[RECOVERY] JCSullins' Touchpad CWM6 v6.0.1.9 [2012-12-15] Edit: 1-31-13 - TouchPad Development

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a dev, nor do I play one on t.v. Use the information and links at your own risk. READ and UNDERSTAND what your doing before flashing is the best bet.
I take no responsibility or credit for the information.
The OP is primarily just quotes/links from JcSullins over at RootzWiki about his current CWM Recovery v
This thread is NOT intended as a walk through of a first time install of Android/CM on the Touchpad. There are several threads on Xda and RootzWiki for that.
Rootzwiki version of this thread
CONTENTS: (See RolandDeschain79's CWM6 Video)
Post 1 - JcSullins fixed CWM6, installable from Acme3 or Recovery. (Scroll down)
Post 2 - Background on file system corruption/inode errors with CWM5 and early TWRP recoveries.
Post 3 - Moboot 3.5 and Moboot 3.8 background and issues with TWRP recovery.
Post 4 - How to Clean Install / Dirty Install Rom Updates using CWM6 after first install with Acme3.
Post 5 - Basic info for using CWM Recovery.
Post 6 - CM9/CM10 First Time Install Links (not all inclusive)
NEW CWM6 Setting: Dedupe (.dup) vs .tar backups. See post 5 for how to change the setting and read Koush's Explanation.
The Fixed CWM6 (2012-12-15) From RootzWiki AcmeInstaller3 thread Post 204
JcSullins said:
OK, fixed CWM6 update package has been "officially released"
JcSullins CWM Recovery v6.0.1.9 Goo.im Download
(Mpg2 Edit: Use the 12/15/2012 version because the script is setup to work with BOTH AcmeInstaller AND a previously installed Recovery)
Any CWM users should upgrade to this version (including those who installed the CWM6 testing from a few days ago).
Note that it will remove any existing uImage.ClockworkMod or uImage.TWRP before install.
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From Rootzwiki Post 209
jcsullins said:
You can install with whatever recovery you currently have installed.
The version number it shows is
Two things to check that it is correct version:
1) Selecting "install zip from sideload" from main menu will give a "Not implemented." message
2) In the "Backup and Restore" menu, you will see "choose default backup format" at the bottom (not "choose backup format")
To make sure that all the filesystems are "clean", I would suggest doing the following after it is installed:
1) go to 'backup and restore', select 'backup' (might take a little while)
2) go to main menu and select "mounts and storage"
3) select "format /cache"
4) select "format /data"
5) select "format /system"
6) go to main main, then select "backup and restore", then select "restore" and select the backup you just made
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Thread continues Rootzwiki Post 211
Mpgrimm2 said:
JcSullins, thanks for your previous post about cm6. I had just posted this earlier when i found this thread....
My understanding from your previous post is that a fresh format with the newer Cwm6 you just posted will correct any file system/inode corruption. Am I correct?
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jcsullins said:
Yep, that's correct.
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Background: File system corruption/inode errors
Background: File system corruption/inode errors from RootzWiki Acme3 thread Post 102
jcsullins said:
The "Fix Recovery" commit - http://review.cyanogenmod.org/26596 - fixed the building
of recovery as part of standard build process.
http://review.review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/26704/ plus review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/26705/
is the fix for the filesystem corruption. If you build a recovery for the Touchpad (or know
someone who does), please make sure you/they include these two commits.
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jcsullins said:
This issue was initially discovered in the days of CM7 when I created scripts to resize the /data partition. Several people were having trouble
using them because the filesystems check (fsck) on /data would fail. After some testing, I discovered that ext4 filesystems created with make_ext4fs
from system/extras/ext4_utils would fail a "fsck -fn <block_dev>" check immediately after creation with numerous inode errors. As far as we knew,
there was never any "real" data corruption. The problem seemed to only surface when doing a fsck required for doing a filesystem resize.
The issue resurfaced when we needed to resize /system for jellybean installs. Luckily, with the jellybean version of ext4_utils, I was able to uncover
the real source of the problem (make_ext4fs assumed our kernel supported ext4_lazyinit when it doesn't) and the fix (see above).
I tested TWRP v2.3.1.0 for tenderloin and it had the issue. I contacted Dees_Troy about rebuilding a fixed TWRP. Turns out that the TWRP for
tenderloin is not built using the jellybean source, so the above fix would not apply. However, he changed TWRP to use mke2fs instead of make_ext4fs to work around the issue.
In short, TWRP v2.3.2.3 for tenderloin does not have the issue. It is the current version available from http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/75
NOTE: The link on that page says it's v2.3.1.0 when it's really v2.3.2.3 it downloads.
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Moboot 3.5 and Moboot 3.8 background and issues with TWRP recovery.
By now you should also be using the latest CWM6 (12/15/12) or latest TWRP ( due to files system corruption issues. If you use Cwm6, I recommend Moboot 3.8 as well.
Twrp & Moboot 3.8 summary ...
Moboot 3.8 is still considered a "Testing" version but allows correct device S/n reporting to android OS needed for certain apps/games like Asphalt 7 etc. There are no issues reported (yet) when used with cwm6 because it has always used sdcard/clockworkmod/ for backups.
TWRP uses your device S/N (000000000 on Moboot 3.5) to create the folder where backups are stored, when you update to Moboot 3.8, TWRP will be looking at a new backup folder (ie 12345678) and won't see your previous TWRP backups. This is not an issue on all future backups (or if you started with Moboot 3.8). If needed you can use a file browser to move the old TWRP backup files to the new S/n folder and it has been reported to work.
(Note: I have not tried TWRP on the Touchpad, but I have used it on other devices).
JcSullins' Moboot 3.5 (Last stable version)
JcSullins' Moboot 3.8 (Testing version)
Moboot 3.8 has been setup to be flashed from either Acme3 or the installed recovery (ie CWM6).
For download links and more info, I created a dedicated thread: [INFO] on JcSullins' Moboot versions (& Version Poll)

Currently... If you have 'ever' installed (ie originally) with AcmeInstaller3 you don't have to use it or AcmeUninstaller anymore for regular installs or updates, you can use the latest Cwm6 or TWRP using either the clean install or dirty install that I detail below. If you get your install all hosed up, Acme is still the best way to clean out all the garbage, by completely removing (AcmeUninstaller) and reinstalling android (AcmeInstaller3).
Using AcmeUninstaller/AcmeInstaller3 method works well and is considered the 'tried & true' method because of issues with prior recoveries.
Prior versions of Acme(1&2) created a system partition size of 300mb which was appropriate for cm7/9. Cm10 needs about 350mb or more so Acme3 is needed because it sets the size of partition to 400mb AND formats without all the corruption/inode errors that occurred when formatting with prior recoveries (cwm5 & TWRP 2.1.x) hence "tried & true".
Per JcSullins (See the OP) if you perform a format of the 3 partitions with Cwm6 (& implemented in TWRP it will correct any corruption issues (so u don't need to rely on Acme for a correct format once it has set the correct partition size).
To summarize,
if your system partition was previously sized to 400mb with Acme3, then yes, formatting and flashing with CWM6 will work correctly.
Note: Cwm6 12-15-2012 and Moboot 3.8 zips can be installed from your current recovery as well as being installed via Acme3. If you have already installed CM via Acme3 (provides 400mb system partition size needed for future installs of CM10), and have Moboot 3.8 (optional but recommended) and CWM6 (not optional, need this version or latest TWRP, then...
How to Clean Install / Dirty Install Rom Updates using CWM6 after first install with Acme3.
Step 1 (backup & format)
- Make a backup of your current CM9 install (See next post for details on using CWM6)
- Format/wipe ... system, data & cache (via Cwm6)
(ensures there isn't any file system corruption left over from prior recovery versions)
Step 2 Option 1 (clean install)
- flash CM9 and ICS Gapps zips via CWM6
(or CM10 & JB Gapps)
- Reboot, re-run CM setup
Step 2 Option 2 (Dirty install)
- "Backup and Restore" -> "Advanced Restore" -> select your CM9 backup -> "Restore data"
(advanced restore of cm9 data only)
- flash CM9 and Gapps zips via CWM6
(or CM10 & JB Gapps)
- Reboot, (should have all your apps and settings)
Some may disagree with me but I have never considered wiping Cache/Dalvik Cache a "Clean Install".
(using AcmeUninstall/AcmeInstaller3 would be a clean install too).
Clean Install vs Dirty Install Rom/Updates via Recovery: (After initial install with Acme3)
Generally, if your recovery is working right (each one has had issues at some point in it's development on every device I've had), the typical steps I've seen...
"Clean installing" a rom usually means to format the 3 basic partitions (& sometimes the /boot too depending on the rom/kernel script) and flash the rom as recommended by most devs to avoid issues (some rom installer scripts will handle the formatting for you, but shouldn't be assumed unless stated by the rom's developer. 9-14-13: See Attachment for example).
"Dirty Installing" a rom typically involves formatting the system & cache (sometimes only the cache :thumbdown: ) and flashing a rom to preserve /data partition with user apps & settings.
A cleaner method for this is to format all 3 partitions, flash rom, and restore only /data from a backup.
I've rarely seen dirty installs recommended by devs, but when I have seen them say it was "OK to try", it was done on the same rom/firmware base between incremental rom updates only (vs b/w CM7 - CM9 or CM9 - CM10, etc), and if you had a bug, you needed to go back and do a clean install before reporting it or expecting help. I will add that many people have been successful restoring their CM9 data after flashing CM10 & Gapps.

