[Q] Reverse Engineering Zune (Zune Spoof) - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

With everyone always asking "how can I update without losing apps and contacts?", or "Can't I just update?" even "I just updated my phone a few a days ago and I need to flash another update?", I was wondering if anyone here ever thought of reverse engineering Zune itself? I know Skyscape has a spoof server to update its libraries for android and I wonder if Zune can do the same for our phone? Or even write an alternative program like Zune to push updates to our phone instead of just continuing to flash updated roms. I mean there can always be something that goes wrong with a flash i.e., sd corruption or incompatibility, or worst case scenario hardware corruption! I feel some people would rather just update a few new features rather than just flash an updated rom and redo all their apps and settings all over again, and have to deal with M$ if they didn't save their code, again! So it would be great if this can be done. It could even be a tool where developers can upload new features to this server and end users can simply plugin their usb to connect to this server and push the updates to their phones. Well, anything that is close to how zune and M$ do things!


Help please - Root / ROM info

Greetings all
I realize the info I need is probably posted here... somewhere. But, at this point I am beyond confused.
I did the first, 2nd and the 3rd Eris leaks and my info is as follows
[Firmware - 2.1
baseband -
kernel - 2.6.29-8a03cb9a
htc-kernel and18-2#1
build - 2.36.605.1 cl165907 release-keys
software - 2.36.605.1
browser - 3.1
pri - 2.11_002
prl - 51920
Truthfully, I dont know what any of it means. I don't know if I am able to Root or not or even what I would be getting If I did or if I need to.
I also Don't know which of the dozen or so tutorials, fixes, ROM's etc I should trust, try or attempt or what they mean
What I do know is simple. I want the phone to work when all is said and done. Meaning, I want the GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi etc to all function properly.
What I would like is also simple and that is, to be able to get rid of the 1.2 dozen or so apps that I must constantly kill on this phone ( MP3 store, Voce Dialer, my uploads etc.) and the 20+ I have to kill on reboot. And have my phone run as smooth, fast and trouble free as possible.
The only widget I run is the weather, currently either 9s or weather bug and I also have a widget for Pandora and an app called music player on the home screen, but neither of those should be or need to be running, all syncs, auto updates, message / mail pushing are turned off or set to manual, this phone is a phone first, weather 2nd, and internet & email 3rd. all the other things are just toys to me. I would use the Sense weather widget if I could but I am
using Launcherpro so can only Open the sense weather app manually, not with the perfect 1x2 widget or full screen one. I also use the Sense Calender/ agenda app and would like to continue to do so.
I would also like, as I said, have everything else just work, the google account syncing, the market, all the other stuff that is needed in the background to make the unit function properly.
I Hope somebody out there understands what I am trying to convey to all of you, and I don't come off as being to demanding or inflexible. I am open to anything as long as it will do what I need. I know a lot of people here are Techies and want the latest, greatest, fastest etc. but I just need things to work. If that means staying with what I got, so be it.
My biggest grips with the phone is the crap that runs in the background, that I must kill and constantly restarts, even when the phone is idle. If this can be fixed in Root, I am all for it, if android 2.2 fixes this, ditto. if there is another way that doens't require any of this, I am open to suggestions on that as well.
But, I must stress, I do need this phone to simply work as intended. I am in the minority I am sure but I actually use the "phone" part more then anything else and need it to just work.
Maybe I don't need root! I really don't know. But as it stands now, with leak3 I will get no future updates or fixes unless I have it or something similar, Correct?
Thanks for any simplified help or advice on this
P.S if at all possible, please dont direct me to another link to read. Unless, that will do exactly what I am trying to accomplish and need the phone to do. And, is fairly simple to understand and execute. Not one full of links telling me, you need this, so go here and u will want that so go there etc..
This is realy important with the"ROM" issue, which I realy dont understand at all
Thanks in advance
yes you can root it is benificial to most, and follow these instructions to ROOT after reading more into the matter. If you need any personal help still you may PM me tomorrow and i will at least help you find all the necessary resources and knowledge to decide if you should root or not.
Please move to general discussion.
I think the first thing that you really need to understand is that with Android things are going to run in the background, regardless of what you do. Background process run whether stock or rooted. There are no custom ROMs that somehow prevent background processes from running. It took me a long time to come to terms with this concept because I want to feel like everything on my phone is "clean". However, with Android the system is meant to run this way and the OS will stop processes only when needed. When you kill processes via task manager app or whatever you are simply wasting time, slowing down your phone, wasting battery, and maybe causing other "hiccups" in the operation of the system. As much as it feels good to make sure that stuff is not running you are really doing no good by constantly chasing your tail on this issue.
