Continuous integration service Greehouse for Android developers - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hi guys!
Our developers have been working on a simple and easy to set up continuous integration server for some time now. We have recently come out from beta and are ready to help you with your app building, testing and sharing. Take a closer look at or read our blog on
Greenhouse is a helpful tool for build automation and continuous integration for mobile apps. You can build, test and share your Android apps for every commit. It is easy to setup and has secure hosted builds with automated testing and build distribution.
You can have easy and quick overview of all your builds and monitor them in real time.
Some features:
- Git hooks for Stash and Github support
- Team support- allows you to grant access to builds, artefacts and build logs to your teammates and customers
- TestFlight and HockeyApp integration
- CCMenu support
- XCTest and Unit tests
- Free 2 app plan
Our team will appreciate any kind of feedback, suggestions and ideas you guys might give us to help us to improve Greenhouse and make it even more awesome.
and the Greenhouse team


[PRJ] [OSS] Updated: Trailcompanion - GPS Application for trekking/walking

Hi there!
I've started this project to make an application to track myself when i'm out walking with my lovely touch pro.
Now i would like to make it open source and free for all trekking amateurs, and i'm posting this here to get some advice and to see if someone is interested.
I would like to make a simple and beautiful application, that doesen't drain the battery and that allow to record and repeat trails, store waypoints, integrate some mappings and exchange data with google earth or others apps. It might include some geocaching features and online sharing stuffs as well...
The project is hosted on
and i've set up a development blog here:
I'm not releasing any cabs soon, just some source code to start and see what we can get...
however, if someone would like to be involved just show up here!
*Edit 2009-08-30:
I've posted some updates and sample screenshots on the devel blog:
You could take a look at TrackME.
They also have a web interface.
It's all good, except for the sql requirement.
For my part, for small data, I prefer flat files.
Here the screenshots:

Tablet oriented chat client [Need Devs]

I'm working on an XMPP chat client designed for Honeycomb tablets. I've gotten pretty far on the UI and data model, but I don't have much experience working with Services. I've looked into just modding Beem or Yaxim, but both have different design goals than what I'm looking to do (I eventually want to expand it beyond just XMPP, so I'm abstracting my data model as much as possible, wheras theirs are very coupled with their services).
Right now there aren't any good chat clients that make good use of Fragments, etc. If anyone wants to help me change that, let me know. The end result will be open sourced under either the GPL or Apache. If this generates some interest I'll put what I've got on GitHub and we can discuss how to move forward from there.

Enhance - Ads, analytics and more!!! Goodbye SDK Fatigue!

Enhance has just released support for more platforms and we super excited!
We want to show developers how simple life could be, a life without the hassle of integrating SDKs into your Android or iOS project. It's time to enjoy making games again!
Integrate all of the services providers offer without ever having to touch an SDK again. With little to NO coding at all and without touching source code, Enhance® is the easiest way to integrate 3rd party services into your project or to keep them up to date. (Ads, Mediation, Analytics, Attribution, Crash Reporting and more) No more SDK integration!!!
Gone are the days of spending hours or even days implementing and updating SDKs. How does a few clicks and a few minutes sound? Well, follow the link for more information on how to get started with Enhance® :
Hi guys. Made a new account, please contact me here if you have any Enhance questions.
Here is a fancy new link to Enhance :
Good news everyone!
Enhance has released support for even more platforms.
Click the banner to head over and check out whats new!
its that time again.
We've release support for more networks and services.
Find out more here :

Open source template for educational app

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you an open source project I believe could benefit many of you.
Android Academy is a template for an Android educational app, use it and you will only need to focus on the contents of your courses in order to quickly launch your app idea. You can find the project in the GitHub repository gcorso/android_academy, which is a boilerplate of an Android Studio project and includes by layout files, activities control and database integration, everything already set up for you so that you can get a headstart to bring your project to life.
The project can be used for free and its goal is to give a chance for educators to create their learning platform without having to have a great knowledge of Android development and to save time also for expert Android developers.

[SDK] DeepOnionJ Tor integrated DAPP Development Kit

Fork it on Github (deeponion/Android-DeepOnionJ) - Always free and open.
DeepOnion is an open source blockchain project with the aim to bringing privacy and anonymity to anyone that wants it.
We've recently released the DeepOnion Mobile App template. This will enable anyone to rapidly build and deploy a Tor integrated mobile applications that can connect to the DeepOnion network.
This is a key step in opening up our blockchain to new opportunities. Most blockchain based services need to rely on centralised backends that suck information from you before allowing you to use them. This demonstrates our progress in being able produce privacy first, decentralised applications (DApps) and I'm here to invite the XDA community to have a look at what we are doing, let us know what you think and hopefully use our SDK to develop world class DApps.
The project is new and quite raw at the moment, though any Android Dev should be able to see the basics of how the project is integrated with Tor, syncs with the DeepOnion blockchain and provides an interface to interact with it. I'll be updating it over the coming weeks/months to be fully fledged module that you can just add using gradle.
API Docs - BitcoinJ
DeepOnionJ - Up to date fork of BitcoinJ converted to DeepOnion (deeponion/deeponionj)
Automated Builds DeepOnionJ - (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence)
Automated Builds DeepOnion Core - (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence)
Please contribute to this project if you can -
Java Devs - Go Here -> (deeponion/deeponionj)
Android Devs - Go Here -> (deeponion/Android-DeepOnionJ)

