[Q] Verizon G2 battery life - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys im just wondering if my battery is funky... i just got this g2 yesterday and am running off a full charge since 6:43 AM its 9:51 AM now and its at 91% i really havnt used it to terribly much since im in school but it seems that since it dropped from 100-99% at 8:34 AM it seems to be draining quite fast now even when its sleeping... i havnt messed with the settings to much so is there something bloatware or software wise thats making it run out fast or by the times given am i just tripping and my battery life is fine, i just feel like the 3000mAH should be doing alittle better than this..
THANKS in advance!

I can tell you with my Verizon G2 I get awesome battery life other day I was at 16 hours 8am-12am with 2hrs screen on time 35 mins playing games and 2hs 25min of streaming music to a bluetooth speaker. I was at 52% after all that. Don't know if that helps but that is what it is for me. Since got phone it has never dipped below 50% in up to a 18hr day for me.

greekmanx said:
I can tell you with my Verizon G2 I get awesome battery life other day I was at 16 hours 8am-12am with 2hrs screen on time 35 mins playing games and 2hs 25min of streaming music to a bluetooth speaker. I was at 52% after all that. Don't know if that helps but that is what it is for me. Since got phone it has never dipped below 50% in up to a 18hr day for me.
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are you a heavy user?

Tmobile variant
I have the Tmobile G2. I'm a bit concerned about my LG G2 battery. Can others suggest a test that we can both follow so that I can compare my battery life to yours. The phone seems to be alright when idling for 8 hours as I slept it only lost 3%. When it comes to charging it went from 0% to 52% in about an hour, and was at 90% on its way to the 2 hour mark. But when using it just to browse and stuff it seems like its dying a bit fast.
So let me know things like screen brightness, apps to run and what not so we can compare how long our batteries last. That way I can return it before my 14 days are up. Thanks for your help in advance.

DiPoet said:
I have the Tmobile G2. I'm a bit concerned about my LG G2 battery. Can others suggest a test that we can both follow so that I can compare my battery life to yours. The phone seems to be alright when idling for 8 hours as I slept it only lost 3%. When it comes to charging it went from 0% to 52% in about an hour, and was at 90% on its way to the 2 hour mark. But when using it just to browse and stuff it seems like its dying a bit fast.
So let me know things like screen brightness, apps to run and what not so we can compare how long our batteries last. That way I can return it before my 14 days are up. Thanks for your help in advance.
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i constantly close all my apps and keep my brightness high enough to see but as low as i can to see... right now my batter usage is at 4hrs and 3 mins and im at 85% currently its saying i should still have 22hrs and 47mins but that seems impossible xD

"I have a theory"
So im going to wing this out for the rest of today and let it run down without charging it agian... if it lasts me all day ill post because im having a theory that the way the battery percentages on this phone are different cause of the new technology in the battery cause it seems that certain percantages last FOREVER then others go through rather quickly i think im just used to how my old phones percentages escilated ill repost when it dies or when i go to sleep

I would say I am medium to heavy user I stream music via Bluetooth everyday talk for 30 plus minutes on Bluetooth a day and play music in car hour a day and play games hour plus a day and I leave brightness on auto never on Wi-Fi lte only and I close all apps.

I charged my phone to about 94% went to bed with it at 89%. Woke up with at 86%, 8 hours later. My brightness varied through out the day from 23-60%, currently at 40%. Mainly did browsing and fb for a bit today. For about an hour while browsing the phone was on airplane mode with Wifi on. As of now at 54%, battery usage 16h 2mins, expected time to use +18h 54mins, last 3 hours in use, used 9%.
My battery use details:
Android System 25%
Screen 22%
Android OS 14%
Chrome 8%
Cell standby & idle 6%

I run near max manual brightness, a live wallpaper, GPS, WiFi on all the time, automatically checking email every 10 minutes, lots of phone calls and texts, and I still have 79%. Off charger since before 7a.m. Software says I have 36 hours left. Best battery life I have ever had on any phone, any Rom.

rfarrah said:
I run near max manual brightness, a live wallpaper, GPS, WiFi on all the time, automatically checking email every 10 minutes, lots of phone calls and texts, and I still have 79%. Off charger since before 7a.m. Software says I have 36 hours left. Best battery life I have ever had on any phone, any Rom.
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That's crazy my phone has been on for 19h 29mins without all that auto sync and other stuff you have running and I'm at 35% with an expected
6h 29mins left. You think something is up with my phone ?

