Google Issue: Grey Background Artifacts - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can you guys please reply to my issue I've posted and spread the word as much as you can? We're no devs, but the best we can do is to raise awareness, because this is an issue that is unacceptable in final build stable software across multiple devices.

Are you seeing this just in the settings dialog? Like, if you look at a pure grey background do you notice it? I see it in the settings dialog, but not anywhere else.

raptir said:
Are you seeing this just in the settings dialog? Like, if you look at a pure grey background do you notice it? I see it in the settings dialog, but not anywhere else.
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Anywhere you can select an option (dialog box)... ringtones, notifications, wallpapers, even changing volume shows a piece of discoloration..... increase brightness to see more discoloration.

I may be blind, but I'm totally not seeing what you are describing.

LOL!!, it looks like someone used an erase tool on an overlay on that asset then saved it (possbily accidently). it doesn't look like an artifact or anything like reported its actually part of the background asset HOWEVER i had never noticed till this post and now it annoys me :\
Thanks OP :\

Sorry man... but you would have noticed it sooner or later... help me fix it by spreading the word, sharing the Google issue!

looks like it just got reviewed by Romain; probably be fixed next update

Sweeeeetttttt........... who's Romain?

caliber177 said:
Sweeeeetttttt........... who's Romain?
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i believe he is the UI development guy
his twitter ->

This is really great news... I just tweeted him on an ETA... I've seen bugs in Android, but this is one that you just can't ignore and should not even accept with how much we spend on our devices, and its plaguing my Nexus 4 & 7...

I have noticed this problem from the first day on the settings screens, there is a gradient from black to grey. And this was not this way in previous versions. If it is fixed by an update it would be great.

Damn! Ignorance is bliss, never noticed until you called attention to it. Now I cant stop noticing it.

He is the Android framework guy, I don't know how many times I have cursed his name during the work on my app.

