[Q] Desire Z as a first Android phone, coming from S60? - G2 and Desire Z General

My current phone is a Nokia E71, but I'm thinking of going to Android after Nokia's news last week. After doing some research, it seems like the Desire Z is the best option available right now (in terms of phones available unlocked and unsubsidized).
Nokia's have always been known for reception and call quality, so I am a bit concerned that I've been spoiled and won't be happy with the DZ. Any concerns there?
As a final question, is it wise to jump now or should I be saving my money for the dual-core phones we'll be seeing this year? Having some Android experience with an Archos 70 tablet, I know I won't be happy with a device I can't root as soon as I receive it, so the newer devices could mean a long wait.

To be honest, I haven't been too happy with my G2's reception (coming from a Nexus one) but I happen to live in a ****ty reception area so I don't really know for a fact.
Normally I would say wait a month for the new dual core phones, but there has yet to be an announcment on any Dual Core phones with a hardware keyboard. If that is a deal breaker for you, go ahead and buy the Desire Z.
No matter what phone you choose, it is going to be outpaced in a matter of months, so just buy what you feel is the best phone on the market at the time. I am more than happy with my G2 and probably won't be switching untill a much better phone with a keyboard comes out.

Also, I just noticed you are from Chesapeake VA... I used to live in Norfolk =) why are you looking at the DZ? the G2 is the same thing without sense and is cheaper.

Durkbeef said:
Also, I just noticed you are from Chesapeake VA... I used to live in Norfolk =) why are you looking at the DZ? the G2 is the same thing without sense and is cheaper.
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I'm pretty happy with AT&T and T-Mobile's coverage isn't as good around here, especially in the fringe areas.
As for the dual-core phones, I am one of those users hanging on to Media net (non-smartphone data), so I need to stick with phones that AT&T doesn't carry, or I'll be "upgraded" to a smartphone plan. The only upcoming dual-core phone that looks interesting right now is the Atrix (although there may be others I have missed), and since AT&T carries it, I would have to switch data plans.

So, from what I've seen. The Atrix did not stand up to all the hype it was given. Mainly because of motoblur, which you can't give rid of because of the locked bootloader.
Listen, the G2 (DZ, whatever) is a great phone, if you keep on worrying about the next best thing you are never gonna get a new phone, Just go for it, I promise you will be happy =)
quick tip, If you want the DZ to work on AT&T 3G get the one from Bell Canada that uses the same 3G bands, otherwise, you are gonna be stuck on edge.

Welcome to the Dark Side. I used to run Symbian-Guru.com, and now I'm here. I *love* my G2 (with a Desire Z ROM on it), it's everything the N97 should have been. You'll likely get similar (though not equal) battery life on the Desire Z to your E71, so that's a plus.
I wouldn't worry about what's coming up - the only new Android device announced at MWC that has a keyboard is a Sony Ericsson, and I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. If you don't care about the front-facing camera (which you probably don't), then the G2 is simply fantastic. There's alot of dev support, as well, so you can easily root it (now), and you can overclock and whatnot.
Another big plus is that the Desire Z/G2 is available officially with a Stock rom and a Sense rom, you can easily switch between them (rather than waiting on someone to port one or the other). I personally prefer Sense, mainly due to the superior camera, music, and contacts applications, but everyone's different.
Feel free to DM me or whatever if you have any questions, especially coming from the Symbian world.

the orange bandit said:
Welcome to the Dark Side. I used to run Symbian-Guru.com, and now I'm here. I *love* my G2 (with a Desire Z ROM on it), it's everything the N97 should have been. You'll likely get similar (though not equal) battery life on the Desire Z to your E71, so that's a plus.
I wouldn't worry about what's coming up - the only new Android device announced at MWC that has a keyboard is a Sony Ericsson, and I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. If you don't care about the front-facing camera (which you probably don't), then the G2 is simply fantastic. There's alot of dev support, as well, so you can easily root it (now), and you can overclock and whatnot.
Another big plus is that the Desire Z/G2 is available officially with a Stock rom and a Sense rom, you can easily switch between them (rather than waiting on someone to port one or the other). I personally prefer Sense, mainly due to the superior camera, music, and contacts applications, but everyone's different.
Feel free to DM me or whatever if you have any questions, especially coming from the Symbian world.
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About the time symbian guru closed down was about the same time i got fed up with symbians lack of inovation. After a string of nokias and samsung i8910 i sold a few of my old phones and brought my first android phone. I will never look back.
G2 is an awesome phone.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Lord Bodak said:
I'm pretty happy with AT&T and T-Mobile's coverage isn't as good around here, especially in the fringe areas.
As for the dual-core phones, I am one of those users hanging on to Media net (non-smartphone data), so I need to stick with phones that AT&T doesn't carry, or I'll be "upgraded" to a smartphone plan. The only upcoming dual-core phone that looks interesting right now is the Atrix (although there may be others I have missed), and since AT&T carries it, I would have to switch data plans.
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I'm in the exact same boat as you. The unlimited media net at $10/month is too good to let go of especially in today's world of mobile data pricing.
The reception on the Desire Z is average. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 7/10. The biggest let down I have noticed is that when using the phone in landscape mode with the keyboard open, my signal drops rather significantly. In most areas, this is not a problem but my home is somewhat rural and my reception here has always been so-so (around 95-105dbm). At home it will sometimes drop me from H to Edge when using the keyboard. Call quality has been solid, never had any issues. The speaker is weak compared to my Blackberry Bold but that phone had an AMAZING speaker, the best I've ever had on a cell phone. I use my bluetooth most of the time and it is loud and clear, speaking directly into the phone is fine as well, plenty loud.
I have used the E71 as well as numerous Blackberry devices. The signal on my Blackberry was definitely stronger (ranged between 90-95dbm in home). Not only was it stronger but also more consistent. Although the DZ has a weaker signal, its not such a difference that it causes problems for me.
All of that being said, the Desire Z is a great device. I loved my Blackberry but the OS was falling behind and the development by RIM was too slow for me. If you need a hardware keyboard and want a great Android device on AT&T's network, then this is a great option. I have mulled going and buying an Atrix as well but I really don't want to pay an additional $15 a month for data AND be limited to 2GB...

