This Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 review is so bad it's funny - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General (I'm laughing already) posted a brief story about the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
So yes, the Samsung Galaxy Tab feels nice in the hands, it's got a nice display, and the hardware works well. But who's buying a device like this? Do you walk into a store with a blindfold on, feel around for devices, and say, "You know what? That one feels nice. I'll take that one."
Let's talk about applications, for one thing. Samsung has included about six apps of their own on top of the standard Android package. Subtract them, and you're left with a bunch of shoddy applications that aren't really made for Honeycomb, the operating system running on this device.
There are a bunch of other Android apps, of course -- 65,000 of them or so -- but very few quality ones, and there are very few application developers who are really sinking their teeth into this platform at this to date.
For instance, there are very few good Twitter clients, and very few news readers. Want to browse headlines? You'll be hard pressed here.
So should you buy this device? I can't in good conscience tell you to go out and spend $400 on this half-baked experience when the fully baked iPad experience can be had for just a few dollars more.
Unless of course you want to go shopping blindfolded.​
Where to start?
* The picture before clicking on the story is of the 10.1V model.
* Android has a lot more than 65,000 apps (granted tablet optimized ones are much fewer).
* It's not a $400 tablet.
* I don't wear a blindfold when buying a tablet, but comfort is very important since I have to hold the thing in my hand.
I'm not gonna debate which is better. That's a matter of opinion. But wow, this story was just absolutely bad. Gave me a chuckle.

LOL fox news never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity and lies

Sadly people will read that and be influenced by it. Tech journalism is a toilet bowl.
How these people end up on " name " sites is beyond me.

This is that same station that has Glen Beck. What do you expect from them?

Obviously 'The Daily' isn't selling enough iPad subscriptions. Poor NewsCorp, this is what they've been reduced to.

He's truly an Apple Fan Boy. There was not one thing he liked about the Samsung and the Google experience it seemed. I have an iPad as well, but I prefer using the Android tablets. Yes, Apple has more apps, but many of the apps I use are crippled. For instance, DropBox & SugarSync apps for Android has a lot more features than the iPad version. That was one of the reasons why I went Android.
He's knocking the screen layout of the Samsung, because the Ipad is more suited for portrait mode. I have no problems with the widescreen format, because many laptop screens are pretty much the same format.
I'm glad I came across other reviews on the web. If this was the only review on the net, I'm sure people would definitely stay away from Android.

One thing I've noticed, is that ipad users are mentioning the GT10.1 low weight as a drawback. IIRC one of the great features the IP2 had over IP was lower weight. Of course when someone makes a lighter tablet than the IP2, it's a bad thing...

I never go tablet shopping blindfolded..... Im scared i would end up with an iPad

Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.

SR45 said:
Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.
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If the story actually complained about specific issues like browser lag or this so called screen response issue (I'm not seeing it), that would at least be somewhat credible.
The story is laughable because it's so factually incorrect and substanceless, and just seems to want to bash a product that I am not sure the author even touched.

SR45 said:
Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.
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The browser lag typing in text boxes using the browser is not just a Samsung GT issue. It's a HoneyComb issue. I'm sure future updates will address this issue. I had the same issue with my Acer.

BlackOtaku said:
Obviously 'The Daily' isn't selling enough iPad subscriptions. Poor NewsCorp, this is what they've been reduced to.
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I just thought this was bad journalis, but of course, you're right on the money! With Foxnews being owned by NewsCorp which have a material stake in the success of ipad exclusive 'The Daily', of course, they have to trash Honeycomb Tablets ...

I bought one today, cause I wanted one. My $ and all. Don't watch foxnews propaganda either. That's for the dumbed down folks.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

Ravynmagi said: (I'm laughing already) posted a brief story about the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
So yes, the Samsung Galaxy Tab feels nice in the hands, it's got a nice display, and the hardware works well. But who's buying a device like this? Do you walk into a store with a blindfold on, feel around for devices, and say, "You know what? That one feels nice. I'll take that one."
Let's talk about applications, for one thing. Samsung has included about six apps of their own on top of the standard Android package. Subtract them, and you're left with a bunch of shoddy applications that aren't really made for Honeycomb, the operating system running on this device.
There are a bunch of other Android apps, of course -- 65,000 of them or so -- but very few quality ones, and there are very few application developers who are really sinking their teeth into this platform at this to date.
For instance, there are very few good Twitter clients, and very few news readers. Want to browse headlines? You'll be hard pressed here.
So should you buy this device? I can't in good conscience tell you to go out and spend $400 on this half-baked experience when the fully baked iPad experience can be had for just a few dollars more.
Unless of course you want to go shopping blindfolded.​
Where to start?
* The picture before clicking on the story is of the 10.1V model.
* Android has a lot more than 65,000 apps (granted tablet optimized ones are much fewer).
* It's not a $400 tablet.
* I don't wear a blindfold when buying a tablet, but comfort is very important since I have to hold the thing in my hand.
I'm not gonna debate which is better. That's a matter of opinion. But wow, this story was just absolutely bad. Gave me a chuckle.
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I have to agree with them on apps. Android apps have always been sub par to apple apps. Other than that this tab is 100% worth it, even with the lag i find myself using it much more than my ipad

Jnn1 said:
I just thought this was bad journalis, but of course, you're right on the money! With Foxnews being owned by NewsCorp which have a material stake in the success of ipad exclusive 'The Daily', of course, they have to trash Honeycomb Tablets ...
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In my humble opinion, Fox News is never stupid without a reason. They typically strive to appeal to a conservative, Christian market (just like their UK cousin, the Daily Mail), and generally I think try to avoid stepping on the toes of anyone within their target demographic. (Everyone else though, is more than fair game) That's because they are a business. I honestly think it's their stake in the iPad that allowed this to even make it on the Fox News website, because they had to know that such a flippant and dismissive article would draw the ire of Android fans; and certainly, there must be some conservative Android users.

Srikar_NBK said:
LOL fox news never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity and lies
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What lies?

