Strange error while returning an Object value - Android Software Development

I posted my problem at stackoverflow, please help me if you can.
my problem is very.. different. I got a code similar to:
public class PlayerCharacter
public void move(int direction)
if(direction != 0) //Skips this
else //Enter here
destinationMap = GamePlayScreen.canTransferMap(direction);
public Class GamePlayScreen
private PlayerCharacter p;
private static GamePlayScreen instance;
public void codeStartsHere()
//heppens in motionEvent only
public static Map canTransferMap(int direction)
return instance.canTransferToMap(direction); //returns here the currect value
private Map canTransferToMap(int direction)
return getMap(nextMapName); //returns here the currect value
public Map getMap(String mapName)
for(Map t : maps)
if(t.getMapName().equals(mapName) == true)
return t; //returns here the currect value
return null; //never gets here
Everything works fine until "GamePlayScreen.canTransferMap(direction)" ends. Though it gets the correct value from "instance.canTransferToMap(direction)", when I watch PlayerCharacter->move->destinationMap I see that it returns a null!
I went step by step and watched the return values in every "return", before & after it: it returns null instead of the value! What is even stranger, it ALWAYS works at the first time and fails at the 2nd.
I updated the android SDK but didn't help, and so reinstalling the application & doing "project->clean".
1. I'm using Galaxy S I9000, eclipse and it is a canvas drawn application.
2. I wrote as close a copy as I could (please note that this is my REAL code).
Thanks in advance

It's hard to tell for sure, but I think you've got a scope problem. You're assigning a value to destinationMap by calling a static function of the class GamePlayScreen, but the static function is calling non-static functions within the same class so unless maps is declared static, your for loop: for (Map t: maps) , is probably returning a local variable Map that is going out of scope as soon as your call return t.

It isn't a local array, it's "private ArrayList<Map> maps;" that is defined along side "private PlayerCharacter p;" and "private static GamePlayScreen instance;" in GamePlayScreen's instance;
I tired to replace the "for-each" loop with a regular "for" but it doesn't change anything.
Though a return of a non-existing object address may sound logical, it is not possible in Java because all of the objects are allocated in the heap and not in stack. (Though I had such problems in C++)

Well, I'd have to see all the code involved I guess. I know that all objects in Java are heap based, but that also means that they must be new'd somewhere too and I saw no new for the Map object, but I suppose you did that when you placed them in the ArrayList. The static qualifier on canTransferMap() throws me off though. Why is it there if you're returning a properly new'd object?

In my code I wish to access GamePlayScreen's data from within PlayerCharacter, even though I do not have the needed reference.
My solution for that is to have a static reference to GamePlayScreen in GamePlayScreen and thus it is available from everywhere. (And I know I will not have more then one GamePlayScreen at once in my game)
About the "new" keyword, as for now I have zero "new"-s while playing the game.
I pre-allocate ALL of my data and release the temporary in a loading screen, right before the actual game starts.


