that A7 is lacking a bit. Defo less power than my old phone (or the DAP), I need to crank up the volume to get the detail and dynamics level I want. I'll be trying it with my old C&C amp to see if it will improve.
Don't get me wrong, sound quality is very good, I think it is just the power. But again, my only reference is DAP which has lot more power and one of the most musical phones that was manufactured to date (MX4 Pro has ESS9018 DAC and OPA1612 as an amp).
To sum up - lovely phone with good sound, sound is definitely better than 99% phones out there. If you can get it cheap(-ish) and don't mind 2 year old hardware go for it.
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What version of the A7 did you get? Is it on Nougat OS? If it's A2017G on Marshmallow it should improve on stock Nougat.
beastobadness said:
Well it is done...Axon 7 EU version is on it's way! Oooo new shiny's lol and the wait begins
And I put a sneaky order in for the BOBOVR Z5 daydream headset just to test the water with VR and daydream.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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Got mine yesterday in the post from gearbest as a reluctant replacement for my Nexus 6 .
Reluctant, as I wanted to 'upgrade' so had to be amoled, stereo speakers, qhd etc to at least match the beast of a Nexus 6.
Just been using today and smaller screen size takes a bit of getting used to, but sound via speakers is on par with Nexus 6 I'd say not yet tried plug in headphones. Screen is much better and the build quality too.
Very pleased so far.
This weekend may see me attempt boot loader unlock, TWRP, Magisk and Lineage install; although I must say the ZTE implementation isn't half bad, and thats on Marshmellow.
May I ask where you found it for sale? Seems most places out of stock now, and felt quite lucky to snap one up.
8eaker said:
Got mine yesterday in the post from gearbest as a reluctant replacement for my Nexus 6 .
Reluctant, as I wanted to 'upgrade' so had to be amoled, stereo speakers, qhd etc to at least match the beast of a Nexus 6.
Just been using today and smaller screen size takes a bit of getting used to, but sound via speakers is on par with Nexus 6 I'd say not yet tried plug in headphones. Screen is much better and the build quality too.
Very pleased so far.
This weekend may see me attempt boot loader unlock, TWRP, Magisk and Lineage install; although I must say the ZTE implementation isn't half bad, and thats on Marshmellow.
May I ask where you found it for sale? Seems most places out of stock now, and felt quite lucky to snap one up.
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Fasttech had it listed...missed all the holiday discounts though and I think the fact that every other company have sold out has driven the price up on FT slightly but I am not really bothered...I am now hoping it slips past the folks at customs discreetly lol.
I need this to get here asap as my 5 yr old S4 is on its last legs...I think it must have caught something off my deceased LG G3 haha!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
I've had mine 2 weeks, and absolutely love it. It replaced a Sony Xperia Z4 (with the 810 which allowed the phone to double as a hot plate, foot warmer or small space heater.) The sound is everything I expected from the Sony and never got. The screen is beautiful. Battery life is amazing. The Z4 had a max of 3 hours life, and this Axon 7 has seen me through 10 hour days listening to bluetooth most of the day, with 35% batttery left. I found mine on Amazon for $317, the box was scuffed up, but everything inside was pristine and untouched. I'm rooted with WRP, Substratum and Xposed. I have not felt the need to leave stock 7.1.1 as of yet.
Stock Nougat is quite good. I find that here a lot of people are way too trigger happy on the flash custom ROM scene. I only do it if the phone needs it. Custom ROMs usually have issues.
ZTE will release an official and reasonably light Oreo for it this year too.
I think after that, good custom ROMs will follow as they released O sources to a well known dev. I personally wouldn't be bothered with any current Nougat customs seeing as O is coming.
I will probably upgrade and run the axon 7 stock for a few months same as I did with my G3.
ZTE have certainly extended the axon 7's presence in the market though bringing Oreo to it, all the major brands would have EOL'ed support to a device by now especially with it starting on Marshmallow.
Has anyone had the need to swap the battery out yet?
I know there are a couple of good teardown vids on YT and it doesn't look too bad.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
RobboW said:
What version of the A7 did you get? Is it on Nougat OS? If it's A2017G on Marshmallow it should improve on stock Nougat.
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its A2017G on Nougat, it starts to grow on me. I've sold my DAP already because I like the sound so much.
RobboW said:
Stock Nougat is quite good. I find that here a lot of people are way too trigger happy on the flash custom ROM scene. I only do it if the phone needs it. Custom ROMs usually have issues.
