Issue: No sound - Reboot - Auto wake from Standby - Optimus 7 General

I have an LG E900 Optimus 7 brand TIM and I have some problems, that seems to be very common to Optimus 7 (I've got them before and after NoDo update):
The phone begin to have sound problems tipically while playing games (but not only with games). The sound stops playing and the framerate becomes very choppy and instable. Typically the streaming background music get stopped while sound effects continue playing. If you continue playing things become worse and framerate get something like seconds of pause every 2-4 sec (terrible!!!) and sounds stop playing completely. If I exit from games no more sound works, sometimes some seconds of music got played sometimes not, audio becomes very instable.
So I turn off (stanby) the phone but... in one second it wake up itself. So I press again power button, he rewake. No way. If I connect USB or power plug, the same. If I completely turn off the phone and power up, the same. If I power down, take out battery wait 15 minutes (to get colder?) and repower, the same!
In this situation the phone reboot itself at random times, while using it, if you use IE or other software or play it reboot even more frequently
After some time from this problems, the phone keep working ok. But at random times those problems comes togheter or not, it's a nightmare.
I've read in that many people had those problems with LG Optimus 7 and the problems are resolved only by changing the internal electronic board. I think I'll go to LG service tuesday for this, but tipically it takes about 15 days whitout the phone...
Anyone with the same problems here? If you answer write all the version in Settings - > Informations -> Other informations (translated from Italian, I don't know the right words for international roms). Maybe we can find a common value... I see that my firmware is very old.
Here are my versions:
SO ver: 7.0.7390.0
Firmware ver:
Hardware rev:
radio sw ver:
radio hw ver:
bootloader ver:
SOC proc ver:

I just sent mine in for service for the same problem. I'll let you know what they change and if it fixes it.

Hi guys. I have the exact same problem.. please let me know if the service part worked.

Waiting for mine
Hi, I've also sent my device to service. I'm waiting for it, from LG repair status page I see it will arrive today to service collection point. I will test some days my device and post the result of service.
Hoping and waiting...

energywave said:
Hi, I've also sent my device to service. I'm waiting for it, from LG repair status page I see it will arrive today to service collection point. I will test some days my device and post the result of service.
Hoping and waiting...
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any news on this?

Service result
Hi, sorry I was waiting some time to see how is going after some time but I understand you want to know so I'll write about my phone now
The phone is perfectly working now. On service website I've read they done "firmware update and electronic repair" (translated from Italian)
Firware update... well I had NoDo and they flashed the first old WP7 version, I had to update to pre NoDo and then update again to NoDo. However that was not a problem, only some time required to do it with Zune.
The important thing that I can say after some use is that the phone don't have a issue now, I'm very happy.
No wake up from standby, no audio issues and no reboot
BUT... The issue I had didn't started from the first use... They came after some time (about 1 month) of use and they was getting worse and worse, so for saying that there aren't more issues we must wait some time to evaluate the stability in time.
Until now, all right!

Can you please update on your status on this? It's almost a month since your last post, so I wonder how is the situation now. I have this device for 2 days now and I am wondering how things are.

Hi cybernouris, until now all seem right. No issues, I've played a lot with 3d intensive games to check the overheating problem and no single problem was found. In daily use no single problem, in fact I never turn off the device and after nearly one month there is absolutely no problem at all, and that leave me impressed.
I can say that now I'm very pleased with my device. It was a very good choice: cheaper than other devices but same hardware...
The next frustration is the waiting for "Mango" and all the new, sweet api it will contain.... but this is a completely different story...
If you want to know more don't hesitate to ask me.

Thanks for the reply
Your info is valuable. I have reflashed the phone with the europe open rom. everything seems the same as before. It rebooted once after some hour, right when i was in a game and with charger on.
The weird thing is that when this happens, i press n hold turn off button to close the phone, it closes and opens up again stuck at the lg screen.
The moment i unplugged the charger it showed the home screen in 5 seconds, without showing the windows phone boot screen.
Any chance this may be caused from the battery?
PS: I've just missed the telephone support from lg here in greece for 5 mins.. they said a tech guy will call me tomorrow to talk about my prob. Let's hope I will find something.

Graphic intensive games and battery charger what the two things that caused those ugly symtoms to me too. But it seems you have some more problems than me, that stuck lg screen for example. But I had too strange behaviours so it cannot be excluded that it could be the same root problem than mine.
You have no chance, however, you must send it to repair service... and after two weeks of trepidant waiting you'll be happy like me!
Best wishes

I'll see how things go from now on. Will see what they tell me on the phone too. I do not have a problem with sending it for a repair, but the phone is only 2 days old! And i dont want to wait for a long time, i need it for work
Anyway, thanks again for the replies energywave.

You're welcome, I perfectly understand how you're feeling, I needet too for work. I was lucky that I've waited to sell my HTC Touch HD so I had a backup while repairing occured.
Good luck!

Energywave I feel the need to thank you as I feel that you brought me luck somehow
I did not wait for LG any more as I contacted them 5 times and I only got responses as "Our technician will call you back in 5 minutes" and I went back to the store I bought it.
I had them play with the phone, they got 3 reboots and they immediately gave me a new optimus 7
I updated it without a hitch and it works like a charm since then, and I've put it under some stress using the 3g connection with internet explorer, maps and marketplace for some hours.
Let me note this for anyone else reading this thread. My faulty device did not reboot at step 9/10 of NoDo Update. That is the last step where it says that the device reboots and when it gets to the home screen the update is finished. It just got stuck at the LG screen and I had to close it (by holding the power button) and wait for it to boot after some 5-6 tries...
My new device went through the updates flawlessly (I hope I spelled that right) and the battery lasted at least double time and with only being charged from critical low to around 75%, this charge being the very first one for the device!!!
It also charged alot faster and while I was using it too, installing apps from marketplace on WiFi.
That's my experience, I hope more people with problems find a solution because this device is worth of more appraise
Lastly, energywave, thanks for the kind attitude mate, it surely brought me luck

So I recently picked up an LG Optimus 7 here in Canada, its a Telus phone but it is unlocked and I am using it on Bell. Was working great for a couple of days, now tonight its started losing sound and rebooting like crazy...
After a quick google search I see this appears to be pretty common issue with this phone.. sigh. I bought it used so am I screwed? Will LG honor the warranty?

