Galaxy A3 No incoming calls - Galaxy A3, A5, A7, A8, A9 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

I have a intermittent problem with incoming calls.
I takes my son a least 3 times to get though.
Its either engaged
rings twice and goes to answer phone
rings once then enaged
or says 'this number is unavailable'
I'm with virgin,
phoned them numerous times and they have altered the voice mail ring times and things, then decided it was the sim card.
New sim card came but was exactly the same, so more codes entered for virgin, then decide it was the phone.
Phone came back after 2 weeks saying its fix and updated but was exactly the same.
Phoned virgin again they said its not the phone or the network? so I dont know what to do.
While my phone was away being "repaired" I bought a cheap £15 phone from tesco and put my sim in it and it worked fine. Maybe its because its a simpler technology.
Any help would be appreciated


O2 curse on Debitel/Vodafone sim cards...

At the begining of October last year my boss was selling off his XDAII as he was upgrading to a XDA mini. So I thought great the price is right so I bought it off him. So far so good.
Now my Debitel/vodaphone sim card (Not directly from Vodaphone) worked straight away. No problemo. However I started to get Info SMSs at a rate of one every 10 seconds - 5 minutes. So I rang up the Debitel hotline and they told me how to block them although they couldn't tell me where they were coming from. However there seemed to be no problems with my account. This helped briefly but every time I had to restart it, wether because I had used the flight mode function or it had crashed (happens ofter when using Acrobat reader) or even after a cold restart, those damned Info SMSs were back and I had to block them again. About a week Later the touch screen gave up the ghost, and as it was still under garantee, O2 changed it straight away. The exchange one lasted about a week however it had the same Info SMS problem. Now these Info SMSs never affected any of my other phones and when I recieved my third XDAII, guess what? Yes those Info SMS were back again. Debitel told me during my numerous calls to there hotline that I obviously had ordered the news services myself, which I denied as I had not ordered them. They gave me a number to cancel any Jamba (Debitel service) Info SMSs which didn't work as I hadn't ordered from them. Then the Hammer. End of November, I recieved a phone bill from debitel for €216,88 :shock: (my usual bill is €90 - €115) It seems that all three phones had rerouted all those Info SMSs and any missed calls to a O2 service number :evil: Debitel naturally told me that I had rerouted all those calls and still insisted that I had somehow ordered the Info SMSs and of course the were not willing to negotiate on my bill.
Eventually I found out that they were comming from Vodaphones Vlive portal, however on calling the much loved Debitel hotline. I was informed that there was nothing that they could do as they came from Vodaphone. Now Vodaphone said that as I had a Debitel/Vodaphone contract they could do nothing as they have no accsess to my account. Debitel did however say that thier technical department could and would stop the Info SMSs but that was 3 weeks ago. Well now I've written to Debitel to canncel my contract and ask them to stop all Info SMSs going through my account however I've had no confermation on either account so I guess I'll just have to wait... Now the next interesting thing I installed a Vodaphone Sim in the XDAII and guess what even with a new number the Info SMSs kept comming and yes all my calls were being rerouted... Damn this XDAII is becomming expensive. How the hell am I supposed to stop the Info SMSs from being sent? Because blocking them is obviously not enough... Any ideas? I'm at my wits end HELP!

Selling hero for £150

I am thinking of selling my hero for round £150 because i can just not sort out the problem it has so maybe some1 with abit more knowledge will be able to sort it. It all works fine apart from the problem with the sim card which is for some reason it does not register any sim cards. The phone is unlocked and i was using a 3 sim card in for about 2 months but then all of a sudden i lost connection and then i could not reconnect with any sim card =/ i have tried different firmwares and radios but nothing seems to help. It certainly isn't barred i know that so i really duno what is up with it but would be a bargin for someone who does know. P/M if your interested
It ssems like phone has been blocked.Did you buy it from previous user? Contact him/her , or the branded supplier with imei number for their explanation.
no it use to be on contract but had a problem and came off but it hadn't been blocked by them i was using it for a while after i had come off use to work fine then it just did this. I have heard there are problems with 3 sim cards sometimes thow so wondering if it was the sim cause other sims just get stuck on the registering bit like the sim unlock hasn't worked
Just curious, but why haven't you contacted whoever you bought the phone off?
Definitely sounds to me like the handset has been barred. If you bought it as part of a contract, but then cancelled the contract early, well it makes sense for the operator to bar the handset if you didn't send it back.
Quick call to 3 (assuming that's who you bought it from) should give you an answer.
no its a tmobile i shall ring them tomorrow see what they say
Wavesecure in ROM, allowing to lock / locate / wipe your device remotely in the event of loss and be notified if the SIM is changed.
that doesn't really solve none working sims though does it ?
iv just paid for an imei check and just waiting for the result now
this phone is blocked by tmobile but not by other networks that is why it registers on tmobile but wont make calls or texts so am wondering if its something to do with the unlock code iv put in =/