While I disagree with the review and find non-tech sourced reviews to be generally lackluster, people here (and in general) give Fox way too much trouble. From what I've seen, they're (at worst) as good as anyone else.

levenite said:
What lies?
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Watch GB...
Article = bad tech journalism or outright propaganda...
As for the tablet - The glass pulling away is a real issue, how severe is yet to be determined. The browser lag is somewhat expected, hopefully fixed soon. Video playback issues cannot be fixed on this tablet unfortunately.
As for someone saying the weight of this tab is a negative, that is just retarded. My iPad 2 still feels heavy after reading for 5 hours (which I did for the first time yesterday).
Enjoy your sexy piece of hardware fellas... It really does look awesome

cypherx82 said:
While I disagree with the review and find non-tech sourced reviews to be generally lackluster, people here (and in general) give Fox way too much trouble. From what I've seen, they're (at worst) as good as anyone else.
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Ehh, like I said, they're a business. So is every other 24 hour cable news station, they all have weaknesses and annoying quirks (and quacks). I know I'm guilty of leading it in that direction a bit, but I don't think this thread should become a 'let's bash Fox!' thread. (Or Glenn Beck, he's leaving Fox anyway )

aboveliquidice said:
Watch GB...
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I watched maybe 20 minutes of him yesterday (second time ever, first being when he was randomly on a few months back at 2 AM) and he made complete sense. Of course, that doesn't mean he's never said stupid stuff. (Far from it.)
I have yet to form an opinion on him, as most of the criticism I've heard of him was along the lines of "right wing loon", "Tea Party fascist", etc. which means nothing to me.


Another Samsung Galaxy Tab Review

In short - we liked it quite a bit. We were comparing and reviewing the Sprint and Verizon editions with a lot of online research for other versions - along with testing a lot of third party software.
Kermit Woodall
Awesome.. thanks for posting this.
I've been depressed tonight (actually more frustrated) since reading a hit piece by AP "reporter" Rachel somebody or other that my local paper published with headline "Good, but not good enough".... whereby she proceeds to slam the tab and extol the virtues of the iPad... with very unfair, biased pluses for the iPad (eg after saying that the pricing schemes from the US carriers were VERY convoluted and difficult to figure out... saying 'walla... $499 for wifi iPad is so easy!).... and unequal, apples to oranges minuses for the Tab... honestly, should have been a paid advertisement by Apple.... and along side it was top "gadgets" to buy for Christmas... with iPad no. 1, iPhone no. 2 and unnamed 'Android phone' no. three... no mention of the tab.
So once again, thanks for linking to your review and I look forward to reading it.
Sorry for the ramble but I just get so tired of "journalists" wanting to make this all about a war with the iPad... when I see the two as so different ... and both have their good points.
Can't we have both? Why do the iPad people have to slam everything that isn't an i something or other? Are they defensive or what?
I found it quite interesting to note that a lot of the new "features" in iOS 4.2 for the iPad already existed in the Tab, and yet you're supposed to see that the OS upgrade turns the iPad into a second generation device whereas the Tab "isn't good enough".
I fully accept that the Tab isn't a perfect device, and you can't expect glowing reviews everywhere, but many of the reviews are just plain wrong and clearly being written by someone with an agenda - well, it's either that, or they are just plain stupid.
However, I don't think that the situation has been helped at all by the ridiculously retarded fragmentation of the Tab caused by the US carriers. There should have only ever been two Tabs - one GSM, and one CDMA, with identical specs (other than that) and voice calling as standard!
Here in Europe, there is but one Tab, and it rules them all!
The most interesting fact is that most reviews crib about how Froyo is only for mobile handsets and not tablets. . . Till date i have yet to experience such hiccups. . . Froyo works like a charm on the Tab and till date most apps i have seem to scale fine automatically and the overall experience is pretty good. . . Cannot imagine anything better!
wonder if some of those naysayin reviewers actually usedit for a few days or only a couple of hours or so. . .
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
kwoodall said:
In short - we liked it quite a bit. We were comparing and reviewing the Sprint and Verizon editions with a lot of online research for other versions - along with testing a lot of third party software.
Kermit Woodall
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For some reason I am not able to access this site...
very strange
Another one that should be helpful (I don't own that site)
I love when they compare the tab to the WiFi iPad. What's wrong with people.
Sent from my Droid Incredible
The reporter that's slamming the Tab probably just want's to get "slammed" by Jobs, like other apple "asshats" (I just learned that word in another thread).
I use the Tab for work, in fact, we develop for iOS and Android, and quite right, the Tab and the iPad are two totally different beasts.
Biased or not, I can't bring myself to want to use an iPad, it's too big, too heavy, all that "desktop" space is wasted on the iPad. Widget development we do is useless and can't be ported, then on top of all that, we have restrictions from Apple regarding putting things on the Store that just f*** with out workflows and release schedules.
Put it this way, working for a company that develops for both platforms, the iOS devices are a bigger pain in my arse.
DISCLAIMER: My opinion is my own and is not representative of the view or opinion of anyone, anywhere but my own.

Everybody chill! =)