With leak v3 you can receive future updates. If you haven't already, you should be receiving the MR4 OTA update which includes some minor bug fixes.
Obtaining root is going to give you the ability to apply custom ROMs but I am not sure that this will accomplish what you have in mind. Custom ROMs do offer some significant performance enhancements but they will not stop background apps from running and all of them include a good number of the native apps that you want to get rid of (amazon mp3, etc). With root you can remove native apps but it is another required learning process.
Rooting your phone is more than just loading a custom ROM, it is a learning process that requires a lot of reading and understanding of how the operating system works, how to load custom ROMs, and all of the other things that come along with rooting.
I understand that you want to make this as easy as possible but learning is only easy if you are interested in what you are trying to do. I don't want to discourage you from rooting your Eris but I do think that you need to take some time to understand what it is that you are considering doing.
There are a lot of great resources on this site to use to educate yourself on the root process and what rooting really means for you. Good luck
mod, please move this to the general section, not a development topic, thanks.
"With leak v3 you can receive future updates. If you haven't already, you should be receiving the MR4 OTA update which includes some minor bug fixes.
Did I read this correctly?
Since I installed Leak 1 and the subsequent leak 2 and leak 3, I have not had any updates from verizon.
At what point in time, if ever, will I get an update from Verizon that does not come from a forum and or somebody claiming they figured it out and it's the same as the official, just "Not Official" since i am on the leaked version of Android 2.1
If I can eventually get 2.2 android, without going thru the Agg. of rooting and the trial and eroor with the many different ROMS, I would love that.
With that said, if there is something proven I can do , to undo what I have done ( Leak 1, 2 and 3) that will allow my phone then to be "Officialy" updated by verizon I would love to know how to do this
Thanks again for the Help
Kalie S

[Q] Android / Glacier Noob Questions

So, I've been a long time WinMo user and I just switched to Android (the Glacier) Great phone. A lot is foreign to me, though.
I'm a software developer and a Linux user so I'm pretty comfortable finding my way around the Android dev tools and the terminal (although I found it odd that the phone comes with neither a file manager nor a terminal)
Anyhow, I have a few questions:
-I've seen a lot of threads declaring how awesome Android's process management is and how it's bad to kill processes manually. I don't understand this. I've been playing with my phone non-stop for the past few days and on a number of occasions, have met with slow performance and even not-enough-memory prompts. This is usually after installing a dozen (or dozens) of apps back to back and playing with them all. So long as you are aware of the ramifications of killing a particular process, what's wrong with doing so?
-I've rooted my phone. If I ever get an OTA update, would it be a good idea to unroot prior to applying the update?
-When I select "Allow automatic updating" in the Market for my purchased apps, how exactly does that work? Are updates looked for my Android? Are they looked for when the Market is launched? Are those individual apps first loaded and then look for updates?
-I imported my contacts from WinMo Outlook into Google via ActiveSync in order to get them on my phone. Consequently, I have GTalk contacts and stuff on my phone that I don't want. If I delete them from Contacts, will they be deleted from my Google account? That is to say, if I delete [email protected] from my Contacts, will he suddenly disappear from my IM client?
Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!
LOL you see like you I been also using *nix for ages far as I can count 10+ years and I am Unix Admin. When I got MT4G as it was my first AOSP device I was like yourself shocked it didn't have file manager, basic console, or anything.
It seem that if you wanted to do anything it was required you waste your life installing some backward software though Market that claimed it to be freeware but IRL is actually adware. Also if you want anything done it is required you have root lol and if you do want root you void warranty its like whole catch 22 statement to me. So here I am doing what I do best and owned AOSP along with google market.
So here ill actually answer some of your questions as I didn't want to due to it being very long but hey it might help you out.
1) Far as the process goes as you know in *nix world we have saying "unused memory is wasted memory" same apply as mostly its cached and does not treat it same as in WM. When you "exit" task if you call it exit that is in first place its put on dormant status so if resource is required then its reallocated. This is why you don't exit them forcefully as data may not be synced and saved. In this case my best advice for you is disable service from booting up in first place and also auto close it if it restarts.
