Speaker became much quiter - Zuk Z1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

It's fixed now. I work outside and it was raining, i think some water got inside near the speaker.
It's back to normal now.
Just today, just like that, the speaker became much quieter than it used to be.
All volumes are on max.
Anyone experienced this?

I dont know why it works, but try to pull down the notification bar, when music/etc is playing.
For me its getting about 50 % louder(obviously it only works once, and you need to do it again, after a reboot).
Try it multiple times, if its not working.
Edit: I am blind ._. Didnt see you edit



Am using a Jasjar. One fine morning the phone stopped ringing. No sound from the speakers at all. Though I could hear the other side on recieving or making calls. My voice does not go.
I sent it for repairs to I mate service center in Dubai (am in mumbai), Got back the machine working today.After making 5-6 calls ,the same problem has started again.
Please advice.
thanks ,
sounds like they didnt fix it, my 5.1 amp has just done similar, well not similar, but similar issue lol, grrrr
amp stopped doing video, sent to yamaha for repairs, got it back !!!AFTER 2 MONTHS WAITING!!! 2 weeks later its doing it again.
Back to Dubai it goes then! This time, try to shout enough so that they actually fix it. :lol:
A quick suggestion: (just in case)
In some cases people have had problems with sound loss from their Universals caused by the headphone jack. The sensor that identifies whether a headphone is plugged in is faulty and cuts out the speaker sound.
You could try putting a headphone jack into the socket and wiggling it, or plugging it in and out a few times. That might fix it.
I've had the same problem too a couple of times. I found that it was something weird with the battery actually. It always seemed to happen when I switched batteries. Everything would work fine except the audio. I could make a call but the other side couldn't hear me. When I would "click" on anything like Start all I would hear is a small popping sound. I found that if I took the battery back out, and then put it back in and made sure it was securely set in place & locked it the sound would work again. Sometimes I would have to do that twice before it would work again. I'm not sure if it really is a battery thing or something else that gets jiggled when I put a new battery in/out but that's what's worked for me. Hope that helps.

Help! Huge speaker and mic problem!

Ok guys, i've a really huge problem: the speaker and the microphone of my wizard don't work anymore. Don't know why - there was no impact on the phone (it didn't fall out of my pocket or so). The two speakers on the sides are working sometimes but the one for calling doesn't work. Even the microphone doesn't work anymore - no one can hear me and I can't hear anyone. This sucks!
I thought of a software problem, but even after the third different rom I've had the same symptoms. I'm thinking about disassembly the phone with the service manual.
What do you guys think? What should I do? Anyone experienced this?
Had something similar
Speakers weren't working at all so i had to use my headset . 3 minutes later I got furious and took the phone and headset and repeatedly plugged and unplugged it to and from the jack.
it actually worked somehow, i was able to use the speakers again
I guess my actions caused it to short itself back to normal
You can easily replace it for about 5 bucks.
Well, i'm goning to take the phone apart to fix this - maybe the contacts to the speaker are just corroded. But I have to say, that the phone sucks! Nothing's working like it should.
I'm having this same problem, it happens for a while then it fixes itself. anyone find a solution?
The contacts that switch between the headset and the internal speaker/mic are most likely not making a good connection. You can take it apart and clean them/replace the jack.
Another (much easier) approach is to put some dielectric grease (auto parts stores carry it, it's used to keep spark plug boots from sticking to spark plugs or coil packs) on the contacts of the headset jack (the part that goes into the phone) and plug it in and out a dozen times. This will usually fix it for a long time. I've fixed several Wizards this way, and they haven't failed yet.
I just had this exact same problem for the first time last night, I was playing a computer game on my desktop and a plane flew over head and my wifi internet went out and my phone did exactly what your talking about.
It was just weird that it all happened at the same time. I can hear anything out of the speaker except for when someone is calling or i get a text.
Thank god i found this post, I will try doing something crazy or maybe cleaning it out.
Be checkin' back!

No Sound through the Speaker

Seems like I have yet another issue with my Wing. Out of nowhere, I mean I wasn't even using it and it took me a little bit to realize it, the speaker stopped working. All of sudden my phone won't make a sound. I can hear when I make a call, but nothing else. No ringtones, alarms, music, anything that comes out of the speaker. Please don't tell me my speaker blew and please tell me there is a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
there is, replace the speaker lol
Maybe the speaker contacts or terminals are not proper. If you know how to dis-mantle your wing, you shall probably fix it yourself. Did you drop your wing by any chance?
I was thinking about taking it apart myself, but didn't want o ruin it any worse than it already is. One thing I do recall before it completely went is that when you sliding the volume up and down, you know how it usually goes "bink"? Well when I had tried to turn it down, it sounded all cracked and distorted. I heard turned my phone off about 10 minutes later so I didn't really pay attention to it.