Just wanted to say - I got my Xoom, and yes, I do see some freezes and weird behavior every once in a while.
It doesn't bother me though.
We're all early adopters helping to push Honeycomb forward. Since Xoom is the only tablet atm that uses honeycomb, and it's a pure "Google Experience Device", I'm sure we'll have updates from ElGoog soon and often. Plus, this device is a heaven for developmental though and experimentation, so I'm sure we'll see great things from our local genuises at XDA.
So everyone chill and enjoy a rare opportunity to be there when it all starts =)
DarkDvr said:
Just wanted to say - I got my Xoom, and yes, I do see some freezes and weird behavior every once in a while.
It doesn't bother me though.
We're all early adopters helping to push Honeycomb forward. Since Xoom is the only tablet atm that uses honeycomb, and it's a pure "Google Experience Device", I'm sure we'll have updates from ElGoog soon and often. Plus, this device is a heaven for developmental though and experimentation, so I'm sure we'll see great things from our local genuises at XDA.
So everyone chill and enjoy a rare opportunity to be there when it all starts =)
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I have had mine since the doors opened at Costco here in South Florida and I have not had one freeze or force close. I think people may be loading up apps that are not designed for Honeycomb causing issues. For the most part, I am sticking to Honeycomb apps only with a few exceptions. I am also not loading alternate launchers like ADW. I suspect loading things like this will cause problems.
Yea I couldn't agree more.just be patient.we'll have a flash update coming within two weeks also.I love my Xoom
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
keitht said:
I have had mine since the doors opened at Costco here in South Florida and I have not had one freeze or force close. I think people may be loading up apps that are not designed for Honeycomb causing issues. For the most part, I am sticking to Honeycomb apps only with a few exceptions. I am also not loading alternate launchers like ADW. I suspect loading things like this will cause problems.
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+1 mines never froze, fc'd or lagged either. Its a little slow rotating sometimes but its not an issue.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
I read a post yesterday, I can't remember by who, saying that this "Early Adopter" argument is invalid. I believe it was because it would be easy for all tech-companies to take advantage of this and release crappy products that they know consumers will eat up and look past the issues because they know they are "early adopters". As much as I don't like to repeatedly mention Apple, it doesn't seem that they release products riddled with bugs and expect their consumers to shrug it off and say "Oh yea, we're just early adopters, these bugs don't matter!".
Nothing can be perfect obviously, but things can be more perfect than others. Why release something so unfinished when you can release it later in a more complete state? I don't have a Xoom yet, but it seems that Honeycomb was rushed out the door much too quickly. Did Google do this to beat the iPad 2 in the market race? We all know it will still easily sale millions.. they could've waited.
Apple doesn't release products before they are ready? Really? Have you used an iPhone 4 and tried to make a phone call? Did you used an Ipad when it first came out? It had no software for it. Once competition comes and millions of people buy android tablets, the developers will come.
While I agree I would of prefered and more polished Honeycomb, there are ALWAYS growing pains with new technology...especially with brand a new OS. My xoom, like wine, will only get better with age.
Just give it time. It isn't a half assed just needs some software updates. Lets all be happy that soon the mod community is going to do things with it that won't be possible with other devices.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Yeah. It's not halfassed. Only about 5% assed.
I think the update will work wonders.
Eclair~ said:
I read a post yesterday, I can't remember by who, saying that this "Early Adopter" argument is invalid. I believe it was because it would be easy for all tech-companies to take advantage of this and release crappy products that they know consumers will eat up and look past the issues because they know they are "early adopters". As much as I don't like to repeatedly mention Apple, it doesn't seem that they release products riddled with bugs and expect their consumers to shrug it off and say "Oh yea, we're just early adopters, these bugs don't matter!".
Nothing can be perfect obviously, but things can be more perfect than others. Why release something so unfinished when you can release it later in a more complete state? I don't have a Xoom yet, but it seems that Honeycomb was rushed out the door much too quickly. Did Google do this to beat the iPad 2 in the market race? We all know it will still easily sale millions.. they could've waited.
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I just wonder how you can give a valid opinion about something you don't own. It would be like me giving an opinion on a ferrari italia.
Eclair~ said:
I read a post yesterday, I can't remember by who, saying that this "Early Adopter" argument is invalid. I believe it was because it would be easy for all tech-companies to take advantage of this and release crappy products that they know consumers will eat up and look past the issues because they know they are "early adopters". As much as I don't like to repeatedly mention Apple, it doesn't seem that they release products riddled with bugs and expect their consumers to shrug it off and say "Oh yea, we're just early adopters, these bugs don't matter!".
Nothing can be perfect obviously, but things can be more perfect than others. Why release something so unfinished when you can release it later in a more complete state? I don't have a Xoom yet, but it seems that Honeycomb was rushed out the door much too quickly. Did Google do this to beat the iPad 2 in the market race? We all know it will still easily sale millions.. they could've waited.
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i am using my bt keyboard on the xoom. honeycomb is quite e finished product in terms of its normal use. ive not had one freeze or rrreboot. i had one force close becasue i tried to run a rdp/vnc app. it force closed and i move to next app which did work for controlling my pc. you have people on here either talking without owning the product or loading things not designed or updated for this hardware OR software. such as flashlight apps, launchers, etc. ive used all the apps designed for tablets in the market and ive had no issues. ive played the couple of free games (which performed quite well) and used things as simple as the weather app. smooth sailing. i WOULD like to see more apps (like dish networks sling app) but thats not moto or googles fault.
the bugs ive read about in most topics dont happen to me. im gonna be testing the 720 rip playback later as i havent moved much media to mine yet.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
keitht said:
I have had mine since the doors opened at Costco here in South Florida and I have not had one freeze or force close. I think people may be loading up apps that are not designed for Honeycomb causing issues. For the most part, I am sticking to Honeycomb apps only with a few exceptions. I am also not loading alternate launchers like ADW. I suspect loading things like this will cause problems.
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Hey, I was first in line at my South Fla You must have gone to Flagler.
I've had a few FC's but I'll admit they were mainly on the first day. Since then I've been good.
colbyb25 said:
Apple doesn't release products before they are ready? Really? Have you used an iPhone 4 and tried to make a phone call? Did you used an Ipad when it first came out? It had no software for it. Once competition comes and millions of people buy android tablets, the developers will come.
While I agree I would of prefered and more polished Honeycomb, there are ALWAYS growing pains with new technology...especially with brand a new OS. My xoom, like wine, will only get better with age.
Just give it time. It isn't a half assed just needs some software updates. Lets all be happy that soon the mod community is going to do things with it that won't be possible with other devices.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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The iPhone4 was a design decision. Had they waited 3 more months it still would have had that same problem.
The iPad had over a thousand third party apps at launch, what are you talking about?