ZTE will release an official and reasonably light Oreo for it this year too.
I think after that, good custom ROMs will follow as they released O sources to a well known dev. I personally wouldn't be bothered with any current Nougat customs seeing as O is coming.
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With my previous (pre MX4Pro) Android phones I was first to flash custom ROMs. But with A7 I'm happy so far with stock Nougat. Miss the root for few things, but I have too much stuff on the phone and too little time to bother with unlocking bootloader and rooting it as I understand I will loose all present data.
Now, when the Oreo comes, that might change

Is the V20 still worth buying for <$200 USD

Hi, long time XDA user here. I'm currently using a OnePlus X. I was considering springing for the new OnePlus 6, but I really shouldn't spend that much money right now. I saw that the V20s (a phone I was interested in previously) are very affordable now and I imaging for 200 bucks I can push my upgrade down the road for a bit, maybe until the OP6+ comes out. I've had an LG phone before and liked it , but it's been quite a few years.(Windows Mobile fellas, not even Windows Phone)
1. Is the V20 still viable, does it run well with current apps and networks?
2. How is the ROM support doing nowadays, and is the rooting process in general still possible from the firmware that currently ships on the phone? (I'm not sure what LGs stance on bootloader locking is)
3. Do custom roms make use of the secondary screen at all?
4. What are the phone's weakest points or biggest annoyances today? As in, what hasn't really stood the test of time?
Thanks for any info you can provide me.
Kevin1a said:
Hi, long time XDA user here. I'm currently using a OnePlus X. I was considering springing for the new OnePlus 6, but I really shouldn't spend that much money right now. I saw that the V20s (a phone I was interested in previously) are very affordable now and I imaging for 200 bucks I can push my upgrade down the road for a bit, maybe until the OP6+ comes out. I've had an LG phone before and liked it , but it's been quite a few years.(Windows Mobile fellas, not even Windows Phone)
1. Is the V20 still viable, does it run well with current apps and networks?
2. How is the ROM support doing nowadays, and is the rooting process in general still possible from the firmware that currently ships on the phone? (I'm not sure what LGs stance on bootloader locking is)
3. Do custom roms make use of the secondary screen at all?
4. What are the phone's weakest points or biggest annoyances today? As in, what hasn't really stood the test of time?
Thanks for any info you can provide me.
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The v20 is basically end of life, bootloader unlocking and root, is dicey depending on the variant you buy, development slowed down to a trickle for some time, common issues include, poor cell reception, screen retention, bad mics, the v20 is still waiting for Oreo and the phone was released over two years ago and probably will never see another os upgrade after that. Currently second screen only works on stock based roms.
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
cnjax said:
The v20 is basically end of life, bootloader unlocking and root, is dicey depending on the variant you buy, development slowed down to a trickle for some time, common issues include, poor cell reception, screen retention, bad mics, the v20 is still waiting for Oreo and the phone was released over two years ago and probably will never see another os upgrade after that. Currently second screen only works on stock based roms.
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
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Thanks for the info. This is exactly what I was looking for.
cnjax said:
The v20 is basically end of life, bootloader unlocking and root, is dicey depending on the variant you buy, development slowed down to a trickle for some time, common issues include, poor cell reception, screen retention, bad mics, the v20 is still waiting for Oreo and the phone was released over two years ago and probably will never see another os upgrade after that. Currently second screen only works on stock based roms.
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
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I wouldn't say that with the active development of Lineage OS and Any Kernel.
Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
cnjax said:
The v20 is basically end of life, bootloader unlocking and root, is dicey depending on the variant you buy, development slowed down to a trickle for some time, common issues include, poor cell reception, screen retention, bad mics, the v20 is still waiting for Oreo and the phone was released over two years ago and probably will never see another os upgrade after that. Currently second screen only works on stock based roms.
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This sums it up. Seems the v20 is dead. Maybe oreo will bring more development but I doubt it since a lot of people have moved on
WhiteWidows said:
I wouldn't say that with the active development of Lineage OS and Any Kernel.
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Oh yeah lineage that half baked os that's unofficial and you lose main features of the phone and have to flash constant updates or use work arounds to have basic functionality, yeah that's development right there.
