[INFO] UK - Bundle in stock (I've spoken to a human!) - Eee Pad Transformer General

Hi there,
I've found so much useful info here I thought I would join the forum to hopefully pay something back.
Carphone Warehouse DO have the bundle in stock today (Tuesday 10th). I'm not relying on the website - I've spoken to them. If you are placing an order I'd recomment phoning them and getting them to check the bundle is still in stock (not just the tablet).
they have previously shown 'in stock' on their website when they didn't have any, so I made a complaint to them and kicked up huge fuss. they got mixed up over the tablet and the bundle stock levels, so promised to call me when the bundle was definitely available. They called at 10 this morning, but I've had to wait until lunch time to be able to post this.
I'm having mine delivered to store - hopefully collecting tomorrow .
I'm not at all a developer - just someone who likes what her gadgets can do for her, so I'm not sure I'll get a chance to help out any other way. I hope someone gets their bundle from this. Thanks to those of you who are making useful contributions that us lurkers get benefit from!
PS - when making my complaint CPW told me to just buy the tablet and then get the keyboard separately. the sales guy said "I mean, what will it be - £20. "£30". He was so proud of himself he told me he'd convinced a few people to do that just that very day. Given CPW aren't selling the £100 keyboard separately, and WONT split the bundles because of 'systems issues' there will be some annoyed people out there with very little redress. Don't believe the sales hype!

Hi Maddi,
How wonderful to see another woman here and how nice of you to register to try to give useful info to the community.
I also love my gadgets and even though I'm not not a developer either (yet folks like us can be really helpful to the dev's so welcome to the forums !
Btw, I'm from across the pond, Boston to be exact, you might remember us?

Spoke to Lasksys Friday
I phoned Laskys last Friday and they said they would have stock today and had an update on delivery on Monday now for Friday - However EBuyer had 22 now its back to 1st June like Amazon - I think they may have sold 22 combo units in 15 from a Facebook posting!!! Looks like the linited stock are going like hot cakes!!!

Well well GadgetMaddi, thanks 4 that, got mine for delivery tomorrow from Carphonewarehouse, the last one of 3 they had! Can't wait....

Well done Dr Cropper. didn't realise they had so few - glad I warned people to phone. here's hoping they turn up on time. Don't think I'll sleep properly tonight!
Hi Geekbabe, thanks for the welcome. Feels a bit wrong I'm drinking a cuppa while chatting to a Bostonian So far my only experience of Boston was being whisked in and out of the airport on a business trip to Connecticut. Looked beautiful though! It's definitely on the list for a proper visit when I get my next passport (there's a boring story - it ends with the US changing the rules and I can't get in with my current passport unless I go through a nightmare visa process, so can't wait until I get my new passport next year).
I shall take your words to heart and stick around on the forum for a while.
Are you trying to get your hands on a transformer too?

Delivery Confirmed by Laskys
"Dear Mr ***** ********,
Thank you for your email.
Please can I advise that your delivery will be made on 13/05/11 between the hours of 07:00AM-18:00PM and will be delivered by Parcel Force I hope that this is satisfactory for you.
Kind Regards,
Steven Lawrie
Laskys Customer Care"

well done!
shall we check in tomorrow and see whether we got our transformers on time.
(I nearly said, "shall we three meet again". maybe not....!)



