heating issues. - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hello. Am on pdateam wp7 7740 rom. I have realized that anytime I access the internet or do anything concerning internet connection the bottom part of my hd2 becomes very warm everytime. It sometimes makes it unable for charging. I want to know whether anyone is also experiencing this problem. And also how I can solve it. Thanks very much....

i to have had this problem. i did NOT have it with ANY rom prior to mango releases. i asked over a week ago if this problem had been addressed and/or fixed in recent releases and have not had any reply. after reading this i suppose the answer is no. as i said, i didn't have this problem with any pre-mango roms.
after i installed yuki & xbmod's 7720 zune updatable anytime i would stream say netflix or youtube for more than 10 minutes i would get the dreaded orange/green flashing led (read up real fast and found out it is an OVERHEAT notification)
one thing that i found is a slightly damp or very cold cloth on the back in the VERY hot area for just a few minutes will cool your leo down enough to start to charge again (leave the cold cloth on as long as you plan on charging after you get the overheat notification). i just love my baby to much to run the risk of burning it up so i went to android.
i REALLY miss WP7 but unless this is corrected or someone can tell me for sure i'll stick with android.
(if anyone knows if this has been resolved or knows a better workaround i'd really appreciate it as i detest the whole lengthy process of going between android to WP7)

kwartey said:
Hello. Am on pdateam wp7 7740 rom. I have realized that anytime I access the internet or do anything concerning internet connection the bottom part of my hd2 becomes very warm everytime. It sometimes makes it unable for charging. I want to know whether anyone is also experiencing this problem. And also how I can solve it. Thanks very much....
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whoops, didnt mean to thank you, ah well, have one on me
anyhow, the only time i get that heat issue is if i go crazy with wifi, day to day its fine, but if i start transfering 100s of MB of data it gets toasty!

Some one shld please help solve this problem.

have you tried messing about with different radios?
the reason some networks use different versions is because the settings suite some areas better than others.
Start with hardware radios as thats easy to change, then move to software radio starting with oldest, mango roms did have a newer software radiuo built in so that might be answer for you

I haven't had this issue since the first wave of roms released pre mango in January. Ever since mango this problem has been cleared up. I'm on BTTF rom 7740. Back on pre mango roms it would get so hot I could barely hold it. But now on Yuki & Xboxmods rom it NEVER heats up. Just my experience.
Sent from my King LEO using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

JonnieLasVegas said:
I haven't had this issue since the first wave of roms released pre mango in January. Ever since mango this problem has been cleared up. I'm on BTTF rom 7740. Back on pre mango roms it would get so hot I could barely hold it. But now on Yuki & Xboxmods rom it NEVER heats up. Just my experience.
Sent from my King LEO using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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would you mind sharing what setup your running? because ive had quite the opposite experience ... pre-mango = no issues! mango (BTTF) = the above mentioned issue ...

dazza9075 said:
have you tried messing about with different radios?
the reason some networks use different versions is because the settings suite some areas better than others.
Start with hardware radios as thats easy to change, then move to software radio starting with oldest, mango roms did have a newer software radiuo built in so that might be answer for you
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ok thanks.and by the way,what's a software and hardware radio?..and can u please give me a list of compatible mango radios...

well, hardware radio is what you used to flash when dealing with WM6.5, you can find all the radios in the HD2 wiki or 6.5 development forum, that is easy to flash as all you have to do is stick it in tricolour bootloader, and flash via your pc using the customRUU, typically these are named
there are a lot more than that, different areas will like different radios, trial and error is usually the only way to go, for example, you may lose the heat issue but lose signal as well, or perhaps your battery life will improve or drop like a rock
The software radio is something windows phone brought to us, as far as i can tell the only way to change that is via flashing WP7 again, you essentially swap out the part00.bin from the install folder and replace it with a different radio version
a quick search on the windows phone 7 HD2 stickys should find what your are looking for
but these radios are typically called
again, there are a lot more than those ive lists, i think there are about 11 in total.

kwartey said:
Hello. Am on pdateam wp7 7740 rom. I have realized that anytime I access the internet or do anything concerning internet connection the bottom part of my hd2 becomes very warm everytime. It sometimes makes it unable for charging. I want to know whether anyone is also experiencing this problem. And also how I can solve it. Thanks very much....
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Read pdateam first thread again. he told you to change the radio and steps on how to change it. i never used v3 radio.. i told v2 radio into v3 no heating really.