Basic CWM Recovery Info
CWM Recovery Backup, Format/Wipe, Restore, & Flash: ! MAKE SURE YOU READ THE NOTES IN THE OP AT THE TOP FIRST !
You CAN get into RECOVERY by: pressing [pwr] and selecting "boot ClockworkMod" from the bootloader (Moboot) when powered off.
You CAN get into RECOVERY by: holding [pwr], selecting "Reboot", then "Recovery" from within CM9/10.
Sdcard/clockworkmod/ (This is the folder CWM Recovery creates/uses.)
________________ /backup (recovery's backup of /system, /data, /boot.img, etc. are saved here by date. You can edit the filename.)
________________ /download (If you use CWM Rom Manager, it will place its downloads here. I've never used it.)
After the device has a Custom recovery, the recovery can be used to:
1) Flash/install .zip files:
- New/rooted kernels, including boot.img files (controls how the o.s. works with hardware)
- Roms (complete /system & /data file with kernel, custom apps, modded settings)
- Bootanimations (should be correct resolution)
- Other system improvements
- Themes (modify look of device/menus etc. Usually specific to each device (ie HP TP) & FW/Rom Base (ie CM9 vs CM10)
Must clear "dalvik cache" & may need to flash "deodexed template" or deodexed Rom, boot to system, before flashing each theme).
2) Make .tar(or dedup) backups of /system, /data, & /cache. Also backs up /boot ( boot.img or Kernel), and some versions may backup /recovery (recovery.img ), /wimax (wimax.img ) if available, that can be restored, usually together.
Note: Format the appropriate partition before restoring. (Usually format/wipe the first 3.)
It’s a good idea to make an initial backup right after you install the custom recovery. Then you can just format, restore the backup, if things get messed up.
3) Format/wipe the 3 main partitions and flash other partitions (depending on recovery version):
/system (o.s., system apps)
/data (google acct, app & phone settings, downloaded/installed apps)
/cache (used by o.s. to access info/apps, includes "/dalvik cache")
Android Partitions Explained
[ Vol Up/Dwn ] = move or highlight selection
[ Home ] = select item/option
Note: On CWM Touch versions HW controls may still work.
How to Flash a Zip (Generally):
Place the .zip on the SDcard (or Sdcard/zip or similar folder of your choice)
Boot to recovery.
-> WIPE CACHE (habit of mine)
(navigate to where the zip is and select it)
-> REBOOT SYSTEM NOW (may need to "Go Back" to get to reboot option)
How to flash a rom (Generally):
- Make a backup in recovery first (/system, /data, /cache, etc.)
- Format/wipe the 3 partitions as appropriate.
(some Rom zips will do this for you, but may require a specific recovery coding such as “Edify” in CWM).
- Flash the Rom.zip (and any supplements like Gapps)
- Reboot to system, let it load, Verify functions
How to flash a theme (Geneally):
- Go to recovery, Wipe " Dalvik Cache ",
- Flash the " Stock Deodex Template" or Deodexed Rom (Depending on your version)
- Reboot to system, let it load, Verify functions
- Go To recovery, ADVANCED, Wipe "dalvik Cache"
- Flash the theme you want, ie GreenSteel.zip
- Reboot to system, let it load, Verify functions
Note: Anytime you wipe cache/dalvik cache it will take longer to boot the first time (ie Android is Updating).
Back up & Restore your file system with CWM recovery (DETAILED)
1 - (Enter Recovery)
-> BACKUP AND RESTORE -> BACKUP (This will separately backup: boot.img, /system, /data, /cache, wimax.img, etc)
Note: If you prefer the dedupe (.dup) backup format over .tar (default) and want to change the setting,
go to -> CHOOSE DEFAULT BACKUP FORMAT (before creating your backups)
* NOTE: you can stop here if you just want a backup*
2- (Format Manually through Recovery)
-> WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET ( this will format the DATA & CACHE partitions for you in one shot )
-> FORMAT DATA (Optionally there if needed, i.e. to restore only data partition)
-> FORMAT CACHE (Optionally there if needed)
4- (Restore Manually through Recovery)
-> RESTORE (This will restore all parts of the backup: /system, /data, & /cache, /boot [ boot.img or Kernel], /recovery [recovery.img], /wimax [wimax.img], SD-EXT if setup )
Note: If there is more than one, the numbers are a date/time stamp (ie: 2012-02- is Feb.16, 2012 at 6:14AM), so choose the appropriate one.
I typically change the name later, ie: "2012-02-16 CM9andApps".
(9-14-13 edit: Changing the name in newer CWM recoveries may create "MD5 checksum" errors and prevent a restore. Needs verified).
4.1- ADVANCED OPTION (Restore portions of backups individually, typically used to restore /data after Rom Update)
-> ADVANCED RESTORE -> CHOOSE YOUR BACKUP IMAGE ( /system, /data, /cache, /boot, /recovery, /wimax, SD-EXT)
5- (Reboot)
-> REBOOT SYSTEM NOW (may need to "Go Back" to get to reboot option)

CM9/CM10 First Time Install Links
CM9/CM10 First Time Install/Discussion threads
(XDA) Roland Deschain's How to install jcsullins CM10 Unofficial Build 20121216, with Sound, Camera & Microphone
(Also has Cm9 install info and zip packages with all current files.)
(Rootz) Nevertell's CM9 Install Directions in Post 19 of Newbie Questions thread
(@ NT, this is worthy of it's own thread or rolled into the OP of Travis' CM9 thread)
(Liliputing) How to install Android 4.0 or 4.1 on the HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod)
(This is a great guide and the one I originally used, but the linked install files for AcmeInstaller3, Cm9/10, Gapps, Moboot 3.8, & Cwm6 are out of date)
JcSullins' HpTouchpad Goo.im folder
(source for many current files: Cwm6, Moboot, Acme3, AcmeUninstaller, CM10.0 Experimental, etc)
Official CyanogenMod 9 HpTouchpad Downloads
(Click the "Nightly" link for now)
Latest Goo.im Google Apps Downloads
(Must match your CM base, ie CM9, CM10.0, CM10.1)
CM9/CM10 Support/Discussion Threads
(Rootz) Travisross69's [ROM] Official CyanogenMod 9 Nightly Build Discussion
(Rootz) Roland Deschain's How to install jcsullins CM10 Unofficial Build 20121216, with Sound, Camera & Microphone
(Xda) Imfloflo's [NIGHTLY] [ROM] CyanogenMod 9
(Xda) BigSimon's [ROM] [12/16] Unofficial CM10 Preview by Jcsullins Now with sound+camera

mpgrimm2 said:
one more post for me
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What is this all about ?

Menthe is MIA on his JcSullins CWM6 thread since Dec 7th. I requested (Dec 20th) to take over the thread but the Mods recommended I just create a new one and they would merge it. I waited long enough and I think people may find the info useful if they don't want to use a pc/Acme3 to do all their rom updates/nightly's. I will duplicate this over at Rootz once I am all setup.

this is a lot of useful info. thanks for putting it together

Re: [RECOVERY] JCSullins' Touchpad CWM6 Recovery v6.0.1.9 [2012-12-15]
mpgrimm2 said:
Menthe is MIA on his JcSullins CWM6 thread since Dec 7th. I requested (Dec 20th) to take over the thread but the Mods recommended I just create a new one and they would merge it. I waited long enough and I think people may find the info useful if they don't want to use a pc/Acme3 to do all their rom updates/nightly's. I will duplicate this over at Rootz once I am all setup.
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I'm sorry I'm a little lost I am new to this thread but I am NOT new to the touchpad nor xD a when did you have to use a computer to update CyanogenMod I didn't know people needed to do that because I just do it right through my touchpad. I am so glad I came to the threads because I thought only cm mod was available. Now only if I port gay bi sorcery over here this would be crazy it is the best rom out there it has more tweaks than every other ROM combined literally. It's so large and crazy it ca there is a central server for a lot of the mods an tweaks because it would be too large
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium

Crwolv said:
I'm sorry I'm a little lost I am new to this thread but I am NOT new to the touchpad nor xD a when did you have to use a computer to update CyanogenMod I didn't know people needed to do that because I just do it right through my touchpad. I am so glad I came to the threads because I thought only cm mod was available. Now only if I port gay bi sorcery over here this would be crazy it is the best rom out there it has more tweaks than every other ROM combined literally. It's so large and crazy it ca there is a central server for a lot of the mods an tweaks because it would be too large
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Post 2 & 4 give a basic background on the issue. Basically, early recoveries were creating file system corruption when formatting partitions. It didn't always produce noticeable problems, but it was there. The workaround was to use AcmeInstaller3 from a PC for installs/updates and then restore a backup from within Recovery. Acme3 reformats the partitions correctly and would list/scroll all the file system errors before it fixed them (sometimes taking 15 - 20 mins to finish). Jc's CWM6 fixed the problem so it's ok again to do everything from recovery.
Remember you move to CM10, your system partition size needs to be @ 400mb (done initially with Acme3).
I'm not sure what the rest of your post is about.

Added Roland's Video and link to Koush's explanation of .dup vs .tar backup settings.

Just for grins and giggles (and with limited script reading skills), I decided to have a look at the installer script in TP CM9/10 zip package and found the following.
show_progress(0.500000, 0);
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/store/cm-system", "0");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/store/cm-system", "/system");
This confirms the fact that the CM9/10 zip will format ONLY the system partition for you during install, so if u want a clean install all that is needed (for CM9/10, not necessarily all roms) is to do a "wipe data/factory reset" (formats /data & /cache) and flash the zip.
So if u are just upgrading from a prior CM "nightly" to the current one, you can do a simpler "dirty install" by wiping/formatting cache and flashing the CM zip to retain your data (this assumes u have no file system corruption from earlier recoveries on your data partition).
I still stand on my general steps for "clean" & "dirty" installs via recovery since there isn't a guarantee that the rom developer setup the installer to do any formatting for you like CM9/10 does. The extra format shouldn't hurt in the long run (before the TP is obsolete anyway).
Sent from my "Up all night, sleep all day" HP CM9 Touchpad

sorry, it's a badly written post
1. Have to include a changelog
2. whether it's beneficial...

stayfidz said:
sorry, it's a badly written post
1. Have to include a changelog
2. whether it's beneficial...
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PLease explain this statement better.
Are you referring to my OP, the previous post above yours, the whole thread, etc. Did you read through the thread and the "background" section to know what was going on with the TP recoveries before JcSullins' fixed it (not me or my work) or just look for a download link?

mpgrimm2 said:
PLease explain this statement better.
Are you referring to my OP, the previous post above yours, the whole thread, etc. Did you read through the thread and the "background" section to know what was going on with the TP recoveries before JcSullins' fixed it (not me or my work) or just look for a download link?
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Hi, to the whole post, we're not all geeks by nature
1. By the way, what this recovery fixes, adds?
thanks again

You don't have to be a geek to "read and understand what you are doing first" (first statement in the op) before modifying your device. All users are expected to read and learn even a little bit. No one is going to spoon feed it to you.
Perhaps I am wrong, but it sounds like you are not bothering to read through posts 1 & 2. This thread isn't hundreds or thousands of posts long. There is even a link to a video by Roland Deschain about this Cwm6 next to the "contents" and an explanation on .dup vs .tar backups by Koush after the "contents".
Myself and others will help, but you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and read a bit then come back with a question if u still actually have one.
Sent from my "Up all night, Sleep all day" EVO3D!

This was informative. I had no idea that there was a file corruption problem with older recoveries. That would explain a lot of issues I had. Just completely wiped my Touchpad back to factory (webOS default) then used ACME 3 to get CM10 back on with CWM6. Hope that solves my random issues. Thanks!

All the goo.im links are dead. Any other way to get this?

buddhag33k said:
All the goo.im links are dead. Any other way to get this?
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Yes, head over to RolandDeschain's thread and download one of the cminstall.zip packages, its included in there.
[ROM GUIDE] How to install Jcsullins CM10/CM10.1 Unofficial Builds
Edit: Goo.im appears to be doing updates. Some of the files are back.