I was told on Sunday that the XDA EXEC was coming out on Monday 26th September at 8:30am.
As soon as i got to work i checked the O2 site not there, i nearly cried.. any way i rang at 8:30 they told me that it hadnt been put onto there system yet ..and asked me to ring back at 13:00, i did and now they tell me that its been put back by a week now iam angry and blowing steam and demand to speak to a manager and he says the same......
Now my heads spinning and im really stressed out,,,,i chill out for a couple of hours and i for some reason i check the O2 Business Site and there it is for SALE i rubb my eyes in disbelief and i ring immediately and get my company to Buy it for me...
£199.99 + vat device
tarriff £17.00/month + vat
100 x minutes
20 text
1mb data
50p a minute video calls but i will change this later with a bolt on..
when i came home this evening the XDA EXEC has dissapeared from site i did speak to someone this evening at O2 and he couldnt belief i actually got one, and they have sold there first wave of Business orders so i was bloody lucky.. next stock i was told is on Thursday but tread carefully and checked site very rugularly and be prepared to do battle with O2 toget one.. most sales advisors havnt a glue whats going on..
Peace out..
I am in disbelief, but then o2 is soooo disjointed it's possible!. One hand doesn't know what the others doing :wink: enjoy it anyhow, lucky sod!
I saw that same info on business site, but when I called the rep told me that you could noe order so I gave up... :evil: NOW I AM JUST FREAKING MADDDD! :wink: oh well, I guess it was not my luck today...Hey fanacreonte2804, maybe you can buy one for me sesing you're the MAN?
Well played.
Post pics when it arrives. Trying to decide whether it's worth selling my JasJar and getting an O2 Exec on contract.
fanacreonte2804 said:
I was told on Sunday that the XDA EXEC was coming out on Monday 26th September at 8:30am.
As soon as i got to work i checked the O2 site not there, i nearly cried.. any way i rang at 8:30 they told me that it hadnt been put onto there system yet ..and asked me to ring back at 13:00, i did and now they tell me that its been put back by a week now iam angry and blowing steam and demand to speak to a manager and he says the same......
Now my heads spinning and im really stressed out,,,,i chill out for a couple of hours and i for some reason i check the O2 Business Site and there it is for SALE i rubb my eyes in disbelief and i ring immediately and get my company to Buy it for me...
£199.99 + vat device
tarriff £17.00/month + vat
100 x minutes
20 text
1mb data
50p a minute video calls but i will change this later with a bolt on..
when i came home this evening the XDA EXEC has dissapeared from site i did speak to someone this evening at O2 and he couldnt belief i actually got one, and they have sold there first wave of Business orders so i was bloody lucky.. next stock i was told is on Thursday but tread carefully and checked site very rugularly and be prepared to do battle with O2 toget one.. most sales advisors havnt a glue whats going on..
Peace out..
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So i'm confused. Do you have one in your hands, or is it 'on the way'?
Called the non-web based o2 Contract line (0870 5860860) 3 times yesterday and kept getting told to ring back. This morning I have been told that the date has been put back to Monday 3 October 2005.
What makes me think that any domestic stock has been redirected to the business side of things :evil:
Spoke To O2 Last Night on Normal Custoer Services and they say it is now available
Just rung the number shown above, 402 select, business o2 and all say 3rd October and not before.
What number did you try?
Just spoke to contract services, and no, its not available till 3rd, and its not on system. He did admit somebody had spotted it on the website but says he doubts that if they ordered it they will get it before anyone ordering next week and possibly will need to re-order.
Looks like we all need to wait.
Oh, and just to make sure I get it first, O2 said it was delayed by a month and for NONE OF YOU to call untill November ok?