2) Don't worry about OTA as you will more likely get update via dev of XDA long before you officially get it though carrier. You have S off so don't worry about it as its no factor.
3) It is tracked via google account and though your carrier I think, I don't know as I didn't ever officially buy single package however I did cURL 8.1gb of paid app archive of market before getting banned. From what I know once app is installed if you have auto update the current version is checked though market to see if any new version is available. Now when you buy app its under your acc so you can use it in diff device or install it many time as you want even if its updated.
4) I can't say about GTalk as I never used but far as AutoSync goes mostly your TMo data and email is synced though Google accounts like gmail.
I see. I can see how task management is rather pointless then, heh. I wonder where my "out of memory" issue came from. Leaky app, perhaps.
Is there a way to rename applications in the "All Programs" list?

[Q] Worth updating to Mango?

Hi there! I have "free" E900 which I have unlocked to be able to develop for it. Today Zune proposed me to do the "Mango" update. My question is - will it maintain my phone unlocked? if not, will I still be able to access LG's "fieldtest" application?
hoaxer said:
Hi there! I have "free" E900 which I have unlocked to be able to develop for it. Today Zune proposed me to do the "Mango" update. My question is - will it maintain my phone unlocked? if not, will I still be able to access LG's "fieldtest" application?
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Probably not, but here is how you unlock it again:
Unless you factory reset your device, the feildtest application should stay, along with all the other apps you downloaded. Just incase you do:
thanks for the reply! since subject of topic you recommended mentions "works in Mango" I suppose I can give it a try will write about result here
A con that many of us have seen is lost ability to tether over USB due to the computer not recognizing the phone while it is in QT Composite USB mode. Some however have continued success. My guess is that this is either related to the continued discrepancies in firmware versions that some of us have or it is due to some of us having 64bit Windows vs 32 bit.
well everything went good! successfully unlocked via lg's field test, my app has been deployed via Visual Studio, XAP installer also works without problems. As usual, during transfer of big .XAP's have to maintain screen active, if not, fails.
though this feature of adding own facebook account is annoying. I have a lot of people in my contact list whom I don't need to be in my phone's contact list, so had to remove it. The rest looks nice, though, it looks like it consumes more power. Just my imho

[Q] Corporate Android Usage

Hello Guys,
before I start: My apologies for this, I am not quite sure if I am even in the right Topic.
I think of myself as pretty new to Android, but got some experiences in Rooting, Custom Roms and such. But that is already as far as it gets.
Now my Problem: We lost our BES and now my Company decided to go with Android (SG4 I9505) and I have to make it happen :angel:.
1. I Need some Kind of Freeware tool to administer Android Devices (Basic: find device, delete data, restrict Apps)
2. If something like this dont exist (which I dont think-I just havent found it)), I would Need to know if I can use CM 10.2 as our Standard Rom and before you start rolling your eyes with experimental and such....
I have to restrict the phone solely to Telefone, Exchange and some preselected (mostly travel)Tools. NO GAPPS!!! and I think that nightly CM provides this with no problems
To realize this I downloaded the nightly from 18th, I think. I then added some APK´s into \System\app Folder and installed the ROM. This actually worked fine until I updated to phone afterwards via build in updating tool - all Tools were gone.(what did I miss?)
Now, our Standard is SG4 I-9505.
Any ideas on how I could do this? (I couldnt find what I was looking for)
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
Any link is much appreciated. Sadly there is sooooo much andoid articles out there that I seem to get lost while searching for the right one. Thanks in advance!!!!
AccEss-dEniEd said:
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
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My guess is I'll get flamed for saying this - but here goes.
Android corporate (MDM) leaves a lot to be desired next to iOS, at least as far as I've been able to find. We manage a lot of iPads and obviously minus the custom ROM we've been able to do it all for little to no cost. We've shied away from Android a lot because of the limited MDM control.
But, since you asked:
1. Meraki Systems Manager (and the accompanying app from Google Play)
2. Good luck with that
3. See number 2
I think the reality is you're going to need to do something to the effect of either cook your own ROM and deploy it or use a tool like CWM to create an "image" that you would then restore to the devices. I did that with a batch of 60+ Nexus 7s and it worked out pretty well.
