[Q] Side Key Panel + Reduce Screen Size? - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, I have a simple question that can be asked calmly and politely and I do not require or ,ask for or expect any rude or such matter, backlash for this question but I am asking if there is a mod or work around or module to get the side key panel and reduced screen size on the Galaxy Note 4 Snapdragon at the same time. Why do I ask this? Because when I am using my nondominant hand and are laying down I have experienced having to yet again pull my finger all the way down to the bottom of the screen to press any sort of software/hardware key button. Please answer responsively and respectively as I am only 15 years old but I am acutely aware of my knowledge around Android so do not test to me.


Question about touch screen

there is something I have been really wondering about lately, and that is wether the HD's touch screen is multi touch capable by hardware, e.g. the hardware is able to identify several touches at the same time.
Now, if you do the following test, start Notes, and press two fingers at the same time on the screen (writing a note with touch). You will notice that the line is drawn in the middle between your fingers. I then started to think that if the screen isn't mulitouch capable by hardware, the point/line would either choose one finger and stick to that, or jump between those two fingers, not draw a point perfectly in between of those two. As it looks now, it seems that the point that is sent with the mouse click event, is a calculated point based on your fingers(1). A calculation that might have been done in the touch driver.
Now there might also exist another reasonable explanation to this, and that is when you press several fingers you press down a larger area of the screen at the same time(2). The point is then calculated to the center of this area. However, this does not realy fit in with the technical design of a resistive touch screen.
I have tried to explain in figures, look at the attachements.
Now, if scenario 1 should be the case, then there might be a chance to reverse engieneer the touch driver and create a multi touch capable phone right?
If anyone have more understanding on this field, please correct me. Maybe I can get some sleep after all.
Sorry for any typos, it's early in the morning..
Get no sleep...
skov82 said:
there is something I have been really wondering about lately, and that is wether the HD's touch screen is multi touch capable by hardware, e.g. the hardware is able to identify several touches at the same time.
Now, if you do the following test, start Notes, and press two fingers at the same time on the screen (writing a note with touch). You will notice that the line is drawn in the middle between your fingers. I then started to think that if the screen isn't mulitouch capable by hardware, the point/line would either choose one finger and stick to that, or jump between those two fingers, not draw a point perfectly in between of those two. As it looks now, it seems that the point that is sent with the mouse click event, is a calculated point based on your fingers(1). A calculation that might have been done in the touch driver.
Now there might also exist another reasonable explanation to this, and that is when you press several fingers you press down a larger area of the screen at the same time(2). The point is then calculated to the center of this area. However, this does not realy fit in with the technical design of a resistive touch screen.
I have tried to explain in figures, look at the attachements.
Now, if scenario 1 should be the case, then there might be a chance to reverse engieneer the touch driver and create a multi touch capable phone right?
If anyone have more understanding on this field, please correct me. Maybe I can get some sleep after all.
Sorry for any typos, it's early in the morning..
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I have a QVGA Titan and have noticed the same thing.
Also, say on TF3D hold down your finger on the home tab and then put another finger on the tab on the other side of the screen while still holding the home tab and it will go to the tab between them. Also if you slowly release one of the fingers it will cycle through the tabs....

More precise HTC Vibrator!

Hello all. I am making an application request that may (or may not!) be possible. Ideas would be useful...
Basically, the idea is for a vibration feedback for screen taps. Obviously this is already available, however, it would be good if the vibration feedback could be localised to a particular space at which the screen is actually pressed... I.e if you press the top right corner of the screen, your finger/hand would feel as though it was actually pressing roughly that area. I have no idea if someone has already done this.
I actually think this is possible on the HTC HD because I note on the game Teeter, when you crash into a wall, say on the left of the screen, the vibration seems to be coming from the left of the phone. This probably means that there are at least 4 vibrators (if thats what they are called!), in the device... and further, it is possible to programmatically access them. If we knew how to do that, it should be possible to do some X/Y combination, especially to make a more precise vibration feedback for our HTC HD.
Ideas and thoughts would be useful.
Hello all. I am making an application request that may (or may not!) be possible. Ideas would be useful...
Basically, the idea is for a vibration feedback for screen taps. Obviously this is already available, however, it would be good if the vibration feedback could be localised to a particular space at which the screen is actually pressed... I.e if you press the top right corner of the screen, your finger/hand would feel as though it was actually pressing roughly that area. I have no idea if someone has already done this.
I actually think this is possible on the HTC HD because I note on the game Teeter, when you crash into a wall, say on the left of the screen, the vibration seems to be coming from the left of the phone. This probably means that there are at least 4 vibrators (if thats what they are called!), in the device... and further, it is possible to programmatically access them. If we knew how to do that, it should be possible to do some X/Y combination, especially to make a more precise vibration feedback for our HTC HD.
Ideas and thoughts would be useful.
I would solve this by having differenznt patterns
Wow, I'd never noticed that before.
Are you sure this works in each corner? My pudding pullin' numbed fingers can only feel top and bottom vibrations in Teeter. Are you sure it's in the corners?
Either way, sounds like an interesting concept.
Check the disassembly in the service manual: http://mikechannon.net/PDF Manuals/HTC_Blackstone_Service_Manual.pdf
At page 24, you see they take out the vibrator.
There is only one in the Touch HD, so the requested application in the OP is not possible.
There may well be one, but Teeter certainly feels "stereo".
There is a distinct left and right separation.
vijay555 said:
There may well be one, but Teeter certainly feels "stereo".
There is a distinct left and right separation.
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Yes, that's true. But they probably just reverse the direction the wheel turns to make it feel different.
I don't think you will ever be able to localize the sense of the vibration to the part of the screen where you touch it.
@Fire69 good point. Just what I do with the wife.
With the wife, you could use multiple vibrators!
Guys, you may be right. I am really very dissapointed with this finding. The teeter game totally feels as though it has multiple vibrators. I doubt spinning them the opposite direction changes the feel. It probably a psychological effect which relates to how we are holding our HTC at the time of vibration (!).
Really upsetting.
Also, is there a software that vibrates on pressure on any point on the screen with any app? There is an option to do screen tap sounds, but not vibrate. Help would be sweet.
Fire69 said:
With the wife, you could use multiple vibrators!
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We are still talking about phones in here, are we not?
egzthunder1 said:
We are still talking about phones in here, are we not?
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lol. hopefully!
egzthunder1 said:
We are still talking about phones in here, are we not?
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Ofcourse! What else would we be talking about?
BTW, you have a spelling-error in your sig (Rapahel => Raphael)
I think the impression of "stereo" tactile feedback in teeter is coming from your brain, correlating tactile and visual input. You see the ball crashing into the right wall, feel the vibration and your brain makes "vibration coming from the right side" out of that. Knowing that you are tilting your phone to the right adds to that and is the reason why you also have the same impression when not looking at the screen (just tried it ). I don't see any possibility of localizing a vibrational feedback with just one vibrator. Multiple vibrators - different story, but I still doubt that could work, as you would a) need _lots_ of vibrators to generate a sufficiently precise interference pattern, b) need immense computing power to calculate the frequency/amplitude/phase of each vibrator to achieve that pattern and c) must be able to precisely drive all those vibrators with those frequency/amplitudes/phases. While I'm thinking about it, you could also just have a matrix of, say, 16x16 vibrators with absorbing layers in between. Hmmm...might be an interesting project to build something like that...
Indeed... I am sure I could have done something to stimulate precise tactility with 2 vibrators only. By controlling the duration of vibration for the X and the Y axis.
Hopefully HTC will include 2 vibrators with their devices in the future.

