What should we expect from Samsung regarding firmware updates? - Focus General

There are some issues with the Focus I don't think has to do with WP7. First being when you plug in headphones or speakers to the jack after removing them you have to soft reset in order to play music, videos from phone speaker. Another is the camera settings don't stay saved.
My question is; is Samsung good about Firmware updates to fix these types of issues?

Camera settings resetting is a WP7 thing by design.
Not sure about the headphone thing, though.

mcorrie1121 said:
Camera settings resetting is a WP7 thing by design.
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Is this for real? I so, what kind of dummy came up with that idea?

When I complained about the inability to keep the screen on (which annoys me to no end) I was told buy Samsung that it was a confirmed issue and was being worked on "as we speak" This was about a month ago. I really hope this is part of a firmware update soon.

Well, given how bad they've been about getting updates out for Android, I would not expect much out of Samsung specifically. Hopefully, I'm wrong for being cynical.

Samsung has always been really bad for getting firmware updates out for its phones in time.
Luckily, for WP7, Microsoft will take over the duty of getting firmware/OS updates out, not Samsung. So, if it is an OS issue, you're looking for Microsoft for updates, not Samsung.

mcorrie1121 said:
Camera settings resetting is a WP7 thing by design.
Not sure about the headphone thing, though.
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Fuzzy John said:
Is this for real? I so, what kind of dummy came up with that idea?
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LOL...I've thought the same thing. It's a bug. Why? Because every other camera phone on the planet saves the settings you choose. Some of them even offer a quick change profile setup. So it's a bug. And it's never going to be fixed when people say it's "by design". Like all the rest of the bugs and shortcomings in this phone. If people are happy with what they have now, great, get out of the way. I didn't drop $500 to buy a low end Nokia with a large screen.

I believe the list of changes for the next update includes saving the camera settings. Agree with above: very bad design.

I have a Samsung Intrepid that after I did a firmware upgrade right from Sprint, the phone basically went in the trash. Everything was messed up after. I'm getting my fingers crossed it does not happen with this phone!
And there WAS NO way of going back either, thanks to Sprint or Samsung.

Seed 2.0 said:
First being when you plug in headphones or speakers to the jack after removing them you have to soft reset in order to play music, videos from phone speaker.
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That problem must be specific to your own phone. I can't reproduce it.

I have the Samsung Captivate also, and between Samsung and ATT we still don't have an official 2.2 update.
Not sure who's fault it is but they are both jack holes if you ask me. I wouldn't count on MS for rapid updates either until they start to deliver them.
Balmer said they want rapid updates to bring the platform up to pace. I hope he doesn't mean 2 updates a year as "rapid".
We will see.

Seed 2.0 said:
There are some issues with the Focus I don't think has to do with WP7. First being when you plug in headphones or speakers to the jack after removing them you have to soft reset in order to play music, videos from phone speaker. Another is the camera settings don't stay saved.
My question is; is Samsung good about Firmware updates to fix these types of issues?
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I can't reproduce it either...
but, one time, I was playing a game and i turned off the sound. When i try to play music after that, no sound come out neither headphone jack or speaker...
I had to do a soft reset...
I wasn't able to replicate issue... and i'm happy for that...

zxcv888 said:
I can't reproduce it either...
but, one time, I was playing a game and i turned off the sound. When i try to play music after that, no sound come out neither headphone jack or speaker...
I had to do a soft reset...
I wasn't able to replicate issue... and i'm happy for that...
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Was the game CrackDown2? It does that to mine. Does removing headphones turn your mic off when trying to voice search? It will work if you plug the samsung headphones back in and talk through them but not from the handset mic. This is a know issue for many to maybe all Focus owners.

Seed 2.0 said:
Was the game CrackDown2? It does that to mine. Does removing headphones turn your mic off when trying to voice search? It will work if you plug the samsung headphones back in and talk through them but not from the handset mic. This is a know issue for many to maybe all Focus owners.
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I cant replicate the problem with crackdown2 but I experience some similar issue with other games and apps, very rarely however

GrayWolf said:
That problem must be specific to your own phone. I can't reproduce it.
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It happens to me from time to time as well, so it's not just specific to OP.

markgamber said:
LOL...I've thought the same thing. It's a bug. Why? Because every other camera phone on the planet saves the settings you choose. Some of them even offer a quick change profile setup. So it's a bug. And it's never going to be fixed when people say it's "by design". Like all the rest of the bugs and shortcomings in this phone. If people are happy with what they have now, great, get out of the way. I didn't drop $500 to buy a low end Nokia with a large screen.
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You could say it's bad design, and should be fixed.
But it's not a bug.
I would expect someone who posts on XDA to know the difference.

Reflexx1 said:
You could say it's bad design, and should be fixed.
But it's not a bug.
I would expect someone who posts on XDA to know the difference.
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NO! The sky is BLUE! Not aqua, not turquoise, BLUE! What, do you write "answers" on Microsoft's so-called official forums or something where everything is "by design"? "Yes, the battery will occasionally overheat and could possibly burst into flame. This is by design and lets the user know he or she may be nearing the end of his or her allotted call time for that month."
It's a damn bug.

markgamber said:
NO! The sky is BLUE! Not aqua, not turquoise, BLUE! What, do you write "answers" on Microsoft's so-called official forums or something where everything is "by design"? "Yes, the battery will occasionally overheat and could possibly burst into flame. This is by design and lets the user know he or she may be nearing the end of his or her allotted call time for that month."
It's a damn bug.
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No. It's a design flaw. A bug would assume that the camera settings were designed to save and somehow are not. The fact that they say it's not a bug makes it a design flaw.

FishFaceMcGee said:
No. It's a design flaw. A bug would assume that the camera settings were designed to save and somehow are not. The fact that they say it's not a bug makes it a design flaw.
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What if when savings it writes to the registry at "CameraSettings" and when reading it reads from "CameraSetings"? Is it still a flaw?
Truth is that is does not do what just everybody expects it to do. Most people would call that a bug no matter how techies would split it. So let's go with the majority and call it what it is.


My advise don't go for it - you'll regret it.