With all that said - I would urge your management to reconsider their approach as the world has changed since Blackberry was the only game in town. Yes, still stick with MDM, device location, remote wipe etc. But unless you're dealing with highly sensitive information (exp banking), let people actually USE the device you're giving them. Don't lock it down to where its basically a first generation iPhone. I'm a big fan of giving someone a good tool and letting them use it the way that works best for them, while still keeping the device and more importantly the data under corporate control.
Assuming you have Exchange, does this not provide the management part?
AccEss-dEniEd said:
Hello Guys,
before I start: My apologies for this, I am not quite sure if I am even in the right Topic.
I think of myself as pretty new to Android, but got some experiences in Rooting, Custom Roms and such. But that is already as far as it gets.
Now my Problem: We lost our BES and now my Company decided to go with Android (SG4 I9505) and I have to make it happen :angel:.
1. I Need some Kind of Freeware tool to administer Android Devices (Basic: find device, delete data, restrict Apps)
2. If something like this dont exist (which I dont think-I just havent found it)), I would Need to know if I can use CM 10.2 as our Standard Rom and before you start rolling your eyes with experimental and such....
I have to restrict the phone solely to Telefone, Exchange and some preselected (mostly travel)Tools. NO GAPPS!!! and I think that nightly CM provides this with no problems
To realize this I downloaded the nightly from 18th, I think. I then added some APK´s into \System\app Folder and installed the ROM. This actually worked fine until I updated to phone afterwards via build in updating tool - all Tools were gone.(what did I miss?)
Now, our Standard is SG4 I-9505.
Any ideas on how I could do this? (I couldnt find what I was looking for)
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
Any link is much appreciated. Sadly there is sooooo much andoid articles out there that I seem to get lost while searching for the right one. Thanks in advance!!!!
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I currently work in the infrastructure of a good sized corporation. We're using IOS with a mixture of android hardware and there's some good news and bad news for what you want to do.
Good news is, like Jpcurrie said, exchange will handle remote wiping and locking the phone down. you can require the phone to use a PIN, remote wipe and and a bit more. As for locating the phone, Google actually has finally built in remote locating of your device and remote wipe as well. There's a couple good apps out there (lookout) will turn on your GPS and allow you to locate the phone and they're free. If you happen to have a virtualized environment with VMware, you could also use VMware View Horizons which builds in a secure sector on the phone and you can remotely manage which apps and files the user can use. the best part of View is you can use a BYOD model and keep corporate data secure. The biggest issue is if you don't happen to already use a VMware architecture it gets pricey quickly.
Here's the rub now. you want to install your own logos on the bootup which you could do by installing a custom ROM. This will void your warranty on the hardware and as it isn't 100% stable you'll be spending a LOT of time trying to keep a consistent environment.
Like netsyd said, talk to management about an MDM, and the branding of the devices, maybe even talk to them about using a BYOD to reduce costs of hardware and administration of that hardware.
Isn´t Knox supposed to allow administrators to only delete the data that belongs to the Corporate account (emails, calendars, tasks, etc.), or an administrator can still force a full device wipe? Sorry if the questions is too basic, I've tried searching around for info on Knox but couldn't find anything besides press releases.
I'm not a network administrator, I'm just a user and my school secure wifi installs a device administrator.
I'm sorry to deviate the topic a little bit from the original.
At Delta we use Air Watch but it's far from free. You can however manage devices and remote wipe. You can also view installed apps and remove what should not be there. Options for device profiles also. I help maintain these devices everyday. Not Free but an MDM is your best bet.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
long time - no see
sorry I didn t answer - kinda was overwhelmed with this Task.
Wanted still to thank you: I did what you suggestet and wanted to let you know where I am now.
1. Meraki = implemented - now runnning 160+ devices. (at no costs)
2. CM12.1 implemented (without GAPPS/no SU)
3. Standard Image/w Apps defined. (Mostly Offline capable Tools like "here" etc.(which actually reduced costs))
4. Since Android has limited capability to be administered in a "real" professional Fashion we mitigated this issue by creating a policy to forbid the user to temper with the device (e.g. Installation of Software/SU etc) yet to allow the Installation of Software manually by us via creating a ticket. We check the Software mainly for "sanity" and malware and install it if ok.
This has been working so far like a charm for us. None of the user were happy to loose the Gapps obviously - but once they had their Software and settled in, all was ok. For the Administering part: Meraki can tell me if Software is beeing installed without our Knowledge, also we see if SM doesnt speak with us anymore. So, for now, we got the most out of the System and I am happy to say: I got minimal Control in a Quality sense. No no more "KO Critera" - and we have implemented Android. Tracking etc. is forbidden in Germany anyway - so we use Meraki mainly to wipe if lost and to check if someone goes against policy.