[MOD]OpenRecovery XT720 01 (2011-08-30) based on Androidiani

This is a modified OpenRecovery (Skrilaz_CZ) based on Androidiani Recovery (89luca89&Azhad) with some enhanced features for Milestone XT720.
Main OR menu streamlined
Most Androidiani menu options have been moved into OR > Other Utilities
Add ext3/4 support (thanks fjfalcon)
Added SD Card Utility (OR > SD Card Utility)
Added preference for display brightness in OR (OR > Settings > Brightness)
Added utility to reinstall orbootstrap (OR > "Other Utilities" > "Re-install orbootstrap")
New sh hijack binary will boot to fastboot bootloader if volume-down is held (OR > "Other Utilities" > "Re-install orbootstrap" to enable). This should be compatible with all ROMs and stock.
nandroid: removed ability to backup partitions that always fail (this means "Backup All" works now)
Fixed OR > "Wipe Dalvik Cache" bugs (previous OR/AOR don't clear them all)
Added OR > "Power Off" (helpful when phone is being stupid about charging)
Minor update to sdcard-info.txt output
XT720 basebands added (OR > Change Basebands)
Please note that although most Androidiani menu options have been included in the Other Utilities menu item, that does *not* mean I have tested them on XT720.
Download link: http://www.multiupload.com/J8Q15SHP4S
Root the phone
Download OpenRecovery-XT720-01.zip (it contains /sdcard/OpenRecovery and /sdcard/OpenRecovery.zip)
Extract OpenRecovery-XT720-01.zip onto the SD card. This will create a /sdcard/OpenRecovery directory and an /sdcard/OpenRecovery.zip file.
Make sure you're not in USB access mode and install the bootstrap (using adb or Terminal):
cp /sdcard/OpenRecovery/orbootstrap/install_script.sh /tmp
chmod 755 /tmp/install_script.sh
/tmp/install_script.sh STR
Upgrading from OpenRecovery:
Download link: http://www.multiupload.com/J8Q15SHP4S
Make a nandroid and backup your sdcard
Download OpenRecovery-XT720-01.zip (it contains /sdcard/OpenRecovery and /sdcard/OpenRecovery.zip)
Rename the old /sdcard/OpenRecovery folder to /sdcard/OpenRecovery.bak
Extract OpenRecovery-XT720-01.zip onto the SD card. This will create a new /sdcard/OpenRecovery directory.
Optional: Move/copy all files from /sdcard/OpenRecovery.bak/updates to the new /sdcard/OpenRecovery/updates directory
Optional: Reboot into OR. Select "OR" > "Other Utilities" > "Re-install orbootstrap"
Github: https://github.com/Mioze7Ae/openrecovery_xt720
Thanks: skrilax_cz, 89luca89, Azhad, fjfalcon
Is this the same update that was posted in other topics?
No, it's not the same, its the next version. The biggest difference is this one merges Androidiani (the previous one was based on vanilla OpenRecovery). Maybe I should bold the new stuff.
Sorry about this but what does Reinstalling the Bootstrap mean? Don't we already use that for getting in the bootloader? Is it is it gets broken somehow?
Woodrube said:
Sorry about this but what does Reinstalling the Bootstrap mean? Don't we already use that for getting in the bootloader? Is it is it gets broken somehow?
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If the bootloader gets broken, you won't be in OpenRecovery
Anyway, I see two reasons to use it. (1) to make 100% sure you can get back to OpenRecovery after you've flashed something experimental (say a Milestone A853 update-based ROM) or (2) you want to upgrade your bootstrap to the new version that lets you hold volume-down to boot directly into the fastboot bootloader. (i.e. in the new version volume-up==OpenRecovery, volume-down==fastboot)
Edit: that reminds me... I should make a version of the bootstrap that fixes volume-down to boot OR on Milestone XT720 running Motoroi 50R...
Mioze7Ae said:
If the bootloader gets broken, you won't be in OpenRecovery
Anyway, I see two reasons to use it. (1) to make 100% sure you can get back to OpenRecovery after you've flashed something experimental (say a Milestone A853 update-based ROM) or (2) you want to upgrade your bootstrap to the new version that lets you hold volume-down to boot directly into the fastboot bootloader. (i.e. in the new version volume-up==OpenRecovery, volume-down==fastboot)
Edit: that reminds me... I should make a version of the bootstrap that fixes volume-down to boot OR on Milestone XT720 running Motoroi 50R...
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Very very nice... thx man
Ok so I may have run into a glitch. Hopefully it is just mine, but it has been awhile since I had updated many of the apps from the market and let me tell ya, there was a shopping list. Haha get it. Anyways, I updated them all and decided it has also been some time since I had made a backup as well.
So I went in and "tried" to make a backup of the usuals (system, data, cust, cache, cdrom and sd). I probably tried 3 or 4 times and it never backed anything up. I even deleted the openrecovery folder and re-unzipped and replaced it and tried maybe another 3 times. It would just hang on the system dumping part for 15+mins (which is way too long).
I rebooted and put the original MZor back in there (the one w/o all the AOR stuff in it-for reference). Booted into recovery and boom, made the full backup in normal time. I ran checks on sd and sd-ext several times throughout and never a problem.
Has anyone else encountered this? I had been using this since it first came out and some of the utilites and all worked fine, but now that I think of it, hadnt tried to make a back up until last night.
***Side question: Since the beginning when I first learned how to make a backup, I read that you should backup system, data, cust, cache, cdrom and sd(if neccessary). My question is why do we and does it matter if we back up the cust, cache and cdrom parts? Wouldn't these get repopulated anyways at first boot? Would everything work if we just restored system, data and sd (again if neccessary)
Woodrube said:
Ok so I may have run into a glitch. Hopefully it is just mine, but it has been awhile since I had updated many of the apps from the market and let me tell ya, there was a shopping list. Haha get it. Anyways, I updated them all and decided it has also been some time since I had made a backup as well.
So I went in and "tried" to make a backup of the usuals (system, data, cust, cache, cdrom and sd). I probably tried 3 or 4 times and it never backed anything up. I even deleted the openrecovery folder and re-unzipped and replaced it and tried maybe another 3 times. It would just hang on the system dumping part for 15+mins (which is way too long).
I rebooted and put the original MZor back in there (the one w/o all the AOR stuff in it-for reference). Booted into recovery and boom, made the full backup in normal time. I ran checks on sd and sd-ext several times throughout and never a problem.
Has anyone else encountered this? I had been using this since it first came out and some of the utilites and all worked fine, but now that I think of it, hadnt tried to make a back up until last night.
***Side question: Since the beginning when I first learned how to make a backup, I read that you should backup system, data, cust, cache, cdrom and sd(if neccessary). My question is why do we and does it matter if we back up the cust, cache and cdrom parts? Wouldn't these get repopulated anyways at first boot? Would everything work if we just restored system, data and sd (again if neccessary)
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I don't backup cust or cdrom. I made a backup with Mz's new O.R. yesterday and good thing I backed up ext cause my XDA Special backup would not boot without it. Not much help for ya sorry bud Hope you get it worked out.
can you please compile a standalone APK installer version of the new open recovery for XT720?
after reading the instructions i noticed, it requires an existing open recovery already installed to apply the above updates
AllGamer said:
can you please compile a standalone APK installer version of the new open recovery for XT720?
after reading the instructions i noticed, it requires an existing open recovery already installed to apply the above updates
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I tried but my re-compiled version of the OpenRecovery.apk just FC'd.
Thanks for this Mioze7Ae, this is really sweet!
Am I missing out something here? I don't seem to be able to get the additional OR menu to convert to EXT4. I flashed back to Singapore 2.1 and have rooted. Removed the previous Open Recovery folder but where do I get the OpenRecovery.apk? Do I use back the previous version?
You can use Dexter's OpenRecovery.apk to install Open Recovery & then follow Mioze7Ae's instructions in the OP to update it.
Not sure what effect it even has, but the set timezone seems to be backwards ... Selecting GMT-7 runs /bin/timezone.sh GMT+7 and selecting GMT+7 runs /bin/timezone.sh GMT-7
Hey guys, hope you can provide me with a clearer instruction. I have done exactly as per the instructions and now when I boot into recovery, I don't see the extra option to convert to EXT4. The only things I see in the menu is:
Motorola MILESTONE XT720 Open Recovery
Version 1.46
Created by Skrilax_CZ
Use Volume Up/Down to highlight:
Camera_Mode key to select.
Main Menu
Reboot Menu
USB Mass Storage Mode
Application Menu
Run Script
Apply Update
Wipe Dalvik Cache
Wipe Data / Factory Reset
Wipe Cache Partition
What am I doing wrong? The phone is still running 2.1 update 1 but it's rooted.
It looks like you're running the original OpenRecovery. You need to replace the OpenRecovery folder on the sdcard with the version from the OpenRecovery-XT720-01.zip.
I think I can see how the instructions about renaming might be confusing so I tweaked the phrasing a little bit.
Thanks for the reply Mioze7Ae but I followed exactly as your instructions. Here's what I've done:
-Flashed singapore_STR_U2_01.1E.0
-Rooted with SuperOneClick
-Extracted and transferred to SD the OpenRecovery folder, OpenRecovery.zip and the original OpenRecovery.apk file.
-Ran OpenRecovery.apk
-Install Recovery System. Install Sucess.
-Recovery Boot and that's where it boots into the old OR.
It's the same if I use the OpenRecovery folder provided by hellmonger in The XT720 XDA Special Final RC2 "Hellmonger Edition"
ranggie4 said:
Thanks for the reply Mioze7Ae but I followed exactly as your instructions. Here's what I've done:
-Flashed singapore_STR_U2_01.1E.0
-Rooted with SuperOneClick
-Extracted and transferred to SD the OpenRecovery folder, OpenRecovery.zip and the original OpenRecovery.apk file.
-Ran OpenRecovery.apk
-Install Recovery System. Install Sucess.
-Recovery Boot and that's where it boots into the old OR.
It's the same if I use the OpenRecovery folder provided by hellmonger in The XT720 XDA Special Final RC2 "Hellmonger Edition"
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Change this:
Extracted and transferred to SD the OpenRecovery folder, OpenRecovery.zip and the original OpenRecovery.apk file.
Ran OpenRecovery.apk
Install Recovery System. Install Sucess.
To this:
Transferred to SD the the original OpenRecovery.apk file.
Ran OpenRecovery.apk
Install Recovery System. Install Sucess.
Extracted and transferred to SD the new OpenRecovery folder, OpenRecovery.zip
R-D said:
Not sure what effect it even has, but the set timezone seems to be backwards ... Selecting GMT-7 runs /bin/timezone.sh GMT+7 and selecting GMT+7 runs /bin/timezone.sh GMT-7
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I think it only affects the naming of the nandroid directories, but I'll give it a look. Nice catch!
Thanks Mioze7Ae. The last instruction made it clear. It works now. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Mioze7Ae said:
I think it only affects the naming of the nandroid directories, but I'll give it a look. Nice catch!
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it was like this in all the versions of open recovery...
Mioze, can you also add a wipe battery stats in your modified openrecovery? comes in handy when we flash a new rom or restore a nandroid so we dont have to use the battery calibrating app.

