Lollipop fiasco. - Moto G General

I want to give some opinions on the latest Lollipop update.
I used the Brazilian soak test (5.0 Motorola Firmware) and I'm currently running GPE 5.0.1
On the bright side, the 5.0 moto firmware ran at the same speed/performance level as 4.4.4 and a bit smoother, so that's good.
Now, the GPE 5.0.1 runs faster than ever on my XT1032, not even one lag afaik, but the most I noted is how the apps launch quickier.
GPE doesn't have Moto Camera and Gallery, so no HDR and slowmo (Not in google camera, not in aosp camera). That's a bummer.
But that doesn't have really to do with Lollipop. Now, the notifications. There's no silent mode (well, there is NONE but goodbye alarms and LED notification!). So there is priority mode.
The apps set their priority themselves, so it's kinda useless. You use priority mode, it still rings for WhatsApp. Even if isn't set as priority, and I tried turning priority on and off on Per-app notification settings.
Worst of all is that on Stock Unrooted 4.4.4 the notification was already somehow crippled. Without a Xposed Module you couldn't set different volumes for ringtone and notification sounds. Most OEMs add that option.
Also, no dropdown on the volume bar that pops up when you press the volume rocker. OEMs usually add that too.
Heads-Up Notifications. Yeah, that's cool not having whole screen pop up a call when you trying to do something. But again, every app set its priority and you get heads up that can't let you see the status bar properly all the time. You get no ticker, I really loved that way to read notifications. Very uninstrusive.
I had sound bugs on some games on 5.0 moto, I don't have them on 5.0.1, however there's an app that launches so slow on 5.0.1 and it doesn't multitask at all (only on that app). As long as you leave it, gets killed.
Didn't happen on 4.4.4.
There's also more other annoyances you know, or even I maybe don't remember right now. But all my expectations for Lollipop got crushed.
Rollback to 4.4.4 is possible, however you get that screen flicker, easily fixable by locking and unlocking the device. However, it appears on reboot again.
I'm honestly waiting for a PERMANENT solution to the flicker and I think I'm going back to 4.4.4 right away.
Anyways it's a shame they f'd up so hard, when the system is all-around fast, responsive, and stable. But VERY unintuitive, and adds/remove features without letting you choose like it's common on Android.

hopefully , he jumps something new mistakes , just step in kitkat arise , but the frustration we generate ourselves for such a yearning for the arrival of 5.0 . in general I do not return to 4.4.4 even taking the gpe 5.0 . anger correcting everything , now they release to the United States and Europe will come firmwere many developments with the new boot and see cyanogenmos with the new boot , so you can not ask for much
sorry for mi bad inglish

The interruptions system is kind of weird,i'll give you that.
I haven't messed around with priority mode,as the only time i turn down my sound is when i go to school in which i have my phone in my pocket so i don't really need the LED.
Aside from that i had compatibility issues with some apps,mainly whatsapp and spotify.
Whatsapp crashes constantly when you're setting it up,but after that its mostly fine.
Spotify just decides to not open sometimes,or open very slowly,or delete you entire downloaded song archive,it's annoying but i can bear it till an update comes i suppose.
One problem i had with the brazil 5.0 was that there was no mobile data quick toggle,when you pressed it on toggles screen it just took you to mobile data settings but that's fixed in 5.0.1 GPE.
Well,aside from the priority mode which imo just needs some tinkering with on google's end,these are very minor and simple problems that can and will be fixed.
I wouldn't call this a "fiasco" not even close,lollipop is so much faster than KK especially when you're multitasking.It just flies.
It seems like you were expecting too much from the whole thing.

Not a fiasco at all, but I agree that the priority mode needs to be improved, there's no way to put it in 'silent but with alarm' if some apps are in the 'priority list'.
Also, I'm waiting for someone to make a Moto Camera zip too. With the apk and the needed libraries it should work.
I miss HDR, and slow-mo is a cool feature.

What u want from lollipop? You thought your phone will evolve MotoX or nexus6 when you install lollipop? Google not offered too much thing about lollipop. Watch presentation of lollipop. Only talked about good battery performance and material design.
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app

xDAPO said:
What u want from lollipop? You thought your phone will evolve MotoX or nexus6 when you install lollipop? Google not offered too much thing about lollipop. Watch presentation of lollipop. Only talked about good battery performance and material design.
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
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Which is pretty good for an update imo.
The system is much faster and much easier to use now.

maxxblade said:
The interruptions system is kind of weird,i'll give you that.
I haven't messed around with priority mode,as the only time i turn down my sound is when i go to school in which i have my phone in my pocket so i don't really need the LED.
Aside from that i had compatibility issues with some apps,mainly whatsapp and spotify.
Whatsapp crashes constantly when you're setting it up,but after that its mostly fine.
Spotify just decides to not open sometimes,or open very slowly,or delete you entire downloaded song archive,it's annoying but i can bear it till an update comes i suppose.
One problem i had with the brazil 5.0 was that there was no mobile data quick toggle,when you pressed it on toggles screen it just took you to mobile data settings but that's fixed in 5.0.1 GPE.
Well,aside from the priority mode which imo just needs some tinkering with on google's end,these are very minor and simple problems that can and will be fixed.
I wouldn't call this a "fiasco" not even close,lollipop is so much faster than KK especially when you're multitasking.It just flies.
It seems like you were expecting too much from the whole thing.
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xDAPO said:
What u want from lollipop? You thought your phone will evolve MotoX or nexus6 when you install lollipop? Google not offered too much thing about lollipop. Watch presentation of lollipop. Only talked about good battery performance and material design.
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
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All I want is to mute the phone completely, no sound, no vibration, still see the led and the alarms ringing as normal..
KK could.

ianx47 said:
All I want is to mute the phone completely, no sound, no vibration, still see the led and the alarms ringing as normal..
KK could.
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It's a simple fix,google will probably take care of it with 5.0.2/5.1 in a few months.
And even until then somebody will definitely make an unofficial fix.

Bit of a storm in a teacup, all these lollipop gripes, hmm? It's barely out of Beta, and everyone's up in arms... wow... I'm certain these fixes will come, but the question is, how patiently will people wait for them?