And Android isn't going to compete in the tablet world by releasing beta tablets with buggy software. A normal user would have returned the Xoom after seeing 7 apps at launch, no flash at launch, non functional SD card slot, buggy OS and apps force closing. If normal users see this as their first impression of a Google tablet, that will stick with them for a while. The "early adopter" nonsense is absolutely the worst argument that anyone could make.
atoy74 said:
Hey, I was first in line at my South Fla You must have gone to Flagler.
I've had a few FC's but I'll admit they were mainly on the first day. Since then I've been good.
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I went to Pompano Beach Costco. The Verizon guy there gave me trouble with the activation thing. I had to keep pushing him to call more people. Each person he called at Verizon didn't know about the change that activation is not required. Hopefully I helped anyone that came after me
I had two freezes while playing cordy. There was an update for it yesterday that seems to have fixed it. Other than that I have not had any stability issues, just some minor graphical issues.
As far as Apple stability goes am I the only one old enough to remember the axiom "never buy a first Gen apple product."? Apple is somewhat notorious for problems with first Gen products.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
muyoso said:
The iPhone4 was a design decision. Had they waited 3 more months it still would have had that same problem.
The iPad had over a thousand third party apps at launch, what are you talking about?
And Android isn't going to compete in the tablet world by releasing beta tablets with buggy software. A normal user would have returned the Xoom after seeing 7 apps at launch, no flash at launch, non functional SD card slot, buggy OS and apps force closing. If normal users see this as their first impression of a Google tablet, that will stick with them for a while. The "early adopter" nonsense is absolutely the worst argument that anyone could make.
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I'm glad you knew this, I was starting to think I had no argument.
JanetPanic said:
I had two freezes while playing cordy. There was an update for it yesterday that seems to have fixed it. Other than that I have not had any stability issues, just some minor graphical issues.
As far as Apple stability goes am I the only one old enough to remember the axiom "never buy a first Gen apple product."? Apple is somewhat notorious for problems with first Gen products.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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I think you can say the same with most companies that release version 1 products.
Eclair~ said:
I read a post yesterday, I can't remember by who, saying that this "Early Adopter" argument is invalid. I believe it was because it would be easy for all tech-companies to take advantage of this and release crappy products that they know consumers will eat up and look past the issues because they know they are "early adopters". As much as I don't like to repeatedly mention Apple, it doesn't seem that they release products riddled with bugs and expect their consumers to shrug it off and say "Oh yea, we're just early adopters, these bugs don't matter!".
Nothing can be perfect obviously, but things can be more perfect than others. Why release something so unfinished when you can release it later in a more complete state? I don't have a Xoom yet, but it seems that Honeycomb was rushed out the door much too quickly. Did Google do this to beat the iPad 2 in the market race? We all know it will still easily sale millions.. they could've waited.
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Obviously they could have waited, its about supply and demand. The demand was there, so they got it out as fast as they could in working order. It has its problems, software problems, I love it it and didnt want to wait a day longer. They know what they're doing, google isn't Microsoft lol. It works, we want it, were willing to sacrifice a little functionality to be able to have it now, we love it , if you don't like the problems then thats your problem dont cry about i, either don't get one or wait to get one, everyone who bought it knew for the most part what types of problems we might come across, nobody is making you buy it nor keep it! You have no right to speculate on why they should or should not have released it like this, only the right to not buy or use it
parrotheadmjb said:
Obviously they could have waited, its about supply and demand. The demand was there, so they got it out as fast as they could in working order. It has its problems, software problems, I love it it and didnt want to wait a day longer. They know what they're doing, google isn't Microsoft lol. It works, we want it, were willing to sacrifice a little functionality to be able to have it now, we love it , if you don't like the problems then thats your problem dont cry about i, either don't get one or wait to get one, everyone who bought it knew for the most part what types of problems we might come across, nobody is making you buy it nor keep it! You have no right to speculate on why they should or should not have released it like this, only the right to not buy or use it
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sorry but a user has every right to gripe about the limitations of the product they purchased.
Google has a history of releasing buggy products, and improving them over time. its just how they do it. (a la google tv, nexus one launch, etc) does that make them a bad company? no. but to a mainstream (non techie) user who uses the product as is, the xoom out of the box is somewhat of a disappointment because of some basic feature limitations at launch. (no software sd support, no flash support, lack of proper video encoding support, which is a surprise as Google is normally great with cross compatibility). I personally feel that the Xoom launch was rushed in order to get as many early adopter sales before the iPad2 hits. I'm verrry sure that had the xoom been released the same time as iPad2 launch date, xoom sales numbers would be much lower.
i was an avid iPad user (gave it away), and currently awaiting for the xoom to arrive in the mail. i'm looking forward to using it.
What you are totally missing is the fact that the majority of apps look and work just fine. None of this "2x" bull crap that apple did with there tablet launch. I ask, did you purchase an Ipad when it first came out? Do you own a Xoom? If no to one or both counts, you lose some credibility with your argument.
No one is giving Motorola or Google a pass, but there is some kind of understanding with new gear. That is not an excuse, but something to take into account. I personally love xoom, both for what is and what it can and will be. You want a completely bug free and flawless piece of equipment, make it yourself. If you have ever ran your own company, you would know that every prouduct and system goes through some level of growing pains.
Too many people think the xoom is supposed to magically outsell the I pad...which will never happen. Apple, if nothing else has done an AMAZING job at marketing and creating demand for their sometimes sub par, at least technologcally, products. That being said, android is picking up steam and offering a solid competition to the ios system. Does it still have a ways to go...sure. But it is heading that way and things are only going to get better from here.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
aohus said:
sorry but a user has every right to gripe about the limitations of the product they purchased.
Google has a history of releasing buggy products, and improving them over time. its just how they do it. (a la google tv, nexus one launch, etc) does that make them a bad company? no. but to a mainstream (non techie) user who uses the product as is, the xoom out of the box is somewhat of a disappointment because of some basic feature limitations at launch. (no software sd support, no flash support, lack of proper video encoding support, which is a surprise as Google is normally great with cross compatibility). I personally feel that the Xoom launch was rushed in order to get as many early adopter sales before the iPad2 hits. I'm verrry sure that had the xoom been released the same time as iPad2 launch date, xoom sales numbers would be much lower.
i was an avid iPad user (gave it away), and currently awaiting for the xoom to arrive in the mail. i'm looking forward to using it.
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You just contradicted yourself, you said
1. They have the right to complain about the product being released too early
2. Google has a history of releasing buggy products
They have no right to complain, they knew in advance or they don't possess the ability to think
Also, you can just return it.... but no *****ing about the obvious is a better idea
Well, the no software argument is pointless, you'll have to wait here. Phone Android didn't start with that much apps either, same for iPhone, Windows, any OS.