Good eyes.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


trackball colors *Post 108*

Can you change the trackball colors on the nexus one?
Mod Edit:
Per lilHermit:
OK I've moved the initial su request to before the main screen is drawn to see if that helps.
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Yup, this, too, was one of the big surprises for me today when I got mine. I use and love several apps that flash the notification LED different/custom colours, but on the Nex1, the only colour I get is white.
I'm really, really, hoping that OS2.1 just changed the API and that updated apps will be able to do colours. I'm really, really scared that they cheaped out and put a white LED behind the trackball. >.<
People are saying that when Bluetooth is paired is flashes blue.
I heard when you have voicemail it flashes red. I haven't tried any of them yet though so I wouldn't know.
its a tri color led so it CAN do any color its just a matter of the third party apps adapting to be able to control it, cant wait
White, red, blue....
Anyone else wish they had green?
Though it was very patriotic of HTC.
AndroTMO said:
Anyone else wish they had green?
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all colors can be reproduced... just depends on the software that lights up the ball.
indeed it can be changed
unfortunately it stops working after a notification is fired...
Install NotifyLight from XDA:
then set up the pulselight on and change the values in:
adb shell echo "255 0 0" > /sys/devices/platform/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0066/leds/jogball-backlight/color
this will give you a nice red jogball.
"255 0 0" is in RGB format.
And off course you need root for this to work...
AndroTMO said:
White, red, blue....
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When white, it is actually the red, green, and blue all on at the same time.
Would love to see an app to configure all sorts of different notification colors for missed calls, texts, emails, etc, and the blink frequency.
Btw.. MissedCall works, but it can't change the colors.
Once the SDK drops for 2.1 and Nexus One codes and such are released, we should have notifications fixed and custom notifications.
I have to say that Google disabled multicolor LED notifications on the Nexus One! (the hardware can do them) #missedCall #NexusOne #fail
xManMythLegend said:
I have to say that Google disabled multicolor LED notifications on the Nexus One! (the hardware can do them) #missedCall #NexusOne #fail
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I can't even to express how disappointed I am at this news. Multicolored notifications was one of the most useful features for me...
cliffy15 said:
I can't even to express how disappointed I am at this news. Multicolored notifications was one of the most useful features for me...
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As are others. Seriously pissed.
From all this drama going on, I'm gonna assume this guy has noooo idea what he is talking about:
Or what o_0
... and seriously over reacting.
Eclair~ said:
From all this drama going on, I'm gonna assume this guy has no idea what he is talking about:
Or what o_0
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Well, it's unlikely that there are 3 led's in there, just one tri-colour.
I've just installed the NotifyLight application and echo'd values to is and it works fine.
People are seriously over reacting, suggesting that this is a deliberate move by google - get a grip, it's probably an oversight. I agree that it's very useful to have but I'm not throwing my toys out of my pram over it.
ScaredyCat said:
Well, it's unlikely that there are 3 led's in there, just one tri-colour.
I've just installed the NotifyLight application and echo'd values to is and it works fine.
People are seriously over reacting, suggesting that this is a deliberate move by google - get a grip, it's probably an oversight. I agree that it's very useful to have but I'm not throwing my toys out of my pram over it.
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Every sign including feedback from one of the most popular notification apps Devs points to it not working.
If all of a sudden custom ringtones and contact pictures were removed you'd see the same reaction.