What is still open:
- I am still working on a way to have the user enter his credentials and automatically enter These in all respective config files. (haven't had much luck - with the absense of SU obviously.
- a Little cosmetics still open (I am still trying to figure out how the theming really works ... I usually f**k up the Pictures and sounds.... but so far making Progress
- with less and less good Android devices coming out (now, I am probably beeing flamed now ) that suits our needs (open bootloader, known/supported CPUs, removable battery, SD Card Slot) - I think we might Switch by Q4/2016.
netsyd said:
My guess is I'll get flamed for saying this - but here goes.
Android corporate (MDM) leaves a lot to be desired next to iOS, at least as far as I've been able to find. We manage a lot of iPads and obviously minus the custom ROM we've been able to do it all for little to no cost. We've shied away from Android a lot because of the limited MDM control.
But, since you asked:
1. Meraki Systems Manager (and the accompanying app from Google Play)
2. Good luck with that
3. See number 2
I think the reality is you're going to need to do something to the effect of either cook your own ROM and deploy it or use a tool like CWM to create an "image" that you would then restore to the devices. I did that with a batch of 60+ Nexus 7s and it worked out pretty well.
With all that said - I would urge your management to reconsider their approach as the world has changed since Blackberry was the only game in town. Yes, still stick with MDM, device location, remote wipe etc. But unless you're dealing with highly sensitive information (exp banking), let people actually USE the device you're giving them. Don't lock it down to where its basically a first generation iPhone. I'm a big fan of giving someone a good tool and letting them use it the way that works best for them, while still keeping the device and more importantly the data under corporate control.
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Stuck with 5.2 update "option" instead of latest OTA upgrade.

I am using a Shield TV Pro (2015) never rooted and I have stayed on 5.0.2 for all this time waiting for a stable update (6.3 sounds really stable compared to older OTAs) but now as soon as I heard about that OTA version's release,it started showing a different OTA upgrade than it should which is...version 5.2! :crying:
Please,how do I fix this ridiculous problem?
I know that this is the notorious OTA upgrade version that fails to download and fails on updating so I would probably end up bricked if I try to update to it in order to reach 6.x versions.
I am sick of being,for one,unable to use adobe flash player because it broke on 5.0.2 but I also want-ed to take the risk to get 6.3 since it wasn't getting huge amounts of major issues mentioned like every previous upgrade.
If it was at least 6.x then it wouldn't be so awful,but its that accursed 5.2 "upgrade" instead.
I seek help here because my Nvidia forum account has been compromised by bad username syndrome since they did that fused account crap and the stupid user rename function isn't openly allowed.
Who wants their email as a forum username? Not me!
retroben said:
I am using a Shield TV Pro (2015) never rooted and I have stayed on 5.0.2 for all this time waiting for a stable update (6.3 sounds really stable compared to older OTAs) but now as soon as I heard about that OTA version's release,it started showing a different OTA upgrade than it should which is...version 5.2! :crying:
Please,how do I fix this ridiculous problem?
I know that this is the notorious OTA upgrade version that fails to download and fails on updating so I would probably end up bricked if I try to update to it in order to reach 6.x versions.
I am sick of being,for one,unable to use adobe flash player because it broke on 5.0.2 but I also want-ed to take the risk to get 6.3 since it wasn't getting huge amounts of major issues mentioned like every previous upgrade.
If it was at least 6.x then it wouldn't be so awful,but its that accursed 5.2 "upgrade" instead.
I seek help here because my Nvidia forum account has been compromised by bad username syndrome since they did that fused account crap and the stupid user rename function isn't openly allowed.
Who wants their email as a forum username? Not me!
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So.. I take it you are not rooted? only way I can see is either going through all the updates or rooting and then flashing 6.3
jionny said:
So.. I take it you are not rooted? only way I can see is either going through all the updates or rooting and then flashing 6.3
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I read on the Geforce forums about sending a message in order to be added to the server for a full 6.3 update but I feel like that might not even work for bypassing the 5.2 version.
My main fear of it is also that it has been sitting on their server for a long time and by chance it could be messy due to the age of the upgrade files.