Lollipop is by far the best release Google has ever done. Holy sour grapes OP. Google gives us Android for free.

xDAPO said:
What u want from lollipop? You thought your phone will evolve MotoX or nexus6 when you install lollipop? Google not offered too much thing about lollipop. Watch presentation of lollipop. Only talked about good battery performance and material design.
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
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Some of these exclusions and inclusions of features are present on the nexus too, so this really is not an issue of hardware but more to the OS. It sucks because lollipop is supposed to have offered better FUNCTIONALITY and FEATURES on its stock offering and now we're here. it kinda sucks in some department (not owing anything to the moto g's hardware)

Blah blah blah. People were going on like this when Kitkat first came out "JELLYBEAN WAS WAY BETTER" "KITKAT SUCKS CUZ IT REMOVED X FEATURE THAT JELLYBEAN HAD AND DOES THINGS DIFFERENT!"
This thread needs to be closed.

Cupcake (1.5) geeks: "Can't WAIT for Donut - HURRY UP GOOGLE!"
Donut (1.6) geeks: "Can't WAIT for Donut - it's gonna be awesome... HURRY UP GOOGLE!"
And so, throughout the years, each impatient nerd with a slightly obsessive bent towards new and shiny, kept, and keeps on, repeating the "I can't wait for X.X release, my phone is looking old and stale and <blah>"
Android 4.0 was (supposedly) going to change the world, the way people waffled on about it and obsessed over it's release. Then it was 4.1... then the "best" version was suddenly decided to be 4.2.2, then they said KitKat was going to be "revolutionary" or other such hyperbole. The same thing happens all over the tech world - people couldn't wait for DVD to come along and render VHS to landfill (we still use VHS in our house, daily), then it was HD-DVD vs BLU-RAY, then BLU-RAY "won", and it was decided that DVDs would never again be "good enough". Next, it was the moronic, gimmicky obsession with everything 3D... then, suddenly, once "The Industry" had "officially" stated that "3D is dead", it was like a switch had been turned off on the backs of consumer's necks (the mass consumption switch)... now it's 4K, and everyone thinks 1080p "isn't good enough" or is "low res", and in a few years 8K will be seen to be "superior"... this cycle of sheer, unconsidered madness isn't likely to end very soon at all.
Unless ALL you do with your smart phones and tablets is tap UI elements all day to see how shiny and fluid they are, it REALLY isn't all that relevant which version you are on, UNLESS you have severe, mission-critical bugs and lack of features which cost you time and money (unlikely, for most of you, if you were brutally honest with yourselves). You wanna know why you're all so "disappointed"? You work yourselves up into a frenzy, and set your expectations unrealistically high, and when the reality doesn't meet your overblown expectations, the internet goes into meltdown and starts ranting... LMAO.
Here's the day I'll cheer Google - when they abandon Java... UGH - what a horror.
It's just another release... it's coming, and yeah - it's great, but come ON - get off your bums and go and do something else apart from obsessing over it - there's SO much more fulfilment to be had from life

ianx47 said:
All I want is to mute the phone completely, no sound, no vibration, still see the led and the alarms ringing as normal..
KK could.
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try setting it to vibrate then upping the volume by only one click. on some nexus devices it results in the muted state you require, at least worth a try

gnubash said:
Cupcake (1.5) geeks: "Can't WAIT for Donut - HURRY UP GOOGLE!"
Donut (1.6) geeks: "Can't WAIT for Donut - it's gonna be awesome... HURRY UP GOOGLE!"
And so, throughout the years, each impatient nerd with a slightly obsessive bent towards new and shiny, kept, and keeps on, repeating the "I can't wait for X.X release, my phone is looking old and stale and <blah>"
Android 4.0 was (supposedly) going to change the world, the way people waffled on about it and obsessed over it's release. Then it was 4.1... then the "best" version was suddenly decided to be 4.2.2, then they said KitKat was going to be "revolutionary" or other such hyperbole. The same thing happens all over the tech world - people couldn't wait for DVD to come along and render VHS to landfill (we still use VHS in our house, daily), then it was HD-DVD vs BLU-RAY, then BLU-RAY "won", and it was decided that DVDs would never again be "good enough". Next, it was the moronic, gimmicky obsession with everything 3D... then, suddenly, once "The Industry" had "officially" stated that "3D is dead", it was like a switch had been turned off on the backs of consumer's necks (the mass consumption switch)... now it's 4K, and everyone thinks 1080p "isn't good enough" or is "low res", and in a few years 8K will be seen to be "superior"... this cycle of sheer, unconsidered madness isn't likely to end very soon at all.
Unless ALL you do with your smart phones and tablets is tap UI elements all day to see how shiny and fluid they are, it REALLY isn't all that relevant which version you are on, UNLESS you have severe, mission-critical bugs and lack of features which cost you time and money (unlikely, for most of you, if you were brutally honest with yourselves). You wanna know why you're all so "disappointed"? You work yourselves up into a frenzy, and set your expectations unrealistically high, and when the reality doesn't meet your overblown expectations, the internet goes into meltdown and starts ranting... LMAO.
Here's the day I'll cheer Google - when they abandon Java... UGH - what a horror.
It's just another release... it's coming, and yeah - it's great, but come ON - get off your bums and go and do something else apart from obsessing over it - there's SO much more fulfilment to be had from life
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I appreciate your point about the non-essential features like animations and new design, and believe me. I'm not like that. I'm way more focused on functionality than design. To give you an idea, on my desktop PC i have disabled all the OS animations, because most of the time my pc does things faster than the animation itself on daily light workloads (you know, SSDs..).
And on Android, until now, I've always disable animations or turning them into 0.5x scale, because I felt like they were kinda a waste of time, though pretty, I like the snapiness.
Maybe I was a little tough on Lollipop, but when you can't do something on a new release that you could on a previous release, that's kind of bad.. and I mean basic things like having your phone not interrupting but showing a LED light.
I kinda like the idea of Priority and interruptions on Lollipop, however, if you filter something as not priority, it doesn't use the LED light. How exactly is a led light blinking an interruption?.

