Great opportunity for app developers - General Marketing & SEO

Hello everyone
I don't know how many of you have heard about TrepLabs, but it's a great opportunity for app developers. It will launch this month, but they are still accepting applications.
More information, and how to sign up go to


[COLAB] Collaboration among developers to advertising APPs

Hi all,
it takes a long time to develop an app and it takes even more to achieve that your app is known.
My app (so far) Voice Message has ads from admob to help me to get some money from the users.
I don't know if this is already said, but I think we can collaborate with Admob auto-ads. For example, I can put ads in Admob of another app as if it were mine and the other developer could do the same.
If you think this is a good idea to promote our apps, I will put ads in Admob to promote your apps, and you will do the same for mine.
We can put in Admob until 50% ads from auto-ads and collaborate among us.
What do you think?
Hi pacosal,
I do really like your idea! You can develop the best apps but if nobody knows them them they're useless.
In the end that's bad for the users and the developers!
I do have two apps in the Market with one of those as a paid app. I would really like to have more advertisement, because personally I think it is the best one available. If we can find more developers who are willing to collaborate we could get a large user base and increase popularity and therefore sales.
I'm willing to put my free app (~60000 downloads and ~30000 active users) into the pot.
Who's next?!
// edit: wow that was my first post, really?! Almost one year after registering...
ok, perfect!
We can wait for more developers or we can start right now and when others developers want to join us, they have to write in this thread.
My app is Voice Message, you can put this kind of ads.
Try the free Voice Message App with url to: market://details?id=com.pacosal.voicemessage
What is your APP?
Tell me and I will promote yours.
Anyone more?
Anyone else?
sorry for the long delay.
Currently I don't have ads in my free app (called 'Stats') and I don't want to update it just to add ads into it. It will take some time for me to put a little work into it.
We should collect more developers to build some kind of community. What do you think about a small website?
It could be a good idea, but at first we need more developers interested in.
Waiting for more developers...
I will post into a German developer board, let's see how it works...

Great option for free promotion

Hey Guys & Gals,
I'm a co-founder of Best App Daily (www dot bestappdaily dot com) and we're accepting submissions, free of charge, from App Developers & Startups to have their app featured.
Best App Daily is a beautiful online platform hosting only the best, most highly rated, and useful apps, all in one place – so users can quickly and easily find the apps that will make a difference in their life.
Since inception, we have worked with the Founders and/or Marketing team of apps like Viber, SoundCloud, and Songza, as well as many brand new apps, after determining their app fit our criteria.
Many industry professionals also use our site for inspiration, both from a design and feature perspective. Journalists and investors also frequent the site to keep tabs on the market.
We offer a realistic chance for app developers, both small and large, to have their app recognized as one of the best.
The app market has over 750,000 apps, and you’re competing for the attention of not just potential users, but bloggers, journalists, investors, and even potential employees.
Being featured on Best App Daily establishes your app as one of the premium apps in its category, and allows you to gain instant credibility amongst these stakeholders.
If you think your app might qualify, we want to hear from you!
You can send us an email at [email protected] (dot) com with a link to your app, and we'll be happy to review it. If it meets our criteria, we’ll be in touch.
Kevin Douglas
Co-Founder, Best App Daily
sound's really great now for this thread and this thread shows you deep study for the market i think you have post a valuable post for this forum.
Great Website!
Just e-mailed your team with our Android app, bitmado! I love the design of your website! :laugh:
Have sent you an email, look forward to a reply
Just sent you guys an email
And for Android Users???
looks good, will drop an email soon.
Thanks, great to know, will come back
Hey Kevin,
Your website seems pretty awesome, and I will email you with my app but a few questions:
How many visits do you get daily?
Do you accept Android only apps? Seems most apps are at least iPhone apps or both.
Really awesome to see these free options to promote your app. :good:
I've also submitted my app. Hopefully it'll be added!
Great post. Do you have an Android app?
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda app-developers app
I think that free options to promote an app mentioned above sometimes can be very effective. Will try to use them more.

