Samsung will not build the next nexus... heres proof... - Nexus S General

Ok i have complete proof that samsung will not build the next nexus device after the galaxy nexus.... it will be motorola but not for the reason you think...
OK these are the makes of the google phones from google...
Samsung: Nexus S/4g
Galaxy Nexus
notice something? thats right each company only makes 2 devices and google moves on...
now we know that google bought moto for the patents? or did they? I have heard claims google may close source android and have offical android devices from moto only... see this:
so i think that this can be good news... end of all these crappy low end android devices with no memory... an android phones needs atleast 300mb free storage when we purchase a low end phone and even the prevail by samsung only has about 150mb free or so... what a shame...

Google_Nexus said:
Ok i have complete proof that samsung will not build the next nexus device after the galaxy nexus.... it will be motorola but not for the reason you think...
OK these are the makes of the google phones from google...
Samsung: Nexus S/4g
Galaxy Nexus
notice something? thats right each company only makes 2 devices and google moves on...
now we know that google bought moto for the patents? or did they? I have heard claims google may close source android and have offical android devices from moto only... see this:
so i think that this can be good news... end of all these crappy low end android devices with no memory... an android phones needs atleast 300mb free storage when we purchase a low end phone and even the prevail by samsung only has about 150mb free or so... what a shame...
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while your arguments are valid, you do not have any proof.

It makes no sense. The Google's goal is to reach more people with advertising and by closing Android's source it would limit their target. The current system, tho it's not perfect for updates, it's the most profitable for Google.
I don't say that the next Nexus phone won't be manufactured by Motorola, but i srsly doubt that Google will close the doors to the other OEM's. Point being, Goggle will keep Android open sourced and will use Motorola for their patents. Using Moto to build Google experience phones is just an added bonus.

This has to be the most ridiculously illogical post I have seen on these forums. Google choose HTC initially because it was the big player in android, then they choose samsung when it had become the biggest player.
They might choose some other OEM this time but it has nothing to do with the series of 2 phones. You talk as if nexus phones have been made for decades with new OEM being chosen every 2 years lol.

Your data sets are too small for you to say that it's proof. What you have is that HTC made 2 Google phones and then Samsung made 2 google phones.
but wait.
The HTC G2 was a pure google phone, that puts HTC at 3 Google phones. The original motorola Droid was a google phone, that puts them in the mix with one. In terms of pure Nexus devices, it's HTC 1, and Samsung 2. In terms of pure Google experience, HTC has at least 3, Motorola has at least 1 and Samsung has at least 2. That's also assuming I'm forgetting a device or two, which I probably am.
Therefore, there is no pattern and the next Nexus will likely remain in Samsung's corner since it's based on who bids the most and not on "who's made what". Samsung will likely outbid everyone this year and it will like be the samsung galaxy nexus s or something absurd. I'd rather have a Moto Nexus personally (hey why not, give them a swing at it) and have it not be a Verizon exclusive, but that's a pipe dream.

and lets not forget about the google ion, that was a google developers phone made by htc

Lol. This makes no sense.

chronophase1 said:
Lol. This makes no sense.
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Youre right, HTC makes Sense

Companies send contestant devices in and Google picks the winner. Nothing more.
Motorola almost won last year.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

PoorCollegeGuy said:
Your data sets are too small for you to say that it's proof. What you have is that HTC made 2 Google phones and then Samsung made 2 google phones.
but wait.
The HTC G2 was a pure google phone, that puts HTC at 3 Google phones. The original motorola Droid was a google phone, that puts them in the mix with one. In terms of pure Nexus devices, it's HTC 1, and Samsung 2. In terms of pure Google experience, HTC has at least 3, Motorola has at least 1 and Samsung has at least 2. That's also assuming I'm forgetting a device or two, which I probably am.
Therefore, there is no pattern and the next Nexus will likely remain in Samsung's corner since it's based on who bids the most and not on "who's made what". Samsung will likely outbid everyone this year and it will like be the samsung galaxy nexus s or something absurd. I'd rather have a Moto Nexus personally (hey why not, give them a swing at it) and have it not be a Verizon exclusive, but that's a pipe dream.
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the orginal htc g1 was the very first android phone thus a developers phone and then htc did the nexus one.... then samsung has done two so now its time for someone else to make it... moto since google owns them they keep it in house.. and close sourcing it has made apple a ton of money and i dont have any adds on my programs as i only purchase apps that have no adds and only install free apps without adds... so google is not really making any money off of me on the adds. i use my laptop for that sort of thing... i use my phone for news and some games from gameloft that are paid. also most cellphone operating systems last about ten years and android is about 5 years old so i think its about time google thinks about that look at palm os then look at rim... what does that tell you at the 10 year or so mark they go down for the count... apple will too so will android... so what is next?