Led fix
To enable led notifications, install Notification light widget from Motorola in the play store.
Then put the widget in the home screen, enable it and finally you can uninstall it.
It worked on Kit Kat, but surely will work on lollipop too.


5.1 Update coming early 2015

Just read on android
Our source has informed us that Android 5.1 will be launched by the end of February 2015, and a second, completely separate source that is also privy to important information regarding Android updates, confirmed it. Not only that, this is allegedly a rather large update with many interesting new features! See the changelog below:
Silent mode added after missing on Android 5.0
General improvements in system stability
Improved RAM management
Fixes for sudden app closures
Improved battery management
Excessive consumption of network devices when used Wi-Fi fixed
Issues with wireless connections fixed
Problems with Okay Google function solved
Notifications problems solved
Some sound problems experience by certain devices fixed
Other improvements and changes
Changes in the Material Design color palette (after users complaints, possibly for a higher version though)
So far there is no information about functions that it might bring, but we'll be sure to report on those as soon as we hear it.
Android 5.0 was a fantastic update, however it did bring its own list of issues, which we covered how to fix in our Android 5.0 Lollipop common problems and solutions article. That being said, Android 5.1 could get rid of many of the problems we saw here!
Android 6.0: let’s invent the ultimate Android OS
Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update: when will my device get it?
I wonder if that means ok Google will finally work with all aosp roms. I've tried the suggested fixes and the best I've been able to get is it works on any screen but not with screen off. Kind of defeats the purpose when you are trying to use it hands free while driving.
i'll believe it when i see it from Google...
kingston73 said:
I wonder if that means ok Google will finally work with all aosp roms. I've tried the suggested fixes and the best I've been able to get is it works on any screen but not with screen off. Kind of defeats the purpose when you are trying to use it hands free while driving.
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The only ROM I've seen that OK google works with screen off is sinless ROM, because its based off of googles IMG rather than aosp. Pretty solid ROM, you should give it a shot.
I'm really pumped for the Other improvements and changes. I've been wanting this feature for a long time.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Mr Ian B said:
Just read on android
Our source has informed us that Android 5.1 will be launched by the end of February 2015, and a second, completely separate source that is also privy to important information regarding Android updates, confirmed it. Not only that, this is allegedly a rather large update with many interesting new features! See the changelog below:
Silent mode added after missing on Android 5.0
General improvements in system stability
Improved RAM management
Fixes for sudden app closures
Improved battery management
Excessive consumption of network devices when used Wi-Fi fixed
Issues with wireless connections fixed
Problems with Okay Google function solved
Notifications problems solved
Some sound problems experience by certain devices fixed
Other improvements and changes
Changes in the Material Design color palette (after users complaints, possibly for a higher version though)
So far there is no information about functions that it might bring, but we'll be sure to report on those as soon as we hear it.
Android 5.0 was a fantastic update, however it did bring its own list of issues, which we covered how to fix in our Android 5.0 Lollipop common problems and solutions article. That being said, Android 5.1 could get rid of many of the problems we saw here!
Android 6.0: let’s invent the ultimate Android OS
Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update: when will my device get it?
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As far as I can tell and this being my first Nexus device, development is rather slow. Also to me the whole lollipop android seems very unpolished and lack luster. So many fixed things that cannot be changed without a lot of people in this community doing a lot of work. Simple things like hiding navigation bar and being able to select what one wants on the navigation bar are sorely missing and should be standard on Android. No notification LED, what the ****, even my HTC HD2 had that working and available, in fact that phone was one of the easiest and most customizable phones I've ever owned.
There are so many seemingly standard and simple things that seem to have been left out and on top of that locking the bootloader from the get go just does not scream please feel free to customize me. I thought the Nexus would be a device that, like android would support open source and many wonderful improvements by community users. I don't know, but if I was not told this is a Nexus device, I would swear it was a branded phone of a much less expensive manufacturer. I will keep it until the next update, but if they don't add even the most basic features, and some open source customizations ability to it, I guess I will have to leave the fold. Yes, this phone did not make me a fan of any kind. Nice specs, but not utilized to their full potential and one of the worst experiences out of the box. Makes me appreciate the polish of Samsung, HTC, LG and others.
vvveith said:
As far as I can tell and this being my first Nexus device, development is rather slow. Also to me the whole lollipop android seems very unpolished and lack luster. So many fixed things that cannot be changed without a lot of people in this community doing a lot of work. Simple things like hiding navigation bar and being able to select what one wants on the navigation bar are sorely missing and should be standard on Android. No notification LED, what the ****, even my HTC HD2 had that working and available, in fact that phone was one of the easiest and most customizable phones I've ever owned.
There are so many seemingly standard and simple things that seem to have been left out and on top of that locking the bootloader from the get go just does not scream please feel free to customize me. I thought the Nexus would be a device that, like android would support open source and many wonderful improvements by community users. I don't know, but if I was not told this is a Nexus device, I would swear it was a branded phone of a much less expensive manufacturer. I will keep it until the next update, but if they don't add even the most basic features, and some open source customizations ability to it, I guess I will have to leave the fold. Yes, this phone did not make me a fan of any kind. Nice specs, but not utilized to their full potential and one of the worst experiences out of the box. Makes me appreciate the polish of Samsung, HTC, LG and others.
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Slow amigo? We got root and ROMs and twrp all in less time than Samsung devices simply to get root.
Polish takes more than 1 month since hardware release. This device is brand spanking new on an entirely new and unfamiliar code base.
I had a note 4. It's a great phone feature wise however performance wise the nexus blows it out of the ball park. No lag whatsoever, i do hear the odd crackle from the speaker when starting it up and when the unlock/lock sound plays but that's it. Hope the sound improvements mentioned in the change log will address that. Looking forward to it.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
sweet that means I'll get 5.1 on my nexus 6 same time as I get 5.01
I hope this is true.
I'm hoping that the color palate change will add a darker material design. I always like the holo dark, and switching to the high contrast material design was pretty big. I like in google keyboard you can change it to dark material in the settings, but I'd like to see that on a stock ROM. (I'm waiting for a big ROM like CM, PA, Slim, or Omni to release stable, because I love the features, but I require ota )
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
ignoring the fan boy post above yours.
l3uddz said:
I had a note 4. It's a great phone feature wise however performance wise the nexus blows it out of the ball park. No lag whatsoever, i do hear the odd crackle from the speaker when starting it up and when the unlock/lock sound plays but that's it. Hope the sound improvements mentioned in the change log will address that. Looking forward to it.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I have the crackle to, thought it was another feature. Just like the disabled LED. It also does that when it's been asleep for a while and someone calls. The ring tone is distorted until the phone? wakes. Let's hope? that many people here will work long and hard to make this phone? better.
mjs2011 said:
I'm really pumped for the Other improvements and changes. I've been wanting this feature for a long time.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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vvveith said:
I have the crackle to, thought it was another feature. Just like the disabled LED. It also does that when it's been asleep for a while and someone calls. The ring tone is distorted until the phone? wakes. Let's hope? that many people here will work long and hard to make this phone? better.
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In my completely uneducated opinion that sounds like a very solvable issue with audio processor priority.
i just want wifi calling....
vvveith said:
I have the crackle to, thought it was another feature. Just like the disabled LED. It also does that when it's been asleep for a while and someone calls. The ring tone is distorted until the phone�� wakes. Let's hope�� that many people here will work long and hard to make this phone�� better.
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How is his post a fanboy post? It's literally spot on. The Nexus 6 is BRAND NEW. I mean, the phone went on pre-order late October and very few have been able to get their hands on one because of it's unavailability. Despite that, we have plenty of action going on in development. It seems like you haven't bothered to check.
Also, reading your posts lately on the forum, it seems like you 'ignore' everyone that disagrees with you. Then you call others 'fanboys'.
Anyone see a problem with that?
I would love to see official supported notification LED or improved ambient display. So I wanna have a recognizable notification method of i don´t stare permanently on my mobile and don´t have to pick up.
Jrmiller said:
i just want wifi calling....
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Use hangouts and hangouts dialer and Google voice.
Sent from my N6 via Tapatalk
Silent mode at long last.
jamcswain said:
I'm hoping that the color palate change will add a darker material design. I always like the holo dark, and switching to the high contrast material design was pretty big. I like in google keyboard you can change it to dark material in the settings, but I'd like to see that on a stock ROM. (I'm waiting for a big ROM like CM, PA, Slim, or Omni to release stable, because I love the features, but I require ota )
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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Seems really odd that Google releases a dark version of android back in version 4.0 but uses LCDs on their reference phones, but now they release 5.0 with bright colors and use AMOLED. It seems it should have been reversed.

