How Do I Get Rid of Static on My HD2? I Might Sue HTC - HD2 General

i have unbearable static on my hd2. i sent it to htc repair 2 times and they never fixed the problem. i cant use this phone if it keeps getting static. is there a way of eliminating the static? if not, then i'll have to sue htc for failing to repair it since they havent lived up to the warranty.

Static as in you can't touch the phone as it shocks you or static as in when you're around electronics, they'll make a static sound over your phone?

Skellyyy said:
Static as in you can't touch the phone as it shocks you or static as in when you're around electronics, they'll make a static sound over your phone?
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static as in static noise. everytime i call someone, theres always static noise. and whats really idiotic about htc is that the repair rep told me that they always test out the phones after they "repair" it. what a joke!

Ok everyone, i got the phone yesterday again from htc repair. and guess what? the phone is still NOT REPAIRED. whats wrong with htc? its been twice so far that i sent in the phone. and they didnt even replace it!
i told the lady rep this morning that they didnt repair it and that its been twice that i sent it. at this point i told her that i'll send the phone in a third time.. but that i better get a replacement or i'm suing.

You'll spend more on a lawyer, paperwork, and the effort in proving that *Your* phone was the problem (and not your provider).
That being said, when it comes to a faulty product that's still under warranty, you'll get more 'flies with honey than vinegar.' Stop trying to threaten them with lawsuits and just keep sending it back till either they send you a working model, your provider stops sucking, or they offer you a refund or another phone model.
Customer Service reps hear "IZ GONNA SUUU!" all the time, and they stop trying to help you the minute you say it. My advice? Stop saying it and keep working the system to your advantage.

apallohadas said:
You'll spend more on a lawyer, paperwork, and the effort in proving that *Your* phone was the problem (and not your provider).
That being said, when it comes to a faulty product that's still under warranty, you'll get more 'flies with honey than vinegar.' Stop trying to threaten them with lawsuits and just keep sending it back till either they send you a working model, your provider stops sucking, or they offer you a refund or another phone model.
Customer Service reps hear "IZ GONNA SUUU!" all the time, and they stop trying to help you the minute you say it. My advice? Stop saying it and keep working the system to your advantage.
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no, no,.. suing a company in small claims doesnt require a lawyer. if the cost of the phone doesnt exceed a small claims minimum, like $2,500 in nyc (depending on your state), you can file a claim in small claims.
its obvious that you dont know business law. i'll explain. since htc didnt fulfill the warranty, which has been passed to the new owner (me), they are obligated by law to repair it. by law, if a company doesnt satisfy warranty, the injured party has grounds to sue. a warranty is a business contract between parties. in this case, htc broke that contract.
and i'll threaten htc as much as i want since i have that right and dont need permission from you to do so. your tactic of keeping to send back the phone until htc wakes up doesnt work.. it hasnt worked in my case. and why should i waste my time constantly sending in my phone? only cowards do that. believe it or not, customer service exists to lessen the risk of litigation.
my advice? stop defending the company and defend the victim. it looks like youre a fan boy. drop the htc ass kissing and open your eyes.

koolxx said:
i have unbearable static on my hd2. i sent it to htc repair 2 times and they never fixed the problem. i cant use this phone if it keeps getting static. is there a way of eliminating the static? if not, then i'll have to sue htc for failing to repair it since they havent lived up to the warranty.
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Have you ever tried to load HSPL onto your phone to change the radio-rom? Different radio-roms perform differently; some will not work well in your particular location, which could be a reason for static in your calls.
Just to weigh in on the consecutive posting 'conflict':
I find it easier and cleaner to view one post with 2-3 quotes and accompanying responses, rather than viewing 3 separate response-posts by the same person. In some ways, I'm sure multi-quoting also saves space on XDA.
T-Macgnolia said:
GRiM-UK said:
Dude, learn how to use the edit button, no need to post 5 times in a row, which is against the rules.
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Dude he is the OP of this thread and he was just tryng to be cutiouse and respond to everyones posts. You want to talk about uncool it is uncool to make a post with such an unneeded and unwarrantied attituide. Yes member koolxx really should have used the multiple quote buttons(not the edit button as you sugested) but he as you are fairly new to XDA and is probably not use to how things work here. But he really did nothing wrong, not as far I am concerned.
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koolxx said:
GRiM-UK said:
Dude, learn how to use the edit button, no need to post 5 times in a row, which is against the rules.
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If you were smart you'd see that the edit button isnt needed especially when 5 of my replies were unique responses and not repeats.
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Nevertheless, the trolls really should stop posting in this thread. If the OP wants to sue, let the OP sue. Additional sarcastic and disrespectful posts are unnecessary, especially if at least one person already did it.