Application Request for Weight Watchers Points Calculator

Can someone make a .cab or an .exe program to calculate Weight Watchers points? I found this article on the internet where it looks like someone as already done it but they did not post it. Here is the article
Craig Dahlinger
<< Presenting at Richdmond code camp 2008.2 | Home | mshtml – the ongoing adventure >> windows mobile meets weight watchers : MVP style Ok, so I know it has been a long time since a post, but it has been really busy with work and family. I have been busy coding and learning lots of new stuff. I work with a great bunch of developers and my current team lead is a great mentor.
Well for the new year the wife and I decided to get back into shape. I started hitting the gym and so did she but she is also doing weight watchers with a friend. One of the things they do is they have to calculate points on a daily basis. These points are comprised of calories, fat and fiber. There is a formula for these three which in turn results in the number of points a particular item is. A few months ago I convinced the wife to get a windows mobile device (woo hoo!) and she is a good power user. So one night she asks me, β€œIs there a way I can just enter in the calories, fat and fiber on my phone and it tell me how many points something is?”. I did some searching and there are numerous online versions of the calculator but no native ones for windows mobile. I found the formula here, and started to get to work.
I wanted to approach this application using the MVP design pattern. I know it may be overkill for this simple of an application but I thought it would be good practice.
I started with the interface for the data model, in this case it would be the main caloric properties of food.
namespace WWPC.Common.Interfaces{ public interface IFoodModel { int Fiber { get; set; } int Calories { get; set; } float Fat { get; set; } int Points { get; set; } int CalculatePoints(); }}I then wrote up the interface for the view for the model.
namespace WWPC.Common.Interfaces{ public interface IFoodCalcView { int Calories { get; } int Fiber { get; } float Fat { get; } int Points { set; } event EventHandler DataChanged; }}Next, came the interface for the presenter.
public interface IFoodCalcPresenter { void OnCalculatePoints(); }
Ok, now that I got my main interfaces in place, time to code up the implementation. I started with the model first since this was the class that would provide the implementation for calculating the caloric points. Using the formula mentioned above, the CalculatePoints() method came out like so:
public int CalculatePoints(){ var calories = Convert.ToDecimal(Calories); var cal = calories / 50; var totalFat = Convert.ToDecimal(Fat); var fat = totalFat / 12; var fiber = Convert.ToDecimal(Fiber); return Points = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(cal + fat - (fiber/5), 0)); } With the model complete, I then moved to the presenter. The presenter would be responsible for binding the model to the view responding to the data changes in the view and rebinding those changes to the model. I made the presenter with an overloaded constructor to take a view and a model. The presenter then binds to the data changed event on the view which enables the presenter to update the model from the view. The OnCalculatePoints() method will update the view with the points value after using the model for calculation.
namespace WWPC.Common{ public class FoodPresenter : IFoodCalcPresenter { private readonly IFoodCalcView _View; private readonly IFoodModel _Model; public FoodPresenter(IFoodCalcView view, IFoodModel model) { _View = view; _View.DataChanged += new EventHandler(_View_DataChanged); _Model = model; } void _View_DataChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetModelFromView(); } private void SetModelFromView() { _Model.Calories = _View.Calories; _Model.Fat = _View.Fat; _Model.Fiber = _View.Fiber; } #region IFoodCalcPresenter Members public void OnCalculatePoints() { _View.Points = _Model.CalculatePoints(); } #endregion }}
With the presenter done it was time to implement the view. I wanted a simple mobile form where you can enter in data quickly and then calculate the results. I initially tried using a label to display the result, but did not like it. I then tried a mobile gauge control, but that took up too much space on the small screen. Finally I decided to use the notification class for windows mobile. I did not use the managed wrapper version, I used the the version created by Christopher Fairbairn, found here. This version has an awesome implementation which exposes many features of the notification class. I wanted to give the user the ability to dismiss the notification when they were done reading the results. Also using the notification class the UI was able show the needed text boxes for entry and the SIP panel along with the results without needing to scroll the screen. Here is a screen shot of the main form.
Now with the controls in place on the form, I can implement the view. The form creates a new presenter and passed into it a new model during construction. When the calculate menu option is clicked the main form raises the data changed event then calls the OnCalculateMethod on the presenter. When the presenter binds the model to the view, during the set of the points value, the notification is shown to the user via the ShowNotification method.
namespace WWPC.Calc{ public partial class WWPCalculator : Form, IFoodCalcView { private readonly FoodPresenter _Presenter; private NotificationWithSoftKeys _Notification; public WWPCalculator() { InitializeComponent(); _Presenter = new FoodPresenter(this,new FoodModel()); } public int Calories { get { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCalories.Text)) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(txtCalories.Text); } } public int Fiber { get { return (cmbFiber.Text == "4 or more") ? 4 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbFiber.Text)) ? 0 :Int32.Parse(cmbFiber.Text); } } public float Fat { get { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFat.Text)) ? 0 : float.Parse(txtFat.Text); } } public int Points { set { ShowPointsNotification(value); } } public event EventHandler DataChanged; private void mnuExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void mnuCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DataChanged != null) this.DataChanged(sender, e); _Presenter.OnCalculatePoints(); } private void mnuClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtCalories.Text = string.Empty; txtFat.Text = string.Empty; cmbFiber.Text = "0"; } private void ShowPointsNotification(int points) { _Notification = new NotificationWithSoftKeys { Text = String.Format("Total Points:{0}", points), Caption = "Weight Watchers Point Calculator", RightSoftKey = new NotificationSoftKey(SoftKeyType.Dismiss, "Dismiss"), }; _Notification.RightSoftKeyClick+=new EventHandler(_Notification_RightSoftKeyClick); _Notification.Visible = true; } void _Notification_RightSoftKeyClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_Notification == null) return; _Notification.Visible = false; _Notification = null; } }}
Now, when it is all put together, it looks like so.
Below is a link to the source code. The project was done using Visual Studio 2008 against the windows mobile 5 sdk. It will also work against windows mobile 6 sdk, I just chose version 5 since that is the common sdk. Thanks for reading!!