Hey cybernouris, sorry I've completely lost your message that I'm reading now (much late... ) I'm happy that you've resolved your issue, I know the "peace of mind" feeling you had when using your good working Optimus 7 Nothing to thank me about
Have a nice evening!

I've noticed that the sound always stops, when I have WiFi turned on.


[Q] Nexus One Random Reboot Crash (logcat)

Hey all.
Been having problems with a Nexus One that crashes at seemingly random times.
I have been unable to pin it on anything, and am asking your help.
It appears to be independent of the Rom installed, whether there is an SD card present, or whether its connected to a USB cable or phone charger.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Phone Info:
Nexus One (AT&T model)
Current Rom: Enomther's TheOfficial Nexus1 - v2.12.2
Provider: Rogers (BC, Canada)
Logcat output attached as screen capture image.
This has been reported by a few users. I sent mine in for repair and got it back not repaired - they couldn't replicate the problem.
My case has been escalated which means a HTC guy called and asked me a few questions and then told me to wait for an email (a few days ago).
I believe my problem started when I seriously overheated it ... driving with navigation on, 3g downloading maps and traffic data, car charger plugged in all on a very hot day on a very hot dashboard. This was the first reboot and they got more and more often after that. Now I can't run anything for more than 5 minutes if 3G or wireless is on (in 'Airplane' mode I can run for quite a while without a reboot).
mine was doing the same thing.
getting progressively worse until the phone was basically unusable earlier this week.
I was running CM6 at first when it started happening.
installed the newest nightly and it worked better for a bit then got even worse.
uninstalled the stand alone version of gmail from the market and it worked for a couple hours and then kept rebooting on me.
finally i did a factory data/cache wipe and installed a rooted stock rom and things have been working PERFECT for over half a week.
I had the same issue. first reboot happen when i had nav running plunged in then after a few months utube , browser etc would restart my phone. it didn't matter which rom i used or stock. I sent it in and they fixed it. i had issues with htc but it got fixed.
Yup, same here, strange thing is it isn't a complete reboot. Hard to explain but what happens is i'll touch the phone and then it will immediatly go to the CM6 boot logo, then immediatly to the lock screen, (which I have disabled) then to my normal desktop. Total time elapsed maybe 5/6 seconds, wierd.
A normal reboot usually takes about say a minute or so. just started happening 3/4 days ago, and happens maybe twice a day at most, some days not at all. Probably wait until Cyanogen includes 2.2.1 into 6.0.0 stable then reflash.
Ive been having the same problem for about a week now, but I'm still using stock, not rooted. Its weird, because its a really fast reboot. It goes to the Booting X, for about 6 seconds, then it boot up just fine. I cant understand it.
this really sucks
I am keeping my ATT nexus one around for gingerbread but these random reboots are really killing me....I use the phone for five minutes and it just reboots by itself....The phone runs really well for those five minutes...Ive done five factory resets but it is still just doing these phantom reboots.... Anybody find out anything more about this...or know a fix....the phone is not rooted and it is clean stock please help or keep talking about it so htc will address this issue lol which i doubt since this phone is starting to become ancient....(cant wait till nexus S) =P
With regards to the original problem posted, I believe I've managed to diagnose it correctly.
The problem lies with faulty heat distribution. The phone would crash and reboot more often in times of great stress:
charging the phone (heats up the battery)
running many applications at once (heavy system load)
navigation (heavy dataand gps traffic, image processing)
This coupled with the fact that changing the OS did nothing to remedy the problem solidified the notion that the problem was hardware based.
Given this, I contacted HTC Nexus One support and had the phone repaired.
Note: HTC will honor the warranty and fix hardware issues for an unlocked Nexus One. With software issues, you're on your own (for obvious reasons).
This is exactly what my phone is off to warranty for. I experienced this with every rom tried. I wipe my phone completely and put stock froyo on only to see the exact same at least I'm not crazy
The tech told me it was a hardware problem so that is a bit of a mind ease.
It seems Nexus One and Desire are really similar: HTC Desire rebooting on its own.
P.S. It's a problem with faulty motherboard, if you're within warranty, it should be replaced.
I also have been pleasantly experiencing this issue with the nexus one, so i sent it for repair at HTC and they have said it is an issue with the motherboard and it has been replaced, it is now in the post so I will update this post when I receive it to whether the problem is resolved. Hope so was driving me crazy!
The log did not capture the error. In most cases its a software issue, not hardware. (has happened to me too, not recently though)
Well an update as promised.
I received my N1 back after UPS had finished not dispatching it due to "Adverse weather conditions" and the issue is GONE!!! I know a week isn't really a long time to trial the device but this was happening several times a day.
HTC replaced the motherboard.
My advice to anyone having this problem, is to send it to HTC for repair (dont be worried about it being rooted/custom ROM etc mine was and because its a known hardware issue they really aren't bothered about it.)
It took two trips to HTC for them to finally address the issue. They did fix something (they didn't say what) and the problem is gone.
I believe it was the motherboard because Swype Beta decided that it was a new phone and not the one I registered (so it would not install).