I have just put the phone down from O2 Marketing Director. Sadly, the XDA Exec's were involved in a fatal accident and therefore will not be available until 1st December.
For more information ring O2 Mid October for an update.
LOL... just kidding
Got tired of all the major network providers mucking me & the rest of us about. My wife agreed to me finally buying a JasJar in Tottenham Court road today at Inkino Ltd. They really are a nice set of people and very professional. They certainly will get my recommendation!
Just charging my new toy :lol: It's actually much more appealing to the eye than any photo I've seen of it. Well, there's undoubtedly nothing for me to report as you've all read the posts in this forum, but I will share solutions to problems encountered, as I come across them. Thanks to Xda developers, I feel well prepared and well informed. Thanks to all of you. & Thanks to my wife for putting up with my technoholic tendancies 8) Well she has ended up with my i-mate jam after all and is thoroughly loving it!
Im afraid if I spent that much on the JasJar my wife would go into premature labour (after killing me), so i have no choice but to wait for the major carriers.
I may end up getting two and selling one to these eager US people who cant get it as im due an upgrade for wifes tarif as well as taking out new one for me.
Looks like ill get one on o2 upgrade, then take out the T-mobile 100meg data tarif with the Universal as the phone.
Still at least a week to wait, but hell, if it was nokia it would be 6 months more, be obsolete when it was released and anyone that bought it would be ****** off at the fact 4 days later nokia release a better "i" version for less money.
The actual story of what happened with o2 (because I went through the same thing on Monday) is, according to the business Supervisor:
On Mon 26 Sep it was released by their I.T. department onto the business site by mistake.
Thousands of customers ordered it through the site and from the phone line who had taken this to mean it was available.
Once the mistake was realised, the person responsible in I.T. was fired and all orders stopped. Mine was in fact cancelled by them, without them telling me.
I was out and about today so decided to pop in to a few mobile phone shops and see what the story 'out on the street' was.
Never heard of the Universal or any of its derivatives.
Got a new (October) catalogue out with the Exec listed at £150 on a 200 min contract. Expecting stock 'sometime this month'. Video calls on 3G will now be chargeable (to other networks) and data prices are now higher.
Had a dummy phone in store! Didn't know anything about availability or price though. In fact, had never seen it before.
So, there you go. Another week...
Some T-Mobile stores also have the dummy phone. It fits nicely in a front jeans pocket, and isn't as heavy as I expected! Also the keyboard is quite usable, even with my larger than average fingers!
And you know what they say about men with large fingers...
hey can u post the ext rom on ftp???
CJSnet said:
Some T-Mobile stores also have the dummy phone. It fits nicely in a front jeans pocket, and isn't as heavy as I expected! Also the keyboard is quite usable, even with my larger than average fingers!
And you know what they say about men with large fingers...
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After finally holding one in my hand today I must admit how much smaller and better built it was than what I was expecting. All this fuss about it being too big - rubbish says I!
The o2.co.uk Website has moved the XDAi & XDAs to the end of the phones webpage leaving a nice little gap for the third in the current range on Monday???
XDA Exec Mobiles4everyone.com
Still no sign this am on O2 but Mobiles4everyone are offering Execs - whether or not for imediate delivery I don't yet know. Others are offering too. Cheers, Derek
That's great, and I like the pricing too.
But I can't find any of the other places you mention.
Let's try and get a list going here of:
* The best deals
* Those who have it in stock and offer quick delivery