[INFO] Asus could have an ipad killer here

If Asus can keep up the speed they're showing so far in addressing issues, smoothing out bugs and adding new features. I do belive Transformer can grab a lot of money out of Apple's hands.Even my ipad devotee friends are seriously impressed with the kind of support Asus is throwing down here, truly raising the bar.
I dont know. First off, they gotta actually make enough tablets to sell. Second, the ipad has sold millions. The xoom about 200k... that's a pretty big gap.
Its quite possible but Asus must get serious about quality control.
Raised the bar?
Raised the bar on support? I think that's being very generous to them. So far, I've been using a product where half of it doesn't work at all, and the other half crashes every half an hour or so.
This was absolutely unfit to be released and makes me wish I'd gone with a windows tablet instead. The drivers provided by asus are so far terrible and the software provided by google is immature.
The only reason I'm sticking with it is that Asus has a good attitude toward their customers and I'm confident they will resolve the issue quickly. As it stands I'm embarassed to show this product to anyone.
My 2 cents is the iPad sales will be impacted not by a particular Android table, but by the fleet of Android tablets coming to market. This how Android overtook Apple in the cell phone market. While there are certain people that will always buy the Apple product, when there a dozen other models in different sizes and with unique features (like the docking ability of the transformer) it becomes hard to settle for the iPad.
With that said, it would be great to see Apple come out with a docking station for the iPad. That would validate the concept and create other tablet/notebook combos in the Android space.
midimaker said:
Raised the bar on support? I think that's being very generous to them. So far, I've been using a product where half of it doesn't work at all, and the other half crashes every half an hour or so.
This was absolutely unfit to be released and makes me wish I'd gone with a windows tablet instead. The drivers provided by asus are so far terrible and the software provided by google is immature.
The only reason I'm sticking with it is that Asus has a good attitude toward their customers and I'm confident they will resolve the issue quickly. As it stands I'm embarassed to show this product to anyone.
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i'd think embarassed is a bit of a stretch.....
midimaker said:
Raised the bar on support? I think that's being very generous to them. So far, I've been using a product where half of it doesn't work at all, and the other half crashes every half an hour or so.
This was absolutely unfit to be released and makes me wish I'd gone with a windows tablet instead. The drivers provided by asus are so far terrible and the software provided by google is immature.
The only reason I'm sticking with it is that Asus has a good attitude toward their customers and I'm confident they will resolve the issue quickly. As it stands I'm embarassed to show this product to anyone.
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Have you updated your firmware yet? The latest FOTA has fixed issues for many people.
Folks who buy 1st release hardware have to have a lot of patience as early adopters are guinea pigs, we spot all the problems so that the OEM can fix them. In return we get the joy of having the hardware first, of getting to know it inside and out and the pride of knowing that we've hopefully contributed to making it a better product for untold numbers of fellow consumers.
Also, how much research did you do before you bought? What are your portable system needs? If in fact your needs would have been served better by a Windows tablet why did you chose one running the Honeycomb OS which is acknowledged by all to be in its infancy?
Thus far, Asus has been listening ,communicating with members here,firmware updates are being rolled out pretty quickly to fix issues.
I'm very pleased with my purchase & proud of my new tablet
midimaker said:
As it stands I'm embarassed to show this product to anyone.
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Wow, I'd never be embarrassed to show a product to someone. Honestly, I couldn't care less what other people think about my purchases. If I like it, that's good enough for me.
Oh, and I love my TF, so...
Geekbabe said:
Thus far, Asus has been listening ,communicating with members here,firmware updates are being rolled out pretty quickly to fix issues.
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Absolutely. The Xoom still doesn't have a functioning microSD card slot, even though they're the Google Experience device (perhaps informally at this point). Sure, they got 3.1, but that's only because Motorola was first--which they achieved by putting out a tablet with far less functionality than the TF.
My Xoom will be going back to Costco soon, and one of the biggest reasons is that Motorola has been sooooo slow in updating it.
Asus updates are great but its still falls well short of the ipad perfected UI.
Once Tegra 3 hits things should start to even out.
Completely agree about Motorola being slow to update. In general I have a Droid X, i am super unsatisfied with the quality of their software. Thats one of the reasons I sterred clear of the Xoom. There are many ther reasons as well, but thats a big one.
I really don't think it's unreasonable as a customer to buy a computer with a keyboard and expect it to work
I researched this a lot. The lack of bloat on android as opposed to windows makes for a good platform with good battery life and it runs citrix really nicely which is great for work. The reviews were positive and sure any niggles would be resolved by launch. Great I thought.
Sadly it wasn't to be. I've updated to the latest website ww. Firmware but no ota as yet
SonicTab said:
Asus updates are great but its still falls well short of the ipad perfected UI.
Once Tegra 3 hits things should start to even out.
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You do realize that Apple has had like 4 years to perfect iOS, right? This is the first iteration of Honeycomb, and it's much more an OS issue (Google) than it is a hardware issue (Tegra 2/Asus).
SonicTab said:
Asus updates are great but its still falls well short of the ipad perfected UI.
Once Tegra 3 hits things should start to even out.
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A Processor/Graphics chipset doesn't = perfected UI. Honestly I prefer the UI of Android to iOS because it is customiseable. To me Android 3.0 has exceeded iOS in terms of ease of use and more. My biggest gripe with iOS is that it is so simple it can be difficult. Settings and tricks are hidden from the average user and aren't that easy to use, like the Multitasking. To close an open program/switch to one fast it isn't easy like it is on Android.
Either way Tegra 3 just means more power for games and more, not a perfect UI.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
SonicTab said:
Asus updates are great but its still falls well short of the ipad perfected UI.
Once Tegra 3 hits things should start to even out.
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Until Hardware acceleration is implemented in all parts of the UI you will not have a completely silky smooth experience unless you throw lots of horsepower at it, which just equals wasted battery. It's the software that needs to be updated. Android 3.1 is supposed to bring video acceleration which is needed to get the most out of the newest flash updates. From the reviews it also sounds like hardware acceleration was implemented in the launcher as well.
midimaker said:
I really don't think it's unreasonable as a customer to buy a computer with a keyboard and expect it to work
I researched this a lot. The lack of bloat on android as opposed to windows makes for a good platform with good battery life and it runs citrix really nicely which is great for work. The reviews were positive and sure any niggles would be resolved by launch. Great I thought.
Sadly it wasn't to be. I've updated to the latest website ww. Firmware but no ota as yet
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My point to you is this, why would you chose to buy a 1st release piece of hardware running an OS that's still under development if you needed a rock solid,proven stable system for work? The fact that Honeycomb is still lacking is pretty well known, even the most casual of Google searches turns up tons of reviews complaining about how undeveloped the OS is.It would stand to reason that ANY tablet running this OS is going to be subject to it's limitations at this point and the bugs that go along with it.
I'm sorry for your troubles and hope the OTA update fixes your issues or that you'll be able to return your TF for a full refund and be able to get the windows tablet that will better serve your immediate needs.
No way is this close to an apple killer. Neither is all of the android tablets combined. Apple is the king of the tablet marketplace and android is the queen. Good thing they are both at the top though. Oh...i have a TF on the way and cant wait...not too impressed with ipads.
cochese135 said:
No way is this close to an apple killer. Neither is all of the android tablets combined. Apple is the king of the tablet marketplace and android is the queen. Good thing they are both at the top though. Oh...i have a TF on the way and cant wait...not too impressed with ipads.
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I'd agree, the TF isn't an iPad killer. What Apple excels at making are "stupid-proof" consumer electronics. They are designed to be easy to use and stable. This stability comes at a cost, however. Apple products are locked down primarily to provide this stability. There is a solid market for Apple's equipment. If you were buying a tablet or smart phone for your elderly mother/father or recommending something for technologically challenged boss, iPad or iPhone is a great choice because it will just work.
Personally, I prefer the Android tablet because it doesn't have the lock down and is what I consider more "open". I have the TF and love it. I love that I don't have to use iTunes and I love that I can plug in a micro SD card if I want. I love that I can plug it in and actually access the data via computer and I love the form factor of the device. Oh, I also love the money I saved!! I'd put it up against an iPad any day for someone who understands the occasional FC and someone who has the patience to understand what we're dealing with. It's faster, more powerful and has the potential to do MORE than the iPad will ever be able to do.
iPad killer? Not likely. Solid competitor? ABSOLUTELY! Options are a wonderful thing.
cochese135 said:
No way is this close to an apple killer. Neither is all of the android tablets combined. Apple is the king of the tablet marketplace and android is the queen. Good thing they are both at the top though. Oh...i have a TF on the way and cant wait...not too impressed with ipads.
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Apple is sumed up in these words brilliant marketing average product
sent from my LEE Pad Transformer........I wish
midimaker said:
As it stands I'm embarassed to show this product to anyone.
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After reading that i couldn't help but laugh, i was buying an SD card for it and the guy at the store wanted to know what i was using it on. When i told him, he asked if i had it with me and if he could try it out; another employee came over right away to see.