Google already closes off the ability to add codecs or EQ bands.
Considering how many apps took advantage of this I dont see why peoples reactions arent justified. You dont pay 500+ for something to lose functionality.
xManMythLegend said:
Every sign including feedback from one of the most popular notification apps Devs points to it not working.
If all of a sudden custom ringtones and contact pictures were removed you'd see the same reaction.
Google already closes off the ability to add codecs or EQ bands.
Considering how many apps took advantage of this I dont see why peoples reactions arent justified. You dont pay 500+ for something to lose functionality.
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I'm not saying it's not, not working (without rooting). I'm suggesting that the mechanism (API and underlying implementation) has simply changed and it's an oversight. Looking at the link you provided earlier there was mention that the notification API hasn't changed in a long time.
"The SDK hasn't change in terms of Notifications since SDK version 1."
Perhaps that's the reason it's not working, perhaps the API needs an update rather that being deliberately disabled as that poster went on to say.
"Google just disabled that feature in Android 2.1."
That's simply an unsubstantiated claim by someone on the internet.
People are suggesting that this was a deliberate move by google to close off Android bit by bit. Perhaps waiting until we get some sort of response rather than flying off at the deep end is the best course of action.
2.1 is a new release and the Nexus One is a new device. That's what you paid for. You're an early adopter and really should understand that things might not be perfect in the first instance.
Since you're a senior member of the forum and by implication have been in here for a while and have obviously had more than one android phone, I'm a little surprised and your outrage.
ScaredyCat said:
I'm not saying it's not, not working (without rooting). I'm suggesting that the mechanism (API and underlying implementation) has simply changed and it's an oversight. Looking at the link you provided earlier there was mention that the notification API hasn't changed in a long time.
"The SDK hasn't change in terms of Notifications since SDK version 1."
Perhaps that's the reason it's not working, perhaps the API needs an update rather that being deliberately disabled as that poster went on to say.
"Google just disabled that feature in Android 2.1."
That's simply an unsubstantiated claim by someone on the internet.
People are suggesting that this was a deliberate move by google to close off Android bit by bit. Perhaps waiting until we get some sort of response rather than flying off at the deep end is the best course of action.
2.1 is a new release and the Nexus One is a new device. That's what you paid for. You're an early adopter and really should understand that things might not be perfect in the first instance.
Since you're a senior member of the forum and by implication have been in here for a while and have obviously had more than one android phone, I'm a little surprised and your outrage.
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In and of itself youre 100% right.
But in context with every thing that has been coming out in the last week there could be much more to it.
For all I know there could be something N1 isnt capable of long term that these types of notifications may exploit.
Via Twitter and another via Email Ive seen 2 devs of notification apps confirm that the LED lights and patterns cant be manipulated.
Sure it can be an oversight or just some hitch. Perhaps Im giving these devs too much credit.But its the sqeauky hinge that gets the oil. While it may annoy other posters theres simply no better means than to continually raise a ruckus. Im not up in arms saying screw google F the nexus. Just being adamant about displeasure.
The only way any of us can expect a response is by having these conversations.
The 3g/edge issue doesnt seem to effect me but if its there a stink should be raised.
Frankly if a fix came out tomorrow for the rooted community and never by google Id be just as annoyed. I want the OS to move forward not backwards.