Hey koolxx to change the SPL on your HD2 to HSPL you need to download HSPL 3 or HSPL 4 by DFT. Depending on if you ever want to try to install a NAND Andriod ROM or Window phone 7 is the only factor in deciding wich one to download. HSPL 3 only goes up to HSPL 2.08 wich is what is needed to flash MAGLDR to your HD2 as MAGLDR only supports up to HSPL 2.08 right now. HSPL 4 goes all the way HSPL 3.03 but it is only good for flashing custom Windows Mobile ROMs and deferent radios right now.
After you have made your choice and have down loaded one of the HSPLs. Turn your HD2 off and then hold down the volume down button and tap the power button but continue to hold down the volume down button. This will bring up the bootloader (tri color screen) when you see bootloader you can release the volume down button. Once in bootloader connect your HD2 to your computer via USB cable and wait for the Serial in the white bar at the bottom of the phome screen to change to USB. When you see USB then you can run the utility by DFT for HSPL. The DFT utility will ask you what version of HSPL you want to install choose either 2.08 or 3.03 depending on your personal wants or needs as stated above. Also make sure you select HSPL and not SPL (hint you don't want one that has four zeros at the end). You should see a screen saying we hacked it when the HSPL is sucessfully installed. To check and see if the HSPL is installed simple cut your HD2 off and put it into bootloader and it will tell you your SPL or HSPL also you should see by Cottula in bootloader if you have HSPL installed.
One last thing though. I think you said you are in NYC so you should have a TMOUS HD2 (T-Mobile HD2) The TMOUS HD2 is not like it's EU cousin. It can not be flashed with any old radio version. You have to use a radio version that has a 50 in the third set of numbers example notice the position of the 50. If you flash a radio version with a 51 in that spot it will brick your HD2. As all rules go just about there is an exceotion to this rule. Do not use a radio version that has these numbers in it 2.04.50.xx or 2.05.50.xx as they were used in the test devices for the TMOUS HD2 but also used in regular HD2s as well so they will also brick a TMOUS HD2.
Hope this helps you out koolxx.

koolxx said:
well i'm new to modding. how can i proceed to changing HSPL?
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Note: flashing HSPL voids your warranty. If you're planning to send it in for further repairs, be aware that you'll have to remove HSPL and restore your phone to a stock SPL+ROM+radio combination before doing so. Not that difficult, but does add some extra work.
Also, at the risk of being labelled a troll, fanboy or HTC employee: either sue HTC or don't, but just threatening to sue will get you nowhere. Do you honestly think anybody you may have talked to actually cares? No matter how pissed of you might be, remaining calm and friendly will get you much better support.

T-Macgnolia said:
Hey koolxx to change the SPL on your HD2 to HSPL you need to download HSPL 3 or HSPL 4 by DFT. Depending on if you ever want to try to install a NAND Andriod ROM or Window phone 7 is the only factor in deciding wich one to download. HSPL 3 only goes up to HSPL 2.08 wich is what is needed to flash MAGLDR to your HD2 as MAGLDR only supports up to HSPL 2.08 right now. HSPL 4 goes all the way HSPL 3.03 but it is only good for flashing custom Windows Mobile ROMs and deferent radios right now.
Hope this helps you out koolxx.
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thanks, T-Macgnolia. but i think this will void the warranty and will stand against me in my potential case against htc. but, i appreciate the help nonetheless..

koolxx said:
thanks, T-Macgnolia. but i think this will void the warranty and will stand against me in my potential case against htc. but, i appreciate the help nonetheless..
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Yes koolxx flashing HSPL will technically void the warranty on your HD2. But if you still have to send it in to HTC all you have to do is run the HSPL 4 utility by DFT to revert it back to the original SPL. You see the HSPL utility by DFT allows you to pick what version you want to install inckuding stock SPL versions too. So you are good to give it a try if you want to try a different radio but if it does not help make sure to reflash the original radio you had and then remove HSPL before sending your HD2 back in for repairs.

Thread cleaned. No more nonsense/trolling posts. If you have nothing helpful to say, don't post at all.
@OP...saying you'll sue HTC is just asking for trolls...don't make this kind of claim unless you are 100% serious about it...

the_scotsman said:
Thread cleaned. No more nonsense/trolling posts. If you have nothing helpful to say, don't post at all.
@OP...saying you'll sue HTC is just asking for trolls...don't make this kind of claim unless you are 100% serious about it...
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the_scotsman, i am seriously thinking about suing htc. i'm not kidding. i never thought this claim would bring so much fanboyism. why would i waste my time and others by making this claim if i'm not serious about it?
also, i shouldnt have to limit my free speech at the whim of trolls. doing so suggests that trolls rule this forum and that you and the other mods are powerless against them. in light of this and with all due respect, instead of reprimanding me through my freedom of speech, why dont you replrimand the trolls themselves who are the ones creating the problem in the first place? theyre the trouble makers, not me. again, i'm saying this out of total respect to you. i'm sure youre a cool guy trying to maintain order here and i dont blame you. but try to understand my stance as well.. have a good one and thanks.

