side load apps and games coming from microsoft - Windows Phone 8 General

MICROSOFT anounced that an update is coming for marketplace after that you can install apps from sd of your phone...
this step has been taken because many of the people donot have cellular internet connection on their devices.....
good news for many without cards and without cellular internet connection

This was announced quite some time ago...but it is still good news.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

You still need to download it from the marketplace(through your computer), so don't even think about pirating them....



Has anyone noticed how ridiculously expensive and overpriced applications are in the Windows Mobile Marketplace?
For one, their selection of applications are terrible. So far they're just a bunch of badly designed generic apps that don't feed any real purpose. The games are horrible too.
The only decent application I wanted to buy was Pac Man, but that's like £5 !!! for a measly game that probably only has 5 levels and I'm only going to play when I'm bored.
. I just want a decent Twitter application that has kinetic scrolling and doesn't show that horrid side-bar control.
. A decent media player with visualisations and coverflow.
. A few nicely designed touchscreen games including ones like Tweeter that makes use of the G-sensor.
It makes no sense for Windows to release all these devices and advertise that WM is a social device when their marketplace is a bunch of bollocks.
ilabstudios said:
. I just want a decent Twitter application that has kinetic scrolling and doesn't show that horrid side-bar control.
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I agree. I am very disapointed with the marketplace myself. I was expecting thousands of high quality cheap and free apps but that's not what we have yet. I am hoping that this is only due to the fact that it's been 10 days since its release and must be hard to get thousands of apps ready to go in the first few months. I am confident though that microsoft is ready to compete with android and iphone so must surely have something more in mind than they currently have.
Unfortunately it has nothing to do with Microsoft. The WinMo software companies haven't adjusted yet to that fact that there is a central place for the average user to hit and find their competition. Something like SPB could be as pricey as it wanted, because it could take the average user forever to find any quality alternatives. They have the advertising dollars, placement on carrier websites, etc. Now there's a spot for a smaller competitor to get the same exposure. But it'll take time for them to pop up.
$30 for any mobile app is retarded. I'm really disappointed that since release day, I'm only seeing 10 new apps in the store. Maybe the "what's new" button is broken, but there's a couple on the results page I installed day 1 of Marketplace being open
The lack of apps is probably not helped by the fact that, as I understand it, Microsoft charge an extra $10 or so for each country to list the app in (and require that the app be localized for that country) so I'd assume that a good chunk of people developing apps in the US aren't going to push their apps beyond the US (I'm no developer so haven't read the full pricing details but that's the gist of what I've seen in some MS developer forums with people questioning why their apps aren't available)
It'll especially be true for free or cheap apps - if you've made a free app, would you pay out to make it available to other countries?
The only reason I can see for restricting apps to a country is if they are purely regional - TV schedules for a particular country, or train schedules or something.
Well, I'm in the US, so not really an issue. Trust me, not missing much if they are actually holding out on pushing to other countries.
I'd also guess the word is out to developers that Marketplace is a good spot for their software to turn freeware and end up on a torrent so perhaps they are holding off until Microsoft fixes the security.
Jesus shoe tapping finger clicking Christ, give it a chance its only just started. I have already seen a lot on there for free and under 70p... just wait and be a bit patient.
give it a chance its only just started
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I would if that were the case. Unfortunately, Marketplace has been exposed to developers months before it was officially released, which is why I am confused as to why there are so many cheap applications. I'm sure that there will be more applications coming soon, but I'm more concerned about the pricing and quality of applications. When I watched the first keynote last year on the coming of Marketplace I had higher hopes than his.
I realise that some iPhone developers have investment from other companies and some of them even have a development team working on the apps, but still.. look at the type of stuff Android have compared with Windows, it's ridiculous. It's as if no real developer wants to develop on the WM platform.
I feel that their advertising campaigns are misleading. They're trying to get across the fact that WM is now social and more application orientated when so far all I can find on the marketplace are overpriced applications that seem like it was developed for WM5.
Personally I don't think 6.5 is going to be a huge success, TechCrunch has already given it a bad review. WM7 better be different.
Btw. In the world of technology, there's no room for 'Oh give it a chance' type attitude. Technology companies usually have once chance of pulling something off. Hence the reason why companies like Google or Apple spend millions of dollars on market resource, trial testing and development research.
Marketplace? Pah!
I've been relying on the RSS feed from this fine site for the past couple of years or so, since my original TyTN, TyTN II and now my Touch Pro 2. It's a great site, has introduced me to great programs like NoniGPSPlot, has new applications all the time and finally - it's all free (and not warez free, but genuine software).
Great stuff - Microsoft saw what Apple were doing too late and have done too little me thinks to succeed.
I love my Windows Mobile phone; but Apple's iPhone taught Microsoft and other mobile developers how important eye candy in a phone OS was. Google's Android OS will be taking the lions share of future mobile phone sales and I see Android phones surpassing the iPhone.
Unless Microsoft do something right, not many peeps will want a Windows Mobile device in a few years time...
So far the only good to come out of the app store is Zenonia...badass rpg... 10 bucks though But well worth it in my opinion! If you like old school snes hack and slash rpg's, this game is for you. Full sound, decent story, just great overall. For me, there's point in playing my old favorite snes games on my phone because with sound, to me its pointless. and not using sound is the only way to get an snes emulator to run smooth; regardless of which one it is ( morphgear, smart-whatever its called, or pocketsnes
Paulplex said:
Great stuff - Microsoft saw what Apple were doing too late and have done too little me thinks to succeed.