Colour Depth Difference with live / normal wallpapers

Hi Guys,
I've seen some discussion around the HD2's screen colour depth.
I've been doing some experimenting and have found that the colour depth is decreased when using a live wallpaper.
Im using the Darkstone's Froyo V1 Build with Cotulla's latest zImage. I havn't tested with the Sense build yet...
Give it a try :-
Set a Live Wallpaper
Now Add The Analogue clock widget, power control and Home Screen Tips widgets to a blank desktop.
Notice the Gradients of the widgets look blocky and appear low resolution.
Now apply a normal Image Wallpaper and you'll notice a real increase in quality of the gradients in those Widgets
I've taken screenshots to show you but when the screenshot of the Live wallpaper is looked at on the computer it looks perfect so must be an issue with the Way the HD2 is displaying it..
Here's the 2 screenshots :-
goodness me, does every little detail require a new thread?
Flashmore said:
goodness me, does every little detail require a new thread?
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Goodness me do threads cost you anything?? -
Dont read them if your not interested?
This is something that no-one has noticed so far and actually could be quite important - now why dont you go back to your 9million page thread and continue pointing people to post#4 like the real helpful fella you are eh....ffs
Yes, it's especially noticeable on the anologue clock but not on the pics you posted up. Didnt notice it at first. Sharp eyes you've got there. Lol
paulrgod said:
Goodness me do threads cost you anything?? -
Dont read them if your not interested?
This is something that no-one has noticed so far and actually could be quite important - now why dont you go back to your 9million page thread and continue pointing people to post#4 like the real helpful fella you are eh....ffs
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HD2 has poor colour quality from the get go, running multiple applications let alone an OS that is overlapping another OS on top of of multiple applications running in the background is bound to have more than some effects, least of all important right now being the colour. I have no idea what you're talking about, but perhaps a quick browse over the forum rules would be a good start, it isnt 9 million pages long so you shouldnt have too much trouble. The least you could do is post in a thread of whoever ROM/Android release you are using.
Julian2103 said:
Yes, it's especially noticeable on the anologue clock but not on the pics you posted up. Didnt notice it at first. Sharp eyes you've got there. Lol
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Yeah unfortunately they look normal on the screenshots i took for some reason which leads me to believe there's an issue with the way it's been displayed on the HD2.
Flashmore said:
HD2 has poor colour quality from the get go, running multiple applications let alone an OS that is overlapping another OS on top of of multiple applications running in the background is bound to have more than some effects, least of all important right now being the colour. I have no idea what you're talking about, but perhaps a quick browse over the forum rules would be a good start, it isnt 9 million pages long so you shouldnt have too much trouble. The least you could do is post in a thread of whoever ROM/Android release you are using.
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First of all - the point of my post was to 'Prove' that the HD2 can display more then 65K colours as was first thought, if you'd read my post at all - what you've posted above is a complete nonsensical response.
This IS important as people 'like you' seem to think the HD2's screen is of low quality when in fact it isn't.
Maybe you'd have an idea of what im talking about if you took the time to read my post instead of 'trying' to be a Mod?
Maybe you should peruse the Forum rules and then you may in fact realise that i havn't broken any of them?
I wasn't moaning about it not booting, GSOD, SOD, No Sound etc i posted a unique 'observation' that may help in the further development of 'proper' graphics drivers for our port.
I also wasn't moaning about a bug of this particular build - so why should it be posted in the Thread for that build?
I just think some people around here have a chip on their shoulder and are trying to be something they are not - & you dear sir are not an XDA mod.
...whoa...nice...calm down guys...calm down...
Yep, no reason to get upset. I think that's a pretty interesting point you found there. Do you have any opportunity to store the screenshots into a lossless format? I really can't tell any significant difference from the two jpg´s you've posted there - been watching the two for about a minute and i can tell you that my eyes are known to color difference detection
i think it's better a thread like this than the 2348740860th always about "no booting, no sound, no radio, no android, no intelligence", all completely useless if the author read the forum form 5 minutes before posting, this thread is about a new "problem / symptom" and it's not useless... maybe it's not importante now to obtain 16m colors, but it's always something that can be fixed
on topic guys Dev forum not flaming
Keep it peaceful
i haven't really used an actual android phone (day to day) but im sure Google put that in there, because of Live wallpaper taking up CPU power thus lowering the quality of widgets.
EDIT: and the pics look EXACTLY the same (except for the wallpaper and time of coarse.)
but, on the device itself it is less quality, ive seen it before and thats why i use a static wallpaper.
Hi guys, yeah as i said in the post for some reason the screenshots taken directly didnt really show the difference for some reason.
I've taken some pictures using a camera and the difference is clearly highlighted here.
I installed a live wallpaper on my Desire V5 build and noticed that the moon on the weather portion of the Sense clock (it was a clear night last night) changed color and looked a little more green than gray with the live wallpaper running. Don't know if its a bug or not, but it's just my observation.
Sorry to resurrect this ageing thread but it at least shows I bothered to search for it.
I seem to get this effect on some ROMS more than others, I also get it on the wallpaper itself but only for some.
I am thinking that it must be the wallpaper itself for me, it must be in a colour depth beyond the capabilities of the phone. For instance if I install the honeycomb ADW theme with the wallpaper enclosed I get this effect on the wallpaper.
Couldn't see any other threads about this, any ideas anyone?