Mod Edit: You obviously didn't bother to heed my warning.

koolxx said:
the_scotsman, i am seriously thinking about suing htc. i'm not kidding. i never thought this claim would bring so much fanboyism. why would i waste my time and others by making this claim if i'm not serious about it?
also, i shouldnt have to limit my free speech at the whim of trolls. doing so suggests that trolls rule this forum and that you and the other mods are powerless against them. in light of this and with all due respect, instead of reprimanding me through my freedom of speech, why dont you replrimand the trolls themselves who are the ones creating the problem in the first place? theyre the trouble makers, not me. again, i'm saying this out of total respect to you. i'm sure youre a cool guy trying to maintain order here and i dont blame you. but try to understand my stance as well.. have a good one and thanks.
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I recommend that you update your profile to indicate nationality and phone carrier, it will lead to better advice as to what legal options are available in your country - and give better responses overall!

stevedebi said:
I recommend that you update your profile to indicate nationality and phone carrier, it will lead to better advice as to what legal options are available in your country - and give better responses overall!
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yeah good suggestion.. but i already know the legality surounding my issue. and i got a friend who's a commercial lawyer and hes giving me some advice which is positive. and hes also told me that hes seen hundreds of cases where average people hurt by the injustices of big companies, successfully sued these big companies and won.
sharing my story here is like a release for me. and will likely get others to be aware of how these big corporations act. thanks for the heads up.. i wish i didnt have to go thru legal channels since i love this phone, but htc forced my hand. well, htc will bite the bullet big time.

Doubt that htc will even feel anything of your lawsuit, unless you live in the USA. Overthere, some judges make the most random verdicts.. Furthermore, if no real physical harm has been come to you, the phone producer will most likely have to give you a symbolic dollar or at best, a new phone, and you will end up carrying the costs of the trial, because even if you win, you won't gain a thing, might lose more.. But you are free to try, I'm interested you got my attention. From my personal advice, I would advise you not to.

HectiQ said:
Doubt that htc will even feel anything of your lawsuit, unless you live in the USA. Overthere, some judges make the most random verdicts.. Furthermore, if no real physical harm has been come to you, the phone producer will most likely have to give you a symbolic dollar or at best, a new phone, and you will end up carrying the costs of the trial, because even if you win, you won't gain a thing, might lose more.. But you are free to try, I'm interested you got my attention. From my personal advice, I would advise you not to.
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i dont care if htc will feel anything about the lawsuit or not. who i care about is me, the victim, not htc, a rich company. and i live in the usa. and i dont know where youre from, but in the usa, a warranty serves as a legally-binding contract between buyer and seller. this gives the injured party rights that im sure dont exist in your country. you dont need physical harm to sue, so i dont know what youre talking about. in my case, htc broke the law by breaching the warranty by not repairing the phone.
and, if you really were interested in my issue as you mentioned, you wouldve read the part where i said that suing anyone in small claims court doesnt require any fees outside registration fees where in nyc is $20. i wish you did some research before making a claim about something you obviously know nothing about.
and from your post it seems that consumers are powerless to corporations in your country. i wish your people werent so scared of corporations. i'm not. i understand theyre powerful in your country and wield a lot of power. but i wish you could take legally take a stand against their injustice. i guess i'm VERY lucky living in the usa where we have laws that offer consumer fairness that underdeveloped countries lack. and i wish you werent so negative.


