[LIBRARY] APL - Android Proxy Library - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

APL (Android Proxy Library) is a library that makes it easier for app developers get the proxy settings from an Android device.
I decided to make this library when I realized that Android didn't have a standard and simple support to proxy networks that can support all the API versions (more information here). So, the first goal was to add an agnostic method to get the current proxy configuration of the device. After that, I continued adding features to the library in order to get and check proxy configuration, status and other related informations.
Anyway, here it is on GitHub: https://github.com/shouldit/android-proxy-library
The code is not so well documented, but please be patient, it's not my full time job !
I would really appreciate any feedback, comment, issue you may find, so please just write a couple of rows to me or into the GitHub Issues page.

This looks really useful, but I am completely failing to get it imported into Eclipse successfully...
I have done:
file > import > general > existing projects into workspace
file > import > android > existing android code into workspace
Both with "copy files into workspace" checked and unchecked.
Every time, I get 1021 errors in the console with things like:
android.net.LinkProperties cannot be resolved to a type
What am I doing wrong? Is there some extra setup step that I missed?

redders6600 said:
This looks really useful, but I am completely failing to get it imported into Eclipse successfully...
I have done:
file > import > general > existing projects into workspace
file > import > android > existing android code into workspace
Both with "copy files into workspace" checked and unchecked.
Every time, I get 1021 errors in the console with things like:
android.net.LinkProperties cannot be resolved to a type
What am I doing wrong? Is there some extra setup step that I missed?
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You should exclude from the build of the library all the source files that are contained into the "excluded_from_build" folder. Those files are there only to have a fast reference for reflecting the Android source files.
Anyway I've on my todo list the task to provide an easily library package (aar). It should be ready soon.


[SCRIPTSET v2.6][02/28/2012] Build native GNU/Linux applications: the easy way

New: SANE (USB Scanner backend and drivers) - OTG equipped device needed to work for this - YES, Scanner Access Now possible and Easy with your phone
This can (in combination with tesseract-ocr) be very useful to recognize text from scanned images.
For pictures see also http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=23046120&postcount=187
Update 01/30/2012: Now with a small android app (ScriptStarter) to start services and other shell scripts easily from the GUI. See bottom of the post.
With this bash script your are able to build relatively easy from source a lot of native software (over 90 at the moment) from the GNU/Linux community for your Android phone and you will have
the good experience with free software.
All these tools and programs are not "apps for the GUI" for Android but native running command line tools "under the surface" of your Android GUI like the kernel and other services.
Don't ask me if it makes any sense to install program xy (like MySQL) on a phone. This is your decision. It's possible, so try it and see what you can do with it.
Note: I tested most of the compiled software on a Samsung Galaxy S2 (my phone). I cannot test it on a variety of phones because I have no mobile phone shop...
Currently buildable with this scripts (abstract, see the full list in package_selection.conf):
PHP 5.3.10 (with almost all extensions and XCache)
MySQL 5.5.19 (if you want a full database server on your phone...)
lighttpd 1.4.30
OpenSSH 5.9p1
OpenSSL 1.0.0f
Samba 3.6.3
cURL 7.23.1
bash 4.2
BusyBox 1.19.3
ImageMagick 6.7.4-10
OpenVPN 2.2.2
Python 2.7.2
Node.js 0.6.7
git 1.7.9
Wget 1.13.4
Rsync 3.0.9
Midnight Commander 4.8.1
Pure-FTPd 1.0.35
screen 4.0.3
iptables 1.4.10 (without bionic bug "getnetbyaddr()" and with iptables-save/restore!)
BIND 9.8.1-P1
Lua 5.2.0
Ruby 1.9.3-p0
usbutils 004
MTDUtils latest git
GCC 4.6.2 (c, c++)
GNU Coreutils 8.14, Binutils 2.22, Findutils 4.4.2, Inetutils 1.8
QEMU 0.15.1
SANE 1.0.22
tesseract-ocr 3.01
a lot of libraries, development tools and other useful programs
automatic download and untar the cross-compilers (if not already done) for cross compiling
automatic download and untar the source packages (if not already done), that you have selected
solve dependences and reserves additional needed packages
apply patches to the sources if necessary
build them, "install" them in a folder for later "ready to transfer" to your phone and stripes the binaries and libraries to reduce the filesize if selected
autogenerate a tar file and adb push the file to device if selected
allows you to use well-known software like PHP, MySQL, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, bash and lighttpd on your phone (see the full list in file package_selection.conf, see attachement)
scripting and development on your phone
no limits with BusyBox (without want to be derogative, BusyBox is a wonderful tool), full featured tools like Coreutils, Binutils etc.
build scripts are expandable with other or newer packages you eventual want to have
Q: Do I need native GNU/Linux programs and what is that?