4.2 Grey Background Artifacts

Ever since updating to 4.2, I have these grey artifacts on grey backgrounds when dialog boxes appear... such as the one attached in my pic......
Not sure why more people are not bringing this issue up, but anyone heard of anything like this, or can confirm to experience this?
I'm pretty sure one of the Google graphics artists screwed up on it.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Can't even tell what were looking at?
Where is the issue? Am I being blind?!
I have the same issue.. panicked for a moment but then realized its only in the boxes -.-
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
@ OP
Yes, this is the MOST annoying issue with the 4.2 update
How do you screw THAT up? Seriously, I can see minor artifacts in all gradients now, and the Grays are absolutely horrendous. Pisses me off to no end
Can you guys please reply to my issue I've posted and spread the word as much as you can? We're no devs, but the best we can do is to raise awareness, because this is an issue that is unacceptable in final build stable software across multiple devices.

Canadian Moto X First Impressions

Hey all,
I managed to get a Canadian Moto X. I noticed there are other dumps from Verizon and AT&T. Would anyone be interested in the Canadian system dump?
I've never done a system dump, but I doubt it's something I can't do. If anyone is interested, and can point me to the right direction; I'd be more than happy to supply the dump.
Tried following this guide:
But I can't get it to work. Seems I need su/root access. I'll research further, but would be faster if someone can point me to the right direction!
Edit: Photo attached. Cuz someone will eventually say "Pic or it didn't happen".
Which store/location did you yet it from?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Enhanced said:
Which store/location did you yet it from?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Futureshop at North York.
hidea said:
Hey all,
I managed to get a Canadian Moto X. I noticed there are other dumps from Verizon and AT&T. Would anyone be interested in the Canadian system dump?
I've never done a system dump, but I doubt it's something I can't do. If anyone is interested, and can point me to the right direction; I'd be more than happy to supply the dump.
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I am sure people will be interested in it eventually when more people start to get their phones. I'd tell you how to do it myself but I have no idea either lol.
jonnyg1097 said:
I am sure people will be interested in it eventually when more people start to get their phones. I'd tell you how to do it myself but I have no idea either lol.
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Yeah I agree. Since you are probably the first person in the world to have the phone, you should give us your impressions and such first!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Enhanced said:
Yeah I agree. Since you are probably the first person in the world to have the phone, you should give us your impressions and such first!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Brief history:
Major iOS nerd. Made my living from iOS dev (didn't sell apps, but worked on projects on the iOS platform). Always have been an Android follower, though. Have all the Nexus devices, but they always end up sitting in the drawer. Owned a few non-Nexus phones, HTC, Commtiva (uggh), Samsung Galaxy S3 & S4.
Quick overview:
• The white is nice, but I can see it getting dirty quick. The surface of the backplate is very smooth to touch. Somewhat slippery (doesn't offer traction whatsoever) despite having a weaved carbon fibre look, I expected it to feel a bit "rough", like unpolished CF.
• Device itself feels magnificent. Has a substantial feel to it, yet it weighs less than the Nexus 4. The device is heavy at the top (speaker top), which I find to be a clever design, it rests on my palm better as it would rest on the middle & index fingers better. That dimple in the middle, feels awesome too. It's the equivalent on dimples on keyboards (F & J keys), it's there to let you know how to hold the phone the right way.
• Speaking of palm, I have a slightly larger than average palm size, and the device feels just right. It's not overly big. Which is one of the primary reasons why I wanted to check out the phone. The 4.7 display feels oddly more fitting, than the Nexus 4, thanks to the much smaller bezel. Less shimmying the device to reach the back button.
• Had a tad bit of problem setting up Touchless Control, because it was so fussy about zero ambience noise. Had to find a dead silent room. Way too fussy.
• Active Notifications, something I can't live without anymore; and it's only been a day! I think this is a very Apple-ish feature; except Motorola beat them to it (or Apple isn't into AMOLED screens).
• Battery life, I don't know. Seems to hold longer charge better than my S4. I intentionally let the phone run without charging it since last night. I wanted to see a real life test. I'm sure the smarter guys/reviewers will be doing a much more through/scientific test than I will be.
• The additional features (Assist, Switcher, Motorola Connect) are quite useful and not gimicky! I didn't read any reviews prior to getting the phone (that's just how I roll) and I was pleasantly surprised to see Assist! If you're unfamiliar, it's a Do Not Disturb app, similar to iOS 6's, with additional features (mute during meetings, driving mode). Implementation is quite the same as iOS 6's.
• The OS feels very AOSP. There's some random customization here and there, but very very bare. I can't find any thing that is not within the Holo guideline. It's super responsive, despite being a dual core CPU. Motorola must've done some major optimization to get 4.2.2 to run like this. It feels faster than the TouchWiz ROM on the S4; probably because Moto X isn't bloated.
• Another nice surprise is to see a "Google" folder on the home screen. All of the Google apps, preloaded. It might be a turn-off for some, but I thought that was a nice addition. I mean, Motorola being a Google company…