[POSSIBLE FIX] Random Rebooting! Grr

Well it would seem like my random reboots have gone away. Thanks to Tubgirl for the suggestion, but using Hastarin's 7.5R kernel with NO overclocking, AXI etc, it's finally stable once again.
In fact, I used that kernel with Darkstone's latest 3.2 build and the battery is crazy. I am getting approximately 7 hours of battery life for every 10% of the battery. That's with BT, data and all syncing turned on and basic use. That's around 3 days of life for a light user. Didn't even get that with winmo!
So for me - the moral of the story is stick to the clean, non overclocked kernels. As for speed, I cannot tell the difference (I don't play any games to be fair though).
For some strange reason, my phone randomly reboots at completely bizarre intervals when running Android. I can't put my finger on what it might be. So some questions!
- Does anyone else experience this?
- I'm running VBN RC3 Minimal WM ROM, might it be this?
- I'm running the 2.14 Radio is it this?
- I'm running mostly Mdeejay builds could it be them (happens with all of the one's I've tried)?
- Is it likely to be piece of android software?
- Is there any way I can find a log to see why it's rebooted?
Random Reboots
I have been experiencing this problem for about a month now. I have tried numerous roms and android combinations, as well as changed radios. The problem still returns no matter what combination I try. So I'm kind of
Could be a problem with your battery. Try replacing it.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
i had same problem.. what i did was fully drain my battery, than recharged it fully on off mode, with cable plugged in turned it on that charged again till i saw green LED light
since than it worked nicely no random boot
give it a shot id say
My HD2 has never done it, but my mates has.
He contacted HTC on Thursday and they are repairing it under warranty.
It is a well known issue that affected around 3000 handsets in the UK apparently. They call it the "heat related reboot", and it involves replacing the motherboard and another component.
His has gone back, they sent a courier to collect it..
Mine has been randomly rebooting for about 2 weeks now.
It usually happens once a day when running Winmo or Android. Sometimes when it reboots I get a rectangular box across the bottom of the screen for about a second. I dont know if this is caused by the Radio Rom update or it is just coincidence.
I have swapped the battery but it has made no difference.
It's driving me mad.
deadey3 said:
i had same problem.. what i did was fully drain my battery, than recharged it fully on off mode, with cable plugged in turned it on that charged again till i saw green LED light
since than it worked nicely no random boot
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Thank you I will try this first!
stratplayer said:
My HD2 has never done it, but my mates has.
He contacted HTC on Thursday and they are repairing it under warranty.
It is a well known issue that affected around 3000 handsets in the UK apparently. They call it the "heat related reboot", and it involves replacing the motherboard and another component.
His has gone back, they sent a courier to collect it..
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I have sent them an e-mail describing my issue, quoting you I will see what they say. Hopefully they will sort it soon because my first year of warranty expires in one month!
Oh also, if I send it back for warranty, I suppose I'll need to revert it back to the 02 defaults and remove all traces of HSPL! Is this possible?
i have this problem too, under android and wm. Still testing to find out hwats causing it but looks more and more a heat issue, eventhough it does not heat that much.
unfortunately dont have warranty so not sure what i can do.
when i have an audio or video stream, or navigator thats when it happens mostly. but i had random reboots as well for no reason.
is there something on WM we can use to find out whats making it reboot?
i get this issue every once in a while when i go to sleep and wake up and its booted up in windows? its happened about 2 or three times but doesn't happen every day.
Me too!
I'm also experiensing this. It started just when the whole android hd2 thing started. I have this problem no matter what radio/rom I'm using (except from stock). Reboots in win. Android gives SOD/reboots. I've tried some reasearching in to this and found out that when I flash back to original rom/radio it's stable. Between every flash i do Task29.
I've tried different memory cards and even swapped the battery with a collegue.
Still the same. Funny thing if it suddenly are many people experiensing this problem..
Could it have something to do with android experiments?
Bad thing is that it would be difficult to send it in for repair since it's working with original rom/radio.
You should all try to flash a stock radio and rom to see if it still reboots.. Mine don't..
jonboyuk said:
Oh also, if I send it back for warranty, I suppose I'll need to revert it back to the 02 defaults and remove all traces of HSPL! Is this possible?
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Yea there is way, google "how to remove HSPL" eventually it will bring u to xda thread and if ur not sure YouTube it there is heaps of floating around
jonboyuk said:
For some strange reason, my phone randomly reboots at completely bizarre intervals when running Android. I can't put my finger on what it might be. So some questions!
- Does anyone else experience this?
- I'm running VBN RC3 Minimal WM ROM, might it be this?
- I'm running the 2.14 Radio is it this?
- I'm running mostly Mdeejay builds could it be them (happens with all of the one's I've tried)?
- Is it likely to be piece of android software?
- Is there any way I can find a log to see why it's rebooted?
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I use the same VBN ROM but this build [build]20.09.10||JDMS 1.3|FRF91 Latest Stable Nightly||RC11 WITH AXIS! and Radio 2.12. I dont have any problem (reboot, sleep of dead, no robot voice...)
I switched to the latest hyperdroid v1.6 and have not had this problem yet although It did happen to me a lot when I was running different builds (cant remember which ones sry) Try switching builds and also make sure you turn everything off in WM like bsb tweaks and radio all that stuff. Its weird but it helps considering that everything gets turned off when u hit clrcad.exe anyways but it has helped the stability of my builds.
Alot of us seems to get these reebots in win also...
I wonder if it's got anything to do with the overclocking with setcpu? Hmmmm....
i had this exact same issue , bought phone of eBay so had no proof if purchase . phoned htc they said its 100% covered under warranty , they had it back for repair for 5 working days . they also replaced the external casing as it had a few chips from a drop , they pretty much returned a brand new phone apart from the serial number sticker tomtom no longer recognised the device id so i had to reactivate my maps , so they have at least replaced the mainboard . top customer service ! give them a ring its worth a try they can only say no
herukano said:
i had this exact same issue , bought phone of eBay so had no proof if purchase . phoned htc they said its 100% covered under warranty , they had it back for repair for 5 working days . they also replaced the external casing as it had a few chips from a drop , they pretty much returned a brand new phone apart from the serial number sticker tomtom no longer recognised the device id so i had to reactivate my maps , so they have at least replaced the mainboard . top customer service ! give them a ring its worth a try they can only say no
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nice is there a way to check warranty online? i also bought it from ebay? where you located?
i'm also experiencing this random reboot phenomenon.. happened only after i started experimenting with Android on my HD2.. now the reboot issue happens with WinMo as well.. i've been using the same radio, ROM and same builds..
btw, since jonboyuk mentioned it, i did play around with "setcpu".. could this be the culprit??
I've noticed that my HD2 also reboots sometimes in Android. I haven't used WM for a long, so I really don't know if it also reboots in WM. My question is though, is this a hardware issue? Never had this sorts of reboots before starting this Android @ HD2 game. An answer (or just a thought) to this question, will help me, since I have to send my HD2 for a repair tomorrow, cause the microUSB slot is broke. But if the reboot issue is a hardware fault, then I should also report that, to the repair center.

