Mistakes Developers Make When Promoting Their Apps/Games - General Marketing & SEO

This is open discussion, please post your thoughts. Also I will be calling games "apps" too, for simplicity. I have released a game and I am now doing a couple of reviews now and then. This is all my experience. You can agree or dissagree and add your own experience.
This is the list so far
Make an app first and then seek to promote it
Promoting an app with bugs
Asking everyone for Google Play store rate&review without helping others first
Sending review requests without having proper materials for the reviewers and/or not replying to the reviewer
And my notes
This was my biggest mistake. I learned it the hard way and I can see many people do the same. You make an awesome game and nobody ever heard about it before. You need to have people already following your progress. Remember, everything you do is newsworthy to someone! If not, then your game is doomed anyway.
I got few games to review that I couldn't run on 2/3 of my devices. After some time I see the game in google play store with 20 ratings and 2 stars...
In indie "Pay It Forward" works. And it would work much better if everybody did it. The most popular truly indie game I reviewed on my site was from a guy who created an awesome series of tutorials and helped everyone else first. He gots tons of downloads immediately...
My personal favourite. It makes my queue of games to review much shorter. Seriously, people - promoting something is a hard work. Deal with it. And if someone can get you more downloads, it's a good reason to at least try.

Guilty x4
We have a flow chart stuck on the wall showing the app business development cycle.
* Application Planning: concept design, feature design, APIs available, prototyping, audience targeting, platform selection, form factor selection
* Develop and Debug: Platform IDE, SDKs, APIs,
* Market Readiness: developer reg, certification, beta testing, localisation, packaging
* Distribution and Monitization: App publishing, billing, virtual goods, in app advertising
* Retailing and Discovery; Curation, in-app pricing, advertising, promos, PR, Merchandising
* In-Life: Analytics, ratings, user support and updates
Lots of developers spent 90% of there time doing just the development. I think the reality of your success (or your business) needs to spend ALOT more time doing the other processes. Remember when we used to work for large companies that had an actual marketing department? :highfive:


Primer: Software Naming Conventions

It has been brought to my attention that many android application developers have no idea how to properly class their applications by name. Here we will review a few common terms specific to this context.
Here is a list of terms in no specific order which we will review in this document.
Lite / Basic
Firstly let me start by saying that the word 'free' should never be in an application title. There are exceptions to this rule. For example a video game might have the word free in its title, such as 'free world defenders.' It should be clear to the developer that the word 'free' should not be used in an application title in reference to the cost of ownership. In practice this is at best unprofessional and untidy.
It may seem to the beginning developer that this would add clarity and destinction to a specific release of an application but this is an unnecessary clarification as most applications are already classified by price categories. At best all the developer has achieved is lengthening the title of the application and flagged it as possibly unworthy of usage. Most people don't expect to get much of anything for free. Keep this in mind when you develop your freeware applications.
I have also found that many developers have taken the word 'professional' entirely out of context. Instead of providing an example just yet, let us explore what the word professional actually means.
pro·fes·sion·al adj.
a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or
suitable for a profession: lawyers,
doctors, and other professional
b. Conforming to the standards of a
profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a
source of livelihood or as a career: a
professional writer.
Let's apply this definition in the context of software applications. Joe is a blogger. He blogs all day about his life. In fact there is almost nothing that Joe would not blog about. Joe decides that he could get more blogging done if he could quickly post his thoughts from his mobile. Joe goes to the market and he finds three things: Blogger Free, Captain's Blog, and Blogger Professional.
Joe thinks for a second... He decides right off the bat that he is no ordinary blogger and that he does not want deal with advertisements, so he overlooks Blogger Free without hesitation. Joe thinks that Captain's Blog sounds interesting. He decides to look it over because Blogger Professional sounds like it may have more features than he is really interested in. Joe is happy with Captain's Blog, and it is the first thing he blogs about saying: "I'mma live happily ever after!"
The term 'professional' implies that your application will employ features useful to the individual who requires industry standard adherence to specific guidelines laws, regulations, or operating procedures. Users in this market will have certain expectations. It is important that whenever you use the tagline 'Professional' that you have done your research and tested your product in the field with real professionals.
Usually products that employ groundbreaking features or features that can't be found anywhere else attempt to call themselves professional, but as stated before this term is at best reserved for industry professionals who require specific functionality. The proper tag for this kind of application is 'advanced.' Because it provides advanced functionality.
Some applications are so prolific that they require two tags such as 'professional advanced' or 'professional basic.' Yes, there is a 'professional standard' (no pun intended) as well as many other combinations. use whatever makes sense. I call these titles of prestige.
The term 'standard' implies, that an application meets or sets "the bar" by which applications that perform similar functions must reach to begin to consider themselves competition. It also implies that there is more to come or more to be had from this application and it's descendants or even its competition.
The term 'basic' or 'lite' is essentially the same as the term 'standard' but basic/lite implies the bare minimum required to achieve an acceptable effect. Usually this is an application with reduced functionality in order to meet a restriction on cost, time space, or otherwise.
The term 'premium' implies that your software is giving the best functionality there is, or the best functionality that it has to offer. this term should not be used lightly by any developer who wants to be taken seriously in the world of software engineering.
Trialware implies that an application has either full or limited features on the basis of time or functionality. Trialware is not freeware and should never display advertisements for anything other than itself. It is a platform for you to exhibit your product and the main idea is to sell YOUR full product. This is when you call your product a 'Trial.'
The difference between a trial and a demonstration may seem vague but it is not so. It should suffice to say that a 'trial' can be upgraded or unlocked, and a 'demonstration' can be replaced or succeeded with the final product. A demonstration may also have advertisements for other programs or services offered by the developer or its affiliates.
If you like this paper let me know! This is my first draft. Feel free to comment constructively and chat amongst yourselves with proper regard to the topic.
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Here is something else that I had not thought of while drafting this document. The term 'full' is like the term 'free' it is completely redundant or otherwise pointless to state that an application incorporates all of its functionality.
I am not yet sure where I stand on the term 'donator' but I am sure I would like to know what the application is donating to. If it is feeding starving children I would like to pat it on the back and send my donation in as well.
The terms 'plus' and 'extended' were not covered either. These terms are highly acceptable and they imply that the application has extra functionality which is not available in other versions.
These terms work very well with titles of prestige or as new ones. For example: 'proffesional standard plus,' 'standard plus' or 'extended basic.' These can be shortened into abbreviations to create some interesting artifacts such as 'PSP,' 'SP,' or 'EB.'
If you are running a charity, consider using the terms '+,' 'plus,' 'extended,' or the abbreviated forms instead of 'donator.'
- Posted via mobile
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors LOL
I'm thinking of calling my next app "Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
No sarcasm...honest
Rootstonian said:
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors LOL
I'm thinking of calling my next app "Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
No sarcasm...honest
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You should do this, the reviews alone would be great
Rootstonian said:
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors
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I failed 7th grade twice and dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. So what's YOUR point?
It's okay I understand you are neither professional nor do you aim to be. I taught myself everything I need to know in the field.
I have over 10 years programming experience and I can program in more than 7 different languages including assembler. My point is if you don't try to do anything better you never will. Good luck with fart maker.
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Scientia est potentia.
Knowledge is power. Is it for me to decide what you do with it?
- Posted via mobile
I understood your point was making jokes before you ever made your first post to this thread.
There are exceptions to this rule. For example a video game might have the word free in its title, such as 'free world defenders.'
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Fart Maker PLSTF
Interesting artifact.
datajosh said:
You should do this, the reviews alone would be great
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I agree.
If you like this paper let me know! This is my first draft. Feel free to comment constructively and chat amongst yourselves with proper regard to the topic.
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I don't believe the topic of this thread suggests that the readers are searching for jokes.
Since we are on the topic of making jokes...
Rootstonian said:
"Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
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Free trial demo (FTD) Would make a better artifact than 'trial free' for this application.
LOL. Try less jokes and more focus.
SERIOUSLY, I'm not kidding
- Posted via mobile