Google has already said they don't choose how many each company will make. Each company submits a phone for evaluation as the next Nexus and they decide which it'll be. Therefore, the next Nexus could be from Samsung again, Asus, HTC, Acer, Huawei, Motorola, or really any other manufacturer quite honestly. At the end of the day, I'd be quite surprised if it was anyone but the Big 3 (Sammy, HTC, and Motorola) or Asus since all 4 make the better, higher end phones. I COULD also see LG being a viable candidate, but their offerings so far have, to me, been lackluster and, whilst Sammy doesn't have Moto-quality builds of aluminium and such, LG seems even lower than Sammy build quality-wise.
Build quality- Moto>HTC>Asus>Sammy>LG
Screen quality- Sammy>HTC>LG>Asus>Moto
Internals- Sammy (more cutting edge, Exynos), Asus (Tegra 3), and HTC (also Tegra 3 and Snapdragon S4) all win here.

HTC also made the ION developer phone, the G2 was also a Google stock phone, etc, so there goes your 2 phones theory. And i explained you already why making Android Closed Source would be a bad move to Google.
Just because you don't see adds in your phone doesn't mean the other thousands of people do the same. Google is getting their money from advertising, so they need the biggest audience target as possible. And where did you get the theory about the 10 years SO?
Symbian for example was first released in 2001 and still sells like hotcakes on dumbphones. Windows Mobile was first released also around 2000 and just recently got discontinued due to windows phone 7 (granted it wasn't selling). iOS will probably suffer a UI change but it still will make a strong competitor for the next years and Android has so much space to improve and is in so many markets besides smartphones, that it won't go away anytime soon.
What's next just depends on the best technology offers at the best price.

Maybe nexus phones are more of a Google showing the manufacturer how make android phones. Also I believe they could never close source of android and license it. Pretty sure Microsoft got fined for having free services and once competition died off they started charging for it
Sent from my Iconia A500 using Tapatalk 2

Google_Nexus said:
the orginal htc g1 was the very first android phone thus a developers phone and then htc did the nexus one.... then samsung has done two so now its time for someone else to make it... moto since google owns them they keep it in house.. and close sourcing it has made apple a ton of money and i dont have any adds on my programs as i only purchase apps that have no adds and only install free apps without adds... so google is not really making any money off of me on the adds. i use my laptop for that sort of thing... i use my phone for news and some games from gameloft that are paid. also most cellphone operating systems last about ten years and android is about 5 years old so i think its about time google thinks about that look at palm os then look at rim... what does that tell you at the 10 year or so mark they go down for the count... apple will too so will android... so what is next?
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Android is 9 years old
Read under "foundation".

BrianDigital said:
Maybe nexus phones are more of a Google showing the manufacturer how make android phones. Also I believe they could never close source of android and license it. Pretty sure Microsoft got fined for having free services and once competition died off they started charging for it
Sent from my Iconia A500 using Tapatalk 2
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Nexus line are the guideline for each OS.
Nexus One - 2.1/2.2
Nexus S - 2.3
Galaxy Nexus - ICS

i predict the next gen nexus specs: everyone please save/bookmark this post.
1.5GHz quad core processor OR 2GHz Exynos 5250 processor
4.65" 720p HD Super AMOLED+ OR HD YOUM Display
Android 5.0 Jellybean
7 - 7.9mm thin
2000 - 2500mAh battery
announcing in january 2013!

PoorCollegeGuy said:
Android is 9 years old
Read under "foundation".
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your link is dead... and android according to wiki is from 2005... and notice no one had google android before 2008 when the first android device ever was sold the htc g1 aka the dream which was a developers phone because well it was the only android phone for a while... so no other phone was their until after the g1 was launched.
so again android is poised to be in the decline soon.. right now is its peak years and soon it will decline... look at how long gb took to overcome fryo...

Samsung is the best!!. No competition possible!! Motorola is crap! (No offense)
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

Sorry but where in your ass are you pulling all this "proof" out of? Lol not to be mean or anything....

thegtfusion said:
Samsung is the best!!. No competition possible!! Motorola is crap! (No offense)
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
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just because someone sells the most does not mean they are the best. it could be that samsung has carriers that offer their phones dirt cheap like the prevail on boost mobile... also look at general motors company... alot of crap products but they do outsell all the others... but does that mean they are they best.. no they offer a ton of rebates and low prices.... samsung does have some great phones like the galaxy s line but only a few.