I love my Windows Mobile phone; but Apple's iPhone taught Microsoft and other mobile developers how important eye candy in a phone OS was. Google's Android OS will be taking the lions share of future mobile phone sales and I see Android phones surpassing the iPhone.
Unless Microsoft do something right, not many peeps will want a Windows Mobile device in a few years time...
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I see plenty of commercials for iPhones and Google phones on TV but absolutely none for WinMo phones. MS really needs to start promoting itself in this market.
How about the annoying fact that I don't get a chance to choose where to intstall the app. They all go directly to device memory. That sucks balls!
Paulplex said:
I've been relying on the RSS feed from this fine site for the past couple of years or so, since my original TyTN, TyTN II and now my Touch Pro 2. It's a great site, has introduced me to great programs like NoniGPSPlot, has new applications all the time and finally - it's all free (and not warez free, but genuine software).
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nice one !
Theres a cab floating around here to fix that...
moSess said:
How about the annoying fact that I don't get a chance to choose where to intstall the app. They all go directly to device memory. That sucks balls!
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mpicart said:
Theres a cab floating around here to fix that...
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@Paulplex - Thanks for the link. I know I can get free applications quite easily, that's what I've done so far. However most of them aren't to 6.5 standards, the majority of them are still coded for use on old WM5 phones.
When you spend hundreds on a phone you expect to install applications on it that are intended for such a high-end device. The only application which is worth installing is the Myspace and Facebook app, and even those aren't great.
I regard my phone as my house in a way. When we buy a house, we intend to fill it up with furniture, usually the more expensive the house, the higher quality the furniture. The same should apply to phones, in that instead of furniture we require high quality applications. But where are they? SPB is the only one I can think of.
do you people think that bill gates and the people at microsoft are just gonna sit around and allow apple to dominate the app frenzy in the market for pdas and devices? dont u think that most people at microsoft all have winmo devices? do u really think any employee would have an apple iphone? of coursse thousands of new gsensor apps are on their way of being placed on the marketplace or in development...obvious with android showing that they have developers also who are pumpin out apps for is doin the same thing..give them time the winmo app store just came out..and a gsensor phone for a winmo device first showed up only a yr they have a bit of software catching up to do with these new devices. HTC thank god...droped 6 new phones for the north american market just this month alone..with the tp2 being the first in september..(htc pure,htc hero,htc tilt 2,htc imagio,htc mytouch) so basically with 6.5 also has done their part by stacking microsoft with a heavy set and multy array of phones to crush the competition i.e iphone 3gs or whatever version its at now. microsoft is not gonna sit around and allow apple to dominate the app market..and they sure as hell arent gonna let android..a new OS that has no business gettin their OS on htc devices, surpass them either...remembr bill tried to buy out google but they rejected a couple yrs ago. And u all know bill gates has a winmo devices,prolly a htc touch hd or the new imagio...dont u think he wants a huge selection of apps himselve? trust..were not the only ones on the heals of microsoft to get these developers in line..and get these apps rolled half the apps apple has for the iphone are useless and they are just puttin them in commercials to show that they have a **** load of apps...half the apps they have could be bunddled up with other apps like how a spb traveler or mobile shell app is but they are just tryin to show off how many apps they most of all the developers for apple just have the change a couple scripts around in their apps and all the same apple apps could be made into cabs and become winmo the **** isnt hard..the microsoft winmo team execut8ves or w/e u wanna call them need to get their marketing department working full throttle and start shipping new apps with these new phones...i repeat HTC has done their its time for the software to catch up...
"Windows" isn't a device, "Windows" doesn't release devices, and "Windows" doesn't sell devices. "Microsoft" isn't any of those things, either. Microsoft is a company that produces an OS that runs on LOTS of devices (some phones, some PDAs, and a whole lot of things that are neither).
Plenty of time for this thing to get up to snuff.
But that said, the real problem is that while there aren't that many WM OS out there, (5, 6, 6.1, 6.5) and most apps will pretty much install in either, the different hardware config makes it a different ballgame, especially with games, no pun intended. Some phones have buttons, some don't. Some games will work only in landscape, some will not, some will work on both. And not all phones are exactly finger friendly. They're meant to be used with a stylus for the most part, the finger's a secondary thing.
So yea, these developers will have their hands full, unless of course they want to limit their market to particular devices only.
So that being said, my gripe is that none of these apps are telling me they're to be used in a particular hardware platform.
@moegdaog, I'm a developer myself, so I realise the number of new applications that will come soon, however that's not what I was specifically talking about.
I'm more concerned about the level of development on applications and games. Why so many developers opt to develop for iPhone isn't because of a bias view-point, it's because the tools they provide mean that they can develop a high-end application and start earning money as soon as it's in the marketplace.
However the type of developers are not the same. iPhone developers are usually younger, multimedia orientated so they probably have skills in web, graphics and illustration, where as Microsoft developers are usually a lot older and more prone to developing utility (function) based apps and have very limited skills in anything else. Most developers aren't able to outsource and so they are left with a rubbish application.
My worry is that yes there will be many applications within marketplace but will they actually be worth all that money and will any investors support the development of these apps. Also how will these applications differ from what we have seen on Android and iPhone.

Is Windows Mobile an application desert?

