Unable to Install Xperia Media Apps on SM-900! - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have always loved Xperia Media apps like Music, Album, Videos, and always would install them on every phone I use. But I'm not able to install the aforementioned apps on my SM-900. I have root enabled in case that's necessary. Any help is appreciated.

Whoa! No one uses Xperia Media apps on Note 3, eh?


How to get Google Play Music

I just got a galaxy tab 2 10.1
and want to install Google Play music as I have on my phone, its stating it is not compatible, I Love the interface on it and plan to use the tablet in the car so it would look nicer with the full screen album art.
Anyone have any ideas on how to install or other alternatives?
no one know?
I really dont want to have to wipe and install a new rom, my galaxy s2 is my play toy for that lol
what App? Google Play Music???
seems to be an Provider App... If u have one Device with running the App, try to Backup and Restore it at the other Device
just try https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.infolife.appbackup&feature=search_result
?? huh? i have google play music on mine and i didn't even access google play to download and install it. are you certain it on there? because i think they come standard and should be compat.

Sony Walkman LockscreenWidget

I'm running on ParanoidAndroid and the default widget to control music over the lockscreen is from google music.
I would like to change this one by the widget provided by Sony, it's look like this http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8193/8083300548_60a34660eb.jpg but with only album arts, no bar navigation and directly on the lockscreen.
How I can get it on my Nexus 4 ? Do I need to install the walkman apk ? If yes, the sound will be changed ?
Maybe this one ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=38500108&postcount=121
Nobody ?
Hey buddy. Unfortunately getting what you want is not going to be simple!
You'd need to be good at Android systems programming as well as Java programming to do this. You'll need to modify the ROM/OS so that the default lockscreen widget for music is the Sony one, then modify that widget to work with the ROM, etc. The fact that Sony's music player is probably proprietary makes the situation even worse.
Bottom line, someone with skills will need to do this, and it will take some time. For now I guess you'll have to make do with the Play Music app, or download an alternative music player. There are lots of them on the Play Store and people have been very satisfied with them.
I personally don't mind the Play Music app that much, and use it as a daily driver for music

Just bought an unlocked galaxy S7 Edge to replace my Note 7 I have a few Questions!

