Screen dimmer in general after update? - Epic 4G General

I feel like the screen brightness is trending significantly lower with the auto brightness sensor enabled. I could swear that the screen would bump up the brightness more in certain settings that now appear too dim. Is anyone else seeing this, or am I imagining it?

Actually, I didn't really notice at first, but my girlfriend's Epic has been updated already and mine has not (still waiting for the update message). After i read this post I put them side by side to the same lighting conditions her Epic is definitely dimmer now.

Sigh... why'd the break it! Screen brightness was perfect! Now I find myself pointing the screen at a light source from time to time because it goes too dim too fast. Sure, it may give the OLED matrix a slightly longer life, but most of us don't use this thing for hours outdoors anyway - in addition to the fact that we'll (probably) be replacing the phone after 1-2 years for the next best thing anyway. Any fixes anyone?

It seems like the screen can get dimmer now but I could be wrong.
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i was thinkin that before and also while web browsing i used to be able to adjust brightness even with my general brightness on auto .. but now i cant ....

I just leave mine at either 50% or 100%

They lowered the minimum brightness, which affects the auto scaler at all levels. I noticed that the EVO could get much duller than the Epic and that when indoors, the lowest setting was still quite bright. It should help save battery.
I use manual, so I don't care.

i really love the dimmer screen, i always have it very low because at work i really dont need a brighter screen and of course save battery, love that change.

I like the lower setting because it was hard to look at in the morning after waking up before. You can easily adjusting the brightness by swiping left or right on the status bar.
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Screen Brightness

What do you guys keep the brightness at for your screen? Also hows the battery life? Thanks, personally I keep mine at the lowest and am really tempted to raise it!
I keep mine at the lowest also, only time I change it is if im outside and its sunny out. Otherwise the lowest is bright enough for me.
around 60% i love how the screen looks when its bright
McFroger3 said:
I keep mine at the lowest also, only time I change it is if im outside and its sunny out. Otherwise the lowest is bright enough for me.
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Ironic...I change mine when I'm outside too, AMOLED is horrible in the sun light but its great otherwise..
TFJ4 said:
Ironic...I change mine when I'm outside too, AMOLED is horrible in the sun light but its great otherwise..
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Yea I have to agree there. I have to do the same crap with my ZuneHD when im outside. but this screen is to amazing to be bothered by it.
Around 50%+ mostly, unless I'm using it outside.
Keep mine on whatever the middle setting on the power control widget is (~40% I believe) most of the time unless I am outside or if I wake up and look at my phone in the dark, then I cut the brightness all the way or go blind from the whites on the screen
So I take it that everyone else has the same problem with auto-brightness: that it fluctuates up and down too quickly?
auto works great for me... *shrug*
I use auto and it has been working fine for me.
I keep mine on auto, but it does fluctuate from time to time. For example, when I hold the phone sideways with the light sensor shaded, it will dim of course, which can be really annoying because it should only dim when I'm in a dimly lit environment.
gunnner said:
So I take it that everyone else has the same problem with auto-brightness: that it fluctuates up and down too quickly?
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Yea I actually have this problem too. Its pretty annoying, and well I guess I don't want to use the manual brightness, because there is a sensor on the phone for a reason. I want to use ALL the features.
I use an app called "Brightness Level" by CurveFish. I like it better than the power widget since it has more levels (default switches between 0, 36 & 100). I keep mine at 25% but it still looks better than most phones at 15%. Reducing brightness from 36 to 25 means the screen is eating 70% of my battery by days end instead of 78%. 15 reduces it further to around 65%.
The problem with auto is that A) It jumps around too much. 2) it turns the screen down whenever I use the horizontal keyboard. And d) the sensor really sucks. I turn the phone 10 degrees and it ups the setting by 3 notches.
It's hard to tell whether the screen brightness versus battery life is worth it ya know? I wanna show off the screen but have enough juice at the end of the day.. so.. what do you all suggest besides auto?
I keep mine at full brightness. Haven't seen an issue with battery life, but then again, I don't play games on it or anything.
EarthsiegeTA said:
I keep mine at full brightness. Haven't seen an issue with battery life, but then again, I don't play games on it or anything.
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I need sunglasses to use the phone with the screen brightness to full! You better be careful or you'll burn your retinas.
Ya man no joke this is one bright ass screen. Ill try tomorrow a day at half then full the next and see if there's a difference in battery life. Thanks

Is there a way to make the screen less bright?