T Mobile ~ UK

I was considering getting the HD2 on T-Mobile and i was hoping you guys could answer a question, just how much have T-Mobile customised/branded (or plain messed up) the software on this handset?
I don't really fancy slapping another ROM onto it straight away and losing my warranty, I'm going with T-Mobile primarily out of cost.
i know some who has the tmob version ! i didnt notice anythin different, apart from the youtube restriction!
which you can remove by calling customer services
in other words ther is no customisation /rebranding !
great stuff, thanks.
Im afraid that isn't quite right. T Mobile have removed the you tube app and also the jetcet printer app and the Co-pilot trial.
If you add the you tube app back in via a cab available on this site it affects the video playback on the phone.
I managed to flash 1.48 via the goldcard method and so got the above apps back. I dont think it will invalidate the warranty but Im not 100% sure
deeky1 said:
Im afraid that isn't quite right. T Mobile have removed the you tube app and also the jetcet printer app and the Co-pilot trial.
If you add the you tube app back in via a cab available on this site it affects the video playback on the phone.
I managed to flash 1.48 via the goldcard method and so got the above apps back. I dont think it will invalidate the warranty but Im not 100% sure
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It does invalidate the warranty I'm afraid. You just need to track down a version of the original T-Mobile ROM and reflash if you ever need support. Also, bear in mind that they can do some wizardry at their end which basically puts the system into debug mode, and they can check your ROM version while you're talking to them. It happened to me when I was with Orange and they were almost laughing when they asked me to read out the ROM version. It was Miri WM6.5 etc..
It does invalidate the warranty I'm afraid. You just need to track down a version of the original T-Mobile ROM and reflash if you ever need support. Also, bear in mind that they can do some wizardry at their end which basically puts the system into debug mode, and they can check your ROM version while you're talking to them. It happened to me when I was with Orange and they were almost laughing when they asked me to read out the ROM version. It was Miri WM6.5 etc..
LOL! So I've had my phone 2 weeks and I've invalidated the warranty already?
I read on another thread that you were unlikely to void your warranty by replacing the ROM bearing in mind its an HTC ROM and not a homemade/cooked one
To be honest the things they have omitted are actually things i could live without, with the exception of the youtube app which is a bit of a pain. Certainly not enough of an issue to potentially void any warranty by installing a cooked ROM though.
Thanks guys,
I wish they wouldn't do crap like that!
It's like buying a car from a dealership, and the dealership deciding that you only need 3 wheels and a great big sticker on the bonnent advertising themselves...
Look at it this way though, if your in a forum like this your obviously here because your prepared to fix your own phone issues where possible so if it's software you can properly get it fixed by the resources available (not got my hd2 yet but already got the camera fix downloaded, and have a few other bits in mind) or that will be available in future if you don't mind waiting.
If it's a software issue you can't get fixed on here then you probably will still be able to reflash to tmobile before calling tmobile.
If it's a hardware issue then it shouldn't matter what rom you use, and USUALLY as long as it's clearly a hardware issue (I dunno purely say for example a button falls off) then they should still honor it.
deeky1 said:
LOL! So I've had my phone 2 weeks and I've invalidated the warranty already?
I read on another thread that you were unlikely to void your warranty by replacing the ROM bearing in mind its an HTC ROM and not a homemade/cooked one
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If you've got (for example) a T-Mobile phone and you flash a non T-Mobile ROM onto it, then yeah, they won't support it any more, which I kind of get. The idea is that they eventually release the same ROM themselves, with their changes to it (removing this, that and the other and putting a "really lovely" splash screen on it.) When they release that, you can flash that one and they'll still support it.
Basically, if you do anything that they themselves have not recommended, don't expect any help ever again. (You may get it, but don't expect it.)
I've not had a HTC with T-mobile, but do they keep the rom releases coming or do they get one 'they' are happy with and stop releasing new ones? I had to debrand my old n95 (oh my old friend why did that puddle have to claim your life) because of that. They never gave me any grief about the warrenty issues though because of it.
I hate to say it but i strongly suspect that flashing the phone invalidates not only the warranty but also invalidate any insurance i might get too. Don't get me wrong, i am all for flashing phones (and have done so countless times, my current handset was unlocked and flashed 32 minutes after the Courier handed it to me, surely a record) however its the sheer cost of replacing the HD2 which makes me nervous. If T Mobile produced a half decent ROM without buggering it up i'd be happy to run with that knowing i've got some fall back if things go wrong. Maybe I'm getting too old for this game ...
Thanks again.
Well really your insurance is for accidental damage and I can't see a rom affecting that. If your phone gets run over by a truck the rom won't have made it more or less likely to happen. If it gets stolen I'm fairly sure the thief won't have checked to see if it was running an official rom or not before stealing it. Besides if it gets destroyed or stolen how will they know what rom version it was running
Look I'm not saying there is no risk at all, or that you definately will or won't get warrenty cover if you flash, IT IS a risk but imho it's a very small risk that you'll be completely caught out.
guys, i beg to differ i am queit sure (deffinite actually) my mate has co pilot trial and you tube installed as standard. not sure about the printer bit!
this i am sure of ! and he got from t-mobile with a staff discount
unless his escaped the rebranding, this cannot be!
apoc286 said:
Well really your insurance is for accidental damage and I can't see a rom affecting that. If your phone gets run over by a truck the rom won't have made it more or less likely to happen.
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Whether or not flashing the rom makes it more or less likely that it got run over is irrelevant - any terms put in insurance contracts are strict and under UK law, insurance is a contract of utmost good faith. If they ask you "did you ever pick your nose as a kid" and they find out you lied when you said no, well then they can refuse to pay out on the cover. Doesn't matter that the question or issue is 100% irrelevant to what happened. (EDIT: maybe too extreme an example - I think they have to be able to say a different answer would have affected the premium. The back example below is better )
The best example is with critical illness and life insurance policies. If you said no, I've never had back problems and then they find out you had problem as a 12 year old due to growing pains, they can refuse to pay out when you're diagnosed with breast cancer... (sorry for slightly off topic rant, but insurance companies are bad )
On topic - I got my HD2 this week on T Mobile, but via an internet company rather than direct from them. It doesn't seem to be altered to be t mobile in any way, and seems to be functioning mostly fine. I got a text message from t mobile saying: "To make the most of all the great T-Mobile services on your phone you'll need the correct settings. Simply reply to this text for free and we'll send them to you."
I've ignored this, as I was worried it may end up installing nasty t mobile firmware or something. It usually connects to the internet etc.. fine. The only issue I've got is that sometimes the weather doesn't update and it sometimes seems to lose the data connection. Should I reply to t mobile's message?

Can I bring back a bricked HD2 from TMOUS?