BS article, we should all email eweek/Ziff Davis and complain
If you can't get to the link somehow, this is what [email protected] had to say (dated today) about why our Iconia should be on the extinction list. I'll let you spot the multitude of BS. If you get a chance, email him and tell him to do some research before he opens his mouth on the 'net.
"It’s hard to find too many worthwhile features in the Acer Iconia Tablet that can’t be found in other devices. The slate comes with a 2-megapixel camera, a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, and a 10.1-inch display. However, it’s running Android Honeycomb 3.0—an issue for those looking for the more-reliable Android 3.1. Combine that with the fact few people even know about the device, and it might not be long before the $400 tablet fades from the market."
What an uninformed asshole.
so sales numbers is the only thing he equates to a good product, well then the ford focus must be one of the best cars on the road
Why bother? Clearly he is an Apple Fanboi. He slammed every major player in the Android Tablet Market.
Easy fun happyness
Just read the last 50 articles he had posted. Quite obvious who is getting a check from whom.
Or perhaps his outdated and silly info is a true "review", right? Too bad many people will be fooled into letting a "review" like this influence their choice of tablets to purchase.
Xnine1964 said:
Why bother? Clearly he is an Apple Fanboi. He slammed every major player in the Android Tablet Market.
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Google the name and go to page two and it starts to make much more sense
For real
Check out this article - android 2.2 vs. Ios.
i hate fanboyism at its finest. I do not like apple but damn i at least respect what they have done.
Honestly, why would we care what some dude says about the Iconia.
Sent from my MOTWX435KT using Tapatalk
I wonder how someone so misinformed about so many products is still allowed to write about them.
This really makes you wonder what the editor of this publication does all day, this all falls back in his lap.
PapaTim said:
I wonder how someone so misinformed about so many products is still allowed to write about them.
This really makes you wonder what the editor of this publication does all day, this all falls back in his lap.
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that's called Free Speach
What an idiot, though, such an easy job/money for him.
eWeek needs to just change their name to biweekly and be honest about it.
Load of BS. Obviously XDA folks are clued in to the merits our A500 or whatever. Whatever happened to reliable journalism? I love my A500 - it serves my needs perfectly and latest ROMs for Android 3.2 show promise to make A500 an iPad killer.
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
I took it a step further and emailed eweek's editor [email protected]:
In reference to - Enterprise Mobility: 10 Tablets That Should Join HP TouchPad on the Extinction List
I have got to say this article is riddled with technological errors that make me wonder if a) anyone fact checked Mr. Reisinger's work and b) did he even use any of these products before his apparent bias declared that they should die?
Case in Point the Acer Iconia Tab 1/11 in this article:
"It’s hard to find too many worthwhile features in the Acer Iconia Tablet that can’t be found in other devices. The slate comes with a 2-megapixel camera, a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, and a 10.1-inch display. However, it’s running Android Honeycomb 3.0—an issue for those looking for the more-reliable Android 3.1. Combine that with the fact few people even know about the device, and it might not be long before the $400 tablet fades from the market."
The only thing right here is the name, the processor front camera, and the display size. His argument seems to hinge on the fact that it's running Honeycomb 3.0?? Despite the fact like every android tablet - they all shipped with 3.0 and were quickly upgraded to 3.1 and 3.2 - just like the Acer Iconia was upgraded over 3 months ago. The Tablet sports 2 cameras, just like the iPad - and just like the iPad has a lower resolution front camera, but at 2-megapixal in the front and 5 in the back it's still got better resolution than the ipad2 - so I'm unclear why the camera is anything but a postive. He doesn't even discuss any of the tablet's unique features like being the only Andorid tablet in his list that sports a full size usb connection or its rave reviews across the web including Ziff Davis' own PC Magazine which gave it a good rating in April of 2011. The fact that the a500 has been outselling more "well known" tablets like the Motorola Xoom should say that in fact there are a few more people who know about this tablet than Mr. Reisinger's leads on.
It is my hope that after an editorial review of this article it can be corrected to at least include the facts, not just blind rambling from someone who obviously isn't a fan of Android tablets.
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entropy.of.avarice said:
Google the name and go to page two and it starts to make much more sense
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I understand.
Top 5 reasons Don Reisinger sucks:
1. Because he does
2. Because he really does
3. Because he really, really does
4. Because he really, really,really does
5. Because his mother abandoned him as a child in a Starbucks with a sign attached that said "He sucks"
Just saying.
What a tool, well I sent him an email anyway, not like it could penetrate his brain.
Wow, that guy is a complete asshat. i emailed him, for what good it will do. I'm sure his reign of douchebaggery will continue unabated. I mean, he is entitled to his opinion, no matter how wrong, but at least hire a fact-checker or possibly just read the listed specs on the manufacturer's website before spouting such verbal feces.
I've also emailed this assclown (cc'd to his editor). I take issue not only with his options and mis-information regarding the Iconia, but with the article as a whole. I realize that editorials are opinionated, but that doesn't release a journalist from being honest and fair.
For starters, there his blatent opinion that 7" is too small for a tablet. I cannot see how millions in combined sales can possibly be disregarded as "redundant". AFAIK, the Galaxay Tab 7 is still the best selling non-Apple tablet to date. They still seem to be in solid demand now, with even the resale value holding up in the 75% or better range (at least in the Toronto area). As someone in the tech sale industry, at least half of non-Apple tablet sales I see are 7" devices.
Also, dismissing yet to be released products, i.e. the Cisco Cousin, is just rediculous.
Plus, the article is riddled with factual inaccuracies and misleading statements.
Lastly, I take issue with his dismissal of Asus as a non-"mainstream" company. The Eee PC defined the netbook market. You would be hard pressed to find a consumer who has shopped for a netbook who HASN'T heard of Asus.
I expect more journalistic integrity from a Ziff-Davis publication, but perhaps I'm living in the past.
Sent from Vera, my Iconia A500; All dressed up going places!
Wow that was funny! Seems the only tablet allowed to live is the one with the least features. The writer might just be mentally challanged, but whoever published that should be more responsible to the readers. Freedom of speach should not be an excuse for bad journalism.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
BrianDigital said:
so sales numbers is the only thing he equates to a good product, well then the ford focus must be one of the best cars on the road
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Well put.
I guess that makes the A500 a sleek sports car to the Ipad's Dodge Neon-like sales numbers.
I wrote a scathing reply to Ziff Davis, critical of the article and rebutting the claims. It will probably go straight to the trash folder, but its worth a shot.