I am from germany and new on this forum, though I keep peeking in here for quite some time now and today is the time, where I believe I should post my very own impressions about the HTC Prophet.
I was using my old S25 (Siemens) cell for nearly 6 years now and since today I was quite happy about it. It was functional, worked, never let me hung and still works fine (I only changed the service provider to go for the HTC Prophet and let the contract for it run out).
At my new job I met a bunch of people who had that HTC Magician. They primarily bought it for the same reasons as most of us. It was a small device, had PocketPC capabilities, you could listen to sound files, watch movies, navigation, phoning and keeping contacts.
Sadly my reality looks quite differently than I initially had in mind. After some real life scenarios I realized that going for this smartphone was a big and really expensive mistake and I start to regret it now.
I also have a good history of PDA's and PocketPC's (Palm, Casio E125 etc.).
Problems that I have with the HTC Prophet (That I initially never thought about).
Speaker on the back side is the most supid thing that I ever have seen. Sure once you see these little machines you don't think about any problems that it might have.
You get it demonstrated by your colleagues and you see that it's an awesome device (on the first looks). But that thing is simply too silent. Sure loudness is quite a subjective thing and everyone of us hear differently.
But the HTC Prophet with its speaker on the back side is silent. In real life scenarios that thing is either laying on the table (where the speaker will be hidden by the table plate) or laying on a book or on a surface that keeps hiding the speaker. Or you keep carrying it around in that belt case that you receive with that thing. It's too silent.
I was on a trade show not long ago and I kept carrying that thing in that black belt case around my belt. With a smoking jacket around it. The trade show was well visited and therefore quite noisy (not loud but similar as if you go into the mensa at university). The thing is I kept missing one call after another, needless to say that I missed all SMS or schedules that my kalendar kept. I started to look at it at random times only to notices whether I missed something or if new SMS arrived.
A coleague of mine had another smartphone WM5 device carrying around with him, that thing otoh was quite loud. It yelled around that even I could realize it even meters ahead. Also the speaker, microphone and earspeaker was quite boosted.
Then at night during that few days trade show I slept in a motel where I used that device as a alarm clock. It was silent. Luckely I had a quite nervous sleep so I was able to wake up correctly in the morning but the alarm was quite silent. You've been able to hear it but not if you had a well sleep.
Earphone and Microphone. I have big issues listening to the person on the other end and the person has issues listening to my voice and the normal conversation goes on in multiple "pardon can you repeat" sentences. Specailly if you leave the office to go outside on the street for talk (so your colleagues don't need to follow your private conversation) it's even worse. I need to stick a finger in my other ear only to hear the person on the other end.
I think this is quite inacceptable for a device that is sold primary as "phone". I must say that I have the original rom on it, it's as I received it from this german company with the one letter and one number. With all the junk and stuff on it. Nothing touched, it's maximum loud, nothing flashed - as is.
Now a few days ago I went to another colleague of mine and compared his HTC Magician with my HTC Prophet. We set the devices to maximum loudness and played this "alouette.mid" file at the same time. His HTC Magician was drowning my HTC Prophet in all aspects. It was noticable louder than my HTC Prophet. It had better speakers and microphone. Sure it has the speaker on the backside as well but both devices were on the table head at head and his one nearly lifted off of the table while mine was silently sitting there playing "alouette.mid".
I mean, my old Siemens S25 was loud, I was able to hear it even outside of the office room on the floor, or in the kitchen (to jump back to it to pick it up) but this thing (the HTC Prophet) can't be left out of sight. If you move away more than a few meters in a silent office building then you keep missing everything.
I really don't know how this thing can be sold as phone. It misses any quality assurance during manufacturing. From that stupid backside speaker till any real life scenarios. It's more or less a play toy for geeks but rarely something for people doing business or need to keep schedules.
Otherwise that device is quite ok. Sure it has a slow CPU (yes it is slow. There was a few articles I read where people keep saying that it's not slow and that everyone who tells that it's slow are ignorants or something) but take my word. It's slow but it's ok for a phone. It's not the biggest problem since it works smoothly enough as PocketPC for adresses etc.
I started to dig around on many forums after I realized some of the problems on my own and realized that a lot of people complained about silent speakers and microphones and I must confirm this. There are many other problems with that device as well like speaker breaking quickly or the pluging jack for the headphones. I can not confirm this but I bet my pants that these issues are there for real.
I also realized (like on most forums) that people seem to be doing nothing else with it than flashing random XYZ kind of roms onto it in hope something changes (what, most people don't know either - so my impressions - and a few seem to have bricked their devices as well). But can this be ? Can this be the purpose of this device ? To flash it because it sucks in all other aspects ? People who hope to get a new rom version with news inside it, other people who hope that it boots faster (works faster) or whatever their aim is.
But for business people who only want to use the device to keep their contacts, get in touch with people, receive notices and keep schedules it's just a waste.
I started complaining to the new service provider and hope that they're going to replace that device with something that works. No play toy or something. I changed from my old service provider to the new one only for this smartphone and now I regret it. They already informed me that they are going to take it back and fine me what I have paid for it but this is not solving the problem. The problem is that I am stuck with a new contract and no phone to use or no suitable alternative to go. But taking it back without any complaints is just a sign that they might have received plenty of complaints from others.
Anyways that's so far all I have to say. I was new here before I bought the HTC Prophet and I really hope that my little review could help the one or other in making his decisions. Before you blindly jump in buying this HTC Prophet be sure that you go and inform yourself on all kind of forums and news sites. The HTC Prophet is a nice machine - no doubt - but it's useless in a couple of areas and one of them is phoning and getting notices (speaker). This is a big no go for me.
I really like my Prophet.
Yes the rear speaker is a problem but it's the only problem. Just wait till it stops working completely. There is a workaround for this. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=281331
Also, yes it was a bit slow but a helpful chap called Ikarus produced an excellent overclock utility which has really helped. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=270751
I will upgrade when the time comes though - maybe a Hermes or an Artemis.
I wrote quite a long post to explain in detail why I seem to disagree with you on almost every point you try to make. But I'd rather keep it short. (and I don't mean this in a nasty way, my experience is just totally different than your 'review')
Speaker: no problem at all for me. I mainly use it in loud areas. Also use it as alarm clock too and it's loud enough (believe me when I say I'm not a light sleeper). I do however use PocketZenPhone for my phone profiles (volume, call volume, ringtone stuff etc etc) and SPB Time (alarm clock).
Upgrading: Have a look on what forum you are here. Most people come here because they seem interested in upgrading the thing with a rom. For possible free extra's. Who doesn't want to have free extra's? (hell, why do people upgrade their computer, their software, their bios? Because it's all crap? I don't think so at all).
There are loads of phones on this forum, from your perspective they are all crap because people are trying to upgrade them? And yes, upgrading is difficult at times and if you do it wrong, you brick your device. Can't blame HTC for those people pusing the upgrade button...
But all with all, I'm sorry to see you are so dissapointed in your Prophet phone. Perhaps the thing just isn't your thing. And it doesn't meet up to your expectations.
For me the thing lived up all too good to my expectations and even more than that.
For me it's loud enough (maybe with the help of some programs I don't care) it's fast enough and even though I have been 100% happy with it all along I even upgraded it with a newer ROM.
I use it for phoning/smsing, calendar/appointments, adresses, car-navigation, games, watching movies, wireless internet etc. etc. and that all works flawlesly for me...
TheBrit said:
I really like my Prophet.
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Thanks for providing these links. I'm a technican myself and am used to many pocketpc's and pda's back in the years. I also did development for those devices so I am skilled enough to know what to do.
But the primary point of mine is differently. My workday looks like this. Starting morning at 7:00 and come back at home around 20:30. A lot of traveling from A to B. Basicly a fulltime job. Now you might imagine that business people don't want to play around with their PDA.
They simply don't have time to do so. They expect that the device they bought "simply works". The terminoloy "simply works" means. You turn it on and you start working with it. There is no time and also no intentions to mess around with the hardware. Like opening it and fix what HTC had failed to solve on their own.
I am also aware of the overclocking utilities that exists but this can't be the point either. But as I said it's probably the last problem that I care for now.
I think that HTC miserabely failed with their products due to bad engineering and bad QS. I only hope that some of their engineers are reading this forum so they can think about the stuff they build.
Re My advise don't go for it - you'll regret it.
RaptorRVL said:
I wrote quite a long post to explain in detail why I seem to disagree with you on almost every point you try to make. But I'd rather keep it short. (and I don't mean this in a nasty way, my experience is just totally different than your 'review')
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Hello RaptorRVL, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your feedback and I would like to raise a few further points to explain the situation.
First of all, not everyone is a technican. Most people don't know about Registry, they don't know about OmapClock, they also don't know howto flash ROM, they also don't know what AKU is.
They simply want to use the thing they paid money for. I have the feeling that you see everything as the expert kind of person that fully controls his device in all areas like knowing every DLL, knowing every Registry entry, knowing the hardware and much more. But you shouldn't forget those who bought a small device and who wants to use it. We are simply too busy with work rather than having all the time digging in all places to seek for answers where HTC has failed.
Speaker: no problem at all for me. I mainly use it in loud areas.
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But the speaker seems to be a problem by many other people. You only need to fire up Google and search for "HTC Prophet loud" or similar keywords. You can hear a lot of complaints about silent speakers, broken speakers, silent microphone or earphone, broken headphone jacks etc. You can even use search on the whole forum here and find similar complaints by others. I must admit that this is something I initially wasn't aware about but I wished someone would have told me before I was going for it.
And that's why I am here writing my second message on this forum to inform those new readers here who use this forum as a starting point to read about the pros and cons about the HTC Prophet.
Upgrading: Have a look on what forum you are here. Most people come here because they seem interested in upgrading the thing with a rom. For possible free extra's. Who doesn't want to have free extra's? (hell, why do people upgrade their computer, their software, their bios? Because it's all crap? I don't think so at all).
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Yes I am in the forum for general Prophet discussions. The one for Prophet upgrading is one further. This was also one of the first places that I came to before I bought my Prophet to inform myself about it from those who are already using it.
There are loads of phones on this forum, from your perspective they are all crap because people are trying to upgrade them? And yes, upgrading is difficult at times and if you do it wrong, you brick your device. Can't blame HTC for those people pusing the upgrade button...
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No! I was only refering to my HTC Prophet here which I had the chance to compare in real life scenarios on that trade show (noisy area), within the motel (as alarm clock), with the colleagues HTC Magician and with another colleagues HTC (dunno what it was called, it has a knob in the middle and looks more like a real phone).
I don't know whether other devices have similar issues but I think that HTC needs to get in here and do something. You only need to google for all the problems it have. There are plenty of forums existing outside and the more people buy one of these devices the more "similar" problem reports you receive.
If one person complains then this is probably a one time issue but if plenty of people start complaining about the same issues then there's something where HTC needs to fix.
You are right that you can not blame HTC for a bricked Prophet, but you can't blame the users either since they expect that a new updated ROM might solve the one or other problem they noticed.
But all with all, I'm sorry to see you are so dissapointed in your Prophet phone. Perhaps the thing just isn't your thing. And it doesn't meet up to your expectations.
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And here lays the problem. I can not know whether this device dissapoints me or not without having tried it out first. I didn't knew about all the hardware related issues. I also didn't put any weight into other peoples complaints for silent speakers and realize now that I better did pay attentions to it since it really is a huge problem.
Look I and probably others didn't buy it for playing or toying around with it (Random today screen tweaking, overclocking and rom flashing) we bought it for our serious daily needs. As sort of companion that helps doing our daily tasks, keeping schedules and do the thing it has to do. Inform us where our brain leaves us alone since we can not remember everything. Of course the OS side of it does the job but the hardware side is failing here due to weak components used.
I didn't read every word of every post, but I don't think you state which version of the Prophet you have. That said I have the Jamin with their latest ROM. I have no reason to play with other ROMs. Reliability is important for my usage.
To be honest I DON'T have the majority of the issues you seem to have. Specifically the front speaker is so loud that I have to set the volume to 50% to prevent hurting my hearing on normal phone calls. With respect to the rear speaker the volume is more that sufficient to use as an alarm clock.