iKilla said:
Read pdateam first thread again. he told you to change the radio and steps on how to change it. i never used v3 radio.. i told v2 radio into v3 no heating really.
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so please kindly tell me how to do that. thanks.

kwartey said:
so please kindly tell me how to do that. thanks.
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Follow Steps
Thanks gecemavisi026
fix the battery charge
1. Get 3 Color screen before you install the boot device Radio_2_12_50_02_2
2. Get 3 Color screen before you install the boot device MAGLDR113_DAF
3. To return to radio 5.51 (Change in the data.zip part00.bin)
4. WP7 ROM install
Download: http://www.multiupload.com/GWK1DBS64B
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T-Mobile Releasing 2nd ROM Update for HD2

I was on the phone with T-Mobile Support (611), regarding my HD2 and the issues that I am still having with this device. The rep. stated that T-Mobile is aware of the issues on the phone and that the 1st ROM update did not resolve them all and caused some new ones.
She stated specifically this new update would resolve the issue of the device hanging after you try to wake up the phone...also, the "unreliable data connection" issue is still prevalent (I still have this problem - and I have tried everything I can think of or read about). She stated that there are other fixes that they are working on to resolve with this new update.
I could not get a solid time frame, but she stated that it should be pretty quick, given that they issued the first one within a short time frame after the HD2 release.
Now, I'm not sure if this means an upgrade from 6.5 to 6.5.3, but I wouldn't count on it. I just hope it is released soon. This device is so nice and so awful at the same time. Constantly I experience little nagging issues that make using this device such a hassle.
Have you tried just flashing it to one of these custom ROMs?
No I have not yet tried the custom ROM yet on the HD2. I like the way the T-Mobile ROM are, I just am getting fed up with the "unreliable data connection" BS. Also, the phone (since the ROM update) has been running slow and I don't think that is acceptable with the 1GHz snapdragon on this device. My only other issue is that the speaker phone stops working because T-Mobile added some stupid software to the device. If you dial 611, the software pops up and tries to solve your problem via webpage and stops the speaker phone from working till you restart the device.
While that is a short list of issues, they are major issues in using the device. But I think i will wait till this 2nd update comes out...if it does not resolve my issues, custom ROM here I come!
I belive flashing NRG will solve your issues It did mine.
Which issue did it solve? The data connection issue?
Data and freezing as well not to mention the phone just flies now. flashing a new radio fixed reception issue
well I will give it a try and see if it resolves my issues as well. I figure we have about a month or so before T-mobile releases the 2nd update. I know I will not be able to last that long with these issues. It is just a pain in the a-- to flash ROMs every day...I'm not into doing it all the time. I would like to find a good stable ROM and run with it. It just takes too much time flashing and reinstalling all those programs and changing the settings to where I like them all (too much work).
Like I said it is a shame, i really like this device on paper, but in the real world is just has some serious issues. I thought i would get a year or two out of this device when i bought it, now I am already looking to swap this puppy out. I'm looking to see what is coming down the pipeline. I refuse to go with WP7 (feels like the step backwards with it limitations as compared to WM6.5 - and i don't want a device that clones the iPhone of 4 years ago)
Anyone other suggestion on custom ROMs?
NRG 21911 is very solid and you don't have to flash everyday it has xda uc and pim backup witch will back up and reinstall all your software I did it yesterday in about 20 min. I refrain from flashing during the week. the the first time it will take about an hour just read all you can on it. 670megs free space on device 13gigs on sd and 300 megs of free RAM
I'm downloading the 23121 Cookie Dinik Glass version right now...I'll let you know how it works on my device. thanks for pointing me in this direction, appreciate it!
tmobile rep told me the same thing after I had a warranty exchange, she said to expect the update soon as there are alot of people experiencing problems with the current software. Although to be honest after running Android on my HD2 I dont think I ever want to use winmo again.
are you getting everything to work with Android? i did not think they have a fully functional Android ROM for the HD2 yet
They're all the same...
My biggest complaint is the bad data connection. Paying too much money for crappy connection. I can't even get connection in my lower level of my house. I think every carrier and cell phones all have their own problems. My two co-workers, one with Droid and the other iPhone have similar problems. Droid keeps freezing 2 warranty phone exchanges so far and iPhone looses connection frequently. iPhone guy wishes his would freeze so he could get a replacement. So it's not just me.