A: If you do not know what native Linux applications are, then stop here - you don't need them.
Q: What can I do with these tools?
A: Many things. As a developer you can use the libraries to include them in Android GUI apps, as user you can start for example a webserver on your phone and write some HTML or PHP pages
just for fun or replace BusyBox with full featured tools (or only some commands).
Some tools are also very useful to find network errors, check the network traffic and many more.
Q: What do I need?
A: A Linux installation (VM or real), some Linux knowledge and a little bit time to read all instructions carefully. A rooted Android device with enouth free memory (ext2/3/4 formatted)
See README for details.
Q: Costs?
A: Nothing. The scripts are Open Source (GPL v3), the packages are GPL licensed or under a similar license. The cross-compilers are Open Source or free to use for non-profit purposes.
But I would be pleased if I get a donation and/or a press on the "Thanks button", if the scripts are useful for you. It was a long and hard work...
Note: The attachement scriptset-x.yy.zip is double packed (inside .bz2), because I want preserve the right settings of the scripts.
Selected the desired packages in the config file
Adjust the compiler settings for your phone
Run the build script to download and compile the software
Copy the generated TAR files to your phone or let "adb" this do for you and unpack them in the prepared sysroot folder
For more information please read the instructions in "README"
Please let me also know if you have any problems or if you have questions or further suggestions.
Thanks go to the Open Source community and a lot of people/webpages with hints about cross-compiling software.
01/14/2012 First public release v0.9
01/14/2012 Update: Removed unneeded big patch for ncurses
01/15/2012 Release of v1.0
Update: Fixed build of gcc. Note: the header files are not copied automatically with the script.
If you want to compile on your phone, set TAR_HEADERS=1 in configuraton.conf
Typos: some translations corrected in build.sh
01/16/2012 Release of v1.1
Update: Removed building of fsck from util-linux-ng, it's in e2fsprogs
Update: ISC Cron / vixie cron: set correct paths in pathnames.h before compiling
Enhancement: More detailed explanation of device specific compiler settings with list of possible values
Update: Removed dependence e2fsprogs libs from e2fsprogs
01/17/2012 Release of v1.2
Update: Build of zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit, unzip, unzipsfx and funzip now possible without errors
01/17/2012 Release of v1.3
Update: Added Node.js
Typos: some translations and language errors corrected in build.sh and README (sorry, I'm not a native English speaker...)
01/18/2012 Release of v1.4
Fixed TMP_PATH in PHP extension XCache (mmap.c) to prevent startup warning
Fixed BusyBox problems with static build against glibc ("__getpagesize" segfault with ping, traceroute and other networking parts)
and added some BusyBox patches.
BusyBox is now dynamic linked, so don't replace the system BusyBox with this build, because of missing mount/paths to libraries at phone startup
01/20/2012 Release of v1.5
Update: Cleanup in scripts and separation of configuration and code. Now it's only necessary to edit configuration.conf and package_selection.conf
Update: Added gzip
Update: Added experimental adb push to device if the device is connected and permissions are ok
Update: Check for installed programs. Script now exists on check failure to minimize errors while compiling.
01/21/2012 Release of v1.6
Bugfix: MySQL build could fail if gen_lex_hash could not generate the file sql/lex_hash.h in pass 2
Update: adb push should now work, check for connected device (and possible multiple devices) and check for right permissions to use the device
Enhancement: Even more explanation of device specific compiler flags and some hints to find the right settings.
01/21/2012 Release of v1.7
Enhancement: To eliminate sure a failing MySQL build, with every new run the source folder will be removed before completely
Enhancement: file version is now strictly checked (the host version must be the same as the cross version)
Some minor changes and filechecks (e.g. autoconf)
01/23/2012 Release of v1.8
Bugfix: Python has SQLite dependencies and SQLite must be ready before Python configure/make
Bugfix: In certain circumstances the optimizer settings get lost
Bugfix: Removed --enable-multibyte from bash, no chance to use it with NDK
01/24/2012 Release of v1.9
Update: Added ngIRCd (Please read the comment for this server, because of running as root)
Update: Sorted the links and package names in the config a little bit...