• There are a few visual glitches, Navbar being semi transparent and if that's intentional, then it's not "right" because most wallpapers don't fit the 4.7", leaving a good 20 DIP solid black navbar.
• I'm not used to seeing a carrier label on the top left corner. Nexus 4 didn't have this. I much prefer not to see this at all.
• Oddly enough, I have not seen any Rogers' bloat! There is a teensy bit of hope!
• My phone says "eh" and "aboot".
thanks for the info! i went to rogers here in ottawa and they had one black one left, but they wouldnt sell it outright to me, so im trying to find one
hidea said:
Brief history:
Quick overview:
• Active Notifications, something I can't live without anymore; and it's only been a day! I think this is a very Apple-ish feature; except Motorola beat them to it (or Apple isn't into AMOLED screens).
• There are a few visual glitches, Navbar being semi transparent and if that's intentional, then it's not "right" because most wallpapers don't fit the 4.7", leaving a good 20 DIP solid black navbar.
• I'm not used to seeing a carrier label on the top left corner. Nexus 4 didn't have this. I much prefer not to see this at all.
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Active notifications: Do you ever find the "pulsing" to be annoying? For example, if you have the phone face up on your desk, is it annoying to have to wait until the active notification lights up before you can check your messages/know if you have a message at all? I love the concept of active notifications, but I want to be able to not wait for it to come up.
Nav bar: I think that's intentional. No way they would overlook that part. I never liked the transparent nav bar anyways.
Carrier label: I've seen some reviews or videos that didn't have the label on the top left and am disappointed that it's there. I'm sure I would find it annoying as well so hopefully we can find a way to nuke it.
TIP: Maybe you should renamed this thread into the impressions thread? I could see it taking off. Or maybe just copy your post into a fresh thread with an appropriate title? Be a good place to aggregate all the impressions for this strange phone that many people are unsure of buying.
Enhanced said:
Active notifications: Do you ever find the "pulsing" to be annoying? For example, if you have the phone face up on your desk, is it annoying to have to wait until the active notification lights up before you can check your messages/know if you have a message at all? I love the concept of active notifications, but I want to be able to not wait for it to come up.
Nav bar: I think that's intentional. No way they would overlook that part. I never liked the transparent nav bar anyways.
Carrier label: I've seen some reviews or videos that didn't have the label on the top left and am disappointed that it's there. I'm sure I would find it annoying as well so hopefully we can find a way to nuke it.
TIP: Maybe you should renamed this thread into the impressions thread? I could see it taking off. Or maybe just copy your post into a fresh thread with an appropriate title? Be a good place to aggregate all the impressions for this strange phone that many people are unsure of buying.
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Pulsing: Not at all. It's a good design, IMHO. if the screen is off, then there's nothing to worry about. Look at it from the "no news is good news" perspective. The same design as LED blinks! Since you asked, it's clever (IMHO) that you would have to grab your phone for the screen to display the time. At least I don't have to press the lock screen button to check the time.
Nav Bar If this is intentional, then that's a very strange design decision. My live wallpaper won't fit flushed against the 1280 height. :sad:
Carrier Label Yea. I can't wait for a root access! Need to get rid of this bloody thing. Check screenshot. BTW, I unlocked my phone, that's why it's showing as Koodo.
hidea said:
Pulsing: Not at all. It's a good design, IMHO. if the screen is off, then there's nothing to worry about. Look at it from the "no news is good news" perspective. The same design as LED blinks!
Nav Bar If this is intentional, then that's a very strange design decision. My live wallpaper won't fit flushed against the 1280 height. :sad:
Carrier Label Yea. I can't wait for a root access! Need to get rid of this bloody thing. Check screenshot. BTW, I unlocked my phone, that's why it's showing as Koodo.
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I've always made my LED "always on" instead of pulsing. Guess I'd have to change my habits with the X. And like you said, maybe it's for the better that I don't constantly jump to my phone. As an additional question: if you have an outstanding notification, how often/in what intervals does it pulse? Does it pulse slower as the notification is not checked after a while? If you have no notifications at all, how often does it pulse? (Sorry, just very intrigued by these notifications)
The transparency of the bar is intentional, but I assume the wallpaper isn't isn't and it would actually be odd that they overlooked that part. This isn't an issue for me though as I always hide by nav bar and use LMT.
And yeah, I would definitely need to get rid of that label...ugh. Question, what is up with your homescreen? Can't be a ROM cause it's too early so is it some launcher?
Enhanced said:
I've always made my LED "always on" instead of pulsing. Guess I'd have to change my habits with the X. And like you said, maybe it's for the better that I don't constantly jump to my phone. As an additional question: if you have an outstanding notification, how often/in what intervals does it pulse? Does it pulse slower as the notification is not checked after a while? If you have no notifications at all, how often does it pulse? (Sorry, just very intrigued by these notifications)
And yeah, I would definitely need to get rid of that label...ugh. Question, what is up with your homescreen? Can't be a ROM cause it's too early so is it some launcher?