Help me please
So i tried to install android, and on gthe web it said i needed to install hpsl well my phone had it set to 2.10 they stated i needed 2.08 or earlier so i did it but the install still didn't work !!! How can i return my phone back to 2.10 and still get my warranty back
android fo real?
cabrone said:
tmobile rep told me the same thing after I had a warranty exchange, she said to expect the update soon as there are alot of people experiencing problems with the current software. Although to be honest after running Android on my HD2 I dont think I ever want to use winmo again.
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i read on pocetnow that android is being worked on on xda. seen a couple of post too, but there is always some component not really working. is there an official android post where all the kinks are worked out? i would like to switch if thats the case. thanks.
Wow is all I can say about that NRG ROM....it is great! does everything I have been looking for, no data connection issues since last night (I'll report back on this issue as time goes by). It's fast and very stable (so far, but hell I'm impressed), and I did not even use most stable version the 21911.
The UI is great, I love the three pages of app slot, everything is within one or two finger stokes this way. It also gets rid of the apps that I don't want (ie TelNav, etc...) but keeps most of the apps that I do want...I can always install cabs for the programs I want from the official ROM. Plus it has cooked into it all those sweet tweaks and settings. Great work, I'm not even waiting for T-mobile to release the 2nd update any longer.
Thanks gtrplr71 again for suggesting this custom ROM, it's so nice, I don’t even think I will be trying out any other ROMs.
I would not get hopes up of a 6.5.3 upgrade. Could you imagine the Technical support nightmare if they had to troubleshoot 2 different OS versions?
This is one reason I think Android and Linux will really take off in the future.
steve austin said:
i read on pocetnow that android is being worked on on xda. seen a couple of post too, but there is always some component not really working. is there an official android post where all the kinks are worked out? i would like to switch if thats the case. thanks.
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There's a HD2 Android section in the original HD2 area (euro hd2 section).... but it is a work in progress. There are still a lot of issues and kinks. It will be a while before it works as well as a native android phone. But the progress they've made is unbelievable. It's great having both winmo and android on my phone.
jfarhat said:
Wow is all I can say about that NRG ROM....it is great! does everything I have been looking for, no data connection issues since last night (I'll report back on this issue as time goes by). It's fast and very stable (so far, but hell I'm impressed), and I did not even use most stable version the 21911.
The UI is great, I love the three pages of app slot, everything is within one or two finger stokes this way. It also gets rid of the apps that I don't want (ie TelNav, etc...) but keeps most of the apps that I do want...I can always install cabs for the programs I want from the official ROM. Plus it has cooked into it all those sweet tweaks and settings. Great work, I'm not even waiting for T-mobile to release the 2nd update any longer.
Thanks gtrplr71 again for suggesting this custom ROM, it's so nice, I don’t even think I will be trying out any other ROMs.
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your welcome don't forget to make a backup with pim backup to your sd card and use xda uc once you get things settled. Have fun!
how does the xda uc work? i could not figure that out, when I ran the app it stated that i did not have that file on my storage card...but it appeared there somehow.
Also, the incall record does not seem to work at all. when i lauch it (after I connect or before I connect a call) all I get is a blank lined page (note pad page).
And, is there a list of the added and removed apps somewhere? I could not find it in the ROM thread.
As for the 6.5.3 upgrade from T-Mobile, i don't think it will happen either and right now, after trying the NRG ROM...I don't care. I'm not even going to try the T-mobile 2nd ROM upgrade. Now with Android comes along on the HD2 (fully functional) then i will surely set up a dual boot situation on my HD2. That is like the best of both world.
(xda uc)-you wont notice anything different It will run and monitor the phone for new settings when you decide to flash a new build it will auto run and import settings and apps.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=653563 (stock apps) I am not familer with in-call record is that an app? this link might help
tip = turn off second hand on clock in CHT misc settings sync errors happen if you dont
You can PM me if you need more help!

Please do not upgrade to the last version posted in htc web page!!