5.1.1 Existence has been leaked, what do we want?

So 5.1.1 was leaked on a Google Dev page today (Source)
What would we want to see in this Lollipop update for the N6 seeming we know nothing about whats coming?
Me personally? A bit better battery life (I think the second .1 indicates new kernel?) and to clean up some of the bugs.
exekias said:
So 5.1.1 was leaked on a Google Dev page today (Source)
What would we want to see in this Lollipop update for the N6 seeming we know nothing about whats coming?
Me personally? A bit better battery life (I think the second .1 indicates new kernel?) and to clean up some of the bugs.
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probably nothing beneficial for the N6... looks like it's only going to be for the N7 and N9... much like the 5.0.2 release was never "official" for the N6.
If its truly LMY47S, then it is not really 5.1.1.
That has the same build date code as 5.1.
I want faster responding sensors. Auto dimming, proximity sensor for phone calls sped up. Damn thing takes forever! As does auto rotate.
Want a rocketship for blasting off to Mars! Seems my Nexus6 has about everything else!
I'd like my battery to last over 9000 minutes of screen on time.
Three wishes, and none of them for an iPhone, M9, or S6.
Better battery optimization, improved camera and radio, and ability to switch to a dark Material theme.
Performance improvement for Camera, Dialer and occasional dropped frames in animations.
I would like google to unlock the notification led xD
Faster booting up and more options when shutting down.
Screen resolution options.
That's it for now, only had it for 2 days. Still learning about lollipop, I came from an galaxy s3.
Sexy wallpaper
- Notification lights back by default (non-rooted)
- (Better) hardware encryption for faster boot-up
Fix the carkit a2dp crashing when connected to a Bluetooth low energy device. I should not have to put my moto 360 in airplane mode every time I drive my car...
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clear all recent apps button
double tap screen on and off like the lg g3
kidhudi said:
clear all recent apps button
double tap screen on and off like the lg g3
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To you and others in this thread - You're on XDA and many of the feature requests are available in most custom ROMs. "I don't run rooted ROMs" or "I'd like those features to be in stock ROM" will probably be your reply, to which I will say, why are you commenting on a developer / Android customization forum?
kidhudi said:
clear all recent apps button
double tap screen on and off like the lg g3
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Why would Google implement something that is unnecessary and could cause problems? There hasn't been any need to close apps for quite a few iterations of android (actually an understatement)
With all these 'new' versions I find it interesting that N7 seems to be the problem child they can't get right.
I just want WiFi calling
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8Fishes said:
With all these 'new' versions I find it interesting that N7 seems to be the problem child they can't get right.
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Well it's using a tegra chip. All other nexus are using Qualcomm chips. Minus the 9 which is also late to the party.
The N6 is already a great device. What would make it stand above the rest is for it to be natively as smooth and lag free as the N5 is and to add some minor battery life improvements.

Wanting KitKat on N6. Crazy?