Did amazon not think it through?

Er.. So, Why did amazon bother to not add the android market, if they aren't going to block loading APKs, or actively try to prevent root?
My mom who knows nothing about android could be walked through that process...
Try asking B&N the same thing?
Amazon thought it through perfectly. They aren't selling or attempting to actually sell a mobile computing device (tablet). They are selling a next gen Kindle (PMP). Have a look at the Nook Color and the iPod Touch, then compare against a Galaxy Tab, Xoom, Thrive, iPad 2, and Transformer. See the difference?
If they wanted the Android Market, Google has strict requirements that would keep amazon from doing all the data mining they want to sell ad data to partners. If you have the Google Android Market on a device you make Google gets all the info..
I think....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
cos they just made so you buy from they make a $10 loss on each one, they hope to gain that from selling stuff via
natand12342010 said:
cos they just made so you buy from they make a $10 loss on each one, they hope to gain that from selling stuff via
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It doesn't look like they are taking much of a loss at all according to this study: Making a profit actually.
Mama Luigi said:
Try asking B&N the same thing?
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I've been curious about the nook as well.
On the other hand, even if not a lot, I figured they were making a bit more money off of their product than amazon who is potentially using their tablet as a loss leader.
Snow_fox said:
I've been curious about the nook as well.
On the other hand, even if not a lot, I figured they were making a bit more money off of their product than amazon who is potentially using their tablet as a loss leader.
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It's all about "branding" the consumer. The earlier a company can get you to like/use their product the more likely it is you will continue to use them. The AF, by trying to restrict content and funnel only to their "approved" providers they can make dollars on volume. Apple does the same thing by getting their products into schools. Get 'em while their young! lol McDonald's does the same thing. What parent doesn't relent (often enough) to the protestations of their kid lamenting for the latest Happy Meal toy?
Downsides are galore. If a high school senior only knows Apple..they are severely limited in the marketplace (like it as not it's still a MS Business World). McDonald's? Fat kids with poor eating habits...Amazon Only Contest? One loses the richness of choice. See what I mean?
(I just might be a little cynical? lol)
skeeterpro said:
It's all about "branding" the consumer. The earlier a company can get you to like/use their product the more likely it is you will continue to use them. The AF, by trying to restrict content and funnel only to their "approved" providers they can make dollars on volume. Apple does the same thing by getting their products into schools. Get 'em while their young! lol McDonald's does the same thing. What parent doesn't relent (often enough) to the protestations of their kid lamenting for the latest Happy Meal toy?
Downsides are galore. If a high school senior only knows Apple..they are severely limited in the marketplace (like it as not it's still a MS Business World). McDonald's? Fat kids with poor eating habits...Amazon Only Contest? One loses the richness of choice. See what I mean?
(I just might be a little cynical? lol)
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You're dead on actually. This is a proven marketing method that works so well that various companies are banned from using it (tobacco, alcohol, etc). Apple's variant has been particularly successful because they didn't just get their product out to the kids. They also worked hard to convince the kids that without an Apple product, you weren't cool. Once this took hold, all Apple needed to do was continue to play upon that theme with each later device, as the "cool factor" propagates on its own, both forward and backward across generations. The older crowd by nature wants to appear to be young and hip, and the very young crowd want to appear older and cool. So, Apple wins across the board, from the elementary school almost all the way up to the retirees.
Cobey_S said:
You're dead on actually. This is a proven marketing method that works so well that various companies are banned from using it (tobacco, alcohol, etc). Apple's variant has been particularly successful because they didn't just get their product out to the kids. They also worked hard to convince the kids that without an Apple product, you weren't cool. Once this took hold, all Apple needed to do was continue to play upon that theme with each later device, as the "cool factor" propagates on its own, both forward and backward across generations. The older crowd by nature wants to appear to be young and hip, and the very young crowd want to appear older and cool. So, Apple wins across the board, from the elementary school almost all the way up to the retirees.
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The iPhone 4S is a failure in the sense that it looks like and has the same appearance as the iPhone 4. No discernable COOL factor here. Buyers will have to wear a pin "This Is The 4S"
1215kids said:
The iPhone 4S is a failure in the sense that it looks like and has the same appearance as the iPhone 4. No discernable COOL factor here. Buyers will have to wear a pin "This Is The 4S"
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iPhone 1G, 3G, and 3GS all looked identical as well, but that didn't stop shoppers, nor the "cool" effect brought of having an "in" product. The appearance and technical excellence have little to nothing to do with it. "I have an iPhone," on the other hand does, and that's the brilliance behind Apple's variant on the "capture the hearts and minds of the young" marketing approach.
Er. Guys.
Let me say the iphone 4s may have failed in a few ways.
1. People expected an iphone 5. Even if it would have the exact same hardware.. people wanted to hear "iphone 5". Apple failed at marketing.. which is big since it is almost more of a marketing company than anything else.
2. A lot of people *were* hoping to see changes. Being totally honest.. the iphone design is tired in a lot of ways. The 3.5" screen is small despite the iphone being almost the same size as a 4" device. The problem is if they raise the size to 4" then it is just going to look gigantic..
Apple is in a bad situation honestly. If they change it, they alienate a lot of fans.
If they don't, the design just keeps looking older and older..
Snow_fox said:
Er. Guys.
Let me say the iphone 4s may have failed in a few ways.
1. People expected an iphone 5. Even if it would have the exact same hardware.. people wanted to hear "iphone 5". Apple failed at marketing.. which is big since it is almost more of a marketing company than anything else.
2. A lot of people *were* hoping to see changes. Being totally honest.. the iphone design is tired in a lot of ways. The 3.5" screen is small despite the iphone being almost the same size as a 4" device. The problem is if they raise the size to 4" then it is just going to look gigantic..
Apple is in a bad situation honestly. If they change it, they alienate a lot of fans.
If they don't, the design just keeps looking older and older..
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Myself, and the others that I know that are technically inclined are in complete agreement with you. On the flip side, not one of my friends or customers, that use their iPhones as status symbols more than anything else, feel that way. To them, it's a new iPhone, and they want it. Sadly, that bunch easily outnumbers the technically inclined. I feel that is pretty accurate for the market as a whole as well - those that know better are the minority by a long shot.
They thought it through, but with their own concept on reality