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
LG V20 Still A good Phone
Well maybe you would like a different perspective. I fist laid eyes on the LG V20 in a Verizon store about a month ago but they would not sell it to me because it is not made anymore. So I just purchased an unlocked version from B&H in New York. My first attraction to this phone is the second screen which i think is extremely useful. Then i noticed that the LG V20 has a removable back panel so you can replace the battery. I have been looking for that ever since my NOTE 4 bricked two years ago. in the interim I had a Motorola Pure X which took a look for me to part with. SO that was all I needed to make the choice to buy it. now i do not have to carry a battery brick or make sure i am near a charger all day. i can carry a spare battery in my pocket. Next fringe benefit was finding out that this phone has 3 cameras, 1 front facing and 2 rear, one of them being a wide angle lens. But the love keeps getting better... add to that a removable SD card up to 256 GB or more when they come out with one, fingerprint censor, 64 GB phone and you have a pretty serious contender. I love this phone. I love it so much i but another one. Actually at the moment i have 3. Oh and yes, probably one of the only phones left that has both a 3.5 mm headphone jack and a type C charging port. The Audio and DAC units in this phone is better than most high end audio gear that you would find in a music studio, and i am a musician. I have heard of complaints about the camera quality, but to that i say if you want pictures with that kind of quality, go out and buy a Nikon! Also i have heard that manufactures are moving away form 3.5 mm jacks and removable batteries because they want to make the phones more water proof. Bull Hockey!! Are people so obsessed with phones that they cannot leave the thing alone for a 10 minute swim. The real reason is because the manufacturer doesn't want you keeping a phone more than 2 years so they make the batteries last only that long and if you cannot replace the battery, you need a new phone. (or you can go the route of trying to put a new battery in your phone and butcher it to death).
Long story to say do not count the LG V20 out yet. it is a superb phone, has many features that a lot of other phones just do not have. I am very pleased with both of mine and i love the second screen.
The only bad experience i have had is that in order to get Verizon's Visual Voice mail, i had to purchase a Verizon version, and the front camera crapped out after a week. It was supposed to be new, but the box looks like it has been ridden around the world, so i doubt it was new. SO i am sending that back but still have both of my unlocked US996's.
cnjax said:
The v20 is basically end of life, bootloader unlocking and root, is dicey depending on the variant you buy, development slowed down to a trickle for some time, common issues include, poor cell reception, screen retention, bad mics, the v20 is still waiting for Oreo and the phone was released over two years ago and probably will never see another os upgrade after that. Currently second screen only works on stock based roms.
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Like, how is December 2016 is more that 2 years ago? Kid, are you sane? More so, Shap 820 even didn't existed more than 2 years ago, it is still actual chip not legacy like some 810, and 835 is pretty much == 820 rebranded and repainted
---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------
Kevin1a said:
1. Is the V20 still viable, does it run well with current apps and networks?
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Yes, because it's powered by SD820, not Snap 430 or 600 or something
Kevin1a said:
4. What are the phone's weakest points or biggest annoyances today? As in, what hasn't really stood the test of time?
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The weakest point is battery somewhat degraded over time, I could have like 7hrs SOT on Wifi on the start but now after cold winters it shows its age and gives me around 4.5...5 SOT on same router. but battery is exchangeable easily and I hope to buy more fresh one
Some people claim they got screen retention, it's more visible the more southern country you live and more brighter you must set you screen to
I still am keeping it as a backup phone but I am using a different DD. I did take it on a trip though with the 10800 ma battery I have for it. I'm running a stock 918H and it still fairly fast. The SD card and headphone jack are nice too. Still a good buy at $150 or so
I love the second screen and the DAC but being forced to run the stock ROM is a PITA as it's very sluggish. I have a Mi A1 that runs circles around the V20 in terms of performance, which is sad. Meanwhile, if you try to solve the lag, running Lineage OS defeats the purpose and outweighs the benefits of the phone as you won't have the DAC, second screen nor full camera functionality.
Absolutely it is worth it. You can pick up a V30 with a slightly faster processor, and slightly better camera (and that is debatable) for $250. However, you will lose the replaceable battery, the second screen, the IR blaster.
The people that say they are having performance problems have hardware issues. Even stock non-rooted, runs plenty fast, but if you use Alpha ROM, and debloat all the carrier bullsh** then it runs like a beast.
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
Absolutely it is worth it. You can pick up a V30 with a slightly faster processor, and slightly better camera (and that is debatable) for $250. However, you will lose the replaceable battery, the second screen, the IR blaster.
The people that say they are having performance problems have hardware issues. Even stock non-rooted, runs plenty fast, but if you use Alpha ROM, and debloat all the carrier bullsh** then it runs like a beast.