I know we have the auto setting, and can adjust the brightness through the notification bar. But at night, watching TV I find the screen far too bright. Is there an app or setting where I can make the screen dimmer than the low setting in the default range?
Lower than the lowest setting in Settings > Sound & Display > brightness?
That's pretty low. hmmm?
yeap. In a dark room with just the TV on the low setting is still pretty bright.
I have actually had this same thought. We were at the movies and I really wanted to play around with my phone but even on the lowest setting it was too bright.
Pneumatic said:
I have actually had this same thought. We were at the movies and I really wanted to play around with my phone but even on the lowest setting it was too bright.
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that must have been one boring movie
Nah I was just a geek with a new toy.
Maybe editing the init.rc?
Blueman101 said:
that must have been one boring movie
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Holy hell my first thought too. LOL
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delete double post
for me
new toy > all else.
Movies will be fun again in a few weeks
I was also wondering if there was a way to reduce the brightness more than the allotted minimum. I spend much of my time in a pretty dim environment and even the lowest brightness is slightly uncomfortable.
Magicked from my Vibrant by tube traversing XDA elves.
I agree the screen while it looks amazing is way too bright in the dark. I checked my messages in the morning before sun-up and was nearly blinded by the screen.
There has to be a way to make the screen less bright. I know the app "Dimmer" from the market can make the brightness go down to 10 (out of 255), but I've read that with a rooted phone you're able to get your brightness down to 2. I don't have my phone rooted personally, so would someone else care to check?
And yes, 10 is still too bright for my tastes. It's a lot brighter than my laptop screen at its lowest brightness, and makes it a pain to use at night.
I have rooted mine and with Dimmer can take it down to 2. However, it doesn't change much - it is still VERY bright in a dark room.
Here's the deal: The screen is super AMOLED. That means that unlike 99% of the phones out there it is NOT back-lit. Every dot on the screen is a super organic LED. Think about those super-bright (annoying) blue LEDs on your PC that hurt your eyes at night. Now think 800 x 480....
Here's the fix: The only way I have been able to make the screen less bright is to use less active pixels - that means using a black wallpaper (all pixels off), less icons on the screen and a black background with light or gray text in apps. I haven't yet figured out how to make the default web background black - instead of white. If someone knows how, let me know.
To get a quick black wallpaper, take a picture of nothing in a dark room and set it as wallpaper.