Offline Advertising

Hello people!
We have an idea to make some kind of offline advertising.
Well known fact is that there are some users which play games offline. And thus advertising monetization brakes.
We offer simple idea. Any app can advertise something offline by showing some pre-built banner.
No monetization could be applied such way, but user's offline gaming provided with advertising in this case.
Thats makes ineffective to turn off the internet connection for those players which want to ignore advertising.
The main idea is that user has no difference between online and offline gaming with such advertising model.
(Of course while online and non-blocked advertising, application would use common advertising model)
In such solution we need some Pre-built banners.
We offer for those developers which interested join this thread and get us any feedback.
Offline banners could advertise anything, we believe that advertising other developer apps, games is better than ourselves.
And it would be great to interchange banners with other developers which joined this initiative.
fiordcliff said:
Hello people!
We have an idea to make some kind of offline advertising.
Well known fact is that there are some users which play games offline. And thus advertising monetization brakes.
We offer simple idea. Any app can advertise something offline by showing some pre-built banner.
No monetization could be applied such way, but user's offline gaming provided with advertising in this case.
Thats makes ineffective to turn off the internet connection for those players which want to ignore advertising.
The main idea is that user has no difference between online and offline gaming with such advertising model.
(Of course while online and non-blocked advertising, application would use common advertising model)
In such solution we need some Pre-built banners.
We offer for those developers which interested join this thread and get us any feedback.
Offline banners could advertise anything, we believe that advertising other developer apps, games is better than ourselves.
And it would be great to interchange banners with other developers which joined this initiative.
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I also though about something like this. The problem with this approach is not showing the ads, but acting on them.
Usually, if the user clicks on a banner, they will be taken to some other page where the can buy/install the product. How would this work if the user were offline?
So, this method would be limited to brand awareness campaigns, or very simple things you can see offline and remember to check later when online.
How do you solve the following problems for offline advertising:
1. measure the effect
2. scale
fiordcliff said:
Hello people!
We have an idea to make some kind of offline advertising.
Well known fact is that there are some users which play games offline. And thus advertising monetization brakes.
We offer simple idea. Any app can advertise something offline by showing some pre-built banner.
No monetization could be applied such way, but user's offline gaming provided with advertising in this case.
Thats makes ineffective to turn off the internet connection for those players which want to ignore advertising.
The main idea is that user has no difference between online and offline gaming with such advertising model.
(Of course while online and non-blocked advertising, application would use common advertising model)
In such solution we need some Pre-built banners.
We offer for those developers which interested join this thread and get us any feedback.
Offline banners could advertise anything, we believe that advertising other developer apps, games is better than ourselves.
And it would be great to interchange banners with other developers which joined this initiative.
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Doesn't it already exist? I think that many offline games show ads from other apps. I mean, it's a good idea, of course, but I've already seen this.