Most UK online stores have stock

Ordered mine today should be with me soon.
Although once the misses finds out i'm done for!!
Yes me too. Got mine from devicewire (still have about 60 in stock if anyone wants one), but then due to a misunderstanding with Clove found out that they are also sending me one out and have already charged my card! Not sure if its coming tomorrow as well, if not I'm hoping I can cancel. I'm not even sure I can afford to go home and be killed by my missus. Still, what she doesnt know wont hurt her. Just need to sell my eee pc and HTC S730 that I bought last week now.
So Clove actually have stock now? They haven't updated their website.
Time to dig out the credit card - I'm also gonna get in trouble for this with the wife...
Pantaloonie said:
So Clove actually have stock now? They haven't updated their website.
Time to dig out the credit card - I'm also gonna get in trouble for this with the wife...
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Yeah they have stock although not sure if its for people who have already pre-ordered. Devicewire.com do have 60 free stock (available to everyone). Luckily as I work in mobile technology I can claim that my many devices are 'from work'.
I also have two on order, one from clove and one from expansys-usa. I think the clove will get here first and then I can cancel the one from expansys. This will be the second from expansys that I have canceled.
Managed to cancle my Clove one although wish that had come first as it was cheaper.
....Just got a call from reception - theres a box waiting for me! Yipee! Only a year of waiting.. Thats my night sorted...no doubt speak to you lot later!:
Mines turned up as well, except i'm in London, and its at home!!
Misses threw a double wobble as usual, good job I not there really!!
She'll have got over it by tonight.
HTC Shift in a London Store (INKINO again!!!)
Just a quick heads-up. Inkino have their stock in and also have one HTC Shift out on demo. It is better then I expected. Surfing was very quick and they let me try it with my SIM card so that there was no 'smoke and mirrors'. There is a nice protective case in the box too. The actual box looks like a big box of chocolate so sneaking it past the missus should be a breeze....
I witnessed 5 going out of the door whilst I was there so it is safe to say that this is going to be a hugely popular machine. Any voicecall hacks yet??
For those who are not aware, Inkino are at 48 Tottenham Court Road and 9 Great Russell Street in Central London and also at www.inkino.co.uk I have no business connection with these guys apart from being an addicted customer who appreciates the old-school style of service.
Well I just pulled the trigger with Devicewire, should be with me tomorrow.
Let's see if Citylink couriers can mess this delivery up, like they do with most of my Ebuyer purchases.....

Worst Gadget Buy EVER !!!