Durkbeef said:
No matter what phone you choose, it is going to be outpaced in a matter of months, so just buy what you feel is the best phone on the market at the time. I am more than happy with my G2 and probably won't be switching untill a much better phone with a keyboard comes out.
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That's exactly what I did when I upgraded, and I got the phone that I wanted with the plan that I needed (G2/TM). I wanted a hard keyboard and (initially) Stock Froyo or sense. Reception and battery life have, for the most part been solid.

the orange bandit said:
Welcome to the Dark Side. I used to run Symbian-Guru.com, and now I'm here. I *love* my G2 (with a Desire Z ROM on it), it's everything the N97 should have been. You'll likely get similar (though not equal) battery life on the Desire Z to your E71, so that's a plus.
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Considering that your blog was a big part of my decision to buy the E71 in the first place, I guess I'll have to take your advice again and buy the DZ when my tax refund comes in.


Right Decision?

Hey guys,
I wanted the nexus one ever since it first got announced. unforunately for the first month and a half it was exclusive with tmo bands. Come around March, i heard the ATT version was released and i told myself i was gonna get it. I put up my iphone 3gs and to my surprise, nobody bit. they were all trying to trade their iphones for the nexus one att version, just like i was.
fast forward to last week, i bought a htc desire (telus, so it works with att) from a friend. It was a awesome phone, but the nexus one bug was still inside me. Everytime i would see comparison videos against the desire, i would tell myself how pretty and attractive the nexus one is. I couldnt take it anymore, so i went on ebay, searched all day today, and than right when i thought all hope was lost, one ad popped up. "never used, refurbished by HTC Nexus One ATT". I did the BIN which was 425 with 15 dollar shipping. Now selling the desire for 550ish. My question is, with tech advancing so fast these days, did i make a good investment in buying a mint att nexus one for a whopping 425? or should i have waited for the dual core phones from samsung.
be brutally honest guys. and btw, the nexus one is going to share primary phone duties with my iphone 4.
I think it's worth it. The N1 is amazing.
worker1 said:
I think it's worth it. The N1 is amazing.
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I agree. The N1 is still the best all rounder phone (notification lights, great GPS receiver, perfect size). Unless you play very graphic intensive games on your phone...you'll be just fine without a dual-core processor. I just feel sorry for your poor iPhone 4..you're gonna be so mad at the little things it can't do like long kinetic scrolling in the browser, lack of configurable color LED notifications, flash in the browser, ability to change to different notification sounds....
In my opinion, currently, there is not a single phone that, in overall quality, surpasses the nexus one.
It's just "pure" - no UI additions, no craziness. Just solid, beautiful phone. Oh, and it just feels so good to the touch.
There are phones that has advantages over it here and there.. but overall, N1 is still the king of the hill for me.
It sounds like you made a little money selling the desire and getting the N1 so I guess it wasn't dumb. I personally think the desire is a bit cooler looking than the nexus so I would have kept that. They're basically exactly the same, right?
I really like my nexus one. Recently the battery life has even become better on the stock rom. However if someone was about to buy it now I would tell them not to bother. The touch screen sucks — it can only detect two points and gets confused doing that, it also gets messed up when the phone warms up in my car dock. The screen is also nearly impossible to see in bright daylight.
Not sure what android phone I'd prefer though. Wish there was a galaxy s with an HTC body.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Remember that all the leaked Sammy devices are for T-MOBILE.
AT&T is in the process of switching bed partners from Apple to Microsoft. I count us AT&T users lucky that we got an AT&T banded N1 to begin with. Regardless of what the person with incredibly large hands may say about the Dell phones, the N1 is the best Android phone on AT&T and will be for some time until the next Dev phone makes its way (fingers crossed) to AT&T bands.
Until then, enjoy the BEST custom roms ever made right here at XDA. This phone gets better ever month, and next month when the customized gingerbread roms appear, it will be better again.
I totally agree my friend
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Not worth it, IMHO. Once you get it, post back and let us know how you like it, and if YOU feel you got your money's worth.
I think its not worth it. Don't get me wrong it's the best phone I have ever had. All the Sidekicks (1,2,3 and lx etc.), from there to g1 (great classic) and a N900 with a few other phones.
I traded my N900 and got an nexus plus $200 bucks. best deal ever !!!!!!!
I would not sale my nexus it's is the best phone out to me. Perfect build, and feel. Googles baby you just can't beat that.
But, if your not happy with your choice there always someone with that same burning feeling you had to get one that will pay 500+.