01/26/2012 Release of v2.0
Bugfix: OpenSSH wants to touch /var/empty while compiling, should be fixed --with-privsep-path now set (thanks to member dateno1 for his reports of such warnings/errors)
Bugfix: Removed a wrong CFLAG -I path from NDK config (only useful for me, really useless for others...)
Enhancement: Example for a user db for Pure-FTPd virtual user database in README (please use virtual users, it's the best and easiest solution)
Update: OpenSSH build need ssh-keygen for the generation of the default keys, added this info to README and the package selection
Bugfix: Not really a bugfix, but some installers don't set the right permissions of libraries in the sysroot folder, so set them global in the final task
Bugfix: Removed --with-lastlog=$TARGET_SYSROOT/var/log/lastlog from OpenSSH and added --with-lastlog=no, I don't know why this is not working and throws a warning, but we can live without it...
Enhancement: Added option to choose the sysroot variant from the CodeSourcery libs: v5TE (default), v4T (old), thumb2 (v7, fastest if supported by the phone)
Enhancement: Added option to tar the headers for development on the device with CodeSourcery (hint: always set rpath in LDFLAGS to make use of the CodeSourcery libs)
01/26/2012 Release of v2.1
Update: Added getcap/setcap and libraries from wishlist, needs libtoolize. Note: This is in a testing stage, kernel and filesystem support needed!
01/30/2012 Added a ScriptStarter app
09/02/2012 Release of v2.2
Update: Local compilation of static "tic" from ncurses for buildhost, if ncurses installation is missing
Enhancement: "downloading only" mode without compiling the packages (and force download)
Enhancement: some parameters for starting the script with additional functions (show with ./build.sh help)
Enhancement: more logging and outputs
Enhancement: language specs, all outputs can be changed to other languages in build.sh
Update: Added dosfstools
Update: Added Ruby
Update: Added example configs and starter scripts for Samba and OpenSSH
Update: Use of http-URLs if possible and update of some broken external links since last release
Bugfix: util-linux-ng needs gettext, added dependence
Bugfix: Added parameter to Samba to solve user/group settings and socket_wrapper support to set path vars at runtime
Update: Changed PHP version to 5.3.10, Samba to 3.6.3 and git to 1.7.9
02/11/2012 internal Release v2.3
Bugfix: openVPN patch for /dev/tun and links to ip/netstat/ifconfig/route, see hints for symlinks
02/16/2012 internal Release v2.4
02/25/2012 Release of v2.5
Update: Added LAME
Update: Added experimental CUPS
Update: Changed PNG version to 1.5.9
Update: Added Net-SNMP
Update: Added Netpbm
Update: Added PNG 1.2.47 for Netpbm and phpSANE
Update: Added LibTIFF
Update: Added SANE (USB Scanner backend and drivers) - OTG equipped device needed to work for this - YES, Scanner Access Now possible and Easy with your phone
Update: Split patches for bash (4.1 and 4.2) for better and easier (automatic) inclusion of original patches
02/28/2012 Release of v2.6
Update: Added Cuneiform OCR
Update: Added tesseract-ocr (see hints for more details howto use it)
02/03/2012 Added a small ScriptStarter for the GUI. With this app, written with JQuery, PhoneGap and Java (wrapper to execute the shell scripts) it's possible to start for example the lighttpd web server, Pure-FTPd or MySQL from within the Android GUI without a terminal and read the output. If a script needs root access, there is a checkbox to allow this. For this to work, copy the script sush in the script folder. All scripts ending with .sh can be started (please choose after the first start your script folder on the device to add the scripts to the selection, normally your [SYSROOT]/sbin folder).
Three buttons (start, stop and status) are predefined for start-stop-status scripts, there is also a parameter input field for more start values.
Free GPL v3 source code also included (Eclipse project). Please don't expect too much eye-candy. The GUI could be much better, but my CSS skills are very limited...
I added a few example scripts in the zip file, for example a battery stats reader. Before starting these scripts, have a look in the source code to be sure that they are compatible with your device.