I have been wanting and waiting on the Xperia for a year now. Ever since they first started talking about it on the web. I pre-ordered the phone through Dynamism and cancelled the order twice with each delay. I heard that many people were ordering from Expansys and decided that since they had them in stock, I would give them a try.
Thursday morning I tried to order the Xperia from them with my Paypal account when there were 7 available units on their website. I had to jump through many hoops because my confirmed address with Paypal is a Post Office Box and Fed Ex will not deliver to a PO Box .. I scanned envelopes as requested by Expansys, showing that I received deliveries at my office address. I kept checking by telephone to see if their order department received the scans. A few hours later they said 'yes they had finally received the scans of my office delivery address, but now the phone was SOLD OUT.' I was told to keep checking the website to see when more units become available .." Expansys issued a refund to Paypal, but Paypal has not yet released it to me because the money I paid with came from my bank and they have to wait until that clear, which it did, but Paypal gave me some lame excuse ... Said I will have the refund within 4 business days.
Late in the day I saw the Expansys website was showing 72 available units. Quickly I called their UK office - My 6th international call in one day, can't wait to get the bill. The UK office was now closed and my call was forwarded to the USA .. I was talking to the USA at international rates
Spoke with someone named **** in the USA office. He said that even though the site says 72 units available, he can't say for sure if there really are any until I place an order. Said I could try and purchase one and see what happens.. So I did.
First I explained "I can't afford to have more money taken from my account if there aren't going to be any available phones." and he assured me that my debit card will NOT be charged if the phones are on back order.
I entered the debit card info, but with the wrong expiration date and the order didn't go through ... their computer retried the card 3 times and that put a lock on my card. I didn't know why it wasn't going through, or that the card was now destroyed, but since I have two bank accounts I used my other debit card.
That card was approved but inventory once again showed NO PHONES AVAILABLE. **** was on the line with me while I was ordering and on the line when the message came back NONE AVAILABLE .. He was still on the line when I logged into my online banking and sure enough, the failed order placed another hold on $800+ It will take 4 days for that hold to be removed. There is nothing I can do, my bank can do or Expansys can do to release the funds..
Last night when my bank saw another attempt to charge from Expansys.com they thought they were doing me a favor and froze that card too. I couldn't buy a cup of coffee at McDonald's this morning with either card and when I called my bank to ask why, they told me what had happened and why both cards were locked.
It didn't matter that my bank locked my second card, because by now there wasn't much money left ..
I read here that someone was selling some Xperias on eBay .. person has great feedback etc ... With the last of my money I tried again. He shipped UPS yesterday morning and now .. more than 24 hours later .. my phone is still in customs in London for 'unknown reasons.' I was supposed to be getting it tomorrow ..
SO ... other than THAT Mrs. Lincoln .. How was the play ???
You're truly a gadget maniac to go through all that for a phone...
I salute thee and hope that you get your money and your Xperia soon enough
Makes me feel guilty that i can just go downtown and get one
Insaneboy said:
Makes me feel guilty that i can just go downtown and get one
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The USA is always last to get new gadgets !! Good gadgets .. I just gotta wonder .. what will come first .. My phone or "CHANGE." I am looking forward to both.
Amen to that!
theonlynickleft said:
The USA is always last to get new gadgets !! Good gadgets .. I just gotta wonder .. what will come first .. My phone or "CHANGE." I am looking forward to both.
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Man I can't believe what you've dealt with trying to get an X1. After all the frustration and stress you deserve it for free but we all know they're definitely not giving these things away . Wish I would have posted something sooner about Clove's service because they made the wait manageable and handed things very professionally.
Anyhow, props on being so patient and persistent! Let us know when it finally arrives and I certainly hope it is soon. Once you do get it, you won't regret it.....it's an awesome device.
I just checked with UPS again. They still can't tell me where the package is, why it hasn't moved or when I will receive it. I put a stop pay on my Paypal payment. I don't think I want this phone anymore. I am surely not going to pay a high dollar for it .. I will wait until something new comes out. This experience has taken all the fun out of the phone ...
If you imported it from the US to the uk and customs have nabbed it, I'm sorry to say that you'll probably have to pay 17.5% tax, with some random £8 or so fee to boot.