Sup XDA,
I jumped the gun to get dat galaxy S7 edge in black onyx, to replace my note 7.
My planned usage:
Used the phone for calling,texting,social media, etc.
-Media consumption using a 1440p screen for youtube, netflix, and some native HDR contant, music using lossless files with poweramp and music streaming with spotify
-Heavy 3D games, emulators, and pokemon Go, etc.
-Using hpc applications, loading compute payloads using otg, gnuroot to run workstation applications (programming, scripts, sensor data, machine vision, etc.); Use for on the go work but mostly a side/independant work
-Using drafting application on native andriod and linux (part of the previous point)
-Used fingerprint and iris scanner, SD card encryption, phone encryption during start up, secure folder, etc.
-Used all samsung features
-Listen to music using a 3.5mm jack at home and bt headphones on the go/gym
-Taking pictures, videos, using slow mo (editing them to)
So, to summarize : I love media consumption and media capture with the phone, I use every feature my Note 7 has and I would love to use newer features to. Battery life should be well and I love expandable storage. I use my phone for emulators, Pokemon Go, other high graphic (for a phone that is) game, spotify, data storage and transfer (for my work files and such), and I do use some "High Performance" application on the phone such as Autocad, Matlab , gnuroot Debian and other analysis software and even computing by uploading payloads via usb otg (as a hobby and sometimes to complete work on the go). I also love using root access (but if I can get most root features without rooting the phone it be great). With all that, I also use the phone like any other person such as for social media, phone calls (omg I know ), test messaging etc.
For the future: I would use Android wear/samsung gear s3, wireless charging, etc.
So if I want the best performance should I use smart switch?
Since the phone is directly from Samsung it doesn't have any carrier bloat but are there anythings I should disable? Is it worth getting the package disabler?
Is there any apps I should use to replace the samsung keyboard?
Also does anyone know of a light weight launcher with a dark theme, swipe up for app tray, folder support (either the circular ones from pixel or rounded edges from the grace ux) and have a black google pill?
Anything else I should know?
EternalSeekerX said:
Sup XDA,
I jumped the gun to get dat galaxy S7 edge in black onyx, to replace my note 7.
My planned usage:
Used the phone for calling,texting,social media, etc.
-Media consumption using a 1440p screen for youtube, netflix, and some native HDR contant, music using lossless files with poweramp and music streaming with spotify
-Heavy 3D games, emulators, and pokemon Go, etc.
-Using hpc applications, loading compute payloads using otg, gnuroot to run workstation applications (programming, scripts, sensor data, machine vision, etc.); Use for on the go work but mostly a side/independant work
-Using drafting application on native andriod and linux (part of the previous point)
-Used fingerprint and iris scanner, SD card encryption, phone encryption during start up, secure folder, etc.
-Used all samsung features
-Listen to music using a 3.5mm jack at home and bt headphones on the go/gym
-Taking pictures, videos, using slow mo (editing them to)
So, to summarize : I love media consumption and media capture with the phone, I use every feature my Note 7 has and I would love to use newer features to. Battery life should be well and I love expandable storage. I use my phone for emulators, Pokemon Go, other high graphic (for a phone that is) game, spotify, data storage and transfer (for my work files and such), and I do use some "High Performance" application on the phone such as Autocad, Matlab , gnuroot Debian and other analysis software and even computing by uploading payloads via usb otg (as a hobby and sometimes to complete work on the go). I also love using root access (but if I can get most root features without rooting the phone it be great). With all that, I also use the phone like any other person such as for social media, phone calls (omg I know ), test messaging etc.
For the future: I would use Android wear/samsung gear s3, wireless charging, etc.
So if I want the best performance should I use smart switch?
Since the phone is directly from Samsung it doesn't have any carrier bloat but are there anythings I should disable? Is it worth getting the package disabler?
Is there any apps I should use to replace the samsung keyboard?
Also does anyone know of a light weight launcher with a dark theme, swipe up for app tray, folder support (either the circular ones from pixel or rounded edges from the grace ux) and have a black google pill?
Anything else I should know?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I love nova launcher and the new gbaord.
but have you bought it yet? because the DAC on this phone is not exactly great. if you love music. if you have hi-fi headphones don't expect much, but I only use Bluetooth headphones with my phone So I don't really care I bought it 20 hours ago So maybe I judged to fast? someone else could confirm this. but mind that al-thought Samsung phones aren't bad. there are a lot of fanboys who would deny anything even if it's true so maybe see for yourself!. (Ehm, it still lags, but come on,it's only a little, it also has purple smearing which is a lot less than old phones but still there. Everyone seems to deny that.),
EDIT: Ouch didn't see that title sorry! I hope you love it. I do despite the flaws! but it's not worth the price tag at all. but I already paid it so what can you do?

Music players,video players,gallery,file manager

Hello guys.
I have the nokia 5 TA-1024, and I need the following applications:
Music players...no ads
video players.....no ads
gallery.....no ads
file manager....no ads
nokia does not come with these installed applications
do you have these stock applications for nokia 5?
nokia have stock google apps, you must install other one like:
Music players - sony music (search on xperia z1 forum/apkmirror).
video players - mxplayer.
gallery - piktures/sony album/camera roll
file manager - i prefer solid explorer.
How to install sony music player or sony album on my nokia 5? I'm tried to find out..
Where from download it?
Hello sir,
there's no link to download it

Question: How do i manage music on my Pixel 4?

Good morning everyone.
Hope your all having a fantastic day.
This is more of a general android quesiton i suppose rather then a pixel 4. but being brand new to #teampixel thought i would ask.
while i have spotify and dont plan to use music on my phone to often, nice to have for them data black spots.
So i am gonna transfer over a few albums, just wondering what apps you are all using to manage albums and art work?
And then where are you putting your music on the device? surely i shouldn't just dump everything into the downloads folder.
Thank you for your time in reading this post, and hope your able to help.
Kind regards
You can use a simple Music Player Aimp / Poweramp ... Foobar
I copy the files to the Music folder from my PC.
Even though Google play music is being discontinued this year I'm still using it over YouTube music. I can access my music library on my computer and on my phone. Works great with Android auto too.
Hey there,
just use the preinstalled "YT Music" App. There you can manage your YouTube music and your local music, it also supports the "Motion Sense".

