[Q] How to switch SDcard as the Internal Memory? - G Pad 8.3 General

Anyone know how to switch Sdcard as the internal memory?


[Q] MIUI - Access internal and external sd card?

Just installed MIUI.
I can't figure out how to access the internal SD card. The hwuserdata folder isn't there. There is the option to switch to internal SD, but when I use it I can't access the external sd.
Does the MIUI rom allow for both internal and external sd cards at the same time?

[Q] Storage

Is there anyway to switch the internal and external storage?
So all my apps instead of going to internal go directly to my 64gb sd card..
Best you can do at the moment

[Q] SD card instead internal memory?

Is it possible to mount somehow SD card on internal memory? Just after flashing new rom AND after full wipe mount it on "sdcard0" our external SD card? I understand that then will not be possible to take it off from out phone..
I am asking becouse I have 64gb SD card and 8gb internal memory... :/ not enough for me :/

Making SD card part of the internal storage.

Hello everyone. Has anyone tried to make the SD card part of the internal storage?

Expanding internal memory

Hi Guyz, its possible to expand internal memory by using the external memory or lets just say "MERGE"?