I've had the same when ordering memory from ebay, I had to pay an extra £50 on top of what I'd paid, as well as waiting 3-4 days for customs to get their finger out of their...
SquidgyB said:
If you imported it from the US to the uk and customs have nabbed it, I'm sorry to say that you'll probably have to pay 17.5% tax, with some random £8 or so fee to boot.
I've had the same when ordering memory from ebay, I had to pay an extra £50 on top of what I'd paid, as well as waiting 3-4 days for customs to get their finger out of their...
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It is coming from the UK to the USA .. Hasn't moved for 48 hours. This is my thought. The package is going to my office. A coin shop. the word "coin" is in the name of the business. I forgot to tell the seller to remove that. My bet is on that someone at UPS thought it was full of coins and opened it. Then tossed it aside when they didn't find any. If it had contained coins, I would have received an empty box.
ALSO.. Our insurance company will no longer insure packages that are shipped UPS for this exact same reason.
I dont know, maybe it wasnt meant to be.
theonlynickleft said:
It is coming from the UK to the USA .. Hasn't moved for 48 hours. This is my thought. The package is going to my office. A coin shop. the word "coin" is in the name of the business. I forgot to tell the seller to remove that. My bet is on that someone at UPS thought it was full of coins and opened it. Then tossed it aside when they didn't find any. If it had contained coins, I would have received an empty box.
ALSO.. Our insurance company will no longer insure packages that are shipped UPS for this exact same reason.
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Gutted, I hope it does turn up for you, I'd be mightily miffed (as I was when ordering that memory) if anything got delayed.
I'm waiting for word from Vodafone UK when they get some xperias in stock, I'm exchanging my Touch Pro as I've had a quick go on an xperia one of my colleagues has gotten his hands on and I'm quite impressed by the responsiveness compared to the TP.
1. the title of the thread is wrong.
2. take a deep breath , and relax, THIS JUST ONLY A NEW GADGET !
ChefChaudart said:
1. the title of the thread is wrong.
2. take a deep breath , and relax, THIS JUST ONLY A NEW GADGET !
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+1, from the title I thought you didn't like the phone. Sorry about all your trouble.
True it's just a phone, but that phone cost her her morning coffee and that is nothing to be joked about
to OP: I hope you get the phone soon and that all the trouble is left behind
You basically screwed your self 3 times here trying to get this phone. Chill out and wait till you know for sure. Customs does this **** all the time, they can take anything they want and hold it for as long as they want. Happens to me all the time with shipments from Thailand for my company. You definitely shouldn't have done Paypal, then had them refund it, and then use your debit card (with the same company) the same day for the phone again, that was stupid. You should have just given the money via paypal and been the first to get the phone when it was back in stock. I am sure you have another phone you can use in the meantime.
OK .. my final post on this subject - Got my last payment refunded by the ebay seller. Of course, gotta wait for it to clear before I get access to that money. Have first payment still on hold in Paypal and the second on hold at my bank .. but the GOOD NEWS IS ..
My regular gadget seller has one coming to me overnight - saturday delivery .. He just got his shipment in. I buy most of my gadgets from him and he is totally reliable and honest .. in case anyone is looking .. In fact. Sometimes he has things that he hasn't up on his website yet. Thats how it was with my Blackberry Bold and my HTC Touch Pro .. just tell him Diane sent you .. you won't be disappointed .. EVER !!
His name is Ron and his website is www.networkingrus.com - I should have waited on him. He seems to always get the latest gadgets quick for a USA seller. He was a lagging a little behind the UK -- - but I had asked him weeks ago to let me know when he got the xperia in and at noon he sent me an email saying he had some. YIPPEE <<< I will yell that tomorrow in BOLD if nothing goes wrong ..
Expansys is a great place to buy from. Just make sure you're buying through your country. Being in the US and buying from expansys UK is a huge hassle. You should have bought through expansys USA. http://www.expansys-usa.com we had 4 arrive today.
FL, US 11/01/2008 7:07 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
Yippee !!!
Oh man, you really need that phone so bad I'm still waiting it to be released officially in Hungary, though I could buy it already trough UK stores. Nothing's worth so much trouble with customs and foreign online stores
BTW Expansys sells the X1 at a very expensive price, I wouldn't recommend to buy it from them.
I hope the X1 will please you
theonlynickleft said:
FL, US 11/01/2008 7:07 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
Yippee !!!
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Glad to hear!
I've had a text from Vodafone confirming that I'll get mine on monday
I'm looking forward to the xperia, from what I've seen of a mate's phone, it's more responsive and is much better for playing and recording videos than my Touch Pro. I'll miss the keyboard on my TP though...