Update 0.97 02/03/2012: Now the stderr is also printed in the output window
Update 0.99 02/10/2012: Replaced scrolling api with a much better solution (jScrollPane) for the output window. Not the real Android scroll feeling, but it's usable.
Thanks! I would hit the Thanks button, but I am on my mobile atm.
Sent from MIUI powered phone
Someone tried it? Problems?
Please, I need your feedback...
Sounds interesting, I'll try once I get back home and share feedback here
now i try to all packages for test
i will test on cortex a8 (motolora xt720)
TARGET_MARCH="armv7-a" (not work on armv7 )
it make dynamic binarys but i don't want dymanic type (because it difficult to divide one thing and maybe not work on android's libs)
how can i make static type?
ps : oh...it has so many comile error (even can't read or count all)
dateno1 said:
i will test on cortex a8 (motolora xt720)
TARGET_MARCH="armv7-a" (not work on armv7 )
it make dynamic binarys but i don't want dymanic type (because it difficult to divide one thing and maybe not work on android's libs)
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I hope I understand your question. Why not dynamic?
Yes, you have to set the parameters for your mobile phone. For TARGET_MARCH try "armv7", for TARGET_MFLOAT "softfp" and for TARGET_MFPU "vfp" but check this last setting carefully for this phone.
It's very hard to build a full static binary (and sometimes nearly impossible) and it's also hard to build against bionic (with NDK). I had no good experience with it . A lot of compiler runs wasn't sucessful. Edit: I also had for example massive problems with openssl. I couldn't find a way to build it with NDK or static and then build other programs like cURL with openssl support.
Static binaries are also too big and not necessary. For this we have a sysroot environment to be independent from bionic and without the restrictions. The compiled libs and binaries are linked to the CodeSourcery glibc and have set the custom "rpath" for the dynamic loader. That's no problem I think.
that's simple
if someone want to make some binary for all version of android (even same cpu) it will not work well (defend on basic lib(ex : libc) is ok but complex things will not work)
i know make static type binary is very difficult but it valable
dateno1 said:
that's simple
if someone want to make some binary for all version of android (even same cpu) it will not work well (defend on basic lib(ex : libc) is ok but complex things will not work)
i know make static type binary is very difficult but it valable
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You are right, if you want to build a "portable" binary, you have to set very safe settings, like TARGET_MARCH="armv5", the full list is in the "README". But it's not my main target to offer a solution that is easy portable to other phones, instead you can build the software with optimizations for your phone to "get the best" for it
smitna said:
You are right, if you want to build a "portable" binary, you have to set very safe settings, like TARGET_MARCH="armv5", the full list is in the "README". But it's not my main target to offer a solution that is easy portable to other phones, instead you can build the software with optimizations for your phone to "get the best" for it
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just i want to add some more function on the phone
thanks for patch files
I want to try this, to install some apps(most interested fro mc), but I don' t wanna change my sd card.
Can I use phone' s /data partition as mysysroot directory? I have 1.5GB space available on data partition, it is 2GB all.
And If yes, I must create the dir: /data/mysyroot? And where to create this dir on pc? On root directory of my linux system?
dancer_69 said:
I want to try this, to install some apps(most interested fro mc), but I don' t wanna change my sd card.
Can I use phone' s /data partition as mysysroot directory? I have 1.5GB space available on data partition, it is 2GB all.
And If yes, I must create the dir: /data/mysyroot? And where to create this dir on pc? On root directory of my linux system?
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Click to collapse
You can use the /data partition. Just create a new folder, for example /data/sysroot. On your PC you have to create the same temporary with full user rights. This is not your working dir for building. Create a new dir in /home/user and unpack the files there. In settings insert the /data/sysroot as TARGET_SYSROOT and change the other settings for your phone and choose mc=yes. Then start the ./build.sh
Thanks for your quick answer.
Just to make clear because my english understanding is not in a high level
I must create the /data/sysroot dir under "/"(root directory) on linux pc with superuser rights?
dancer_69 said:
Thanks for your quick answer.
Just to make clear because my english understanding is not in a high level
I must create the /data/sysroot dir under "/"(root directory) on linux pc with superuser rights?
