How to not get a loose hinge G2 - G2 and Desire Z General

Hey, im going to switch to Tmobile on Dec 26th and really want to buy this G2 but i heard that it has loose hinge. Im a person that uses my phone on my bed and this is a problem for me. However, I also heard that some g2s are perfectly fine. Any help please???

hyunnnnny said:
Hey, im going to switch to Tmobile on Dec 26th and really want to buy this G2 but i heard that it has loose hinge. Im a person that uses my phone on my bed and this is a problem for me. However, I also heard that some g2s are perfectly fine. Any help please???
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The loose hinge thing is really bunk. Yes, if you tilt your phone a very specific way and hold it, it will unhinge. The question is, after months of use, is it a *PROBLEM*? The answer is no. It has never (not once) caused my any angst in common use.

Very true. But it will be better to have a g2 with no loose hinge at all. I know some people asked the employee to open all the g2s until he/she found a g2 without a loose hinge. I really want to buy this phone but the loose hinge part is making me consider more about buying it.

Hi, honestly theres no way in not getting one I have had 4 g2s 3 have had them, I finally just settled on it. The 1st thing I checked was the hinge when I got each phone and was unhappy when I found out that it had it but after using it for 2 weeks it doesnt effect usage at all. Theres no way the hinge will open by itself under normal use....even texting in bed normal way you hold the phone will keep the screen up you have to go out of your way hold it in a awkward position that isnt ideal for texting inorder to get it to fall. I used to be worried about the loose hinge but I think its a non issue that people just made an issue. I used the g2 with the non loose hinge exactly the same as the one with the loose hinge and couldnt tell the difference unless I specifically tried to prop it up.
I would recommend buying it from tmo using it for 2 weeks (unless ur in Cali then 30) and if you dont like it return it. I have also put it in gym bags, basketball shorts (baggy roomy things) and have no had it open once.

To be honest, I feel that the phone will probably fall out of your hands before it closes on you if you hold it in such a way where the screen can close on its own.

But there are still some chances of getting a g2 without a loose hinge right?
And its been two months since the phone was released so dont you think htc will fix this problem in the future?
Anyways, someone asked for a freshest batch and his g2 was perfect without any problems.

there not gonna fix it because its not an issue, i got mine last week and it has the "loose hinge". but I realize its not an issue and some people are blowing it way out of proportion. Like i said out fo 4 g2's 1 had a stronger hinge the rest were normal the one with a stronger hinge had a defective screen so i returned it, but havent noticed the difference at all in normal everyday use.

I just bought a G2 like 2-1/2 weeks ago and got a loose hinge. It's not really a big issue, I thought it would be, and was disappointed at "how loose" it is, but really as people have said (and I admit I didn't believe them when I didn't have the one) you pretty much have to try to make it open, or try to hold it in a way that would make it a issue, for it to be so.
I find that when I slide out the keyboard I naturally the placement of fingers above the keyboard in any natural way causes the hinge to hold even when holding it above your head in bed (the only position the hinge would be a issue).
Thats how it is for me anyways.

This loose hinge business gets me angry.
The hinge is supposed to be free flowing, it's designed to slide open, spring assisted which makes it even more desirable.
It's not loose, in no normal usage would it ever open accidentally etc.
This "loose hinge" business has been dreamt up by chavvy iGays.
If my G2/DZ's hinge was stiffer, it would ruin the effect of the velvety smooth opening mechanism.
I certainly prefer it to my stiff touch pro 2.

dazkeirle said:
This loose hinge business gets me angry.
The hinge is supposed to be free flowing, it's designed to slide open, spring assisted which makes it even more desirable.
It's not loose, in no normal usage would it ever open accidentally etc.
This "loose hinge" business has been dreamt up by chavvy iGays.
If my G2/DZ's hinge was stiffer, it would ruin the effect of the velvety smooth opening mechanism.
I certainly prefer it to my stiff touch pro 2.
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Yeah but no one can guarantee if some g2 will open by itself. There are actually numerous people saying that the phone opens by itself. And i think it depends on our personal taste to like the g2's very loose hinge. One can like a loose hinge thats annoying when laying down on bed and another one can like a stiff/not loose hinge because it will never open by itself and have no problem in anyway.

had my dz for a month now. it is actually true that it is designed to be "loose." sent an email to htc and they said that they tried various mechanisms but the z hinge is "optimal." i believe that because there are no stress on any part and mechanism. unlike other brands with slide, you see a spring that pushes and pulls the mechanism creating stress in the parts. i think that the z hinge will last longer than others.

hyunnnnny said:
one can like a stiff/not loose hinge because it will never open by itself
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It doesn't open by itself when it's "loose"
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.