DiPoet said:
That's crazy my phone has been on for 19h 29mins without all that auto sync and other stuff you have running and I'm at 35% with an expected
6h 29mins left. You think something is up with my phone ?
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Well, that's still not too bad. Are you a gamer? How's your signal most of the time?
Also, I'm on VZW, in case that makes a difference.

rfarrah said:
Well, that's still not too bad. Are you a gamer? How's your signal most of the time?
Also, I'm on VZW, in case that makes a difference.
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Not a gamer, tmobile usually 3-5 Bars 4g lte. I dont get how it just dies so much off of browsing alot but so efficient when sleeping. My phone is at 11% now after alot of browsing and talking on the phone for an hour. As I type this I've been on a phone call and googling info about battery tests for 45 mins.

this is complete BS!
rfarrah said:
Well, that's still not too bad. Are you a gamer? How's your signal most of the time?
Also, I'm on VZW, in case that makes a difference.
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i have a verizon version and compared it to my moms 4s battery running iOS7
heres the deal her battery usage is like 3hrs 7mins mine is 6hrs 23mins mines at 2% hers is at 51% we both unplugged the same time so this means im getting the same battery life as a 4s running iOS 7 plus she keeps her data and everything on i turn mine off when not in use... so did i get a defective battery? cause if my battery is the same as a 4s running iOS7 im not gonna be a happy person i know i should get at least 15-16+hrs of battery use and still have like 20-30% left! UGHH and my phone reboots into the verizon logo alot when i unlock it i think i got a horribly manufactured g2... just my luck what do you guys think?
It feels like i have the original droid razr battery life agian Dx my razr m lasted longer!

Unplugged my phone at 98%, went to bed woke up with it at 95%. Then had the screen on for an hour straight just messaging ppl on fb. Now I'm at 87%, that's not normal right? Screen is on auto brightness nothing else going on.

Can anyone confim that this is normal? i have an LG g2 with 3000mah and i loose 1% of battery every MINUTE while playing games, so 10 minutes of modern combat 4 or plats vs zombies is around 10 %, 60-70% brightness, sound half way or headphones. Some people are speaking about "5h of screen time easily" while i get 2-3h ...

My battery seems fine but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND not using the standard "fast charge" method to charge it over night. At night I recommend either a Wireless Qi Charge or a "Slow Charge" from a standard USB port or a smaller charger like one from an iPhone (the little cubes with a USB port).
There is a HUGE difference on battery life throughout the day between a Normal Fast Charge and a USB Slow Charge.
I only use Fast Charge when I'm out and about throughout the day but I haven't needed to do that with the G2. On my Galaxy Nexus I could fast charge it to 80% and it would be dead in 3 hours just idling in my pocket.