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Yes, that is right. But this is the only step you need to do as root or better with root rights. After this work as usual as user.
oh it can't make mysql
package selection : mysql only
target directory (prefix) : /sddata/mysql (on sdext on my system)
then run ./build.sh 2> error.txt
it is my error messages
sorry you can see this link only today (my mistake)
this setting can make some binary and lib run on my phone but fail to make gcc or mysql (when i try gcc it just fail to making gcc only (other things were made) )
dateno1 said:
package selection : mysql only
target directory (prefix) : /sddata/mysql (on sdext on my system)
then run ./build.sh 2> error.txt
it is my error messages
sorry you can see this link only today (my mistake)
this setting can make some binary and lib run on my phone but fail to make gcc or mysql (when i try gcc it just fail to making gcc only (other things were made) )
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Please notice first, that you should not run this script as root!!
Then there is something wrong with the build of the first needed packages:
- The script cannot find the readline sources. Do you have a subfolder readline-6.2 in folder sources in your builddir? Same for the other source folders. The script first downloads the packages to folder packages, extract the tars in folder sources, repeated for all selections.
(look at line 67 in your log: ./build.sh: 1402: cd: Python-2.7.2: No such file or directory)
- You have no "xz", install it first and make sure, that the other necessary packages are installed. MySQL and gcc are "two pass" compilations and this builds generating temporary binaries, runable on your linux pc. So you need all for a successful compilation of such binaries like gcc, make, python etc. on your linux machine. If you are using Ubuntu, then install the "meta-package" build-essential, look in the README.
Do you have the other unpacking tools like gunzip etc. Please install also "bison"
You should do following steps:
1. First select only the necessary packages (see above), all others to no.
2. If zlib, python, readline an the others are cross-compiled (without errors) and the libraries are in ./sysroot/lib, then deselect them (=no) and select mysql=yes and start a second run with ./build.sh
smitna said:
Please notice first, that you should not run this script as root!!
Then there is something wrong with the build of the first needed packages:
- The script cannot find the readline sources. Do you have a subfolder readline-6.2 in folder sources in your builddir? Same for the other source folders. The script first downloads the packages to folder packages, extract the tars in folder sources, repeated for all selections.
(look at line 67 in your log: ./build.sh: 1402: cd: Python-2.7.2: No such file or directory)
- You have no "xz", install it first and make sure, that the other necessary packages are installed. MySQL and gcc are "two pass" compilations and this builds generating temporary binaries, runable on your linux pc. So you need all for a successful compilation of such binaries like gcc, make, python etc. on your linux machine. If you are using Ubuntu, then install the "meta-package" build-essential, look in the README.
Do you have the other unpacking tools like gunzip etc. Please install also "bison"
You should do following steps:
1. First select only the necessary packages (see above), all others to no.
2. If zlib, python, readline an the others are cross-compiled (without errors) and the libraries are in ./sysroot/lib, then deselect them (=no) and select mysql=yes and start a second run with ./build.sh
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i'm not edit necessary part
i just edit mysql=no => mysql=yes
ok try to install packages and run as not root
dateno1 said:
i'm not edit necessary part
i just edit mysql=no => mysql=yes
ok try to install packages and run as not root
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Click to collapse
Good luck!
If you can wait a little bit:
In a short time I release a new version with better error and program checks and some small bug fixes. With this version it's not longer necessary to edit the build.sh, it's now all in only two separated configuration files (configuration and package selection).
hmm...fail to compile mysql again
with this error
note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4
full error log on http://pastebin.com/jd1Pw9Xw
dateno1 said:
with this error
note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4
full error log on http://pastebin.com/jd1Pw9Xw
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Click to collapse
Hello dateno1,
first: you have *NOT* changed to a user account as promised
The va_list is only a note, not an error, no problem (but ask the MySQL devs why they haven't adapted the code to gcc 4.6.1).
Your Python cross binaries and libraries are not ok (from you broken first build?). Please start from a "fresh state" (delete the folder sources/Python-2.7.2 and sysroot) or start from a total clean state.
Please use the latest 1.5 version of the script because of the xargs warnings at the end
Delete the complete sysroot folder, there are some folders not in place (data and docs). There is a script remove_all_files.sh
Start this script in your buildroot with ./remove_all_files.sh to remove all files and symlinks in subfolder sysroot.
Edit: delete the sysroot folder complete, there are some other missing folders from your first build!