All, I just repeated my flashing of the last official upgrade posted on Oct 19th 2010 for the HD2 in the HTC web page, Support area. It makes the unit go TERRIBLY SLOW ALL THE TIMES!!, the memory consumption can arrive up to 90% with NO APPLICATION OPEN!!!!!!!! IT IS A DISASTER!! I think that if HTC see a forum here it will pay attention and remove that upgrade from web page. At least for the Chezck region. The phone said it had an amount of memory free when you installed programs, but when you went to see the value in the About area, the numbers were very different. I just moved back to the previous version.
you have hspl installed still, would be my guess.
if not, do a hard reset and start over. perhaps even flash it again.
Sir 90% of the problems on the latest stock Rom 3.14, isn't the fold of Device/Rom
But the user!
Stock Rom 3.14 isn't compatible with HSPL.
Is this a problem of HTC??? No!!!
Because this is a product create by users not support by HTC.
I've been using it for2 wks and I find it extremely stable and very fast. So except for some bugs n issues that I've already reported to HTC hoping for a hotfix soon (lack of slide down menu and inability to use other phone features during a phone call, poor radio reach/higher battery drain being a couple of ones that bother me the most), it's worth giving it a try if you want a speedy and crash free experience for a while.
Btw, in my case, the upgrade was from stock ROM 1.66, and no HSPL/cooked Roms ever installed.
Tethering with Rom 3.14?
Does the new rom permit tethering via Tools/Internet Sharing?
mandel4026 said:
Does the new rom permit tethering via Tools/Internet Sharing?
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Hi mandel4026,
I wonder why do you doubt the 'Tethering' option in the HTC official ROM upgrade.
The HTC website mentions:
* Internet Sharing through USB or Bluetooth
* Wi-Fi Router'
as it's specification. I believe that they wouldn't turn-off the feature this ways through a ROM upgrade.
mandel is worried that he thinks since tmobile will charge seperately for tethering now, the new rom upgrade for tmobile will have the function bundled to tmobile applications and not as default in device tools like in roms elsewhere outside the US...i think it may not be the case, mandel
lovanova said:
I've been using it for2 wks and I find it extremely stable and very fast. So except for some bugs n issues that I've already reported to HTC hoping for a hotfix soon (lack of slide down menu and inability to use other phone features during a phone call, poor radio reach/higher battery drain being a couple of ones that bother me the most), it's worth giving it a try if you want a speedy and crash free experience for a while.
Btw, in my case, the upgrade was from stock ROM 1.66, and no HSPL/cooked Roms ever installed.
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I have updated to 3.4 and on the whole it works great but I also have the issue that in a call there is no slide down menu as in the prvious and none of the functions work - not even bringing up the keypad or putting it on speaker!!
Has anybody found a fix for this or do we need to wait for a hotfix from HTC??
DexterDuck said:
I have updated to 3.4 and on the whole it works great but I also have the issue that in a call there is no slide down menu as in the prvious and none of the functions work - not even bringing up the keypad or putting it on speaker!!
Has anybody found a fix for this or do we need to wait for a hotfix from HTC??
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slide down menu in call can be shown/hidden by using bsb tweaks
DexterDuck said:
I have updated to 3.4 and on the whole it works great but I also have the issue that in a call there is no slide down menu as in the prvious and none of the functions work - not even bringing up the keypad or putting it on speaker!!
Has anybody found a fix for this or do we need to wait for a hotfix from HTC??
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Has thee been an official 02 one yet or are you using one from elsewhere?
Imperator Nick said:
Has thee been an official 02 one yet or are you using one from elsewhere?
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no, not yet. watch this page
phone screens work perfectly for me, speaker buttons and keypad much easier to access without that slide down panel
just installed it....will see how slow it is
lovanova said:
I've been using it for2 wks and I find it extremely stable and very fast. So except for some bugs n issues that I've already reported to HTC hoping for a hotfix soon (lack of slide down menu and inability to use other phone features during a phone call, poor radio reach/higher battery drain being a couple of ones that bother me the most), it's worth giving it a try if you want a speedy and crash free experience for a while.
Btw, in my case, the upgrade was from stock ROM 1.66, and no HSPL/cooked Roms ever installed.
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Ho! that's really stable then
Minor issues, who wants to use the phone features or bother about radio or battery efficiency??
I see that the HTC support are still doing good...
PS: do yourself a favor, replace their "romgarbage" and try some on this forum.
I had Artemis 29 for months with nearly no issues. It also solved all HTC rom issue I had!
samsamuel said:
you have hspl installed still, would be my guess.
if not, do a hard reset and start over. perhaps even flash it again.
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hi guys, i have the same problem with memory and another strange problem is, i cannot install some of my medical programs. Is there anyway to restore the old HSPL? or any other solution. I tested some of the customized and they were unstable, so i prefer to use the stock rom? so any solution for HSPL restoring?
htchd2sucks said:
Ho! that's really stable then
Minor issues, who wants to use the phone features or bother about radio or battery efficiency??
I see that the HTC support are still doing good...
PS: do yourself a favor, replace their "romgarbage" and try some on this forum.
I had Artemis 29 for months with nearly no issues. It also solved all HTC rom issue I had!
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Ok, I gotta admit I use another phone for calls usually, son HD2 isn't my primary phone for that matter.
I'm still on the fence about cooked Roms, I believe they aren't bug free either and besides, I'm worried about software conflicts (?), so I'm not sure. Not to mention all the hassle if ever needed to revert to stock roms. I guess a bit of 'bricking' phobia too.