Wow battery from 100 to 10 in 3 hours

I know its the first day but damn 3 hours and done? I thought evo was bad :[
I don't know what you're doing, but it's wrong.
I bought my phone today at 10:00 AM. First thing I did was charge it all the way. Once I took it off I started getting my apps back, I watched a 720p movie for 10 minutes to see how it worked (freakin amazing... 720p MKV movies out of the box). Browsed the web for 10-20 minutes. Listened to music for 5-10 minutes. Played gamed for about 30 minutes.
Really put the phone through its paces.
I'm at 25% now. 9 hours since unlplugged and screen on time is 1 hour and 34 minutes.
Also remember that you don't get the most out of your battery until you cycle it a few times. I'm running juice defender which also helps a lot.
How did you watch your MKV movie? I am guessing that transferring a 5GB file to the memory card is not optimal.
EvanWasHere said:
How did you watch your MKV movie? I am guessing that transferring a 5GB file to the memory card is not optimal.
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It's a 720p MKV of Dr Horrible The file is only 800 MB (the movie itself is 45 minutes long). I transferred it over while charging the phone along with my music.
Use the "my files" app and navigate to the movie. When you click it, it opens in the stock movie player which plays MKVs just fine. I was rather amazed.
Jsimon9633 said:
I know its the first day but damn 3 hours and done? I thought evo was bad :[
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Take it back get one that works as should
Lol I'm wrong ? I use juice plotter and heavy use and 3 hours later I'm almost at no battery
I'm ok with that as I have been using the hell of it! Love it so far
Yeah...kinda watching the battery myself.
Put it on the charger at 5x% and it hit 100% after charge in about 5 minutes. I turned it off to charge via USB because I knew that couldn't be right. Hit 100% in about 10 minutes. Turned it back on and it's at 65% and charging.
Gonna give this one a few days to condition, though, through normal use and see what happens. The GPS pisses me off that it's completely FUBAR but we'll see if a software fix takes care of that.
The epic drains its batter about 5 to 6x faster then my captivate. It went from 100% at 8 am to dead at 12. I turned off 4g and charged it but now its died again. Died 2 times in 1 day. I am returning it so I cant test more but some people say batters need few days before they work 100%.
I charged mine yesterday morning till the light turned blue and the phone said it was fully charged.
I worked on the phone from 2:00 yesterday afternoon till 11:00 last night...adding, emailing, texting, web browsing and when I was done, it was still at 50%.
My guess is that after there's a real 100% charge in it the battery will condition....just like every other cell phone I've ever used.
So far my Epic battery life is AMAZING. I get so much battery drain on my Evo when I'm not using it. Last night, my Epic was at 14% battery life. I refuse to charge it until I drain it all the way. This morning I woke up and it was at 13%. After 6 hours of idling... 1% drain.
That means my phone has lasted from 11am yesterday until 7:30am today. 2 hours and 10 minutes of screen on time....
shep211 said:
The epic drains its batter about 5 to 6x faster then my captivate. It went from 100% at 8 am to dead at 12. I turned off 4g and charged it but now its died again. Died 2 times in 1 day. I am returning it so I cant test more but some people say batters need few days before they work 100%.
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You are really not having fun with this phone. I got my phone at 11am put it on the car charger. Made a few calls while on charger (about 40 minutes) at about 2pm the phone said 100% charged and to unplug. I'm coming from a modded WinMo FUZE to this phone' so you know I had to explore the Andriod OS. I was on this phone till about 11pm and still had about 20% battery after downloading apps(Now I finally know how poor winMo marketplace really is.) I know the battery will only get better so I'm fine with it. If I need more I'll get a extended use battery.