The major issue that I have is the CPU performance in stock form is only just adequate. But remember static high clock rates translate into low battery endurance. I'm using Battery Status to perform automatic clock rate scaling and battery life is good or better than stock, while CPU performance is very good.
From reading I'm of the opinion that not all Prophets are created equal, but might be made so by flashing an alternative ROM.
Spatzm said:
I am from germany and new on this forum, though I keep peeking in here for quite some time now and today is the time, where I believe I should post my very own impressions about the HTC Prophet.
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but I don't think you state which version of the Prophet you have. That said I have the Jamin with their latest ROM. I have no reason to play with other ROMs. Reliability is important for my usage.
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Normally I would write something like "The user don't know anything about Prophet versions - he/she only uses it". But I have an XDA NEO - G4 and this one doesn't have a front speaker (only a really silent ear speaker).
To be honest I DON'T have the majority of the issues you seem to have.
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I have only one issue with it and not "majority" (which implies dozens of issues). The only issue I have is the weak components used for speaker, ear speaker and microphone.
From reading I'm of the opinion that not all Prophets are created equal, but might be made so by flashing an alternative ROM.
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Yes I have the impression myself now. But that shouldn't be the problem of the end users or customers. That's the big problem of HTC for implementing some sort of quality assurance.
I also doubt that flashing an alternative ROM (there is no official alternative ROM that guarantee fully functionality (but more on this later on) that will solve a hardware issue. Flashing a new ROM don't change the position of the speaker from the back side to the front side.
I also think you should start reading my replies more carefully to understand that not everyone has the time or the geek factor to flash "or want to flash" his Prophet to use it.
By front speaker I mean the speaker that used when the phone is on your ear.
I would comment that the Prophet is a platform and Jamin, XDA Neo, etc are products. In fact the user shouldn't even know or be concerned with the underlying platform. He should buy based upon the end user product's features and performance. Note that HTC doesn't necessary have to manufacture each product to identical specifications. And I say this from a OEM's perspective.
With regard to flashing various firmware and debugging a product one purchased, I only can agree with your position. My only point is that what issues you have doesn't necessary apply to all versions of the Prophet.
Dopod released a patch to increase volume. If your product doesn't have this fix (e.g. running the most current firmware) then I would be thinking about getting my money back or Ebay it if that is not possible.
Spatzm said:
Normally I would write something like "The user don't know anything about Prophet versions - he/she only uses it". But I have an XDA NEO - G4 and this one doesn't have a front speaker (only a really silent ear speaker).
I also think you should start reading my replies more carefully to understand that not everyone has the time or the geek factor to flash "or want to flash" his Prophet to use it.
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Silent but loud, slow but fast ?!
I share all comments claiming weakness of Prophet speakers and slowness of its processor and i'd read too much about these before buying one.
Anyways, many claims about the OMAP come from users who did not overclock. At 286mhz the baby is fast enough for me and no serious standby time shortening.
Coming to the speakers, using the oldphone ring, i find it loud enough. Of course there's always individual tastes and feelings. Mines are not so negative.
Finally, don't forget to set sound level to maximum for alarms and disable program sounds. This prevents boring sounds when you use menus.
slow or fast its in your hands only
well in my eyes , i had took the S200 (qtek) or whtever name he have, as base for smartphone app. for security usage. like you i had to choose between the stability , quality and speed. the hardware base had all i need, battery and SD, wifi and BT, and all very steady. yes speed stunt me slow at begining, but with the help of jesterz and one of his coocked Roms, i got it fatser, and for the final battery status gave me real overclock of 247-260 which is more than i need. when i load it with streamin video (mpg-2) no it dose not gag nor crash nor hang. thats more than i had with HP/ASUS/ etc pda on the same level. have more trust in your littel device. remember rule 1.
garbadge in-garbadge out. set it correctly and you'll have only fun.
Not loud enough to wake up?
Although the sound quality is not the best I found my old JAMin loud and strong as an alarm, especially with the LB sound file. In fact I am using the same file on my new SE P990i. I sold the JAMin as a trade-in and bought a P990i a month ago and although I am very happy with the new phone as it improves in all areas where I found the Prophet not so good (built-in support for A2DP, camera, sound quality and so on), sometimes I miss my old phone. What I don't miss though is the SCREEN ALIGNMENT PROBLEM. I am amazed how well the touch screen on the P990i works and how it even lacks an Align Screen function.
abubasim said:
Although the sound quality is not the best I found my old JAMin loud and strong as an alarm, especially with the LB sound file.
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I don't know what a LB sound file is. May you post it please ?
What I don't miss though is the SCREEN ALIGNMENT PROBLEM.
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I never had a Screen Alignment problem with my HTC Prophet but I keep reading about these issues on plenty of other news sites and forums.
So to sum it up these are the most known hardware related problems that come along with the HTC Prophet.
* Backside speaker useless and totally misplaced if the phone is placed on the table.
* Ear speaker quite silent, if you are in a noisy area or street then you need to plug a finger in the other ear to hear the other participant clearly.
* Microphone quite silent, the other part is permanently asking to repeat what's said.
* Headphone plug is causing problems when unpluging there's no sound sometimes (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
* Backside speaker is dying at times (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
* Backside speaker is applied at the backside.
* Misalignment of the touchscreen (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
* Battery life ends with 28% and needs recharging (I have the same problem. The device needs to be recharged).
These are the common problems, that I came along so far. Windows Mobile itself is operating normally so far, but the hardware is causing problems. Every company with name by now would have started a call back to replace the faulty systems. My next device will be from an manufacturer with name, who has skills in doing proper devices - no no-name branding.
* Backside speaker useless and totally misplaced if the phone is placed on the table.
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Not much of a problem for me.
* Ear speaker quite silent, if you are in a noisy area or street then you need to plug a finger in the other ear to hear the other participant clearly.
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Not a problem for me.
* Microphone quite silent, the other part is permanently asking to repeat what's said.
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Not a problem for me.
* Headphone plug is causing problems when unpluging there's no sound sometimes (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
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NOt a problem for me.
* Backside speaker is dying at times (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
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Yes this has happened to me twice not. First time it went for a repair - second time I used a workaround - see my first post in this thread. Has anyone had this on a G4 - maybe it's fixed in that version.
* Backside speaker is applied at the backside.
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Same as first issue on this list.
* Misalignment of the touchscreen (not confirmed by me but found on various places).
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Not been a problem for me.
* Battery life ends with 28% and needs recharging (I have the same problem. The device needs to be recharged).
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Not been a problem for me.
I'm sure some people have problems with the phone, which is in fact not really surprising because it's a stuffed up little machine with lots of sensitive electronics in it (made as cheap as possible to position it in the market for a certain price obviously).
But I must say that when looking at forums and people with problems there, you might not get a good idea of what's really going on with a device.
Forums are usually filled with questions and complaints instead of people searching for the forums to say "Hey! My device is working just properly! cheerios!".
It would be much more interesting to know how many devices have been sold and what % of those had faults/problems. Mind you, the prophet is sold world-wide and is a very popular device, which would increase the number of people with complaints on a forum considerably.
I wouldn't exactly call HTC a no-name manufacturer too. It's just that they are not well known because they have always made their hardware for other companies who put on their own brand and name on the device. Yet still it is a HTC product.
I haven't had a single problem with my device and know a lot of people who don't have problems with the thing too. I know someone who works in a store selling them and he says they don't see loads of the devices coming back with the complaints/problems you write.
For example, I have none of the problems you list up there. If the phones would have been so bad, don't you think I should at least have one of the problems here? Or do you think I'm the exception of having a error free phone and faulty devices are the standard?
So perhaps a somewhat more subtle approach on the subject might not hurt. I could be reading you the wrong way, but it almost seems like because of your dissapointment of your device you are on a small crusade stating the prophet is a very bad device. A device that only works for geeks with too much time on their hands changing roms, editting the registry and repairing the device themselves.
Which is, ofcourse, not the case at all.
TheBrit said:
Not much of a problem for me.
Not a problem for me.
Not a problem for me.
NOt a problem for me.
Same as first issue on this list.
Not been a problem for me.
Not been a problem for me.
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Yes, but it has been a problem for many others. It's as simple as that. If there are a few geeks really happy with it then be it that way. This thing simply isn't the right device for serious people who simply want to do their work. It's that simple.
Spatzm said:
I don't know what a LB sound file is. May you post it please ?
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If you the open the Clock settings and choose the Alarms tab then you can choose the sound file to be played by tapping the bell icon. LB is one of the provided sound files. In case it's missing on your phone then here it is.
Spatzm said:
Yes, but it has been a problem for many others. It's as simple as that. If there are a few geeks really happy with it then be it that way. This thing simply isn't the right device for serious people who simply want to do their work. It's that simple.
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What is quite funny is the fact that you just called everyone who likes their device (or do not agree with you) a geek and apperantly not a serious person.
Like I said in my other post, it might not be a bad idea to take a somewhat more subtle approach to the whole subject, instead of just reading the forums fast and sum up the first 8 problems you come across and state them as facts.
RaptorRVL said:
What is quite funny is the fact that you just called everyone who likes their device (or do not agree with you) a geek and apperantly not a serious person.
Like I said in my other post, it might not be a bad idea to take a somewhat more subtle approach to the whole subject, instead of just reading the forums fast and sum up the first 8 problems you come across and state them as facts.
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This wasn't meant as insult or offense. I was just quite fed up with the device when I replied. The thing is that everyone has a right to like his / her device.
For my personal impression this thing is more a geeks toy rather than something for people like me who are deep into all kind of works and need a serious companion.
One that doesn't need tweaking, fixing or worrying. Something that simply works and does its tasks. I depend on connections with other people, it's my work, my business. I can not offend people by telling them to repeat themselves 20 times just because my cell is failing.
No problems with that but we also need to keep an eye on those people who have serious issues with it and the list is getting longer.
You said (or wrote) that people do not agree with me but I already received replies within this thread from people who confirmed parts of the issues raised.
I think it's just fair to light both sides of the medal. It's not fair to only hype this device and ignore or speak all issues it has to death.
So, just because YOUR Prophet is fine, doesn't mean that other peoples Prophet is as well. You are just the lucky one or your service provider bought working branches rather than getting the monday devices.
I don't ask for much and simply hope that some people from HTC are spending some time reading the contents of this forum and get uphold of these issues.
Thailand and probably most other asian countries are known to not supply the same quality standards that europe requires or that we are used too.
Just my opinion and I believe that I speak many people out of their heart here.
Spatzm said:
So, just because YOUR Prophet is fine, doesn't mean that other peoples Prophet is as well. You are just the lucky one or your service provider bought working branches rather than getting the monday devices.
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Well, we can turn this around and talk about how your device is the bad one and how that doesn't mean all the others suck too. I just don't think this is very productive. You don't like it, but others like it.
I for one am very happy with my Prophet, and guess what: I am from Germany too and I also got my phone from o2. I never had to change ROMs or overclock the processor. The only "geek" thing I've done is to abort the installation of the extended ROM.
My device is working just fine and I've never had any problems. No broken speaker, battery working fine, no screen alignment problems. It's fast, it's smooth, it's loud.
And oh yeah (and I really don't mean this in a smartass way), if I'm in a loud environment and can't hear the phone, the vibration massaging my leg lets me know someone is calling. Not a solution for the earpiece problem but at least for the incoming SMS and organizer alarms.
Well, to sum it up: you're not happy, others are. Simple as that. I don't know if it's very smart to keep discussing this.
RaptorRVL said:
What is quite funny is the fact that you just called everyone who likes their device (or do not agree with you) a geek and apperantly not a serious person.
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So...I'm a Geek!
I'm also a serious user. I use the Diary, Contacts, phone, TomTom etc etc. Bubble-Breaker when on the t.....never mind. Syncing the Diary and Contacts with both my home PC and my work PC a great bonus - so simple and so very useful.