I really just want update to 1.141.07

So, I'm on my second a500, first one seemed "off", bad battery life, random shutdowns, etc.
now, I understand some issues are fixed with the 1.141.07 update. I desparately run the system update check like a teenage girl waiting for a boy to call. But no dice.
Is there any way to legitimately get the update?
Seems like people were being updated last week and then nothing...... (crickets chirping).
I'm still not very impressed with my second unit. screen on/off thing drives me crazy. I dont think the battery should be draining when in standby. etc.
I know that nobody here works for Acer, so dont flame me. But if I can;t get a reliable android tab, I think I may run back and get an Ipad2 instead. I have had an ipad 1 since release, and I guess i'm spoiled to only needing to charge the thing once a week, and I use it heavily.
I really want a android tab though - I'm a big google person and love having all my stuff in sync and connected. But I dont like having to live next to the power outlet, or wonder when my unit is going to randomly restart. I'm sure there are others in the same boat.
My first one runs great, just bought a second one at Costco with the fabulous deal they have. I have no battery run down issues. Auto brightness, Wifi, and gps all on....except when in for sleep mode. I turn on Airplane mode on and off through a downloaded toggle widget.
I've been using it periodically for 3 days and haven't turned it off. Even started a new book with Kindle. Still have 55% battery.
I'd say you are running a bad app which is the culprit. I bet if you go back to stock reset you won't have the issues, other than sleep without airplane mode.
...and no, we are all waiting for the update or 3.1, whichever comes first. I need it for Exchange, everything else is pretty minor.
I guess I should have mentioned. my first unit, I did a factory reset and ran stock for a couple of days, and still had the same issues.
This new unit is pretty much stock, and only thing I have installed is Flash, Kindle, and File manager HD.I have it running in airplane mode, wifi set to turn off when the screen is off, and screen brightness at about 10%.
I charged it all night, I have used it maybe 3 times today (since 6am), just to browse a couple of sites, and @2:30 today the battery was already @ 40%. it has been in standby most of the day.
I find it hard to believe that 2 different units could perform so poorly.
I really want to love this product, but haivng a hard time doing so, lol
The thing you described should be fixed with the 3.1 patient.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
BadGrim said:
So, I'm on my second a500, first one seemed "off", bad battery life, random shutdowns, etc.
now, I understand some issues are fixed with the 1.141.07 update. I desparately run the system update check like a teenage girl waiting for a boy to call. But no dice.
Is there any way to legitimately get the update?
Seems like people were being updated last week and then nothing...... (crickets chirping).
I'm still not very impressed with my second unit. screen on/off thing drives me crazy. I dont think the battery should be draining when in standby. etc.
I know that nobody here works for Acer, so dont flame me. But if I can;t get a reliable android tab, I think I may run back and get an Ipad2 instead. I have had an ipad 1 since release, and I guess i'm spoiled to only needing to charge the thing once a week, and I use it heavily.
I really want a android tab though - I'm a big google person and love having all my stuff in sync and connected. But I dont like having to live next to the power outlet, or wonder when my unit is going to randomly restart. I'm sure there are others in the same boat.
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Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
bonzer2u said:
Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
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I too am waiting for the .141.07 update. Seems I read that Acer had pulled the updates. Still check every day. I like my tablet and have not seen battery issues with very little standby drain.
The only issue I have is that the WiFi keeps disconnecting. I have checked the advanced settings and it is set at always connected and I have tried changing the channel on my router (suggested elsewhere) but once or twice an hour I have to bump the WiFi to get it to work.
bonzer2u said:
Make sure you register the device via the Acer registration widget in apps. This will get your s/n in the OTA database.....
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yup, did that on both units.
so, I made it 12 hours today on a single charge. I only used it 3 times to browse the web for about 5 min (no flash), and I wrote an email and sent it.
Sorry, but that is ridiculous.
BadGrim said:
yup, did that on both units.
so, I made it 12 hours today on a single charge. I only used it 3 times to browse the web for about 5 min (no flash), and I wrote an email and sent it.
Sorry, but that is ridiculous.
no need to apologize, that plain suks......
call the support line, perhaps they can push it to your s/n....???
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Mine has been fine, except for the GPS.
I have a build 1.112.01_EMEA_CUS7. A new tablet and it's registered from today so they probably update them by batches because there are no new updates.
EDIT: But it works brilliantly apart from the crashes when I've installed any app. I've fixed that but it would be nice to be bug free.
bpivk said:
I have a build 1.112.01_EMEA_CUS7. A new tablet and it's registered from today so they probably update them by batches because there are no new updates.
EDIT: But it works brilliantly apart from the crashes when I've installed any app. I've fixed that but it would be nice to be bug free.
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You are lucky. There is a update from Acer here for your build. It will take you directly to 1.141.01.
You need to unzip it using this post and then move the extracted from the file to your external sdcard and then do the update key sequence (volume down and power pressed) and you're done
Thanks. I'm updating as I type this.
I just hope that it will update properly and that I won't have any problems with rooting and or bricking my device or any problems that I've already solved.
I come from Desire so I'm used to wiping my phone first so just updating is a new for me. I would also feel better if our bootloader would be unlocked.
EDIT: Updated OK. Root pending.
EDIT2: Rooted and disabled phone.apk
The phone now works perfectly and is updated.
bpivk said:
Thanks. I'm updating as I type this.
I just hope that it will update properly and that I won't have any problems with rooting and or bricking my device or any problems that I've already solved.
I come from Desire so I'm used to wiping my phone first so just updating is a new for me. I would also feel better if our bootloader would be unlocked.
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This is an official update so it will either update or not if the checksums are wrong or it cannot binary patch a file. So no chance of a brick.
It works OK. The only thing I've noticed is the longer boot time.
The android screen takes a minute longer probably because it's building files.
I'll check logcat when I have the time and patience to mess with it some more.
I didn't know that the update would just fail. I was expecting a brick because I was reading some posts about people bricking their tablets. I guess I was wrong.
Feedback from Acer Support re Updates, Etc.
According to Acer tech support, there is no way to force the new firmware update or Honeycomb update to the Tab. You just have to be patient and wait for the Tab to update itself.
As we know, lots of people are complaining about the screen turning on/off/on/off by itself, resulting in battery drain. These complaints are well-publicized and easily found using search engines.
I first purchased a 16gb Iconia Tab. I called tech support about the flashing screen and reported it as an issue. After speaking with customer support, they emailed me a survey asking about my user experience with the Tab. I completed that survey and again noted the problem with the flashing screen and battery drain.
The new firmware update that was pushed to the device solved the flashing screen issue and improved battery life.
Then I bought a 32 gb Tab and experienced the same flashing screen/battery drain issue. I called tech support (to see if I could obtain the firmware update for the new Tab). Amazingly, tech support told me that they had never heard of this issue. I told them to search their knowledge base but they insisted this was the first time they heard about a problem with the screen.
I know that cannot be true because I called them twice about this very issue, and gave them feedback in their on-line survey.
Anyway, I expect that the screen problem will be resolved when the firmware update gets pushed to the device. Unfortunately, on my first 16gb TAB I got the firmware update the day after I opened the box. I'm still waiting for that update on the 32gb Tab after 10 days.
mandel4026 said:
As we know, lots of people are complaining about the screen turning on/off/on/off by itself, resulting in battery drain. These complaints are well-publicized and easily found using search engines.
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I had this issue. It's because of the wifi. My screen would turn on and off randomly and it was because my wifi was on my place where it had bad reception. I turned it off and the screen didn't light up anymore.
I didn't test if it also occurs on the new firmware.