Schmidt: Nexus One so successful we dont need a Nexus Two

Eric Schmidt's words concerning why the Nexus One was created and how we dont need number Two.
Initially, Google felt that they needed to build a device to help Android along so they worked with HTC to create the Nexus One handset. Schmidt says: “The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn't have to do a second one. We would view that as positive but people criticised us heavily for that. I called up the board and said: 'Ok, it worked. Congratulations - we're stopping'. We like that flexibility, we think that flexibility is characteristic of nimbleness at our scale."
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Heh, google is the inverse of apple
...I would like a Nexus Two though?
What about a 1280x720 4" IPS screen, sub-10mm thickness, aluminum/carbon fiber construction, HDMI port, front-facing camera, Tegra 2 SoC, battery life that is amazing, and capacitive touch buttons that are actually silk screened right?
And of course, a unicorn detector
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
I thought the title was a joke. lol
Wow, damage control ahoy.
arcticreaver said:
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
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+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
I don't know what happened in SE HQ when they moved onto touchscreen phones and the like. They were ahead of the curve back in the day but maybe their UI let them down?
Samsung are another company who made good hardware but ****ed it up with their clunky software.
I'm not sure how these guys turn the ship around but HTC came from nowhere and are one of the biggest mobile phone manufacturers about now. Surely SE and Samsung can make a cracking phone again and win some of the market share back.
Another issue might be locking down access to root or bastardising Android with a clunky shell. HTC avoided that with a pretty nice UI in Sense.
britoso said:
Heh, google is the inverse of apple
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That's why I love em.
Knew it and have been saying it all along.
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
markouk said:
+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
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I don't know about you, but that's what I dislike about SE. Why couldn't they just combine the best walkman and camera in one phone? Instead, they made two phones out of almost the same hardware and charge a high price for each of them...
RogerPodacter said:
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
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Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
Namuna said:
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
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I love the N1, and can't wait for a future device done the same way (without any branding). I seriously hope HTC is the manufacturer. Can't see myself using a phone not made by them.
ap3604 said:
Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
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Since android's beginning, there has always been Google's developer phone, the one that Google uses to write the android OS on. First was the g1, now its nexus. It will always be a vanilla android version, not HTC sense or MOTOblur or whatever. Perhaps the next one will be sold thru a carrier, but I think they will ensure it can be purchased unlocked too. We don't know, this is new territory, and The nexus kinda set the standard. So I'm anticipating Google will make sure the next phone can be had without the carrier influence as well.
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
I'm done with SE, myself. I followed them for a little while with a P990i, then Xperia X1 and was going to get an X10... but glad I got a Nexus One instead.
High-priced pieces of trash, they are. I know the X1 was HTC built and rebranded, but WinMo was so laggy on it and SE slapped an $800 price tag on it. Enough to wake you up.
So there won't be a N1 successor ??
adamwjohnson5 said:
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
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Sure is nice having Google dictate what goes on the phone and not T-Mobile or AT&T or whoever. I think I'd opt for a slightly weaker phone over one with Sense UI and branding all over it.
I guess I'll be buying whichever dev phone is popular at the time, or making damn sure the phone has Cyanogen et al behind it and that it is vanilla.
No N2?!? Oh come on! It's not like they have to do much. Just make it a 4" screen, swap in a better 3D co-processor, slap a real keyboard on it and call it a day. I'd buy that off-contract any day!
I would agree that the N1 put android on the map, at the centre. They have multiple partners now SPAMMING rediculously good phones for android, the consumers know about it and WANT it, theyve done their task. Let them get back to making the OS orgasmic, and let HTC etc make phones that can vibrate
Like a guy said eariler this is whats called damage control. The N1 didn't start anything with Android OS, it was the Droid that did that. The N1 is a tiny blip on the radar of Android sales. The N1 failed and this is an arrogant look at the N1. The fact of the matter is HTC was planning 1ghz phones regardless of the N1 existance or not, remeber that phone list that was leaked last year of all the phones coming out this year? I love my N1 but lets face it google dropped the ball on it.
1. restrictions on the subdizing
2. restrictions on the type of plan
3. No dummy phones for TMO stores
IMO if they would have stuck the N1 in stores made it easy like Droid, Samsung Vibrant, and EVO, then N1 at the time would have been a mega hit. It was the first phone (that I can remember) with a ghz processor ppl would have went nuts for it because of the speed and its a really sexy looking phone.