Just get the phone and jf you don't like it, return it. The hinge isn't loose, it's just not stiff. It works as it was designed to. If you really want it to be stiffer than it is, pull it apart and stretch out the spring.

I first purchased a G2 on Oct. 31, and I, too, experienced the infamous loose hinge issue. However, I agree with the many users that it does not really interfere with daily usage. I was, however, bothering by my pivoting screen. When I applied pressure to use the screen, I could feel the screen being pressed down and it bothered me. As a result, I exchanged the device for a new one which I got for a few days now. The problem that bothered me is gone, however, the screen on my new device is clearly looser than my first one but it does not bother me as I thought it would.

What is this talk I hear about "opening by itself"? The phone cannot "open by itself". You have to go out of your way to hold it on a specific angle and position for it to, in your words, "open by itself".
Now, unless you tell me that you use your phone in that position where the screen will droop, then the hinge "problem" really isn't a problem.
And many others will agree with me when I say that there is absolutely no hindrance caused by the hinge that will affect your everyday use of the phone. Also, you have the option to simply buy the phone and return it if the hinge bothers you that much. It's actually quite convenient that there's no "action-reaction" caused by a spring in tension (like in the G1). What I mean is, if you open the G1, the spring will project the screen upwards causing a somewhat "large" force directed AWAY from your hand, so it would be wise to open the phone with two hands. Mind you, I had a lot of fun playing with that screen mechanism when I was bored. However, the G1 allows the user to open the screen with 1 hand and it's generally quite convenient (for me anyway).
IMO, if you own the G2 (DZ) you have in your hands a very solid piece of technology along with some good human engineering.
Anyway, thats my two cents on this topic. Base line is, you can go try the phone out. If you like it, keep it, if not, return it. If you can't be bothered by the idea of even possibly returning it, then perhaps go for another phone. But many users will tell you the hinge "problem" really isn't a problem.

loose hinge is a big issue but HTC decided to ignore cuz of the cost and no competitor for this phone now. it's so annoying not only in the situation you use keyboard on bed but also like pick up the phone on the table, the keyboard will open if not careful or the screen wobbles when touch.
if you buy it at t-mo store, they will replace as many as you want cuz they want sales commission. if you return the phone, they can't get commission but exchange doesn't cost them.
even if same batch, the build qualities are so different. you should try as many as possible.

Weaseal said:
The loose hinge thing is really bunk.
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What he ^^ said. My hinge if graded by those that say they have a loose hinge would be really loose. Yet I have never run into an issue with it as I just don't hold or operate my device in any manner that would reveal an issue. Who holds their phone upside down anyway...
Now if it's wonky as in doesn't seat properly and is wiggly when closed or open that is a different story. This video shows a different kinda loose hinge problem...

A better question would be "how to not get a loose hooker?"

I would take a loose hooker too...... I upgraded the battery on my Bell Des Z to 2400mAh with accompanying cover. It adds significant weight to the back of the phone with should make the "loose hinge" an even bigger issue. IT DOES NOT!!!! So, the loose hinge is mostly myth unless some peeps really hold their phones different.

Smartenup said:
So, the loose hinge is mostly myth unless some peeps really hold their phones different.
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"you are holding it wrong"


[CLOSED] Loose hinge? Still an issue?