Should I get a Leo?

With the HTC being the flagship phone for HTC, there seems to be many issues with this phone which seem very surprising for such an expensive phone.
HTC LEO or Nokia X5
Well, I haven't used an X5, but have had my Leo since thursday afternoon, been non stop using, installing new software / games on it, have not had 1 slow down, screen glitch, battery power has been exellent considering use of the phone I have done (WiFi always on, played games, watched movies music etc...)
dmonuk said:
Well, I haven't used an X5, but have had my Leo since thursday afternoon, been non stop using, installing new software / games on it, have not had 1 slow down, screen glitch, battery power has been exellent considering use of the phone I have done (WiFi always on, played games, watched movies music etc...)
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Thank for your reply, very interesting I was reading that the phone is plagued with;
Extreme battery drain issues
Screen glitches
And SLOW performance and lag
ROM flash issues
SMS issues
Most of the problems have been niggles, though there have been a few major issues suffered by some people. It doesn't seem to follow any logical rules who gets one that has problems sending SMS messages, or maybe others that seem to dial by themselves.
All in all it is an excellent device- probably the best HTC have yet released.
Expensive? Not really in comparison to the cost of other SIM free phones when newly released. All the major flagship HTC releases have been in the £500-£600 in the 1st few months, but they do come down eventually.
More expensive means more features, more features means more bugs
But don't worry. HD2 is great phone. Best keyboardless Windows Mobile device. It still is Windows Mobile device, so be warned if you haven't had one.
But if you had WM device and you are looking for new one, and you don't need hardware keyboard, then HD2 is great.
Sure there is many complains here .. but that is what forums like this are for. It's not so bad.
finesse said:
Thank for your reply, very interesting I was reading that the phone is plagued with;
Extreme battery drain issues
Screen glitches
And SLOW performance and lag
ROM flash issues
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Extreme battery drain? No- for a high powered device it lasts quite well. Cetainly better than my previous TG01
Screen Glitches: It is sensitive, but no 'glitches'
Slow performance/lag: Not at all
ROM Flash: Try and install something not designed for it and you may see issues. Stick to the official updates and no bother at all.
If you have seen and used the Nokia then I would go for it. As soon as you come to a device with the premise that it has a host of problems then your future good relationship with that device is lost before it starts!
Seen that so many times on this forum, hence my advice.
I cant really speak for the Nokia x5 as I have never heard of it and dont know what operating system it uses but I have had my HD2 for over a month now with no problems at all. Everything runs smooth, screen looks amazing and games look fantastic.
If you have negative thought then steer clear as in my experience those people create their own problems to meet their own expectations but on the other hand if you are just curious because of other peoples negative comments then I would say dont pay any attention as overall its a fantastic phone and well worth getting. You wouldnt be disapointed and everyone else will drool when you get it out of your pocket. I dont know if you could say the same about a "nokia"
finesse said:
Extreme battery drain issues
Screen glitches
And SLOW performance and lag
ROM flash issues
SMS issues
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No, the only issue that really existed was the SMS issue but that's been solved with patches from HTC.
Screen issue can be solved simply by reducing sensitivity.
All the other issues do not exist. There is no extreme battery drain, no lag and no ROM flash issues.
I've had mine since Thursday afternoon as well and have been spending all day for the past few days playing with this phone, applying updates, and customizing it.
After the first couple days of getting used to it and getting everything set how I like it, I'm extremely satisfied.
This is clearly one of the best two phones in the world.
I would say it's tied with iPhone because iPhone has the best apps.
The HTC HD2 hardware wise is easily the best phone available right now.
I'm sure you meant nokia x6? If that's the case, the HD2 is a nice upgrade over that one...in every way imaginable.
freyberry said:
No, the only issue that really existed was the SMS issue but that's been solved with patches from HTC.
Screen issue can be solved simply by reducing sensitivity.
All the other issues do not exist. There is no extreme battery drain, no lag and no ROM flash issues.
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No no no the SMS bug is not been fix even the latest patch didn't fix it
The Pink Spot stil there is just not so strong as before but stil there
The craky sound + up dawn volume issue while in call stil there in many devise
So cross your fingers and pray before buying it so you get a zero bugs devise GL
PS if i was you i would wait 8 more weeks to see what other vendors are coming with
SOLRAC13 said:
No no no the SMS bug is not been fix even the latest patch didn't fix it
The Pink Spot stil there is just not so strong as before but stil there
The craky sound + up dawn volume issue while in call stil there in many devise
So cross your fingers and pray before buying it so you get a zero bugs devise GL
PS if i was you i would wait 8 more weeks to see what other vendors are coming with
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I am really not sure how to find these issues coz I'm not experiencing them. Either I'm one lucky customer or I'm just blind and deaf. Bought my HD2 just before Xmas and loving it!!!
enyaj said:
I am really not sure how to find these issues coz I'm not experiencing them. Either I'm one lucky customer or I'm just blind and deaf. Bought my HD2 just before Xmas and loving it!!!
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have u tried sending out sms-es while ur phone is doing tethering with the computer? high chances of my smses not able to send through when i'm on tethering. Usinf VITO sms instead now...
enyaj said:
I am really not sure how to find these issues coz I'm not experiencing them. Either I'm one lucky customer or I'm just blind and deaf. Bought my HD2 just before Xmas and loving it!!!
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I guess you are one of the lucky ones, me too I bought mine before xtmas.
Have you try taking picture of a white page ??? Do you notice a pinkish color in the center ?
Can you type 10 words with out faults ?
Has your phone Died? eg leaving it at night and next day he is just dead ?
Can you view an excel file in ful page, something that should be easy since both applications are MW yet Iphone does it why Leo cant ?
Are you sure there are no sms in your out box ? go in Traditional mode and check it out.
And sound while in a call is to loud, that ends up cronhing in your ears and can hear your own voice on ECHO.
Please take a look in XDA treads many people are talking about it since November
Ps I would love to be one of does who write nice things of there devise but in my case is impossible
I've had my Leo for about a month now and I'm really enjoying it so far. No battery issues and the speed as well as the display is phenomenol. It looks great and my only complaint would be the sensitivity issue, I still have problems with the keyboard but other than that everything works great.
enyaj said:
I am really not sure how to find these issues coz I'm not experiencing them. Either I'm one lucky customer or I'm just blind and deaf. Bought my HD2 just before Xmas and loving it!!!
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No- you are one of thousands of 'lucky' customers. This sort of forum by definition focusses on negatives, of which there have been some significant examples, but they are in the minority overall.
To the OP- no-one can tell you what to buy. I don't know anything about the Nokia X5 (X6?) but rest assured that it will also have its problems, and the Symbian forums will be full of people complaining about this and that failing.
Try and get hold of a sample of each in the flesh and see which one most closely fits your requirements.
finesse said:
HTC LEO or Nokia X5
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Do you mean the X6? If so, I tend to think of the Nokia as a polished phone with extra features like video and movie player tacked on. The HD2 (and other WM devices) are pocket computers with a phone tacked on.
A Nokia will need no tinkering and won't let you alter too much for that matter. It runs Symbian S60 5th Edition. A Windows Mobile device on the other hand.... complete opposite.
Any problems on the HD2 will be ironed out, either by HTC or by the guys on this forum who should work for HTC!
The number of times I've gone to work and had someone say look at my new LG "This", Samsung "That" or Nokia N97 and I say "Nice phone" and carry on my business. Then they say "Yeah it is... look it can do this, this and that...". I let them show off the phone, then hit them with my souped up Diamond and they go "Ohhhh..... Ahhhhhh....Woooowww!!!!!"
Then they say "That's too much for me, I could never use it!" lol Good luck, and I hope you choose what's best for you.
EDIT - Just noticed your phone list... it's quite varied and am a little surprised you asked the question! HD2 it is then...
SOLRAC13 said:
I guess you are one of the lucky ones, me too I bought mine before xtmas.
Have you try taking picture of a white page ??? Do you notice a pinkish color in the center ?
Can you type 10 words with out faults ?
Has your phone Died? eg leaving it at night and next day he is just dead ?
Can you view an excel file in ful page, something that should be easy since both applications are MW yet Iphone does it why Leo cant ?
Are you sure there are no sms in your out box ? go in Traditional mode and check it out.
And sound while in a call is to loud, that ends up cronhing in your ears and can hear your own voice on ECHO.
Please take a look in XDA treads many people are talking about it since November
Ps I would love to be one of does who write nice things of there devise but in my case is impossible
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Well mine has a slight pink blur when I take a pic of a white wall, but I don't do that normally, so I can't see it when I take a normal pic.
I can type very efficiently on the onscreen keyboard and very rarely make mistakes (I probably make less mistakes that I do on a real keyboard).
My phone has never "died" overnight, or any other time.
I can't really answer the excel issue, as I never use it on my phone, but that's nothing to do with the HD2, and that's what this thread is about. Get on to Microsoft for issues with their software, not the phone manufacturers.
My SMS messages get sent 100% of the time, and since I know the SMS sending problem can be sporadic, I regularly check the outbox and sent box so that I'm sure it's not happening to me.
The sound quality whilst in a call is perfect on my phone. It's exactly the same type of quality I've had on every phone I've ever had, so there's really nothing to report there.
As far as reading other threads to see what problems there are, you really need to remember that people (for the most part) only start threads when they have issues, in the hope that someone will be able to resolve them. If it seems like the majority of posts are about faults, then it is because there's not many people creating threads to say "nothing wrong with my phone". That's just the nature of forums, especially ones with a support style user base, like this.
Please remember that the people who have no problems are actually the majority. If someone comes on here and says that they do not have problems with their phone, it doesn't mean that they're saying you don't.
If you're that displeased with it, you should return it as faulty. You just make it worse for yourself by keeping it when it obviously makes you unhappy.
SOLRAC13 said:
I guess you are one of the lucky ones, me too I bought mine before xtmas.
Have you try taking picture of a white page ??? Do you notice a pinkish color in the center ?
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Even if there is a slight pink hue as some people are getting, you would never notice this in a standard picture. But no I do not have a pink hue when taking a picture of a white piece of paper
Can you type 10 words with out faults ?
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I can type a whole message without faults. Of course its going to make mistakes the first few times but it learns your words so the more you type the better it will become at predicting.
Has your phone Died? eg leaving it at night and next day he is just dead ?
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Battery isnt great with the 1.43 stock rom but with 1.48 upwards and all custom roms its alot longer and I only get about 2 or 3% drop overnight.
Can you view an excel file in ful page, something that should be easy since both applications are MW yet Iphone does it why Leo cant ?
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Cant really answer this as I only view pdf and word files on my HD2 and can view both perfectly in full screen.
Are you sure there are no sms in your out box ? go in Traditional mode and check it out.
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Sms working fine for me.
And sound while in a call is to loud, that ends up cronhing in your ears and can hear your own voice on ECHO.
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Sound is crystal clear when in a call, just turn the volume down and its perfectly acceptable.
Please take a look in XDA treads many people are talking about it since November
Ps I would love to be one of does who write nice things of there devise but in my case is impossible
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If you are experiencing all those faults then you should send it back under warranty for replacement.