NEXUS TWO expectations

1. Release Q1 2011
2. Dual core 1.5ghz snapdragon
3. 1GB ram
4. At least 960x640 res super-amoled display
5. Touch screen which actually works
6. New version of android that that will be exclusive to the device for at least 2 months with some super cool features such as 1080p out via hdmi port
7. 10mp+ camera
8. Built by Motorola or HTC
Google.......make it happen
Everyone, ever
Wont be any Nexus Two,,
My expectation is for it to not exist.
Rusty! said:
My expectation is for it to not exist.
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^ this. Sadly.
1. Your choice of 16GB or 32GB internal memory
2. 960x640 high res display
3. "Fast App Switching"
4. Front facing camera for using "TimeToFace"
5. iOS Froyo
6. Your choice of two carriers: AT&T or whatever they use in the seventh circle of Hell after you've been decapitated.
They can call it the iNexus 2
Well, it might not be the Nexus Two, but I cant imagine Google never making another Dev Phone. So perhaps these should be expectations for the next Dev phone.
I'm hoping Eric was lieng and all, i remember them saying they wouldnt release a phone but they soon did. I do hope they make an N2.
obstacles can kill said:
1. Your choice of 16GB or 32GB internal memory
2. 960x640 high res display
3. "Fast App Switching"
4. Front facing camera for using "TimeToFace"
5. iOS Froyo
6. Your choice of two carriers: AT&T or whatever they use in the seventh circle of Hell after you've been decapitated.
They can call it the iNexus 2
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No doubt. It looks like it was ripped from an iPhone ad. There's a time and a place where phone specs are over kill. Not that none of the above wouldn't be welcome... but as far as the next Nexus... well the first Nexus is still awesome.
I haven't put this damn phone down hardly at all. And its plenty fast. I think at this point, the software needs to play catch up to the high phone specs.
Nexus 2 will not happen. It's a fact.
Eric said they will not make one, and there is no reason to make one.
Android was pushed much farther and much faster then they anticipated, they have no reason to make one more Android developer phone. There are tons of awesome android phones out there already.
You'd think after a CEO tells you it won't happen, u wouldn't open threads about Nexus Two.
There will be no nexus 2 with the lamer specs, too conservative.
Perhaps the nexus 2 will ber a tablet computer based on gingerbread and nvidia tegra.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
DarkDvr said:
Nexus 2 will not happen. It's a fact.
Eric said they will not make one, and there is no reason to make one.
Android was pushed much farther and much faster then they anticipated, they have no reason to make one more Android developer phone. There are tons of awesome android phones out there already.
You'd think after a CEO tells you it won't happen, u wouldn't open threads about Nexus Two.
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BUT, that does not mean that Motorola or HTC (independently) makes a Nexus Two (not a dev phone) but a continuation of the IP.
DarkDvr said:
Nexus 2 will not happen. It's a fact.
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Sorry to be pedantic but how can something in the future be fact? What you mean to say is that you don't think it will happen based on what Eric Schmidt has said.
I'm pretty sure they said they'd never get into the phone business too. Maybe Eric's keeping his cards very close to his chest and it's all a ruse.
Blueman101 said:
BUT, that does not mean that Motorola or HTC (independently) makes a Nexus Two (not a dev phone) but a continuation of the IP.
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Why in the world would Motorola jump onto Google's trademark and start making "Nexus phones"???
It's like saying "Oh yeah, toyota no longer makes supras, but maybe we'll see a BMW Supra"... seriously.
Motorola will continue making "Droids", HTC will make their usual stuff, Samsung will push Galaxy line.
What's so bad about the fact that you have a special edition, one-of-a-kind developer phone that was released in limited quantities for a limited purpose, and then stopped selling? FFS, I was very happy when I saw that Nexus One sales will stop. In a year from now, I'll be selling mine in a perfect condition for BIG $$$$.
I see only positive in the fact that Nexus line is over. Heck, admit it, in a year or so, there will be much better phones than nexus for everyday use.
DarkDvr said:
Why in the world would Motorola jump onto Google's trademark and start making "Nexus phones"???
It's like saying "Oh yeah, toyota no longer makes supras, but maybe we'll see a BMW Supra"... seriously.
Motorola will continue making "Droids", HTC will make their usual stuff, Samsung will push Galaxy line.
What's so bad about the fact that you have a special edition, one-of-a-kind developer phone that was released in limited quantities for a limited purpose, and then stopped selling? FFS, I was very happy when I saw that Nexus One sales will stop. In a year from now, I'll be selling mine in a perfect condition for BIG $$$$.
I see only positive in the fact that Nexus line is over. Heck, admit it, in a year or so, there will be much better phones than nexus for everyday use.
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I dont believe it will be easy to sell our old Nexi (Yeah, thats right, I said Nexi). Think about it, would you buy a G1 for premium bucks now or the latest and greatest phone instead. Most people wanting the Nexus now are people like us that need the newest hardware every 3 months.
My prediction is that the next dev phone will not focus on faster, but focus on lower power. Increasing battery life has to be a cocern for them. 1ghz is plenty fast as we all know, but we could benefit from more efficient processors running at the same speed we have now.
Of course the same speed isn't as much fun.
samagon said:
My prediction is that the next dev phone will not focus on faster, but focus on lower power. Increasing battery life has to be a cocern for them. 1ghz is plenty fast as we all know, but we could benefit from more efficient processors running at the same speed we have now.
Of course the same speed isn't as much fun.
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in the same way 640kb was more than enough for memory? Please
I love how everyone thinks their nexus ones are suddenly "collectors items" now, you guys are almost as bad as iphone fanboys
Rusty! said:
My expectation is for it to not exist.
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Hardware of nexus one is just more than enough.. they need to improve the usability of android os even more i guess
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
google should make nexus 2 like apple made iphone 3g 3gs 4g there should be n1 n2 n3 with a better hardware and software
Google said there won't be a continuation in the Nexus lineup, sorry folks.