-- Brian
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I don't have hardware issues. The stock ROM (de-bloated or not) is well known to be sluggish. As I stated in my post, the phone is completely different if running Lineage at the cost of the unique functionality. Aside from many people complaining of the performance under stock as being sluggish, this guy describes it perfectly:
So I have a slow phone? Holy crap! I had no idea!
Stop spreading FUD, and learn how to do things like disable rctd, ccmd, logging, CPU throttling...
-- Brian
runningnak3d said:
Absolutely it is worth it. You can pick up a V30 with a slightly faster processor, and slightly better camera (and that is debatable) for $250. However, you will lose the replaceable battery, the second screen, the IR blaster.
The people that say they are having performance problems have hardware issues. Even stock non-rooted, runs plenty fast, but if you use Alpha ROM, and debloat all the carrier bullsh** then it runs like a beast.
-- Brian
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runningnak3d said:
So I have a slow phone? Holy crap! I had no idea!
Stop spreading FUD, and learn how to do things like disable rctd, ccmd, logging, CPU throttling...
-- Brian
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Your sarcasm isn't appreciated and I'm not spreading fud - this is fact. I've done lots of tweaking and no amount of it will fix what LG did to the stock ROM. You're acting as if I'm the only person who has pointed out the shortcomings of the V20. The fact is, it is a fantastic phone with bad execution of the OS by LG. To be clear, I still use mine but it will soon be retired to secondary usage as my Mi A1 is way better as a DD.
No, I am sure there are plenty of others out there complaining as well -- that also don't know the first thing about how to get the most out of their phone.
Is the V20 the end-all / be-all? Nope, but it is the last great flagship phone that was released. Everything since is just a waste of money.
-- Brian
We just bought our T-mobile V20's this year. Great phones for about $150 in excellent used (hard to tell they were used) condition. Great photos and DAC, among other things. We couldn't find anything comparable for that price, new or used.
Mine is still great. Stock, unrooted, H990DS with a zerolemon 10000mAh extended battery. The image retention doesn't bother me - it's not permanent. I use the widescreen camera a lot, and charge the device once every 3-4 days. The IR transmitter sees plenty of use too, as does the DAC and the dual SIM.
There's nothing else that fits my needs. Dreading when it dies.
I just got me V20 H918 in excellent condition with 3 batteries and 4 cases for $185 shipped. I've come from G4 which started to have GPS lock issues, sometimes. My LG G3 GPS is no longer working at all. lol. Not sure what's up with that. Was this fixed in v20 or is this just tear and wear on GPS chip or something?
My main attraction point is camera manual controls and i mean white balance K numbers and mic for loud concert recording as well as removable battery and i prefer bigger screens and 5.7 upgrade from 5.5 on G4 is welcomed too. Oh and DAC was other feature that attracted me as well. What's weird that G4 concert recording was terrible but G3 was fantastic. Never distorted. Hoping V20 has great mic like G3 did. Let me know your thoughts.
I will NOT buy a phone if it doesn't have removable battery as i refuse to spend $800 on phone every few years and be forced by manufacturers due to profit.
Don't know any other manufacturer that lets you do white balance in K values. I wish aperture would be f=1.6 or f1.5 but had no complains with 1.8 on G4. Kinda sucks wide angle is f2.4, as it should be 1.8 or lower. It seems ppl use that camera more often. I guess night shots in standard angle is to use.
Thought about pixel but don't have manual control like LG does. If you guys have any suggestions on used phone <$250 that blows V20 out of water please let me know. I use to be Samsung Galaxy lover but since LG introduced manual controls i switched. There was pro photographer article on G4 camera so ppl that think iphone or samsung has better camera u should read that article. But let me know if there is something better.
In process of rooting it as i need it for kernel auditor for screen colors profiles (Vomer DeepRich) and kernel i/o scheduler control and kin screen and lux too, among few more other apps. Came with 10u so downgraded to 10p, bootloader unlocked already. Next will be laf exploid root method.
I just reflashed the excellent Alpha ROM on my V20 and managed to rid myself of a significant portion of the sluggishness I mentioned by getting rid of Magisk. I'm not sure what was going on but Magisk was definitely slowing everything down on my V20. Recommend if you buy this phone to stay away from Magisk or at least keep this is mind if you intend to root.
im on Mi A1 right now and im planning also to switch to V20.