Help writing something with setOnItemClickListener

In my Android app, I have a sound that I want to play when a certain selection has been made from a spinner, but I want it to play the when the user actually makes the proper selection (or just after). My problem is that although the sound does play when they make the correct selection, as long as that selection stays chosen, it also plays every time the app starts up, when it should ONLY play at the time it's chosen. I think I need to change my setOnItemSelectedListener to setOnItemClickListener, but I'm not sure how (still pretty new to java). Can any generous soul out there show me how to change this up (assuming that's how to best solve this problem)?
Here is the code I have now:
fitnessSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter adapter4 = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(
this, R.array.fitness_array, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
fitnessSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener()
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long i) {
Log.d("test", "p: " + position + " " + i);
if(position == 0) {
//First Entry
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(mContext, R.raw.bowchica);
} if(position == 4) {
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(mContext, R.raw.debbie2);
public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) {
I haven't try the below code but you can try it on your own and tell us.
In onCreate() declare MediaPlayer mp;
In every if statement that you use for check insert this code:
int resid = R.raw.yoursound;
mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, resid);
After that override the methods onPause() and onResume() and insert this:
If it is still playing a sound when you start your app, then you should check your code again if you have set as default option any of your selection options.
I would LOVE to try this out...Unfortunately, I'm way too dumb at this point point ot figure out exactly where those code snippets would go inside of what I already have.
Does anyone have a couple of minutes to show me where it would go?
Below is a sample code. Since i don't know your code I give you a snippet that you should adjust it to your code.
public class SampleSound extends Activity{
private Spinner fitnessSpinner;
private MediaPlayer mp;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.main);//here goes your layout
setViews();//here you will set all your views(spinners buttons textviews etc..)
setAdapters();//set your adapters here
private void setListeners() {
fitnessSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener(){
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long i) {
Log.d("test", "p: " + position + " " + i);
if(position == 0) {
//First Entry
int resid = R.raw.bowchica;
mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, resid);
} if(position == 4) {
int resid = R.raw.debbie2;
mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, resid);
public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) {
private void setAdapters() {
ArrayAdapter adapter4 = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.fitness_array, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
private void setViews() {
fitnessSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
public void onResume(){
public void onPause(){
I really appreciate the help. I put the code in my routine, but it still plays the sound every time the activity is loaded (as long as the selection in the spinner is correct). It should only play the sound when the correct selection is made.
Any other ideas?
I am sure that your Spinner is set to some value (since you have values to display). Because your Spinner points to a selection (doesn't matter if you have selected or it is selected by default) your sound plays (even when you start the app).
A way to stop the sound playing at start is to declare and an other Item like you did with the previous 4 and set it as default selection of your Spinner.
To sum up:
1.You have to append in R.array.fitness_array an Item (like you did with the previous Items) and give it a name.
2.At the end of method setAdapters() insert this:
fitnessSpiner.setSelection(5);// or whatever is your selection number
Now it should work but you should know that this is not a good practice and you should try make a ListView or something else.
I'd be happy to change this out to a listview, or whatever would work. I just have to give my user a choice of 4 or 5 items, from which they can choose only one. Something like a drop down box, but in Android, I thought my only option was a spinner. But whatever I use, I have to be able to play a sound when certain items are chosen, but ONLY when those items are chosen, NOT whenever the activity is called up.
Any specific ideas of what I might change to?
What if I had another control like a textview or an edittext (with it's visibility property set to false) that I programatically populated with the users selection (when it's the selection that I want) and then have an OnItemClcickListener set to play the sound?
Could that work?
I will answer from the last to the top of your questions.
1.You can do whatever you want with android. You want TextViews and EditTexts with complex and nested Layouts you can do it. Write services that will communicate with your contacts through a content provider? You can do it.
Write, read and test code. Only this way you will actually learn.
2.Read Read the android tutorials from there and specifically the Notepad example. You will learn a lot.
A good resource with small examples for ListViews is this.
3.Have you tried the changes I told you from the last post? Did it worked?
Since you just started with android and programming you must first be happy if you have the expected result and then read more to make your code better
Your suggested changes (fitnessSpiner.setSelection(5);// or whatever is your selection number) would stop the sound from playing, but defeat the apps purpose. Every time this activity is loaded, the spinners hit preferences to load the previously stored data. So if I force the spinner to a different selection to NOT play sound when the activity loads, then I would be displaying the wrong data for the user.
Yes you are right. So it is better to make a ListActivity. Read and the link i gave you before. You will be ok with this!
You're using "setOnItemSelectedListener", which sounds like when the app starts, its getting "selected" again.
Have you tried using "setOnItemClickListener" instead?
fitnessSpinner.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener () {
public void onItemClicked() {}
Lakers16 said:
You're using "setOnItemSelectedListener", which sounds like when the app starts, its getting "selected" again.
Have you tried using "setOnItemClickListener" instead?
fitnessSpinner.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener () {
public void onItemClicked() {}
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
onClickListener doesn't work for the spinner...I wish it did.
I REALLY need the drop down functionality of teh spinner, so I guess I'm going to try and figure out a way to have an invisible edittext that I set to the spinner selection and then use onClickListener or onChange...