I flashed the right hspl 1024 version. Then I flashed the wrong rom. It was one from dutty on 3/28. Now I have no bootloader mode, no boot, no charging, It sometimes gives a error for drivers when I plug it in. It will not hard reset, or go into boot loader mode from the buttons on the phone. Could some explain how to bring this back because I cant return mine.
Mistakes happen and that is why the HD2 has this separate forum. I hope there is a way to bring yours back. I wish the different ROM versions weren't so different as to cause this to even be possible...
I've done it before for a g1
frankd14321 said:
I've done it before for a g1
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That's a completely different set of hardware, and has no bearing on whether or not someone can bring an HD2 back from the dead. Android phones are much, much harder to totally brick.
Let me tell you I did the EXACT same thing and I couldnt get mine to turn on or ANYTHING it was completely dead! I called Tmo and I had to send it back to them under "defective" and they sent me a brand new one and I will NEVER make that mistake again!
Sorry I miss understood. I thought he was asking if he could return the phone.
I have returned a g1 I bricked before.
shokouhi said:
I flashed the right hspl 1024 version. Then I flashed the wrong rom. It was one from dutty on 3/28. Now I have no bootloader mode, no boot, no charging, It sometimes gives a error for drivers when I plug it in. It will not hard reset, or go into boot loader mode from the buttons on the phone. Could some explain how to bring this back because I cant return mine.
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I think I made this guide on another forums
SRY to break it up 2 u but you have a HARD BRICK
Yup! ^_^ sad I know No way of fixing this one
You should try this
Step 1: Enjoy staring at your cool new HD2 for hours
Step 2: Scream REALLY LOUD! cause you got a Brick phone
Step 3: find some one you REALLY DONT LIKE
Step 4: throw your cool new hard brick at them
Step 5: laugh out loud and say some guy from the internet told you to do it
Step 6: sue XDA and ME for inducing you to try new things with your cool phone
Step 7: have sex, drink a beer, watch a movie and Go buy a NEW phone
Step 8: ENJOY
if you get another brick phone please follow steps 1 through 5 agn.
gthmcty1 said:
Let me tell you I did the EXACT same thing and I couldnt get mine to turn on or ANYTHING it was completely dead! I called Tmo and I had to send it back to them under "defective" and they sent me a brand new one and I will NEVER make that mistake again!
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While T-Mobile can send the phone back to HTC for a reflash, there is still overhead associated to this. I'm afraid too many of these "bricked" phones may lead HTC to harden the SPL security.
OCedHrt said:
I'm afraid too many of these "bricked" phones may lead HTC to harden the SPL security.
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That depends on whether they are able to start the phone enough to see the spl. If they can't, then they won't know it has a hard spl installed.
If it's within the return/exchange window I'd bring it back with a "I have no idea it just stopped working" look of innocence. I doubt most of the TMo sales staff even know how to check things like SPL numbers, etc.
If you deny any wrongdoing, and plead your case, i bet they swap it for you just to make you go away. And if you do get a no answer, I'd even try again with a different staff person, some are gonna be easier than others I'd imagine.
Or, alternatively, if you bought insurance, you could drop it in a bucket of water and bring it in soaking wet. Of course technically that's fraud, so let your conscience be your guide on that one.
Good luck.
I doubt most of the TMo sales staff even know how to check things like SPL numbers, etc.
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I'd like to point out a lot of them DO probably at least search these forms and have a slight understanding of the idea. they are people with really nice phones too you know Sorry, just had to throw that out there.
rickyzone said:
I'd like to point out a lot of them DO probably at least search these forms and have a slight understanding of the idea. they are people with really nice phones too you know Sorry, just had to throw that out there.
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The T-Mo salesman that sold me my HD2, told me about this sight. As well as flashing the ROM, doing cabs and dll files. So yeah, while most will not have a clue, there are a few that have a full understanding.
Here here my friend
a042349 said:
Or, alternatively, if you bought insurance, you could drop it in a bucket of water and bring it in soaking wet. Of course technically that's fraud, so let your conscience be your guide on that one.
Good luck.
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Conscience? What is this mystical thing you speak of?