Choppy / studdering music playback

I have had choppy music playback from day one with my Droid Pro. Every single song skips / chops at least 5 times during its meager 4 minute playtime. Every 20 seconds, chhhip, it just chopped up.
Anyone else experiencing this? Screen off or on, app in foreground or background, doesn't matter.
Please post here with your music playback experiences.
i get a cracking or popping sound a couple times per song. its so fing annoying.
warranty exchange is not the answer. happens on two that ive tested.
so far i have tried:
multiple headphones.
multiple music apps.
hard reset (waste of time)
hopefully it will be fixed in a software fix (along with the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE battery life)
I love the form factor of this phone but it has some serious flaws. all fixable i hope.
rotaterecords said:
i get a cracking or popping sound a couple times per song. its so fing annoying.
warranty exchange is not the answer. happens on two that ive tested.
so far i have tried:
multiple headphones.
multiple music apps.
hard reset (waste of time)
hopefully it will be fixed in a software fix (along with the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE battery life)
I love the form factor of this phone but it has some serious flaws. all fixable i hope.
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Thank you so much for your reply. At least I now know its not just me.
I suspect other music players simply use the decoding library or the problem is somewhere deeper in the OS layering. Pray for a fix soon or some chef's to cook 2.3 into this amazing device. Touch screen and physical keyboard! Hallelujah!
Verizon better post up a fix soon... Its so annoying.... :'(
I have cut-outs when I'm listening and the phone gets a bit unresponsive.
I remember now why I left Verizon years ago - dumb things like shipping an inadequate battery and software fixes never arrived.
Sad too since the form-factor is perfect and the Torch is such a piece of junk.
Haven't had a single playback issue.... I use my DP as an mp3 player in my car all the time.
kjjb0204 said:
Haven't had a single playback issue.... I use my DP as an mp3 player in my car all the time.
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Over your car speakers you might not notice or you might be playing it back over A2D.
Try with headphones or the internal speaker.
As I said in another thread, I just tried playing music with the Pro, and it works fine for me. I used the stock music app and PowerAmp, and I tried it with both headphones and the internal speaker. No skips or anything.
@Class said:
Over your car speakers you might not notice or you might be playing it back over A2D.
Try with headphones or the internal speaker.
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Still works fine over a headset, over internal speaker, with doubletwist or the native music app. No issues on playback whatsoever.
macstibs said:
I have cut-outs when I'm listening and the phone gets a bit unresponsive.
I remember now why I left Verizon years ago - dumb things like shipping an inadequate battery and software fixes never arrived.
Sad too since the form-factor is perfect and the Torch is such a piece of junk.
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It just came out - I wouldn't bash them just yet for not releasing any software fixes. The battery is from moto, not verizon by the way.
Its definitely a software problem. Hate to say anything bad about this phone because I do love it, but if you convert the songs to ogg instead of MP3 the crackling goes away (at least for me anyway). I seen someone say something about bad sd card so I moved an MP3 onto the phone's internal memory and still had the same crackling.
I've converted all of my music on the phone to OGG though and haven't had an issue since.
Sent from my DROID PRO using Tapatalk
Not bashing, just funny how history rhymes - the T720i and the V710 both came from Motorola as well
But Verizon was the one that lost the class action suit on the V710, not Motorola
And let's not forget the XV6600 battery fiasco
I think those three phones in rapid succession were sufficient to get me to swear off VZW
Getting off topic here, but every major carrier has faced lawsuits over stuff like this. ETF, incoming texts cost, all sorts of stuff. If you leave a company because they get sued about a lousy battery, you're going to have trouble finding a carrier with a halo and wings.
And your Audiovox link shows just as many people that loved that phone as did hate it.
Back on topic - I know about 5 people already with the dp and none have music playback issues of any sort.
kjjb0204 said:
It just came out - I wouldn't bash them just yet for not releasing any software fixes. The battery is from moto, not verizon by the way.
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Agree. The hardware and software is both from Motorola, it's just that since Verizon is selling it, Motorola modifies the OS according to their requirement and pre-including Verizon apps and settings.
i second that the sd card is not the problem. i switched to a new card last night and formated it in ther DP. same FING crackling. LOVE the phone and want to keep it. do you guys think a software fix is in the works? is there an official place to file a complaint or report a bug?
bwhite757 said:
Its definitely a software problem. Hate to say anything bad about this phone because I do love it, but if you convert the songs to ogg instead of MP3 the crackling goes away (at least for me anyway). I seen someone say something about bad sd card so I moved an MP3 onto the phone's internal memory and still had the same crackling.
I've converted all of my music on the phone to OGG though and haven't had an issue since.
Sent from my DROID PRO using Tapatalk
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There is no way that this is an acceptable work around. The software bug needs to be fixed along with a nice 2.3 update asap.
kjjb0204 said:
Back on topic - I know about 5 people already with the dp and none have music playback issues of any sort.
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And I know someone who tried several handsets and they all exhibit the same problem. Please spew the verizon cover up somewhere else.
Jibreil said:
Agree. The hardware and software is both from Motorola, it's just that since Verizon is selling it, Motorola modifies the OS according to their requirement and pre-including Verizon apps and settings.
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I work here for Virgin mobile and it depends how hard we push manufacturers to fix software bugs. The ball is clearly in Verizon's court with respect to when this problem will be fixed.
rotaterecords said:
i second that the sd card is not the problem. i switched to a new card last night and formated it in ther DP. same FING crackling. LOVE the phone and want to keep it. do you guys think a software fix is in the works? is there an official place to file a complaint or report a bug?
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Who knows... PS my music just skipped while typing this message.