[Q] What about ATT Phone?

So what is the best choice to keep stock Android on ATT? I am happy with Nexus 1 now, but what about the future. Seems like every Nexus developer is leaning toward T Mobile.
P. C.
They will consider AT&T when AT&T stops butchering Android by removing stock features.
There is actually no foreseeable stock Android phones for AT&T.
The best chance is sometime Q1 2011, the Nexus S could possibly be released with AT&T 3G bands.
The only thing AT&T is interested in doing with Android currently is figuring out ways you can pay them more money in the Android Market.
The Nexus One and the Bell Desire Z (NAM) are the two top Android phones for AT&T. The Desire Z runs Sense though.
So I guess we use the N1 forever.
pclewis said:
So I guess we use the N1 forever.
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I'm contemplating switching providers. I have no issues with their service and everyone I know uses them so it's a hard choice for me, but this lack of any good android options is really starting to piss me off. Every time you hear about an android device coming to att it's always some low end crap. The captivate is their best current option, but it feels cheap and it's already showing the tell tale signs of samsung and att leaving it in the dust.
I want to switch providers. I was blinded by the iPhones awesome reception and when i first got the nexus one half a year back, i thought it had worst reception compared to iphone (3gs, i also had edge 3 years back). Then apple said "Oh ya, we got the equation" wrong and now their reception is worse! I hate AT&T. I can have full bars sometimes but when that only leaves me hardly any connection, what good is it.
I've used my friends Incredible on Verizon and i'm very happy with its load speed. Right now, I'm gonna hold on to my Nexus one on AT&T. I want to switch my family over to another company but not sure where yet, waiting on a cool phone. Nexus S didn't stand out too much, with a lack of sd slot, i wouldn't have enough memory!
Plus, I want to see more tablet next year with the Nvidia chip. That'll probably be my next purchase!
lostinbeta said:
I'm contemplating switching providers. I have no issues with their service and everyone I know uses them so it's a hard choice for me, but this lack of any good android options is really starting to piss me off. Every time you hear about an android device coming to att it's always some low end crap. The captivate is their best current option, but it feels cheap and it's already showing the tell tale signs of samsung and att leaving it in the dust.
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This is my dilemma as well. I get fantastic coverage and VERY fast data(3.50 down, 1.28 up) in my city(as well as everywhere I go), but I am also tired of not getting any decent Android devices. I've been with ATT for ten years and I'm about ready to walk away...even from grandfathered unlimited data. The only thing keeping me here is the unlimited data and the wifi hotspot/tethering abilities of the N1. If my N1 were to crap out, I'm gone to Verizon. I can get fast data, great coverage AND a nice choice in Android devices from them.

Need 2nd Android phone for wife recommendations on At&t?