brick HTC hero purpose

Yes. I'm looking for a way to mess up my phone software so I can use my insurance to get a new phone. Is there. An way?
I bricked mine once by flashing a gsm radio.. =(
but if that's what you want, then go ahead!
good luck, sprint isn't that smart. tell them you tried updating my prl and it shut off. that's what i did!
why dont you just say you lost it or throw it in the toilet?
junior5487 said:
why dont you just say you lost it or throw it in the toilet?
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this wouldn't get you a free phone, you'd have to pay a $100 deductible... you should be careful when making posts like this. Some people are really sensitive about cheating the system and will torch you. Having said that, I would flash a gsm radio like the second post said.
bigboidomo said:
Yes. I'm looking for a way to mess up my phone software so I can use my insurance to get a new phone. Is there. An way?
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if ur paying for insurance then why don't u just brick it the easy way nd drop an actual brick on it... last i checked monthly insurance covered any cause for replacement even neglect
My first inclination is to flame you, because the day before my phone got stolen, Sprint raised their deductable from $50 to $100 because of people doing things like that. It sucked.
But with that said, if you still feel like being "that guy" just flash a gsm radio
looneylu said:
this wouldn't get you a free phone, you'd have to pay a $100 deductible... you should be careful when making posts like this. Some people are really sensitive about cheating the system and will torch you. Having said that, I would flash a gsm radio like the second post said.
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I didn't pay when mine bricked..of course, it was a TOTAL **** move to say i had no idea what happened..
radxcoresteven said:
I didn't pay when mine bricked..of course, it was a TOTAL **** move to say i had no idea what happened..
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i know, that's why i told him to do it your way rather than claiming loss or dropping it down the toilet the RUU then uplug the device as it is flashing? you ever hear of insurance fraud my man?
Why do you need a new phone? If there is a defect, such as dust under the screen or paint chipping, call up customer service. They'll send you another one. If you REALLY needed to brick it, I would flash a Nexus kernel and radio. If you flash BOTH, that's the point of no return.
looneylu said:
i know, that's why i told him to do it your way rather than claiming loss or dropping it down the toilet
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Ohh, i get it now haha
countdown to thread deletions in three
You could use flash_image to overwrite the nand with 0xFF's. Or my personal favorite, nuke it for 2 seconds in the microwave. I happen to be one of few people who has heard what it sounds like to be connected to a phone being nuked. You hear a thud, a couple beeps, a loud buzzing and a click...
Granted that guy took me seriously. But in general you should always try to call customer service or take it to a sprint store and argue for a replacement. If you waste enough of their time they will do it for you without your needing to destroy hardware and raise prices for the rest of us.
Use fresh ruu 1.56 sprint stock and unplugged bfre it finishes...anyways u might get the error 110 like me....
Yea because flashing a gsm radio isnt cheating the system. An insurance claim you pay for which is what he said he didnt say under warranty.
Ok, Im sending my phone in for chipped paint guys... Now tell me..
I run a mac, and am on fresh 2.0d
Before sending it in should I brick it using the GSM radio thing so they dont know im rooted.
Because i don't know how to unroot on a mac.
EDIT: Also on my new phone, can i use my existing nandroid backups?
Just run the stock RUU it does it by itself. It gets rid of root and it also may brick your phone which you dont care. I do not know if it works on mac tho.
You are the reason people like me have to pay high premiums. Is anyone honest anymore? You guys who do this crap piss me off!
You have high premiums because you have a high cost device. The cost is 100 for high end devices if you had a regular phone it would still be 50.
awrnsmn said:
You are the reason people like me have to pay high premiums. Is anyone honest anymore? You guys who do this crap piss me off!
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Relax brotha everybody does way or the other sure u have done it. Maybe not with cell phones.......
I might get burned for saying this..but its my opinion...