I'm fairly new to smartphones, having had the Tilt2 for only about six months after about four years with a Treo 650, but one thing seems to be increasingly true about Windows Mobile phones: If you want the greatest capabilities, you just have to get an iPhone, not a Windows phone.
It just drives me crazy that all the good apps are iPhone. Deposit checks to Chase Bank without deposit slips or going to the bank using your iPhone camera AND THE CHASE DEPOSIT APP FOR iPHONE! Netflix, play movies on iPhone or trailers on Windows. AT&T U-verse download and play movies...on your iPhone. These are three fairly new ones that come to mind, but it is this way for seemingly everything. Even TCM's new movie schedule app is for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry...Blackberry for crying out loud...but not Windows.
It's another 18 months before we can upgrade for a reasonable price from our two HTC Tilt2 phones to iPhones. If Microsoft wants to increase its market share, it needs to offer subsidies to developers. Windows 7 Mobile is not the answer...we don't buy computers for the sake of the operating systems. It's for the programs that run on the OS. Isn't it the same with smart phones? They all make calls and take bad photos. It's the other stuff that is the difference.
Am I wrong?
Youre absolutely right, however with over 300,000 downloads of the windows phone 7 SDK already, I think the next version of windows will have plenty of apps to enjoy. Microsoft is also wanting developers to release a free demo of all software, so we can check out any app to make sure we want to buy it. With the integration of XBOX Live, playing games online with other windows 7 users and the focus on gaming, WP7 is going to be awesome. UI definitely looks great and there are rumors that the day the marketplace opens up there will be over 100,000 aps submitted and available. Things really are looking up for microsoft phones. I know I'm getting one!
MPlayer: will let you stream hulu and bbc and others.
Movies for rental: Check out Amazon Unbox. It's part of amazons video service, where you can rent and buy movies and tv shows. You can have the settings set to automatically download a mobile version of the movie or show you are getting. Though I've never tried it with a rental. I usually just buy tv shows for 99 cents. Downside is it is not streaming, but download to pc and then transfer to your phone. Another option is to use
It's true that some of the very new apps will probably never see a WinMo 6.x port since the platform is switching to WP7, but calling it an "application desert" is a stretch. I have over 100 different programs installed to my phone, with everything from musical instrument simulators to various business tools and games. There's a huge number of free programs as well as a lot of high quality paid-for programs. Check the "apps worth installing on the tp2" for a good sample of the free applications you can get.
bowserb, as you said, you are new to smartphones, so with a lot of respect i want to share something, my experience with smartphones is a little more than yours, motorola q, blackberry, htc 8125, samsung epix, samsung blackjack, htc touch and know i have a tilt2, and beleive me its much more phone than the iphone
windows mobile and iphone are two differents worlds, windows is more for professionals and business people, focussed in getting the job done, excellent in word, excel, pp, (create and edit), emails capabilities, outlook and exchange sync, etc,etc, then as a second priority is the music, videos, etc,etc
on the other hand iphone is the phone for teenagers, to play, to think they have the ultimatte machine (go to a high school and teel me if dont see al least a hundred of them in 110 kids), you need aplications for everything, let me explain, when you are to compare a phone you have to do it from the box, which one is more capable without going to itunes or marketplace, there the iphone dont have a chance, in others words if you dont jailbreak the iphone its almost useless, my sister and my brother have them, so i know what im talking about
if you want real games and real tv, you have xbox, playstation and a flat screen
MS doesn't care about its market share for Windows Mobile 6. Mobile is a tiny part of MS's business, completely insignificant compared to sales of PC operating systems, Office, etc. It remains to be seen how much MS will even care about Windows Phone 7. With WP7, its possible they can make money off the mobile market like Apple and Google have, but that remains to be seen. It would require a whole new level of support and financial commitment than MS has shown in the past. MS has proved they can make money from a new market (XBOX), if they see it as a viable potential opportunity and throw enough resources at it. But if they go into half-hearted, they will fail now that Apple and Google already have a substantial hold on the market.
Yes, commercial developer support for WM6 is drying up with WP7 coming in the next couple months. But there is still a huge user supported base, many will argue. If you want more support from MS and other commercial developers, its not going to happen. They have all moved on.
The underpinnings of WM6 is just too old for developers to make backwards compatible applications. All the WM products up to version 6 are based on the same Windows CE code from 2000. So you can see why there is little desire to make an application for this outdated OS, when there is a modern updated version coming out in a few months.
And don't forget about Android. The iPhone is all the rave for the uninformed. But if you want a OS that has a huge user community, and tons more customization and function than the iPhone, then Android is what you want. Unless MS can really turn things around, I'm almost certainly going Android for my next phone.
Since you want an Iphone so bad.....
Here is my two cents on an iPhone.
Yes, I agree with you it has a lot of nifty apps, in various categories. On of the other side, a "phone" is for making calls. I have 3 cousins, and a few family friends who have Iphones, they hate the "phone" part of it because it drops calls, and lags on the phone screen severly. I know many people who have smartphones who send internet to their iPhone's to do what you were talking about with the Chase banking things and stuff. The new iPod Touch has a camera and mic if I'm not mistaken.
My dad used to be subscribed to a PocketPC magazine, and they ranked iPhone top of the line for apps, but worst for phone usage. Even worse than regular phones (ie non-smartphones).
Whatever you want to do is up to you though.