Google might release Nexus Two next month

Damn so soon
Didnt google just announce though that there wasnt going to be a N2? -
Neowin has just learned from an inside source close to Google that they are hard at work on the successor of the Nexus One, dubbed the Nexus Two.
Although not too much information has been revealed about the Nexus Two, but the tipster has revealed Google is going to release it within the next month. With other rumors of Android 3.0 in the wild, running on what looks to be the Nexus One, which could actually be the first image of the Nexus Two, shows the device running a new firmware with a piece of paper covering the top of the phone.
Nexus One may not have sold a lot of units, around 135,000 units in the first three months, and was even dropped by Sprint due to poor sales and because its bigger competition, the HTC EVO 4G, was about to debut for release.
Google stopped shipping the Nexus One earlier this month, closing its online store so consumers couldn't purchase the phone directly from the company themselves.
According to our source, the Nexus Two is set to release next month, but no pricing, date or technical specs were released, but Google is secretly working on the Nexus Two. One thing is for sure, Google will need to make this release a good one if they want to compete with Apple's iPhone 4, Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, and the HTC EVO 4G.
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will be interesting to see if this is true?
this is all very confusing but also kind of f*****g sweet
I don't believe it...
I hope it's a tablet, 8" screen Media drive slot, USB port etc...
I am getting it if it is true but too bad it probably won't happen
According to CNET's Buzz Out Loud, Google announced it will not be producing any more devices. It's verified here:
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
LoL! 3.0 isn't even due 'til December! Those guys just saw the picture of a N1 with 3.0 and decided to make up a story.
Sounds like a great story...hopefully it will have a happy ending.
Probably stupidly referring to the G2 slide or whatever its called.
No screen/processor/OS upgrade worth making a Nexus Two right now in any case.
It's probably a tweaked nexus one to be sold as ADP3
xManMythLegend said:
Probably stupidly referring to the G2 slide or whatever its called.
No screen/processor/OS upgrade worth making a Nexus Two right now in any case.
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dont be so quick to discard technology that may not be known to the public, who would have thought of a 1ghz snapdragon before the nexus?
Blueman101 said:
dont be so quick to discard technology that may not be known to the public, who would have thought of a 1ghz snapdragon before the nexus?
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The same company that made the HD2?
irishrally said:
The same company that made the HD2?
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And the company that made Toshiba TG01.
uansari1 said:
I don't believe it...
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I don't either...But if Schmidt said the N1's purpose was to push the hardware platform, and now everyone is pretty much caught up? I wouldn't put it past Google to want to push it again.
Come on G, show 'em how it's done...Again!
There is no point in pushing it again, not now, and not in any near future. The current top Android devices sport the best HW available.
Looking for page hits, that's what this article is...
This information does not surprise me at all with the exception of Google making another Nexus. About 3.0 i am not surprised at all and I expect leaks to start happening in august.. screens and images of phones that might carry the new Software version. Considering Google plans to debut this update around OCT then at the very latest we should have seen quite a bit by SEPT..
This is one of the rumors that everybody could write.
Obviously, bull****.
There won't be a N2. Since N1 kicked off android development so successfully, if google is working on some hardware, it'll be a tablet or something similar. Something to expand android to other devices.
What if T-Mobile's HTC Emerald IS the NEXUS TWO?