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Additional Questions: Let me investigate this further. I need to study the behaviour anyway (I'm a UX guy).
Edit: With 2 different types of notifications, the screen pulses every six seconds-ish. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen the screen pulse/breath without any pending notification.
What is it with my homescreen that you find odd? The lack of icons? I just picked an empty page. I'm running Action Launcher.
Edit: yea, it's an Action Launcher issue, wallpaper not fitting correctly. The native launcher fits the wallpaper flushed! Sorry, Moto! I spoke too soon!
hidea said:
Additional Questions: Let me investigate this further. I need to study the behaviour anyway (I'm a UX guy).
What is it with my homescreen that you find odd? The lack of icons? I just picked an empty page. I'm running Action Launcher.
Edit: yea, it's an Action Launcher issue, wallpaper not fitting correctly. The native launcher fits the wallpaper flushed! Sorry, Moto! I spoke too soon!
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Ah good to know about the wallpaper.
And yeah, I just never seen that launcher before so the widgets looked interesting. Always been a Nova guy.
I'll be awaiting your notification behaviours.
Enhanced said:
Ah good to know about the wallpaper.
And yeah, I just never seen that launcher before so the widgets looked interesting. Always been a Nova guy.
I'll be awaiting your notification behaviours.
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Edit: With 2 different types of notifications, the screen pulses every six seconds-ish. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen the screen pulse/breath without any pending notification.
Edit 2: I just saw it breathe, without any pending notification. I can't time it. I'm distracted very easily! Sorry (I think it's past the sixty second mark?)
hidea said:
Edit: With 2 different types of notifications, the screen pulses every six seconds-ish. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen the screen pulse/breath without any pending notification.
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Is it possible to make the AN (active notification) show up by quickly covering the light sensor and then uncovering it? This would simulate taking the phone out of your pocket. I assume it works, but wonder how well. Could be a nice little trick to get the AN to pop.
Enhanced said:
Is it possible to make the AN (active notification) show up by quickly covering the light sensor and then uncovering it? This would simulate taking the phone out of your pocket. I assume it works, but wonder how well. Could be a nice little trick to get the AN to pop.
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It seems like a combination of a few sensors. Covering the device doesn't activate AN. However, moving it about will bring up AN. So, gyroscope based?
hidea said:
It seems like a combination of a few sensors. Covering the device doesn't activate AN. However, moving it about will bring up AN. So, gyroscope based?
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Ah that's pretty cool. Just shake the phone to show AN. Works too I guess.
I can't stress how COOL the Touchless feature is! I mean, EAT YOUR HEART OUT, SIRI!
Too bad I can't call it something else, other than "OK Google Now". I'd do HELLO MOTO for ****s and giggles.
hidea said:
Edit: yea, it's an Action Launcher issue, wallpaper not fitting correctly. The native launcher fits the wallpaper flushed! Sorry, Moto! I spoke too soon!
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You're a horrible reviewer, no cookie for you!
More seriously, thanks for posting about this. I'll throw in some more questions:
- You say the back is smooth, but is it soft-touch or a hard surface?
- How much free space was there before you put Action Launcher on it?
- Some reviews noted that whites have a pink tint to them - is this true for yours?
- How's the speaker phone sound quality?
- Do you connect it up to your work email? If so, does Assist allow you to stop it from synching overnight?
thedosbox said:
You're a horrible reviewer, no cookie for you!
More seriously, thanks for posting about this. I'll throw in some more questions:
- You say the back is smooth, but is it soft-touch or a hard surface?
- How much free space was there before you put Action Launcher on it?
- Some reviews noted that whites have a pink tint to them - is this true for yours?
- How's the speaker phone sound quality?
- Do you connect it up to your work email? If so, does Assist allow you to stop it from synching overnight?
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-smooth hard surface. Not rubberized.
- space wise? 10GB
- mine is neutral white. There's a pearl effect.
- I'll test speaker!
- assist doesn't stop syncing. Only suppressing notifications.
Thank god I don't write reviews for a living! I'd be out on the street, not being able to afford the cheapest phone plan here in Canada
hidea said:
Pulsing: Not at all. It's a good design, IMHO. if the screen is off, then there's nothing to worry about. Look at it from the "no news is good news" perspective. The same design as LED blinks! Since you asked, it's clever (IMHO) that you would have to grab your phone for the screen to display the time. At least I don't have to press the lock screen button to check the time.
Nav Bar If this is intentional, then that's a very strange design decision. My live wallpaper won't fit flushed against the 1280 height. :sad:
Carrier Label Yea. I can't wait for a root access! Need to get rid of this bloody thing. Check screenshot. BTW, I unlocked my phone, that's why it's showing as Koodo.
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Thanks for the first impressions, I am getting more and more excited for the phone as I read more of what you write. But I was wondering though how you went about unlocking your phone? You didnt have to do it through the carrier did you?