App desert?
Thanks for the comments, guys. I had no idea that WM6.5 was an update of Windows CE. Last time I used that OS was on a Casio PDA...a really long time ago. (Note for the younger crowd: A PDA was smartphone without the phone.) About Windows 7 mobile--will I have to buy a new phone to get it, or will there likely be an upgrade available from HTC?
MS Office. I can't imagine iPhone Contacts being a clumsier, more limited application than on the Tilt2, where contacts show up multiple times and all with m next to the name. Word and Excel are OK, but I almost never use them, even though they are indispensable on my desktop computer.
Dropped calls on iPhone. I suspect that is an AT&T problem, not iPhone. My Tilt2 drops calls all the time, as did the Treo 650 before it and the Sony/Erikson before that. Isn't that the reason people are clamoring for iPhone on Verizon?
iPhone is for teenagers? How do you know I'm not one? And even though I'm not, why should they have all the fun? No I don't really care about music and movies on my phone, but the ever growing list of useful and practical apps for the iPhone would seem to make that platform the choice of all age groups!
Anyway, this reply is mostly rhetorical. In 18 months, it will be time to survey the smartphone landscape.
redpoint73 said:
MS doesn't care about its market share for Windows Mobile 6. Mobile is a tiny part of MS's business, completely insignificant compared to sales of PC operating systems, Office, etc. It remains to be seen how much MS will even care about Windows Phone 7.
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They better start caring, mobile phones are going to be replacing PC's for many folks in the future.
txrider said:
They better start caring, mobile phones are going to be replacing PC's for many folks in the future.
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They do. They are investing billions into WP7.
bowserb said:
About Windows 7 mobile--will I have to buy a new phone to get it, or will there likely be an upgrade available from HTC?
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WP7 will be for new phones only, and an official upgrade is out of the question. The Tilt2/TP2 does not meet the stiff hardware requirements mandated by WP7. From the processing power all the way to the hardware button layout, it doesn't meet the new WP7 standards. Wouldn't be surprised if the smart folks on XDA will get some form of hacked version to work on Rhodium, but propably won't be quite the same experience as on a phone that runs WP7 natively.
redpoint73 said:
WP7 will be for new phones only, and an official upgrade is out of the question. The Tilt2/TP2 does not meet the stiff hardware requirements mandated by WP7. From the processing power all the way to the hardware button layout, it doesn't meet the new WP7 standards. Wouldn't be surprised if the smart folks on XDA will get some form of hacked version to work on Rhodium, but propably won't be quite the same experience as on a phone that runs WP7 natively.
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Even the high end HTC HD2 will not get an official upgrade to WP7, it has been said by Microsoft and HTC....
If the people on here can do it...that's another story...

tab or no tab?

Hi guys,
After checking all the reviews, discussions and spent quite some hours in the store playing it, I can definitely feel the new era of tablet is coming. The 7" display is perfect for reading and the weight is not a burden for single hand holding. But the thing is I already have a i9000 (Galaxy S vibrant from Bell Canada using on Fido) with 6GB of mobile data. I am currently debating if I should jump in the TAB bandwagon now... Can someone share some thoughts on the following:
1. What's the future of Galaxy tab? I've been reading quite a lot of online articles and lots critics are saying the current android versions are yet to be ready to be served as "tablet" OS. What do you guys think?! I am pretty sure tab will get 2.3 in early next year but will it be getting 3.0 as well (official, not by XDA-gods)?
2. Like I mentioned, I already have a i9000 with me all the time, I really do not think it will be good idea to swap the sim card between teo devices all the times. I believe many of you here have a nice smartphone (android/iphone/BB...) with data plan. Tell me, how do you manage two "smart" devices with one sim card so you do not pay data twice!?
3. To be honest, I do not see myself talking with a 7" tab upside down. I know there're bluetooth solutions (hand free), but any other thoughts?! I saw someone's review on the SE liveview, but I personally think this device is yet to be matured but the device got very good potential in the future if they keep developing it. Did anyone try to pair bluetooth hand free+liveview+tab all three at the same time? So when liveview vibrates I can quickly answer the call with bluetooth handfree...
4. Are you happy with your wifi only tab?! I will be traveling to US soon, where can I get a good price on wifi only tab other than ebay?! If I cannot manage two devices with one sim card, I think a wifi tab is not a bad choice... worst comes worst, I will use mobile AP on my i9000 to share data with tab.
Thanks for your sharing, any comments will be greatly appreciated.
To answer question 2 I set up my mobile as a wifi hotspot and connect with my tab.
In the new year there will be a load of new tabs on the market, perhaps its wise to hold off until then.
The galaxy tab will be in the sales by then anyway
Sent from my ZTE-U V880 using XDA App
Replied inline.
ymlccc said:
Hi guys,
1. What's the future of Galaxy tab? I've been reading quite a lot of online articles and lots critics are saying the current android versions are yet to be ready to be served as "tablet" OS. What do you guys think?! I am pretty sure tab will get 2.3 in early next year but will it be getting 3.0 as well (official, not by XDA-gods)?
Does it really matter if it gets 2.3 or 3.0? You should always buy a device for what it does NOW, not what it could do. And the Tab does a whole helluva lot right now, today, with 2.2. Anything else would be gravy.
That said, it'll get 2.3 at the very least.