Ok well either battery life just blows or it needs time to adjust
I made double and triple sure to 100% charge it and juice plotter is already saying I have only 4 hours left from 100% and just now I've been using it for 45 min and its down to 75%
Another note is that the display seems to be the biggest and outrageous offender of battery consumption. 77% right now
My evo had that issue but once I rooted it and installed a custom rom it leveled out to not have the display use that much juice
Jsimon9633 said:
Ok well either battery life just blows or it needs time to adjust
I made double and triple sure to 100% charge it and juice plotter is already saying I have only 4 hours left from 100% and just now I've been using it for 45 min and its down to 75%
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See if you can get a replacement. Something isn't quite right there. Im going to get juice plotter and see what it reports for me, but if it's anything like yesterday, I'll easily get a full day out of the battery as I won't be able to use it as much today. I'm going to be working a lot
hydralisk said:
See if you can get a replacement. Something isn't quite right there. Im going to get juice plotter and see what it reports for me, but if it's anything like yesterday, I'll easily get a full day out of the battery as I won't be able to use it as much today. I'm going to be working a lot
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I have 30 days going to wait and see of it improves or see what others report and then may report
Yeah I'm leaning towards battery life sucks because even when its off it is using up more battery than my evo did.
I can get full charge to last like 4.5 hours with moderate use.
And the display is by far the biggest offender
Right now it is ay 61% it battery use going to display
Juice defender saves your battery like whoa when it's not being used. Here are my current battery stats:
Current battery life: 36%
Time off charger: 9 Hours 30 Mminutes
Display: 57% (screen has been on for 2 Hours 26 Minutes)
Cell Standby: 25%
Phone Idle: 6%
Dungeon Hunter: 4%
Android System: 3%
Media Server 3%
What in the balls is media server?
I consider this phenomenal battery life compared to my EVO when it launched. It will only get better from here
The way SAMOLED works is that each pixels is individually lit. Because white consists of the most light, viewing anything with a lot of white will kill the battery faster. Black, obviously, uses the LEAST amount of battery life. You can gain a bit of battery life just by using a darker background for your home screens.
Because of this, web browsing is a huge battery killer.
Yeah I've used that program but I'm trying to still be able to use things like gtalk juice defender kills data intermittently making im programs useless
My evo on jd got like 18 hours battery life and without like 7 which would be great for my epic
4 is a bit extreme especially when it goes from 23 to 12 in 1.75 hours with it being off
Jsimon9633 said:
Yeah I've used that program but I'm trying to still be able to use things like gtalk juice defender kills data intermittently making im programs useless
My evo on jd got like 18 hours battery life and without like 7 which would be great for my epic
4 is a bit extreme especially when it goes from 23 to 12 in 1.75 hours with it being off
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The APPS section of Juice Defender allows you to select apps that can use Data. When you open these apps, data is enabled immediately. You'll see the 3G logo kick in. It requires some tweaking to make perfect but id definitely worthwhile.
Just remember. White pixels on epic kills battery faster than Evo.
hydralisk said:
The APPS section of Juice Defender allows you to select apps that can use Data. When you open these apps, data is enabled immediately. You'll see the 3G logo kick in. It requires some tweaking to make perfect but id definitely worthwhile.
Just remember. White pixels on epic kills battery faster than Evo.
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Thanks for the tips friend