I can't be the only one not enjoying lollipop. I feel like it's been dumbed down, had features scrubbed, just horrible experience.
Google and AOSP thrived on customization and user experience. I feel that 5.0 and 5.1 are a step away from that. I'm not even an "early adaptor" this far into the release, yet I feel like a beta tester. Random reboots, Webview crashing tons of apps, I can't use Firefox or Chrome for 10 minutes without a crash, Xposed being dysfunctional. The "interruptions" function is unintuitive. Aesthetically I feel JB and Kk were superior in almost all regards.
I support developers when I can, I want to do nothing but further the Android cause. I can't code so I "buy a beer" for the guys that can occasionally. But each day I'm less and less optimistic about androids future.
Idroid, here we come.
Am I crazy or does anyone else want their 4.4 back as much as I do?
I haven't had any of those problems on 5.0 or 5.1. Are you using a custom ROM or just stock?
ffchampmt said:
I can't be the only one not enjoying lollipop. I feel like it's been dumbed down, had features scrubbed, just horrible experience.
Google and AOSP thrived on customization and user experience. I feel that 5.0 and 5.1 are a step away from that. I'm not even an "early adaptor" this far into the release, yet I feel like a beta tester. Random reboots, Webview crashing tons of apps, I can't use Firefox or Chrome for 10 minutes without a crash, Xposed being dysfunctional. The "interruptions" function is unintuitive. Aesthetically I feel JB and Kk were superior in almost all regards.
I support developers when I can, I want to do nothing but further the Android cause. I can't code so I "buy a beer" for the guys that can occasionally. But each day I'm less and less optimistic about androids future.
Idroid, here we come.
Am I crazy or does anyone else want their 4.4 back as much as I do?
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The hell you talking about? Lollipop has been rock solid for me. What features were removed? And if you're using Xposed, that's probably your problem-- it's an ALPHA.
These are from a mix of stock and Euphoria. It seemed like the amount of work by devs that went into 4.0+ OS was incredible. Now it's echo chamber reassurances of its better, it's better, so smooth, look at material design. *sip green koolaid*
It feels as if the blind notion of "if it's apple it's great" is engulfing android. I want more devs, more AOSP projects, originality.
I am soapboxing a little here but I digress.
I am dissatisfied with the visual and functional direction android is going and want to head back to Kitkat.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
Jaspah said:
The hell you talking about? Lollipop has been rock solid for me. What features were removed? And if you're using Xposed, that's probably your problem-- it's an ALPHA.
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One example. My vibration strength for hepatic feedback and phone ring are linked. I'd like my phone to vibrate on 100% but my key presses to be about 40%. Quick toggle shortcuts are mangled. Lockscreen notification is not on a per app basis.
Forced encryption is an unnecessary tool for most users. If your phone gets turned off after being lost a person who finds it has no owner information. Would device manager even be able to remote lock and erase?
The reason I threw in Xposed dysfunction is because it worked on 4.4. It was a reason I wanted to retreat back to my Kitkat.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
ffchampmt said:
One example. My vibration strength for hepatic feedback and phone ring are linked. I'd like my phone to vibrate on 100% but my key presses to be about 40%. Quick toggle shortcuts are mangled. Lockscreen notification is not on a per app basis.
Forced encryption is an unnecessary tool for most users. If your phone gets turned off after being lost a person who finds it has no owner information. Would device manager even be able to remote lock and erase?
The reason I threw in Xposed dysfunction is because it worked on 4.4. It was a reason I wanted to retreat back to my Kitkat.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
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For the encryption, your owner info appears on the password/pattern page when the device is turned on. I can't comment on the vibration cause I can't even feel it at 100%.
ffchampmt said:
One example. My vibration strength for hepatic feedback and phone ring are linked. I'd like my phone to vibrate on 100% but my key presses to be about 40%. Quick toggle shortcuts are mangled. Lockscreen notification is not on a per app basis.
Forced encryption is an unnecessary tool for most users. If your phone gets turned off after being lost a person who finds it has no owner information. Would device manager even be able to remote lock and erase?
The reason I threw in Xposed dysfunction is because it worked on 4.4. It was a reason I wanted to retreat back to my Kitkat.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
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A lot of your complaints in this post also are not addressed in stock KitKat. Sounds more like you miss a particular custom experience.
I've heard of these webview crashes but not once had one. Which seems weird because as a software developer I abuse my phone regularly.
The encryption is more useful with malicious software or network attacks.
ffchampmt said:
One example. My vibration strength for hepatic feedback and phone ring are linked. I'd like my phone to vibrate on 100% but my key presses to be about 40%. Quick toggle shortcuts are mangled. Lockscreen notification is not on a per app basis.
Forced encryption is an unnecessary tool for most users. If your phone gets turned off after being lost a person who finds it has no owner information. Would device manager even be able to remote lock and erase?
The reason I threw in Xposed dysfunction is because it worked on 4.4. It was a reason I wanted to retreat back to my Kitkat.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
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Well seems like you are the only one missing kitkat so if anything sell your nexus 6 and get you an older phone that's still running kitkat while the rest of us enjoy our lollipop.
Jaspah said:
The hell you talking about? Lollipop has been rock solid for me. What features were removed? And if you're using Xposed, that's probably your problem-- it's an ALPHA.
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Lmao only reason i would want kit kat is for the roms.......miui for example
adrynalyne said:
Sounds more like you miss a particular custom experience.
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Exactly my point. Lollipop ain't cutting it in terms of customization.
I guess it is just me then. [emoji58] I'll just have live with it until gravity box or something of its sort comes along.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
ffchampmt said:
Exactly my point. Lollipop ain't cutting it in terms of customization.
I guess it is just me then. [emoji58] I'll just have live with it until gravity box or something of its sort comes along.
Sent from my Verizon Nexus 6 running Euphoria
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Or you could customize it yourself. Thats how most rom modders get started. What it comes down to is not that you miss Kitkat, but that you want years of development in a shorter time.
I would also like to try a kitkat rom as i still have multiple apps and games that are not compatable with Lolipop.
Surprised we haven't seen a rom. Since certain (rare) N6 actually shipped with 4.4.4
Hand76 said:
I would also like to try a kitkat rom as i still have multiple apps and games that are not compatable with Lolipop.
Surprised we haven't seen a rom. Since certain (rare) N6 actually shipped with 4.4.4
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Yeah and they didn't work because they had been flashed with the wrong image.
See the baseband unknown and no signal bars? Thats why nobody bothered. It wasn't Kitkat built for the Nexus 6. XT1080 is the Droid Ultra. This was an early early testing build.
adrynalyne said:
Yeah and they didn't work because they had been flashed with the wrong image.
See the baseband unknown and no signal bars? Thats why nobody bothered. It wasn't Kitkat built for the Nexus 6. XT1080 is the Droid Ultra.
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Interesting that explains that. So guess it's not going to happen
Hand76 said:
Interesting that explains that. So guess it's not going to happen
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Probably not. The early debug build found would have worked, if the binaries were correct. As you could see in the video and pic, the binaries were not correct. Without that as a starting point, it gets really hard to port it. Its one thing to use Kitkat binaries in Lollipop, but another to use Lollipop binaries in Kitkat.
I honestly think in every aspect, Lollipop is so much better than previous versions of Android. For once, most things follow a specific design, and even apps are following it. That is the one thing I hated about owning an Android phone, one app looks this way and another looks that way, menu coming from the left, some have a menu coming from the right, it was just all over the place. I love how sleek Lollipop looks and honestly, the stuff CM12.1 has right now is great. Maybe I'm not into customizing the crap of the phones like I used to be, maybe that's why I'm satisfied. I remember when I owned a Vibrant I'd even change the bootsounds, boot animation, font, and all this other stuff. Now, I'm content with having some customizations but having a stable ROM with great battery life is priority for me.
Lollipop blows KitKat away...
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
ffchampmt said:
I can't be the only one not enjoying lollipop. I feel like it's been dumbed down, had features scrubbed, just horrible experience.
Google and AOSP thrived on customization and user experience. I feel that 5.0 and 5.1 are a step away from that. I'm not even an "early adaptor" this far into the release, yet I feel like a beta tester. Random reboots, Webview crashing tons of apps, I can't use Firefox or Chrome for 10 minutes without a crash, Xposed being dysfunctional. The "interruptions" function is unintuitive. Aesthetically I feel JB and Kk were superior in almost all regards.
I support developers when I can, I want to do nothing but further the Android cause. I can't code so I "buy a beer" for the guys that can occasionally. But each day I'm less and less optimistic about androids future.
Idroid, here we come.
Am I crazy or does anyone else want their 4.4 back as much as I do?
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Those issues are definitely not normal, and I'm betting you have hardware issues as the root cause. Bad RAM, the "hard drive", or something is causing it. 5.1 has been perfect for me with none of those issues.
Hardware issues can be just as common as software. I don't know why people always blame software without even considering it to be hardware. The manufacturing process is not perfect either.
Stock is stable and user experience is what Nexus are meant to be.
I'm enjoying it. I've found cyanogenmod based roms seem to have the most customization. Benzo is really stable. I haven't owned anything besides the Turbo and the N6 since the original droid incredible days so maybe I missed the glory days of kitkat.

Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA released for Tegra Note 7

Just saw on Twitter that NVIDIA has announced the release of Android 5.1 for Tegra Note 7 and Shield Portable.
I'm not seeing it, but am currently rooted.
Anyone have the zip?
cant see it either...
it got available for the shield portable devices. i read that news on
but didn't know that nvidia said it is available for our TN7 (which isn't true for the moment). maybe it needs a few days to roll out to every one.
Just got it on my tegra note 7, installing now
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
i just got mine it in the UK this morning to. Currently rebooting after installing, hanging on the spinning green circle as it probably converts everything to ART.
I have also received it here in India. Captured the OTA as well. It is file size 446 MB.
here is the ota update just in case someone needs it Android 5.1 ota update
stay away from it, my tablet feels more laggy now and more hot it was never before i updated this... first impressons are bad i regret i updated to 5 .1
mortuus82 said:
stay away from it, my tablet feels more laggy now and more hot it was never before i updated this... first impressons are bad i regret i updated to 5 .1
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you could try downgrading to kitkat it may work or it may brick your device. I would love to know if downgrading works. maybe i will try it once i pull the system images
mortuus82 said:
stay away from it, my tablet feels more laggy now and more hot it was never before i updated this... first impressons are bad i regret i updated to 5 .1
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Seriously, I'm disappointed too. We waited months for it and now it lacks it's charm.
Some people are saying that it's faster than before and even high-end games are not lagging even a bit.
I didn't try any game like that yet, but it still feels a bit laggy anyway.
Plus, the thing I miss the most is the split system of notifications on the left, and quick setting on right. And we can't change performance settings like before such as to use 2-cores. My quick settings widget is not working either.
I just updated, and I'm already missing my 'old tablet'.
rohitanshu said:
Seriously, I'm disappointed too. We waited months for it and now it lacks it's charm.
Some people are saying that it's faster than before and even high-end games are not lagging even a bit.
I didn't try any game like that yet, but it still feels a bit laggy anyway.
Plus, the thing I miss the most is the split system of notifications on the left, and quick setting on right. And we can't change performance settings like before such as to use 2-cores. My quick settings widget is not working either.
I just updated, and I'm already missing my 'old tablet'.
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did you see this
Tomsgt said:
did you see this
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Thanks for that. That's one problem less.
Man i used to love this tablet a lot! It's a bit ruined now.
I still think NVIDIA should release smaller updates to better the layout and options. The notification bar is so narrow, it feels like I'm using my phone. Though, I don't have high hopes given how much time it took for this update. :fingers-crossed:
just a heads up System boot and recovery images have been pulled and test for Lollipop and uploaded to server. Now to work on updating the super tool to version 3.0 Lollipop
rohitanshu said:
Seriously, I'm disappointed too. We waited months for it and now it lacks it's charm.
Some people are saying that it's faster than before and even high-end games are not lagging even a bit.
I didn't try any game like that yet, but it still feels a bit laggy anyway.
Plus, the thing I miss the most is the split system of notifications on the left, and quick setting on right. And we can't change performance settings like before such as to use 2-cores. My quick settings widget is not working either.
I just updated, and I'm already missing my 'old tablet'.
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I feel exactly the same
this update is a joke, now the tablet feels like a cheap **** with crappy graphics chip.. why the hell did they released if its gonna lag so badly ? if they said this update dont come because of this then i would be ok... now games that didnt lag before like clash of clans lags.. its like micro freeze what the hel lis this nonsense ? do i have to buy a new tablet now ? and i have a weird battery bug, it goes from 100% backwards to like 97% and below even if it says its charging with cable in....
Some improvements are there
09ubux said:
I feel exactly the same
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The stylus recognition has improved immeasurably ,and thats the only positive thing that i can say about the update.
I'm going to try clearing out all the app caches or reinstall my apps. This is so much slower than before, and it commonly freezes up for a few seconds...especially when switching apps.
Before, we could control our processor to save battery by reducing the number of cores used. That option is gone completely.
I see no noticeable upside to the lollipop update.
Sent from my TegraNote-P1640 using XDA Free mobile app.
Vibrate actually u can access the performance option its just hidden from us, check this thread how to access it.. for me it doesnt help 2 cores or 4 cores 30fps limit or 60.. still lags even basic games
mortuus82 said:
Vibrate actually u can access the performance option its just hidden from us, check this thread how to access it.. for me it doesnt help 2 cores or 4 cores 30fps limit or 60.. still lags even basic games
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Neat app but aside from the fact it's non native, its just too many steps to enable what I want. So I won't end up using it.
Sent from my TegraNote-P1640 using XDA Free mobile app
Before everyone trashes this update, someone should try a full factory reset... I've fixed many issues with previous updates by doing this, and with an update this big, I'd suspect it could help.