Legality of WP7 Live services activation

I am still not sure about the legality of the WP7 social hack which involves calling MS and asking for the activation. I'm sure this is not totally legal, either its legal gray area or its plain and simple illegal. is also advising against it (
If it is illegal why is XDA letting members discuss it openly or if it is legal why isn't XDA clarifying the situation.
Also there is nothing directly announced by DFT on XDA. For other achievements, Cotulla always tweeted about them but I did not come across any word from Cotulla regarding the release of WP7.
I would greatly appreciate some communication from XDA senior members. I respect Cotulla for his work and any communication from him holds lot of weight.
OK. Is porting legal then? Creating custom roms?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
bizmark03 said:
I am still not sure about the legality of the WP7 social hack which involves calling MS and asking for the activation. I'm sure this is not totally legal, either its legal gray area or its plain and simple illegal. is also advising against it (
If it is illegal why is XDA letting members discuss it openly or if it is legal why isn't XDA clarifying the situation.
Also there is nothing directly announced by DFT on XDA. For other achievements, Cotulla always tweeted about them but I did not come across any word from Cotulla regarding the release of WP7.
I would greatly appreciate some communication from XDA senior members. I respect Cotulla for his work and any communication from him holds lot of weight.
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No one is forcing you to do it!
I, for one didn't and i won't, because i think MS should make it more open first.
I like beeing able to customise, change, flash and reflash whatever i want on my phone!
And for sure if MS wasn't so up in its own ars.. they would have much more support from users and of corse more buyiers for their market...
Aaah, forgot to mention - this is not the place for such discussions....
At the end of the day Microsoft is only going to make money, it opens the market place for many more people running the HD2 to purchase applications.
I activated mine.
I don't see what is illegal about it. Is it possible to download WP7 like Android? I wouldn't know. Just saying, but when I activated they asked the Manufacturer of my device, I said HTC. Was that lying? Nope. HTC is the HD2's manufacturer.
Hey, if this is wrong, Microsoft will put a stop to it.
Wisefire said:
I activated mine.
I don't see what is illegal about it. Is it possible to download WP7 like Android? I wouldn't know. Just saying, but when I activated they asked the Manufacturer of my device, I said HTC. Was that lying? Nope. HTC is the HD2's manufacturer.
Hey, if this is wrong, Microsoft will put a stop to it.
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How about when they asked what phone?
Sent from my HD2 Droid [HD] using XDA App
is anything done on XDA legal? getting sys and oem files from MS 6.XXX and customising to work on numerous devices! porting of roms from various other phones to work on devices that it was not made for! varous hacks to activate other services to enable usage and functionality of numerous services!!!!!!!!!!!
come on guy get a damn life! XDA whole existence is built of customisation and giving that little bit xtra denied to us by manufacturers! HDSPL is that legal? if it was why does it void your warranty? S_OFF is that legal? sometimes people make me laugh and this is one of those times!
jose makalolot said:
How about when they asked what phone?
Sent from my HD2 Droid [HD] using XDA App
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so what dude? why dont you removed HDSPL off ya phone install wm 6.5 and stay on the right side eh! LMAO
i dont think that using wp7 is legal on it doesnt matter if you activate live services or not, this is not the point in this story
shingers5 said:
is anything done on XDA legal? getting sys and oem files from MS 6.XXX and customising to work on numerous devices! porting of roms from various other phones to work on devices that it was not made for! varous hacks to activate other services to enable usage and functionality of numerous services!!!!!!!!!!!
come on guy get a damn life! XDA whole existence is built of customisation and giving that little bit xtra denied to us by manufacturers! HDSPL is that legal? if it was why does it void your warranty? S_OFF is that legal? sometimes people make me laugh and this is one of those times!
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As far as my knowledge goes jailbreaking is totally legal. You buy the phone its yours do whatever you please with it. Its voids the warranty because I dont think HTC is going to fix someones bricked phone because he didn't follow proper instructions or foolishly flashed the wrong radio. Thats reasonable.
Porting Android is fine because Android is free and you don't have to pay and get a license.
Customizing win6.5 can also be OK because you buy the license with the phone you're just making it look the way you want, probably a more advance version of changing your wallpaper.
But calling up MS and lying that you have a specific phone which you dont. Thats like torrenting Photoshop, calling Adobe for activation codes and expect they give you the code and take your word that you actually bought the program. Just in this case MS is giving most people codes without much verification.
Anyways this is just my personal opinion. I'm sure everyone has their own opinion. In my case I am just afraid, i dont want to get blacklisted by MS and have my hotmail banned.
Get a GMail account??
bizmark03 said:
As far as my knowledge goes jailbreaking is totally legal. You buy the phone its yours do whatever you please with it. Its voids the warranty because I dont think HTC is going to fix someones bricked phone because he didn't follow proper instructions or foolishly flashed the wrong radio. Thats reasonable.
Porting Android is fine because Android is free and you don't have to pay and get a license.
Customizing win6.5 can also be OK because you buy the license with the phone you're just making it look the way you want, probably a more advance version of changing your wallpaper.
But calling up MS and lying that you have a specific phone which you dont. Thats like torrenting Photoshop, calling Adobe for activation codes and expect they give you the code and take your word that you actually bought the program. Just in this case MS is giving most people codes without much verification.
Anyways this is just my personal opinion. I'm sure everyone has their own opinion. In my case I am just afraid, i dont want to get blacklisted by MS and have my hotmail banned.
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totally respect your opinion dude and i have more than 1 hotmail accounts. if they block one can use another. at the end of the day MS could blacklist anyone for flashing a custom OS not approved by them using their files. they chose not too but that dont make it ok. I AM NOT AFRAID! i am sure if bothered MS will shut this down asap or choose to ignore! as long as the code is free then i see no bother at all! dont matter what phone you use the fact remains that you will be running a version of an OS by MS. that can't be bad to them!
bizmark03 said:
But calling up MS and lying that you have a specific phone which you dont. Thats like torrenting Photoshop, calling Adobe for activation codes and expect they give you the code and take your word that you actually bought the program. Just in this case MS is giving most people codes without much verification.
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if this is the point...rofl
i just told them, i have an htc device...dont know which one
i didnt lie in at any point, the only thing i think its grey area/illegal is, that i use wp7 without having (actual) a phone that was shipped with wp7
Just say that you have an HTC, I deal with users every day who dont know one phone from another, where you and I would say HTC HD2 EU model with 512mb ram they would just say "Umm, it says HTC on the front".
The MS phone staff are busy, dealing with hundreds of calls a day. Do you honestly think they are going to be pushing you for exact model details, social security number and the inside left leg measurement of your favourite aunt??
From my conversation with the Agent I see nothing illegal :
(After giving my REAL name and ID and Phone #)
Me : Hello Sir, Sir my Windows Phone 7 Device is Asking for Activation Code.
Agent : We Are sorry but can I know what is the Brand of your Device ?
Me : Sure, It's an HTC device .
Agent : Ok, Can you please wait I'll put you on hold for a moment.
Me : Take your time .
(Some weird music playing)
Agent : Thank you for your patience, do you have a paper and a pen ?
Me : Yes I do .
Agent : Alright, I've just generated a code for you right it down please
Me : ok.
Agent : *says the PVK*
Me : Thank you.
Agent : Is there anything else I can help you with ?
Me : No thanks, you've solved my problem.
Agent : I'm glad I helped you, and thank you for contacting microsoft customer support and Have a good night .
I don't see any lying or anything wrong with it !
And I doubt that you can find anything illegal in it !
Let's just keep the legalities of using WP7 on the HD2 out of it. Per US law, it is legal to modify your own device however you see fit.