2. Like I mentioned, I already have a i9000 with me all the time, I really do not think it will be good idea to swap the sim card between teo devices all the times. I believe many of you here have a nice smartphone (android/iphone/BB...) with data plan. Tell me, how do you manage two "smart" devices with one sim card so you do not pay data twice!?
You know, I have a Galaxy S as well, been using one since July, best smartphone I've ever owned, love it.
But you what else? Since I picked up the Tab 3.5 weeks ago, I barely use the SGS for anything besides voice calling, and glancing at the weather.
Since I might use something like 30 voice minutes a YEAR, I'm seriously contemplating saying goodbye to the SGS, sticking that voice-data (and free US data roaming) SIM in my Tab and dropping the tablet data-only/Canada-only plan .
3. To be honest, I do not see myself talking with a 7" tab upside down. I know there're bluetooth solutions (hand free), but any other thoughts?! I saw someone's review on the SE liveview, but I personally think this device is yet to be matured but the device got very good potential in the future if they keep developing it. Did anyone try to pair bluetooth hand free+liveview+tab all three at the same time? So when liveview vibrates I can quickly answer the call with bluetooth handfree...
You can get vibrating bluetooth earpieces.
4. Are you happy with your wifi only tab?! I will be traveling to US soon, where can I get a good price on wifi only tab other than ebay?! If I cannot manage two devices with one sim card, I think a wifi tab is not a bad choice... worst comes worst, I will use mobile AP on my i9000 to share data with tab.
There is no such thing as a WiFi-only Tab right now, probably won't be for at least another month, and if/when it is released you'll have to hack it for Market support, guaranteed.
Also, don't count on using that mobile AP for longer than about an hour before the i9000 is drained.
Prices will come down a bit on the 3G versions of the Tab, but not a lot. The price drops in the UK were simply adjustments to bring them more in-line with US pricing, not as a panic or market correction.
I'd always recommend paying the price premium for the 3G version over the mythical WiFi-only version because doing so means you don't have to wait, you can enjoy your Tab immediately, and you have more options. Use it without a SIM and it becomes a WiFi-only device at that point, with the option to use 3G if the need arises.
Keep in mind that nobody besides Samsung has any idea what price point the WiFi-only version will come in at, if it is actually released. How can it be much cheaper than the 3G version? A 3G radio and antenna array costs only a few dollars...not hundreds. Even Apple, just about the worst gougers ever in the electronics world, only charge a $75-100 premium for the 3G version.
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roy8846 said:
To answer question 2 I set up my mobile as a wifi hotspot and connect with my tab.
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I am having major problems trying to do this, and keeping my Tab will depend on me figuring out why my mobile wifi hotspot phone works with regular computers but not my Tab
Been ready to throw the Tab off a cliff because it makes no sense when it has WEP connectivity but can't see my phone's WEP hotspot.
Suleeto said:
I am having major problems trying to do this, and keeping my Tab will depend on me figuring out why my mobile wifi hotspot phone works with regular computers but not my Tab
Been ready to throw the Tab off a cliff because it makes no sense when it has WEP connectivity but can't see my phone's WEP hotspot.
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The Galaxy Tab does not detect my HD2 router, I tested several softwares of the Android Market, but none connected, someone were finding the access point, but none was connecting. That is the worst!
We need a hack or something to do this work.
But my HD2 connects with the Galaxy Tab wifi router!
The galaxy tab does not see adhoc networks. You would have to use a mobile ap. Hope this helps.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
cnuckols1 said:
The galaxy tab does not see adhoc networks. You would have to use a mobile ap. Hope this helps.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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This is true, however some phones can create real infrastructure wifi networks like the Nexus One.
I was planning on waiting till the wifi version of the tab came out to get it and just tethering it to my phone but I ended up picking up the sprint version and I have to say that I'm glad I did. I'm paying the 30 a month for data but for me it's worthwhile. I know that better tablets will come out but I'm OK with getting a new tablet in another 1-2 years.
I have a galaxy s and the first days I used the tethering option to conect via wifi and worked perfectly.
Now what I do is different. I purchased a double line sim, wich lets you use your sim card in two different devices at the same time including the data plan.
My carrier is Orange in Spain but I suppose all carriers have this option because more and more cars are being sold with stereos that let you insert you sim.
About the future of the tab, its sure its going to be upgraded to gingerbread and to be honest I don't need anything with more power, for the use I give it its perfect and will be for some time.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Well I've had mine for 2 months now and I can unequivocally say go for it.
The device in my opinion works best with a data-only pay as you go plan.
The tab is pretty rubbish as a phone (I find using wired or bt headsets just makes me look like a loonier and generally uncomfortable considering its size), but as an independent 3g/ edge device it saves my phone battery and gives me the option of having a connection even deep in the Russian countryside.
Agps is also important if you drive a lot using navigation, and it wont be available with the wiring only version.
Re usability - with a few simple tweaks I now have a device that runs silky smooth. No less so than my sisters ipad. My browser doesn't lag. My battery lasts 2 days with light use. My email client downloads and opens all attachments and my video player plays almost every file I throw at it. My device is dlna enabled and my initial distrust of the size has turned to a point of pride.
As I've said before, with android, there really is no spoon. It is the finest mobile tablet experience for the road. For home use you should really consider a 10+ inch, windows 7 slate.
Considering the nature of android apps, the only benefits you will see from holding off and buying a tegra 2 powered tablet that's due out in the next few months are higher benchmark scores and lower prices.