There is already an active thread discussing the hinge issue. Please direct further discussion here. PS, you are lucky I did not just delete this entirely! ~TheRomMistress
Hey guys,
For those who own htc desire z, hows the hinge for you already? How long have you owned the device already?
Other than that, hows the speed performance for you guys? In terms of web browsing and opening applications?
Thanks for your time.
Sent from my HTC Desire
Speed for me is awesome, and I'm still at stock speed, not tried overclocking yet.
My hinge is fine, just the same as when I initially got the phone (about two and a half weeks ago).
Unless your phone is faulty, I think the only people who have a problem are some who want to use their phone while lying in bed and holding the phone right above them. I never use my phone like that.
steviewevie said:
I think the only people who have a problem are some who want to use their phone while lying in bed and holding the phone right above them. I never use my phone like that.
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I do use it like this, every night, and no problem at all. The design is not faulty. When you hold it like that above your face whilst in bed the way the hand and fingers hold the device the screen stays open and does not fall down at all.
Every night I use it like this!
ayewhy said:
I do use it like this, every night, and no problem at all. The design is not faulty. When you hold it like that above your face whilst in bed the way the hand and fingers hold the device the screen stays open and does not fall down at all.
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I know what you mean. I did actually try and the way I would hold the phone in that position it won't open for me either. Seems there are a few who hold their phone differently when laying down though, and then perhaps gravity means it does open.
steviewevie said:
...I think the only people who have a problem are some who want to use their phone while lying in bed and holding the phone right above them. I never use my phone like that.
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Not strictly true. My hinge is fine - had the phone 9 days now and it's still as tight as it started out. My only problem is that the top half of the phone is not tight against the bottom half when it's closed - causing a tapping when using the touchscreen. I'm ok when I have a gel case on it which keeps the two halves separate and cushioned. Only problem is that this case makes it difficult to type on the top row of keys. I have another hard case which is thinner, but does not eliminate the tapping problem. I'm waiting for another case to arrive from the US which is rubber - hopefully will cushion like the gel, but be thin like the hard case.
I opted not change the phone since I have been told others have the same problem, and I didn't want to risk getting a loose hinge AS WELL AS the tapping...
At the end of the day this phone is pretty effing awesome otherwise (aside from a few little software issues - which will be fixed by devs on XDA no doubt), and I'm sure I will solve this problem one way or another, whether it's with a particular case, or worst comes to worst, sticking some of sort of thin cushioning material to the bottom of the top half of the phone - any suggestions, please feel free to let me know!!
I do wish HTC had just gone with a normal slider though, and this phone would be perfect.
My DZ is exactly as setspeed described..
I would add that while holding the DZ without the case mentioned by setspeed, it feels a bit like holding two thin phones combined together rather than one phone.
its really not as bad as it sounds but i would have liked it if there was some sort of latch or something to hold the screen tight to the keyboard while the device is closed.
I have the phone for two weeks now.. for the first couple of days I put a rubber case on it (the black case that T-Mobile sell for the G2) but i removed it very quickly as i felt it gave the phone a very bulky feeling to it.. the case is not very thin and the DZ is not the lightest of phones.
Im on the lookout for a thinner case too.. it would be great if there was a clear one as-well..
setspeed, please post your thoughts on the new case after you try it out
I also thought of adding some cushioning material to the bottom of the screen, I'm on the lookout for that as-well..
other than that, my hinge holds the screen tight in place while the device is open.. the screen opening while the phone is upside down is really not an issue.
I haven't rooted my phone yet, i don't really feel the need to.. I compared it to the old desire i bought for my girlfriend.
I think that the new Sense UI is a bit heavier on the system and so there are some places i feel the old desire is faster.
for example, when dragging down the notification view from the top of the screen, the new Sense gives you a list of recent apps used. sometimes it needs to populate that list and so dragging down the notification view is not as fluent as on the old desire. its not an issue because once it populates the list, it runs smooth very smooth as-well.
I think there is also a bit of lag while scrolling through menus. the lag clears after first scroll and then it runs smoothly again.
I'm sure that there are some optimized roms out there that take care of those small issues.
I had a hard time deciding which phone to buy - the old desire or the Z..
I'm actually really happy with my decision..
Its a very very good phone
Hope you found my thoughts useful

[Q] How Loose is Your Hinge?

