[Q] What does it mean when HD2 hangs on startup? - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I am not sure if this has to do with using Android or not, but sometimes my HD2 decides to reboot itself unexpectedly, on WM as well as on Android and I can't really find what's causing it.
But what happens is, after switching itself off, it switches itself on again and hangs on the HTC logo, sometimes with or without the following info:
D 1.66.76641
I am using stock ROM that came with it, i assumed it will be stable by itself but it reboots itself randomly sometimes just like on Android.
Does it have to do with the Radio version (i changed it from 2.07.xx). I tried 2.12.xx before and had same problems.
I should note that the only way for it to run again is to remove the battery for a while and then put it back. If i remove it and put it back briefly it will still hang.
Anyone is familiar with this strange behavior?

ME too
I have the EXACT same problem. It only started for me after using android. now whenever i run Android it will unexpectedly reboot and sometimes hang like yours. It also does it in WM though not as often. I was able to notice it might have something to do with data connections bc if i run android but only use wifi it seems to be fine. I tried changing Radios WM ROMs and Android builds i even hardspled my phone again but nothing solved it. The problem needs to be talked about more. it got so bad for me I bought a Desire and gave up on my HD2 for the moment. Keep this thread up.

sounds like i have to follow
I hope not!
I notice if i do heavy download on wm or android i get it. But it could be that the phone is too hot? But it's not alarmingly hot tbh.
I hope more people can shed light on this.
Thanks for your input.

Yeah this is what seems to happen to me too, i start a downlogsd it gets a bit warm then freezes or reboots and gets stuck. However it doesnt even have to be a large download for me, a simple cab file or youtube video sometimes. And as far as heat, this never used to be a problem and i know for a fact my phone used to heat up way more before without a problem.

Maybe the qualcomm chipset go in "safe mode"..i remember that for first start tickle the orange led and after the device freeze or restart..maybe your device overheat. Try to touch cover's device or install a battery status monitor software. If you have changed radio, return on the original status. In case the restart happen always, make a backup using Pimbackup, and do an Hard Reset. For first try to use the telephone without the memory card and test the stabilty. If is all ok, you have to provide to format your SD card in Fat32. Try also to change the HSPL with the original SPL.

What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?

relic said:
What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?
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We have restored the Forums from a 24 hour old backup. We know this is not ideal, but at this point, the chances of recovering the failed array are slim.
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Thabks. Back to the subject, today i tried downloading on wifi a 150mb file on android and it rebooted byitself.
Then i tried to play a wmv video file on WM stock ROM and after 6 min it rebooted.
So its starting to look more and more like cpu/heat problem, anyone having these issues?

So does anyone think this might have something to do with all the overclocking in those android builds we've been using?

After 45 mins of install HD2 still hanging?
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks

New to the HD2
So, I just bought a used HD2 a week ago. It was having similar problems in WM. I took it to a local store, and they said that is just how WM phones are. I've flashed HSPL and different radios and ROMs, installed Android, but still have trouble with freezing and rebooting on it's own no matter what I do. IT happens the same in WM or Android. Is there any way to find out if these might be due to hardware problems caused by the previous owner?

I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear

FroyoStone with HTC Sense V2
Polar bear said:
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks
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Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx

If you read the previous posts you would know this thread has nothing to do with the problem youre describing. I understand the confusion of the title but pls read the thread first.

Polar bear said:
Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx
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Your problem is unrelated to this thread.
So far we have more and more people having the related issue on WM and Android. We need some expert to help us pinpoint the problem.

jasperbleumink said:
I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear
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i have the same issues.
I can add also playing videos for longerthan 5-10min would make the phone reboot too weither its WM or android.

Today I was in the Store where I bought mine HTC HD2, because I was sick off it. They told me that is was a familiar problem with the HTC HD2. They also would repair it free for me. I didn't do it yet because first I have to delete my HSPL etc.
I asked them also what the would repair to solve te problem, he told me: the will do a complete bodyswap. So everything will be renewed, exept the tochscreen and front.
So I guess it is a real and serious hardware problem....

Why we dont hear people conplaining about it if its comon?
I find that very odd.

