Unlisted background tasks - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Several apps periodically do s.th. in the background. I'm fine with that. But why are some apps not listed in the background tasks list under preferences - applications (or the advanced page)??
For example on my setup Facebook is missing there, although it does give me notifications and updates the live tile. Other background apps are not listed there as well.
I'd like to find out which apps are really working in the background sometimes. How can I?


[Q] Increase Background Tasks

So it seems that ModernUI has an arbitrary limit on how many apps can run in the background. As I understand it, even apps that don't have lockscreen information *must* be placed in one of the lockscreen slots in order to run in the background.
Any way to get rid of this stupid rule? I have 2 apps that actually use the lockscreen, and my "lockscreen is full" from various other apps I use, so I pretty much can't use the damned thing.
link68759 said:
So it seems that ModernUI has an arbitrary limit on how many apps can run in the background. As I understand it, even apps that don't have lockscreen information *must* be placed in one of the lockscreen slots in order to run in the background.
Any way to get rid of this stupid rule? I have 2 apps that actually use the lockscreen, and my "lockscreen is full" from various other apps I use, so I pretty much can't use the damned thing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just found out the same and this is not good at all. This means that I can only have 7 apps to run in the background? If so then the whole purpose of live tiles are gone since I want more than 7 apps to show live tiles.
Installed the Aperion Clock to get a tile with a clock and it stopped working when I remove it from the slot on the lock screen.
Is this really the case and if so, how can we change this?

Is there a way to limit number displayed in recent apps menu?

I'd like to limit number of apps displayed in "Recent Apps" menu. Why? There is a small lag while invoking recent apps menu with lots of apps there. There is even visible stutter in displaying recent apps glowing backrground animation. I don't think it's multitasking performance issue becasue phone is working fine besides this, e.g. when I was using alternative app switchers. The lag is probably connected to renderning all those thumbnails. At the moment I just remove apps from there manually but it's kind of annoying. Is there a way to limit recent apps list?
PS. I know that removing apps from recent apps list is not killing processes and I don't want to. I just want to limit of apps displayed there to avoid lag.
Wait for 4.4 (the real one, not the current fanmade versions) as this will have updated drivers that will enable multitexturing in the UI, that'll get rid of the occasional choppiness.
I don't think it's possible to limit the number of apps in the taskswitcher.

Windowed Apps in Lollipop ROMs = byebye TW; here's how

I'm not sure if this has been pointed out already, but I have found a reddit thread which gives instructions on how to do just that.
I'm running Temasek's android 5.1.1 with the 5.1.x Xposed framework(by romracer) and I'm in complete bliss, I've been freed from the Touchwiz lag wagon!
It's not perfect, some splitscreen bugs here and there, but floating windows are very useable; resizable, moveable, minimizeable.
The Touchwiz alternative isn't perfect either,so...yeah..
The AOSP alternative is actually faster and smoother then on Touchwiz.
My essential apps are perfectly* able to be floated or splitted, these include:
-Chrome, Youtube, Password manager, Note taking, Calculator, email, messaging, office, file explorer, pdf reader.
*most apps are floatable via the recent app screen, however the apps that refuse this action can be forced to comply (float on app open).
Here's the original link: https://www.reddit.com/r/nexus6/comments/2wh9vw/multiwindow_for_the_nexus_6_thanks_to_xposed/ only use the mentioned version ofcourse.
Do's and dont's:
-Don't fiddle around with the 'xHaloFloatingWindow>SystemUI Modes' and/or ',, ,, ,,>Status Taskbars', as it may cause System UI to crash constantly (even if you disable xposed, rooted apps keep crashing).
-more to come.
Some quick settings and tips:
-Set/keep the ',, ,, ,,>Popup Behavior>Whitelist/Backlist options' to default if you wish.
-To force apps into floating mode, add an app to ',, ,, ,,>Popup Behavior>Whitelist Apps'.
-MultiWindowSlidebar is only useful for apps which have been forced into floating mode, any other apps added will be opened in fullscreen (these apps will need to be floated via the recent apps menu).
-unfortunately some apps refuse to open floated(via recents) once they're already opened the normal way, which makes it impossible to open them floated unless you forcefully do so.
Forcing them may or may not be useful. However you don't have to; if you kill the app(via app info screen) and the killed app still shows in recents, you can reopen it in floated(the app is restarted in floated that way, through recents).
There is an even quicker way to achieve this, and I discovered it by accident.
If you're on Tamesek's rom, go to 'settings>Tamesek spare parts>app bar'
Enable it, add you're apps in it.
If you now long press an app in the app bar it'll open in a floating window(some apps must be closed before they can be floated;just close them via recents).
The app bar has in effect replaced my multiwindowsidebar app.
-more to come
Functionality loss compared to touchwiz and/or decrease in reliability:
-no 4 way split screen, only 2 way.
-no app bubbles (these however can be turned on and showed in the notification bar, if you've set the right setting).
-Apps floated via recent's do not get a 'bubble' in the notif. bar if they get minimized. However you can reopen the apps in recents and the apps will reopen themselfs as floated.
-It's not as easy to snap 2 app's side by side.
-Some apps crash/misbehave whereas on TW they wouldn't have.
-Some apps misbehave when forced into float, but do not when it's floated from recents.
Vice versa.
-Split screen divider bar doesn't always show up>Can't resize on the fly.
-Status bar causes some floated apps te misbehave; I use gmd gestures to quickly hide/unhide the bar.
Analyse the relevant behaviors to adapt to them.
-more to come.
All the fluidity of AOSP bundled with most of the functionality of TouchWiz, I highly recommend you try out his instructions. You won't be disappointed, though you will be needing some patience.
Let me know how it went and share your experiences.

White background of icons, uninstall default apps, weather not updating

I'm having issues with xiaomi android:
Some icons: ie. chrome, gmail, messenger have white background. Even in non-default launcher. How to force device to use standard application icons? But apps from xiaomi itself have transparent backgrounds (ie. settings)
What I googled is all outdated:
Themes - can't start in my region, so I changed region to HK (some bloatware installed, so anyone else - don't do it, trust your instinct, not someone on internet ), opened themes, downloaded limitless, it is same icons - I thought it would not work, it did not, it only installs bloatware.
Typical "advice" on forum ... please don't answer like that.
I would like to uninstall some default apps.
Even apps like gmail and chrome are, system or something and I guess xiaomi still manages it somehow and for example gmail - even if I allowed it in autostart and set it as no restriction in battery I still sometime receive notification about emails with tens of minutes of delay.
Still some apps I just want to uninstall.
Default weather app not updating weather on home screen until I lunch it and refresh. All automatic updates apart from [do not update between 23 and 7] are enabled, no restriction in battery manger (not possible to set even ), autostart allowed.

Background Apps / Location

As discussed here https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-8-pro/help/push-notifications-to-apps-delayed-t4088925 I've issues with background apps. I've no problem with notifications but with location.
I used to use the RunKeeper widget to start it but with the 8 pro this no longer works. When I open RunKeeper it takes a while to get location and then I can start it. I suspect that the missing background location information is the cause of the unresponsive widget. I've disabled all optimizations for RunKeeper I was able to find without success.
Any suggestion how to fix this?