[Q] Parsing XML from web into ListView

Hey guys,
I've been making an app for my ROM (SkyDragon) and I want to include a news section, which will retrieve info from the web using a XML file.
But, I've tried many things and they won't work. So could anyone post a quick working parsing code here that will put the items in a listview, so I can experiment a bit with it? It'd be widely appreciated
I might reccommend using a library like Jackson 2.0+. I have not had the experience to use it with XML, but rather JSON, but it does appear to be just as easy to do so (at least since 2.0).
You would set up a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class to represent the structure of the xml data, for instance:
public class Simple
private int x, y;
public int getX(){ return x; }
public int getY(){ return y; }
public void setX(int x){ this.x = x; }
public void setY(int y){ this.y = y; }
would represent xml like:
and to build the object you would use the library as such:
ObjectMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
Simple value = xmlMapper.readValue("<Simple><x>1</x><y>2</y></Simple>", Simple.class);
Thanks, will try it. But it can't be that simple, right? I mean, every tutorial is pretty big, and uses multiple activities.
Sent from my awesome fridge
Well like I said, I haven't actually used it for XML but rather JSON, but it really was that simple for me. What I listed is of course a very simple example, but scaling it up really just requires mapping your xml source to a POJO. The hardest part about your use will be that you don't control the XML.
Here is an example right out of a project of mine that worked great. "request.result" was basically a String object that contained the JSON response from a restful web service that I did not control but knew the structure of (by examination). Truly it is just these 2 lines of code to parse the response and after that you have an object that is easy to use.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
inventory = mapper.readValue(request.result, PlayerInventory.class);
Unfortunately this service no longer exists so I cannot get you an example response, but below is the POJO that I used to map it.
package com.mcdermotsoft;
import java.util.Map;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class PlayerInventory
private int ok;
private Map<String,Slot> contents;
public PlayerInventory(){}
public int getOk() {
return ok;
public Map<String,Slot> getContents() {
return contents;
public void setOk(int ok) {
this.ok = ok;
public void setContents(Map<String,Slot> contents) {
this.contents = contents;
"@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)" is important because I really didn't care to map everything from the response so this annotation tells the Jackson parser to ignore anything it can't map instead of throwing an exception (don't remember what the exception is but you might run into it yourself).