More Information on your Shipment Date - Read if you are in the 29th Batch

I just got this wonderful email from Notion Ink and now will be contacting my Credit Card company to cancel my order! I am also relatively sure a lot of people got the same email who was in the 29th batch (I was originally suppose to be in the 9th batch then got bumped to the 15-22, then got bumped to the 29th batch).
"Dear XXX
Greetings from Notion Ink!
We understand that you have been eagerly waiting for the arrival of your Adam. However, we regret to inform you that a fraction of our touch-screens got damaged during transportation due to which your shipment has been effected.
The Chinese New Year holidays that are in the first week of February further add to the delay. However, our touchscreen partner, Sintek, have agreed to work through the holidays and deliver the screens as soon as possible. We are afraid that until we receive these touchscreens, your device would not be ready for shipment.
The estimated date of your shipment would be 14th February 2011 (Buffer included).
In case you need any further assistance, please contact the Notion Ink Support Team at [email protected].
We thank you for your continued patience and co-operation in this matter.
Warm Regards
Notion Ink Support Team
I could of personally possibly believed this but honestly they had to know before the 30th of Jan one day after the units were suppose to ship and I cant but fell were all just being jerked around at this point. Also I find it funny that Rohan posted this on his blog this morning: "[30th Jan: Adam on its way, emails are being sent out]"
Update: Just sent notion ink support an email asking to have my pre-order canceled and my money refunded. I will let anyone know the response as soon as I get it.
Update #2: Canceling my order officially took one day but I have to wait 10-21 days to get my money back (hopefully no delays there)
"We have taken note of your request for cancellation and have processed the same.
We sincerely apologise for the delays caused and have not charged you any cancellation charges. A full refund has been requested for your order.
Please note that it may take anywhere between 10-21 days for your refund to be processed. But we would like to assure you that we have done our part in the refund process and reversed the transaction.
We request you to treat this mail as a confirmation of the cancellation of your order XXXXXXXX.
In case you need any further assistance, please contact us and we would be happy to help.
Warm Regards
Notion Ink Support Team"
Same here, was going to stick with the adam but at this rate the xoom will be here first.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
My thoughts exactly.
has this effected the 31st batch as well? Just wondering as I am was in the 29th
Yes this has effected 31st batch also. I am in 31 st batch and now it shows 14 feb 2011.
Atleast you people got emails from customer care. I got nothing..
Also bumped to 14th of Feb. Originally 9th Jan. 3rd delay.
BTW XDA "Notion INk Lpves you" so send them a rocket for the complete farce that this is turning into.
Rohan Shravan "nominee for Adroid person of the year" Sorry but NO NO NO!
He misinforms, delays, sends out smoke screens, let's loyal customers down and does not care about them at all. He is out to make a fast buck it seems and I think it's gonna bite him in the ass and NI will be bankrupt within a few months.
I wish there was some way you could transfer the order over to me.
He posted a few days ago about the broken screens and said there may be a delay. There isn't much NI can do about it. Its a small company, not motorola or htc. They're doing the best they can I'm sure, and they've made a few mistakes along they way.
I would be curious if someone priced these out to determine how much NI if making on them. I bet it isn't much considering how much they've invested. Its going to take them years to turn a profit.
I'm shocked they got the screen supplier to work through the new year.
PM me if you think they will transfer the order
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
My main problem is not the delay its the fact they had to know about this at least a week prior to when they wanted to ship them. Because it takes time to build and ship the devices. This shouldn't have been a shock to them they day after they were suppose to ship. And honestly as an upstart company you don't want you companys image to be of delays and a disheartened customer base. I work in IT and was hyping this product uptown my friends and coworks who really wanted to check it out. Now I have to tell them its been delayed again and I am trying to cancel my order. Think they will give this company a shot in the near future??
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
What do you want them to do?
Use the possibly damaged screens and ship on time? Sell out to Steve Jobs so you can order an Adamapple? Wait till you can buy it at Walmart, and be shipped in their thousands so they are like every other tablet?
Currently you are in the front of the line. Relax and enjoy it. Read. Learn. When it gets here you will be far more knowledgeable than if you had one in your hands right now.
Again, currently you are in the front of the line.
Hey John,
I am pretty relaxed at this point and really not upset the least. I just feel like at this point this is a company I don't personally want to do business with anymore. Assuming they cancel my pre-order, with out tons of aggravation at this point I will harbor them no ill will. And no I will not be going to go by an Ipad! lol's I dont know where you got that from. I will probably get a Xoom depending on how locked down (which most likely will be extremely locked down) it is or just hold off until I can get something from HTC.
And I 100% agree with you, if I were them I wouldn't have used damaged LCD's but they knew they weren't going to use damaged LCDs before today. Being someone who has now had his date pushed back 3 times I just feel that personally I deserved to know this before, not after my tablet was suppose to ship for the 3rd time. In fact if they had just said initially that the devices were going to ship in late February, I would have been ok with it.
And thanks for the advice but I always read an learn
jvward said:
I could of personally possibly believed this but honestly they had to know before the 30th of Jan one day after the units were suppose to ship and I cant but fell were all just being jerked around at this point. Also I find it funny that Rohan posted this on his blog this morning: "[30th Jan: Adam on its way, emails are being sent out]"
Update: Just sent notion ink support an email asking to have my pre-order canceled and my money refunded. I will let anyone know the response as soon as I get it.
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Let us know what happens with your cancellation. I'm curious if they'll try to charge you the cancellation fee -- I'm tempted to cancel mine and pickup the Xoom. I was pretty stoked about the pixelQi, but the reviews so far sound like it's not worth the extra cash. Based on Motorola's history, it's pretty likely that their screen will be good quality.
Never thought for a second you would
get an iPad. I was saying, should they (NI) sell out to Steve for the Adamapple. A crude attempt at humor. I am a 5.31% fractionalist as well and wish I had the little begger right here, but not. I will read and learn until he lands.
The Pixel Qi is only worth the extra cash
if you plan to ever use it outdoors in the sun. I use one daily and it is wonderful. I live in Florida and will never have a portable device with out one. Is Adam the Pixel Qi device to own. Can't say that. Is Adam the only commercial production device right now with one. Can say that.
Updated my original post with some info about my cancellation.
Too bad, they're going for a premium on ebay too. May have been worthwhile to just resell it! But that's a hassle and probably not worth the hundred or two extra they're going for.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
Sirchuk said:
Too bad, they're going for a premium on ebay too. May have been worthwhile to just resell it! But that's a hassle and probably not worth the hundred or two extra they're going for.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
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Honestly I thought a lot about doing just that, and the reason I didn't is because I canceled due to my personal doubts on of the companies integrity. If I had sold the device at a premium on e-bay and I had the unfortunate luck of receiving a faulty unit or something else along those lines and then passed that unit onto someone else, I would of been kicking my self in the ass for doing it in the first place. For me I viewed canceling my pre-order as a cutting my losses move. Now all I have to hope for is I get my money back with out any further hassle.