Just an answer to my question.

Phone freezes no matter what I try. Stumped
I have a question that seems not to be able to get answered where ever I post it. so please forgive me for posting here if this is not the correct place. I have been trying android from the beginning and I've tried everyones builds. from winmo to droid and different radios to find the right combination. The problem i keep running into is that my phone freezes up no matter what i do. I tried the letama .2 & .3. This problem even occurs in winmo even with the sd out. I may get a full day out of it with no problems then the problem returns. Right know i'm running MDJ Froyo revolution v.1.3 and winmo ozrom 5.10 wwe and radio Also, wipe the sd clean every time i switch builds or upgrade. Haven't figured out how to do logs yet. still searching and reading to try and teach myself how to be more useful around the forums. Thanks and I appreciate all the hard work the DEVS put in. That's why i follow the rules except this time.
cwsmall said:
That's why i follow the rules except this time.
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Obey the rules!
Naa, just kidding. But if your phone's freezing even in WinMo there's something really messed up. Did you try to make a task 29 and flash your ROM again? That might be helpful.. If not, turn your phone back to original standards (ROM, HSPL, Radio must be as given by the factory) and go to your retailor to use your guarantee if you still have.
Obey the rules!
Naa, just kidding. But if your phone's freezing even in WinMo there's something really messed up. Did you try to make a task 29 and flash your ROM again? That might be helpful.. If not, turn your phone back to original standards (ROM, HSPL, Radio must be as given by the factory) and go to your retailor to use your guarantee if you still have.
I like you sense of humor. thank you for taking the time and commenting. there has been 30+ people that have viewed this and haven't even responded. But, some can ask like where is the download link and we all now where its at. always at the beginning of the thread,but they get all kind of replies. It just makes no sense to me when someone has a legit question they can't get much help. don't really understand that. Thought we were here to help each other.I don't believe that its an issue hardware issue. i believe its more software than anything. It comes and goes. My phone was going thru a period where it would reboot all by itself with no apparent reason. Then all of a sudden it stopped it and hasn't done that for 4 to 6 weeks.
really 97 views and no insight.
you tried the stock factory rom?? It might be hardware. You will be surprised a tiny drop of water inside your phone will slowly mess up your phone through a long period of time.
Are you on tmobile? I will try to look for a stock rom for you.
BTW, what do you mean by freezing? it hiccups or you have to do a battery pull.
cwsmall said:
really 97 views and no insight.
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btw, your title is a curious one, that is why you have many views and received little to no response. If they can't help you they won't post anything. But I will try my best to see whats going on.
if your suffering from the freezes in winmo and android then you I think that you need to forget about android for the time being and concentrate on getting a stable WM set up........
If you havent already done so then try a hard reset and see if that helps.......
try booting and running your phone with and without your sd card........
with and without your sim card........
if it still happens after the hard reset then you will need to reflash your WM rom, if you plan on using the phone mostly for android then I would opt for a basic rom like the energy reference series or one of duttys roms.....
there are many reasons why your phone might freeze and you need to spend time trying all situations to figure out what makes it freeze..........
if it still happens after the reset/reflash then we can only assume that it is a serious problem which may well require a warranty replacement.....
if your suffering from the freezes in winmo and android then you I think that you need to forget about android for the time being and concentrate on getting a stable WM set up........