The wife's iphone 3g finally is taking a dive. Like to put her into an entry level android based phone that will work on At&t. What phones will work on the at&t network?
How about the motorola atrix.
Dual core and all the works..
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Are you sure you want an entry level Android phone for her? AT&T doesn't have a particularly good selection of low-end Android devices, and of those available they would hardly compare for a person coming from an iPhone. The HTC Aria is just ridiculously underpowered, and all Motorola devices that I've used with Motoblur have been terrible.
I suggest the Samsung Captivate or the HTC Inspire. They're easy to use and you can pretty much guarantee she won't have anything to complain about in terms of speed and responsiveness.
earlyberd said:
Are you sure you want an entry level Android phone for her? AT&T doesn't have a particularly good selection of low-end Android devices, and of those available they would hardly compare for a person coming from an iPhone. The HTC Aria is just ridiculously underpowered, and all Motorola devices that I've used with Motoblur have been terrible.
I suggest the Samsung Captivate or the HTC Inspire. They're easy to use and you can pretty much guarantee she won't have anything to complain about in terms of speed and responsiveness.
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I would recommend you stay away from the Captivate, it has a few hardware issues that Samsung is not addressing. I am on my sixth Captivate, and all have had issues, and have recently switched to a Nexus One that was given to me. I looked at the HTC Inspire yesterday, it is a pretty nice device. The Motorola Atrix also looks very promising.
If you're not aware, the Vibrant's radio, although a TMo phone, do work on AT&T 3G bands.
Just be careful if she's interested in any of Google's location-based services. I had (have, sitting on my desk now) a Vibrant for awhile and could never resolve the notorious GPS issue. I came back to the Nexus One because of it.
Lancellor said:
How about the motorola atrix.
Dual core and all the works..
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Are these the works?
locked bootloader
apparently shipping with Froyo
Froyo (and currently Gingerbread) does not even support dual cores, lol
Engadget says the docking experience is very poor
once Gingerbread supports dual core (maybe April?), Motorola has to push the update out.. my guess is this won't be timely.
For these reasons, there are going to be a LOT of pissed off people who cough up the money for this phone because its "dual core"
I made a post earlier about the atrix . Wasn't aware dual core isn't supported yet on froyo . I'm trying desperately to avoid another iphone (cough) but cannot buy anything through att with the fear of having my account screwed with and losing the unlimited data plans. Have to buy out of pocket and $500 is a bit high for a casual android user. Maybe a used N1 is the way to go.
Big_O said:
I made a post earlier about the atrix . Wasn't aware dual core isn't supported yet on froyo . I'm trying desperately to avoid another iphone (cough) but cannot buy anything through att with the fear of having my account screwed with and losing the unlimited data plans. Have to buy out of pocket and $500 is a bit high for a casual android user. Maybe a used N1 is the way to go.
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I switched my wife's line from iPhone 3GS (unlimited data) to iPhone 4 to Windows Phone 7 and now to Android (N1) and still have the unlimited data (yes, I spoil her and she knows it ). If you previously had unlimited data you'll be grandfathered in and keep your unlimited data plan, unless you ask for a different tier for whatever reason. That's how it was explained to me, and I've switched her line a few times, and I just went from my N1 to an Inspire and still have the unlimited data plan from when I had my iPhone 3G a couple years ago.
With that being said, as I mentioned I just got the Inspire. I'm giving it a week to check it out and see if I like it. I love my N1, and it'll be hard to part with it as my main phone, but it'll stay nearby "just in case"! The Inspire seems pretty nice so far, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
I just set up the HTC Inspire 4G for a friend and it is a pretty good experience. Has a little ATT garbage on it that cannot be deleted (you can hide the icons) and also HTC Sense. Actually Sense is not too bad. It is a great price at $99 and just came out last Sunday.
I know it is older and not supported by ATT or SE anymore but the Sony Ericsson X10 has been nothing but good to me. The guys over at X10 section here in XDA have some good things going on as far as development goes. 1ghz snapdragon, 8 mp camera, 720p video with flash, 4 inch screen.
I ran it for a while until I gave it to my wife when I got my N1. They are finishing up the 2.3 build and it is all being done with out even cracking the bootloader.
I've got a mint condition att n1 for sale in the marketplace. I highly recommend it!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
crachel said:
Are these the works?
locked bootloader
apparently shipping with Froyo
Froyo (and currently Gingerbread) does not even support dual cores, lol
Engadget says the docking experience is very poor
once Gingerbread supports dual core (maybe April?), Motorola has to push the update out.. my guess is this won't be timely.
For these reasons, there are going to be a LOT of pissed off people who cough up the money for this phone because its "dual core"
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check out this thread...they are saying that dual core support is there, just not for single threaded apps. So really we are waiting on developers to support multiple cores in their apps, but the os already does.
I'd say htc inspire is a good one to pick. Price of a midrange but runs like a high end. Plus htc sense is pretty useful for women in my opinion. And if you wanna change to a different rom later on, it won't be hard cuz htc is fine with customizations.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Get an HTC Inspire. It rocks I got it on launch day and previously had a Nexus One
For the price you simply can't beat the Inspire 4G, got mine at Costco for 79.99...
I replaced my N1 with this phone and I love it..
HTC Inspire 4G the best choice
I would hang tough a few weeks and see what happens with the atrix. Depending on whether they get root and so on that would probably be the handset to have as it will probably have the longest legs of the bunch depending on how quickly multi core support arrives.
probers1 said:
check out this thread...they are saying that dual core support is there, just not for single threaded apps. So really we are waiting on developers to support multiple cores in their apps, but the os already does.
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agree.. which raises the next point that the apps to take advantage will be games, as the computational requirements for a general purpose cell phone app tends to be minimal, the bottlenecks mostly lying in the cellular connection speeds. for instance, LevelUp can add dual core support all they want, but checking Twitter with Plume just isn't all that needy, hardware wise.
from a specs standpoint, the Atrix is interesting but is basically an expensive, closed gimmick.
dual-core is an important step to push the platform & apps but we are a LONG way from a practical benefit to end users (unless you play games)
I think the main hardware aspect of the atrix that would make me lean to it is the front facing camera. If that phone can be rooted it may be my next device.

Looking for T-Mobile WP7 phone - is this a good choice?