The subject of this thread says it all, how loose is the hinge on your G2?
Very Loose = keyboard opens on its own, doesn't remain closed when held upside down or sideways, screen wobbles when typing on it
Loose = keyboard opens with some effort (jiggling/shaking), opens a little bit when held upside down or sideways
Not Loose = keyboard feels secure, doesn't open on its own, keyboard remains closed when held upside down or sideways
Mine = very loose (after one week of use)
I think you need to add some objective qualifiers/descriptions for each of the categories to make this thread even remotely meaningful. The descriptions in the poll choices are completely subjective. What makes "extremely loose" different from " somewhat loose" or "not loose"? For instance, I've read some people's screens wobble when the keyboard is open and they are typing. Does yours do that? Is it looser now that one you first received it?
Mines not at all then again I don't really use the keyboard. I can hold it upside down and it won't unhinge, it does feel wobbly whenever I type on the keyboard though.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
redpoint73 said:
I think you need to add some objective qualifiers/descriptions for each of the categories to make this thread even remotely meaningful.
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Added some definitions to the choices. If you have anything that should be added/changed let me know. I'd really like to make this poll beneficial for all of us.
redpoint73 said:
Does yours do that? Is it looser now that one you first received it?
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Mine is very loose. It was nice & tight when I first got it, but about one week after receiving it (brand new) it's now very loose.
mine is pretty loose. it was when I got it and it hasn't gotten any worse. at first I was really annoyed but honestly, I got used to it and don't care anymore. I know that might sound hard to believe but it's true for me at least.
it only comes open at a strange angle that its never actually in. I can make it come open by itself but it never has just during regular use. the only part that still bothers me really that there is a give to the screen when using the touchscreen with the keyboard out. but just in terms of functionality, there's really no effect.
Please make sure you vote by selecting one of the radio buttons at the top of the first page.
Also worth mentioning about my phone is that it opens slightly when I pick it up from a flat surface (e.g. desk, table), so I have to remind myself to pick it up from the bottom of the phone versus just the top or sides.
My impression from reading the various threads on this topic is that the phone is not designed to stay closed when held upside-down or sideways. I haven't seen anybody mention theirs staying closed under these conditions. But I would be curious to hear if there are some like that.
Mine opens by itself when upside-down or sideways. But I have to try very intentionally to hold only the keyboard part, and not touch the screen part at all. Its so awkward and unnatural to hold the phone this way, that I'm on the verge of dropping the phone. Its never opened unintentionally from normal use. The screen does not wobble at all when the keyboard is open. I guess that makes mine "somewhat loose". The phone is exactly one month old, and the looseness does not see to have changed over that time period.
redpoint73 > Does your screen open up at all when you pick up your phone when it's laying down on a table or other flat surface? That's what bothers me the most about this loose hinge. Every time I pick up my phone I am reminded at how loose the hinge is.
dustrho said:
redpoint73 > Does your screen open up at all when you pick up your phone when it's laying down on a table or other flat surface? That's what bothers me the most about this loose hinge. Every time I pick up my phone I am reminded at how loose the hinge is.
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Maybe just a tiny bit (almost imperceptibly). Only noticeable by the fact that if I drop the phone lightly in the palm of my hand, I can hear the two halves "flop" back together lightly. This is the only case where I can raise a criticism (and a very minor one at that) regarding the hinge. I would prefer it to be tighter in the closed position, but it really doesn't bother me. Mostly only when I read threads like this that make me think about it
redpoint73 said:
Maybe just a tiny bit (almost imperceptibly). Only noticeable by the fact that if I drop the phone lightly in the palm of my hand, I can hear the two halves "flop" back together lightly. This is the only case where I can raise a criticism (and a very minor one at that) regarding the hinge. I would prefer it to be tighter in the closed position, but it really doesn't bother me. Mostly only when I read threads like this that make me think about it
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Have you thought about adding adhesive magnetic tape to your phone? There are threads that go into detail about that, and I think I'm going to give it a shot.
dustrho said:
Have you thought about adding adhesive magnetic tape to your phone? There are threads that go into detail about that, and I think I'm going to give it a shot.
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I saw that thread. I don't know if it bothers me enough to add magnets. I would also be concerned about the effect the magnets would have on the phone's magnetic compass.
My one would go to "very loose" categorie :-( Keeping in mind that my phone is just 3 weeks old, it's realy sad...
Sent from my HTC Desire Z, using magic XDA app
I did an online chat with a TMO rep today, and will be doing an exchange for my phone. Unfortunately they will be shipping me a refurbished one, even though my phone is just one week old. The TMO rep stated that "the loose hinge is a known issue," and if that's the case why are they not exchanging this phone with a new one? Seriously pisses me off.
Don't you have trading standards or some regulatory body like that who can advise on your rights? A refurbished item in exchange for something a week old?.... that wouldn't happen here in the UK.