Battery life experiences

Just starting a thread for battery life experience as people use the phone. Mine is pretty freakin' great right now, but I'll post some initial results after I get home later tonight. I finished charging to 100% almost 2 hours ago, and with just a bit of usage (maybe 10 minutes total screen on time) I still am at 100%. Though, we know that it sometimes takes a long time to drop from 100% to 90%.
What are other people's experiences? Please post display on time in battery stats, as that gives a good feel for how much you're actually using the phone.
Unplugged it at 6:30am with a full charge.
Took it to work, I put it in airplane mode when I'm in the building because I don't get a signal and don't want the radio searching for a signal and wasting power. GPS/Bluetooth/Wifi are all turned off. I turn the radio back on when I'm out of the building, and I'd estimate it's been on 2 hours since it was charged.
Have watched the latest episode of Family Guy and started on the latest episode of Dexter using Rock Player.
I estimate the screen has been on for about 4 hours. I can only estimate because I had to plug the phone in to transfer a file a couple hours ago which reset the stats.
I've downloaded and installed about 20-30 apps today over 3G networks.
At the current time of 3:15pm (8 hours 45 minutes since full charge), I have 30% of the battery left.
I think you're supposed to do a full charge and full discharge so the phone can "calibrate" the battery meter, which I have not done yet, but so far I'm very pleased. Puts my 2 yr old G1's battery life to shame...
Yeah it sounds decent. A bit better than my Nexus One was.
I would say it is on par with the Nexus One. Should get you through the day but you will be plugging it in at night. It is comparable to most android phones.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Without explaining a bunch of boring details, it's definitely better than my N1 so far. Charged it up right after getting it from the UPS guy today for a couple of hours while I took a nap.
We'll just have to wait and see after a few days of use, charges and discharges. Looking great so far, though!
Played around with it at the store today, came in at 3 p.m after school. The demo unit was already at 45% when I got it, surfed the web for about half an hour, downloaded an app, watched YouTube for about 5 minutes and the phone died at about 4:30.
Not really impressed, but its an Android phone. Hopefully it can be better, the good thing is that the web browser is a lot faster than my iPhone 4. That's what keeping me on returning the iPhone, and it starts up a lot faster as well. Took about 20 seconds to boot up after the phone died on me, and the rep charged it.
Definitely will be needing to charge it every night.
3 hr bike ride with music playing used about %50 of the bat. So its way better then my G1 but not as good as my Iphone 2g.
I'm getting much better battery life then I was getting on the G1....love this phone
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
How about someone download Battery Left widget and tell us what it says.
Will vary by user but it will be more accurate with remaining battery life.
So far the battery life on mine is terrible compared to my nexus one, and that was terrible as well.
I woke up 10am, phone on the charger, took it off, around 2pm made two phone calls. Went to work at 5pm, phone's battery was at 23% around 7pm. My nexus one around that point would be at ~50%. So far I'm not impressed with this phone, more work could have went into it.
I loaded a few webpages... did a video chat with someone on Fring for about a minute (lol), downloaded a few apps, had a few phone calls... one lasting about 10 minutes... and after being off the charger for 5 and a half hours.. i'm at 44 percent power... this is my first android device so I'm not sure if that's good or bad
Have you all that are reporting poor battery life done the full-charge/full-discharge thing to "calibrate" the battery meter. I'm not sure that it really matters, but I'm assuming it does since battery info is one of the things you can wipe in the recovery roms.
I'm still extremely pleased with my battery life.
I got the phone yesterday and played with it right out of the box till it was at 5% battery... i plugged it in lastnight and let it fully charge and i unplugged it at 6:15am this mornining... i used the gps to get to work to see how it was... i have watched videos on youtube, gone on the internet, checked and sent emails and texts, downloaded some apps... and played around with it today... i had it plugged into the computer thru usb for approx 5 min tops to set up some media files... and as of now at 3:33pm my battery is at 50%
Opening mine at 930/10pm, heavily used it to burn it to 0% and did that by 12/1230am. Charged it to 100% by 330am. Played with it a bit then went to bed, left it unplugged. Woke up today and burned it to 0% by 330pm. It's charging right now and we'll see how it goes throughout tonight. It will get a bit of pocket time so I'll get a real feel for the battery life.
Took mine off the charger at 7am throught the day had 20 incoming/outgoing calls all lasted at least 2or 3 mins each, downloaded a couple of apps, checked facebook and twitter a few times. showed it off to some friends and now it is almost 5:00 and still have 60% battery, so I am impressed especially since I had a G1 before this
Jorsher said:
Have you all that are reporting poor battery life done the full-charge/full-discharge thing to "calibrate" the battery meter. I'm not sure that it really matters, but I'm assuming it does since battery info is one of the things you can wipe in the recovery roms.
I'm still extremely pleased with my battery life.
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They aren't changing them long enough. Lithium ion batteries don't have to be trained like the older style ones. Other other culprit could be the batterystats.bin but you can't access or delete that without root. Jut discharge the battery till it powers off and charge for 4-6 hrs.
charged mine last night while tethered to my laptop browsing - took it off about midnight
this morning the alarm sound (pre-alarm 5 minutes, full alarm for 10 mins and never woke me btw), spent about 2 hours+ talking, browsed the web for maybe 15 minutes, downloaded a few apps from the market and ran a few quadrant benchmark test - it's now almost 6:00PM and it's at 40% -
i'm happy with that - and from experience with my MT3G and the vibrant, battery life should improve with some cycling or useage
sino8r said:
Jut discharge the battery till it powers off and charge for 4-6 hrs.
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leave it on the charger for 4-6 hours after its full or just to charge it from empty to full?
I'm very glad to hear about the excellent battery life. A friend of mine has even reported his phone being on for a full day and still having battery life left.
People make sure that you charge up your battery fully before turning the phone on. It's better to be safe than sorry. I know people say it does not matter but otherwise the battery won't be accurate if you just turn it on out of the box.
10 hours and some change later after normal phone usage and I had to charge it... I'm impressed to say the least