[Q] Auto-brightness

There has been a lot said about the screen being dim on this phone, and it's the one and only thing that's holding me back from committing to getting it. Summer's coming and I want to be able to play it outside without having to sit in a dark corner.
I've also read that the auto-brightness feature is mandatory, and that it doesn't work particularly well, so I was wondering if this was the main reason for the reportedly dim screen. My current phone - an AMOLED HTC Desire - is VERY dim with the auto brightness enabled, but thankfully I can turn it off.
For anyone with the phone who is able to test, do you think the screen is bright enough if you cover the light sensor altogether? I'm sure that once the phone is rooted, we'll be able to disable the light sensor altogether, and I'm hoping the screen brightness is purely a software limitation (i.e. fixable) and not a hardware problem (i.e. NOT fixable)
If someone that has theirs already were to check the brightness on boot before the sensors even initialize that might give you a good idea of what it is capable of.
Most android phones i've played with in the past boot at full brightness. Your mileage may varry
Mine arrive tomorrow... dont know until tuesday
I got a slider for the birhgtness, haven't noticed any dimming/brightening automatically, seems just fine to me.
I think that if this problem keeps appearing SE will do something about it, and else the community will
I had mine for a day and sent it back...the auto brightness very temperamental. I would play Gboid emulator (great with new controls btw) and the screen would literally get dim and lighten up constantly every few seconds - under same lighting condition, it became very annoying throughout the day as you end up anticipating it..seems the sensor tries too hard under certain lighting conditions and not having the option to disable auto lighting is just dumb.
The screen is also a terrible fingerprint magnet, and definitely not the best on a cloudy day (Could not test in direct sunlight, this is a rare occurring phenomena here in UK) ...Also dust tends to get into the very fine spacings around the screen.
After an hour of use the phone looked like my kids and dog had played with it for few weeks....Not for me.
But maybe thats just me being spoilt with Nexus S and Ipone4 smudge free, brighter screens.
I dont use the auto-brightness. Ive just manually set it a little lower.
Aightu said:
I dont use the auto-brightness. Ive just manually set it a little lower.
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I see what people are complaining about and... really it's not that bad.
I can see where it might get annoying if you're looking for it, but the screen is not going off and on like some people make it out to be. At least mine is not.
I keep mine at 50% brightness and I don't notice a brightness change even slightly. It's bright enough to see indoors easily and not noticeably worse outdoors than any other non-amoled phone I've owned.
from my experience people are making a mountain out of a mole hill, and the auto-brightness can be disabled with custom roms in the future, just live with it in the mean time. That or ask SE for an update that allows you to disable it.
johnsongrantr said:
I see what people are complaining about and... really it's not that bad.
I can see where it might get annoying if you're looking for it, but the screen is not going off and on like some people make it out to be. At least mine is not.
I keep mine at 50% brightness and I don't notice a brightness change even slightly. It's bright enough to see indoors easily and not noticeably worse outdoors than any other non-amoled phone I've owned.
from my experience people are making a mountain out of a mole hill, and the auto-brightness can be disabled with custom roms in the future, just live with it in the mean time. That or ask SE for an update that allows you to disable it.
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Yep, I keep mine at 60% and don't notice any screen change or anything.
Regarding the fingerprint magnet, you can easily install third party screen-protector to avoid that
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Wow auto brightness makes the screen look so much better

For the first time today I set my brightness setting to auto and wow the screen looks significantly better. Maybe it is just me but the overall picture quality just seems improved with auto brightness checked, it is on the darker side though. Anyone else agree?
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I set it to auto a day or so ago and prefer it, especially when reading in a dark room.
I find they set the screen too dark on auto. I prefer mine brighter so seldom use it. My guess this was done to extend battery life. I don't notice screen quality any better, just darker. Perhaps brighter highlights the screens shortcomings for you? I could see that.