Mine is firm. and I got mine the first day radio shack started selling them which was 3 months ago if I remember correctly never had a problem texting upside down at all and never oppend byitself and best of all never exchanged it either 8D
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
dustrho said:
I did an online chat with a TMO rep today, and will be doing an exchange for my phone. Unfortunately they will be shipping me a refurbished one, even though my phone is just one week old. The TMO rep stated that "the loose hinge is a known issue," and if that's the case why are they not exchanging this phone with a new one? Seriously pisses me off.
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Don't stand for that. Call, talk to technical support, state your case and when they tell you they can't do anything because it's a known issue, ask for a supervisor, or customer loyalty.
They will send you a new phone, but I can assure you that the hinge will be just as loose as the one your exchanging it for. I'm 100% convinced it's designed that way.
For those who don't know me here, I previously owned the MT4G. I experienced major issues with the phone and exchanged it a total of FOUR times, meaning I had in my possession (not at once) a total of five MT4Gs. The first four phones had incredibly bad creaking buttons, the fifth one had perfect buttons but a washed out display. I refused to continue going the route of MT4G swapping, so they suggested me going with a different phone, and I chose the G2. The G2 they sent me arrived last week, brand new in a prestine unopened box. The hinge was perfect, not too tight and definitely not loose like it is now. Each day it got a little bit looser, and now it's just ridiculously loose to the point that it opens no matter how I hold it.
So, maybe they're shipping me this refurb because I've already gone through so many exchanges, but two of their top phones have so many issues that it just makes me sick. With all the issues with the G2, MT4G and Vibrant, I'm shocked I haven't heard about any lawsuits against TMO. Or at the very least, I think TMO should be proactive about this and admit that there are problems with these phones, and that they should be more than willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the customer is happy. I have to say I was treated very well during all those MT4G exchanges, and I feel they did everything they could to make sure I was a happy customer. But, I'm still not thrilled being told that I need to accept a refurb for a G2 that was technically brand new and just one week old.
digital_exhaust said:
They will send you a new phone, but I can assure you that the hinge will be just as loose as the one your exchanging it for. I'm 100% convinced it's designed that way.
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My hinge is somewhat loose. It doesn't bother me at all, it doesn't affect daily use. I notice people on this forum and others are too caught up on this non-issue imo. Honestly if your one of those people where a loose hinge is gonna bother you, you might as well get another phone. No point in getting a replacement G2 for a loose hinge when its most likely gonna be the same.
boost3d23 said:
I notice people on this forum and others are too caught up on this non-issue imo. Honestly if your one of those people where a loose hinge is gonna bother you, you might as well get another phone. No point in getting a replacement G2 for a loose hinge when its most likely gonna be the same.
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It is an issue because some people have received a G2 that has no problems whatsoever with the hinge and others have received a G2 with a loose hinge (like myself). I'd be totally fine with the phone if everyone's phone was the same, but knowing that some have a normal/strong hinge (not loose) and mine is super loose makes me feel like I'm not getting exactly an issue-free phone. No way in hell was this phone designed to be loose like that. It shouldn't open up the second I pick it up off the table, but no matter how I pick it up or hold it the screen moves around or opens up. It's just not right. If it stayed closed until I gave it some force to actually open up, I'd be totally fine with it. Once it's open the looseness doesn't bother me one bit, but I can't have a phone that refuses to stay closed when it should be closed.
As I understand it (so take this with a grain of salt), this isn't illegal (at least in the US) and is actually standard practice for many companies (to use refurbished stock for warranty replacements and new ones if that stock has been depleted). If you have ever filed a warranty claim on a defective laptop for example, odds are you will receive a refurbished one in replacement (or if they are repairing it by replacing the motherboard, it'll most likely be with a refurbished board). In fact most warranties (probably all) clearly state replacements may either be new or refurbished. This is probably why you haven't heard about any lawsuits. Add to this the fact that this particular issue is very subjective (as you've probably noticed just by how dismissive many of the users are on the forum with regards to the issue) and making a legal case becomes even tougher. Also, unless T-Mobile or HTC has officially stated this to be an actual defect (and not just an offhand comment of a customer support rep), they can simply say it was working as designed (or at least within the spec'ed tolerances). While it all definitely feels unfair in some situations, it's unfortunately just how it is with US consumer protection laws. They have no obligation to replace your unit with a new one, only a working one. I believe if the replacement they send you is defective as well, you can get a refund for the phone (T-Mobile's policy).
That being said, if you are upset about it, I agree that you should try talking to T-Mobile again. Make a big fuss about it to them. More times that not, they would rather appease the customer than lose one or face bad press. With your phone being only a week old, maybe you can ask if they would do something like issue you a refund and then place another order for a new phone?