Someone could try PMing one of the devs in the forum and linking them to this thread to see if they could shed some insight or at least bring more attention to the issue.

Well I live in the Netherlands and on the Dutch HTC HD2 forum, I heard some people complaining about it. But the salesman of the store said that it is a familiar problem, so that sounds to me like a regular problem. But indeed it's weird we doesn't hear more people complaining.
Maybe the most of the people think is normal with WM, but I am really sick of it...


Problems with my hd2 - Help Please

So basically, my hd2 is not running smooth at all. Every time i do a rom update and then restore my contacts/messages/settings it keeps getting frozen and unresponsive. So I have to restart the device, but I don't know why it should be restarted anyway, isn't is kind of super fast?!?! So, now, when I recently updated my ROM, the device is so damn slow, that even after typing my PIN it takes a minute to launch htc sense and everything. When I'm moving through the tabs it's so damn laggy i can't stand it. . Is anyone else experiencing this????
To be honest, and I'm no expert, it sounds like you have some serious phone problems, probably out of your control. Not to sound like a pessimist but given how everyone else seems to be ok with the HD2, could be either a major rom/radio problem or hardware failure??
I've updated my hd2 using the official rom from HTC and, apart from the occasional lag i get from WinMo, my device runs sweet as a a proverbial nut. Especially as I have run the tweaks suggested by the forums here.
Given that you have said that you've upgraded the ROM and it's made no difference, the only thing i could suggest is possibly send it back under warranty?
Obviously, I'd wait and see if someone with more know-how has a better explanation, i'm merely giving you my POV.
Hope you get this sorted ASAP. A properly working HD2 is a marvellous thing.
All the best
To the OP,
There could be so many causes for your problems. I would start as follows:
- Take your SD card out and see if the phone boots and is not laggy with the card out
- If this does not work take a look at the SMS threads on here and see if the solutions there help you
- If no joy then read the Hints @ Tips thread on here, if you have not already done so, and pickup on the cache move tips, using the task manager to close open files, etc
- I that fails look for the thread "HD2 Died - or did it" and implement the solutions in there
- If that does not help and you have been flashing a fair few roms then hop over to the MTTY thread in rom development and see if that helps.
Plenty to be getting on with.
Hope you get it sorted.
My power up to sense loaded time = 55 secs.
Any different?
thanks for this quick reply. I am using Energy Leo ROM, but I don't think this could be the problem, or is it? Because I have performed a hard-reset now and it's running quite smooth again.. But the question is for how long.
Two questions I have now:
-does it happen to anyone, when you try to wake up the phone, screen doesn't wake up, only the keys in the bottom start to glow? It happened to me from time to time
-does anyone else experience missed key taps? When I tap something from time to time it just doesn't get recognized so I have to "retap" it...
[^IcEmAn^] said:
thanks for this quick reply. I am using Energy Leo ROM, but I don't think this could be the problem, or is it? Because I have performed a hard-reset now and it's running quite smooth again.. But the question is for how long.
Two questions I have now:
-does it happen to anyone, when you try to wake up the phone, screen doesn't wake up, only the keys in the bottom start to glow? It happened to me from time to time
-does anyone else experience missed key taps? When I tap something from time to time it just doesn't get recognized so I have to "retap" it...
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I have experienced question 1 and 2.. however not alot or not frequent.. I tend to think that this is just a computer and computers do crash depending on whats going on.. The missed screen taps only happens once or twice when its playing up. I do have a screen protector on though so whether the dust, oil or screen protector is causing that is a different story, but isnt a big problem for me to remove the screen protector to find out.
so, the latest problem.. my hd2 had been running for ~16 hours without any problem now, but in last 10 minutes i had to restart it twice, because the screen stopped responding after i wanted to type new sms in a conversation (first time) and after i had a pop-up message about new sms (second time). As said before, I'm using energy rom, latest issue (17.2.). Could the problem be, in fact connected with this rom or specifically with sms software?
using cooked roms you can generally expect a few lockups and restarts.
Also, the screen not powering up, just the hard keys backlight is an issue across the board, from custom roms to official roms. Some roms seem to do it, some don't, but one that doesn't do it to me might well do it to you.
[^IcEmAn^] said:
so, the latest problem.. my hd2 had been running for ~16 hours without any problem now, but in last 10 minutes i had to restart it twice, because the screen stopped responding after i wanted to type new sms in a conversation (first time) and after i had a pop-up message about new sms (second time).
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It has been mentioned before that if you have a large number of texts stored, it will take a while for it to allow you to reply to a text. (It has to go through the database, check for the texts sent by the user, then arrange them alongside the ones sent to them by you, then put them in chronological order, then display them, this takes time)
but i would presume the device should be working anyway (but slower, of course) and not flashing the display and being "frozen" ?
The frozen issue with texts is all in the SMS thread I pointed you to earlier. Solutions to the phone freezing are in the HD2 Died thread, again as I pointed out earlier.
How many of these potential solutions have you tried? Tryy these things first then come back if they don't work rather than make assumptions about your ROM.
after 3 months i still have the issue with missed strokes.. even after the latest energy rom update :\