Notifications play on speaker while using headphones.

Aside from flashing a Custom ROM, any work around for this Samsung default settings. It’s been a recurring issue since early days Note and Galaxy series and it’s still unresolved in our Note 3.
-SoundAbout apps from Playstore is one alternative, but I’m reading some reviews that it’s creating some problems with calls and music player settings, though I haven’t tried it yet.
- Tasker apps, though it’s a paid apps. You can create a profile and to turn the notifications to mute when playing music or videos.
-Manually setting up your notifications to MUTE before plugging in your headset.
Any other ways or apps others is using to shut this annoying thing, pls share and help the community.
It's not an issue, it's a feature. How will you know you're getting a call when you're in gym or taking rest hearing to music with phones not in hand! It's designed that way...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
And it's also highly inconvenient when you're in a silent coupé on a train.
Which I am, 7 hours a day.
Or if you're listening to music in an exam (it's allowed), or when you're sharing a room, or everyone else is trying to work in silence...
If I have earphones plugged in, I bloody well have earphones in my ear. I can HEAR through them.This isn't Apple! At least give me a bloody choice!
Major blunder feature.
nijom said:
It's not an issue, it's a feature. How will you know you're getting a call when you're in gym or taking rest hearing to music with phones not in hand! It's designed that way...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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if this a a feature, its a major blunder I can say.
how do you feel when your in a place with your earplug on listening to your music then suddenly you received a call and with a very high volume your favorite Justin Bieber "Baby" ringtone plays and you see all people looking at your direction before you can unlock your phone and pick up the call??
red_brindle said:
if this a a feature, its a major blunder I can say.
how do you feel when your in a place with your earplug on listening to your music then suddenly you received a call and with a very high volume your favorite Justin Bieber "Baby" ringtone plays and you see all people looking at your direction before you can unlock your phone and pick up the call??
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Sorry to necro, but has anyone found a solution to this problem? I have a very difficult time believing that this was an intentional 'feature'; the Note is marketed for enterprise use, and many if not most businesses frown upon ringtones warbling through the workplace. If it was in fact intended, the proponent of this particular quirk needs to be fired and placed out front for public shaming. Holy balls this is annoying.
smartphones seem fraudulent to consumers like us
richardpwnsner said:
Sorry to necro, but has anyone found a solution to this problem? I have a very difficult time believing that this was an intentional 'feature'; the Note is marketed for enterprise use, and many if not most businesses frown upon ringtones warbling through the workplace. If it was in fact intended, the proponent of this particular quirk needs to be fired and placed out front for public shaming. Holy balls this is annoying.
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I can't expres how deeply annoyed I'm with this feature aka but, I mean I do lower down the volume to 0 - Mute before putting headphones on, but it seems anytime I lower down to a lower volume, it doesn't save this, even though there is no phone restart, Samsung has proven to be absolutely unreliable, this **** doesn't happen on a Nexus, so it doesn't seem to be an android problem, what is this thing.....I mean iphone had the reliability with the ****ty restrictions and now Samsung with this ****, I think consumers need something which is worth the amount of money they pay, these companies are becoming philthy rich by selling smartphones but in reality they don't nearly deserve, a patch to iphone makes you lose all your data, they should be sued honestly, this is just disgusting and then these 2 companies are fighting with each other on who will make more money, hey stop, first of all both of you need to pay back the consumers whose money has been paying for your heavens..........
anison7 said:
I can't expres how deeply annoyed I'm with this feature aka but, I mean I do lower down the volume to 0 - Mute before putting headphones on, but it seems anytime I lower down to a lower volume, it doesn't save this, even though there is no phone restart, Samsung has proven to be absolutely unreliable, this **** doesn't happen on a Nexus, so it doesn't seem to be an android problem, what is this thing.....I mean iphone had the reliability with the ****ty restrictions and now Samsung with this ****, I think consumers need something which is worth the amount of money they pay, these companies are becoming philthy rich by selling smartphones but in reality they don't nearly deserve, a patch to iphone makes you lose all your data, they should be sued honestly, this is just disgusting and then these 2 companies are fighting with each other on who will make more money, hey stop, first of all both of you need to pay back the consumers whose money has been paying for your heavens..........
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Just use Soundabout I have been using it for ages and I have not had any issues with calls or anything. I constantly pair my gear and to my car all the time and have had zero issues with calls.
kiru said:
Just use Soundabout I have been using it for ages and I have not had any issues with calls or anything. I constantly pair my gear and to my car all the time and have had zero issues with calls.
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So, you're the first one whose Solution worked, now I did install Soundabout, it said Pro features will work for free for a trial period of first 2 days then you would know if it works enough for you so you can buy it or not, it worked right away after installing the app and restarting the phone (Very Important Step), but I'm hoping I don't need to have the PRo features to have this issue fixed
anison7 said:
So, you're the first one whose Solution worked, now I did install Soundabout, it said Pro features will work for free for a trial period of first 2 days then you would know if it works enough for you so you can buy it or not, it worked right away after installing the app and restarting the phone (Very Important Step), but I'm hoping I don't need to have the PRo features to have this issue fixed
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Glad it worked..... Sorry, should have mentioned that I was using the pro version. The real reason why I use Soundabout is that I connect my phone to car via Bluetooth and I also physically plug in my phone (via the 3.5mm headphone) to the Aux input of my car (I am just not a fan of Bluetooth audio quality). Soundabout was the only program at the time that would still be able to answer calls via Bluetooth while using the headphone jack as a physical audio out (this was my S2 days as).