I know I posted a while ago if this was a good replacement for my G2 - but now I'm looking to supplement it.
This would be over the other two current options, the Lumia 710 and the Radar. I love physical keyboards, and I'm assuming the screen between the three is the best (and obviously biggest). Plus, I like the reaction when I ask T-Mobile employees about it and then show them pics of it - most of them aren't even aware it exists. Front facing camera on the Radar is nice, but not a dealbreaker. They're all available to me for around the same price brand-new/off-contract.
Anyway, my concern is that it being an older phone, I'm not sure how much longer it'll be supported, and if it'll be supported into Tango/Apollo (not saying either the 710 or Radar will, though); although according to a post in this article, if Dell reps are getting them to replace other phones and it's still getting updates, I'm hoping it'll get supported for a while:
I'm aware of the lack of Wifi hotspot and compass, but neither really matter to me. I need a WP7 phone period (for work), and it has to be on T-Mobile, so it's just between these three phones.
Raw spec wise, the VP is 1 generation older.
It's a 4.1 AMOLED (no super, no plus, which means it's pentile)
Biggest diff is obviously the screen, the V/VP's screen isnt amazing but it's by no means bad, it's easily much better then any plain lcd it's age (but it's a year old, dunno how it compares to more recent lcds like the other 2 you mention) After using a 4.1 and 5.0" phone, I'm pretty sure there's no way I'm gonna go back to anything under 4.0" It's simply too small unless you're basically using it as a featurephone.
No WP7 device is really old enough to be EOLed yet, but the VP is a launch device so it will be among the first to EOL (whenever that is?)
The tmo one is only 99 cents on contract (if you consider that cheap) you can easily get a brand new one off ebay for less then $200. (New, unopened, and recently manufactured)
Full price: eh it's a hard sell.
On contract/less then full price: It's worth the money if you want a HW keyboard.
It's basically breaks down to: do you want the keyboard and screen size.
Screen Size and Keyboard make it a no brainer to me. I wont even consider reupping my contract for a new windows phone unless the screen is 4.3in minimum though. The 1st gen processor doesn't really matter much as WinPhone is so smooth...Just my thoughts.
I have both the dell VP and the 710. I have also spent time with the radar. There is no easy way to recommend, seeing how this is a basic personal choice.
Of the 3, the dell is the nicest.
Of the 3, the 710 is the fastest.
Of the 3, the dell and the 710 do not have front facing cameras.
Of the 3, the dell is by far the oldest. There were serious questions regarding mango compatibility. I doubt, PERSONAL OPINION ONLY, the dell will see Apollo.
Do not mix Tango and Apollo. They are not on the same path. Tango is considered a mango derivative, not an upgrade, most likely associated with a hardware line.
As second Gen hardware starts arriving in the coming months, the dell will fall, behind speed wise at least. So if your phone usage includes a healthy dose of data usage, you should probably factor the lack of 4g and wifi n into your decision.
Hmm...definitely gives me a lot to think about...anybody know how battery life compares to the other two phones? The keyboard is basically the #1 reason why I'm considering the phone, but not if there's better options. I know WP7 is smooth in general - is there anywhere the better/newer processors of the Radar/710 come in? Data speeds are a valid point, but I don't think I'll be needing much more than it provides.
I really don't see why people are comparing 1st gen and 2nd gen. The only MAJOR difference I see is the processor, is 400mhz REALLY going to make that much difference? Not that I can think of.
Yea the camera sucks when not shooting in daylight but its a phone...And yea there's no front facing camera(a luxury not a requirement)either, in all the times of having a FF camera on my devices I only ever used it once on my Galaxy S in a Skype call.
The other advantages of this phone far outway its disadvantages.
Perfect physical keyboard
Big amoled screen
Nice quality speaker/mic due to slider mechanism
Premium look + feel
Gorilla Glass
Removable SD card, limitless expansion(if you dont care about your warrenty)
The compass not working isn't a major problem either, its just a luxury that COMPLIMENTS the gps, as long as I can use Bing/Google/Navigon maps I honestly couldn't care about the compass.
Let's not forget that software issues can be fixed, yea I know Dell haven't said much regarding the compass but that doesn't mean to say they won't fix it in the future.
I'd say go for it, until the generation gap is that big I don't think this being a 1st gen phone really makes all that much difference.
---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------
alodar1 said:
So if your phone usage includes a healthy dose of data usage, you should probably factor the lack of 4g and wifi n into your decision.
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The Dell Service Manual and Windows Phone Device Manager both state that the phone has N capabilities...
Had mine since launch, and personally while I would like to upgrade to something like the Lumia 900 the Dell really is still a good, fast and stable WP7 phone with the advantage of a unique design and the excellent keyboard. If your work usage just entails emails, viewing docs and calls there really isnt any reason not to get it.
As for support, generic devices are getting the update to 8107 so at least for now its still supported. If you can get it cheap now, do it and enjoy and wait for the real upgraded hardware with Apollo.
Bongo2k said:
The Dell Service Manual and Windows Phone Device Manager both state that the phone has N capabilities...
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It must be in error then, S1 snapdragons (such as the QSD8250 in the VP) do not support N, only B/G.
efjay said:
Had mine since launch, and personally while I would like to upgrade to something like the Lumia 900 the Dell really is still a good, fast and stable WP7 phone with the advantage of a unique design and the excellent keyboard. If your work usage just entails emails, viewing docs and calls there really isnt any reason not to get it.
As for support, generic devices are getting the update to 8107 so at least for now its still supported. If you can get it cheap now, do it and enjoy and wait for the real upgraded hardware with Apollo.