I have tried all that you have suggested. The curious thing to me is that it seems to come and go. It first started with the energy rom and it's also happened with dutty's as well. if you guys know how to pull logs that devs need is possible you could give me a run down on how and then maybe i can find out if it is hardware. My phone has never been near water. i'm very careful about that. I'm using ozrom now. This is the 3rd HD2 i've had. the last one lost all touch response. I just have a feeling its software, but i just have a gut feeling on that. Thanks everyone though for your input i greatly appreciate it and keep it coming.
BTW, what do you mean by freezing? it hiccups or you have to do a battery pull.
I have to pull the battery. Then i may have to leave it out for a minute or two maybe longer then replace battery before it will load windows. it will just show the splash screen.
was this happening even when you were running the stock rom?
Have you tried to reformat your SD Card? I have two, and when I used my original card received with my HD2, TMOUSA, it would freeze. Since I reformatted and use new and old card, no problems for over a month.
was this happening even when you were running the stock rom?
Have you tried to reformat your SD Card? I have two, and when I used my original card received with my HD2, TMOUSA, it would freeze. Since I reformatted and use new and old card, no problems for over a month.
yes. I have two the 16 that came with it and an 8. it happens with both. I reformat every time i switch builds.
I see that your using radio 2.10 and that caused my HD2 to freeze a lot. change your radio to 2.12 or 2.14
I use the same Android build as you but with the elegancia gtx wm rom with radio 2.14 and after upgrading the radio the freezing (SOD) stopped.
I started using the radio 2.15.50 and have had no problems whatsoever. Also unchecking auto rotate and auto britghtness helps. Sometimes redownloading and installing your Android helps if you got a bad download the first time.
now runnning enery extreme from 11/5 and mdj desire hd with his newest kernel smartass and the only time it freezes in during a call. usually anywhere from 5 - 15 minutes into the call. Anyone have any insight two a possible solution?
This is what I would do:
1. Task 29
2. Flash a slim WM ROM such as the one mentioned in my signature.
3. Flash a NEW RADIO...at least 2.12 or even higher.
3a. Install NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Just answer and make calls. Period.
4. Test that build for two days. If I have freezups, then my phone is bad and I would flash the stock rom and radio and return it. If it does not freezup goto 5.
5. Completely reformat my SD card to Fat32 32kb (or 64kb if you think it affects stuttering in music).
6. Since you and I are both in the US, I recommend getting an Android that has a built in TMO MMS fix such as the new MDJ build (with link to MMS fix) or the fine MooMoo build or even Bluetopia.
7. Test the basic features in Android for two days minimum and see if I get freezeups (after disabling auto-rotate and wi-fi on the Android build as well as completely shutting off all radios in WM).
8. Be glad I got this far, and slowly reinstall my apps, testing each thoroughly for freezing.
This is what I would do:
1. Task 29
2. Flash a slim WM ROM such as the one mentioned in my signature.
3. Flash a NEW RADIO...at least 2.12 or even higher.
3a. Install NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Just answer and make calls. Period.
4. Test that build for two days. If I have freezups, then my phone is bad and I would flash the stock rom and radio and return it. If it does not freezup goto 5.
5. Completely reformat my SD card to Fat32 32kb (or 64kb if you think it affects stuttering in music)
Thanks for taking the time to post this i appreciate it. I have tried it all. It appears to be getting better. I have been using MDJ's kernels since he posted them with his desire hd build. I have always felt that it was software related and not hardware. It appears to me to be caused maybe by the data drops from ppp. Not sure though till i teach myself how to do that. thanks again though.
Turned out to be a hardware issue. Got my new replacement and it works flawless. Can't believe the fun I was missing. At least it was a great learning experience.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Desire using XDA App