[RECOVERY] [Touchpad] TWRP with on-screen keyboard! [2012-12-17]

Team Win Recovery Project 2.3, or twrp2 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. It’s a fully touch driven user interface – no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
Phone look:
Tablet look:
-Fix to libraries to avoid issues when formatting partitions
-Updates to fix permissions
-Fix USB OTG on GNex
-Fixes / enhancements to handle the multiple user setup introduced by Android 4.2 (see notes)
-Fixed a bug with deleting a backup with a space in the name
-Added highlights on keyboard key presses
-Unmount system after boot to prevent some status 7 symlink failed errors on zip install
-USB Mass Storage code improvements
-Better handling of mounting storage during boot for some devices
-Fixed a problem with sizes of images (boot & recovery) after resetting defaults
-Fixed size errors during backup for some devices on recovery, etc.
-Fixed a problem with restoring backups when multiple archives were present
-Rebased onto AOSP Jelly Bean source code
-Rewrote backup, restore, wipe, and mount code in C++ classes for easier maintenance going forward
NOTE: backups from prior versions of TWRP are still compatible with 2.3
-ADB sideload functionality from AOSP is included in 2.3, see this link for more info
-Re-wrote fix permissions entirely in C++ and runs in a few seconds instead of a few minutes (thanks to bigbiff)
-Improvements to zip finding in OpenRecoveryScript (should be a lot fewer GooManager automation issues)
-Faster boot times
-Added charging indicator while in recovery (only updates once every 60 seconds)
While this update may not bring a host of new must-have features, this update is a significant re-write of much of the core TWRP code. AOSP Jelly Bean recovery source moved to mostly C++ code and now all of the "TWRP" code is fully rewritten into C++ as well. Now that we've laid this groundwork, we're in a much better position to pull in future AOSP recovery updates as well as implementing more great new features.
Since TWRP 2.3 is based on AOSP jelly bean sources, TWRP now uses recovery API 3 instead of 2. Some zips may no longer work if the developer is using an out-of-date update-binary. This API change should not be a problem on newer devices, but older devices will probably encounter several zips that need to be updated. If needed, you can try using this update-binary that was compiled with current sources. It goes in your zip file in the META-INF/com/google/android folder.
The fastest and easiest way to install TWRP is to use the GooManager app:
Play Store Link
Direct Download
1) Install GooManager from the Play Store
2) Open GooManager and provide root permissions
3) Hit Menu (or the button with the 3 dots on your screen) and then Install OpenRecovery
You can find more information and download links on our website!
Direct Download
If you have found a bug, please consider posting it to our github issues log. It's pretty much impossible for us to keep up with the more than 30 threads that we have for the devices that we "directly" support. If you have a significant problem that cannot be answered in this thread, your best bet is to PM me directly, contact us via our website, or find us in our IRC channel below. If you see someone that's struggling, feel free to point it out to us. We need your help to help us keep track of all of our devices! Thanks!
Live support is available via #twrp on Freenode with your IRC client or just click this link.
Awesome job guys
Sent from my EVO 3D using tapatalk
Very well done!
I have a nice recovery theme on my E3D. Maybe someone can make some nice TP ones, so we're not stuck with grey
vWvSTATICvWv said:
I have a nice recovery theme on my E3D. Maybe someone can make some nice TP ones, so we're not stuck with grey
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Hmmm, I will look in to this .....
vWvSTATICvWv said:
I have a nice recovery theme on my E3D. Maybe someone can make some nice TP ones, so we're not stuck with grey
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Which theme? Maybe someone would want to convert it.
Sent from my Touchpad using xda premium
Awesome work teamwin. This is awesome. Need this on my samsung epic.
Leoisright said:
Hmmm, I will look in to this .....
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Yea I probably will make a theme when I get the tp in a few days
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
I have switched to using TWRP for recovery on both Touchpad and Nook as it is very nice to use without having to fiddle with the buttons.
To make it even easier on Touchpad I thought I'd make the boot to recovery from CM7 go into TWRP rather than have to catch the moboot menu.
So in /boot I did mv uImage.ClockworkMod uImage.ClockworkMod1 and mv uImage.TWRP uImage.ClockworkMod
This superficially worked in that the boot to recovery from CM7 went into TWRP very nicely. But unfortunately when I then select Reboot to System from TWRP it then reboots straight back into ClockworkMod and restarts TWRP rather than go through moboot and into CYanogenMod
I guess there must be something going on in the real ClockworkMod to flip the default boot back which TWRP isn't doing.
For the moment I changed the names back so it uses Clockwork for the default and behaves normally.
bobtidey said:
I have switched to using TWRP for recovery on both Touchpad and Nook as it is very nice to use without having to fiddle with the buttons.
To make it even easier on Touchpad I thought I'd make the boot to recovery from CM7 go into TWRP rather than have to catch the moboot menu.
So in /boot I did mv uImage.ClockworkMod uImage.ClockworkMod1 and mv uImage.TWRP uImage.ClockworkMod
This superficially worked in that the boot to recovery from CM7 went into TWRP very nicely. But unfortunately when I then select Reboot to System from TWRP it then reboots straight back into ClockworkMod and restarts TWRP rather than go through moboot and into CYanogenMod
I guess there must be something going on in the real ClockworkMod to flip the default boot back which TWRP isn't doing.
For the moment I changed the names back so it uses Clockwork for the default and behaves normally.
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The bootloader project is here: http://code.google.com/p/moboot/
If you're feeling inclined you can ask how you set the default boot for recovery and whatnot. That would probably be a good start. Maybe someone on my team knows, but it can't hurt to learn anyway.
Thanks for that pointer. There does seem to be some anomaly around the use of moboot.next and moboot.action.d
I think when rebooting from CM7 into recovery then either moboot.next or moboot.action.d is being set up to action ClockworkMod so it goes straight in without the moboot menu. Real ClockworkMod then deletes the action files so that when it does a reboot moboot goes through its menu, times out and re-enters the default CM7.
When TWRP is renamed then the sequence starts the same but there is then a moboot.next file that points to ClockworkMod and when it tries to do a system boot then moboot kicks in and repeats the action back into recovery.
I'll comment back on the moboot project as I suspect the cleanest actions here are for moboot to do the housekeeping of action and next files so it doesn't get stuck in this loop.
anyone flash roms with this yet. In the eco people are stating wipin isn't working and hey flash and get stuck in a boot loop
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I installed the newest XRON rom along with moboot and TWRP on my Touchpad and TWRP did not seem to install. Is there a way to just install TWRP without having to do the whole thing over again? Maybe threw terminal mode or something. Since I tried to install TWRP I did not install CWM.
bobtidey said:
Thanks for that pointer. There does seem to be some anomaly around the use of moboot.next and moboot.action.d
I think when rebooting from CM7 into recovery then either moboot.next or moboot.action.d is being set up to action ClockworkMod so it goes straight in without the moboot menu. Real ClockworkMod then deletes the action files so that when it does a reboot moboot goes through its menu, times out and re-enters the default CM7.
When TWRP is renamed then the sequence starts the same but there is then a moboot.next file that points to ClockworkMod and when it tries to do a system boot then moboot kicks in and repeats the action back into recovery.
I'll comment back on the moboot project as I suspect the cleanest actions here are for moboot to do the housekeeping of action and next files so it doesn't get stuck in this loop.
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All versions of moboot have a README in the moboot_X.X.X.zip file.
From the README (this part was the same in all versions, I think):
## to select *next* boot image
echo "NAME1" >/boot/moboot.next # will boot uImage.NAME1 without menu
# NOTE: moboot does not delete the file, so the OS booted should
You are correct, it would be cleanest if moboot removed/managed this.
However, there is no code in moboot (or specifically, the ext2 fs code
it uses) to write to the filesystem. After I am done adding lvm support
to moboot, I plan on adding support to moboot to save some state information
to a raw partition (raw lvm volume). Once that is done, I should be able
to lift the requirement that the OS (or recovery, etc.) remove the
moboot.next file.
Also, for v0.3.5+ of moboot, you can hold the Home key to force it to
show the menu (thus overriding the moboot.next file).
Regardless, I am told the next release of TWRP for the Touchpad will
remove the moboot.next file.
bluedogtouchpad said:
I installed the newest XRON rom along with moboot and TWRP on my Touchpad and TWRP did not seem to install. Is there a way to just install TWRP without having to do the whole thing over again? Maybe threw terminal mode or something. Since I tried to install TWRP I did not install CWM.
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I had the same problem. I installed CWM first, then install TWRP through CWM.
Installed successfully after running the clean boot zip.
I went to the backup section to try and perform a backup but it gives me options that i can select/unselect and am not sure what should and shouldn't be selected.
jcsullins said:
All versions of moboot have a README in the moboot_X.X.X.zip file.
Also, for v0.3.5+ of moboot, you can hold the Home key to force it to
show the menu (thus overriding the moboot.next file).
Regardless, I am told the next release of TWRP for the Touchpad will
remove the moboot.next file.
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Thanks. I should have checked the readme.
I discovered the home key trick the first time I tried this and was beginning to wonder how to get out of the loop.
Good to hear TWRP will remove it as well as I'm keen to use this as the standard and be able to reboot into recovery from CM7.
Extra refinement would be if CM7 reboot menu listed all the boot options it could find so that it wouldn't be necessary to rename the image to match the Clockwork that will be used when recovery is chosen.
LastQuark said:
I had the same problem. I installed CWM first, then install TWRP through CWM.
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Did you install CWM by itself? If so how did you do that?
Wow awesome I never thought this would be possible. A revolution in recovery it seems. Wonder why other devices haven't got this already.
jcsullins said:
All versions of moboot have a README in the moboot_X.X.X.zip file.
From the README (this part was the same in all versions, I think):
## to select *next* boot image
echo "NAME1" >/boot/moboot.next # will boot uImage.NAME1 without menu
# NOTE: moboot does not delete the file, so the OS booted should
You are correct, it would be cleanest if moboot removed/managed this.
However, there is no code in moboot (or specifically, the ext2 fs code
it uses) to write to the filesystem. After I am done adding lvm support
to moboot, I plan on adding support to moboot to save some state information
to a raw partition (raw lvm volume). Once that is done, I should be able
to lift the requirement that the OS (or recovery, etc.) remove the
moboot.next file.
Also, for v0.3.5+ of moboot, you can hold the Home key to force it to
show the menu (thus overriding the moboot.next file).
Regardless, I am told the next release of TWRP for the Touchpad will
remove the moboot.next file.
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Thanks, I tested this extensively in an attempt to get my Touchpad into TWRP by default and ran into the same issue with moboot.next, I tried to make it read only after putting Cyanogemnod into it among other things but couldn't get it to work 100%. For now, seems like other folks are running into the same issues and sounds like you guys will take care of it in the next release of moboot. Thanks for all the work.