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I agree with your statement.....but. It depends on how the OP acquiress the device. Get it used off Craigs list or ebay...sure....go for it...using appropriate caution. Buy it new and lock into a 2 yr contract, why? Why lock into a contract with an old phone. There is no difference in 400mhz is like saying all cars drive 60mph. Yes, thats true. Side by side there is a distinct difference in the speed of getting your data. If you choose to not see that, thats ok. sitting side by side with my Droid Bionic, there is NO comparison speed wise. The VP is a clear second choice. Even with the 710, speed wise, its a clear second place.
Now, the OP said data is not primary in their use of the phone. In that I agree that speed should not be a problem then. But I will fall back, once again, on old hardware, and a 2 yr contract. At the end of that contract, the Dell VP will be 3yr+ old hardware.
But.....the thing is pretty...the screed is very good...the keyboard is nice. Go for it if speed and age are ok with you. You wont be dissatisfied.
---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------
TheManii said:
It must be in error then, S1 snapdragons (such as the QSD8250 in the VP) do not support N, only B/G.
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I've never got the wifi N to connect, ever. I played with all the frequencies, and bands, etc. Had a connection to the MS DEV team for WP, and they confirmed, to me, no n with the Dell...at least the original dell vp.
alodar1 said:
I agree with your statement.....but. It depends on how the OP acquiress the device. Get it used off Craigs list or ebay...sure....go for it...using appropriate caution. Buy it new and lock into a 2 yr contract, why? Why lock into a contract with an old phone. There is no difference in 400mhz is like saying all cars drive 60mph. Yes, thats true. Side by side there is a distinct difference in the speed of getting your data. If you choose to not see that, thats ok. sitting side by side with my Droid Bionic, there is NO comparison speed wise. The VP is a clear second choice. Even with the 710, speed wise, its a clear second place.
Now, the OP said data is not primary in their use of the phone. In that I agree that speed should not be a problem then. But I will fall back, once again, on old hardware, and a 2 yr contract. At the end of that contract, the Dell VP will be 3yr+ old hardware.
But.....the thing is pretty...the screed is very good...the keyboard is nice. Go for it if speed and age are ok with you. You wont be dissatisfied.
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I agree the Dell is not a good choice to get on a contract now, I dont think the other 2 WP7 choices on Tmo are any better either. The Radar and 710 storage is pitiful and the screens are smaller, and in a few months there will be better devices with faster data and more storage, probably not with a hardware keyboard but with big enough screens to make it easier to adjust.
I dont think the age of the hardware is too relevant, the Radar and 710 are themselves old tech compared to the current range of android phones, even compared to the iphone. The Dell still works beautifully though, and is one reason I dont feel the itch to get something else. Tough choice, but all told I would still pick the Dell for non-contract use, and wait for something better if it is going to be put on a contract.
efjay said:
I agree the Dell is not a good choice to get on a contract now, I dont think the other 2 WP7 choices on Tmo are any better either. The Radar and 710 storage is pitiful and the screens are smaller, and in a few months there will be better devices with faster data and more storage, probably not with a hardware keyboard but with big enough screens to make it easier to adjust.
I dont think the age of the hardware is too relevant, the Radar and 710 are themselves old tech compared to the current range of android phones, even compared to the iphone. The Dell still works beautifully though, and is one reason I dont feel the itch to get something else. Tough choice, but all told I would still pick the Dell for non-contract use, and wait for something better if it is going to be put on a contract.
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T=Mobile is notorious for low ended hardware, especially with Windows Devices. The Radar and Lumia follow that path. I am more familar with the Lumia. Though I am happy with the device in that its 4g and wireless N, The look and feel are not what I would decide to move to for a primary 2yr phone. I too am looking very closely at the Lumia 900.
I've always hoped that TMO would begin to offer a couple of mediium to higher ended phones in the Windows space. Even a Samsung would be a change. But continued reliance on HTC and low end hardware overall, just makes me doubt TMO's commitment to quality.
I say again, if you can get a DELL VP off contract, its well worth it. On contract though, its an old phone thats just getting older. Think about phone design, testing, etc. and how long that takes. Then remember the DELL was released in Dec 2010. That means the design and hardware pushes back to close to, if not into, 2009. Thats a long time for a phone, hardware design wise.
I can vouch that the V dates back to early 2010/late 2009 as prototype roms are known from back then.
The VP is essentially a V+keyboard, so hardware wise it's the basically the same. The V/VP are some of the last S1 devices released, with the VP being a WP7 launch device.
Looking around: are there really that few choices for WP7 device on TmoUSA? I bought my VP for unrelated reasons.
Looking on wikipedia, pretty much all S2 WP7 devices are for at&t for US markets, or pretty much all but tmo?
Depending on your work you might not even notice the difference from S1/S2, if it were me I'd (and under the rather large assumption all device drivers are of the same quality):
I'd pick the VP for the larger screen if you wanted 3g on tmoUSA.
The fact it's only 4.1 isnt saying much, but it means jack how fast your phone is if the screen's so small you can only look at 1/20th of a page/whatever at a time.
If it wasnt tmo, something like the lumia 900/titan 2/focus s are pretty good otherwise (ignoring price)
If you want a HW keyboard, the VP is the only(?) tmoUSA 3g supported device.
If you must have a keyboard, nothing compares to the DVP. I've owned both the HD7 and the DVP, and I prefer the HD7. You can find those pretty cheap on Craigslist or eBay, 4.3" screen, decent, not great but better than the DVP, camera, and it has full unlock and custom roms if you like to tinker.
The DVP is a much prettier piece of hardware. I'll give it that. The screen is great compared to the HD7.
I would wait just a little longer and see what TMO releases. I still have faith that a Nokia, 800/900 will be coming. A TMO HDx successor would be great if I had an ultimate request.