Battery - up 'n running for

...4 hours of heavy usage (wifi connection and 3g on but idle)
Mid to periodical usage could reach 24h.
6th day of usage....
i think this is mediocre for me. please report your battery performance to compare.
Any tips to improve this?
I can get around 8-10 hours with heavy usage... constant music, etc.. and about 2-3 days with light-medium usage.
infamousjax said:
I can get around 8-10 hours with heavy usage... constant music, etc.. and about 2-3 days with light-medium usage.
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Hmm so i guess there is a problem with my device.
Great!, and how am i supposed to explain this to the service?
I get about 12 to 15 hours of heavy usage via web, text, and email. If i watch video it's less but I am pretty happy with the battery thus far.
--Sent from Samsung Tab
I can only get around 7 hours of use.
I have a problem that if i even dont use it, the battery still drain. I got it full charged and theb unplug it. About 8 hours later, it went down to 50%.
Is there any problem with my device?
T33H00 said:
I can only get around 7 hours of use.
I have a problem that if i even dont use it, the battery still drain. I got it full charged and theb unplug it. About 8 hours later, it went down to 50%.
Is there any problem with my device?
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same here. i don't know how you guys are getting so much better battery life. i can barely last a day and i don't use it all that much. maybe 2-3 hrs of surfing the web over wifi (not even 3g). i even used setcpu to underclock to 200Mhz when screen is off.
Maybe it has something to do with the very first charge.
When i unboxed the battery was fully charged so i drained it and had it charged for 8 hours. maybe it needed to be charged prior first usage.
raqball said:
I get about 12 to 15 hours of heavy usage via web, text, and email. If i watch video it's less but I am pretty happy with the battery thus far.
--Sent from Samsung Tab
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Is that 12-15 hours with the screen on? Because that's much more than I'm seeing.
I've done a few measurements just to get an idea of the battery life. They are just extrapolations based on a few hours of runtime for each so they are by no means exact, but my impression is that they give a decent view of real values nonetheless. The battery percentage indicator does not seem to be terribly non-linear.
Video playing (SD quality) with full brightness: 5.5 hours
Video playing (SD quality) with lowest brightness: 9.5 hours
Idle at homescreen with full brightness: 6 hours
Idle at homescreen with half brightness: 9 hours
Idle at homescreen with lowest brightness: 12 hours
Music playing in headphones (screen off): 90 hours
Can't believe how lazy reviewers seem to be, I haven't read a single one where they have properly measured battery life for things like playing movies or reading an ebook. It's all just subjective feelings (which are obviously very unreliable).
All in all I am pretty pleased with the battery life (but I've just had it for a few days). I especially like the fact that it's basically a normal Android phone just with a giant screen and battery. This obviously means that standby and music playing times are going to be excellent.
Edit: Those of you who think you're seeing bad battery life, what does the battery use thingy in settings say? Or is that not a good tool?
I read a post somewhere where the OP was getting horrible battery life and found out that the Gallery app was draining the battery.
The OP in that thread said even exiting the app did not kill it, and it kept draining the battery.
Perhaps you can look into this more. I never use the gallery app so maybe why this is why i get decent battery life?
Edit to add:
Here is the thread
If it's this post you're referring to it's by me . The Gallery application shows up under battery use though, so I'm pretty sure that's not it.
Are you sure it's really as much as 12-15 hours with the screen always on? If it were 9-10 hours with brightness at half it would around what I'm seeing I guess, but 12-15 is quite a lot more. Not that I'm disappointed, but if better is possible better is what I want
dravisher said:
If it's this post you're referring to it's by me . The Gallery application shows up under battery use though, so I'm pretty sure that's not it.
Are you sure it's really as much as 12-15 hours with the screen always on? If it were 9-10 hours with brightness at half it would around what I'm seeing I guess, but 12-15 is quite a lot more. Not that I'm disappointed, but if better is possible better is what I want
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No not 12-15 hours with the screen always on.... I get 12-15 total... Screen on for usage, off for a while, back on to email and SMS ect...
Ah ok, then there's no discrepancy .
I got 10 hours from full to complete off. I was using it to watch streaming movies on 3g
for a couple of hours and then watch a movie off of the sd card and an episode of supernatural.
After that its just web and ebook reading. Its pretty good. Almost the same as my ipad.
I got a total of around 14 hrs plus with wifi and edge on, screen brightness at 20%, around 7 hrs of standby while i was asleep at night, with 4 hrs of heavy surfing, youtube etc. . . No calls though, only some sms and always on IM with nimbuzz logged in.
What i am seeing is with heavy usage i.e. Multiple apps running, wifi and edge on, i get anywhere between 5-7 hrs of battery life which i think is fair enough for a device this size which am constantly fiddling with.
Sent from my GTP1000 using XDA App
Can someone please post,
Using the supplied mains charger, how long does it take to fully re-charge a drained Galaxy Tab?
As it is a large battery what sort of charging times to expect?
(This is while NOT using the device).
Charusen said:
Can someone please post,
Using the supplied mains charger, how long does it take to fully re-charge a drained Galaxy Tab?
As it is a large battery what sort of charging times to expect?
(This is while NOT using the device).
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it takes 4hours for me
I only get about 5-6 hrs tops under constant usage...browsing,fb,tweeting,watching video...but I buy the phone 2nd hand...I'm going to buy a new battery in the new future..let's see if the battery life over 8 hrs I would be happy : )
Sorry guys,I didn't notice that this is for galaxy tab...forgive me : )
Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk
I've not used mine for that long, but the Battery Left app(which I found to be quite accurate on my N1) shows that for MY usage, I'll get about 25hrs.
I've got the auto dim turned off, and brightness at max. I mainly use mine for checking emails, txting, and a few games.
Nothing heavy.
I'd recomend the Battery Left app to you guys looking to find out your battery life. You DO have to "train" it though, which requires a 100%-0% run for you.
does.anyone know, do we need to cycle the battery to give it the best performance?
Example, charge up the unit, then drain it completely and recharge it again? Like in the old days.
mine hasnt gone down much. I have it unplugged at 6am and at 4pm i still have about 75-80% batt left.
This is with about approx. 2 hrs of talk and 30mins of data usage and voice calls paired to my BT headset. My screen brightness is set to 40%
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I once got up to 20 hours of moderate usage. But with heavy usage I get about 12 hours or more. I lose about 7% when watching an episode using flash....kinda sucks but I watch a lot of anime online. But I use this as my main phone too. Its replaced my nexus completely. though it was nice with my nexus cuz I could swap batteries. This is how I condition my battery. I let it get to about 2-5% then I recharge it. I don't let it get to zero cuz I heard you can damage the cell. sometimes I charge it to about 20% then I unplug it and drain it to 5% then back up to full. I just kinda switch it up. At first I was getting horrible battery life but ever since I started conditioning it this way I get great results.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk

DK28 Battery Life ..is 13 h 28 m insane or normal?

With the newly leaked Dk28 there definitely seems some battery life improvement. I am on 13.5 hrs unplugged as of now and still about 20% battery life left.
I charged it before going to bed yesterday night... left if unplugged whole night.. moderate usage today morning.. emails, browsing, phone calls.
4G service on .. everything else off.
I dont think I saw something like this on Eclair... is 13.5 hrs normal or is it really really good??
What are you experiences? Please share.
I'm at 15 hours right now with 62% remaining, but that doesn't seem out of the ordinary for me. I went a little over 30 hours on one battery a couple days ago, which I think is pretty good considering it's a stock Froyo kernel.
I don't know what your settings are, but I can usually get about 40 hrs on one battery cycle. Most of that 40hrs is downtime, but I can manage about 3-4 hours of display time(games, surfing, etc) and about 30 minutes of talk time.
Your numbers look a lot like mine did before I started killing the DRM service.
Edit: Forgot to mention I am on 2.1 though.
That seems pretty normal. I unplug my phone when I leave for work and plug it in when I go to bed and it's usually at about 40% or so by that time.
For what it's worth, I'm not seeing any difference in my battery life since updating to 2.2. This is pretty much the same as I was getting on 2.1.
I will say that prior to DI18, I was getting about 50 hours on a charge. My last charge before DI18, I had gone almost 72 hours before plugging in to do the update. DI18 killed my battery life, and it's been about the same ever since.
swanysto said:
I don't know what your settings are, but I can usually get about 40 hrs on one battery cycle. Most of that 40hrs is downtime, but I can manage about 3-4 hours of display time(games, surfing, etc) and about 30 minutes of talk time.
Your numbers look a lot like mine did before I started killing the DRM service.
Edit: Forgot to mention I am on 2.1 though.
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I do have Autostarts killing DRM at boot. Not sure that it makes a difference on Froyo though.
I was on di18 from the day i bought my phone and i never got thru the day without plugging in at work.. i plug it in at night..pick it up100% charged while going to work and by about 2-3 with moderate usage it wud be around 25% left and definitely die if i dont charge at work on the way back home.. which is something i m not seeing now.
Are all you guys using this drmservice.. i wud like to kill it too .. not sure what it does tho.. will do a bit of reading..
I usually only have to swap batteries once a day. I leave wifi on nearly all the time. Bluetooth and gps are usually on for about an hour a day. I listen to music with the phone during work and when I go for a walk in the evenings. I play some games and browse the web here and there, too.
Last night, I swapped batteries before bed, and lost 11% in 9 hours, with wifi on. If I'm constantly doing things with my phone (gps navigation, games, etc) then I can kill it in 6 hours or so.
I'm getting round 18 hours with heavy wifi use and tons of browsing
imtjnotu said:
I'm getting round 18 hours with heavy wifi use and tons of browsing
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This is right around what ACS members are seeing. I myself regularly go over a day with light to medium use.
That's normal. In the last seven hours, my battery is at 80% with live wallpaper and max brightness on.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
im getting 30 hours use to get 70 hours but this is stock froyo kernel.
imtjnotu said:
I'm getting round 18 hours with heavy wifi use and tons of browsing
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Wow, I wish I could get that. I'm doing really good to make it 8 hours, and that's with limited use.
hardrock121 said:
With the newly leaked Dk28 there definitely seems some battery life improvement. I am on 13.5 hrs unplugged as of now and still about 20% battery life left.
I charged it before going to bed yesterday night... left if unplugged whole night.. moderate usage today morning.. emails, browsing, phone calls.
4G service on .. everything else off.
I dont think I saw something like this on Eclair... is 13.5 hrs normal or is it really really good??
What are you experiences? Please share.
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Pfffft, i get that easily on Eclair DI18, actually a little bit more. I'll call that normal, nothing exceptional.
badasscat said:
That seems pretty normal. I unplug my phone when I leave for work and plug it in when I go to bed and it's usually at about 40% or so by that time.
For what it's worth, I'm not seeing any difference in my battery life since updating to 2.2. This is pretty much the same as I was getting on 2.1.
I will say that prior to DI18, I was getting about 50 hours on a charge. My last charge before DI18, I had gone almost 72 hours before plugging in to do the update. DI18 killed my battery life, and it's been about the same ever since.
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Is this with the regular 1500mAh battery ?
For people getting 13 hrs+, or anyone really, what does your spare parts network usage look like? I'll update this post with mine.
I've been all over the place with battery drainage. (I've calibrated since new kernel). all details equal (same app setup, traveling to the same place, etc), sometimes I drain 15% per hr, sometimes 5%.
sent from my RAZR
I read some of the comments and had to go back to top to see if I was in right thread!!
My 2.1 rooted used 2% an hour, I'm a moderate user, but most usage is data on 3g. I would have 50 plus left at bedtime.
Went to DK28 - idle used 6%, had to charge my late afternoon with any usage. Same setup, actually less programs.
So I rolled back, this was the same as pre Sept 30 upgrade and yes, I was toggling, killing, stopping, everything the same.
Just this morning, I took it off charge, spent about 10 minutes going through facebook and seesmic, check the charge percentage and I was at 93%.
What the HECK are you folks doing to get 18 hours of heavy browsing on WiFi?!
I really don't want a phone that has a tough time making it past lunch with it mostly sitting inactive. Heck, my ancient G1 did much better than this. Just checking now, I unplugged it at 6:30, and I'm at 89% already. Although I will say that from about 6:30 - 7:42 I've gone down 4%, so I suppose that's not too terrible. I'd love to have 2%/hr.
Addl data:
From 7:42 - 9:34 with it just sitting on my desk, it's down to 81%, so it's still losing 4%/hr without being touched.

Battery Life?