[Q] Time Issues

Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
Okay, An update
This is happening when I reboot the device.
Is there something in settings that I am missing, or is there a registry setting I can change?
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
bleui said:
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
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Yes time setting is automatic, even tried setting it in the registry.
It got that bad yesterday my phone reset itself to Jan 1980.
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
h0ng said:
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
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Truth is no matter what is causing this... TWO big issues for me when choosing a phone software set up.
The phone knows what freakin time and date itis
The phone nor the software on should destroy batteries
but thanks guys it really was fun to play with.
Don't use automatic, mine does the same if I set to automatic.
I thought it was something with Giffgaff as I would set automatic and the time would be right but later on during the day it would be some crazy time and date.
Set to manual and your clock will be fine
dunno about any of that but, i do know that if i boot in to MAGLDR is gets buggered up, doesnt matter if the time is manually set or auto set, it always buggers up, dont boot to it and all is good
, at least for me anyway
I'm having the same issues. Time and sometimes dates getting screwed up. Only started happening to me about a couple of weeks ago now. But it's frustrating at the least. I've switched mine to manual setting at the moment. Gonna see how it goes over the next week.
One thing though, it isn't happening to my wife's HD2. She is using the older version of WP7, I'm currently on Yuki's more recent NODO version...
as per my post above yours if you use magldr or even the bootloader it gets messed up, so dual booting droid may be a reason, or using bootloader / magldr to charge, other than that i dont have this issue
Not got dual-boot on my phone, neither do U boot to magldr to charge... But it's happening to my phone every few days so far. Today it was out by 28mins. I want to see if having it on manual time/date does any better...
i also have a problem with my hd2,
9 times out of 10 when i reboot the phone the time and date will be wrong with no pattern i can spot (started to do this out of the blue- no updates or new roms).
im currently running with a cooked win mo image and android on the sd card.
battery still has a respectable life although seems to run out quicker than it once did so i may purchase a new one. (the old one is just over 12 months old)
also my phone has started to freeze on pin request after receiving a text so im gonna try a new image too
if anyone else has seen problems like these and solved them drop a noobie a helping hand pleeeeaaasseeee....
It's not HD2 related
The same issue happens to me (phone jump approximately 36 hours foward randomly)
The phone was a LG Optimus 7 on official rom but never managed to fix this issue (automatic date or not)
ForgetfulGuru said:
Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
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I have the same issue! It happened some months after flashing xboxmods v. 1.11 Rom. It can't be a battery problem because I use 3 different batterys ^^