Start again with ./build.sh and activated packages (the "ALWAYS NEEDED" one and MySQL)
smitna said:
Hello dateno1,
first: you have *NOT* changed to a user account as promised
The va_list is only a note, not an error, no problem (but ask the MySQL devs why they haven't adapted the code to gcc 4.6.1).
Your Python cross binaries and libraries are not ok (from you broken first build?). Please start from a "fresh state" (delete the folder sources/Python-2.7.2 and sysroot) or start from a total clean state.
Please use the latest 1.5 version of the script because of the xargs warnings at the end
Delete the complete sysroot folder, there are some folders not in place (data and docs). There is a script remove_all_files.sh
Start this script in your buildroot with ./remove_all_files.sh to remove all files and symlinks in subfolder sysroot.
Edit: delete the sysroot folder complete, there are some other missing folders from your first build!
Start again with ./build.sh and activated packages (the "ALWAYS NEEDED" one and MySQL)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
make new account (compile.compile) and use su -c "./build.sh" compile
i think it work (compiled file's owner is changed to compile.compile)
now i delete almost files and folders (exclude android-ndk, readline-6.2, toolchains) and retrying...oh failed (attach new log (full) )
'를 위해 할 일이 없습니다' mean 'no job for~'
'오류' mean 'error'

[TOOL] [PROJECT] New bugreport analysis tool - open source project by Sony Ericsson

Hi all,
ChkBugReport is a tool that helps you analyze your crash files. Because this tool is such a great help for our internal developers at Sony Ericsson, and as a part of our ambition to step up our open source activities, we want to give all of you the chance to use it by making it open source. Pál Szász (XDA username: pal.szasz), a software developer at Sony Ericsson, is the creator of this tool and will monitor this thread for questions, discussions and suggestions. Feel free to have a look at the open source project and contribute to make it even better!
For the full story follow the full story in Developer World
/Karl-Johan Dahlström
Sony Ericsson Developer Program
Nice. Any intention of integrating this into some IDE ?
I haven't thought about IDE integration. What do you have in mind exactly?
What I'm working on is automatically opening the result in a browser when processing done (already in the source code, although I tested only in osx at the moment).
Another functionality in progress (not uploaded yet) is to use ADB to automatically save a bugreport. So you would just execute
chkbugreport --browser adb://
and it will save the bugreport, analyze it and open the result in a browser (as a bonus a screenshot is saved as well).
When this would be implemented I think it would be easy to add it as an external tool in eclipse and launch it from there.
pal.szasz said:
I haven't thought about IDE integration. What do you have in mind exactly?
What I'm working on is automatically opening the result in a browser when processing done (already in the source code, although I tested only in osx at the moment).
Another functionality in progress (not uploaded yet) is to use ADB to automatically save a bugreport. So you would just execute
chkbugreport --browser adb://
and it will save the bugreport, analyze it and open the result in a browser (as a bonus a screenshot is saved as well).
When this would be implemented I think it would be easy to add it as an external tool in eclipse and launch it from there.
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One possible IDE integration would be for the report to have linkable parts to the source code when applicable.
Also selecting the process from a windows, having UI buttons starting and stopping the capture of profiling data would be a bonus.
Anyway, the application works very well, and thumbs up for open sourcing this tool .
BTW in my case I've came across some missing resources when generating output:
Writing chapter: Trace charts/Thread-17 (Thread-18)...
Writing chapter: Main thread activity...
Writing footer...
Cannot find resource: /style.css
Cannot find resource: /icons.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-dred.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-black.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-yellow.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-red.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-cyan.png
Cannot find resource: /ftrace-legend-dcyan.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_p0.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_p1.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_p2.png
Copying extra resources...