Is anyone else having issues with battery life? My wife reported that she was at 70% when she went to take a nap and when she woke up (around an hour later) it was at 30%. I don't have it with me so I can't look up battery stats but I know wifi was off. Even if GPS was still on, you'd think that 40% of a giant battery wouldn't go by in an hour.
I just want to see if its worth investigating as faulty hardware or if there is a software issue involved. She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
Mine has been absolutely disappointing to say the least. Seems to last less time than my N1.
MILES worse than my iPhone 4.
Is meebo a instant messaging app? A lot of them aren't coded very well and constantly use data therefore killing the battery terribly. I've had my phone on wifi all day since 8am and i'm still at 70%
2.2 isnt designed to take advantage of 2 cores. Therefore its probably horribly optimized. 2.3 if it gets around soon - should be far better.
My battery life is great here.... no complains havent charge my phone since last night at 6pm... i still have 40% left
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
jmbradd said:
Is anyone else having issues with battery life? My wife reported that she was at 70% when she went to take a nap and when she woke up (around an hour later) it was at 30%. I don't have it with me so I can't look up battery stats but I know wifi was off. Even if GPS was still on, you'd think that 40% of a giant battery wouldn't go by in an hour.
I just want to see if its worth investigating as faulty hardware or if there is a software issue involved. She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
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so far my battery lasts about 20 hours.
I turn off blue-tooth
turn off GPS, wireless is only on when I am near wireless spots
Normal day yesturday:
60 minutes playing WSOP game
40 minutes cell calls
40 texts messages
30 emails
40 minutes playing with settings exploring the phone...
look at whats sucking up your battering in the battery manager, then take adequate measures to fix the battery hogs. My battery gives me more than a full day of play and talk
mine's been off a charger for about 8.5 hours, and it's down to 20%. But it has been streaming pandora continuously for about 6 of those hours, so i'd say i'm doing pretty good. Mix in an odd phone call, playing, downloading apps, setting stuff back up, etc, and i'm not at all unhappy with battery so far.
psufan5 said:
2.2 isnt designed to take advantage of 2 cores. Therefore its probably horribly optimized. 2.3 if it gets around soon - should be far better.
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Stop spreading misinformation.
The kernel (which handles all low-level I/O on the device) is compiled for multiple cores (hence the SMP tag, which stands for symmetrical multiprocessing, under About Phone, under Kernel Version).
On top of that, the Android SDK supports threads, which is in turn supported by the kernel and therefore spread across cores.
I'm suspicious that Motorola is using a bugged battery level scheme or calibration. I ran the battery down from 100% to 5% yesterday. When I got the 5% alert, it was still going strong afterwards for 30 minutes of continual use (downloading apps over wifi and configuring them, browsing the web, etc) after. I eventually got too tired to keep going and see how much longer it'd last.
Does the atrix have better battery life then a captivate?
Of the charger at 7am, its now 2:42pm and im at 80%. I use the phone heavily but auto sync is off.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
jmbradd said:
She did have meebo running which is a battery drain but even on my captivate with trillian running I don't lose battery like that!
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meebo is awful, awful, awful at battery drain. Utterly awful. It uses a fairly inefficient way of checking for new messages and it kills battery life. Do not use it.
My Atrix battery life has been great so far.
rustak said:
meebo is awful, awful, awful at battery drain. Utterly awful. It uses a fairly inefficient way of checking for new messages and it kills battery life. Do not use it.
My Atrix battery life has been great so far.
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cool, thanks for the info! I've never used it before I just use trillian but its what she downloaded.
My battery life is impressive. Yesterday off of the charger at 10am and I didn't charge overnight. When I woke up today it was still at 40%. I did a ton of downloading apps, setup, playing games and web browsing including flash videos. I played a 14 track cd from it when I went to bed, but I had it in airplane mode while sleeping. I use the apps for FB and Twitter instead of having Motoblur do everything. My brightness is over 3/4 too so I'm not handicapping the device for battery.
Hmm interesting..i have been getting HORRIBLE battery life. Off charger at 7am, by 12 i was at 20%. Some background data but ive tried to limit all refreshing apps to once a hour.
ok I don't know how to check useage by app but...
under "battery manager" I can get to a screen that looks like my captivate battery useage screen.
unplugged at 70%, useage is as follows...
time since last unplugged:3h 27m
Display: 50% Time On: 30 mins
Phone Idle: 36% Time on: 2 hours 54 mins
Cell Standby: 16% Time on 3 hr 23mins
Currently sitting at 30%
I took mine off the charger at 7 this morning. After very heavy use, and auto sync with facebook and gmail on. I'm at 30%
By heavy use I mean downloading apps, emailing, texting, gtalk all day.
I would say it's pretty good. Much better then my nexus one.
sssp said:
I took mine off the charger at 7 this morning. After very heavy use, and auto sync with facebook and gmail on. I'm at 30%
By heavy use I mean downloading apps, emailing, texting, gtalk all day.
I would say it's pretty good. Much better then my nexus one.
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i expected it to be very good, its huge! The whole reason i'm posting this is to see if there is something wrong with her battery. The screen is usually the biggest battery drain on my phone (samsung captivate) but hers was only on 20 mins.
From my battery manager:
1d 3h 26m 13s since unplugged
That is 27.5 hours, including a whole day of heavy use. I'm at 15% battery.
This phone kicks ass.