Brand new way to promote your app

Hey Developers,
We would like to present you a brand new way to promote your Android apps! We have been working hard to find a way so that any developer can promote their apps effectively without paying hundreds of dollars. DappWall is different from other mobile advertisement networks by using a unique and affordable payment solution (more info in 2 days).
Why are we doing this? DappWall was conceptualized by freelance developers in order to empower other developers to promote their apps in a cheap and effective way. Our goal is to balance the fair play on the market. After all, we are developers too!
The apps you advertise on DappWall are placed into a special application which works as an alternative Android market. We created this app to be fun and different from other Google Play alternatives.
Register here and you'll get $15 credit up until May 31, 2014 and all ads go live from May 15, 2014!
In the following days we will keep posting about DappWall. Till then, please like and follow us on the social websites which we created for users:
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
It's great to see that quite a few of you have already registered. Thanks for the interest! Today we would like to tell you what differs DappWall from other ad networks. Even though DappWall is a unique solution, it creates competition for other mobile advertisement networks with the following differences:
- You don't pay per impression. You pay a flat price.
- While with other ad companies your balance gets depleted in minutes, with DappWall your ad is displayed for as long as you want, thus burning into the users' memory!
- With other ad networks you need to give a description about your app in 40 characters. With DappWall you have almost twice as much space letting you elaborate a more appealing description!
Stay tuned for more information and don't forget to register on DappWall today and we will give you $15 free credit which you can use even for 3 weeks of promoting!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
how do you think DappWall is different from other app markets? Well, these are the main reasons why users will choose DappWall:
DappWall was designed to provide a variety of apps limited to a couple hundred so that users don't get lost in the plethora of apps.
This way any of the apps can get focus and not only the ones from the biggest developer companies. Your apps as well!
The apps in DappWall are constantly changing to sustain their interest and keep the application exciting.
With a special mini-game system users can earn achievements and badges by using DappWall regularly.
If you are interested what DappWall looks like, take a look at DappWall in a short video:
So don't forget to register today at and create your first advertisement!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
How are you? We are very excited! In the meantime we would like to share with you a few tips about creating ads on DappWall.
You have 75 characters to create an appealing description. Try to use it up if possible, but a catchy short description may also work! Try to find the best line that describes your app. Highlight what makes you unique.
Use call to action words like create, discover, organize, enjoy, learn, build, store, track
Use simple adjectives like beautiful, special edition, powerful, awesome, best, easiest, most popular, perfect
Use catchy adjectives like long-awaited, fully featured
Tomorrow more exciting tips are expected, so stay tuned for them! And in case you missed it, we created a video summarizing our service which you can see at
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
as we promised we continue on giving you vital tips on creating successful ads in DappWall:
Start with questions like have you ever..?, did you know..?, are you..?, fed up with..?,
Don't mislead users with descriptions just to lure to your app. You will miss out on downloads and the only thing you'll get is bad ratings given by angry and disappointed users.
What do people see the very first time related to your app? Your icon! Generally the more appealing the icon of your app is the more people will download it! So create a fancy one!
Please take a look at our best practices for sample ads.
We hope we managed to give you useful tips about creating appealing ads on DappWall and we look forward to see the results! Register on DappWall today and be among the first ones who get the 15$ free credit (applicable until May 31, 2014)!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
We have received a lot of interest in DappWall. Thank you so much!
Exactly, most of you catch the drift: it is hard to promote your app if you are a freelancer developer, since other promoting networks and sites require hundreds of dollars. We are proud to introduce you DappWall where every single application can get into focus and not only the ones from the biggest developer companies. Other special features will make it more unique, check them out here now!
And for what price? Now you get 15$ free credit - which can be used even for 3 weeks of advertising - if you register until May 15, 2014.
So register today on DappWall to be among the very first ones!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
Many of you have contacted us that you find this new advertisement solution exciting and unique. Furthermore there was also a lot of interest about the special DappWall app. Needless to say, we also can't wait to launch it; we go live in 4 days! Until then, be patient and use the $15 free credit you received to create your ads.
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey Guys,
You have created a lot of advertisements in the last couple of days. We were contacted many times and we gladly heard that you are very interested in this special advertisement option. We honestly believe we finally created an app market that will provide users a brand new variety of apps that they have never seen before... Your apps as well!
So start creating ads on DappWall today as we go live in 2 days!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
We have some great news - from today onwards DappWall is live!
The advertisements that you have created so far will be continuously added from now on into the DappWall app, which is now available on Google Play.
Don't forget, you can continue to register for $15 credit (applicable until May 31, 2014).
Please like and follow us on the social websites which we created for users:
Happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey Guys,
In case you missed, we updated DappWall with fixing some issues and we are working hard to implement exciting new features. DappWall's structure will change a bit and a unique feature is expected to come during the following days to give our advertisers a better service. DappWall is thriving bigger and bigger everyday!
Stay tuned for the next updates!
- The DappWall Team

[Q] Promote your App for free. What do you think? :)

Hey guys. I know how hard it is to get users and reviews for our Apps. Been there 3 times. Wanted to share my 1 cent, it may help someone here. I got around 100 free installs and reviews for my Android App using this service called The concept is simple. You install and review other developers Apps and they do the same for you. Plus, you can get demographics/comments/suggestions/bug reports as well that you can use to solidify your app further. What do you guys think? :laugh:
maryjoelcal88 said:
Hey guys. I know how hard it is to get users and reviews for our Apps. Been there 3 times. Wanted to share my 1 cent, it may help someone here. I got around 100 free installs and reviews for my Android App using this service called The concept is simple. You install and review other developers Apps and they do the same for you. Plus, you can get demographics/comments/suggestions/bug reports as well that you can use to solidify your app further. What do you guys think? :laugh:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How many apps did you install and review yourself?
Did you get all 5s? Did you give all 5s? I am just asking just to understand the community, as if it is too "generous" it may be seen by Google as dishonest promotion. I would prefer some true 4s here and there than all artificial 5s.
Its at pure will of the users. If they like your App, they may give 5 or 4. I got 3's as well. I personally reviewed quite a lot and still do it to get points. Try it, its awesome!!
Looks interesting. It may be useful for new apps. For apps already with hundreds of reviews, I think it's not the effort.
I started using it for my new game, it seems good
it is good for somebody who can write review.
Pretty interesting concept, but is it truly scalable? Also, wondering what kind of users (quality or not) will be the ones installing your app..
Hi, You can try some app review exchange websites.
They was good on start. But today you should featuring you apps to get more than 10 reviews.

Promote your app with Tappx

Hey there!
I'm Kristina, an indie app developer who just enrolled in a cross promotion community called Tappx. Since it's based on cross promotion, the bigger the community becomes the better it will be for us, its users. For now, it's been working really well for me, and the popularity of my apps has slowly increased. For those who don't know how cross promotion works, it's very simple: I advertise your app in my app, and you do so in yours.
Tappx gives you credits for advertising other apps in your own app, and you can choose where you want to spend your credits (Tappix). You can choose the country you want to be advertised in and design your own promotion campaign.
Furthermore, if you don't have any banners of your own, they have some available ones that you can freely use. It won’t take more than 20 minutes to upload your app there and start making some profit out of it.
Try and register and let me know how it goes for you!
Tappx Cross Promotion Platform for Apps – The App Marketing Platform
Payment policies
What is your payment policies? I am using Adsota - they pay me every 30 days no matter how much I earn.