Pink screen at low brightness

I'm hearing a lot of different stories regarding the screen turning heavily pink when the brightness is at its lowest.
Thought i'd make a poll to see how many people are affected, then we can hopefully gather its its a hardware defect.
No pink here, even using an app that takes it lower than stock.
Sent from my Nexus 6
I'd say it's more purple than pink but yes I have it. Same thing when I had a Galaxy S4. I'm pretty sure they're using the same AMOLED tech, which is a shame but yeah.
spunkfaucet666 said:
I'd say it's more purple than pink but yes I have it. Same thing when I had a Galaxy S4. I'm pretty sure they're using the same AMOLED tech, which is a shame but yeah.
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clothednblack said:
No pink here, even using an app that takes it lower than stock.
Sent from my Nexus 6
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Make sure to actually vote guys, would help out a bunch
I have had two 6's and sent the first back because of the pink issue. 2nd phone is still pink below 1/3 brightness slider, just not as pink as the first. Called Google and talked with a hardware tech and they said it was part of the performance of the screen, and just to keep it above 1/3 brightness (wack). Both phones I had only turned pink with adaptive brightness on and the slider below 1/3 in a dark room. In normal lighting it doesn't seem to dim into the "pink" range.
jbbuie said:
I have had two 6's and sent the first back because of the pink issue. 2nd phone is still pink below 1/3 brightness slider, just not as pink as the first. Called Google and talked with a hardware tech and they said it was part of the performance of the screen, and just to keep it above 1/3 brightness (wack). Both phones I had only turned pink with adaptive brightness on and the slider below 1/3 in a dark room. In normal lighting it doesn't seem to dim into the "pink" range.
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Same. I use adaptive brightness. My grays have a pinkish hue at very low brightness settings. Doesn't bother me, don't usually have brightness so low.
Just part of being an early adopter, I suppose. Not that big a deal to me, but I can see how others might be upset. It's my first phone of this caliber so I'm still totally stoked with it.
My device turns pink with adaptive on in a dark room. Also without adaptive only when the screen is just about to turn off.
Mine does this of course, because it is something that happens with every AMOLED phone I can think of. It was something I forgot about of course being on a phone with a regular LCD screen for the last year, but as soon as I got my Nexus 6 I remembered about this little quirk of AMOLED. Hopefully custom kernels can minimize how much we notice it with custom color calibration.
Mine is also much more purple than pink, if it is actually a really pink color them maybe something is wrong, IDK. My purple tint doesnt start to happen till I am about 25% of the way down the brightness slider. All the way down and the screen is very heavily tinted purple. But that is too dark to see with anyway so I never turn things down low enough to make things look bad enough that I would actually care about. The screen look beautiful in any normal lighting conditions. I just think of it as a "night time feature" to be easier on tired eyes. lol.
Wasn't this talked about before release? I thought it was part of the brightness setting and to make it more of a battery saver?
On... So if I jack my brightness down, it gets a little pink. Whoopty-do... Why care? It looks fine at whatever brightness I use and I've never expected a display to look perfect when it's almost off. It's not some damning evidence that the thing is low rent.
Everyone's looking to complain. Omg, If I click on back 19 times while shaking the phone and switching back and forth into chrome, I drop a frame.... A $650 shouldn't do that!
Oh I'm not looking to complain at all, I just wanted to see if it's something everyone had or not.
I've just heard so much Conflicting info on this it's driving g me nuts... Either way, I'm super excited about getting it ?
italia0101 said:
... Either way, I'm super excited about getting it ?
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You should, it's a great phone. But like every other phone out there, there will be some that have issues and others that are just here to stir the pot.
Heck, I thought it was a feature to make it easier to read text with the brightness super low...
Well, I guess if it's a bug I am glad I got a bad one. Sure as heck not sending it back with the PVS 13. With my luck I'd end up with a 2.
My 2014 Moto X screen turns pink when I crank the brightness down also on lollipop. I think it's due to the AMOLED screen because I can do the same to my N7 and it doesn't turn pink. I've noticed on lollipop that the screen can be made a lot dimmer than on kk
This is all due to amoled folks. And partly how it is calibrated. But it is an inherent quality in these display panels. As long as it's not pink at your "normal" viewing brightness then :thumbup:
Sorry my screen is pretty:good:
One thing I have noticed is that with adaptive brightness on...if I turn my brightness all the way down I do see tint pinkish hue. If I turn my adaptive brightness off and turn my brightness all the way down...I don't have a pinkish tint on the screen.
Anyone else's screen reacts this way?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I've been reading about this issue all over. Maybe I lucked out but I don't have the pink issue at all.
gruppe3942 said:
One thing I have noticed is that with adaptive brightness on...if I turn my brightness all the way down I do see tint pinkish hue. If I turn my adaptive brightness off and turn my brightness all the way down...I don't have a pinkish tint on the screen.
Anyone else's screen reacts this way?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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Yeah mine does. Lol I am now learning that adaptive is not the same as auto-brightness. But seems like with adaptive on it keeps the screen a bit darker than without. I noticed with the slider maxed out or turned all the way down it gets much brighter and dimmer respectively with it off.
Gorjira said:
I've been reading about this issue all over. Maybe I lucked out but I don't have the pink issue at all.
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If you turn adaptive on, and manually turn the brightness all the way down (something you would likely never do in real word use) you will see it. Even in a dark room I don't see it since my display is still bright enough to stay over the threshold where this phenomenon manifests. If I go lower the brightness way down however, it appears.