leeco pro 3 x727 shuts down after few minutes

This happens only when I install any custom rom...the phone works fine with x720 5.8.018s version...anything apart from that device will shut down every 2-3 minutes ...very strange behaviour ...any one has any idea ?
any custom rom , android 6 or 7 , AOSP or stock based, it will boot fine and after initial setup , it will work for 3-4 minutes and then suddenly device shuts down. .. when i boot it up again , same thing happens, in one minute shuts down.
if i flash 5.8.018s stock rom , everything works fine....and it doesnt shut down...
After device bugs, my phone finally was restored into x720 stock ROM (i have x720). On boot it worked below 1 minute and reboots. I had to do clean data. Also booting x720 ROM into x727 is not too good idea. Maybe you should try to do more wipes?
marik1 said:
After device bugs, my phone finally was restored into x720 stock ROM (i have x720). On boot it worked below 1 minute and reboots. I had to do clean data. Also booting x720 ROM into x727 is not too good idea. Maybe you should try to do more wipes?
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I did all the wipes i could , cleaned all kinds of data... it was US version 5.8.018s originally and i tried to flash Omni ROm first , and other ROMS , all had same issues, so i thought going back to the stock US rom , but since US version of 018s is not available anywhere, i went to chinese version , and it works perfectly , no reboot/shutdown...... I have used number of phones and installed 100s of ROMS , i have never faced soemthing like this...i hve even used leeco pro 3 before, with all custom roms and no problems.
Manan79 said:
I did all the wipes i could , cleaned all kinds of data... it was US version 5.8.018s originally and i tried to flash Omni ROm first , and other ROMS , all had same issues, so i thought going back to the stock US rom , but since US version of 018s is not available anywhere, i went to chinese version , and it works perfectly , no reboot/shutdown...... I have used number of phones and installed 100s of ROMS , i have never faced soemthing like this...i hve even used leeco pro 3 before, with all custom roms and no problems.
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Ok update...i downloaded x720 021S and 023S and updated using in build update option..(local update) , and it worked, 23S is working without any shut i guess, it is problem only with roms flashed thru TWRP
Manan79 said:
Ok update...i downloaded x720 021S and 023S and updated using in build update option..(local update) , and it worked, 23S is working without any shut i guess, it is problem only with roms flashed thru TWRP
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Usefull information, thank you very much.
Nearly the same problem here: My X720 is only rebooting sometimes, but more often switching off directly (vibrates one time and switches off). While the phone is in that status, the battery is discharging. I can only reboot the phone by holding the power button for about 10sec or to TWRP. Two times I was rebooting the phone and some (not all) settings were restored to default - reflashed the rom... Another time rebooting the phone it hangs in the booting display, did not get it booted completely again - reflashed the rom.... Very strange behaviour and don't know why this happens.
But for about the last month, the phone is only switching off and I can reboot and use it for an unspecific time.
That all happens with several ROMs - currently I'm on ResurrectionRemix 5.8.5. This is the most stable custom rom I have tested, but anyways the phone switches off in irregular periods. Sometimes the phone is about a day alive, sometimes only a few hours, sometimes below an hour. When I'm playing HQ games I think the phones switches off much faster, but not sure.
I'm also not sure - I do not have used the stock rom really long after I get this phone (was CN 5.8.018s I think) - but my feeling is, that the phone was definetely more stable with the stock rom.
Now after finding this thread, I will give the stock rom another try. Would you be so kind as to describe the process of going to the stock 023S a bit more in detail? First flashing the 5.9.021S for the x720 ROM throught TWRP and after that using the build in update option (rename file to into root folder)?
peed_neslo said:
Usefull information, thank you very much.
Nearly the same problem here: My X720 is only rebooting sometimes, but more often switching off directly (vibrates one time and switches off). While the phone is in that status, the battery is discharging. I can only reboot the phone by holding the power button for about 10sec or to TWRP. Two times I was rebooting the phone and some (not all) settings were restored to default - reflashed the rom... Another time rebooting the phone it hangs in the booting display, did not get it booted completely again - reflashed the rom.... Very strange behaviour and don't know why this happens.
But for about the last month, the phone is only switching off and I can reboot and use it for an unspecific time.
That all happens with several ROMs - currently I'm on ResurrectionRemix 5.8.5. This is the most stable custom rom I have tested, but anyways the phone switches off in irregular periods. Sometimes the phone is about a day alive, sometimes only a few hours, sometimes below an hour. When I'm playing HQ games I think the phones switches off much faster, but not sure.
I'm also not sure - I do not have used the stock rom really long after I get this phone (was CN 5.8.018s I think) - but my feeling is, that the phone was definetely more stable with the stock rom.
Now after finding this thread, I will give the stock rom another try. Would you be so kind as to describe the process of going to the stock 023S a bit more in detail? First flashing the 5.9.021S for the x720 ROM throught TWRP and after that using the build in update option (rename file to into root folder)?
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On my equipment too !!
Andresdsr said:
On my equipment too !!
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You do not flash a 21s update twrp that may brick you.
You have to go stock and flash with stock recovery.
Their threads already on this.
Sent from my LEX727 using xda premium
mchlbenner said:
You do not flash a 21s update twrp that may brick you.
You have to go stock and flash with stock recovery.
Their threads already on this.
Sent from my LEX727 using xda premium
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it was the same with the ROM that came from the factory.
I experienced 21s and 23s beta Tars, 23s original Chinese...
Andresdsr said:
it was the same with the ROM that came from the factory.
I experienced 21s and 23s beta Tars, 23s original Chinese...
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Does anyone completely solved the shutting down issue on x720? I remember the same issue with the stock rom when i was getting the phone (5.8.018). but this rom could have been a shop rom, cant remember.
For me it seems that the issue happens more often whenever the phone uses more performance. Playing HQ games let the phone shut down after about 1-3min. doing nothing on the phone, it remains for about a day. Weird behaviour... will try to flash the stock recovery via fastboot and then a stock rom (no shop rom). hopefully it will improve the behaviour or even better solving the issue.
Sounds like a hardware issue. As for me, I have a couple of screen issues--I usually have my LeEco Pro3 Elite connected to a charger, and I sometimes don't use it for long stretches of time (say, 8 hours) because I have another phone as well. Once in a while, during those times the screen refuses to turn on. Sometimes the fingerprint scanner wakes it up, other times I have to straight up reboot the phone using the power button (I have to keep it pressed for two whole minutes for it to wake up the phone). Pretty annoying, dunno why it's happening. Could be a loose screen cable.
Now, if your phone is shutting down every few minutes no matter what, it could be a battery issue. I say this because I had a similar issue with an old iPod Color from 2005. The iPod would shut off every few minutes even when plugged into a charger. I changed the battery and it stopped shutting down.
Hopefully it's not a motherboard issue because replacing a phone's motherboard is never easy.
For me it seems that the issue happens more often whenever the phone uses more performance. Playing HQ games let the phone shut down after about 1-3min. doing nothing on the phone, it remains for about a day. Weird behaviour... will try to flash the stock recovery via fastboot and then a stock rom (no shop rom). hopefully it will improve the behaviour or even better solving the issue.
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I don't think gameplay should affect the phone negatively at all. Especially a phone with a Snapdragon 821, a 14nm processor with efficient cores, for crying out loud. I play Fate Grand Order, a pretty intense 2D online game with 1080p graphics for 5 hours straight on my LeEco Pro3 Elite (Snapdragon 820) without it heating up at all.