[Q]Content Provider - Huge Data

Im using a content provider to query data, the following code was working good until I test it in another device(low end) with a larger data(~3000). With a larger data app became unusable, what can I do for improve this?
public void ContentSearch(String uriS,String id)
Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriS);
Cursor cur = getContentResolver().query(uri, NULL,
"_id = " + id, null, null);
do {
//Do Things
} while (cur.moveToNext());
try to put it in a thread:
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
You do this for anything that might take the system a long time to execute and isn't directly needed for the UI.
If it is needed by the UI try an AsyncTask:
AsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result>() {
protected Result doInBackground(Params params) {
protected void onProgressUpdate(Progress progress) {
protected void onPostExecute(Result result) {
I never used Content Providers so I'm not sure what you would put in for each thing on the Async but here is the Android Docs perhaps you can figure it out
Im filling an array to inflate in listview, my approach is load 25 items then break, and when the list reaches the end load more 25 and so on, but it seems that the cursor is in the same overloaded.
I need it for the UI so I dont have sure if the thread solve the problem, but I will try it anyway.
avlisF said:
Im filling an array to inflate in listview, my approach is load 25 items then break, and when the list reaches the end load more 25 and so on, but it seems that the cursor is in the same overloaded.
I need it for the UI so I dont have sure if the thread solve the problem, but I will try it anyway.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You fill the array then you fill the list? This might be what's causing our crash as the list is trying to setup before the array is done.
You could just use the async to do the lookup and set the list item info in the list adapter and as the async finishes each lookup it will enter each item in the list
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app

[Q] Issues with adding objects to a photo taken by the user

I've been trying to learn to program for Android lately by simply coming up with ideas and implementing them. It started out easy enough with pulling information from an online RSS feed and showing this in a nice environment. But the current idea has me stumped.
I'd like the following to happen:
Take a picture using intent
Entire picture is shown in a new activity
Zoom in on a certain spot
Add predefined items to the picture
Press next which connects the items from left to right
Add some more items
Press next to connect the new items
Zoom out
Save the image
First taking a picture, this wasn't too hard using the camera intent:
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE);
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri);
I can then extract the absolute path from fileUri with the following line:
String path = new File(fileUri.getPath()).getAbsolutePath();
This path can be put in a bundle which can be put in an intent which is then used to start the activity that should show the image.
public class TestActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
private static final String TAG = TestActivity.class.getSimpleName();
private String path = "";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
SurfaceView view = new SurfaceView(this);
Intent intent = getIntent();
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
path = bundle.getString("path");
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
Canvas canvas = holder.lockCanvas();
if (canvas == null) {
Log.d(TAG,"Can't draw because canvas is null");
else {
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path);
Paint paint = new Paint();
if(bitmap == null) {
Log.d(TAG,"Can't draw because bitmap is null");
else {
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int frmt, int w, int h) {
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
The first issue here is that it of course doesn't show the entire photo. Not that surprising considering it's larger than the view. Ideally I'd like to zoom out to show the entire photograph. Once I've zoomed one way I'd assume that zooming in on the part that you want should also be possible.
Next is adding the objects. My idea was simply catching any touch events and adding a new object once the finger is released. This way I'd end up with a list of items with each having a draw function which can be called through the surfaceview when it is redrawn.
Connecting these items could simply be done by creating a line object and going through the list of all items and using their locations for the begin and endpoints of the lines
One of the big issues here is that the x and y locations would be relative to the screen, not to the photo. Which would mean that when you zoom back out the entire background would change but the actual items would remain at the same spot and in the same size.
I've been searching and searching for any tutorial or other question about the same issue, but either I've had no luck or I've been using the wrong keywords. And for all I know everything I have up till now could be wrong.
If anyone could give some pointers, or maybe knows a guide or tutorial somewhere or some better keywords I could use for searching I'd really appreciate it.
Xylon- said:
One of the big issues here is that the x and y locations would be relative to the screen, not to the photo. Which would mean that when you zoom back out the entire background would change but the actual items would remain at the same spot and in the same size.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
would you just not need to either control or track the sample/scale if the image so that you know the 1st pixel displayed (top left) and the scale factor, then the eventX/Y can be processed to be relative to what you want ?