[Q] Is this just me or is my Note 3 screen defect?

Hi lovely guys of the Note 3 forum!!
I've had my Note 3 for some time now and I was wondering if my screen is defect since it does act a little weird. I hope you can clarify this for me
Whenever I put my screen on low brightness, the screen tend to leave a trail of purple color behind whenever I scroll/move something. It'd be very nice if anyone with a Note 3 could test this for me, if u are having the same problem or if it's just me
A good way to test this, is to set brightness to 0% and then pull the notificationcenter down and try to swipe the notifications away slowly and look closely, if u can find some purple trail leaving behind the swiping object. To see this clearly, you can download the app Lux and set the brightness to sub-zero. Try -50% and it should be very easy to see. Would mean a ton to me if you could report back. I need to return my device asap if it's defect.
Thank you very much!! <3
EDIT: Here is a video of the problem!
Rallerbabz said:
Hi lovely guys of the Note 3 forum!!
I've had my Note 3 for some time now and I was wondering if my screen is defect since it does act a little weird. I hope you can clarify this for me
Whenever I put my screen on low brightness, the screen tend to leave a trail of purple color behind whenever I scroll/move something. It'd be very nice if anyone with a Note 3 could test this for me, if u are having the same problem or if it's just me
A good way to test this, is to set brightness to 0% and then pull the notificationcenter down and try to swipe the notifications away slowly and look closely, if u can find some purple trail leaving behind the swiping object. To see this clearly, you can download the app Lux and set the brightness to sub-zero. Try -50% and it should be very easy to see. Would mean a ton to me if you could report back. I need to return my device asap if it's defect.
Thank you very much!! <3
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Nope just tested mine is fine no purple at all
Just turn off or switch off "development setting" and try again, if not, return the device.
jaythenut said:
Nope just tested mine is fine no purple at all
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Thank you so much for testing this! I wasnt quite sure if I was too critical or if there actually is something wrong. This might goes hand in hand with the battery drain that I am having when I am using the phone(idling is superb tho)
psylog said:
Just turn off or switch off "development setting" and try again, if not, return the device.
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Hey, thanks for your reply!
I'm unable to find development settings in touchwiz's new settings-layout. Could you help me out here?
You dont have the problem that I am describing as well?
Rallerbabz said:
Thank you so much for testing this! I wasnt quite sure if I was too critical or if there actually is something wrong. This might goes hand in hand with the battery drain that I am having when I am using the phone(idling is superb tho)
Hey, thanks for your reply!
I'm unable to find development settings in touchwiz's new settings-layout. Could you help me out here?
You dont have the problem that I am describing as well?
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Settings, about, build number hit it 5 times
jaythenut said:
Settings, about, build number hit it 5 times
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Okay thanks..
I just turned it..on it said. Nothing changes really, didnt expect it to do either, but how do I turn it back off?
Rallerbabz said:
Okay thanks..
I just turned it..on it said. Nothing changes really, didnt expect it to do either, but how do I turn it back off?
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Don't think you can don't worry about it
Hey guys!
Just to confirm we're talking about the same thing, here is a video I took of the problem
EDIT: Seems like I've discovered a general issue with S4/Note3; Ghosting/smearing. God damnit, this is annoying. The shop will probably not even take it back now. ****..
cannot duplicate
I can't see this at zero brightness. I even installed lux and set it to subzero, and I still can't see it. I'm using an SM-900T.
I think I know what you are talking about. I also believe my smartphone has same problem. As an example if you download BBC News application,then scroll down to end of page and pull further you will see this tail of light appear. It also does this in the settings page when you scrol up or down but you have to get to bottom or top of page and pull further
desiregeek said:
I think I know what you are talking about. I also believe my smartphone has same problem. As an example if you download BBC News application,then scroll down to end of page and pull further you will see this tail of light appear. It also does this in the settings page when you scrol up or down but you have to get to bottom or top of page and pull further
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Not sure if that was sarcasm... BEcause I hope it was.
That's the replacement for the 'bounce at end of page' that Apple successfully sued Samsung over. It now glows.
exactly the same problem with mine. fast moving UI elements leave a purple trail behind them.
could it be that some batches of screen are affected and some are not? it doesn't bother me too much though.
---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------
here is a way to check if it is affecting you:
With tiny fonts in a really really dark room with really really low brightness I notice this. Lets bring on some more make believe "issues"... HAHA