[RECOVERY] A500 Public Recovery v0.2 based on CWM v5.5.0.4 for ICS [May 21st 2012]

[Size=+2]A500 Public Recovery v0.2 based on Koush's CWM v5.5.0.4[/Size]
Here is a new Clock Work Mod for the ICS unlocked bootloaders only.
* cleanup tab option: shortcut to try to fix forcequits after updates, return to recovery and select on the main screen (Wipes Cache, dalvik, and fixes permissions)
* Standard options to backup and restore to either the SD card or internal storage
* Mount points match those of most running roms
* adb shell works as root (with or without system mounted)
* set boot mode menu to select the boot partition (hidden on know non-multiboot bootloaders)
* setbootmode and itsmagic command line tools for advanced users
* /data/linux directory is not deleted on erase userdata, nor backed up on nandroid backup (just like /data/media) to allow a space for linux files for dual boot and chroot linux installes.
While there may not be much fantastic yet about the recovery it appears funcitonal at this point. (Features such as touch ui may appear in the future)
Why is it called Public: its public in the sense that all the scripts and code required for anyone to build it have been made avalible. (note some linux knowledge may be needed to build it yourself)
There are to main ways to install
1) using fastboot or nvflash you can install the image
A500PubRecovery_v0.2.img MD5: 0e40a494cd066b1c8e1a8d01493f1452
2) using a any exiting recovery (as long as you have one of the unlocked bootloaders) you can install with an update.zip
A500PubRecovery_v0.2_update_S.zip MD5: 349d0d6284fc6d1e071827a37a8a55e5
** (FYI the fastboot command to run on your computer is 'fastboot flash recovery A500PubRecovery_v0.2.img')
[Size=+2]Developers Additional Information:[/Size]
Build instructions (including how to fetch the source code) is here:
(Thanks yous/Credits are also included)
as of version 0.2 the kernel is built from source (see above for information on fetching the build tree including the linux kernel)
the kernel in v0.1 was a patched for system r/w acer ICS Stock kernel
additional information can be seen on the commit:
The biggest thanks is as manythings in the Android World to Koush, and the CyanogenMod team. (They did the hard part, I've just tweaked it for the A500 configuration)
[Size=+2]Version List[/Size]
A500PubRecovery_v0.2.img 0e40a494cd066b1c8e1a8d01493f1452
A500PubRecovery_v0.2_update_S.zip 349d0d6284fc6d1e071827a37a8a55e5
A500PubRecovery_v0.1.img 4414bdbdd3aa7b7d7d1166595e6ccb2a
A500PubRecovery_v0.1_update_S.zip f45e7e3b640b42a68ec9bb08bd4b88ce
for details on the source commits used in the builds please see:
I will put it in the guide ,so when you flash the unlocked boot loader you can chose to install this with it , the more options for the user the better.
Thanks for the hard work.
Awesome !!! im curious to look at source so thanks for this
Sent from my SCH-R760 using XDA
The a501 is a very similar device.. is some more advanced user wishes to test things out and let me know if and changes is needed or if its good as is (fastboot boot may be useful if you wish to boot it without actually saving it to the tab)
Other Acer devices probably need slight modifications, if you help I can look into adding it to the codebase/builds..but I can only test the a500 as it's the only tab I own.
Just try to make sure you have a link to the source code of any kernel..and failing that that it Lisa stock kernel from an official OTA image.
I have a A500 with the Build.Number "1.033.00_EMEA_DE".
I have Problems to get the CWM with that Tutorial:
Its all running fine but when i want to boot into the CWM it seems to work but then the Android Guy with open Stomach and the Red ExclamationPoint is showing.
I wonder if i can use this Public Recovery v0.1??
Maybe someone can help me that.
Basian Mile said:
Its all running fine but when i want to boot into the CWM it seems to work but then the Android Guy with open Stomach and the Red ExclamationPoint is showing.
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If you are running a stock ICS rom you need to make sure you don't have the recovery patch still installed, otherwise the stock recovery will be installed on reboot if any other recovery is installed.
If you have the script and patch.. this recovery as any other custom recovery will be overwritten.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
The CWM (v5 from Thor2002ro) is running now. I was using the wrong CPUID. That was my falut. But now its ok.
So i can flash this new Recovery just in this right?
If you have one of the the unlocked ics bootloader you can flash this recovery.. either directly or with the update.zip from a working custom recovery.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Great Job!
If you want to build an A510 version, just change the data partition to point to /dev/block/mmcblk0p10. Everything else stays the same. If it doesn't boot, i may need to have the A510 recovery kernel.
BTW.. the recovery kernel doesn't really need to be patched for r/w, because /system never gets mounted as readonly, so it never does a remount to r/w. I've repacked recoveries with stock ICS kernels and they work fine. == Although, it doesn't hurt to patch them. ==
Euclid's Brother said:
BTW.. the recovery kernel doesn't really need to be patched for r/w, because /system never gets mounted as readonly, so it never does a remount to r/w. I've repacked recoveries with stock ICS kernels and they work fine. == Although, it doesn't hurt to patch them. ==
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Part of it is I intend the kernel for my own ics rom. (Safer anyway in my opinion to not find any surprises as a user but not the biggest issue)
Tested it and installed fine , it's barebones recovery but I think A lot will love it , clean and simple. I used fastboot to install it .
Thanks Ez.
BTW I'm working on the next release
1) Some minor bug fixes (partitioning sdcard and full wipe are a bit strange at present.. in most cases we don't re-partition sdcards.. and wipe if you are installing a rom after will fix its self)
2) Now that acer has released their source, I've dropped the pre-built tweaked stock kernel, and added a source build, mostly still stock but I've changed to lZMA to allow some more space for the recovery ramdisk. (also system remount is allowed by default in this kernel so no postbuild acrobatics .. ie KPatch script)
3) add setbootmode/itsmagic binaries to the system. A500 (this is in github as is the kernel so building from synced source will give you a recovery with these pre-installed)
4) hopefully add an interface to call said binaries
Also I have an A510 test version I need someone (with the tab) to try.. PM me
Edit (Feature Idea):
whould anyone be interested in recovery when wiping not only skiping /data/media (internal /sdcard) but also skiping /data/linux ?
The idea is dual boot people bootling linux could use a ramdisk to run some bindmount/piviot root hackery to make /data/linux the root directory
also anyone using chroot to run a linux distro along side android could use the /data/linux directory as the chroot jail
let me know and I'll look into making APR here support such a feature
Is it posible to add app cwm for install.zip,backup,restore since rom ?
For exemple,the same app into sgs2 with siyha kernel or another kernel ??? Big thanks
Envoyé depuis mon A500 avec Tapatalk
ezterry said:
3) add setbootmode/itsmagic binaries to the system. A500 (this is in github as is the kernel so building from synced source will give you a recovery with these pre-installed)
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Ehm, definitely don't put itsmagic next to setbootmode, it corrupts the kernel image in AKB.
ezterry said:
Edit (Feature Idea):
whould anyone be interested in recovery when wiping not only skiping /data/media (internal /sdcard) but also skiping /data/linux ?
The idea is dual boot people bootling linux could use a ramdisk to run some bindmount/piviot root hackery to make /data/linux the root directory
also anyone using chroot to run a linux distro along side android could use the /data/linux directory as the chroot jail
let me know and I'll look into making APR here support such a feature
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Yeah I'm actually thinking to install linux to /data/linux and chroot there, too, exactly the same way.
micky387 said:
Is it posible to add app cwm for install.zip,backup,restore since rom ?
For exemple,the same app into sgs2 with siyha kernel or another kernel ??? Big thanks
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I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about,
If you want to use this recovery with RomManager (as an unofficial 3.x+ recovery) you may. (In rom manager select flash recovery, select a500, select that you have manually installed a CWM recovery, select 3.x) To make it "official" koush needs to update his repo.. and I'm not going to poke that until I fix some minor outstanding bugs.
Actions will by default happen on the /data/media partition (as that is usually /sdcard) and no roms are yet in the system.. but I may work on fixing that after I make the next release. Currently running a backup myself.
If you want some other app to do this.. it needs to be compatible with the clockwork mod API.
Skrilax_CZ said:
Ehm, definitely don't put itsmagic next to setbootmode, it corrupts the kernel image in AKB.
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next to as in both the "itsmagic" and "setbootmode" binaries are in /sbin? .. I hope you can live with that.
I don't intend to automatically run it *ever* in this recovery, just want it to exist for anyone cleaning the system to return to a HC bootloader.. probably won't even add it to the GUI as its not something you want to do by mistake (and really I don't want to promote anyone to do.. its just there for some advanced users doing advanced operations). Boot mode however will be in the gui.
ezterry said:
next to as in both the "itsmagic" and "setbootmode" binaries are in /sbin? .. I hope you can live with that.
I don't intend to automatically run it *ever* in this recovery, just want it to exist for anyone cleaning the system to return to a HC bootloader.. probably won't even add it to the GUI as its not something you want to do by mistake (and really I don't want to promote anyone to do.. its just there for some advanced users doing advanced operations). Boot mode however will be in the gui.
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Very clever... i was worried myself at first when i saw you mention itsmagic... i'm so happy we have an open bootloader now with no tricks... oh, except the original hacking
Thanks so much for your work on this!
ezterry said:
I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about,
If you want to use this recovery with RomManager (as an unofficial 3.x+ recovery) you may. (In rom manager select flash recovery, select a500, select that you have manually installed a CWM recovery, select 3.x) To make it "official" koush needs to update his repo.. and I'm not going to poke that until I fix some minor outstanding bugs.
Actions will by default happen on the /data/media partition (as that is usually /sdcard) and no roms are yet in the system.. but I may work on fixing that after I make the next release. Currently running a backup myself.
If you want some other app to do this.. it needs to be compatible with the clockwork mod API.
next to as in both the "itsmagic" and "setbootmode" binaries are in /sbin? .. I hope you can live with that.
I don't intend to automatically run it *ever* in this recovery, just want it to exist for anyone cleaning the system to return to a HC bootloader.. probably won't even add it to the GUI as its not something you want to do by mistake (and really I don't want to promote anyone to do.. its just there for some advanced users doing advanced operations). Boot mode however will be in the gui.
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I want to know if it's possible to add the same app (a part of recovery)
ezterry said:
next to as in both the "itsmagic" and "setbootmode" binaries are in /sbin? .. I hope you can live with that.
I don't intend to automatically run it *ever* in this recovery, just want it to exist for anyone cleaning the system to return to a HC bootloader.. probably won't even add it to the GUI as its not something you want to do by mistake (and really I don't want to promote anyone to do.. its just there for some advanced users doing advanced operations). Boot mode however will be in the gui.
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Yeah that's ok, I meant next to as in GUI, that would bring only problems.
v0.2 is out (see op)
~ wipe full data fix
~ fix on formating the external sdcard
~ cleaned up some warnings
~ added multiboot support (select boot partition)
~ added itsmagic binary (command line only)
~ switch to kernel source build rather than pre-built kernels
~ added /data/linux support (skip on wipe data, and nandroid backup)
kernel was built from:
config file: apr_a500_defconfig
besides the configuration the kernel source is thus far unchanged from the acer a500 ICS drop
The kernel is built along with the recovery, see developer notes in OP for a link to the build instructions.
v0.2 doesn't boot for me.
Using Skrilax v6 bootloader I can't boot v0.2 while v0.1 works fine, both flashed from fastboot.
I also tried flashing v0.2 from v0.1 recovery, same results.