My HTC HD2 issues. Any solutions?

hello everyone
i am since 1 week a proud owner of fhis device. And please understand, i choose this device after allot of research en review analyses. I love it,the way it looks, feels etc. However after 1 week of testing and intensive using i came across many small issues that do create some irritation and i wanted to know what to do to fix them. That is if there are fixes available besides resetting the phone everytime they occur.
My first problem is the lock screen. If my phone is locked for a while and i want to unlock it, there is somtimes a good chance that my phone gets stuck and all i can do is resetting it
by removing the battery. My second issue is, that somtimes my opera browser stops rotating to landscape mode. Fixing this requires a phone reboot. My final issue which is the biggest, when i use the youtube app allot. After a while of using the volume control bugs out. Wheb you change volumes during the video, the phone freezes a tiny bit and then a windows error message appears.
What i would like to know if i can fix these problems somehow or if anyone else has simillar experiece as me.
Finally, i would like to know if it is possible to play youtube movies on the standard webbrowser, opera. i got skyfire installed, but it seems very slow and buggy.
Thanks in advance for your time
Hi Hydrad,
Sorry to hear you are having problems. I didn't have any of these problems initially so I can't help you there. It would help however to know what your ROM is, and if you ever updated your ROM.
The ROM my HD2 came with was messy and there were a lot of bugs. I installed Miri's 6.5.x rom and i have no problems whatsoever.
If you haven't done a ROM update before, don't worry it is not that hard, just write here and Id be glad to help.
All the best,
Hydrad said:
hello everyone
i am since 1 week a proud owner of fhis device. And please understand, i choose this device after allot of research en review analyses. I love it,the way it looks, feels etc. However after 1 week of testing and intensive using i came across many small issues that do create some irritation and i wanted to know what to do to fix them. That is if there are fixes available besides resetting the phone everytime they occur.
My first problem is the lock screen. If my phone is locked for a while and i want to unlock it, there is somtimes a good chance that my phone gets stuck and all i can do is resetting it
by removing the battery. My second issue is, that somtimes my opera browser stops rotating to landscape mode. Fixing this requires a phone reboot. My final issue which is the biggest, when i use the youtube app allot. After a while of using the volume control bugs out. Wheb you change volumes during the video, the phone freezes a tiny bit and then a windows error message appears.
What i would like to know if i can fix these problems somehow or if anyone else has simillar experiece as me.
Finally, i would like to know if it is possible to play youtube movies on the standard webbrowser, opera. i got skyfire installed, but it seems very slow and buggy.
Thanks in advance for your time
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Follow the link in my signature for Flashing LEO Roms for noobs. Install HardSPL and then pick a rom from many available and flash it via activesync (usb). I would recommend Duttys WWE Rom in in sig to start withbut there are plenty of others that are worthy of flashing.
Flashing a custom rom will fix your freezing issues, fix your opera roatation problem and most include a youtube app to play yourtube videos directly rather than having to go through opera.
If you need anymore help then just shout as theres always people willing to lend there ear and share their knowledge.
hi all. thank you for the replies.
i forgot to mention that i updated my rom already to 1.66. My htc is also not branded. I will follow the links you gave me. ty

HD2 Freezing Problem among others!

