**HTC One - Absolutely Life Changing** - One (M7) General

HTC ONE has made me a firm believer in the future and progressing as an individual.
It has changed my life for the absolute BETTER in every shape and form.
Thank god for XDA and developers and ROMS and Android this is evolutionary.
What a great day to be alive and experiencing life to it's fullest.
All it took was one day...
It's absolutely mind blowing how fantastic this is and the technology that we have in line to come.
The HTC M8 and One Plus One look pretty damn solid as well...
Wouldn't mind trying one of those for a spin anyday.
Wish I could afford it.
Plus I need recommendations for a tablet and laptop if you guys can suggest any for me.
Especially ones on sale or top of the line specs and features for a great price!
God damn I'm glad to be alive and well and moving forward with the pure and divine nature of my soul in all instances and opportunities in the future.
To a beautiful existence.
It's a damn good day to be alive my friends!
Take care and signing out with respect and appreciation and much love to everyone out there in the world and the online community.
Thanks for being part of a revolution
This is our god damned generation.
Let's do this, haha!
You guys make the future look really bright and I thank you dearly and look forward to tomorrow for the first time in forever!
SyntheticDynamics <3


Thread closed - beyond sentiment, no particular contribution.


Thanks all

I've had the Incredible since day one after three painful years with various iPhones. I even worked for Apple. Never in my life have I ever found such joy from any online forum. I believe this is my first post since I found this site, but I truly appreciate everyones input. I've learned so much over at the developer forum. Once I had my Rom set, I felt taken care of when it came to customizing. The great thing is guys is that you don't really ask much except for beer money. Beer is what has inspired me to write this, but that's it. You are very talented and I hope my drunken words of encouragement (and hopefully others who are r/o) show some support. Thanks dudes.
Drunken ramble. I'm out.
*Raises Glass* Cheers

Thank a Developer Day

I'm usually a huge proponent of donating to those who make our devices better and our lives less frustrating. That being said, I have been without an income since the year started, so my ability to do this has been limited, although I will catch up. In penance, I wanted to post donate links in one thread, and at least offer my thanks to the time and effort these guys put in without expectation of contribution.
I know you guys would do this anyway, but the vast majority of the community sincerely appreciates your efforts. Without you I would have put my Fascinate in a sock and beat a Verizon or Samsung rep to death with it long ago. As light as this phone is, that would have taken a while.
JT's Beer Fund
Adrynalyne's Brew Reserve
The Punk.Kaos Coffee Repository
Jamezelle's MIUI Contribution Effort Institute of Continued iPhonesque Rom Porting
Sonofskywalkers' Blackhole Continuation Campaign
And don't forget your choice of Theme developer/ porter. Too many there to list. You know who makes your stuff look good.
Good points. I was really close to switching to an iphone with at&t. This forum saved my fascinate from an untimely "fall" from my hand to the sidewalk. I really appreciate that these guys do such great work and are willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us. Now my phone works great and these guys definitely deserve a drink.
devs i love you and respect everything you do.. its yalls fault that i was stuck with a $700 paperweight for like 2 hrs.. but totally worth it because now my phone is beast... ide donate but im jobless and have a daughter to raise... but for real.. ya'll are amazing.. much respect.. if ne of u are in ohio.. i will happily buy u a beer though.. for sure... keep up the AMAZING work... thank you from the bottom of my heart
Links aren't working for me.