BGR reports that next Nexus device will be a Samsung
Google’s first Ice Cream Sandwich phone to be manufactured by Samsung, possibly dubbed ‘Nexus Prime’
We exclusively reported details of Google’s first Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone — either a Nexus device, or a “pure Google” flagship handset from one of Google’s key partners — and we now have more information surrounding the world’s most anticipated Android phone. We reported that the handset would nix physical menu keys going forward, and would feature a monster 720p -resolution display, and we have now confirmed with our source that the screen itself is branded as a “Super AMOLED HD” display. The branding confirms our suspicions that Samsung will indeed be the manufacturer. We have also confirmed that the processor in the upcoming device will be an OMAP4460, just as we originally reported. Hit the jump for more.
This upcoming superphone will not have any carrier preloads or OEM customizations, which goes without saying for a Nexus phone or a reference/flagship Android offering. The current codename is “Prime”, and our source believes it’s possible that the phone could launch as the “Google Nexus Prime.” We also have information that Google’s onslaught of high-end Android devices isn’t going to stop anytime soon. With the Motorola DROID and Motorola XOOM, Google launched its flagship Android devices with one carrier and one OEM, but we’re hearing things might be switched up this time around. Our source indicated that Google could be working with multiple carriers and multiple OEMs on their own “exclusive” Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) halo devices, and that they may all launch around the same time.
Imagine flagship releases from Motorola, HTC, and LG with Ice Cream Sandwich available on AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, and Sprint all at practically the same time… in addition to a Google Nexus handset from Samsung. The summer’s going to be hot, but it looks like the fall might get even hotter.
my friend's company does marketing for samsung and he said yesterday they're doing another nexus phone
Hopefully they have microSD support. Looks like it won't have Tegra 2 support which sucks. The Galaxy S2 is a the only phone I'd move too other then my G2x. Hopefully Samsung doesn't screw it up like the lackluster Nexus S.
I wish they would just name it Nexus One, Nexus Two, Nexus III, etc. All those silly names suck TBH. Nexus Prime reminds me of a transformer.
player911 said:
Looks like it won't have Tegra 2 support which sucks.
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Why does that suck?
Glad this could go to Samsung, their screens are the best currently, but if a "flagship" comes from HTC, I will no question get that as well.
player911 said:
Hopefully they have microSD support. Looks like it won't have Tegra 2 support which sucks. The Galaxy S2 is a the only phone I'd move too other then my G2x. Hopefully Samsung doesn't screw it up like the lackluster Nexus S.
I wish they would just name it Nexus One, Nexus Two, Nexus III, etc. All those silly names suck TBH. Nexus Prime reminds me of a transformer.
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Manufacturers don't like the idea of being number two or III.. hence 'S' and Prime.
...the only one that they will all scramble for is the Nexus 6, since that's a Replicant
The Nexus S doesn't have a microSD, but it has built-in storage that functions exactly the same.. why would you care about this?
If true, this will be my next phone.
player911 said:
I wish they would just name it Nexus One, Nexus Two, Nexus III, etc. All those silly names suck TBH. Nexus Prime reminds me of a transformer.
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Hehe... Nexus Prime actually is a transformer
I kind of agree about the name... but I'll still be watching this phone carefully. This is the only thing I've heard of so far that I'd consider giving up my N1 for. Nothing else I've seen is enough of an upgrade to be worth it for me, since my N1 is currently serving my needs beautifully.
Hopefully battery life will be reasonable with that big screen...
I just want something to be confirmed so I can decide to wait or just get the GS2.
Micro SD support is important to me because I need all the extra space. My music library is 24gb and my network coverage isn't very good, so music beta isn't an option. Add Kindle books, Logos library, and other apps and 32gb is hardly enough and doesn't give much room to grow. If Nexus Prime comes with 64gb on board then I won't care about SD support otherwise I will want to move my 32gb micro SD to whatever new phone I get.
crachel said:
Glad this could go to Samsung, their screens are the best currently, but if a "flagship" comes from HTC, I will no question get that as well.
Manufacturers don't like the idea of being number two or III.. hence 'S' and Prime.
...the only one that they will all scramble for is the Nexus 6, since that's a Replicant
The Nexus S doesn't have a microSD, but it has built-in storage that functions exactly the same.. why would you care about this?
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I know it can happen to any device, but I've heard the same story tons of times from samsung's symbian phones with built-in storage back on howardforums as well. Plus, I'd be sad if I couldn't use my 32gb microsd in a future nexus phone
I'd like to at least know by Jul 7 if VZW would be getting a nexus phone
Sent from my Nexus One
It's rumoured that more than one manufacturer may be making an ICS Nexus phone. That would be great.. a selection of good, Vanilla devices!