1- Hello guys, I have an T-Mobile USA HD2. I love it but it freezes like crazy, 2-3 times a day if not more. I ran Task 29 to delete every possible trail of previous roms followed by a hard reset but nothing. It will still freeze.
2- I also have a lot of signal problems. Its constantly changing from 3G to Edge on the same location. I know that is not normal so I spoke to T-Mobile and they changed the SIM card but it will still change the signal back and forth. I re-flashed couple of radios but nothing, I only accomplished to drain more battery.
3- BSB Tweaks is an awesome app but there are issues with the Rotation Option. If I enable Rotation to the "Start" -> "home screen" the photo album and music will be affected because the already come with landscape support. I tried to disable the landscape support for these using a registry editor but did not find a way.
Is there any solutions for these problems? Any help will be very much appreciated, not only from be but as well from others with the same or similar problems. Thanks in advance to all of you.
Note: I noticed the recently released TMUSA HD2s come with a yellow reset button. I bought my back on March when they sold out Nation wide with in the firs 4 hours and it comes with a RED reset button. This might explain a lot. If you know something please share. Thanks!
I would like to know if there is help for freezing issue.
I also did Task 29, flashed few different radios, few different roms incoluding stock, and it still happens. If my phone freezes I have to try for 20 minutes to restart it, as it hangs everywhere starting with bootloader, to manila.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
I had a similar issue as well and it turned out to be a cab file I had installed that was not compatible for my ROM. I had to go through and isolate which cab it was by using the date it was added and when I noticed the issues.
When your phones freeze....does it do it radomly or while trying to access or carry out anything specific. Your problem could be caused by any number of reasons but giving as much detail regarding your problem keeps you from getting so frustrated trying all sorts of fixes. Out of curiosity what ROM's are you both currently running?
I am currently using Elegancia ROM from August 23. Before I was using Energy ROM. I tried newest, stock Rom for T-Mobile HD2 but it didn't solve the issue.
I tried reinstalling HSPL, but it didn't help either.
The problem started after I put Ubuntu 0.2 on my sd card. I was playing with it for a little and it suddenly rebooted my HD2. I though, OK, no big deal, it's just in infant stage.
So I booted Windows again (energy rom with 2.12 radio) but it hanged while Sense was loading. I wasn't able to get it back to life after few reboots so I did a hard reset (vol up/down power on) It worked fine.
My problem mostly happens when I run android and when it reboots for some reason I can't get back to windows. It hangs, sometimes it hangs on bootloader before it even shows me radio and data version!! sometimes it goes past bootloader and hangs right after sense launches, and sometimes it is perfectly fine.
It also seems that when I just use WinMo it is fine, I can power down, and soft reset without major issues. But after running android I get that issues, especially when Android crushes.
I am thinking that android may be corrupting some WinMo files, but how is that possible? Android doesn't have access to NAND so technically it shouldn't prevent WinMo from booting on bootloader level.
Please let me know if you need me to explain more.
Thanks for your help
PS. I don't have any custom cabs installed at this point. I have super fresh and clean installation of elegancia rom
Yeah...Android may be the culprit. I have shyed away from trying it because I have talked to quite a few people (not on XDA) that have tried it on the HD2 and they have the same issues. The Android OS really makes the HD2 unstable. I personally am going to hold off on the Android bandwagon until a little more time passes, after all WinMo works just fine for me. Try just running on WinMo and see what happens. Based on what you have said, it runs fine as long as you are not using Android
yeah, it's is good idea to stay away for some time. But Android development needs testers. If no one is willing to test than there will be no improvement.
What I can't understand is that even after I do hard reset I still get freezes.
kml.krk said:
yeah, it's is good idea to stay away for some time. But Android development needs testers. If no one is willing to test than there will be no improvement.
What I can't understand is that even after I do hard reset I still get freezes.
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Yeah I agree with you on Android development needing testers. I do rely on my phone a lot for work purposes and I can't always afford to have the phone freezing up constantly.
Are you hard re-setting with the Android OS still installed?
Technically it is still installed but it is only present on the SD Card, and not anywhere else so it shouldn't matter. Next time I get freeze I will try to remove SD Card before hard resetting.
I tried booting few times with SD Card taken out, but it didn't help.
I have the same issue...i'm using energy rom and i noticed that lately its freezing like hell...at least twice a day...!! NRGZ already notice the freezing issue and is trying to solve it...but it still crashes. I'm constantly changing the rom as he updates...and right now i'm running the August 25.
Sometimes it crashes while being turned off...and i need to take the battery off to restart.
I had the same issue,all i did loaded a diff rom and formatted my sim card problem solved
I did format my SD Card many times. Did not help. I used recommended FAT32.
Yesterday my phone froze when I was trying to add program shortcut to Sense... silly.
I rebooted phone, it booted fine, but hang as soon as I went to check my TXT messages. Rebooted again and it is working fine until now.
I currently have Elegancia ROM with 2.12.50 radio, have not been using android for couple of days, but it is still there on my SD Card.