Can't send or receive calls, please help.

Last night I tried to send an SMS, but it wouldn't go, so tried to make a call and it just wouldn't!
So I tried to call me number only to get the message "Calls are not currently being connected to this number". If I turn my off and try to call it it goes to voice mail etc.
I have tried a factory reset, but its still not working. it thinks it has a network, and my internet works on the phone. also, the SIM works fine in another phone...
anyone got any suggestions, I'm going away over Christmas and really need my phone to be working.
If the network is refusing to connect to that particular handset it suggests something a little more sinister.
Just to confirm, SIM in DHD does not work, no sms, no calls. SIM in another handset works fine.
If this is the case, then your DHD may have been IMEI network blocked, i.e. reported lost or stolen. Did you buy the DHD from new?
For a small fee you can check to see if your DHD has been reported lost or stolen > CheckMEND
That's right, SIM doesn't work in DHD for SMS's and Calls, but does in my other phone, but HSDPA does work.
the phone came directly from T-Mobile, I called them but they we're very unhelpful, didn't ask anything or check any thing, just suggested sending it away for repair!
I'd get it replaced. Sounds very odd. Have you tried another SIM card in it? Its probably SIM locked, so you'd need to sort that out before you can try.
Just to fill you all in, I eventually got this sorted! only took three weeks!!!!!
What happened was, the phone T-Mobile sent me doesn't match the box and paperwork it came with, the IMEI and Serial numbers are different.
It now transpires that the idiot who has the matching phone/paperwork/box etc. lost their phone and reported it stolen, so when he gave them the phone details, he (or she) gave them "my" details resulting in my phone being blacklisted!!!!
So they have now un-blacklisted my phone and updated the details on my account. still no explanation as to how it happened, but at least my phone is working again.

Calls are constantly dropped with Ting on my S5 G900V (locked bootloaders)

I never tested the phone out when I first got it, but I checked to see if it was unlocked by putting in a new sim card. Seemed to be unlocked. I did the "root" method on here to flash back to an older OS which worked for what I needed it to do. But ever since I got the phone, calls are constantly missed (I can use another phone to call this mobile and the mobile won't ring, it'll go to voicemail), my calls are constantly dropped, I rarely can call out, if I am able to call out the other person might not be able to hear me. The only thing that works well is the texting. I use Ting as my provider and have spoken to them many times because the original problem was that I couldn't access my voicemail and it kept giving me a mmi error. They gave me the voicemail number to directly call which I've been doing to get around the error of using the built in voicemail system. They've stated verizon phones aren't the most compatible with their system and they suggested maybe the sim card isn't functioning properly. I've spoken with their customer service at least four times over the last 8 months but these problem never really went away.
Anyone have any idea what I can do? I need a reliable phone now for phone calls. Should I try flashing back to stock 6.0? Or do you think it has nothing to do with what I did to get the "root" on it? This is the guide I followed:

Galaxy s8 phone not allowed for voice

I took a chance and bought this phone very cheap knowing i may have change motherboard. The person i got it off didnt pay her bill and apparently it got blocked. She changed to giff gaff and the phone still wouldnt ring in or out. Ive had the phone a couple month and done an imei check on 2 sites. Phone comes back not blacklisted and unlocked. Ive tried 3 different sims,i get a signal bar and the phone recognise the provider but i noticed in the apn settings that out . love to try get the phone working before i have to order a board. Thanks