Again, seems like a hardware issue because no phone with a Snapdragon 821 or 820 should be doing that. Especially while gaming.
sk8223 said:
Sounds like a hardware issue. As for me, I have a couple of screen issues--I usually have my LeEco Pro3 Elite connected to a charger, and I sometimes don't use it for long stretches of time (say, 8 hours) because I have another phone as well. Once in a while, during those times the screen refuses to turn on. Sometimes the fingerprint scanner wakes it up, other times I have to straight up reboot the phone using the power button (I have to keep it pressed for two whole minutes for it to wake up the phone). Pretty annoying, dunno why it's happening. Could be a loose screen cable.
Now, if your phone is shutting down every few minutes no matter what, it could be a battery issue. I say this because I had a similar issue with an old iPod Color from 2005. The iPod would shut off every few minutes even when plugged into a charger. I changed the battery and it stopped shutting down.
Hopefully it's not a motherboard issue because replacing a phone's motherboard is never easy.
I don't think gameplay should affect the phone negatively at all. Especially a phone with a Snapdragon 821, a 14nm processor with efficient cores, for crying out loud. I play Fate Grand Order, a pretty intense 2D online game with 1080p graphics for 5 hours straight on my LeEco Pro3 Elite (Snapdragon 820) without it heating up at all.
Again, seems like a hardware issue because no phone with a Snapdragon 821 or 820 should be doing that. Especially while gaming.
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Thanks for the information.
Could be possible... If I'm shaking the phone like a cocktail-mixer, it feels something loose inside it and this could be the battery of course which could be not fixed correctly. But I am sure, that this issue has also something to do what is happening on the phone currently. Sometimes I am going to bed and the phone does not move for 8hrs, it simply lays on the table. In the morning, it is shutted down. Need to hold the power button for about 10sec to restart the phone (usually hold 2sec to power on). Sometimes (not really often) it warm-starts automatically.
I think this could be also a memory issue or internal storage. Yesterday I was playing a game (Bowling by Jason Belmonte) and after 3min, the phone hung up, display remains on, no reaction on pressing the hardware buttons, waiting 5min... nothing happens. So I pressed the power button 10sec, phone seems to reboot normally, but it take a bit more time in my oppinion. Now after entering the pin, some phone configurations were resetted to default, but not all. Playing this came, it sometimes happened, that the phone switches off (with one vibration). Rebooting with a 10sec press and it runs again normally. This time phone hung up and some configurations were resetted to default. WTF?
Today I have played Hmmsim 2. Phone hung up again, pressing the power button 10sec, phone begins to reboot, but rebooting never finished (waiting for about 1-2hrs). Long Press power button (10sec) to try to reboot again - same behaviour, never ending ROM loading screen. Wiped to factory via TWRP and the phone reboots again, but all configurations lost, like freshly installed rom. OK, whatever, using the google backup for apps and so on... when installing the apps in the background, the phone reboots about 3-4 times, app installations not finished. Cancelled and shutting the phone down to TWRP, where I am now...
What I will try to say is, that whenever the storage or memory is used to much or something like that, the phone begins with that behaviour.
And now I am thining about what to try next. I think I will try to flash the stock recovery via TOOL ALL IN ONE then flashing a stock rom like 5.9.023S.
I am still not sure of a hardware issue...
peed_neslo said:
I am still not sure of a hardware issue...
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The easiest way to tell is if the issues were occurring before you flashed TWRP. Were they? This is why you always wait a couple of months before modding your device. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a loop of doubts. By this I mean you'll be convinced that the issue has to do with your custom ROM or kernel rather than your device's hardware, but you have no way of knowing for sure because you never used the phone enough on stock firmware.
I was like you... my unmodified Zenfone 3 had a screen flicker issue and a headphone jack issue that I was convinced was a Nougat problem. I upgraded from Marshmallow to Nougat immediately after getting the phone. After a lot of research and posting threads on the Zenfone forums, I realized I had a hardware issue on my hands. The screen had to be replaced for the flickering to stop, and the headphone jack had been gimped to 0.3v by ASUS for some reason. I quickly sold the phone and got my LeEco.
Here's a thread I made on XDA about my screen flickering issue. It's a hardware issue:
I've learned some important things from that experience: it's easy for your brain to trick you into thinking you've got an easy-to-solve software issue on your hands, when in reality you've got a hardware issue. You need to start making arrangements for a replacement device and get video evidence of your problems to show to the seller ASAP. Because that behaviour isn't normal. Now I hope you do have a software issue on your hands that the stock firmware will solve, but who knows. Be prepared for anything.
sk8223 said:
The easiest way to tell is if the issues were occurring before you flashed TWRP. Were they? This is why you always wait a couple of months before modding your device. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a loop of doubts. By this I mean you'll be convinced that the issue has to do with your custom ROM or kernel rather than your device's hardware, but you have no way of knowing for sure because you never used the phone enough on stock firmware.
I was like you... my unmodified Zenfone 3 had a screen flicker issue and a headphone jack issue that I was convinced was a Nougat problem. I upgraded from Marshmallow to Nougat immediately after getting the phone. After a lot of research and posting threads on the Zenfone forums, I realized I had a hardware issue on my hands. The screen had to be replaced for the flickering to stop, and the headphone jack had been gimped to 0.3v by ASUS for some reason. I quickly sold the phone and got my LeEco.
Here's a thread I made on XDA about my screen flickering issue. It's a hardware issue:
I've learned some important things from that experience: it's easy for your brain to trick you into thinking you've got an easy-to-solve software issue on your hands, when in reality you've got a hardware issue. You need to start making arrangements for a replacement device and get video evidence of your problems to show to the seller ASAP. Because that behaviour isn't normal. Now I hope you do have a software issue on your hands that the stock firmware will solve, but who knows. Be prepared for anything.
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Thank you very much!
I am sure that the phone was doing the same on stock rom, but maybe fewer times. I have flashed a stock based rom now (Turbos mini 5.9.023s) and the issue still exists, but now the phone reboots normally more often than going into edl mode (emergency mode). I have found an old thread here on XDA and the issues described there sounds nearly the same. Finally the user in this thread also had hardware issue.
I believe also in a hardware issue, but I am still not sure. If I am looking to other threads regarding similar problems, there is always some regularity in the behaviour or the reported issues. In my case these rebootings (usual reboot or reboot to EDL mode) are definetely very unregular. On the TURBO Rom, these reboots happen definetely more often when the display is off and the phone sleeps. On the TURBO Rom, playing games seems to be helping lasting the phone a bit longer, the completely differnce to ResurrectionRemix Rom, where the phone was lasting longer when doing preferabely nothing. The issues are so inconsistant and this is making it hard to believe, that this is a hardware issue. Why the hell is the phone behaving different on every ROM - if it's a hardware issue, the occurred problems should have some regularity.
As I didn't have an OTA update option on the stock rom, I'd found out that this could be a "shop rom" (5.8.018), which is not the best choice nor for the first month(s).
I'm from Germany and I do not really want to return the phone to china or east asia for repairing (bought at banggood). This could take a very very long time. Changing to a new one could be also difficult because there are hardly any more devices out on the market and I need to return it for the change too.