Why I LOVE this community

I know that there have been a LOT of changes going on around here. I also know that moral seems to suffering as a result. I thought it was important for you ALL to see what this community is TRULY capable of and why I LOVE it so much.
As many of you may be aware of dreamsforgotten decided to pay it forward after I had to sell my Epic in order to help my family. He organized a benefit for me and my family. Because of the support of this community I was able to replace my phone. If you want to see just how AWESOME this community is READ some of the posts in this thread.
I also wanted to take a second and SHOW you guys the positives this community has created by working together. The impact you are having on my family is immeasurable.
I thought I would share this with ALL of you, since you helped to make this possible once again. Please keep in mind that Emmett is Autistic, will be 3 years old next month and until very recently was not able to use words. Something about working with this type of technology just makes things "click". This little app helps him with fine motor skills, object orientation/spacing, colors and language. Also it is helping to build his self-esteem and confidence as evidenced at the end of the clip.
It may not seem like a big deal to some but this is HUGE progress for us. I wanted to say thank you and show you the impact you all have made by working together.
Great News ! REAL Life means SO much more , especially to those of us who are parents ourselves and get to see the strides our kids make and the joy it gives them.
Rob, that's just bad ass man !!! seriously
I'm a father of 6 myself and it just makes my heart happy to see my children accomplish something and see how happy they are
I have always been of the belief that autistic children/people are EXTREMELY intelligent just misunderstood or they can't or don't know how to express themselves efficiently. (Hope that makes sense).. it's just really cool to see how your son is so focused on putting the puzzle pieces in place.. then the expression on his face when he completes the puzzle.. SWEET
Props to everyone that helped make this possible for you bro.
Personally I think all the BS and drama as of late is annoying and tiresome.. seeing something like this just makes it all vanish.. Children have a way of bringing out the best in people (well, most people LOL)...
you're doing a great job as a father Rob.. keep on keepin on man.. mad respect to you and those that made it possible
Good stuff man. That clip made my day.
Rob, in a way, it was you who started the change of tone in the Epic community by taking the time to release the 5.0 version of Midnight with a journal on version for those of us that were the "vocal minority" as well as the journal off version. What were there 4 versions? BYOR as well. All of that with as much as you have going on in your day to day life. You are one of the main people we should all be giving thanks to.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
JohnCorleone said:
Rob, in a way, it was you who started the change of tone in the Epic community by taking the time to release the 5.0 version of Midnight with a journal on version for those of us that were the "vocal minority" as well as the journal off version. What were there 4 versions? BYOR as well. All of that with as much as you have going on in your day to day life. You are one of the main people we should all be giving thanks to.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Dude that video was awesome! I love watching my daughter figure stuff out and then seeing how happy she is when she does! You have brought a tear to this grown-ass mans eye You sir are a great father and role model!
That was a great video, thanks for sharing! I am sure you are very proud of him
This is great, your efforts amaze me, Rob. If only more people in this world were as caring and understanding as some of the people here on these forums.
I myself am young, but I've heard of a lot of hardships, and this is touching to say the least. I wish I could do more to help, but alas distance is sometimes a burden.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
When you have an Autistic child that you are told may NEVER speak and is significantly developmentally delayed, it's literally feels like your world just shatters like broken glass. So when you see things like this it becomes like a miracle. I wanted you guys to see how your support is being used.
ptfdmedic said:
When you have an Autistic child that you are told may NEVER speak and is significantly developmentally delayed
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it may appear as though he's developmentally delayed man, but IMO he (and most likely you and everyone else in his life ) are searching for some creative methods with which he can express himself/communicate, and other ways with which to teach him that HE can understand and learn in his own way.... as humans, we all learn differently and people that have autism have their own unique way that they learn. Finding this way that works for them can sometimes be frustrating, but when things click.. it's most likely the most amazing feeling in the world
I was watching him in that video man and I can tell he's VERY smart. Kudos to you for thinking outside the box and finding ways that modern technology can help him express himself, communicate, and learn.. you're a great father man.. honestly.
I'm glad to be associated (albeit a distant one LOL) with someone like yourself.
And again, I'm super happy that the community has banded together in ways that can indirectly help out more than just you.. (to be read, helping your family as well).
The only autistic kid I've ever come across had a very good affinity for computers and how things were meant to be put together. Her name is Riley and she really loved to play minesweeper on the computer and she is actually really good. I love bringing my son over to play, cause they actually get a long great as long as he isn't on HER computer. LOL. Glad to see that you are using the Epic to help your son reach his greatest potential.
yes this community is awesome, tons of useful information.
Rob, you and your family will be in my heart the rest of my life, I will do anything in my power to spread the word, I'm actually working on something on my side to help...
Sent from my MyEC05OCE v2 using XDAPA...
God bless!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
And clearly, we all love you
Great video rob!!! Btw emmett is cute and im glad we could help out!
Thanks for being so positive even tho the epic forum is going through drama and even tho u going through a hard time.
Btw that app looks like fun what is it called? I want to play lol!!
Awesome video Rob. He is very intelligent. Like everyone else said thank you Rob for everything that you have done. I will always do my best to help spread autism awareness where ever I may go. Thank you for the inspiration you have given me as a father. Btw what is that app called? My daughter would love to play it.
Sent From My Evo Killer!
This video was very inspiring. I thank you Rob for everything you've done as well and your little boy Emmett is adorable! I'm only 14, but believe me when I'm older, I still won't forget this, and the amazing things you have done for your children. It is people like you that make people want to have a reason to live, to wake up every morning. I love how you involved technology in your boy's daily life to make him happy. God bless you, sir.
|| Acer || said:
This video was very inspiring. I thank you Rob for everything you've done as well and your little boy Emmett is adorable! I'm only 14, but believe me when I'm older, I still won't forget this, and the amazing things you have done for your children. It is people like you that make people want to have a reason to live, to wake up every morning. I love how you involved technology in your boy's daily life to make him happy. God bless you, sir.
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For 14 you are quite well spoken. I'm very impressed. Thank you very much. It really means a lot.