Loud in-call volume

I've been noticing the following strange behavior:
Sometimes the in-call volume is just too loud. Even on the minimum volume setting someone standing a couple of meters away from you will still perfectly hear the conversation. This only happens when receiving a call, never (as far as I can tell) when making one.
If during the call I switch on and then off the speaker, then the volume goes back to what it should be.
Has anyone noticed this before? Workarounds?
Yes, I've noticed this.
Always does it when it has been connected to a headset.
I seem to remember it went away when I installed the Modoco rom...
Mine still does it with the Modaco rom
@squirreleater: Thanks for your reply. It is just as you say
@both: Do you know if the latest HTC firmware fixes this issue? I know, I know, but I can't find the time these days to upgrade and find for myself
I`m on the latest MCR and it still does it. Its really P*****G me off now. I hate to take a call because of it.. Surely more people than us 3 are seeing this?
Yup, same thing for me although I've never noticed a difference between receiving and making calls (will watch out for that now). Quietest setting is still ridiculously loud. I'm on MCR 2.6 but have noticed on other roms as well.
I've noticed this too, but seems as though when I press volume up, it starts working again and allows me to lower the volume.
I can confirm that your workaround is just fine. Thanks.
So if i press volume up then down it will go quieter?
I will try this next call i get...
I am getting this same problem ... thanks for the tip I will try it.
I just noticed this. but after having my hero for like over a month. Could have appeared when i installed like 3 games yesterday but cant see why games would cause that to happen. but yea the workaround of increasing then decreasing the volume works. and it only happens when i receive the call. strange...

External speaker fades in and out

I have had this issue for quite a while now and it is getting really annoying. When using the external speaker (watching Youtube, Twitch, games, etc) it will fade out and back in frequently. Lately it seems more often than not it will be silent. This only happens with external speaker and does not happen with headphones or bluetooth. I don't think it is a hardware issue because the audio seems to fade out and back in rather than cutting out. Also I can usually press the Overview button and switch between apps a few times and it comes back. Also I have never experienced it while using speakerphone on a call.
Has anyone run into this before? Any ideas on what it could be? I don't think Logcat will work without root or I would dig into the logs.
Skurvy_Pirate said:
I have had this issue for quite a while now and it is getting really annoying. When using the external speaker (watching Youtube, Twitch, games, etc) it will fade out and back in frequently. Lately it seems more often than not it will be silent. This only happens with external speaker and does not happen with headphones or bluetooth. I don't think it is a hardware issue because the audio seems to fade out and back in rather than cutting out. Also I can usually press the Overview button and switch between apps a few times and it comes back. Also I have never experienced it while using speakerphone on a call.
Has anyone run into this before? Any ideas on what it could be? I don't think CatLog will work without root or I would dig into the logs.
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Omg I've got exactly the same issue, finally someone talk about it !
Since nobody has any ideas, what apps do you have installed @Kev Lav? Maybe we can narrow it down to a common app or something. I really don't think it is an app though because as I mentioned it only happens when audio is on the external speakers. Sometimes days go by and the issue doesn't happen, sometimes it happens constantly for a day or 2. Pretty annoying.
Yeah I don't think that it comes from an app, but yeah it's so annoying, maybe I'll reset my phone but I'm too lazy to back up all my files actually haha.
yooooooooo ive had the same problem any fixes?
Hey guys ! I think that I found a fix, last night, I was partying in a hot tub and I was with my phone, I took several videos underwater and now my external speaker works great again ! You should try to put your phone underwater for 2 minutes !
Kev Lav said:
Hey guys ! I think that I found a fix, last night, I was partying in a hot tub and I was with my phone, I took several videos underwater and now my external speaker works great again ! You should try to put your phone underwater for 2 minutes !
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Uhhh, I think I will pass on that. Thanks though. I have it go for weeks sometimes without the issue happening. Then it will go through phases where it happens a few times a day. Sometimes a reboot will get it back to a state where it happens infrequently. So that is my go to for now. Still extremely annoying. I wish Catlog or something like that would work on this phone so that I could look at the internal logs to see what is going on when it happens. Does anyone know if there is anyway to look at system logs?