Pixel 2 - terrible Android/software experience

Pixel 2 is my first Google phone and I bought it as I thought it would be the best android experience there is, based on all the review in major web tech outlets. I was very wrong. I am experiencing bugs on daily basis and there seems to be hundreds of people with same issues, yet nothing is fixed months after phone release. Could XDA look into this a publish an article that would hopefully be picked up by other sites so Google owns the issues?
I am on Jan security patch, we are over 3 months in from the launch and not much improvement.
Current issues:
- missed screen inputs/taps. In Photos/Camera double tap won't zoom in until several tries.
- double tap to wake is hit and miss, many times after multiple tries I have to use power button to wake up the phone
- difficult to swipe away notifications from lock screen or swipe up to unlock
- getting camera fatal error message and camera app freezes, factory reset and update to 8.1 helped with frequency but not fixed permanently
- home screen widget never shows any upcoming events if created on web or though another account like exchange - super stupid
- Bluetooth is totally unusable. Dropped connections in a car, audio that won't go neither in connected Bluetooth device nor phone speaker itself, disconnecting bluetooth headsets in the middle of the call etc.
- the audio dongle to connect wired headset rarely works and requires phone reboot with it connected to work
There is hundreds posts on Google product forums with these issues, yet no fix. I have reported these issues multi times, no one ever reached out to me. To some issues from the above Google actually admitted to them with only saying there will be a fix in a future fix, no ETA or what they are doing about it.
It is a joke for a phone that is over $700 with tax. The 8.0 seemed like a beta version pushed on people, I am tired of this practice. I had a Blackberry Priv which was BB's first Android phone and the OS had way less bugs than Pixel. You would think that Google's software would be perfect given their resources and that they basically write the OS.
I love the camera on the Pixel and it was pretty much the only reason I bought it. We have a baby and it takes great pictures super fast in all light conditions. But once others catch up with the imaging tech I think I will never go back to Google.
kloubik said:
Pixel 2 is my first Google phone and I bought it as I thought it would be the best android experience there is, based on all the review in major web tech outlets. I was very wrong. I am experiencing bugs on daily basis and there seems to be hundreds of people with same issues, yet nothing is fixed months after phone release. Could XDA look into this a publish an article that would hopefully be picked up by other sites so Google owns the issues?
I am on Jan security patch, we are over 3 months in from the launch and not much improvement.
Current issues:
- missed screen inputs/taps. In Photos/Camera double tap won't zoom in until several tries.
- double tap to wake is hit and miss, many times after multiple tries I have to use power button to wake up the phone
- difficult to swipe away notifications from lock screen or swipe up to unlock
- getting camera fatal error message and camera app freezes, factory reset and update to 8.1 helped with frequency but not fixed permanently
- home screen widget never shows any upcoming events if created on web or though another account like exchange - super stupid
- Bluetooth is totally unusable. Dropped connections in a car, audio that won't go neither in connected Bluetooth device nor phone speaker itself, disconnecting bluetooth headsets in the middle of the call etc.
- the audio dongle to connect wired headset rarely works and requires phone reboot with it connected to work
There is hundreds posts on Google product forums with these issues, yet no fix. I have reported these issues multi times, no one ever reached out to me. To some issues from the above Google actually admitted to them with only saying there will be a fix in a future fix, no ETA or what they are doing about it.
It is a joke for a phone that is over $700 with tax. The 8.0 seemed like a beta version pushed on people, I am tired of this practice. I had a Blackberry Priv which was BB's first Android phone and the OS had way less bugs than Pixel. You would think that Google's software would be perfect given their resources and that they basically write the OS.
I love the camera on the Pixel and it was pretty much the only reason I bought it. We have a baby and it takes great pictures super fast in all light conditions. But once others catch up with the imaging tech I think I will never go back to Google.
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Get an iphone. You are the only one complaining about lots of issues. To be honest, theres a lot of things u can do, read, try fixes, or RMA your phone. Amazing how you can post this long but cant effort on trying to RMA it.
Get an iphone.
kloubik said:
Pixel 2 is my first Google phone and I bought it as I thought it would be the best android experience there is, based on all the review in major web tech outlets. I was very wrong. I am experiencing bugs on daily basis and there seems to be hundreds of people with same issues, yet nothing is fixed months after phone release. Could XDA look into this a publish an article that would hopefully be picked up by other sites so Google owns the issues?
I am on Jan security patch, we are over 3 months in from the launch and not much improvement.
Current issues:
- missed screen inputs/taps. In Photos/Camera double tap won't zoom in until several tries.
- double tap to wake is hit and miss, many times after multiple tries I have to use power button to wake up the phone
- difficult to swipe away notifications from lock screen or swipe up to unlock
- getting camera fatal error message and camera app freezes, factory reset and update to 8.1 helped with frequency but not fixed permanently
- home screen widget never shows any upcoming events if created on web or though another account like exchange - super stupid
- Bluetooth is totally unusable. Dropped connections in a car, audio that won't go neither in connected Bluetooth device nor phone speaker itself, disconnecting bluetooth headsets in the middle of the call etc.
- the audio dongle to connect wired headset rarely works and requires phone reboot with it connected to work
There is hundreds posts on Google product forums with these issues, yet no fix. I have reported these issues multi times, no one ever reached out to me. To some issues from the above Google actually admitted to them with only saying there will be a fix in a future fix, no ETA or what they are doing about it.
It is a joke for a phone that is over $700 with tax. The 8.0 seemed like a beta version pushed on people, I am tired of this practice. I had a Blackberry Priv which was BB's first Android phone and the OS had way less bugs than Pixel. You would think that Google's software would be perfect given their resources and that they basically write the OS.
I love the camera on the Pixel and it was pretty much the only reason I bought it. We have a baby and it takes great pictures super fast in all light conditions. But once others catch up with the imaging tech I think I will never go back to Google.
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thank you for your honest impressions / thoughts
I want to spend the time and comment on your issues:
- missed screen inputs/taps. In Photos/Camera double tap won't zoom in until several tries.
- double tap to wake is hit and miss, many times after multiple tries I have to use power button to wake up the phone
- difficult to swipe away notifications from lock screen or swipe up to unlock
three points are related to the touchscreen. I have never experienced a single one of them and i am pretty sure there arent a lot of complaints in the www
In my honest opinion, why didnt you use your waranty ? This seems to be a defect on your device.
- getting camera fatal error message and camera app freezes, factory reset and update to 8.1 helped with frequency but not fixed permanently
I have never experienced this issue, and dont know about any reports
- home screen widget never shows any upcoming events if created on web or though another account like exchange - super stupid
It is clearly stated that this widget works with google account ... you can call this a stupid a choice but it is not a bug
- Bluetooth is totally unusable. Dropped connections in a car, audio that won't go neither in connected Bluetooth device nor phone speaker itself, disconnecting bluetooth headsets in the middle of the call etc.
my bluetooth connection in my car, bluetooth headset and even kde connect works flawlessly
- the audio dongle to connect wired headset rarely works and requires phone reboot with it connected to work
well, its an audio dongle ... going for a smartphone without the headphone jack, you should have bt headset or usb type c headset ...
kloubik said:
Pixel 2 is my first Google phone and I bought it as I thought it would be the best android experience there is, based on all the review in major web tech outlets. I was very wrong. I am experiencing bugs on daily basis <snip>
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IF you're not trolling, why would you keep a device like this? Sell it and take maybe a $100 hit and get a device you like. The amount of effort and time you put into this rant would have paid for itself. You need to prioritize.
kloubik said:
Pixel 2 is my first Google phone and I bought it as I thought it would be the best android experience there is, based on all the review in major web tech outlets. I was very wrong. I am experiencing bugs on daily basis and there seems to be hundreds of people with same issues, yet nothing is fixed months after phone release. Could XDA look into this a publish an article that would hopefully be picked up by other sites so Google owns the issues?
I am on Jan security patch, we are over 3 months in from the launch and not much improvement.
Current issues:
- missed screen inputs/taps. In Photos/Camera double tap won't zoom in until several tries.
- double tap to wake is hit and miss, many times after multiple tries I have to use power button to wake up the phone
- difficult to swipe away notifications from lock screen or swipe up to unlock
- getting camera fatal error message and camera app freezes, factory reset and update to 8.1 helped with frequency but not fixed permanently
- home screen widget never shows any upcoming events if created on web or though another account like exchange - super stupid
- Bluetooth is totally unusable. Dropped connections in a car, audio that won't go neither in connected Bluetooth device nor phone speaker itself, disconnecting bluetooth headsets in the middle of the call etc.
- the audio dongle to connect wired headset rarely works and requires phone reboot with it connected to work
There is hundreds posts on Google product forums with these issues, yet no fix. I have reported these issues multi times, no one ever reached out to me. To some issues from the above Google actually admitted to them with only saying there will be a fix in a future fix, no ETA or what they are doing about it.
It is a joke for a phone that is over $700 with tax. The 8.0 seemed like a beta version pushed on people, I am tired of this practice. I had a Blackberry Priv which was BB's first Android phone and the OS had way less bugs than Pixel. You would think that Google's software would be perfect given their resources and that they basically write the OS.
I love the camera on the Pixel and it was pretty much the only reason I bought it. We have a baby and it takes great pictures super fast in all light conditions. But once others catch up with the imaging tech I think I will never go back to Google.
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You must have a defective phone, you should return/exchange it. I haven't experienced any of these issues. The Pixel 2 is by far the most usable and bug free phone I have ever owned.
infamousvincci said:
Get an iphone. You are the only one complaining about lots of issues. To be honest, theres a lot of things u can do, read, try fixes, or RMA your phone. Amazing how you can post this long but cant effort on trying to RMA it.
Get an iphone.
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This is clearly not true. There's hundreds of people on google product forums with same issues. I have tried all suggested fixes, clearing cache, app reinstalls, even factory reset.
What is RMA going to do with software issues as everyone suggests? Nothing! There is so many people who went through multiple RMAs and all issues are back, since it is all software issues.
As I said, the camera is super important to me and at the moment there is not anything better than Pixel camera (with maybe iPhone X being equal but I will never buy iPhone). If Galaxy S9 delivers in camera department I will for sure get rid of Pixel.
Just to open your eyes for those who say I am the only one with these issues:
Camera fatal error:
Headphone adapter not working:
Swipe issues:
Btw, I have the verizon version with non-verizon SIM. If I did not sideload updates manually I would still be on Sep 17 security patch. Another issue that Google admitted to and said they don't intend to fix.
kloubik said:
This is clearly not true. There's hundreds of people on google product forums with same issues. I have tried all suggested fixes, clearing cache, app reinstalls, even factory reset.
What is RMA going to do with software issues as everyone suggests? Nothing! There is so many people who went through multiple RMAs and all issues are back, since it is all software issues.
As I said, the camera is super important to me and at the moment there is not anything better than Pixel camera (with maybe iPhone X being equal but I will never buy iPhone). If Galaxy S9 delivers in camera department I will for sure get rid of Pixel.
Just to open your eyes for those who say I am the only one with these issues:
Camera fatal error:
Headphone adapter not working:
Swipe issues:
Btw, I have the verizon version with non-verizon SIM. If I did not sideload updates manually I would still be on Sep 17 security patch. Another issue that Google admitted to and said they don't intend to fix.
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The OP does have some valid points. I've noticed a few of these issues as well. Most notably the missed touches, hit or miss dt2w and the swiping problems from the lock screen.
It's an awfully expensive device to be having issues with.
I can partially understand the OP's frustration. This is supposed to be the smoothest Android experience and I've personally ran into more bugs in the past month of ownership than in the past 3 years of using Sony and Honor devices. Apps crash almost daily, the fingerprint reader is significantly slower than my Honor 8, and the double tap to wake feature has always required 4 or more taps.
That being said, I've never felt this phone was a bad purchase or unusable. If the OP feels that way, then he or she should simply have Google replace it. It's under warranty and this thread won't solve these issues.
PuffDaddy_d said:
I can partially understand the OP's frustration. This is supposed to be the smoothest Android experience and I've personally ran into more bugs in the past month of ownership than in the past 3 years of using Sony and Honor devices. Apps crash almost daily, the fingerprint reader is significantly slower than my Honor 8, and the double tap to wake feature has always required 4 or more taps.
That being said, I've never felt this phone was a bad purchase or unusable. If the OP feels that way, then he or she should simply have Google replace it. It's under warranty and this thread won't solve these issues.
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Correct. Posting this is useless. RMA it or deal with it. Lol.
kloubik said:
This is clearly not true. There's hundreds of people on google product forums with same issues. I have tried all suggested fixes, clearing cache, app reinstalls, even factory reset.
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What is the point of your OP? You are obviously not asking for help. It is just a rant with no point other than to trash the device from what it looks like. So I ask again, why are you here and why did you post this?
---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------
infamousvincci said:
Correct. Posting this is useless. RMA it or deal with it. Lol.
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Agree, you beat me to it. lol Forget RMA, he should just sell the device and go to the Sammy forums. Hmm.. now that I think about it..
bobby janow said:
What is the point of your OP? You are obviously not asking for help. It is just a rant with no point other than to trash the device from what it looks like. So I ask again, why are you here and why did you post this?
---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------
Agree, you beat me to it. lol Forget RMA, he should just sell the device and go to the Sammy forums. Hmm.. now that I think about it..
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What is your issue? This section says News & discussion. I wanted to bring these issues to light as I'd like to have these issues fixed so I can use the device without daily bugs.
I agree with the OP. What's the point of having a discussion forum if we can't just discuss things that are on our mind. Even if it is a rant.
I agree most of the point, except the title...
OP has a point. Feel free to criticize him all you want, but the point remains valid. You can see clear evidence in the Google Support Forums. I myself have struggled with BT connections dropping everywhere. The only solution that works for me is clearing BT app data as soon as my connections start to drop every few seconds. Pretty annoying issue for a $650 phone if you ask me.
Yes, I could RMA. But for me right now it isn't worth the hassle. Not all of us live in the US where you can RMA and have a nice new phone by the end of the week. I choose to live with the BT issue for now because I seriously love everything else about the phone. But that doesn't mean that Google hasn't made some mistakes with it.
jascolli said:
I agree with the OP. What's the point of having a discussion forum if we can't just discuss things that are on our mind. Even if it is a rant.
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Because this is not a discussion at all. Every attempt at help has been shot down as not acceptable, even RMA. So I ask again what is the point of this rant other than to trash the device? Got to call a spade a spade and acknowledge you don't really want help.
And yes the title of the OP is well... Not something that attracts sympathy or support. If help was really desired this thread would have a completely different tone.
Sent from my Pixel 2 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
redsmith said:
OP has a point. Feel free to criticize him all you want, but the point remains valid. You can see clear evidence in the Google Support Forums. I myself have struggled with BT connections dropping everywhere. The only solution that works for me is clearing BT app data as soon as my connections start to drop every few seconds. Pretty annoying issue for a $650 phone if you ask me.
Yes, I could RMA. But for me right now it isn't worth the hassle. Not all of us live in the US where you can RMA and have a nice new phone by the end of the week. I choose to live with the BT issue for now because I seriously love everything else about the phone. But that doesn't mean that Google hasn't made some mistakes with it.
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Now this is a discussion. I've heard about BT issues for years now so I guess it's not quite fixed. It's odd because I have no issues whatsoever as many others. But then there is a group of users like yourself that have problems. What is the answer, RMA? I know it's not worth it to you but is that the answer anyway? Also when did it start happening? After an update or from the get go? It seems the OP has decided that it's software since he won't RMA the device, but is that the case?
When I hear of BT issues I always wonder if it's the other end that causes issues. Like maybe the stack doesn't talk right to the device. I mean a way to check would be to connect to another device or let those of us that have no problems try to connect to a device identical to yours. Nonetheless, take a look at the OP again and tell me he wants help or discussion. I think not, it's just a rant plain and simple. It's almost like he went out to find every possible issue that anyone was ever having with the Pixel 2 and listed it as his own. I've seen so many posts like that by people who are fans of other devices and just either are paid or fans of the company. I'm not saying that's the OP but it just seems odd that he wouldn't return the device if he has all those issues. I wouldn't keep it for 5 minutes no less 5 months.
I have updated the title to better reflect my post.
Also, I tried pretty much every suggested solution I could find to fix the problems I'm having, save for the RMA. I am not convinced it will fix the issues as others confirmed issues remain after receiving new units. I will try one more factory reset after Feb patch is released.
bobby janow said:
Now this is a discussion. I've heard about BT issues for years now so I guess it's not quite fixed. It's odd because I have no issues whatsoever as many others. But then there is a group of users like yourself that have problems. What is the answer, RMA? I know it's not worth it to you but is that the answer anyway? Also when did it start happening? After an update or from the get go? It seems the OP has decided that it's software since he won't RMA the device, but is that the case?
When I hear of BT issues I always wonder if it's the other end that causes issues. Like maybe the stack doesn't talk right to the device. I mean a way to check would be to connect to another device or let those of us that have no problems try to connect to a device identical to yours. Nonetheless, take a look at the OP again and tell me he wants help or discussion. I think not, it's just a rant plain and simple. It's almost like he went out to find every possible issue that anyone was ever having with the Pixel 2 and listed it as his own. I've seen so many posts like that by people who are fans of other devices and just either are paid or fans of the company. I'm not saying that's the OP but it just seems odd that he wouldn't return the device if he has all those issues. I wouldn't keep it for 5 minutes no less 5 months.
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You are absolutely right. This post sounds like RANT more than seeking help. This gives android community bad impression. Like i said to the OP, get an IPHONE lol.
infamousvincci said:
Get an iphone. You are the only one complaining about lots of issues. To be honest, theres a lot of things u can do, read, try fixes, or RMA your phone. Amazing how you can post this long but cant effort on trying to RMA it.
Get an iphone.
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I am I experiencing the exact same issues he mentioned
Colday96 said:
I am I experiencing the exact same issues he mentioned
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So can we identify any common factors amongst devices that suffer these and devices that don't? Unless it's something simple like "VZW devices with non-VZW SIMs" that might be hard, and there may not be a common factor, it might be random bad luck. But put together the facts that it's clearly only a minority suffer these issues and yet some people report the same with replacement devices, and that suggests the possibility that there might be some factor that correlates with it (don't have the statistics to work out whether that's a warranted possibility of not).
(For the record, I've had none of the problems mentioned, though I only used the Google headphone adapter a few times so can't speak with huge confidence on that one, and am not a big BT user though it has always worked for me when I do use it. Non-carrier phone in the UK, unmodified, January 5th security patch on 8.1.0)