[Complete Guide] What Is ClockworkMod And How To Use It

Schedule Post:
#1 - What Is ClockworkMod Recovery And How To Use It On Android
#2 - Nandroid Backup & Restore
#3 - Onandroid Backup
What Is ClockworkMod Recovery And How To Use It On Android
ClockworkMod – also known as Clockwork or CWM – is a custom recovery for Android phones and tablets that allows you to perform several advanced recovery, restoration, installation and maintenance operations on your Android device that aren’t possible with the stock recovery. In what follows, we will cover all that this recovery is capable of doing, and how to do it. We do not discuss about TWRP (TeamWin Recovery Project) in this thread.
1.All About Android Recovery
All Android devices ship with a recovery console that is basically a partition on the device’s internal memory and can be booted into. The stock recovery of almost all Android devices provides a few basic yet handy options that allow you to factory reset your device and also to recover its operating system using an official ROM in zip format, but that’s all you can do with it. That’s where a custom recovery comes handy.
A custom Android recovery basically replaces the stock recovery with one that lets you do all you can do with the stock recovery, plus a plethora of more options to give you a lot more control on your device. With a custom recovery, you can install official and unofficial ROMs as well as other updates including apps, themes, kernels etc. using zip files, wipe not just user data but pretty much every partition on your device, mount the storage card for USB mass storage access without leaving recovery, partition your SD card, wipe Dalvik cache and battery stats, fix permissions, perform, manage and restore backups and so on.
2.Introduction to ClockworkMod
ClockworkMod recovery is one of the most widely used custom Android recoveries that is available for most mainstream Android devices. It is the needed recovery for AOKP, AOSP, CM. ClockworkMod recovery has been developed by Koushik Dutta (also known as Koush) – the same guy who brought us the Android ROM Manager.
3.Booting into ClockworkMod
On most Android devices including ones by Samsung, you can enter recovery by powering your device off and then powering it back on while keeping either the Volume Up+Home+Power buttons pressed in the same time. This will enter the bootloader from where you can select the ‘RECOVERY’ option by navigating to it with the Volume key and entering it with the ‘Power’ key.
1. reboot system now
Reboot/restart your phone.
2. apply update from sdcard
This can be used for installation of any official or unofficial update, ROM, kernel, theme etc. That is in a zip format installable from recovery, as long as the file is named update.zip and it has been placed on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any sub-folder). Selecting this option (and most of the options featured below) will bring up a rather annoying confirmation prompt but this has saved us on multiple occasions from a lot of trouble we would have been into due to accidental key presses. This is what we are talking about:
3. wipe data/factory reset
This option wipes all user data on the device as well as cache. Doing this will leave your phone in the state it was in when you bought it or when any custom ROM was first installed. It will also wipe any sd-ext partition that you might have setup (more on this later).
4. wipe cache partition
Wipes the cache partition of the device to clear all the data accumulated there over use. This is often used before installing a new ROM, app, kernel or any similar mod via recovery.
5. install zip from sdcard
This option brings up the following sub-menu:
a. apply /sdcard/update.zip
This one is essentially the same as the ‘apply update from sdcard’ option of the main menu.
b. choose zip from sdcard
Lets you install any zip file (with any name) from any location on your SD card. The file can be for a ROM, a kernel, an application, a theme or any mod as long as it is in recovery-flashable zip format. This is the most widely used option for installing a ROM that you have downloaded and copied to your SD card.
c. toggle signature verification
Turns the signature verification on and off. When signature verification is on, you will not be able to install any custom ROMs that haven’t been signed by the developers (most custom ROMs aren’t signed). Switching it off skips the signature verification check and proceeds with the installation.
d. toggle script asserts
Seldom-used option for a vast majority of users. It simply turns script asserts on or off. If you don’t know about these (we don’t), it’s best not to change this option.
e. +++++Go Back+++++
Takes you back to the main recovery menu, obviously!
6. backup and restore
Undoubtedly one of the most important features provided by a custom recovery, the backup and restore feature – also known as Nandroid backup – allows you to take a snapshot of your phone’s entire internal memory including all partitions, and save it on the SD card.
a. Backup
Takes a Nandroid backup, as explained above.
b. Restore
Lets you restore a previously taken backup. Entering this option presents you with a list of existing backups from the SD card that you can choose from for restoration.
c. Advanced Restore
This option is similar to the Restore option but once a backup has been selected to be restored, this option allows you to choose what parts of it to restore. You can choose to restore the boot, system, data, cache and sd-ext partitions.
7. mounts and storage
Allows you to perform maintenance tasks on all the internal and external partitions of your android device
a. mount/unmount /system, /data, /cache, /sdcard or /sd-ext
These options let you toggle between mounting or unmounting these respective partitions. Most users don’t need to change these options.
b. format boot, system, data, cache, sdcard or sd-ext
These let you directly format any of these partitions. Take extreme care with this option as formatting any of these partitions will result in losing all data on them, especially the boot and system partitions. Formatting the system partition will remove your ROM and leave your phone without an operating system while wiping the boot partition may brick your phone unless you restore or flash another one before rebooting your device.
c. mount USB storage
Lets you enable USB mass storage mode for your SD card right from recovery so that you can connect it to your computer via USB and transfer any files to/from it without having to leave recovery.
8. advanced
This section contains a few options most users will not require, though these can come handy quite often, especially wiping Dalvik cache, which is required before most ROM installations.
1. Reboot Recovery
Lets you directly and very conveniently reboot from recovery right back into recovery. This is useful option for certain back-to-back installations that require the device to at least boot once between them.
2. Wipe Dalvik Cache
Allows you to wipe the cache for the Dalvik virtual machine (the custom-built Java virtual machine for Android).This is required before most ROM installations and at other occasions too, for fixing some problems.
3. Wipe Battery Stats
Wipes the saved battery usage statistics and effectively recalibrates the battery. Useful in various scenarios when Android isn’t showing correct battery levels.
4. Report Error
In case of errors, this feature can be used to save a log of recent ClockworkMod recovery operations on the SD card that you can later report from Android using ROM Manager.
5. Key Test
Lets you press any of the hardware keys to see if they are properly functioning, and to see their key codes.
6. Partition SD Card
This option gives you a no-frills way to partition your SD card properly for use with ROMs that support data2ext (a very handy hack for low internal memory devices that enables an /sd-ext partition on the SD card to be used as the internal user data storage i.e. as the /data partition). Once this option is selected, you will be given options to choose the sizes for the /sd-ext partition as well as an optional /swap partition on the SD card, and will then automatically format it for you, leaving the remaining space for normal SD card usage. This option will wipe all data from your SD card so use it with caution!
7. Fix Permissions
Fixes the file permissions for the internal memory partitions back to default. This is very useful as a fix for several errors and Force-Closes that start appearing after you or an application you installed and provided root access end up messing up the permissions of important files.
4.Using ClockworkMod for ROM, kernel, apps, theme or mod installation
While in the complete feature tour we have already shown you how to install a ROM, kernel, app, theme or any similar mod from a recovery-flashable zip file using the recovery options, those of you who jumped straight to this section expecting to get just this information quickly are at the right place!
This guide is primary focused on a full feature tour of CWM but in our previously written guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip to an Android device file from recovery, we have already covered in detail how to use ClockworkMod for installing any ROM, kernel, app, theme or mod using a recovery-flashable zip file. While that guide is based on an older version of ClockworkMod recovery, everything in it still applies to the latest versions and should work flawlessly.
5.How To Install A ROM or App from zip file to Android device from recovery
Please note that the terms ‘installing’ and ‘flashing’ can be used interchangeably here and will mean the same thing.
Rooting your device renders its warranty void.
ALWAYS take backups before rooting or flashing a custom ROM or app to your phone.
Flashing a defective ROM or app to your phone might brick it so choose the ROMs and software that you flash wisely and never install a ROM or application from an untrusted source.
AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
Official ROM updates from device manufacturers or carriers are released in conveniently packaged installation files that you can run on your computer while your Android device is connected to it, and they automatically take care of updating your phone’s system. Similarly, most applications are available directly in the Android Market for easy installation, or come packaged as convenient ‘.apk’ files that you can just run on your Android phone to install. The case is not the same with most custom ROMs and several custom applications, which come in .zip files rather than PC installers or .apk files.
The idea of installing a customized operating system to their smartphone can be quite intimidating for inexperienced users. Though once they get used to it, some of them end up trying out different ROMs for their devices several times a day. While I don’t exactly recommend that you flash every new ROM that is made available for your Android phone, we are here to help you get over the fear of flashing a ROM that enhances the capabilities of your device so that you can use it to its fullest potential.
Here is a quick look at what we will be covering in this guide. Feel free to skip to the real deal if you already meet the prerequisites.
• Before We Begin: Battery Check
• Before We Begin: Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
• Before We Begin: Rooting
• Before We Proceed: Installing a Custom Recovery
• The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
• The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
There are certain steps that you might not require, and we shall be mentioning them in each section.