Screen illuminate vs. Keyboard slide

Just a question peeps,
I was wondering if anyone knows of a reg entry (or something) that I can change so that the screen doesnt illuminate when the keyboard is slid out? I have the thing in my pocket and with slightly tighter jeans the keyboard moves when I walk, often turning on the screen. Im starting to think this is having a sizable negative effect on the standby time (Screens at its brightest too b'coz I like it like that) and I am curious if I can change an entry/setting to avoid having to carry it in a pouch.
Thanks for any help guys/gals!
PS: I have tried searc but with no resolution
u mite have some luck searching in jack's ROM threads (the older WM6.1 ROM threads maybe)
as he has disabled slide to wake up in his ROMs, im positive the REG keys were brought up in the thread somewhere,, alternatively you can PM jack himself.
hope that helps
I would say that's fairly odd, as my xperia is turning itself on in the last phase of sliding, when left hand side edge passes windows key. what kind of moves do You do in Your trousers??
There is a thread for it. Searvh the forum.
"SlideWakeup"=dword:0 "
^Did the trick! Thanks heaps!
" I would say that's fairly odd, as my xperia is turning itself on in the last phase of sliding, when left hand side edge passes windows key. what kind of moves do You do in Your trousers?? "
^Very funny Mine turns on with about 1cm of movement. Didnt seem right to me either! At least the the registry entry adjustment option from Der_Immitanz_konverter did the trick so no more worries.
" There is a thread for it. Searvh the forum. "
^ I just tried the search again and got nothing. Maybe the words I am using are mentioned in the topic/body? Anyways, thanks for suggesting I use the search

[Q] How to activate 4 finger touch for defy?

Hello folks,
does anybody know how to activate the 4 finger touch for our defy like on the droid and milestone? The defy is supporting this i think because the panels are similar to droid and co. Allready ive changed the multitouch value on build.prop with no affects. Thank you guys
Nobody here who have a solution for this ?
no idea...
Call me stupid..
But, what on earth are you doing with 4 fingers on the screen at once
Just off the top of my head it can be used for running emulators. The other day I was trying to play super mario all stars (SMB3) and couldn't run and then jump while holding the sprint button because I was already holding the control pad to move, the sprint button to gain speed to fly. The jump button wouldn't register.
I hadn't given that any thought.
My biggest thought was just trying to imagine what kind of gestures someone would be making with 4 fingers on a screen.

[Q] Disabling the touchscreen on the edges?

*** MOD EDIT: thread closed, please go here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/help/hate-edge-screen-how-disable-t3442697 ***
I often find myself inadvertently touching a bit of the screen when I hold my phone (usually when I'm lying in bed) and it's pretty annoying. I don't like having to shift my grip to just the sides as I constantly feel like I'm about to drop it.
I've also found that I simply don't use any of the edge features aside from sometimes the "Edge panels" which is restricted to a narrow part of the right edge next to the power button. Is there a way to disable a few milimeters of the touchscreen on both sides and even better, have a 'cutout' to activate the edge panel?
No doubt people will read this and wonder why I got an Edge in the first place, and not the standard S7. It was for the looks, bigger battery and bigger screen.
Hey, i got the s7 edge a few weeks ago too and this is annoying me a lot as well. Did you manage to fix it somehow?
I started a better thread for this at https://forum.xda-developers.com/s7-edge/help/hate-edge-screen-how-disable-t3442697/page2
Mods, please close this one.