But I am slowly at my wit's end and before these issues are making me more and more crazy, I will accept a problem with the hardware.
peed_neslo said:
I believe also in a hardware issue, but I am still not sure. If I am looking to other threads regarding similar problems, there is always some regularity in the behaviour or the reported issues. In my case these rebootings (usual reboot or reboot to EDL mode) are definetely very unregular. On the TURBO Rom, these reboots happen definetely more often when the display is off and the phone sleeps. On the TURBO Rom, playing games seems to be helping lasting the phone a bit longer, the completely differnce to ResurrectionRemix Rom, where the phone was lasting longer when doing preferabely nothing. The issues are so inconsistant and this is making it hard to believe, that this is a hardware issue. Why the hell is the phone behaving different on every ROM - if it's a hardware issue, the occurred problems should have some regularity.
As I didn't have an OTA update option on the stock rom, I'd found out that this could be a "shop rom" (5.8.018), which is not the best choice nor for the first month(s).
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If your issues were occurring from the moment you got the phone, you know it's a hardware problem. Your seller sent you a defective phone and you should at least try fighting for a partial refund. If you paid through PayPal, open a dispute. If you paid with a credit card, ask for a chargeback. Now, the shop you bought it from might ban you for initiating a chargeback, but it's probably worth it. Or you could just cut your losses and move on. Maybe donate your phone to a dev who wants to try something crazy. :good:
I'm from Germany and I do not really want to return the phone to china or east asia for repairing (bought at banggood). This could take a very very long time. Changing to a new one could be also difficult because there are hardly any more devices out on the market and I need to return it for the change too.
But I am slowly at my wit's end and before these issues are making me more and more crazy, I will accept a problem with the hardware.
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Oh snap, it's a Banggood phone? I bought my x722 from Banggood. No glaring issues other than the screen one so far, but this does worry me for the future. How long have you had it?
This is the problem with Chinaphones. They're cheap, they've got good specs, but you can't guarantee quality. Especially with now close-to-defunct brands like LeEco. If you're still okay with Chinaphones, get a Xiaomi next. Probably the most reliable Chinaphone brand out there, next to Huawei. And try to buy from an official source. I heard The Solution Shop in Europe sells Xiaomi phones for cheap (?). And always remember to record your unboxings and document all issues from now on.
sk8223 said:
If your issues were occurring from the moment you got the phone, you know it's a hardware problem. Your seller sent you a defective phone and you should at least try fighting for a partial refund. If you paid through PayPal, open a dispute. If you paid with a credit card, ask for a chargeback. Now, the shop you bought it from might ban you for initiating a chargeback, but it's probably worth it. Or you could just cut your losses and move on. Maybe donate your phone to a dev who wants to try something crazy. :good:
Oh snap, it's a Banggood phone? I bought my x722 from Banggood. No glaring issues other than the screen one so far, but this does worry me for the future. How long have you had it?
This is the problem with Chinaphones. They're cheap, they've got good specs, but you can't guarantee quality. Especially with now close-to-defunct brands like LeEco. If you're still okay with Chinaphones, get a Xiaomi next. Probably the most reliable Chinaphone brand out there, next to Huawei. And try to buy from an official source. I heard The Solution Shop in Europe sells Xiaomi phones for cheap (?). And always remember to record your unboxings and document all issues from now on.
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Admittedly I'm not sure at all if this issue was already present after starting the phone for the first time. One of the first things I have done during the initial setup wizard was using the integrated data transfer app by LeEco (scanning a QR code with the old Xperia Z, downloading app to transfer data to the x720). This app establishes a Wifi direct connection between both phones to transfer the data like apps and other stuff. This transfer process takes at least 6-7 hours and during that process I am sure that the phone was not rebooting a single time. Maybe a specific app or background process of an app causes this irregular rebootings. I have not testet this. I have installed the most common of my apps also using different custom ROMs later.
On the current ROM (Turbos mini 5.19.023s) I have now looked into the last_kmsg.log file severel times after the phone was hard-rebooting (not to emergency mode - the phone is switching down to emergence mode really rarely since I have flashed the stock based ROM) to debug for a kernel problem and the power off reason seems to be ""Triggered from PS_HOLD (PS_HOLD/MSM controlled shutdown)". In the log file I could also find some "kernel panic" entries. So I have a little gleam of hope that the issue is not a hardware problem. I have to test a bit more with the stock recovery/ROMto gain a better knowledge of the issue. I think I will post this into the ROM topic to ask a developer.
sk8223 said:
If your issues were occurring from the moment you got the phone, you know it's a hardware problem. Your seller sent you a defective phone and you should at least try fighting for a partial refund. If you paid through PayPal, open a dispute. If you paid with a credit card, ask for a chargeback. Now, the shop you bought it from might ban you for initiating a chargeback, but it's probably worth it. Or you could just cut your losses and move on. Maybe donate your phone to a dev who wants to try something crazy. :good:
Oh snap, it's a Banggood phone? I bought my x722 from Banggood. No glaring issues other than the screen one so far, but this does worry me for the future. How long have you had it?
This is the problem with Chinaphones. They're cheap, they've got good specs, but you can't guarantee quality. Especially with now close-to-defunct brands like LeEco. If you're still okay with Chinaphones, get a Xiaomi next. Probably the most reliable Chinaphone brand out there, next to Huawei. And try to buy from an official source. I heard The Solution Shop in Europe sells Xiaomi phones for cheap (?). And always remember to record your unboxings and document all issues from now on.
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Finally - I got it working without any problems now!
Happily it seems to be not a hardware issue. I have flashed the Grossoshop ROM and Recovery via a provided .bat file. This .bat file has flashed the recovery first via fastboot, then the ROM via fastboot. This Grossoshop ROM was based on 5.8.018s I think. Then I have updated TWRP Recovery to the latest version via TWRP itself (flashed the new image). Then I have flashed Mauro's 2.2 (which is based on 5.9.023s) and it is running great! Super performance, no extrem battery drain, no reboots, all is working (except the chinese design downloads as I cannot create a Leeco account from Germany). But now I'm satisfied. :good::laugh:
peed_neslo said:
Usefull information, thank you very much.
Nearly the same problem here: My X720 is only rebooting sometimes, but more often switching off directly (vibrates one time and switches off). While the phone is in that status, the battery is discharging. I can only reboot the phone by holding the power button for about 10sec or to TWRP. Two times I was rebooting the phone and some (not all) settings were restored to default - reflashed the rom... Another time rebooting the phone it hangs in the booting display, did not get it booted completely again - reflashed the rom.... Very strange behaviour and don't know why this happens.
But for about the last month, the phone is only switching off and I can reboot and use it for an unspecific time.
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My x720 has done the same to me a couple of times now, Vibrates once and turns off and I have to hold the power button for a few seconds longer to turn it back on again which is odd.
The battery was charged over 50% % 70% at the times it happened and I wasn't even using the phone, It was just sat on the table in front of me.
I didn't have any problems at all until a few days ago when it first shut down.
I'm using Oreo - AICP 13.1 from here -
The problem now is I don't know where to start troubleshooting When I get time I am planning on a clean wipe and fresh install of AICP again to see if that solves the problem
When using this ROM does your phone heat up a lot.
Sent from my LEX727 using xda premium
Did you manage to fix the problem somehow?