Before We Begin: Battery Check
Before you proceed with any of the following steps, make sure your phone’s battery level is not too low. It is recommended to have it at 50% or more. Do NOT take this lightly. If your phone’s battery runs out while you are attempting to flash a custom ROM, there is a significant chance of your phone getting bricked and becoming unusable PERMANENTLY.
Before We Begin:Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
Note: This step applies only to Android devices with stock version of Android installed. At the moment, Google Nexus One and Nexus S are the only two such devices available. You may skip this step if you are using any other Android device.
Users of stock Android devices such as the Google Nexus One or Nexus S also need to unlock its bootloader before they can proceed. Once you have done this, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Begin: Rooting
Note: You may skip this step if your device is already rooted, or if you already know how to root it.
Before you can install a custom ROM to your device, your phone needs to be rooted. Rooting is basically administrator or root level access required to perform administrative tasks on your Android device. Once you are done with the rooting process, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Proceed: Installing A Custom Recovery
Note: You may skip this step if you already have a custom recovery installed on your device.
Rooting grants you the necessary access level to execute administrative tasks on your Android device but it is the recovery that provides the tools necessary to actually perform those tasks. While every Android device ships with a recovery, the stock recovery is quite limited in what it lets you do, and you need a custom recovery image to perform advanced operations on your device. Once you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you will be ready to proceed to the next step.
The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
Now that you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you can perform all sorts of wonderful advanced operations on your device and this includes the ability to flash a ROM or application from a zip file. The procedure is pretty standard for most ROMs, though there are certain ROMs which require additional steps for their installation. Since those steps differ from ROM to ROM, pay attention to instructions and this includes only the standard instructions here.
• Manually
1. Download the ROM from the link given in the article featuring that ROM. It should be a zip file.
2. Connect your phone to your computer via USB and mount its storage card.
3. Copy the downloaded ROM to the root of the storage card.
4. Power your phone off and reboot it into recovery. This will involve using a combination of your device’s hardware keys. Once in recovery, you can navigate its menu using the volume up and volume down hardware keys or your phone’s trackball / optical track pad if it comes equipped with one.
5. Use the ‘backup and restore’ feature of recovery to backup your existing ROM installation, software and data. This step is known as performing a nandroid backup. ALWAYS perform a backup before flashing a custom ROM, UNLESS you can afford to lose everything that’s on your phone at the moment.
Note: ALWAYS choose to perform the following steps 6, 7 and 8 UNLESS the ROM you are attempting to flash is an updated version of the same ROM that you are currently using, and is compatible with the current installation’s data. It is usually mentioned with the update whether you can install it over a previous version without wiping its data or not.
6. Get back to the main recovery menu and use the option ‘wipe data/factory reset’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select “Yes – Delete all user data”.
7. From the main recovery menu, select ‘wipe cache partition’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Cache’.
8. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘advanced’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Wipe Dalvik Cache’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Format/System’.
9. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘Mounts and Storage’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Format/System’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Dalvik Cache’.
10. Go back to the main recovery menu by pressing the back button and select the ‘Install zip from SD card’ option.
11. Select ‘choose zip from sdcard’ to get a list of the files and folders on your SD card. Scroll to the ROM’s file that you copied there in step 3, and select it. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Install file_name.zip’ where file_name.zip is the name of the zip file that you are trying to install.
12. Wait patiently while the ROM is flashed to your phone via recovery.
13. Once the installation is complete, head back to the main recovery menu if you aren’t there, and select ‘reboot system now’. Your phone will now boot into the newly installed ROM.
The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
While most apps for Android devices are available at the app store for direct download and installation or as .apk files for direct installation, there are certain apps which are only available as zip files installable from recovery. Their installation procedure is the same as installing a custom ROM that we just featured above. However, there are a few minute differences.
• When installing an app from a zip file, you do NOT need to perform the ‘wipe data/factory reset’ or ‘wipe/system’ step so NEVER do that unless you know what you are doing, have a complete backup and want to start using your ROM as a fresh installation with the new app added.
• You might or might not need to wipe the cache and the dalvik cache for installing apps from zip file. This varies from app to app and the developers of such apps as well as many reviewers including us mention when featuring an app whether it requires a cache and dalvik cache wipe or not. However, it never hurts to wipe these caches anyway, and it does not effect the data on your device or its storage card.
There you go, this concludes the guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip file to your Android device using a custom recovery. To try out the skills that you just learned, search our site for custom ROMs for your phone and start flashing, always remembering to take backups first!
Important note: This guide is retrieved from the VeNum Complete Guide with only few additions and corrections by me, so All thanks should go to him!
PS: If you see any error, please contact me to edit the OP.
Nandroid Backup - CWM
What is a Nandroid Backup?
It is a full backup of the partitions on your device’s NAND flash (NAND actually stands for NOT AND, which in simple terms means an electronic gate). Basically a backup of your phones hard drive if you will...
The Nandroid Backup is a snapshot of your device (it means everything on your phone – your apps, data, your current ROM and even the kernel is backed up) at the time you do the back up. If you restore the back up, it changes your phone BACK to that state. You will need custom recovery (CWM/TWRP). So make sure you have CWM or TWRP on your device.
The SD Card data is not backed up in the process. Although, the Nandroid Backup itself is created on your SD card. Make sure you have enough space on your SD card to make a COMPLETE copy of your phone.
It’s highly recommended that once you have done a backup, you manually copy it to your computer in case your sd card is wiped or corrupted.
1. Rooted Device:
2. Custom Recovery (CWM or TWRP)
While the OS is running you cannot do a backup. The bootloader in the recovery enables you to take a backup of the OS while it’s not running.
How to Make a Nandroid Backup via CWM:
Backup via CWM:
1.Boot into Recovery pressing in the same time Volume Up + Home + Power buttons for our Galaxy S4 mini LTE/3G phones
2. Select ‘Backup and Restore’ from the recovery.
Once you are in recovery, scroll down to the option ‘Backup and Recovery’ with volume Up/Down and select it (Power button for select).
3. Start the backup.
Once you are on the Nandroid screen, select ‘Backup’ to start the backup process. You have the option to ‘Restore’ backup on the same screen.
The backup process may take a while. Take a break for a coffee.
4. Transfer the backup to your computer (recommended).
Once you reboot, you can see the backup in the ‘clockworkmod/backup/…’ (or similar file) directory on your SD card.
Move, copy, or paste this folder on your PC safely.
Restore from a Nandroid Backup via CWM:
1. Boot your device into CWM and navigate to the Nandroid screen.
2. Choose ‘Restore’ and begin the process.
If you select ‘Advanced Restore’ option, you may select which part of the backup to restore – i. e. the boot,system, data or cache. Or choose the whole backup.
3. Reboot your device. Your system is now restored and is exactly the same as the time when the backup was taken.
Video guide (ignore phones from videos ) :
CWM guide
TWRP guide
[app] Online Nandroid Backup
Online Nandroid Backup - FULLY SUPPORTED with our Samsung S4 mini GT I9195/I9190/I9192
Online Nandroid - Supported Devices
Nandroid backups are usually performed in recovery mode. This means you would have to turn off your phone and reboot in recovery mode, which wastes a whole lot of time rebooting and a lot more time offline. With this tool you can do nandroid backups without switching off your device.
1. Rooted android phone
2. A terminal emulator installed on phone
3. Latest version of Busybox
4. A working CWM or TWRP
5. Patience
* Creates backups in the CMW 5 and 6 style or TWRP!
* Full support of the onandroid script.
* Create custom names for your backups.
* Choose what partitions get backed up.
Important: This tool requires a rooted phone with busybox to work!
Download from market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.h3r3t1c.onnandbup
Or from original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1620255
Reserved, for future.
I will complete with more info's and screenshots in few days.
Please, keep thread clean and don't post "Thanks".
I assume this guide was written for nexus devices because the nexus one and nexus s are mentionend and you wrote that the bootloader has to be unlocked (Which has to be done on most devices. Only Samsung(?) has unlocked bootloaders. You could add that unlocking wipes user data.)
The second thing is: Your phone doesnt have to be rooted to install a custom recovey. Either you flash a recovery with Odin (add this aswell) and wipe everything to install a custom rom or you the superuser app to root your stock firmware.
But excuse me if you weren't finished with the post
Did you read carrefully OP and the note from the end?
Important note: This guide is retrieved from the VeNum Complete Guide with only few additions and corrections by me, so All thanks should go to him!
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Excellent guide, thank you!
R_a_z_v_a_n said:
Online Nandroid Backup - FULLY SUPPORTED with our Samsung S Advance GT I9070 (Janice)
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Are you saying that the onandroid Partition Script for I9070 works perfectly fine with S4 Mini i9195?
impactor said:
Are you saying that the onandroid Partition Script for I9070 works perfectly fine with S4 Mini i9195?
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Click to collapse
Yep its fully supported, that post its copy/paste from my previous phone/thread. :highfive:
Edited my post, thanks for report.
Check here compatibilities:
Online Nandroid - Supported Devices
Nice really great information Thanks again:good:

[TOOL][UNOFFICIAL][PORT] REPIT: for Nexus 7 (2013) [deb][flo]

This is a port of Lanchon REPIT.
- Nexus 7 (2013) Deb (LTE) and Flo (WiFi) -​
I am not responsible for your actions or consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the files and/or advice offered.
It is your choice to proceed.
What is REPIT?
REPIT is a simple, safe, device-only, data-sparing, and easily portable repartitioning tool for Android devices.
See the GitHub README for more on What REPIT is. GitHub - Link
Requires TWRP (or TWRP based) recovery.
Does not support encrypted devices.
Will cause data loss if the repartitioning process is externally interrupted.
See the GitHub README for more on Limitations. GitHub - Link
A few years ago (September 2018), I made a port of REPIT for deb,flo and manta that was spread out between multiple threads.
Some comments and instructions were lost in thread chatter or just in a different thread altogether.
The file name actually configures the repit script.
Noted that you may have to toggle MTP Disable, Enable, Disable.
Noted that you may have to reboot into TWRP after disabling MTP.
Remember /tmp is wiped after a reboot. Copy repit to /sdcard and after rebooting back into TWRP, copy it from /sdcard to /tmp using TWRP File manager.
Noted that you may have to unmount cache and data.
Do NOT flash repit from USB/OTG.
This is designed for a stock partition layout. If your device has been modified and a vendor partition was created, REPIT will not work.
Side note:
Lanchon added Nexus 7 (2013) to the official list. (November 2019)
Lanchon REPIT GitHub - Port Request - Commit
Be Careful.
There are always risks involved when you start messing around with a device.
If something goes wrong, you may end up with a non-working "bricked" device.
This is especially true when you start modifying partitions.
Backup what you want to save and store it off device.
Copy it to your computer, cloud storage, USB, ...
This operation might take a long time and must not be interrupted.
- Depending on the device and REPIT configuration, this might take a few hours.
Make sure your battery is fully charged or mostly charged.
- You can connect to a charger while the REPIT script is running. May or may not charge depending on the recovery.
How To:
If you already have a ROM installed, repit will backup, change the partition, restore and resize.
- You can just reboot once the script finishes.
Boot into TWRP
Swipe to Allow Modifications
Copy the repit zip to /tmp
Disconnect from computer
Disable MTP
Disable MTP TWRP -> Mount
Install repit
TWRP -> Install -> navigate to /tmp and flash the repit zip
Reboot to system
If you are doing a clean install, add the +wipe option to system in the zip file name. This will speed up the partitioning since system will not be backed up and restored.
- Reboot back into TWRP after the script finishes.
- Then follow the instructions from the rom thread to install the rom you are going to use.
Boot into TWRP
Swipe to Allow Modifications
Copy the repit zip to /tmp
Disconnect from computer
Disable MTP
Disable MTP TWRP -> Mount
Install repit
TWRP -> Install -> navigate to /tmp and flash the repit zip
Reboot to recovery
Follow the instructions from the rom thread to install the rom you are going to use.
Nexus 7 (2013) [Deb][Flo]
Pushed a bit pass the safe zone and claimed a bit more unallocated space.
Updated to the current REPIT scripts.
Separate zip files for deb and flo.
Nexus 7 (2013) GitHub - Commit
Download Links:
MediaFire - Link
SourceForge - Link
GoogleDrive - Link
Direct Download from MediaFire:
lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max-cache=16M+wipe-deb.zip MediaFire - Download
lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max-cache=16M+wipe-flo.zip MediaFire - Download
REPIT Links:
Lanchon REPIT GitHub - Link
- My fork GitHub - Link
Lanchon for his excellent REPIT project.
The Android Community and everyone who has helped me learn through the years.
Cheers all.
Note about configuration.
The user configuration is done by renaming the zip file before flashing it.
Not much room to change on deb/flo.
The modifiable partitions are only system and cache (22 and 23).
The actual partitioning is done by a sector range. This is declared inside the script along with a default configuration.
# the set of partitions that can be modified by REPIT:
# <gpt-number> <gpt-name> <friendly-name> <conf-defaults> <crypto-footer>
initPartition 22 system system "same keep ext4" 0
initPartition 23 cache cache "same keep ext4" 0
initPartition 24 misc misc "same keep raw" 0
# the set of modifiable partitions that can be configured by the user (overriding <conf-defaults>):
configurablePartitions="$(seq 22 23)"
# the set of contiguous partitions that form this heap, in order of ascending partition start address:
heapPartitions="$(seq 22 24)"
# the disk area (as a sector range) to use for the heap partitions:
heapStart=$(parOldEnd 21) # one sector past the end of tzb.
heapEnd=$(parOldStart 25) # the start of recovery.
By default, REPIT will back up, restore, compress and/or expand a partition.
The +wipe option will wipe the partition.
The max option is an easy way to allocate the remaining space for a partition.
The misc partition is not part of the user-config but, it is in the sector range.
It will be moved to the the end of the sector range without alteration.
The default zip name lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max-cache=16M+wipe-flo.zip
Creates a 16M clean cache partition. (Wiped)
Uses the rest of the unallocated space in the range for system.
System is backed up and restored since the +wipe option was NOT added to system.
Since only system and cache can be configured, this only allows a few options for deb and flo.
Default zip name. -system=max-cache=16M+wipe-
Include wipe system. -system=max+wipe-cache=16M+wipe-
See the GitHub README for more on how to configure. GitHub - Link
Cheers all.
I think this deserves a bump, because, this is some great work right here for those wanting to stick with a stock-like partition layout!
Hi, I want to go back stock partition size. So i have to rename the zip.
What zip name?
ipdev said:
This is a port of Lanchon REPIT.
- Nexus 7 (2013) Deb (LTE) and Flo (WiFi) -​
I am not responsible for your actions or consequences, directly or indirectly, related to the files and/or advice offered.
It is your choice to proceed.
What is REPIT?
REPIT is a simple, safe, device-only, data-sparing, and easily portable repartitioning tool for Android devices.
See the GitHub README for more on What REPIT is. GitHub - Link
Requires TWRP (or TWRP based) recovery.
Does not support encrypted devices.
Will cause data loss if the repartitioning process is externally interrupted.
See the GitHub README for more on Limitations. GitHub - Link
A few years ago (September 2018), I made a port of REPIT for deb,flo and manta that was spread out between multiple threads.
Some comments and instructions were lost in thread chatter or just in a different thread altogether.
The file name actually configures the repit script.
Noted that you may have to toggle MTP Disable, Enable, Disable.
Noted that you may have to reboot into TWRP after disabling MTP.
Remember /tmp is wiped after a reboot. Copy repit to /sdcard and after rebooting back into TWRP, copy it from /sdcard to /tmp using TWRP File manager.
Noted that you may have to unmount cache and data.
Do NOT flash repit from USB/OTG.
This is designed for a stock partition layout. If your device has been modified and a vendor partition was created, REPIT will not work.
Side note:
Lanchon added Nexus 7 (2013) to the official list. (November 2019)
Lanchon REPIT GitHub - Port Request - Commit
Be Careful.
There are always risks involved when you start messing around with a device.
If something goes wrong, you may end up with a non-working "bricked" device.
This is especially true when you start modifying partitions.
Backup what you want to save and store it off device.
Copy it to your computer, cloud storage, USB, ...
This operation might take a long time and must not be interrupted.
- Depending on the device and REPIT configuration, this might take a few hours.
Make sure your battery is fully charged or mostly charged.
- You can connect to a charger while the REPIT script is running. May or may not charge depending on the recovery.
How To:
If you already have a ROM installed, repit will backup, change the partition, restore and resize.
- You can just reboot once the script finishes.
Boot into TWRP
Swipe to Allow Modifications
Copy the repit zip to /tmp
Disconnect from computer
Disable MTP
Disable MTP TWRP -> Mount
Install repit
TWRP -> Install -> navigate to /tmp and flash the repit zip
Reboot to system
If you are doing a clean install, add the +wipe option to system in the zip file name. This will speed up the partitioning since system will not be backed up and restored.
- Reboot back into TWRP after the script finishes.
- Then follow the instructions from the rom thread to install the rom you are going to use.
Boot into TWRP
Swipe to Allow Modifications
Copy the repit zip to /tmp
Disconnect from computer
Disable MTP
Disable MTP TWRP -> Mount
Install repit
TWRP -> Install -> navigate to /tmp and flash the repit zip
Reboot to recovery
Follow the instructions from the rom thread to install the rom you are going to use.
Nexus 7 (2013) [Deb][Flo]
Pushed a bit pass the safe zone and claimed a bit more unallocated space.
Updated to the current REPIT scripts.
Separate zip files for deb and flo.
Nexus 7 (2013) GitHub - Commit
Download Links:
MediaFire - Link
SourceForge - Link
GoogleDrive - Link
Direct Download from MediaFire:
lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max-cache=16M+wipe-deb.zip MediaFire - Download
lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max-cache=16M+wipe-flo.zip MediaFire - Download
REPIT Links:
Lanchon REPIT GitHub - Link
- My fork GitHub - Link
Lanchon for his excellent REPIT project.
The Android Community and everyone who has helped me learn through the years.
Cheers all.
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I have been trying to repartition Nexus flo 2013 following the steps outlined above with lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max+wipe-cache=16M+wipe-deb.zip for 19.1 version but keep getting Error 1, see photo. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you
greenleaves said:
I have been trying to repartition Nexus flo 2013 following the steps outlined above with lanchon-repit-20210221-system=max+wipe-cache=16M+wipe-deb.zip for 19.1 version but keep getting Error 1, see photo. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you
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Problem fixed. Now 19.1, pico gapps and Magisk 25.0 were flashed in success. The problem was that I didn't follow through the steps carefully described on the OP to increase the partition sizes as follows:
The file name actually configures the repit script.
Noted that you may have to toggle MTP Disable, Enable, Disable.
Noted that you may have to reboot into TWRP after disabling MTP.
Remember /tmp is wiped after a reboot. Copy repit to /sdcard and after rebooting back into TWRP, copy it from /sdcard to /tmp using TWRP File manager.
Noted that you may have to unmount cache and data.
Do NOT flash repit from USB/OTG.
This is designed for a stock partition layout. If your device has been modified and a vendor partition was created, REPIT will not work.
greenleaves said:
Problem fixed. Now 19.1, pico gapps and Magisk 25.0 were flashed in success. The problem was that I didn't follow through the steps carefully described on the OP to increase the partition sizes as follows:
The file name actually configures the repit script.
Noted that you may have to toggle MTP Disable, Enable, Disable.
Noted that you may have to reboot into TWRP after disabling MTP.
Remember /tmp is wiped after a reboot. Copy repit to /sdcard and after rebooting back into TWRP, copy it from /sdcard to /tmp using TWRP File manager.
Noted that you may have to unmount cache and data.
Do NOT flash repit from USB/OTG.
This is designed for a stock partition layout. If your device has been modified and a vendor partition was created, REPIT will not work.
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Edit: NVM, i used restock to start fresh, and it all went fine. I've had this table kicking around long enough that I'm sure something was done that sysrepartundo couldn;'t undo.
How did you actually fix it? I ran sysrepartundo, am running it from the tmp folder with mtp disabled and nothing mounted, and still getting error 1. I've double check, all my partition sizes are stock.. I've been at this a few hours now and am getting frustrated.
theistus said:
I ran sysrepartundo, am running it from the tmp folder with mtp disabled and nothing mounted, and still getting error 1. I've double check, all my partition sizes are stock.. I've been at this a few hours now and am getting frustrated.
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sysrepartundo is ancient and useless nowadays, try sysrepart-stock instead
Thank you for the script. I was able to repartion my flo and make it compatible with android 12L. Everything went smooth after realising (and correcting this mistake) that i"ve been putting the .zip inside /sdcard/tmp instead of /tmp (I was getting error 1 in TWRP).
During instalation process i"ve connected flo to charger and it indeed charged during repartition process
Things i"ve noticed
- TWRP appeared to be very laggy during repit process and took several seconds to reconginse the charger (to show to + sign next to the battery % to be precise)
- after device rebooted to stock 6.0.1, MTP didn"t work correctly. It appeared in my computer as "Nexus 7", but was completely empty. One more reboot (this time got short loading toast of "android is updating") and internal memory was visible from computer again
THANKS! It worked great for me also. I have mentioned it in the [GUIDE/TUTORIAL/HOWTO] Google Nexus 7 2013 Stock to Android 12 Tutorial.
I had used @followmsi's sysrepart_1280_120.zip some time ago.
Now I'm interested in @followmsi's lineage 19.1 and want to use your lanchon-repit-20210221 script for increasing the system partition again.
Would you still consider the partition layout as stock, so I could use your script ? (See attachments)
And do I need a PC as the USB port is inoperative, so no way to connect to a PC?
Thank you very much in advance!
curiousde2002 said:
I had used @followmsi's sysrepart_1280_120.zip some time ago.
Now I'm interested in @followmsi's lineage 19.1 and want to use your lanchon-repit-20210221 script for increasing the system partition again.
Would you still consider the partition layout as stock, so I could use your script ? (See attachments)
And do I need a PC as the USB port is inoperative, so no way to connect to a PC?
Thank you very much in advance!
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You should be good to go.
Using one of the older (re)partitioning methods did not affect the partition table too much.
The note about a stock partition layout is mainly for users who used a (re)partition script that adds a separate vendor partition.
ipdev said:
You should be good to go.
Using one of the older (re)partitioning methods did not affect the partition table too much.
The note about a stock partition layout is mainly for users who used a (re)partition script that adds a separate vendor partition.
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Would you recommend any precautions like putting files like restock on my device before running your script as I cannot connect to PC?
Thanks a lot for your help!
hi, i need some help, after using this script i can't seem to install any rom, i just can't format or mount any of my partitions, and sideload stops at some random %, anything i can do to restore? i backed up all files advised.
Hello, i'm having trouble installing Android 12L on my Nexus 7. I simply cannot get lanchon-repit to flash. It wont work, no matter how often I follow the steps and how thorougly I follow the guide. I tried everything. Already restored to "fabric-partitions" so on and so forth.
I'm constantly getting Error 1. I'm slowly losing my mind here.
Kind regards hoping for an answer
edit: also constantly says partition #30 not found.
I'm getting the following errors on flo:
FATAL: partition #31 unexpected
Any ideas? Thanks