Is the end of Nexus inevitable? Silver Line to come soon..... Discussion

Hi there
We all must be hearing a lot of rumors about the end of Nexus Line by Google and Launch of Silver in upcoming year, by 2015 according to sources!
Well, according to my knowledge, the Nexus was introduced to increase the number of phones/tablets running Android in fast growing market which was dominated by Ipad/Iphone. As Google earns its 97% of profit due to advertisements, it was inevitable that if Google can increase the number of devices used, it would certainly mean more profit due to coaxing more users to its services and advertisement. This meant that although Google made some profit on Nexus devices but its main aim was to increase the android devices using Google Services like Youtube, Gmail, Google+.
Also, it was a way to provide "pure android experience" to the users free from all freezing which was mostly due to customization of android by different manufacturers.
Devices in the Nexus line do not have manufacturer or wireless carrier modifications to Android (such as custom graphical user interfaces), and have an unlockable bootloader to allow further development and end-user modification.Nexus devices are the first Android devices to receive updates to the operating system and recommended by the Android Open Source Project for Android software development.
Silver line basically is a way to control Samsung influence by Google. The concept is that if a device fulfills certain hardware and software criterias, they would be labelled as SILVER. The Google would ensure that these devices are first to be updated as Google would itself provide the expertise required in development of the android software. Not just that, Google would also give some subsidies which would ensure that if a developer wants a device to be silver, it would be earning more profit than a non silver device. The silver devices would also be kept in special cases in shops to attract more customers. It would also mean that any manufacturer around the world can take part in Silver project and the domination of Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC, Motorola and other big manufacturers would be directly challenged by Google.
This means we would be seeing phones which would be top-notch from small manufactures like MI (XIAOMI), OPPO.
In this regard, Google would also ensure that its services are kept while custom services provided by the manufacturer are kept to minimum!
Now the Google already has a big share in the market by Android's influence and thus it can still earn its profits by advertisement which is about 97%. Thus it does not need to put more nexus devices out there as it is directly challenged by Samsung. Now the competition has begun within Android itself which was with other OS before. The introduction of TIZEN by Samsung is a direct challenge to Android. Tizen's biggest strength in my opinion is that if you programme an app in tizen, you can use the same app in IOS , android and other platforms by just changing very little code!
The only thing I am not sure about is the price of Silver Devices. I am sure there would a tough competition but would that mean we would get the devices as cheap as Nexus line. We can not be sure as it could happen. Suppose the latest Oppo phone is labelled as silver and is selling for 300$, other manufacturers would be forced to keep their price down as nothing separates two Silver devices but we can not be sure as i mentioned before!
I prefer Nexus devices over all others, not due to their development friendly nature but also they provide quick updates, top notch specifications at a very reasonable price.
Plus, Nexus devices are certain to get all CUSTOM ROMS and development is very quick compared to many other devices!
They also keep manufacturers to keep their price in check and they give you a pure android experience which I am not sure Project Silver can promise.
I just hope the Nexus line is always kept by Google. If they can keep on releasing one phone (4.7 inch) and two tablets ( 8 and 10) every year at least with their Silver Project and see if more consumers prefer Silver or Nexus and leave the choice to the consumers!
What do you prefer and give your reasons why you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing if Google gives up Nexus and starts Silver Project?
Update: Nexus is going to stay!! Hip Hip Hooray!
If affordability isn't hit I find no problem with silver program. But I don't think it wouldn't.
At least we will have motorola.
I don't know what others think but Nexus, Samsung and Apple is ending for me, Mipad (Xiaomi) is winning my heart.
This is good since the Nexus line isn't priced fairly world wide. A 16GB Nexus 5 cost like 550 USD in my country (Indonesia) and there's no 32GB version avaliable.
However, the Silver Line shouldn't just apply to high end phones, it should apply to all Android device if this project is to be fair.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
maidangisme said:
I don't know what others think but Nexus, Samsung and Apple is ending for me, Mipad (Xiaomi) is winning my heart.
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All MI products is taking my breath away with its awesome UI, price and hardware !