Yet another farewell thread

T-Mobile was offering a web special on a free G2 for activating a new line. Even with Sprint's 2-year contract renewal, the Evo Shift 4G and Nexus S 4G cost $150 and $200, respectively. Also, 4.3" devices like the EVO 3D are of no interest to me. It was cheaper for me to cough up the early termination fee. My G2 should arrive on Monday.
Before I leave, I want to thank everyone who has positively contributed to my Android experience with the Hero. This development community continues to exceeded my expectations... I still find it hard to believe we're all content with running an Android with 1st generation hardware, and we have great devs to thank for that. Even after the legendary devs like toastcfh, nfinitefx45, and others have left, we have new great devs who filled in. And of course, thanks to all the regulars who keep this forum alive and provide a supportive environment (you know who you are). Although I'm not as talkative and dedicated as some of you, I just hope I've been able contribute my share of helping and support as well
you will be missed sir.. and i dont blame you thats a pretty good deal.. im too stuck on sprint to leave, they have been too good to me over the years.. but have often said that if i left i would go t-mo for some of their devices.. so God speed my friend, im sure we will see you floating around here somewhere..
A man it was a blast having you apart of the hero community. Thanks for all the knowledge and time you put into the hero forums. Take care and enjoy your new phone. Have a good one.
Thanks for the kind words everyone I'll probably still be checking up on the never ending progress that is aospCmod and the revived 2.6.35 kernel
Peace c00ller. Enjoy your new phone. It was fun
Thanks for the help that you have given to many. I, as many others I'm sure- and as you can see, appreciate what you have brought to the hero threads. I moved from Verizon to Sprint for the $ reason's as well and for me, it was a good move. I got my 1st android phone (our Hero's) and I found XDA. It has been a great experience (learning, fun, and a great way to kill some time) and you have been a part of making it so.
Good luck and happy flashing. I know that whatever phone you are using, you will still be apart of this great community on XDA and the jewels that are made and found here.
I think I feel a tear coming on. No, it was just gas.
Happy Flashing!
DP (I should have gone with DogPoop instead since I'm not drunk and not a pilot...today anyway).


I retired my final myTouch a few days ago! I'm sad to leave the MT3G community but it has been a great load of fun and i have learned so much from all of the Devs and Forum members! Thank you for giving me an experience that I can take with me in life wherever technology surrounds! (this whole thing is very cheesy but, i think it deserves a post!) I'm loving my new SGS4G, but there will always be a spot for my first Android phone in my heart! Long live the ION! It was a tremendous stepping stone for the Android community!
Wooow! SGS4G! A great Step! MT3G R.I.P. Ejoy your new device!