It is getting a bit frustrating. I wonder what else I can try to make it stop freezing.
My phone rebooted again yesterday.
I couldn't boot to windows for the next 20 minutes... I tried about 10 times before it worked. 2 or 3 times it booted windows and froze as soon as I clicked on one of sense tabs.
I haven't played with Android for past week and the freezing problem is still an issue. I even removed andorid form my SD Card.
When all this happened I was just using skyfire to browse internet.
I am hopeless at this point. I have no idea what else I could try to make it stop rebooting and freeezing.
Any ideas?? I would greatly appreciate any help.
PS. I recently found a thread about a tool that searches for corrupt files on Android devices after clean flash, is there something similar available for WinMo?
Here is the thread I am talking about:
screen doesn't respond to touch
I just started having this issue today. I have used darkstones most recent build from the 18th. it has worked perfectly till today. I use energy roms. i just installed a older rom today still have the same problem. this problem appears weither in droid or winmo. All the hard keys still function and the phone can receive calls. Thanks for any help you may be to lend.
my phone just froze again.
All I did was take it out of my pocket and unlock screen, and there it is: FREEZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Funny thing is that Android doesn't freeze for me... it crashes sometimes, but never freezes. It is only WinMo that freezes on me or doesn't boot. Android always boots.
I really wish the NAND was accessible so I could flash Android to NAND and forget about WinMo
kml.krk said:
I really wish the NAND was accessible so I could flash Android to NAND and forget about WinMo
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you, me and 17,000+ HD2 owners are all wishing for that exact thing
Your issue with the freezing/rebooting is stumping me too. You've flashed different ROM's, including stock, done hard resets, checked the battery pins, reformatted the SD card and even tried running the phone without the SD card inserted...do I have all that right? The fact that it doesn't show the symptoms when running Android just makes it that much more mysterious. I'd say it all points to a hardware issue, but if it doesn't act that way when you're in Android, that (probably) shoots that theory out of the water. But, at the same time, running task 29 and reflashing different ROM's should also have eliminated any possible software-based causes, so....
the only thing that comes to my mind is micro SIM card. I did an upgrade on my ATT account to get iPhone (traded for HD2) and those fu...ers at ATT wouldn't let me keep my regular sized SIM card. I had to use my old SIM card and cut it's inside to place micro sim in it. I used a regular sied SIM to hold micro SIM in place.
I don't think however that this is a problem because I believe my phone froze few times before I did that SIM card swap besides, I have no issues with phone calls or reception both in Android or WinMo.
I am clueless at this point.
I just got another Android version and will try it to see how it works. If I have any problems I will try using my wive's SIM card to see if it helps with freezing and WinMo booting.
EDIT: ANDROID just rebooted itself. 2 minutes after clean installation. geee, I am leaning towards Hardware being the issue.
What I did is:
1. open browser
2. go to google
3. search for speedtest
4. open speedtest.net
and Android rebooted itself and now my phone can't go past Tmobile bootloader logo (pink square with 'stick together' letters)
I will put different SIM inside now and try everything again
kml.krk said:
the only thing that comes to my mind is micro SIM card. I did an upgrade on my ATT account to get iPhone (traded for HD2) and those fu...ers at ATT wouldn't let me keep my regular sized SIM card. I had to use my old SIM card and cut it's inside to place micro sim in it. I used a regular sied SIM to hold micro SIM in place.
I don't think however that this is a problem because I believe my phone froze few times before I did that SIM card swap besides, I have no issues with phone calls or reception both in Android or WinMo.
I am clueless at this point.
I just got another Android version and will try it to see how it works. If I have any problems I will try using my wive's SIM card to see if it helps with freezing and WinMo booting.
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Good call, that's about the only other thing to try. However....have you tried running WM with sense disabled, to see if it still has the freezing/rebooting issues? That might at least narrow the problem down to something sense-related (which is easily the most common cause of any software-related issue on this phone)
sirphunkee said:
Good call, that's about the only other thing to try. However....have you tried running WM with sense disabled, to see if it still has the freezing/rebooting issues? That might at least narrow the problem down to something sense-related (which is easily the most common cause of any software-related issue on this phone)
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I have NOT tried that but I will. The problem is that I often can't get past bootloader logo...
I modified my post above so please read it (I mentioned Android crashing)
thanks for all your suggestions
I just tried different SIM card. Phone booted fine to WinMo, and froze as soon as I clicked on Messaging tab in sense.
I will try to disable Sense for now.
I disabled Sense, rebooted WinMo launched Android repeated operation of trying to get to speedtest. Site launched, but phone rebooted after a while.
I am getting to conclusion that some software including flash causes my phone to reboot and then I can't get it to boot again..
Right now my phone is stuck again on bootloader. I already tried rebooting twice.
What I noticed is that every time my phone freezes it gets a little warmer in the lower left corner
What hardware is located in that area?