For now I'm not sure. Not all details about the silver platform are known. I wouldn't have a problem with GPE like devices sold as the Silver line. The downfall will come with the, probably, increased prices of the Silver devices. At least that would be a huge let down for me.
Hopefully companies as Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo and Motorola can fill the gap for high performance devices with a attractive price tag.
RichJo86 said:
Hopefully companies as Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo and Motorola can fill the gap for high performance devices with a attractive price tag.
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Xiaomi already did : Phone -MI2 and MI3, up coming Mipad.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
AnyRom said:
Xiaomi already did : Phone -MI2 and MI3, up coming Mipad.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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True, but if the devices are not in stock... hopefully they can find a way to keep up with the demand.
The Mi3 64GB is only recently in stock if I'm correct, only the 16GB version was sold it small batches.
My problem with this silver program is that price will surely not be nexus levels and I doubt these silver edition phones will have the freedom that nexuses have. Just like Dev editions.... most of which still have restrictions you don't see on a nexus. Example, flashing any bootloader you want, no matter what version.
So I'm not very excited about this potential new direction.
Also, it will split up the current nexus community over multiple devices.
I see silver as mostly good and I am hoping this could put pressure on OEMS to update their phones in a truly timely manner. If this happens I would jump right back on the note bandwagon. I mostly curse touchwiz but they did integrate TW very nicely with the note series...I miss my spen
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I doubt the line will change much, likely just a branding change to help morons who think the Droid phone is the benchmark android phone.
Some kind of new standards are needed because of new device types. Nexus was fine for Android, but now there are Chromecast, Thermostats, and who knows what is next. I think something new like Silver does not necessarily mean dropping Nexus style devices.
So far I'm pretty pleased with Google sponsored devices, both Nexus and Play Edition. I am interested in a tablet larger than Nexus 7 (2013) and I think a new Nexus-or-Play Edition phone on Verizon is needed too.
But, wait and see.:good:
Bob Smith42 said:
Some kind of new standards are needed because of new device types. Nexus was fine for Android, but now there are Chromecast, Thermostats, and who knows what is next. I think something new like Silver does not necessarily mean dropping Nexus style devices.
So far I'm pretty pleased with Google sponsored devices, both Nexus and Play Edition. I am interested in a tablet larger than Nexus 7 (2013) and I think a new Nexus-or-Play Edition phone on Verizon is needed too.
But, wait and see.:good:
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Well for most of us in Europe/ US , we usually take up contracts ! Like I can get an S5 with 2 year contract with free phone/calls/texts/Data for about £45 a month! Usually this is not a case for many others around the world, they have to pay in FULL which makes Nexus price more attractive than Play Editions!
Moreover, the price difference between Nexus and Play Edition is about 150-250 dollars which is a lot . . .
I want new a 10" tablet. Whether it's the silver program or final nexus tablet before silver program
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Free mobile app
Duffmantp said:
I want new a 10" tablet. Whether it's the silver program or final nexus tablet before silver program
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Free mobile app
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We might get one. It is rumoured in upcoming Google I/O 2014
Source phonearena
phonearena edited the post and dismissed a new nexus 10.
Hnk1 said:
We might get one. It is rumoured in upcoming Google I/O 2014
Source phonearena
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They were talking about the old nexus 10 in the photo, not a new one.
madbat99 said:
They were talking about the old nexus 10 in the photo, not a new one.
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Cheers for the correction, there were so many rumours involving a Google nexus 8 and 10 that I'm still confused
I'm still hoping for a nexus 8. My niece would love my n7 2013 and a n8 would be the perfect excuse for me to pass it to her and get one.
ultramancool said:
I doubt the line will change much, likely just a branding change to help morons who think the Droid phone is the benchmark android phone.
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same :/
Maybe not a very exciting answer, but where tech is concerned (and all the rumours that precede any new product) I am a "I'll wait and see" kind of guy. Also, I see no real reason to rush out and buy the latest and greatest all the time what I have is serving its purpose