Any problems with hinge?

Hi guys,gonna be getting a Desire Z! Quite a slick phone as I've read in the forums!But beforet that,I'll be getting a Milestone 2 first because its cheaper and to also test it out.Stupid motorola locked the bootloader on it or else I would have just stick to getting the Milestone 2.But oh well,Desire Z looks good!So just one question and I know its been asked among users of the Desire Z quite a lot if times.Will the hinge become loose after long time usage? Or has anyone ever broke the Desire Z and you've now got a physical keyboard separated from the phone?Please help!I don wanna end up with 2 broken pieces instead of just 1 phone in my hands!
Help anyone?
While some hinges do become loose with time, it shouldn't be a big problem. The hinge itself is not fragile in any way, so you won't end up with the two halves separated if you don't mistreat the phone.
you shouldn't go for G2. loose hinge is extremely annoying. if you keep G2 in a pocket of not tight pants, it'll open a bit and close on every single step. i wonder this kinda continuous hit between display and keyboard affects other part like camera lens.
Lol, what crappy hinges do you guys get in the US? My Z is a bit loose, but it sure as hell doesn't open inside my pocket.
But it won't be so frustrating till its unusable right?
Depends. Do you suffer from (or enjoy) OCD? If you don't, you're safe.
Yup I got you!Thanks!But you all have no problem with it right?
i'm already tear down my desire z, because i don't have waranty again after i get some water mark with my LCD. So, hinge won't be a problem, I can always teardown, fix the spring
Contrary to what you might be reading, there is actually NO PROBLEM with the hinges on these AT ALL.
One or two people, who were used to the HARD SNAP of the DREAM, thought that it was a little soft (just because it was different than what they were used to). In fact, it is very very nice. MUCH NICER than the DREAM, which had a very harsh spring in it that you actually had to restrain to prevent it from snapping too hard.
These 1 or 2 people posted that their hinges were bad (when they werent), and a whole lot of other people ended up ***LOOKING FOR PROBLEMS***, and managed to find some VERY UNLIKELY circumstances where they could manipulate the thing into opening. IN FACT, these are NOT circumstances that you would ever experience -- you have to, not only hold it wrong, but actually TRY HARD to get it to do something weird, like upside down at a weird angle, and SHAKE it.
i have no problem whatsoever.
worse case scenario, verkion created a thread in the G2 and Desire Z General forum titled "FIXED: G2 Hinge Teardown/Repair."
I love the hinge on my phone, it's pretty much perfect !
keinengel said:
Lol, what crappy hinges do you guys get in the US? My Z is a bit loose, but it sure as hell doesn't open inside my pocket.
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+1 mines a lil loose but not nearly that bad
I'm not OCD, but mine opens enough in my pockets to unlock the phone and if I grab it off the desk without making sure to hold it by the entire rim tightly, it will pop open as well. I'm keeping it, but will probably add some additional magnets or something once the warranty period is up...butt dialing due to pocket unlocking is getting annoying.
dhkr123 said:
Contrary to what you might be reading, there is actually NO PROBLEM with the hinges on these AT ALL.
One or two people, who were used to the HARD SNAP of the DREAM, thought that it was a little soft (just because it was different than what they were used to). In fact, it is very very nice. MUCH NICER than the DREAM, which had a very harsh spring in it that you actually had to restrain to prevent it from snapping too hard.
These 1 or 2 people posted that their hinges were bad (when they werent), and a whole lot of other people ended up ***LOOKING FOR PROBLEMS***, and managed to find some VERY UNLIKELY circumstances where they could manipulate the thing into opening. IN FACT, these are NOT circumstances that you would ever experience -- you have to, not only hold it wrong, but actually TRY HARD to get it to do something weird, like upside down at a weird angle, and SHAKE it.
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[Q] My only concern about the Epic

I'm pretty content with my Epic so far. I've had it since November and have had no major issues with it and any I did have I was able to fix (no gps after flash, fixed thanks to Epic community, unresponsive screen orientation, fixed thanks to epic community again).
But I'm noticing a potential problem that I'm afraid no one here will be able to fix.
One of the minor gripes I have with my Epic is that whenever I press the top right button on my phone to either lock or unlock it, I ever so slightly apply some pressure with my fingers as if I wanted to push the screen up to slide out the keyboard. The amount of pressure my fingers are giving is minuscule but I'm already noticing that my phone no longer is as firm as it was 90 days ago.
This troubles me because I hardly ever use the keyboard, in fact, I only used it several times the first month to try out some emulators but gave up on it because the keyboard just isnt that great for it. My fear is that this phone is going to get as loose as the epics you find at the Sprint stores in less than a year!
Dont get me wrong, I dont expect the sliding mechanism to be strong forever, but I am pretty surprised that the phone is already feeling loose and I dont even use the physical keyboard
My question to you all is are any of you experiencing the same problem? How about those who use the keyboard frequently? Is there any way we can "re-tighten" whatever it is that is getting loose??
My phone is only 2months old and when the keyboard is shut and you look at it from the volume side I have a huge gap there. The slider is a little loose not to bad. My problem is just the gap issue. If I press on the left side of my screen you can literally see the left side of the screen go down due to that gap. I'm gonna be exchanging it soon I just don't feel like it cause my setup is finished and I just dont feel like doing it again.
I notice the epic case set helps it from feeling as loose now.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
musclehead84 said:
My phone is only 2months old and when the keyboard is shut and you look at it from the volume side I have a huge gap there. The slider is a little loose not to bad. My problem is just the gap issue. If I press on the left side of my screen you can literally see the left side of the screen go down due to that gap. I'm gonna be exchanging it soon I just don't feel like it cause my setup is finished and I just dont feel like doing it again.
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You can backup your data to your pc..and when you get your new epic just throw it back in.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
It is what it is...
There are multiple causes for the screen wobble effect, and once it gets loose, much like a fine woman's _____, there's not much you can do to fix the situation. I've read on here how people have taken their epic's apart to try and tighten the slider but it's just not possible unless you send it back to samsung to have them do it. However, there are a few solutions insofar as mitigating one's "noticing" it on a daily basis. Both the Otterbox and Seidio Active X are nice cases and once they are attached, there is not really any screen wobble effect due to the way the cases fit. Although, what most people don't realize is that most of the cheap cases that are available for the epic (including the ones at the sprint store and the non-platinum series cases at best buy) are actually to blame for creating the gap between the screen and keyboard in the first place. The way that they clip on to the phone is not very well thought out like on the more expensive cases and the clips sometimes overlap and are simply thicker than they need to be on most of the cheapo cases. I learned this the hard way with my first epic and when I figured it out it was still within the 30 day trial period Sprint gives you with their phones. So i took it back under "false pretenses" and told bestbuy that the earphone speaker quality was ****ty compared to my "friends" Epic and that i wanted to get a different Epic. I've been very careful about which cases I use on my phone from that point on. The Seidio innocase and active x, platinum series, and otterbox cases are all the ones i know for sure that won't cause a "gaping" effect on your phone. All the ones at the sprint store have a negative impact and even the otterbox does just a tad, mainly due to the side clips on the top bezel that clipon by the top row of numbers on the keyboard.
anyways, that's my 2cents

Build Quality Questions..