In terms of overall build quality, samsungs commitment to updates (there are already TENS OF FIRMWARE versions available) and general awesomeness, I would say tab.
cnuckols1 said:
The galaxy tab does not see adhoc networks. You would have to use a mobile ap. Hope this helps.
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Forgive my ignorance but what is a "mobile ap" and can it be done on my WM (Tilt 2/Rhodium) phone so I can get a data connection from the phone to the Tab?
Yeah I got the tab within a week of its release in my country and yes it cost a bomb but its worth every penny paid for it! I simply love the size and portability of the tab and the fact that I can have an almost desktop level experience on it!
I love the fact that I can browse the web in full, watch videos embedded in sites, YouTube, javascripts, downloads work great, I can stream music or watch movies or read books or manga or comics, take it out for navigation while driving...the full web experience on the go! The yiuchscreen works like a smooth dream, overall device build quality is awesome...i can check all emails and other stuff...What can be better....
Sure Gingerbread may or may not improve the experience but as it stands now Froyo works like a dream on the tab...the idiot Google spokesperson who commented that Froyp was not optimized for tablets need to be kicked for shooting of his mouth!
For me the Tab is the best device till date - the power of a PC in a compact form factor...I rarely use my PC or netbook or laptops or other mobile devices nowadays...when I need to do something on the net, I reach for the tab!
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Go for it, it's worth every penny you spend on it
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I think Google very much queered the pitch for devices like the Tab when they said that Android was not optimized for tablets.
An example can be found here, where it says:
According to Barra, Android market apps "just wouldn't run" on a tablet-oriented platform, as Froyo was simply "not designed for that form factor."
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Really? I must say that I've not found an app yet that doesn't run on the Tab, though I'm sure they do exist. However, this is no different to any Android phone - there are apps that will run on some phones but not on others, even though they have the same Android version.
This comment is the real deal though:
"We want to make sure that we're going to create a application distribution mechanism for the Android market, to ensure our users have [the] right experience," he added.
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There's no formal "section" in the Android Market for Tablet apps, making it hard to find tablet specific versions - this is true!
However, everyone has picked up on the "not optimized" comment and it gets rolled out all the time by people who basically have never used the Tab in anger.
To be honest though, I think that you can consider the Galaxy Tab running Froyo akin to the iPad running iOS 3.2 - the iPad became a much improved device when iOS 4.2, but was still perfectly fine on iOS 3.2. We should see the same with Gingerbread/Honeycomb.
Thanks guys for the support, yes, I am unboxing my tab right now and darn, I am pretty happy for it (now). But I do use my SGS quite a lot (20 min+ talk) so I need a better management between the phone and tab. I think I am a bit greedy and wish I have data eveywhere and on all my devices.
I personaly think the mobile OS evolves faster than what I can imagine and seriously after the house, car, and then soon kids, a device that will only last 6 to 8 months with further upgrade to me is waste of money. For $650CND+tax, I hope it could last me minimum a yea...
Action plan:
1. Get it unlocked and rooted.
2. Flash it to Euro+Bell modem (mine is Rogers)
3. Find a nice case (no profolio) with kickstand (any recommendations?)
I also think Mobile AP will drain way too much joice from the battery even though I have two spare batteries but it will be not so conveinent in the long run...
ymlccc said:
I think I am a bit greedy and wish I have data eveywhere and on all my devices. ..
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Lol...welcome to the club...I have a second sim from Vodafone with an unlimited data and voice plan, under the corporate plan and the service provider keeps on cribbing am not using the voice plan...
I have found the battery to last longer by reducing the screen brightness between 15-20%...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

Ditching my Omnia 7

With the current issues with Chevron and unlocking I am making the decision to trade my omnia for a Galaxy S, the phones are pretty much exactly the same hardware wise. The only thing I don't like about the Galaxy is the shape, I prefer the sqaureness of the Omnia.
Now for my Omnia:
No proper 3rd party communication possibilities(sockets), I use Skype a lot and i've tried alternatives but none of them work well when the phone goes on standby. Microsoft are so controlling with the standby mode that apps are basicly useless when the phone is on standby. Toast notifications are all controlled by MS so if they have issues with their system or a bottleneck I don't get informed that someone has sent me an IM. Which brings me on to another issue.
Microsoft platform.
Microsoft service.
Why the hell is there no Windows Live Messenger support? The fact that a company as big as Microsoft can put out a OS like WP7 and NOT include apps for their own damn product is just stupid. No one knows why they didn't and Microsoft will not give an official reason as to why.
You may say these are all software issues, that they are. Wait for the updates you say...I highly doubt an update that allows apps to use 3rd party protocols will be out for at least 6 months. I thought this februrary update was hopefully going to open up more things on the developer front but all that has been mentioned is Copy & Paste and better performance.
I shouldn't have to wait months and months for updates that allow me to use my phone the way consumers have got used to using them before WP7 was even realeased.
I stuck with Microsoft and had a lot of faith in them and even went as far as to spread the word, but this unlocking issue was the final nail in the coffin. What do you guys think I should do?

Coming from Android (possibly)

I'm looking at the 950XL as it seems to have all the specs of the Nexus 6P but also includes USB 3.1, which is very important to me (I currently have a Note 3 which needs upgrading).
Project Astoria quite interests me; can you use any Android App with this, or just certain ones?