Help with Telstra HD2 & Android

hey guys. ok ive searched and searched and gone through thread after thread to try and find a working android build for an AUSTRALIAN TELSTRA HD2.
im still using the phone on the telstra network and have yet to find a rom/radio/android combination that works.
so far most ones ive tried have the problems where i cant answer half of my calls since the screen was so moody or other ones the battery would drain in just a few hours.
i keep hearing that mdj's latest desire hd build is fantastic so if anyone has a good combination of a rom + radio + android build that would work for my hd2 then i will love you forever!!!
I have a t9193 as well but first thing I did was flash a custom rom.
I am using Dutty's v9 on the windows mobile side and Mdeejay's 4.3 desire hd on the android side. It works fine but it needs a little time to get going. Also, you will need to set your apn info manually in Android so take note of it in windows. I am using the latest radio without problems. T9193 is able to support most roms out there contrary to the t-mobile version.
Miri's v25 on htcpedia.com also works great.
Good luck.
darrengladysz said:
I have a t9193 as well but first thing I did was flash a custom rom.
I am using Dutty's v9 on the windows mobile side and Mdeejay's 4.3 desire hd on the android side. It works fine but it needs a little time to get going. Also, you will need to set your apn info manually in Android so take note of it in windows. I am using the latest radio without problems. T9193 is able to support most roms out there contrary to the t-mobile version.
Miri's v25 on htcpedia.com also works great.
Good luck.
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alright ive put on that combination exactly and it still has a problem where sometimes it DOESNT come back from the black screen when locked. is there any fix for this as its been my main android problem since the beginning T-T
You need to change the radio rom to something that ends in .50. Telstra radio roms seem to end in .51. I use and it seems to work ok.
I'm using MDJ_FroYo_HD_v._4.3_MDJ_S7.5HD with my wm being Cheetah Rom 3.14 base. I've been running this for a few days now and its pretty stable.
Good luck with your Android, gingerbread (Android 2.3), will probably be available soon too, waiting for that...
ultramag69 said:
You need to change the radio rom to something that ends in .50. Telstra radio roms seem to end in .51. I use and it seems to work ok.
I'm using MDJ_FroYo_HD_v._4.3_MDJ_S7.5HD with my wm being Cheetah Rom 3.14 base. I've been running this for a few days now and its pretty stable.
Good luck with your Android, gingerbread (Android 2.3), will probably be available soon too, waiting for that...
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yeh im using a .50. type radio and STILL having problems its like my phone doesnt want to do android at all and its really starting to frustrate me. almost to the point of wanting another phone. do i need to be doing anything else or doing a few more restarts???
karasu666 said:
alright ive put on that combination exactly and it still has a problem where sometimes it DOESNT come back from the black screen when locked. is there any fix for this as its been my main android problem since the beginning T-T
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I had this issue initially on 1st and 2nd boot or so. Don't forget that Android is run from sd card. You have to give 1-2 seconds to get going and load up the info from the sd.
When this happens, hit the end call button until the keypads light up and wait a few seconds. Make sure your keypad is lit up as it sometimes closes again. You can hit the call button and middle button as well.
Also, make sure that you uncheck auto intensity for display in windows mobile and I set the display time out to 10 minutes in Android.
Here is a trick and use and it seems to work. I let android sit for about 15-30 minutes on first boot to allow it to be stabilized and allow all the syncs to take place (the hd rom actually will download and re-install all marketplace apps - have a look in marketplace under downloads to see this). I then restart it a few times after that and even let it sit a bit to finalize everything. Don't ask me why but this helps a lot. Android seems to get faster each time. You also may want to postpone sync with exchange/outlook and also htc sense until your 4-5 boot.
Lastly, when you first start an application (each time you boot up) there is a slight lag so exercise some patience. After that it is very fast.
Hope this helps. If you want a faster build that is non desire hd based you can try mdeejay evo sense revolution build. It is not as fancy as the hd build but is lightning fast.
karasu666 said:
hey guys. ok ive searched and searched and gone through thread after thread to try and find a working android build for an AUSTRALIAN TELSTRA HD2.
im still using the phone on the telstra network and have yet to find a rom/radio/android combination that works.
so far most ones ive tried have the problems where i cant answer half of my calls since the screen was so moody or other ones the battery would drain in just a few hours.
i keep hearing that mdj's latest desire hd build is fantastic so if anyone has a good combination of a rom + radio + android build that would work for my hd2 then i will love you forever!!!
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I also happen 2 own an Australian HD2 off Telstra and use both Telstra and Vodafone sims. Check my sig for the Win Rom/ Android combination. It works well for me, I've tried most of Mdj's Android roms as well but have found Sergio's Core Droid to be the most stable. Any of NRGZ28's Windows Roms will work well with Android, give it a go. I also downgraded my radio from 2.15 to 2.12 and that seems 2 work better for me. Hope that helps
My Telstra HD2 is running Android perfectly.
However, I want to watch Foxtel on it but says it doesn't recognise my HD2 as a Telstra device.
It is a T9193 from Telstra, but there must be a setting somewhere that's not right.
Any help would be awesome.

[ROM]RUU_Schubert_TMOUS_1.54.531.02_Radio_5.51.09.29a_2, by ansar.