Hi everyone, I very recently purchased my brand new Desire Z. So far, I am really impressed with the software and general likability of the phone.
Although, having read too much about the Z hinge, it really makes me paranoid sometimes while handling the phone.
A few obervations and questions, which if someone with a few months of experience could respond to would put me at ease,
1. The Z hinge is surely loose, but doesn't worry me in general use. Although, I am scared it will get further loose with time, is that so?
2. The cable / ribbon running along with the hinge is not protected, is the wear and tear comparitively higher because of having no protection? Should I be budgeting in changing the ribbon every couple months?
3. Because of the hinge being loose and possiblity of the keyboard opening on a fall seems almost definite. Doesn't that put much more at stake on a fall comparitively? Fortuunately, mine hasn't fallen yet, but what's the experience you all have had with your devices falling on hard surfaces? Other than the scratches, that's not a problem. I am worried, the device will break in pieces if it falls!
4. For a little more peace of mind, are the hinges metal or plastic? I have read both on reviews and I can't seem to find a definitive answer to this one.
Thank you for taking out the time to read and respond with your experiences.
Sent from my HTC Vision
I've had mine since January and I've dropped it plenty of times. I have never had any problems with the keyboard, hinge, or ribbon cable.
After dropping my phone a few times my phone speaker went down... Had to replace them
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
So it does seem like it is a sturdy device, or at least as sturdy as the other devices.
Any idea about the hinges, if its plastic or metal?
Sent from my HTC Vision
Fairly certain they're metal. I've dropped my caseless G2 several times but it's only dinged with no other damage.
Sent from my G2
don't know about the hinges if they are plastic or metal...
but i got it 5 months ago... dropped it plenty of times... and nothing happened... not even a scratch
these kind of phones are sturdy... unlike samsung phones (believe me, i had one)... it breaks into pieces...
sent from a phone... 'nuf said
btw... justin bieber sucks
don't worry about the hinge
d_gkal said:
don't worry about the hinge
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+1, I dont get it, lot of discussion on this, but never I never had any problem with the hinge...
I know, lots of discussions on the hinge, but I guess its the placebo based on the early hands on the device. Although, I am getting much much more comfortable and relaxed about it.
In a nutshell, its a great device. Thanks everyone for endorsing it for me!
Sent from my HTC Vision
The G2/Desire-Z is one of the most rugged phones ever made, the only knock is that some people find that the hinge spring action gets loose (mine never has) - but if yours ever does, and you are comfortable taking your phone apart, you can replace the stock hinge spring in about 30 minutes, start to finish. - The part costs about $5 - Then it will be tight as hell like when new! (possibly tighter than new)
There is a great thread on this here on XDA complete with an HD video showing you an exact POV of the procedure being done in it's entirety!
The phone is quite sturdy overall. I had a stone thrown at my screen and no change whatsover.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
First half fall and its scratchless
Why I call it a half fall is, it didn't fall but it it lost my hand and hung from the charger and hit the side of the bed pretty harshly. The keyboard did open up though but luckily all's good - gave me a little more confidence on the device build.
Sent from my HTC Vision
Dropped mine a few times - the battery cover always seems to fall off when that happens. Few dents and scratches but nothing serious.
As for my opinion about build quality, personally I think it's pretty crap, due to the design of the hinge. I changed my first DZ for another, since the first one had a ridiculously loose hinge. The second one developed the same problem in 24hrs. It's not that that bothered me so much, but the fact the two halves were not held snug together by the spring, so touching or pressing on the touchscreen caused the top half of the phone to tap annoyingly on the bottom half.
Eventually I bodged this by sticking layers of electrical tape between the two halves. It's not visible in normal use, but I'm pretty annoyed that I had to do this to my (then brand new) phone. Good job nothing better with a keyboard has come out yet, cos if I tried to sell this thing then I'd get literally nothing for it.
The lacquer on my battery door started falling off after a couple of weeks. My physical camera button only works intermittently, but I won't send it away for repair because I don't know what software it will come back with - it's over a year since I rooted this thing, and I don't feel like researching the latest methods, or finding out that HTC have closed all current ways to root.
This phone does not have good build quality, in my opinion.
setspeed said:
Dropped mine a few times - the battery cover always seems to fall off when that happens. Few dents and scratches but nothing serious.