[POSSIBLE FIX] Random Rebooting! Grr

Well it would seem like my random reboots have gone away. Thanks to Tubgirl for the suggestion, but using Hastarin's 7.5R kernel with NO overclocking, AXI etc, it's finally stable once again.
In fact, I used that kernel with Darkstone's latest 3.2 build and the battery is crazy. I am getting approximately 7 hours of battery life for every 10% of the battery. That's with BT, data and all syncing turned on and basic use. That's around 3 days of life for a light user. Didn't even get that with winmo!
So for me - the moral of the story is stick to the clean, non overclocked kernels. As for speed, I cannot tell the difference (I don't play any games to be fair though).
For some strange reason, my phone randomly reboots at completely bizarre intervals when running Android. I can't put my finger on what it might be. So some questions!
- Does anyone else experience this?
- I'm running VBN RC3 Minimal WM ROM, might it be this?
- I'm running the 2.14 Radio is it this?
- I'm running mostly Mdeejay builds could it be them (happens with all of the one's I've tried)?
- Is it likely to be piece of android software?
- Is there any way I can find a log to see why it's rebooted?
Random Reboots
I have been experiencing this problem for about a month now. I have tried numerous roms and android combinations, as well as changed radios. The problem still returns no matter what combination I try. So I'm kind of
Could be a problem with your battery. Try replacing it.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
i had same problem.. what i did was fully drain my battery, than recharged it fully on off mode, with cable plugged in turned it on that charged again till i saw green LED light
since than it worked nicely no random boot
give it a shot id say
My HD2 has never done it, but my mates has.
He contacted HTC on Thursday and they are repairing it under warranty.
It is a well known issue that affected around 3000 handsets in the UK apparently. They call it the "heat related reboot", and it involves replacing the motherboard and another component.
His has gone back, they sent a courier to collect it..
Mine has been randomly rebooting for about 2 weeks now.
It usually happens once a day when running Winmo or Android. Sometimes when it reboots I get a rectangular box across the bottom of the screen for about a second. I dont know if this is caused by the Radio Rom update or it is just coincidence.
I have swapped the battery but it has made no difference.
It's driving me mad.
deadey3 said:
i had same problem.. what i did was fully drain my battery, than recharged it fully on off mode, with cable plugged in turned it on that charged again till i saw green LED light
since than it worked nicely no random boot
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Thank you I will try this first!
stratplayer said:
My HD2 has never done it, but my mates has.
He contacted HTC on Thursday and they are repairing it under warranty.
It is a well known issue that affected around 3000 handsets in the UK apparently. They call it the "heat related reboot", and it involves replacing the motherboard and another component.
His has gone back, they sent a courier to collect it..
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I have sent them an e-mail describing my issue, quoting you I will see what they say. Hopefully they will sort it soon because my first year of warranty expires in one month!
Oh also, if I send it back for warranty, I suppose I'll need to revert it back to the 02 defaults and remove all traces of HSPL! Is this possible?
i have this problem too, under android and wm. Still testing to find out hwats causing it but looks more and more a heat issue, eventhough it does not heat that much.
unfortunately dont have warranty so not sure what i can do.
when i have an audio or video stream, or navigator thats when it happens mostly. but i had random reboots as well for no reason.
is there something on WM we can use to find out whats making it reboot?
i get this issue every once in a while when i go to sleep and wake up and its booted up in windows? its happened about 2 or three times but doesn't happen every day.
Me too!