Cannot find resource: /pcy_p3.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_p4.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_un.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_rt.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_fg.png
Cannot find resource: /pcy_bg.png
Cannot find resource: /main.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.cookie.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.jstree.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.hotkeys.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.tablesorter.js
Cannot find resource: /jquery.tablednd.js
Cannot find resource: /themes/classic/d.png
Cannot find resource: /themes/classic/dot_for_ie.gif
Cannot find resource: /themes/classic/throbber.gif
Cannot find resource: /themes/classic/style.css
Cannot find resource: /themes/blue/desc.gif
Cannot find resource: /themes/blue/bg.gif
Cannot find resource: /themes/blue/style.css
Cannot find resource: /themes/blue/asc.gif
Regarding the resource errors: did you used the precompiled binary or compiled the source code yourself? If it's the later one, how did you compile it? While developing I use eclipse, and I have the "res" folder added a source folder as well. This way the contents of the res folder will be copied to the jar. If you compiled it in some other way, then probably the resources from "res" where not packed into the jar. Building with the ant file should work as well ("ant -f chkbugreport.xml" if I remember correctly)
Regarding the IDE integration: yes, linking/binding the source code would be nice. For tracing data there is already something in progress: running "chkbugreport -t adb://" will show a window to select a process and start/stop it's profiling, but since that code uses code from the android sdk, I need to check how I can link the two codes together (since one of the codes is GPL, the other is Apache) before I can publish it.
I uploaded the changes for adb support. Now an extra jar file is needed: ddmlib.jar. You can find this either in the source code repo, or in the android sdk (a recent one is needed).
I updated the wrapper script as well, to use ddmlib.jar. However if the ddmlib.jar is missing, then the tool will still work like before, simply the new functionality will be missing, which is:
chkbugreport --browser adb://
The above command will run the bugreport tool on the phone (if it's connected to the PC, of course), processes it and open the result in the browser. As extra bonus, a screenshot is saved as well ;-)
chkbugreport --browser -t adb://
This will show a window, where you can select which process to trace. Click START then STOP, and the tracefile will be created and processed (and opened in the browser). BUT: there are some limitations:
* adb must be run as root (the tracefile is saved to the /data partition), which means either run en ENG build or USERDEBUG (but then you must first execute "adb root")
* it seems that the fileformat for traceview files have changed, the tool currently supports only version 1, so this will not work if you have a recent android version. I'll fix this later.
pal.szasz said:
Regarding the resource errors: did you used the precompiled binary or compiled the source code yourself? If it's the later one, how did you compile it? While developing I use eclipse, and I have the "res" folder added a source folder as well. This way the contents of the res folder will be copied to the jar. If you compiled it in some other way, then probably the resources from "res" where not packed into the jar. Building with the ant file should work as well ("ant -f chkbugreport.xml" if I remember correctly)
Regarding the IDE integration: yes, linking/binding the source code would be nice. For tracing data there is already something in progress: running "chkbugreport -t adb://" will show a window to select a process and start/stop it's profiling, but since that code uses code from the android sdk, I need to check how I can link the two codes together (since one of the codes is GPL, the other is Apache) before I can publish it.
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I compiled my own using IDEA, but since I didn't get any errors during compilation (I think) I didn't assume I was missing something in the compilation process.
About the other changes, why not output the traces to /sdcard ? Since that one is always R/W to all users should work right? I say this without actually having looked at the code behind the magic, so perhaps is not a valid suggestion.
I am planning to add support for that as well (i.e. the user can select where to save the tracelogs). AFAIK the sdcard is only readable for everyone by default, apps need to have a certain permission (something with WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in order to be able to write to sdcard. But if you are debugging your own app, that's not a problem.
I haven't updated this thread in a looong time. I'm pretty close to put up some more detailed documentation and examples, hopefully I can do it tomorrow.
Meanwhile as a teaser here is an example report generated from a bugreport: http://sonyericssondev.github.com/ChkBugReport/examples/bugreport_aidldeadlock_out/index.html
The shell user does have permissions to write to sdcard, so if you're doing that via adb it should be good.
Sent from my GT-P1000
Well, finally I had time to add some documentation: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/ChkBugReport/wiki (it's not complete, but at least a good start)
Also source code is pushed and added a new precompiled jar (I started to add the version number in the filename so I can keep the old versions as well): https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/ChkBugReport/downloads
And as usual, any kind of feedback is welcome
New link: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/ChkBugReport
Since I cannot edit the first post (since it was not created by me), and the link is broken, I started a new thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=34960691
clear post
pal.szasz said:
New link: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/ChkBugReport
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There are many people, new to development.
Always try to post step by step instruction which will help others....
Is there anyone here that can look at a bug report that popped up on my friend's phone and be able to tell who hacked her phone? She is in bitter custody battle and we are trying to prove it is the ex doing this with intent for court purposes. Please help! If willing please respond and I will give a private email address to private message due to complex circumstances and we all fear for child and our lives. Thanks in advance.
Hi, what are these colorful icons mean in the VM traces info?