jelliottz said:
If you must have a keyboard, nothing compares to the DVP. I've owned both the HD7 and the DVP, and I prefer the HD7. You can find those pretty cheap on Craigslist or eBay, 4.3" screen, decent, not great but better than the DVP, camera, and it has full unlock and custom roms if you like to tinker.
The DVP is a much prettier piece of hardware. I'll give it that. The screen is great compared to the HD7.
I would wait just a little longer and see what TMO releases. I still have faith that a Nokia, 800/900 will be coming. A TMO HDx successor would be great if I had an ultimate request.
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Now wouldn't that be grand!!! A nokia 800/900 on T-Mobile. I'm crossing everything for that. However...patience is required. I understand AT&T has a 45-90 day exclusive window on the 900. So the earliest we could possibly see it is June-ish. And, I believe the 800 has yet to be picked up in North America.
Which ever the next device, consider a higher end model. This should allow updates to Apollo possible. I have also heard through the birdies that the first Apollo internal testing builds are ready. So hopefully we should be hearing things about that shortly.
alodar1 said:
Now wouldn't that be grand!!! A nokia 800/900 on T-Mobile. I'm crossing everything for that. However...patience is required. I understand AT&T has a 45-90 day exclusive window on the 900. So the earliest we could possibly see it is June-ish. And, I believe the 800 has yet to be picked up in North America.
Which ever the next device, consider a higher end model. This should allow updates to Apollo possible. I have also heard through the birdies that the first Apollo internal testing builds are ready. So hopefully we should be hearing things about that shortly.
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As nice as the 4.3" 900 sounds, I wouldn't second guess picking up the 800. They are both amazing looking phones. Why TMO picked the 710 over the 800? We may never know.
jelliottz said:
As nice as the 4.3" 900 sounds, I wouldn't second guess picking up the 800. They are both amazing looking phones. Why TMO picked the 710 over the 800? We may never know.
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Possibly for the same reason why they dont have the galaxy nexus (tmo previously was the launch partner for every other nexus, and the g1), they're trying to shoot themselves in the foot?
The newest device they have seems to be the HTC amaze, which at first impression from the specs is just a rehash of the htc sensation, possibly a varient of the sensation XE? (which is only months old)
Has tmo had any flagship device since last year (as a major launch partner i mean, "oh we also carry" things dont really count)?
The closest flagship wp7 device they had was the HD7, which at&t turned around and got the HD7S?
The titan/II and lumia8/900's would count as flagship devices, and the titan's are At&t devices.
Basically, tmoUSA's been sitting on their butts for the past half year or so?
They're lacking flagship devices on both fronts basically?
Until someone releases flagship AWS devices, you're not gonna see anything above edge bringing over a device.
If you dont mind that you could simply pick any unlocked device available, like the lumia 800. Amazon is selling unlocked international 800's.
TheManii said:
Possibly for the same reason why they dont have the galaxy nexus (tmo previously was the launch partner for every other nexus, and the g1), they're trying to shoot themselves in the foot?
The newest device they have seems to be the HTC amaze, which at first impression from the specs is just a rehash of the htc sensation, possibly a varient of the sensation XE? (which is only months old)
Has tmo had any flagship device since last year (as a major launch partner i mean, "oh we also carry" things dont really count)?
The closest flagship wp7 device they had was the HD7, which at&t turned around and got the HD7S?
The titan/II and lumia8/900's would count as flagship devices, and the titan's are At&t devices.
Basically, tmoUSA's been sitting on their butts for the past half year or so?
They're lacking flagship devices on both fronts basically?
Until someone releases flagship AWS devices, you're not gonna see anything above edge bringing over a device.
If you dont mind that you could simply pick any unlocked device available, like the lumia 800. Amazon is selling unlocked international 800's.
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TMOUS had the Sensation which I would consider a flagship. I had one, and after rooting and s-off it was amazing. You're right about the Amaze being a rehash. Slightly better camera and faster data speed (at the sacrifice of battery) is the only difference.
I use to buy unlocked international devices before TMO had 3g. I can't go back to edge speeds though. I wouldn't complain if they had hspa aws bands. Doesn't even have to be hspa+...
I'm waiting for pentaband chips to become more common. Its not too far down the road (I hope).
It's getting off topic, but the galaxy nexus is itself pentaband.
Buy a GSM galaxy nexus, it supports 850/900/1700/1900/2100, pretty much only missing 800.
Really makes you wonder why tmo doesnt have it, it's literally just a stamp of approval if you look at the nexus S (pretty much unmodified, launched as the AWS varient)
You could argue that carriers such as at&t and tmo are blocking cross-supporting devices from launching, there's nothing stopping a manu from simply not specifically releasing it in the US.
I believe it's not the chips per-se that determine what bands they support, but what amps the manufacturer puts in them. HTC is notorous for cutting corners and putting in the absolute minimum needed for a varient.
Hopefully nokia or samsung will make a WP7 phone that's at least triband or higher, preferably quad/penta. Nokia's already got experience with pentaband devices, they were like the first, or close enough.
It really doesnt matter which os you like, only that there's plenty of people on the wrong side of the fence for 3g
TheManii said:
It's getting off topic, but the galaxy nexus is itself pentaband.
Buy a GSM galaxy nexus, it supports 850/900/1700/1900/2100, pretty much only missing 800.
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I thought I read that all those bands were not available. They were all listed but not all selectable. I don't own the nexus, nor have I played with it. Just a side article I read somewhere. I could be mistaken, most likely am....
Thanks for all the info/help, guys - I went ahead and bought it for $230 plus $4 overnight shipping, hopefully should have it tomorrow to start playing with. I'll post my reactions (and any questions) soon after.