I'm also experiensing this. It started just when the whole android hd2 thing started. I have this problem no matter what radio/rom I'm using (except from stock). Reboots in win. Android gives SOD/reboots. I've tried some reasearching in to this and found out that when I flash back to original rom/radio it's stable. Between every flash i do Task29.
I've tried different memory cards and even swapped the battery with a collegue.
Still the same. Funny thing if it suddenly are many people experiensing this problem..
Could it have something to do with android experiments?
Bad thing is that it would be difficult to send it in for repair since it's working with original rom/radio.
You should all try to flash a stock radio and rom to see if it still reboots.. Mine don't..
jonboyuk said:
Oh also, if I send it back for warranty, I suppose I'll need to revert it back to the 02 defaults and remove all traces of HSPL! Is this possible?
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Yea there is way, google "how to remove HSPL" eventually it will bring u to xda thread and if ur not sure YouTube it there is heaps of floating around
jonboyuk said:
For some strange reason, my phone randomly reboots at completely bizarre intervals when running Android. I can't put my finger on what it might be. So some questions!
- Does anyone else experience this?
- I'm running VBN RC3 Minimal WM ROM, might it be this?
- I'm running the 2.14 Radio is it this?
- I'm running mostly Mdeejay builds could it be them (happens with all of the one's I've tried)?
- Is it likely to be piece of android software?
- Is there any way I can find a log to see why it's rebooted?
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I use the same VBN ROM but this build [build]20.09.10||JDMS 1.3|FRF91 Latest Stable Nightly||RC11 WITH AXIS! and Radio 2.12. I dont have any problem (reboot, sleep of dead, no robot voice...)
I switched to the latest hyperdroid v1.6 and have not had this problem yet although It did happen to me a lot when I was running different builds (cant remember which ones sry) Try switching builds and also make sure you turn everything off in WM like bsb tweaks and radio all that stuff. Its weird but it helps considering that everything gets turned off when u hit clrcad.exe anyways but it has helped the stability of my builds.
Alot of us seems to get these reebots in win also...
I wonder if it's got anything to do with the overclocking with setcpu? Hmmmm....
i had this exact same issue , bought phone of eBay so had no proof if purchase . phoned htc they said its 100% covered under warranty , they had it back for repair for 5 working days . they also replaced the external casing as it had a few chips from a drop , they pretty much returned a brand new phone apart from the serial number sticker tomtom no longer recognised the device id so i had to reactivate my maps , so they have at least replaced the mainboard . top customer service ! give them a ring its worth a try they can only say no
herukano said:
i had this exact same issue , bought phone of eBay so had no proof if purchase . phoned htc they said its 100% covered under warranty , they had it back for repair for 5 working days . they also replaced the external casing as it had a few chips from a drop , they pretty much returned a brand new phone apart from the serial number sticker tomtom no longer recognised the device id so i had to reactivate my maps , so they have at least replaced the mainboard . top customer service ! give them a ring its worth a try they can only say no
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nice is there a way to check warranty online? i also bought it from ebay? where you located?
i'm also experiencing this random reboot phenomenon.. happened only after i started experimenting with Android on my HD2.. now the reboot issue happens with WinMo as well.. i've been using the same radio, ROM and same builds..
btw, since jonboyuk mentioned it, i did play around with "setcpu".. could this be the culprit??
I've noticed that my HD2 also reboots sometimes in Android. I haven't used WM for a long, so I really don't know if it also reboots in WM. My question is though, is this a hardware issue? Never had this sorts of reboots before starting this Android @ HD2 game. An answer (or just a thought) to this question, will help me, since I have to send my HD2 for a repair tomorrow, cause the microUSB slot is broke. But if the reboot issue is a hardware fault, then I should also report that, to the repair center.