Sign this petition to stop htc locking bootloaders

Please sign this petition to put a stop to htc and their locked bootloaders. Takes 5secs. Even if your not getting this phone you should still sign it, so this wont happen to fututure phones.
Already signed and added to sig, thanks.
Signed allredy. Hope in the future we have free Android.
thanks for this. signed up. they just lost a Sensation customer because of this.
Come on people. Hit this up
Bump again..
this is just wasting of time.... you need to grow up people.
greg17477 said:
this is just wasting of time.... you need to grow up people.
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That didn't even make sense. Dumbest thing I heard all day. Thanks for the laugh. Anyways back on topic, hit this up.
greg17477 said:
this is just wasting of time.... you need to grow up people.
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In a way, it may be. If you think of it, MOST HTC phones come with locked bootloaders. If you have not seen already, please read:
I signed the groubal anyway
e334 said:
In a way, it may be. If you think of it, MOST HTC phones come with locked bootloaders. If you have not seen already, please read:
I signed the groubal anyway
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Yes, its an interresting post. But this concerns mostly (if not only) us the customisers. But the avarage Joe (which is like 99,9% of the sold phones) is happy with the phone as it comes and he doesnt need open or unlocked bootloader or phone. The point is, the avarage Joe is save from bricking his phone and thats a good thing from Joes point of view and also from the phone manufacturers (they want to sell phones, not swap the damaged ones). Ofcourse i would like to get open bootloader or phone straight out of the box, but i fully understand why the companies do not want it.
greg17477 said:
Yes, its an interresting post. But this concerns mostly (if not only) us the customisers. But the avarage Joe (which is like 99,9% of the sold phones) is happy with the phone as it comes and he doesnt need open or unlocked bootloader or phone. The point is, the avarage Joe is save from bricking his phone and thats a good thing from Joes point of view and also from the phone manufacturers (they want to sell phones, not swap the damaged ones). Ofcourse i would like to get open bootloader or phone straight out of the box, but i fully understand why the companies do not want it.
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Bricking... that's one thing but you didn't mention the big picture.
I love it, you love it, and HTC sure as hell does too. Nothing personal it's just business, business as usual... simple as that.
If it weren't for this fabulous forum I would of probably upgraded my phone twice by now if not at least once since owning the HD2, provided I had enough funds... All these "unauthorized" OS updates I'm getting has definitely been a factor for NOT upgrading my phone. That's profit loss for both HTC and the carriers that sell them. Then there's all these "unenlightened" ones who come to this forum and brick their phones because they've failed to properly follow directions. Then turn around and claim fraudulent warranty damage. I don't know how much net loss this actually costs but I'm pretty sure it's enough that it makes a difference. Either way, at the end of the day it's all about maximizing profits. This isn't a charity folks..... HTC has expensive mouths to feed.
do you really need 2 threads going? 1 in gneral and 1 in android?
presonally it doesnt bother me if they lock it or not, they are doing it for business reasons and as stated above money, i was going to reply to this yesterday but after typing out what i was going to put, most people would get pissy and *****y
calc said:
Bricking... that's one thing but you didn't mention the big picture.
I love it, you love it, and HTC sure as hell does too. Nothing personal it's just business, business as usual... simple as that.
If it weren't for this fabulous forum I would of probably upgraded my phone twice by now if not at least once since owning the HD2, provided I had enough funds... All these "unauthorized" OS updates I'm getting has definitely been a factor for NOT upgrading my phone. That's profit loss for both HTC and the carriers that sell them. Then there's all these "unenlightened" ones who come to this forum and brick their phones because they've failed to properly follow directions. Then turn around and claim fraudulent warranty damage. I don't know how much net loss this actually costs but I'm pretty sure it's enough that it makes a difference. Either way, at the end of the day it's all about maximizing profits. This isn't a charity folks..... HTC has expensive mouths to feed.
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yeah i mentioned it (they want sell and not swap the damaged ones), but not as clearly as you did
"There has been overwhelmingly customer feedback that people want access to open bootloaders on HTC phones. I want you to know that we've listened. Today, I'm confirming we will no longer be locking the bootloaders on our devices. Thanks for your passion, support and patience," Peter Chou, CEO of HTC
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was just gonna post the same thing
greg17477 said:
this is just wasting of time.... you need to grow up people.
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Ha. You got anything else to say? Didnt think so
mattfmartin said:
Ha. You got anything else to say? Didnt think so
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Haha awesome. its amazing when the people speak and those in charge actually listen.
signed it!