Cheap marketing for your app with @Apps_and_Game

Heya guys, im here to share some news with you all.
I started working with a Marketing Company a month ago, and one of their branches does marketing services for Apps and Games developers, specially for Indies... They have a big community in Instagram with over 20.000 users, being one of the biggest Apps Page on Instagram, their page is called @apps_and_Game.
I proposed to my Boss to do a special offer to our community developers since im from this community and so on, I've found it usefull and could be useful for you guys as well, to shoutout about your games and projects... but more important than that, to do it CHEAPLY.
From my personal point of view as a Game Developer, I've found this Advertising option incredibly good for us around here, specially for mobile developers.... why?
-Instagram is a Mobile Social Network... This means if the user is checking the @apps_and_Game page, and reading about your game, they are doing it through their mobile devices, and if they like your App they will directly download it since they have the device on hand! Its a different effect than getting the advertising while surfing on their PCs.... People are more likely to jump to the Appstores and get the app they just saw in the palm of their hands, even if its awesome or kinda good since there is no need of a big effort.
- Instagram is a combination of Visual and Textual Advertising (since you publish pictures and images) but also text and information can be added, so its a quick method to catch attention of any kind of public.... and you can even ask to publish videos of your app!
- Followers are from your niche.... This means that if you like a page on instagram, you click to "Follow that page", that way the 20k+ community they have on @apps_and_Game are all people that are APP HUNGRY, they want to receive news about...well, apps and games to install them right away
- But the most important... Its economical dude. When i was in my pursuit to advertise my game i found tough options, coming from 50$ to up to 500$ to get a featuring, which is a hard investment when you are starting on this business, but this guys have friendly prices for developers, and much more with the nice discounts i proposed for our community, being as low as 5$ for publishing and talking once about your Product, and you can repeat it as many times as you might need, adapting your strategy to your budget since they show different prices and offers.
Hope this info is useful for you guys, ill also keep you informed around here the following weeks!
I've seen this work well with Instagram and Vine influencers extremely well. However it's more for LIfestyle/Social apps, but still another channel that definitely is underutilized.
GarrettThalamus said:
I've seen this work well with Instagram and Vine influencers extremely well. However it's more for LIfestyle/Social apps, but still another channel that definitely is underutilized.
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thats pretty accurated! by other side , we have looked and performed to have followers from an active gaming niche as well, thanks to the partnering with other influencers and to the hashtags smart strategy.
I am interested. How to get connected with you?
[email protected] said:
I am interested. How to get connected with you?
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Feel free to send an email to [email protected]
Add basic information of what you want to promote so they can reply you with the plans and packages
joraanpe said:
Heya guys, im here to share some news with you all.
I started working with a Marketing Company a month ago, and one of their branches does marketing services for Apps and Games developers, specially for Indies... They have a big community in Instagram with over 20.000 users, being one of the biggest Apps Page on Instagram, their page is called @apps_and_Game.
I proposed to my Boss to do a special offer to our community developers since im from this community and so on, I've found it usefull and could be useful for you guys as well, to shoutout about your games and projects... but more important than that, to do it CHEAPLY.
From my personal point of view as a Game Developer, I've found this Advertising option incredibly good for us around here, specially for mobile developers.... why?
-Instagram is a Mobile Social Network... This means if the user is checking the @apps_and_Game page, and reading about your game, they are doing it through their mobile devices, and if they like your App they will directly download it since they have the device on hand! Its a different effect than getting the advertising while surfing on their PCs.... People are more likely to jump to the Appstores and get the app they just saw in the palm of their hands, even if its awesome or kinda good since there is no need of a big effort.
- Instagram is a combination of Visual and Textual Advertising (since you publish pictures and images) but also text and information can be added, so its a quick method to catch attention of any kind of public.... and you can even ask to publish videos of your app!
- Followers are from your niche.... This means that if you like a page on instagram, you click to "Follow that page", that way the 20k+ community they have on @apps_and_Game are all people that are APP HUNGRY, they want to receive news about...well, apps and games to install them right away
- But the most important... Its economical dude. When i was in my pursuit to advertise my game i found tough options, coming from 50$ to up to 500$ to get a featuring, which is a hard investment when you are starting on this business, but this guys have friendly prices for developers, and much more with the nice discounts i proposed for our community, being as low as 5$ for publishing and talking once about your Product, and you can repeat it as many times as you might need, adapting your strategy to your budget since they show different prices and offers.
Hope this info is useful for you guys, ill also keep you informed around here the following weeks!
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I hope it helps
This one's useless
The majority of their subscribers are bots, you can see it from the likes amount on all the posts being incredibly low.
keenmobi said:
The majority of their subscribers are bots, you can see it from the likes amount on all the posts being incredibly low.
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Bots? how can u say that by the likes? engagement comes from content type, not from users amount... and if it was the case, still an average of 600likes and more than 4k views in videos for only 5$ per post is WAY TOO ECONOMICAL for any developer, a single instal costs around 2$ depending the country so do your maths my friend
I do understand all that instagram thing, the average likes per subs percentage is around 5% however yours one is 10 times lower. But yeah perhaps it still provides a bit of effect to your client.
I didn't intend to post more negative things, don't know why you are willing to continue this discussion.
keenmobi said:
I do understand all that instagram thing, the average likes per subs percentage is around 5% however yours one is 10 times lower. But yeah perhaps it still provides a bit of effect to your client.
I didn't intend to post more negative things, don't know why you are willing to continue this discussion.
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Im not continuing the "discussion" im just replying your post because it did seem as a negative post and may affect an honest business reputation, specially if coming from you under a -dont really understand the instagram thing- state, just chill! Only making sure things are clear enough im sure you might understand hehe