[Q] Time Issues

Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
Okay, An update
This is happening when I reboot the device.
Is there something in settings that I am missing, or is there a registry setting I can change?
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
bleui said:
do you have your "date & time" settings set automatically?
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Yes time setting is automatic, even tried setting it in the registry.
It got that bad yesterday my phone reset itself to Jan 1980.
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
h0ng said:
It sounds like the battery *may* be ****ed up, I have no idea about the htc hd2 (I've only had mine for a couple of months), but on my old phone(s), some of them have had that "time resetting" too, and the people at the tech support said the battery needed to be replaced.
Sorry for hijacking your thread:
I have a similar error with my phone (yukixda v4):
If I send myself a text message at say... 01:35... it's sent 01:35, but the one i recieve has the timestamp at 01:34... this is both with and without automatic time settings..
any ideas?
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Truth is no matter what is causing this... TWO big issues for me when choosing a phone software set up.
The phone knows what freakin time and date itis
The phone nor the software on should destroy batteries
but thanks guys it really was fun to play with.
Don't use automatic, mine does the same if I set to automatic.
I thought it was something with Giffgaff as I would set automatic and the time would be right but later on during the day it would be some crazy time and date.
Set to manual and your clock will be fine
dunno about any of that but, i do know that if i boot in to MAGLDR is gets buggered up, doesnt matter if the time is manually set or auto set, it always buggers up, dont boot to it and all is good
, at least for me anyway
I'm having the same issues. Time and sometimes dates getting screwed up. Only started happening to me about a couple of weeks ago now. But it's frustrating at the least. I've switched mine to manual setting at the moment. Gonna see how it goes over the next week.
One thing though, it isn't happening to my wife's HD2. She is using the older version of WP7, I'm currently on Yuki's more recent NODO version...
as per my post above yours if you use magldr or even the bootloader it gets messed up, so dual booting droid may be a reason, or using bootloader / magldr to charge, other than that i dont have this issue
Not got dual-boot on my phone, neither do U boot to magldr to charge... But it's happening to my phone every few days so far. Today it was out by 28mins. I want to see if having it on manual time/date does any better...
i also have a problem with my hd2,
9 times out of 10 when i reboot the phone the time and date will be wrong with no pattern i can spot (started to do this out of the blue- no updates or new roms).
im currently running with a cooked win mo image and android on the sd card.
battery still has a respectable life although seems to run out quicker than it once did so i may purchase a new one. (the old one is just over 12 months old)
also my phone has started to freeze on pin request after receiving a text so im gonna try a new image too
if anyone else has seen problems like these and solved them drop a noobie a helping hand pleeeeaaasseeee....
It's not HD2 related
The same issue happens to me (phone jump approximately 36 hours foward randomly)
The phone was a LG Optimus 7 on official rom but never managed to fix this issue (automatic date or not)
ForgetfulGuru said:
Hi guys and girls,
Been using WP7 about a week now and one niggling little issue is doing my head in. Sorry if it has been mentioned before or is covered under some other issue, I did try a search and got nothing relating to it.
My issue; the clock on the phone keeps jumping to random times.
I am using YukiXDA latest build and could find nothing relating to this isue there either.
Would like to know if others have had this problem and what have they tried to remedy it?
Is it a ROM issue or is it a hardware issue?
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I have the same issue! It happened some months after flashing xboxmods v. 1.11 Rom. It can't be a battery problem because I use 3 different batterys ^^