I went back to Oreo on my Pixel 2 and here is why...

1) Volume controls, seriously google? what are you smoking? Why is it way more difficult to change my ringer volume then it needs to be? why do I need to change media volume if I'm not actually listening to media? all they had to do is allow the user to decide what volume to adjust via hardware keys in the sound settings...
2) Much more professional UI, if I wanted an iPhone I would buy and iPhone, Google might as well called this update "Apple Pie". I got a clue for you google, Bring back KitKat design in material and include ticker notifications in your next major revision. Hardly anyone complained about UI's in ICS, Jellybean and KitKat. You guys did a great job until you decided it was time to copy Apple in 5.0.
3) Superior notification/quick with sub-menus for Bluetooth and WIFI. Why was this removed? This isn't quite as dumb as scrapping ticker notifications for heads up to copy Crapple but it's definitely pretty damn close.
4) Split screen mode is a completely seamless experience on Oreo, it's complete trash on Pie unless you run an adb command to remove the Pixel launcher which I bet 60% out of the 75% who updated won't even know about.
5) No need to worry about an OTA rolling and screwing things up. This does happen but it's a very minor reason why I prefer being on the final release of Oreo.
6) Recent's is far superior on Oreo (Although you can still revert or Oreo recent's by removing Google Launcher but the majority of consumers do not know this)
7) Pie is not used by many people at all, in fact the number of total android devices running Pie is less then 0.1% of android devices.-We are essentially beta testers even after the developer previews.... Oreo however is up to nearly 20% distribution. This means way more application support on 8.x
8) Battery life using Franco's Naptime app for aggressive doze gives me insane battery life, Adaptive battery is pretty useless when you use such a powerful app like this one. Seriously... Doze is so powerful, why not just add some profiles to the OS so even the most basic of users can tweak it (or hell, add it to developer settings)... AI is not the answer. Simple settings to config when your device goes into doze mode is... it's your most powerful battery saving feature in Android. Use it....
9) Adaptive brightness is reliable on Oreo & Adaptive brightness is awful on Pie, AI can't seem to get it right. Surprise surprise.
10) My clock is where it has been for the past 7 years on Android phones, this notch thing just needs to die. Google needs to add a boolean value in SystemUI for the left clock and assign it a true value for phones with a notch, and false with a phone with no notch. How is this rocket science? or better yet! allow the user to configure it, haven't you guys realized by now that the center clock mod is super popular among your enthusiasts? I personally don't use it but it's been a very popular mod for half a decade here on XDA and you know people will use it so why not just add it? Oh wait, you guys needed to add a feature to show what music is playing in Wal-mart on the lockscreen. Cool, I guess... the feature is so bad its off by default lol.
Now before you guys come in here bringing up security bulletin updates, it's a fair point but I would just like to say that no security update will save you from being a noob, don't download shady apps, don't connect to unsecured public wifi networks, don't browse shady websites and don't click on everything you see. Much like a PC, you can get the latest Windows updates and anti-virus definitions but if your foolish and browse around unsafe and shady websites and installing shady .exe's your going to get yourself in to trouble and no security update will save you. The best security for Android is your brain.
I'm back to loving my Pixel 2!
Danvdh said:
1) Volume controls, seriously google? what are you smoking? Why is it way more difficult to change my ringer volume then it needs to be? why do I need to change media volume if I'm not actually listening to media?
2) Much more professional UI, if I wanted an iPhone I would buy and iPhone, Google might as well called this update "Apple Pie"
3)Much better notification/quick toggles pull down with sub-menus for bluetooth and wifi. Why did Google remove this?
4) Split screen mode is usable again! videos actually play!
5) No need to worry about an OTA rolling and screwing things up, I like the piece of mind that my phone will stay on the final Oreo update until I feel Pie is stable enough (9.1?)
6) Multitasking is faster (Although it can be sorted by removing Google Launcher but the majority of consumers do not know this)
7) Pie is not used by many people at all, in fact the number of total android devices running Pie is less then 0.1% of android devices Source: - We are essentially beta testers even after the developer previews.... Oreo however is up to nearly 20% distribution.
8) Battery life using Franco's Naptime app for aggressive doze gives me insane battery life, Adaptive battery is pretty useless when you use such a powerful app like this one.
9) Adaptive brightness is awful on Pie
10) My clock is where it has been for the past 7 years on Android phones, this notch thing just needs to die. Google needs to add a boolean value in systemUI for the left clock and assign it a true value for phones with a notch, and false with a phone with no notch. Seriously, do this!!!
Now before you guys come in here bringing up security bulletin updates, it's a fair point but I would just like to say that no security update will save you from being a noob, don't download shady apps, don't connect to unsecured public wifi networks, don't browse shady websites and don't click on everything you see. Much like a PC, you can get the latest Windows updates and anti-virus definitions but if your foolish and browse around unsafe and shady websites and installing shady .exe's your going to get yourself in to trouble and no security update will save you. The best security for Android is your brain.
I'm back to loving my Pixel 2!
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I get it.
I flashed Pie the other day for the first time but I too am tempted to go back. I miss having my Smartbar navigation mods. The circular icons for quick toggles aren't growing on me. A couple of apps don't work that I used to use.
Performance and battery life is grewt, but the upgrade isn't significant enough for me to stay.... I'm tempted to go back!
I want Oreo back too, but the version I got "unlocked" turned out to be a Verizon variant and my attempt to OTA rollback failed.
But really guys, new things and changes are parts of life, why complaining? You don't want new updates? Buy a Samsung non flagship phone and stay with Oreo forever.