T-Mobile Order Tracking

There are a bunch of us who ordered 64GB Nexus 6s early on 11/19 (or late on 11/18), who still don't have their orders, despite many others who already have their orders who ordered AFTER us. T-Mobile doesn't seem to think there's a problem with this, can't tell us anything about when we could possibly see our orders, and has more or less told us that they won't do anything because there's no evidence that their system screwed up. To that end, we've started tracking 64GB Nexus 6 orders in a spreadsheet, here. We're hoping, that by collecting this data, we can show them that we know we're being screwed over, and that they need to get straightened out.
If you, or a loved one ordered a 64GB Nexus 6 on or around the morning of 11/19, please feel free to add your information to the spreadsheet. Also, if you happen to have ordered after about 10AM PST on 11/19 we'd really like to have your information, especially.
In case anyone missed it @askdes gave quite a response last night. He did make one very good point. What we are doing here is helping to make everyone that ordered a 64gb Nexus 6 feel that they are entitled to receiving their phone in a timely manner. Please remember that the issue here is that people that ordered during the early launch time frame may have been missed somehow while others that placed orders later are receiving their phones. We should all know by now (or at least have an idea) that Google/Motorola are having some kind of manufacturing issue. The only reason we are upset with T-mobile is that they have not been forthcoming with accurate information as to why some people were "accidentally" skipped over. That is it.
@casbar no one has been intentionally skipped. I have enlisted a great deal of people to make sure any errors are found & fixed it takes great deal of time and effort. Days not hours, and the manufacturer has not helped. I am trying to not throw anyone under the bus here. The problem is now there are people who ordered much later and think they are entitled to deliveries earlier and that is not the case and it makes it more difficult to help the people who may have had a legitimate issue but we will help every customer because that is what we do! - Des
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I do believe that T-Mobile is attempting to correct any errors on their part. We should be as patient as possible and collect any information that will help us build an understanding of what may have happened if for nothing else to help T-Mobile resolve this situation.
I added my info as well.
Added the following info:
Ordered from: www.tmobile.com
Ordered: Motorola Nexus 6 64GB Blue.
Order date: 11/19/2014 at 07:24 AM PST
Delivered On: 11/21/2014 at 1:10 PM PST
if tmobile establishes an order of responding then the company is intentionally skipping over certain customers by design, albiet it is a temporary skip since at some point in the scheme they will be filled. so, in my opinion des is still perpetuating a huge lie. the way tmobile can come clean is to just fill the orders as they were placed.
Added my info. At least I got 50$ credit for cyber Monday. I implore everyone who has not already done so to call and get credited if you ordered before Monday.
whats funny is that i ordered mine for next day delivery, and the delivery information only showed up for me 24 hours after i received it.
Just added my info.
12/1 Ordered 64 GB
Shipping unknown.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
simms22 said:
whats funny is that i ordered mine for next day delivery, and the delivery information only showed up for me 24 hours after i received it.
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Same here. Did you get 32GB or 64GB?
zephiK said:
Same here. Did you get 32GB or 64GB?
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32gb is enough for me. i keep all my music in the cloud, movies ill delete. mostly roms and other things to flash is what my storage is used for(nandroid backups too).
simms22 said:
32gb is enough for me. i keep all my music in the cloud, movies ill delete. mostly roms and other things to flash is what my storage is used for(nandroid backups too).
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Same here, I guess we were both in the same shoes. I ordered on the first day (Wednesday) and received it the following day.
Although for me I keep my music on local storage and still have space to work with. I take the train so music in the cloud isn't good for me.
Don't throw anyone on the bus? Really... If I have to go on the interwebs and find out this information on a forum when neither T-mobile rep on call or webchat have any clue and deny everything and the sytem says absolutely nothing, they are more than complicit and not truly "fixing" anything wholeheartedly or taking responsibility for their mistake.
**** happens? I believe it. Not going to be mad about that. Continuously lying, ignoring, trivializing, or shirking blame? **** you.
My cyber Monday order says backordered but pending shipping.
T-Mobile 19er 64Gb BLUE
well after reading almost 10,000 post in both "Nexus 6 Waiting Room" and "T-Mobile receiving limited stock" I think we people who ordered 11/19 from T-MOBILE or there abouts, then put on backorder to 11/25, are getting lost in the orders from GPS and MOTO.
I have neither received on read about anybody have any info on these orders. Does any info
exist on these orders Anyone, Anything.
I ordered on the 20th..backorder 21st...in same boat with no estimates..tried executive CSR, store CSR, and website with no luck.
I sent another email to the exec team as some people have time frames for shipping populate using website order tracking...but my order shows nothing
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
I put out a Twitter (twit, tweet, twiddle?) today for T-Mobile sort of publicly asking for any sort of shipping status. They immediately got back to me and asked me to direct message them but then was promptly asked the same questions on my order that the phone and chat reps have asked me all the time about my order.
As far as I know I'm still on backorder from 11/25 (ordered the 19th) and nobody has any idea when I'll get this phone.
I'm patient and don't care if I receive it in February, I just want to know if I'm going to be receiving it and when. Especially with holidays and travelling coming up I don't want to risk having the thing sit on my doorstep for days/weeks while I'm gone. Just any little drop of info would be awesome.
So we know that at a minimum Google, Motorola and T-Mobile are having issues with managing orders for this phone.
Either hundreds of thousands are ordering or this is the "demon core" of smart phones.
System Generated Message
Just got the system generated message from TMO that my order will be delayed until (between) 1/9/14 and 1/23/14... and that is anything changes, I will know because it will ship... (duh) I'm lucky that I got a 32GB and at this point really don't need the 64GB but its just a matter of principle now..
T-Mobile via Twitter has told me 6 - 8 weeks from order date

