Where can one buy the TF101G? in the UK or EU for delivery to UK? - Eee Pad Transformer General

Where can one buy the TF101G? in the UK or EU for delivery to UK?


want to purchase XDAII (unlocked)

Hi Developers.
Can anyone sell me (via mail order or so) one or two pcs of already unlocked XDAII. Can be "slightly" preowned.
In Finland, were I come from, it is unavailable.
@vick palmqvist
Yu can buy it new in Denmark
In the left sØg write QTEK 2020 They are unlocked
thank you JoseF.
But it is too expensive there...
Try the Singapore or Hong Kong sellers on ebay. I got mine from Hong Kong and it is fine. Or you can even try COMPUME in Dubai. All of them sell XDA IIs completely unlocked (English ROM) but expect to pay around USD900 for the units.

Selling a Brand New Orange M1000(XDA2)unlocked. No contract!

If anyone is interested. :?
Am prepared to ship out of UK if the shipping is covered

On sale now - TMobile Germany


HTC Touch HD NL & FR delayed at Ingram Micro Belgium

The International English models already arrived early last week, and the NL and FR versions were set to arrive today or on wensday, but the status has changed and the delivery date has change to the last week of November.
Anywhere else where English versions are available but other language versions are delayed again?
Just bought my HD at the FNAC store in Brussels today. UK version, of course. Vendor told me FR/NL versions were due in store next week.
nl versions here in holland in the shops, just took i walk to the shop to look at one....
I bought my HD NL last Saturday in Vandenborre Belgium
I bought my HD FRL (benelux) Friday 07 november in Mediamrkt Belgium.
Ingram Micro is a supplier, the reason for this message is to tell anyone who ordered or waits for a store or company that orders HTC trough Ingram Micro, will have to wait for the NL and FR versions.
I can surely say it's here now.
It came in today, and I immediately bought it.
I was just on the phone with vodafone NL, and they told me it will come out end december begin 2009 if you want to get it with a vodafone contract. So i think thats also by Ingram Micro.
For those waiting for it to be supplied by vodafone, like me, this is bad news.
I think I will have to look for the phone without a contract. This will hurt my wallet.

[Q] Anyone seen it in Asia? (HK, Singa)

as per title, anyone seen it either in Hong Kong, Singapore or even Vietnam (Where I'm currently living\working) ?
Expansys are showing it online with price for the 32gb version in Singapore, but no price in HK yet or for the 64gb version.
HK people have no idea what the One is, then tried to sell me the XZ and the Note 2.
Sent from something that's BETTER THAN YOURS