well... thought about finally manually updating to pie today.... now, not so much. I do agree with the notch.... wtf
I've tried Pie, and admittedly there are some good elements, however Google gives us no choices. How hard would it be to have a clock placement setting? How hard would it be to have a full dark theme? How hard would it be to offer a choice on dual window layout? Oreo was tried and true and it feels like many things were changed just for the sake of change. Apparently the recent apps menu can even be reverted deleting files via ADB so why not give people choices? I love the speed and fluidity of stock Android, but must say Samsung, LG, and custom ROMs have an advantage on getting things exactly how you want them. Perhaps Android 10 will finally give users choices again.
The fact that Google plays games with what versions of the Pixel 2 XL can be bootloader unlocked is very disappointing as well. There should be a clearly identified way to tell other than some IMEI checker. I'd love to OTA back to Oreo, but can't and am stuck with a UI I can do nothing to tweak. My only option is deal with it or sell this phone.
Xposed and well duh!
Sent from my Google Pixel 2 XL using XDA Labs
Danvdh said:
1) Volume controls, seriously google? what are you smoking? Why is it way more difficult to change my ringer volume then it needs to be? why do I need to change media volume if I'm not actually listening to media?
2) Much more professional UI, if I wanted an iPhone I would buy and iPhone, Google might as well called this update "Apple Pie"
3)Much better notification/quick toggles pull down with sub-menus for bluetooth and wifi. Why did Google remove this?
4) Split screen mode is usable again! videos actually play!
5) No need to worry about an OTA rolling and screwing things up, I like the piece of mind that my phone will stay on the final Oreo update until I feel Pie is stable enough (9.1?)
6) Multitasking is faster (Although it can be sorted by removing Google Launcher but the majority of consumers do not know this)
7) Pie is not used by many people at all, in fact the number of total android devices running Pie is less then 0.1% of android devices Source: - We are essentially beta testers even after the developer previews.... Oreo however is up to nearly 20% distribution. This means way more application support on 8.x
8) Battery life using Franco's Naptime app for aggressive doze gives me insane battery life, Adaptive battery is pretty useless when you use such a powerful app like this one.
9) Adaptive brightness is awful on Pie
10) My clock is where it has been for the past 7 years on Android phones, this notch thing just needs to die. Google needs to add a boolean value in systemUI for the left clock and assign it a true value for phones with a notch, and false with a phone with no notch. Seriously, do this!!!
Now before you guys come in here bringing up security bulletin updates, it's a fair point but I would just like to say that no security update will save you from being a noob, don't download shady apps, don't connect to unsecured public wifi networks, don't browse shady websites and don't click on everything you see. Much like a PC, you can get the latest Windows updates and anti-virus definitions but if your foolish and browse around unsafe and shady websites and installing shady .exe's your going to get yourself in to trouble and no security update will save you. The best security for Android is your brain.
I'm back to loving my Pixel 2!
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How did you go back to Oreo? what is a safe way to do it? is side load of Oreo firmware for my Canadian brand will do it?
Thanks - Itzik
I am still on Oreo with my pixel and wont go to Pie anytime soon! I need to root oreo and rock it now!
oneandroidnut said:
I am still on Oreo with my pixel and wont go to Pie anytime soon! I need to root oreo and rock it now!
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You can root Pie as well. However, if you use xposed, then don't :good:
Badger50 said:
You can root Pie as well. However, if you use xposed, then don't :good:
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i would use xposed so no pie for me lol
itzik_man said:
How did you go back to Oreo? what is a safe way to do it? is side load of Oreo firmware for my Canadian brand will do it?
Thanks - Itzik
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I did a full data wipe in TWRP, flashed the latest 8.1 rom with deuces script and then once back to 8.1 flashed Resurrection Remix custom rom etc
Pie looks nothing like iOS to me
I'm also tempted to go back to Oreo. I don't like many of Googles changes with Pie and that they are following apple in many things.
Kimbo82 said:
I'm also tempted to go back to Oreo. I don't like many of Googles changes with Pie and that they are following apple in many things.
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its a well oiled machine. I don't regret it for a second.
just got my pixel2xl come with 8.1
after my OG Pixel got pie, and it's feels not right, and i READ this, i decided to not update my pixel2xl
everything you said is true.
Having the Verizon Pixel 2 XL, I was unable to roll back. My options were to sell it and get a Google version or trade it for an LG V35 ThinQ and end up ahead. I went for the V35 and to be honest, I'm much happier with it. LG really improved the display over the Pixel 2 XL. The Snapdragon 845 is noticeably faster, 6 GB RAM offsets any efficiency difference. The headphone jack and MicroSD card support are a huge plus. Best of all, using LG themes and Substratum, I was able to get a clean dark theme without root.
I had a good run with the Pixel 2 XL on Oreo but it was time to move on. Yes, I realize that the V35 will get Pie eventually, but the framework for themes and customization is already there.
Over 75% of Pixel users are on Android Pie — why not more?
Because of people like you! Just jokes. [emoji4]
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
just bought pixel 2 xl and this october security update is really ****ty, even zooming photos and just panning in photos app gives jitters. can i revert back to september or august security update without unlocking the bootloader or rooting?
ashish7adlakha said:
just bought pixel 2 xl and this october security update is really ****ty, even zooming photos and just panning in photos app gives jitters. can i revert back to september or august security update without unlocking the bootloader or rooting?
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Nope. Bootloader needs to be unlocked. You don't need to be rooted.