Low budget for marking

Hi all,
I have low budget for the marking of my new game that i will publish soon
I have only $200 , is that amount will effect or i will just spend for nothing ?
and how i can use them ?
It would be very easy to throw that money away. It won't do a lot, all told. Focus instead on the app, encouraging people to review it positively, managing bad reviews, building up a good relationship with an initially small number of users so that they'll tell their mates and build your numbers up. Talk to people for whom your app solves a problem. They don't exist? Well, there's your problem and $200 of marketing won't help
Ryan.T.Student said:
It would be very easy to throw that money away. It won't do a lot, all told. Focus instead on the app, encouraging people to review it positively, managing bad reviews, building up a good relationship with an initially small number of users so that they'll tell their mates and build your numbers up. Talk to people for whom your app solves a problem. They don't exist? Well, there's your problem and $200 of marketing won't help
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Ryan has an important point: actually, adwords, facebook ads, *can* bring some result but at a too much heavy cost. I have tried them and my cost per install was like $5 to $10, for free apps...
Prompting users to review your app in your app works, but do it at moments when they achieve something positive with your app, like attaining a certain level in a game. Building a relationship is a key, i can't agree more to that
$200 is a low budget.
Try first the all free methods we all know are aware off (mailing, asking parents and friends to download and promote the app, posts on forums and so on).
Also try to exchange reviews with other developers (I'm always willing to do it, for instance).
And if your really want to boost the number of downloads of your games in order to look more attractive for users visiting your Google Play page, you can buy incentive installs from tapjoy (0.10 / install will give you up to 2,000 downloads (but I don't think it worth the effort, as vast majority will remove your app right after they get their rewards).
Here are some useful methods to increase downloads for consumer mobile apps:
• Application name-is unique
• Keywords-including related keywords, but be careful - don’t stuff every keyword into your app
• Make Facebook or Twitter page for your app and write story of your game there to attract every users
• Description. Your description is clearly the value of your App
Best of luck in your app business.

Best Tips for Android App Promotion

Hello, I’m here to share my thoughts and tips about the Android app promotion
Here are the most useful tips which I have learnt promoting my Android Apps:
1) Start promoting your App while it’s still developing.
2) Make an announcement about your Application in news break. List its pros, benefits, emphasize strong sides. It helps to warm up the user’s perception and become more loyal to the newly released application.
3) Maximize its effectiveness in your inner market. I mean it must stand out among the similar applications and become visible for users when they type its name in search line. ASO service will help you to be different and recognized – pay attention on title, description, screenshots, and presence of keywords.
4) Use SMM channel. Talk as much as possible about your application in social networks, thematic blogs and forums.
5) Maintain AdWords campaign – it would provide you solely target audience on your App installation.
6) Use incent traffic service which provide you installs and high rate reviews– it cost not much, but ensure inflow of organic audience.
7) If you have several similar application – not use the same marketing campaign – try different channels and test measurements.
8) Run the keyword install campaigns for the cheapest rankings growth and raise your organic traffic
Would be great if people will add their own thoughts/marketing cases here. Concerning the different ad networks/platforms etc:angel:
Check out APPSPIRE.me
If you really want to invest in making your app the next big thing, you should check out APPSPIRE.me, a mobile app marketing agency. They guarantee results and are super easy to work with. To be honest, they are the real deal. If you have a little bit of money to spend to get your app huge, I really recommend that you check them out.
pay attention to your existing users
I may share one more tip
You might have developed an excellent app, but you might be forgetting about retention and loyalty. Observing recent app store algorithm updates, you can see that retention and app usage metrics are getting more important for the app stores than ever. Loyal users are about to be even more value for both Apple App Store as well as Google Play Store Algorithm.