One thing I like about Android is the ability to flash ROMs; I don't think there's anything like this with Windows is there?
(Slightly dodgy topic to talk about) On Android I can just search for an app adding the word 'apk' on Google and download it for free. Is there anyway to do this on Windows?
I used to run Windows Mobile and before that Windows CE, before switching to Android
I just saw your question. Here is some of what I know. As of right now there is an app called 'bluestack' that allows you to run apks as if on android with google services this is a win 8 app though.
There are plus' and minus' here.
1. The feature that makes what you that interested in are win universal apps. That announced by MS is supposed to be repackaged Android apks and converted to universal apps. They then would use Windows services. (a minus or a plus depending on preferences)
2. Blue stack (and its alternatives)may need to be updated to a win 10 universal app. The biggest upside to the 950/xl are that dual booting maybe possible. And a full emulation is possible almost like having 2 phones in one. I say that because of how windows runs or promises to run. With win10 it should be a hackers/tinkerers/dev dream. Leading to more of the apps you may want to port over.
3. Porting maybe possible with the tools MS provide. You maybe able to repackage apks on your own into win10 universal apps.
4.this is the last thing. You maybe able to enjoy 3rd party win10 apps. There are alternatives to twitter for example on windows but no actual Twitter app which some say are better than Twitter's actual app. Also some reporters have said that microsoft are offer to build apps(official) for companies like Twitter and then hand it over to them and they then take over maintenance. But that hasn't worked so far.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
Many thanks for your reply. I've been reading a lot, trying to get my head around the new Windows Phone experience. It seems vastly different from what I used to have on my HTC HD2, which was my last Windows Phone.
One app I use a lot and I find useful is Truecaller, it tells you who's calling, even if you don't have their number in your phone. I presume this needs some sort of integration with the OS. I wonder if Project Astoria offers this level of integration.
My last windows phone was also the HD2 and I've used android ever since. I recently bought a lumia so I could try windows 10 preview. There are a couple of things I miss:
- the ability to transfer files to/from my NAS through WiFi without having to go through a pc
- swipe keyboard doesn't work in some places, eg works in messaging but not in browser
- android .nomedia facility
- banking - my bank is HSBC and they don't have a windows app
If the 950x windows 10 version fixes the first two of these then that will be my next phone.
My banking app also isnt on WP10.
I also like to use DOSbox to play old games on my phone.
Also Torque for hooking up to cars ECU via a bluetooth OBD2 reader.
No Starbucks app
I also use my LG Gwatch to receive notification on my wrist at work. As Im not allowed to get my phone, this is a very very handy feature for me.
I think I'm too invested in Android right now. I am a real Windows 10 Phone wannabe though. I wish I could afford both the Nexus 6P and Lumia 950XL.
Windows Lumia 950xl check every check in the box for what i want in a smartphone on the hardware side... But my issues is that i know that you can port apps over but how many official apps from ios and android made it to the windows store. Once they have app they will have me as a new consumer
Look at these vids, they can give you an idea of what to expect with w10 mobile
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
Hey folks,
I figured this thread would be a good place to ask since it already existed. A little background. I'm a heavily entrenched Android user since the Evo 4G days and have service with several telecoms and own several phones as well. I saw the new presentation and I was really impressed, however, I need some help to see if the switch is right for me.
1) I use Google Voice to manage all of my numbers and phones. I heard that Skype doesn't allow number Port In, however, does allow forwarding. Does anyone know if this is true? Why don't they allow number Port In? Is it coming in the future? Any creative solutions around this?
2) I don't own a P.C., so Continuum really intrigues me. I've always owned PlayStation and loved being able to stream my PlayStation to my Sony phones and play remotely. Would I be able to stream XBoxOne to my phone and use Continuum to play on a monitor? What about streaming to a T.V. for Netflix or other apps like that?
3) I'm really interested in turning my home "smart". I know that Android has a big IoT platform and it'll be great with NEST and the other things they have coming down the pipeline. What about Windows? Is there a platform available? What products support it? Can it all be phone controlled and do apps exist for them?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated as I'm sure there are others in my boat who might have similar questions.
Guys i thought this may also be useful to keep in mind. There maybe a US compatible version at some point.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------
UserDemos said:
Hey folks,
I figured this thread would be a good place to ask since it already existed. A little background. I'm a heavily entrenched Android user since the Evo 4G days and have service with several telecoms and own several phones as well. I saw the new presentation and I was really impressed, however, I need some help to see if the switch is right for me.
1) I use Google Voice to manage all of my numbers and phones. I heard that Skype doesn't allow number Port In, however, does allow forwarding. Does anyone know if this is true? Why don't they allow number Port In? Is it coming in the future? Any creative solutions around this?
2) I don't own a P.C., so Continuum really intrigues me. I've always owned PlayStation and loved being able to stream my PlayStation to my Sony phones and play remotely. Would I be able to stream XBoxOne to my phone and use Continuum to play on a monitor? What about streaming to a T.V. for Netflix or other apps like that?
3) I'm really interested in turning my home "smart". I know that Android has a big IoT platform and it'll be great with NEST and the other things they have coming down the pipeline. What about Windows? Is there a platform available? What products support it? Can it all be phone controlled and do apps exist for them?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated as I'm sure there are others in my boat who might have similar questions.