Anyone going to Purchase the HTC One S?

I'm thinking of getting the HTC One S when tmobile starts to sell it this month. It looks like a great phone and has all the features I want. Was wondering if anyone else is thinking of getting it.
Its nothing compared to the one s though. Better of waiting for the s3 since you'll be using it for two years.
There's nothing wrong with my vib oozing iced butter and bacon right now.I recommend waiting 4 more months and get the G3 or if tmo could get the htc one X that would be a consideration
Dougfresh said:
There's nothing wrong with my vib oozing iced butter and bacon right now.I recommend waiting 4 more months and get the G3 or if tmo could get the htc one X that would be a consideration
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I beleive that the X is going to at&t while tmobile gets the S...either way im getting one
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
i'll probably get one. benchmarks show the S4 dualcore outdoes the T3 quadcore chip. no need to wait around for a One X. By that time, the SGS3 should be out.
I'm actually still waiting for a device for tmobile with a true hd display.. similar to that of the current galaxy nexus. From what I understand the oneX has one but I'm not aware of any plans for it coming over to tmobile. Also personally, I'm not a fan of how the camera protrudes out the back of many htc phones.
Even though I'm quite satisfied with my vibrant running ics passion (occasional gps issues aside).. I've started to notice the lack of power while browsing and the occasional lags more and more. I used my friends galaxyS2 (att) the other day and was blown away at the speed and was left wanting more out of my phone.
I get a sense that tmobile is really dragging their heels in getting better devices. If I didn't have a serious dislike of being on mobile contracts I probably would have jumped ship already. I can live without true 4g.. fake 4g (hspa+) seems plenty fast to me... even my 3g vibrant is probably good enough for what I use the phone for.
I don't know.. just babbling...
and hoping tmobile steps up their game and offers some nicer devices.
All I want is a phone with a 4.7 HD screen, removable batt and micro sd, seems to be hard to find...nothing around the corner, still on the vibrant, nothing in sight so far...Sprint's EVO One (ONE X sprint style) looks great, but it's sprint and their data speeds are crap and no one has them so you use up anytime minutes quick...
There's a few phones I keep seeing, like LG and couple of others, but for some reason the US can't get **** for phones, like the rest of the world does, or if they do it's on att or verizon, and no, I don't want to pay 150/month for my cell phone..
I want a phone with about a 4.3" screen, flash on the camera, removable battery, and Micro SD. Preferably with that new S4 snapdragon... that things appears to be a beast. But I'm looking for a phone that devs are going to get behind. After having been in the Vibrant community, it'd be really hard to live with a phone that didn't have good dev support. I would honestly be really happy with my wife's HTC Amaze 4g if the dev support was more like the Vibrant. That phone is a beast and I can only imagine how smooth it would run with a good rom like CM9 on it. (but it's my wife's so it's staying stock LOL)
The non-removable battery and no Micro SD is a deal breaker for me. I'm also surprised to see only 16Gb of internal storage in any new phone, especially this one.
I need a phone that blows my socks off the same way my Vibrant did after it was rooted and customized. If there are any regrets I'll be seriously disappointed.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
I just want a phone whose GPS works reliably and a good DAC. I mainly use my phone for those two things. I was hoping HTC would've nailed a good DAC (as I'm aware that HTC has the best GPS rigs), but it just wasn't meant to be.
I am going to wait for a better phone. The One S just doesn't do it for me. Sure its probably better than the vibrant but if I'm going to extend my contract, which has been up for about 8 months, I'm going to need a phone that I will be happy with for the next two years. When the next generation of phones which are almost here are offering far superior specs and capabilities, it makes no sense to upgrade to a mildly better phone. T-Mobile should see that and not insult us with "little brother" phones. If I'm paying for it, plus two years on contract, I want my moneys worth. I'm a big boy and I like big boy toys.
I would have loved to get the One S, but would never consider buying a phone with only 16GB and no microSD. I can't tell you how much I want to avoid buying anything from Samsung ever again due to anger over the Vibrant GPS problems and lack of update and other support.