No Google market, the low storage and no microsd slot are all by design to force a bunch of lemmings (they appear to think we all are) into their revenue cloud.
Just wait till folks get on the road with these things and find out the cloud only hovers around a wifi connection
IMO, the Flyer is the current best 7" device for price and features. Compared to the Fire:
1. 8gb more storage
2. 512mb more ram
3. The SoC per Anandtech and my own practical tests performs better with Flash, games, video and everything else in between (I also have a Droid 3, which has 512mb ram and 4430 SoC to compare in a practical manner).
4. Microsd slot
5. GPS
6. BOTH markets
7. Install from other sources
8. Camera
9. Better build
The extra $100 seems a very sound investment for most folks.
The Fire IMO is a low end, second rate iPad wannabe, with a UI and storefront model to support it. CrabApple.
Cobey_S said:
On the flip side, not one of my friends or customers, that use their iPhones as status symbols more than anything else, feel that way. To them, it's a new iPhone, and they want it.
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But it looks exactly the same as last year's model. Now in order to feel superior, they have to ask everyone holding one if they have the 4 or 4s. That's a lot of work.
thatdude90210 said:
But it looks exactly the same as last year's model. Now in order to feel superior, they have to ask everyone holding one if they have the 4 or 4s. That's a lot of work.
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Who cares? The 4S is released as a mid-range device. Apple has no high-end devices now... They're failing on this release.
thatdude90210 said:
But it looks exactly the same as last year's model. Now in order to feel superior, they have to ask everyone holding one if they have the 4 or 4s. That's a lot of work.
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One would think, right? Not the case. So far, I have but one iPhone lover that isn't budging on the update to the 4S, 30-40 that are getting it because it's new, and 8 that are converting from Android to iOS and are rather excited to get it.
rushless said:
They thought it through, but with their own concept on reality
No Google market, the low storage and no microsd slot are all by design to force a bunch of lemmings (they appear to think we all are) into their revenue cloud.
Just wait till folks get on the road with these things and find out the cloud only hovers around a wifi connection
IMO, the Flyer is the current best 7" device for price and features. Compared to the Fire:
1. 8gb more storage
2. 512mb more ram
3. The SoC per Anandtech and my own practical tests performs better with Flash, games, video and everything else in between (I also have a Droid 3, which has 512mb ram and 4430 SoC to compare in a practical manner).
4. Microsd slot
5. GPS
6. BOTH markets
7. Install from other sources
8. Camera
9. Better build
The extra $100 seems a very sound investment for most folks.
The Fire IMO is a low end, second rate iPad wannabe, with a UI and storefront model to support it. CrabApple.
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Being totally honest, I must admit I am considering the Kindle fire, but I am waiting to see what else comes out first.
If I *only* wanted a tablet, spending 100$ more on a flyer would be ok.. But, I also have a few other things on my "christmas list" A few ps3 games (infamous2 and resistance3), a new comp case.. (obsidian 650d) and I would like a tablet so I can read manga somewhere besides at my computer screen.
So for me, it becomes an issue of practicality.. How much can I really afford to spend on a tablet in the near future?
I mean sure it *is* limited to the cloud.. however without the internet most devices become borderline useless anyway.
Snow_fox said:
Being totally honest, I must admit I am considering the Kindle fire, but I am waiting to see what else comes out first.
If I *only* wanted a tablet, spending 100$ more on a flyer would be ok.. But, I also have a few other things on my "christmas list" A few ps3 games (infamous2 and resistance3), a new comp case.. (obsidian 650d) and I would like a tablet so I can read manga somewhere besides at my computer screen.
So for me, it becomes an issue of practicality.. How much can I really afford to spend on a tablet in the near future?
I mean sure it *is* limited to the cloud.. however without the internet most devices become borderline useless anyway.
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For what you say, Snow, the AF might well be ideal for what you seek. The again, let's all keep in mind that as of right now, the AF cannot really be considered an "android tablet" but more a "dedicated e-reader running android". That is if/until it is rooted by some of the marvelous devs on XDA.
My money's on the devs. lol
Snow_fox said:
Being totally honest, I must admit I am considering the Kindle fire, but I am waiting to see what else comes out first.
If I *only* wanted a tablet, spending 100$ more on a flyer would be ok.. But, I also have a few other things on my "christmas list" A few ps3 games (infamous2 and resistance3), a new comp case.. (obsidian 650d) and I would like a tablet so I can read manga somewhere besides at my computer screen.
So for me, it becomes an issue of practicality.. How much can I really afford to spend on a tablet in the near future?
I mean sure it *is* limited to the cloud.. however without the internet most devices become borderline useless anyway.
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Depends on what you use. I have tons of games, videos and emulator roms. Use them while traveling and other area where wifi is no open or available.
This device is as limited as you could get.
As far as rooting, why? There is no space to do anything with it. Breach the Amazon cloud and the functionality is even less. Assuming inflation for my contract manufacturing days for connectors (buyer), the total cost for a sd slot port is 75 cents to add to design (components circuit bridge). This means probably $1.50 applied to sellers to maintain margin.
Could argue that is money they save, but I suggest the lack of one is FAR more costly, since it will sell well until people are savvy to no card expansion and the "forced" cloud use. They should have added the slot, but it is not there by design- they want cloud usage so they can data mine and also get revenue linked to their B class iTunes effort.
For someone not constrained on an extra $100, the Flyer is FAR better for reasons mentioned above (at least). Added: Heck, even my very non-tech wife does not want the Fire, due to no microsd slot. A key reason she also did not want an iPad either.
---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------
Snow_fox said:
Er. Guys.
Let me say the iphone 4s may have failed in a few ways.
1. People expected an iphone 5. Even if it would have the exact same hardware.. people wanted to hear "iphone 5". Apple failed at marketing.. which is big since it is almost more of a marketing company than anything else.
2. A lot of people *were* hoping to see changes. Being totally honest.. the iphone design is tired in a lot of ways. The 3.5" screen is small despite the iphone being almost the same size as a 4" device. The problem is if they raise the size to 4" then it is just going to look gigantic..
Apple is in a bad situation honestly. If they change it, they alienate a lot of fans.
If they don't, the design just keeps looking older and older..
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I have an iPod 4 64gb and like it a lot, but would not have a iPhone, since too constrained for me (ditto on an iPad). Still, the new models have the dual core and a 64gb option. Not too shabby for iPhone lovers who are media and game freaks.
The problem is the "retina display". If they increase the size, ditto on the display res. Probably too costly and not reliable enough for efficient yields from production. Cost curve for a 4" retina is probably evil (for now).