I also don't know if I have to wait for stability of the SSHD to optimize before updating to the next version afterward but I would probably do that just for safety.
retroben said:
I read on the Geforce forums about sending a message in order to be added to the server for a full 6.3 update but I feel like that might not even work for bypassing the 5.2 version.
My main fear of it is also that it has been sitting on their server for a long time and by chance it could be messy due to the age of the upgrade files.
I also don't know if I have to wait for stability of the SSHD to optimize before updating to the next version afterward but I would probably do that just for safety.
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Don't think the age of the file matters. I also read the forums and fewer than more have had problems with a OTA update, matter fact in my opinion the majority that do have a problem are not telling the full story.
I went ahead and double updated and am now on 6.3 with it performing decently from the start.
The thing that pisses me off though is that any form of swf player or adobe flash is still crashing!
Why is this happening on my stuff when others on builds 5.0.2 or newer claimed it was working for them?!?
Puffin's method is awful because quality is garbage and frame-rates are choppy even on lightweight stuff,and plus the controls don't work right and you can't access local swf files with it.
The other stuff used to work before the 5.0.2 upgrade.
I wish someone would hack the latest flash player version and get it ported to Android to be a hero to fans of ancient interwebz stuff.
Otherwise,where the hell is the ACTUAL replacement for adobe flash that allows full access to playing any SWF file in parity to how Adobe Flash does it?
And no,Adobe AIR is useless because they were jerks by making it only able to run stuff with actionscript 3.0 which leaves out a F-ton of old stuff that one wants to toy around with and even tons of new stuff that still uses the 2.0 actionscript.
I might have to drag out my old FireTV to see if it still works and use it primarily for a working SWF player device.
The main problem is that I can't just use my laptop to access swf content for prideful reasons and for risk of any recent ad attacks that aren't prevented in any filters at any given time.
Although,I guess I could set up a strong (but slower) VM to access all the SWF stuff in the (partial) safety of a computation layer in hopes I don't immediately get Spectre-d or Melt-ed anyway.
retroben said:
I went ahead and double updated and am now on 6.3 with it performing decently from the start.
The thing that pisses me off though is that any form of swf player or adobe flash is still crashing!
Why is this happening on my stuff when others on builds 5.0.2 or newer claimed it was working for them?!?
Puffin's method is awful because quality is garbage and frame-rates are choppy even on lightweight stuff,and plus the controls don't work right and you can't access local swf files with it.
The other stuff used to work before the 5.0.2 upgrade.
I wish someone would hack the latest flash player version and get it ported to Android to be a hero to fans of ancient interwebz stuff.
Otherwise,where the hell is the ACTUAL replacement for adobe flash that allows full access to playing any SWF file in parity to how Adobe Flash does it?
And no,Adobe AIR is useless because they were jerks by making it only able to run stuff with actionscript 3.0 which leaves out a F-ton of old stuff that one wants to toy around with and even tons of new stuff that still uses the 2.0 actionscript.
I might have to drag out my old FireTV to see if it still works and use it primarily for a working SWF player device.
The main problem is that I can't just use my laptop to access swf content for prideful reasons and for risk of any recent ad attacks that aren't prevented in any filters at any given time.
Although,I guess I could set up a strong (but slower) VM to access all the SWF stuff in the (partial) safety of a computation layer in hopes I don't immediately get Spectre-d or Melt-ed anyway.
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Also Nvidia recommends all with pro version let it sit for about 30 min to settle in after flashing, because of the hard drive. I saw that on the forum when people were complaining that they flashed and the shield was slow or stuttering.......You do know that more and more sites, companies, etc are phasing adobe flash player out and not using at all. Also here is some information for you to look at if you have not already....http://www.aiseesoft.com/resource/adobe-flash-player.html
Sorry to be rude but I don't give a **** about those facts,I just want mah swf players to work.
The whole point originally is that I wanted a device I could hope on to use for swf content while my other devices are safe from it since I never use flash on my laptop.
Do you know of a way to reset a Shield TV without deleting storage files at all?
I may just bypass that by storing everything I can,getting systemless root,storing the rest of it (browser cookies to retain logins) then do a clean slate and root again to restore all of my browser cookies to restore the logins.
I F * * * ING hate restrictions set by root access requirements! No easy way to export all cookies and import them back because the god-damned storage location of it all being in a root-access-only protected/locked directory.
Unless I am missing the idea of such a feature on all Android web browsers.
Yes,I am that guy who uses side-loaded web browsers on my SATV via a wireless keyboard.