A new ROM for the TMOUS operator:
see also thread: Windows Phone 7 Branded ROMs for Schubert
Till next version enjoy!!!
Regards, ansar.
ansar.ath.gr said:
A new ROM for the TMOUS operator:
see also thread: Windows Phone 7 Branded ROMs for Schubert
Till next version enjoy!!!
Regards, ansar.
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hey ansar, nothing about unlocking tmobile version??
Okay.. this is driving me nuts.
I have the TMOUS HD7 synced with Zune and the ROMUpdateUtility is not able to connect to the phone.
I've tried this with Windows 7 and XP computers... both with admin and non-admin accounts.
Any idea what I'm missing?
Turn of the phone.
Then Hold power button and volume down.
You will enter the bootloader.
Wait till it says on the bottom USB and
Then launch the update app
Thank you for the tip! For whatever reason, all I saw was "Serial" the first time I went into the bootloader. It came up "USB" this time so I have it flashed now... thanks again
Dear ansar, pls kindly check ur download link, i can download ur rom from this link. If u can, upload ur rom to mediafire. Tks
Just an FYI, this new radio greatly improves battery life, but for me it added a major bug. When talking to someone the screen actually times out and if its been like two minutes and you pull the phone away to hang up, the proximity sensor doesn't register because the phone is "sleeping"... Flashing back to original tmous fixes, its a shame because i was getting like 5 hrs extra life on battery.
microhaxo said:
Just an FYI, this new radio greatly improves battery life, but for me it added a major bug. When talking to someone the screen actually times out and if its been like two minutes and you pull the phone away to hang up, the proximity sensor doesn't register because the phone is "sleeping"... Flashing back to original tmous fixes, its a shame because i was getting like 5 hrs extra life on battery.
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I've actually been having that issue with the older version (and this is my 2nd HD7 as well with the same issue). The proximity/light sensors turn the phone on/off during a call properly, but after a minute or two of talking, the phone no longer turns on when I pull it away from my face. I don't know if this is by design or a bug.
Also: Is this just a radio update? Or is there more to it than this? Software? Updated WP7?
prjkthack said:
I've actually been having that issue with the older version (and this is my 2nd HD7 as well with the same issue). The proximity/light sensors turn the phone on/off during a call properly, but after a minute or two of talking, the phone no longer turns on when I pull it away from my face. I don't know if this is by design or a bug.
Also: Is this just a radio update? Or is there more to it than this? Software? Updated WP7?
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It is present to all phones, at least for those i tested of.
A work around for me was the change of screen time-out setting in lock & wallpaper.
This version improves both OEM and Radio firmware.
Regards, ansar.
So is this then the latest ROM for the T-Mobile US HD7?
Yes, it's the newest. Also it improves battery life greatly. After flashing back to original and back to this one i've noticed that the proximity lock bug during phone call doesn't happen any more, seems random for when it happens on new flashes.
ansar.ath.gr said:
It is present to all phones, at least for those i tested of.
A work around for me was the change of screen time-out setting in lock & wallpaper.
This version improves both OEM and Radio firmware.
Regards, ansar.
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I was able to install this ROM to my phone and it's been very good so far actually, thank you.
Hi, ansar.
Can i unlocked my T-MOBILE?
I have to say, ever since using this newer ROM with the updated radios, my phone has lasted longer battery wise, and reception has even improved greatly. I get better data speeds, and there is even a slight improvement in overall performance of Windows Phone 7. It's all been pretty nice.
Thanks ansar.
Dumb question: But does flashing this erase all my stuff?
art0605 said:
Dumb question: But does flashing this erase all my stuff?
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Yes, this is essentially a hard reset. Everything gets wiped and you start all over again.
prjkthack said:
Yes, this is essentially a hard reset. Everything gets wiped and you start all over again.
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Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
art0605 said:
Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
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I didn't have to. With the free apps I installed it actually notified me that I'd already purchased the app and asked if I would simply like to download it again.
art0605 said:
Ok, thanks for the heads up. Even though that's not I wanted to hear!
Final dumb question: If I purchased and installed an app prior to the hard reset, will I have to buy the app again after the process?
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Your purchases and app downloads are tied to the primary Windows Live ID on your phone (the first Windows Live ID that you set up on your phone). So as long as you sign in with that same ID, you can redownload all your applications to your phone without charge. If you plug in your phone to your computer and sync it right after you hard reset, Zune will even restore all your apps for it so you don't have to go through the Marketplace manually.
Hello, as successful as I have been with this ROM I must note that it is a little bit buggy.
Today my phone rebooted for the first time since I've owned it for example. Also, I think it affects the 3G/2G selection process in a negative way. Normally I use ##3282# to set my phone 3G only but it seems to ignore the setting at times...