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So in theory you can do this with windows phone right now. remember one windows isn't anything new. windows 8.1 is on the xbox one. And you can use the pass through feature on any windows device. On windows 10, its all the same, even on mobile because on phone it is full windows running (just slightly different ui, right now if windows 10 on desktop is told its on an under 6inch screen it locks into mobile or atleast the apps do, per windows weekly). Even though it is mobile you could run full photo shop on the phone with a couple of hacks. The one issue is Windows doesn't run well on Arm processors snapdragon 810 and 808... Look out also for a zenfone 2 running Windows 10 mobile. Also the is some one hacking the zenfone to port windows 10.
My dream is for the test windows 10 mobile rom that was being tested on xiaomi mi4 could get ported.
Also microsoft has debated on creating a rom that's flashable to android devices. That helps them get the 1billion user goal. And also attract devs and hacking enthusiasts.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
So this is full Windows 10? But on ARM?
Could I install and run any programs that I can install on my laptop then?
Does the phone have some kind of x86 to ARM translator?
No, it is not full Win10.
It only runs "universal" apps (the successor of the "metro" apps of windows 8/8.1/10)...
Truecaller is already available on win10 mobile. It shows info about who is calling but also can act as your call and text message spam filter, a feature I don't think they have on Android.
I broke my Icon unfortunately so can't post screenshots.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I'm in the same boat. The 950 checks all my boxes hardware wise, but I do think it'll be hard to switch.
What I am doing is getting a Lumia 640, pretty cheap from BB:
Figure that would be a good device to test everything out on and see if I can make the switch. And I could probably sell it in a few months to close to what I paid for it.
Indeed fantastic price.
If my 950 XL proves (too) good, I might get a cheapo previous model so that my wife also switches.
(and only keep my Z4 Tablet LTE - that is getting Marshmallow soon - to keep contact with Android)
I actually waited to the last minute if a really serious device comes out this year from Android and only three came "close but no cigar" (the others far behind including the Note5, a series I used to be a fan and they stupidly killed by turning to a fashion series like S series):
- LG V10. I don't like the little screen (mostly the awkward positioning and that is not AMOLED but is always on - which kind of defeats the concept) and I don't care about the two selfie cams. Also you make it tough. Why not water resistant (at least) also?
- Z5 Premium. I always liked the Z series, but they failed to really advance it and now you can even call it ugly. 4K for a non-4K ready world is just a nice selling bullet. You put a super-MP camers, with no OIS and a simple single LED flash. Goofy.
- Moto X Force. No biometrics at all? In 2015? (also I kind of fear Moto as a brand for years now)
Anyway... few more days to a month to see if we made the right choice.
Love my Windows 10 1511 update that has extras to support coexistense with Win 10 phone...
MSFT don't screw this.
I started with windows hacking until I bought a HTC evo 4g. I have had 4 nexus devices and currently on the nexus 6. When the 950xl becomes available i am ditching the 6 for windows again after several years of android. Just out grew android. It was fun buy going back to where it all started.
No, only universal apps are able to run on Arm and X86 Plattform. W10 is similar on Arm and X86 but all Apps / Programms has to do the step and create Universal Apps while also Microsoft seems to work on Phones which are based on X86 CPU.
So this is a first step into the future which will provide same stuff on Desktop, Tablet and Phones. While Android has no Desktop OS and Apple has IOS and MAC OS seperated, Microsoft did the next step to Melt all worlds together. Now it is on us to support this way and on them to work continously to improve the process.
olarf said:
No, only universal apps are able to run on Arm and X86 Plattform. W10 is similar on Arm and X86 but all Apps / Programms has to do the step and create Universal Apps while also Microsoft seems to work on Phones which are based on X86 CPU.
So this is a first step into the future which will provide same stuff on Desktop, Tablet and Phones. While Android has no Desktop OS and Apple has IOS and MAC OS seperated, Microsoft did the next step to Melt all worlds together. Now it is on us to support this way and on them to work continously to improve the process.
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I feel windows mobile will make a come back.
tomzefi said:
I feel windows mobile will make a come back.
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Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
KeesStolk said:
Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
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Yes, apps, always been lacking there. I have a feeling that's gonna change. Windows phone hacking & development is coming back. I will hold on to my nexus and gonna get the 950xl
KeesStolk said:
Totally agree and i don't like the way Samsung is heading, no microsSD, removable battery etc.
MS is no Saint with privacy, but Google is ignoring us users more and more.
A bought a 950xl just a few days ago.
Having a Android device for years, this Lumia is fun, new etc.
Although i must say, the available / working apps is a bit....
Anyone has a working Tapatalk yet?
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Same for me, I used Sammy phones for some years now and it seems they lost the track more and more. For sure there is a need for more apps but its a bit a Chicken and Egg thing. If you ask Software companies they tell you that there are not enough Windows phones to make it worth to develop a APP and if you ask customers they tell you that there are not enough apps to make it worth buying a Windows Phone... Actually I see Windows Phones appear in more and more companies where they replace IPhones. ALso the Bridge Projects seems to be more promissing then the Astoria one. For us as WP users we must not care about as most good apps exist for IOS and ANdroid at the same time. If the porting from IOS work good, we will get a lot of apps soon. The rest is on Microsoft then, they have to motivate companies to create a lot of universal apps. Actually the 950/950XL seems to be the only phones with some inovation right now. Lets see end of 2016 where we are.
I forget to mention that there exist a Tapatalk app and it works. Not that good but it works and do the job.