Even a temporary root access would be grand,if only that kind was still feasible but with no chances of automatic damage.
retroben said:
Sorry to be rude but I don't give a **** about those facts,I just want mah swf players to work.
The whole point originally is that I wanted a device I could hope on to use for swf content while my other devices are safe from it since I never use flash on my laptop.
Do you know of a way to reset a Shield TV without deleting storage files at all?
I may just bypass that by storing everything I can,getting systemless root,storing the rest of it (browser cookies to retain logins) then do a clean slate and root again to restore all of my browser cookies to restore the logins.
I F * * * ING hate restrictions set by root access requirements! No easy way to export all cookies and import them back because the god-damned storage location of it all being in a root-access-only protected/locked directory.
Unless I am missing the idea of such a feature on all Android web browsers.
Yes,I am that guy who uses side-loaded web browsers on my SATV via a wireless keyboard.
Even a temporary root access would be grand,if only that kind was still feasible but with no chances of automatic damage.
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only way I am aware of is being rooted and flashing the developer image, as resetting will delete the data
The thing is,that build for 6.3 is really bugged out and allegedly corrupted from the talk on the Geforce forums.
Its missing some files for Vendor which I think is greatly important.
Also,you edited when I was amidst the not caring about facts,I was only talking about the facts of them killing adobe flash.
I read in the settings about the account sync function but don't know if it also stores everything for stuff like cookies and the logins for specific stuff like side-loaded browsers such as Opera for Android.
retroben said:
The thing is,that build for 6.3 is really bugged out and allegedly corrupted from the talk on the Geforce forums.
Its missing some files for Vendor which I think is greatly important.
Also,you edited when I was amidst the not caring about facts,I was only talking about the facts of them killing adobe flash.
I read in the settings about the account sync function but don't know if it also stores everything for stuff like cookies and the logins for specific stuff like side-loaded browsers such as Opera for Android.
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Which build? I have the Pro the 2015 and 2017 are the same purchased mine in 2017 have been bootloader unlocked and rooted since 5.02 every new ota I wait for the developer version and flash via flashfire and I have never had one problem unless I did something wrong. I will tell you this also I know personally of people that have contacted me trying to flash the ota via twrp, you cant its encrypted, I also know of people that thought they knew but tried flashing wrong in flashfire an last not least I know of one gentleman that said his developer image was corrupt, only to find out the problem was it was not acting right with the version of magisk he had installed
Wait,that was for the 16GB device/s.
I have Shield TV Pro (2015) so there only is a chance that it is fine.
The BIG problem is that it will take literally forever to wait for everything to be done due to the large SSHD for any kind of thing.
When I asked if Magisk worked a long while back,I was told that I should use the updated SuperSU instead of Magisk because it also had systemless root added to it and Magisk was known to have stability issues.
retroben said:
Wait,that was for the 16GB device/s.
I have Shield TV Pro (2015) so there only is a chance that it is fine.
The BIG problem is that it will take literally forever to wait for everything to be done due to the large SSHD for any kind of thing.
When I asked if Magisk worked a long while back,I was told that I should use the updated SuperSU instead of Magisk because it also had systemless root added to it and Magisk was known to have stability issues.
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Yep like 3 hours but you only have to do it once
Took a bit to find the best place for SuperSU but I only just found out it was put in other hands which luckily they are keeping it alive rather than doing any awful things.
Though the latest version is from nearly a whole year ago by now from May 2017 which makes it an easy chance of something going wrong from any OTA released after that last supersu version since ya never know what might make things not work at all.
Hoping I can get root working,backup all of the app stuff,overhaul the thing then test if swf players work and if they do,I will just have to root again and recover everything to regain all of my apps and data,likely using Titanium Backup since that one seems really popular as the best option for rooted users.
I can always enable full updates then take the next entire OTA to get out of root if that works at all.
Hoping it can all be done using systemless root,otherwise it kills the point of that kind of root,at least for initially backing up everything first.
Recovering all of it via the nuke-everything-once-done action with unlocking bootloader would be okay so long as it ends up working fine if I can't do it all on systemless root.
I should be able to copy/paste browser data if I have to resort to that if systemless root allows folder read/write access in granted root priveliges.
To clarify,now I am on OTA 6.3 so this thread is now moot-point.
Its running perfectly fine at first glimpse,but I do have that stupid keyboard app missing/replaced by russian keyboard issue.