Unable to mount my Xoom (Linux - Ubuntu 11.10)

I'm trying to mount my Xoom (MZ605 ICS Team EOS IML74K Nightly 41) in Ubuntu (11.10) , the device is founded and Installed, but I can't open the internal storage (MTP), I can't see or to transfer any file. What can I do?
I searched for some driver, but I didn't founded. Do I need of a specific software for MTP Storage?
Sent from my MZ601 using xda premium
I use Linux Mint and had the same issue. You need Samba to access the files. Here are the instructions I used (for Debian but will work on Ubuntu as well, I'm sure):
To get started install samba and nautilus-share through Synaptic. You will need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf as Superuser (su).
In the global section of /etc/samba/smb.conf add the line
usershare allow guests = Yes
Find the line ; security = user and add this line directly after
map to guest = bad user
As su run these two commands from a term
chgrp sambashare /var/lib/samba/usershares
chmod 1770 /var/lib/samba/usershares
Ensure the group sambashare is added to your user profile - Just go into "Users and Groups" and check, add if necessary. Look in Manage Groups, scroll down to sambashare and select properties and select you user name to be a group member. It is not enough that your login name is in the list, it must also be selected.
Restart and you should be able to right click on a folder and select "sharing options" just like in Ubuntu, and others on your network (including media players) should be able to see and browse the shared folders.
The share definitions are stored in /var/lib/samba/usershares automatically by nautilus-share. The share definitions are NOT stored in smb.conf
Source: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=60620

[TOOL][SCRIPT] ADB Sync Tool - PowerShell Script

This is the first time I have posted any of my work, so hopefully I have it in a suitable place.
This script is to sync directories from an Android device to a windows machine. This is a one way sync, and will only copy the files which have been changed on the device. Thus making the whole process much quicker.
This script has been tested by myself using a SGS3, however I cannot guarantee this script will work as expected for any other device as I haven't had it tested.
Please report any issues to me, with as much information regarding the problem as possible as this will give me the best chance of fixing the issue. Same goes for any feature requests or improvements. I wrote this for own needs, but felt might be useful for other windows users out there.
ADB must be on the windows PATH. See link -> http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
PowerShell's Execution Policy should be set to RemoteSigned. See link -> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee176961.aspx
This script takes a CSV file and should be called in the following manor using a powershell console
Syntax: .\adbsync.ps1 dirs.csv
Where dirs.csv is a csv file with two columns. The first row contains
the headers "source" and "target". Each following row contain the paths.
example csv file (file also included in the zip)...
This will sync the TitaniumBackup directory on the external sdcard
to a folder called Sync keeping the same structure as on the device.
You only need to specify the top level folders as this script will recurse the folder structure.
WARNING: This script will remove files from the target directory without prompt
if the files in that directory don't exist on the source directory.
Nothing will be removed from the source directory.
This script is provided as-is, no warrenty is provided or implied. The author is NOT responsible for any damages or data loss that may occur through the use of this script. Always test, test, test.
This script is free to use for both personal and business use, however, it may not be sold or included as part of a package that is for sale.
xenomachina's python based adbsync. This was the inspiration behind this script
1.0 - 08.01.2013 - Initial release
Hit the Thanks button if you found this useful

[LIBRARY]Crash Report SDK for Android developer

By adding the crash report SDK in the project, developers can view the released APP crash log, which will help to locate problems and improve the quality of the products.
Little code implementation, does not affect your APP installation package size.
Choose 4G, 3G, WIFI these broad networks to report log, avoid network congestion.
Rich error information, help developers positioning the problem. For example: StackTrace, Memory, Storage, Thread and Process etc..
Get SDK source code, and copy the "src/org/crashlog/crashreport" folder to your Project.
Initialize CrashReport in your subclass extended from Application, refer to "src/org/crashlog/sample/MyApplication.java".
Add below permissions to AndroidManifest.xml.
If ProGuard enabled, need to add the following options in the "proguard-project.txt".
-renamesourcefileattribute ProGuard
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
Get source: http://github.com/liu-yanjun/crash-log-report
Demo: http://www.crashlog.org/log_list.jsp?package_name=org.crashlog.sample
New Features on Crashlog.org:
Decode obfuscated stack traces automatically.
Thank you, I'll try and give you feedback.