As for my opinion about build quality, personally I think it's pretty crap, due to the design of the hinge. I changed my first DZ for another, since the first one had a ridiculously loose hinge. The second one developed the same problem in 24hrs. It's not that that bothered me so much, but the fact the two halves were not held snug together by the spring, so touching or pressing on the touchscreen caused the top half of the phone to tap annoyingly on the bottom half.
Eventually I bodged this by sticking layers of electrical tape between the two halves. It's not visible in normal use, but I'm pretty annoyed that I had to do this to my (then brand new) phone. Good job nothing better with a keyboard has come out yet, cos if I tried to sell this thing then I'd get literally nothing for it.
The lacquer on my battery door started falling off after a couple of weeks. My physical camera button only works intermittently, but I won't send it away for repair because I don't know what software it will come back with - it's over a year since I rooted this thing, and I don't feel like researching the latest methods, or finding out that HTC have closed all current ways to root.
This phone does not have good build quality, in my opinion.
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A better hinge would have surely made the phone much more sturdy. That's what has always scared me so far, but now that the phone is 2 months old now I have started to get more comfortable around it.
Milestone 3 or MyTouch Slide could be good contenders, I think.
Sent from my HTC Vision
Don't get me wrong, there is no other phone I'd rather have at this moment in time - but that's due to a lack of qwerty phones on the market, as opposed to the DZ/G2 being some sort of amazing quality :-/
The Droid 4 looks proper nice though, hopefully it'll get released worldwide. And Motorola won't lock it down like they have with every other phone they've released since the OG Droid... but the chances of that are basically zero.
setspeed said:
Don't get me wrong, there is no other phone I'd rather have at this moment in time - but that's due to a lack of qwerty phones on the market, as opposed to the DZ/G2 being some sort of amazing quality :-/
The Droid 4 looks proper nice though, hopefully it'll get released worldwide. And Motorola won't lock it down like they have with every other phone they've released since the OG Droid... but the chances of that are basically zero.
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I totally hear you there.
So, all the current Motorola droids are locked and can't be upgraded to cm or other custom roms? Really!!
Sent from my HTC Vision
I have been VERY careless of my phone, dropped it probably close to 100 times some of them being quite bad, and the most I can see is a couple corners have SMALL little dents, often the keyboard does open when dropped but nothing happens after that... I'd be more worried if dropped WHILE open but chances are if the keyboard is open you're typing (and therefore have two hands on it) My spring is still as sturdy as when I first got it as far as I can tell.
setspeed said:
Dropped mine a few times - the battery cover always seems to fall off when that happens. Few dents and scratches but nothing serious.
As for my opinion about build quality, personally I think it's pretty crap, due to the design of the hinge. I changed my first DZ for another, since the first one had a ridiculously loose hinge. The second one developed the same problem in 24hrs. It's not that that bothered me so much, but the fact the two halves were not held snug together by the spring, so touching or pressing on the touchscreen caused the top half of the phone to tap annoyingly on the bottom half.
Eventually I bodged this by sticking layers of electrical tape between the two halves. It's not visible in normal use, but I'm pretty annoyed that I had to do this to my (then brand new) phone. Good job nothing better with a keyboard has come out yet, cos if I tried to sell this thing then I'd get literally nothing for it.
The lacquer on my battery door started falling off after a couple of weeks. My physical camera button only works intermittently, but I won't send it away for repair because I don't know what software it will come back with - it's over a year since I rooted this thing, and I don't feel like researching the latest methods, or finding out that HTC have closed all current ways to root.
This phone does not have good build quality, in my opinion.
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Lol and that's why I got the slide, I hate the hinge with a passion. I luckily got the slide and gave the G2 to my mom. The slide has an awesome build quality dispite the not so appealing look the quality is great.
I have dropped the G2 a couple of times but it had the rubber case on so nothing happen to it. Haven't dropped my slide so I can't compare
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
I had this since summer 2011. I did get a case (stays attached to the phone) for this phone and found the hinge very weak, it will slide out if I held it in at an angle. Then recently I removed the case and there was no problems with the hinge since, able to hold it at many angles without worrying it slip out.
Having put my phone with keys.etc all in one pocket I found there are scratches on the back of the case. I have dropped my phone a few times but no problems.
Ribbon is good, the hinges I believe is metal (perhaps, alloy or some sort).
I wouldn't worry about the hinge too much unless you plan to keep using the same phone for more than 3 years. HTC does also have a global 2 year guarantee (from day of purchase).
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

