New To Android: a couple of questions. - Vibrant General

I have been a WinMo and iOS user for quite some time (having a particular crush on HTC), but have decided to get my feet wet with Android. Let me state, outside of the GPS and Compass nonsense... I am fairly impressed with samsung's offering. The reception issue for me, seems to be more of a reporting issue... as I have shown zero bars will little drop-off in either 3g performance or in-call performance (so far). Anyway I have a few questions for the community at large:
1. What are some good reference points to do some reading regarding Android SDK, ADB and basic tool-chain command and implementation?
2. What is web browsers do users of android recommend?
3. What email app do people find the best for managing Yahoo, corp pop3 and gmail accounts (rather than having multiple apps)
4. Is there a preferred media player
5. Finally, for task mgmt/killing what do people use.
Thanks you in advance and its great to be back in the XDA community!!!

I think you got the wrong section >.>

daweedk1991 said:
I think you got the wrong section >.>
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how? there is no Q&A section.
1. The Nexus One section has some great Dev support for this. Though beware not everything is exactly the same.
2. The Default one is great, even better on Froyo, Opera is also good and Dolphin too. Its just a matter of preference.
3. I use the default gmail app (but i only have a gmail account not yahoo or hotmail), just search through the market and see which one fits you best. Email is pretty generic and there are probably a lot of them to chose from.
4. Cubed seems to be the most popular media player
5. They all do the same thing, just a few differences, my advice is to not mess with task killers, android automanages them and does not need the user to manually kill them. Especially with a 1ghz hummingbird

1. Having used CyanogenMod on my G1 before upgrading to the Vibrant, I recommend the CyanogenMod Wiki as a thorough and organized source for the type of information you're looking for. Just keep in mind that a lot of info there is also CyanogenMod-specific and there is not as of yet a version that runs on the Vibrant (though work has begun on one).
2. I am really impressed with Opera Mini 5.1. It is way better than the previous beta version, and I am currently using it as my default browser.
3. I can't answer that since I only have Gmail set up on my phone. That's my primary account and the one I use 99% of the time.
4. The stock players on the Vibrant are really good compared to the stock Android versions. Unless you're looking for some sort of specific functionality, I would recommend staying with those.
5. I used to use Advanced Task Manager on my G1, but the more I learned about how Android actually handles apps, the more I realized just how unnecessary task managers/killers are, especially on a high-end phone like the Vibrant.

Blueman101 said:
how? there is no Q&A section.
1. The Nexus One section has some great Dev support for this. Though beware not everything is exactly the same.
2. The Default one is great, even better on Froyo, Opera is also good and Dolphin too. Its just a matter of preference.
3. I use the default gmail app (but i only have a gmail account not yahoo or hotmail), just search through the market and see which one fits you best. Email is pretty generic and there are probably a lot of them to chose from.
4. Cubed seems to be the most popular media player
5. They all do the same thing, just a few differences, my advice is to not mess with task killers, android automanages them and does not need the user to manually kill them. Especially with a 1ghz hummingbird
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Mr_Tricorder said:
1. Having used CyanogenMod on my G1 before upgrading to the Vibrant, I recommend the CyanogenMod Wiki as a thorough and organized source for the type of information you're looking for. Just keep in mind that a lot of info there is also CyanogenMod-specific and there is not as of yet a version that runs on the Vibrant (though work has begun on one).
2. I am really impressed with Opera Mini 5.1. It is way better than the previous beta version, and I am currently using it as my default browser.
3. I can't answer that since I only have Gmail set up on my phone. That's my primary account and the one I use 99% of the time.
4. The stock players on the Vibrant are really good compared to the stock Android versions. Unless you're looking for some sort of specific functionality, I would recommend staying with those.
5. I used to use Advanced Task Manager on my G1, but the more I learned about how Android actually handles apps, the more I realized just how unnecessary task managers/killers are, especially on a high-end phone like the Vibrant.
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Muchas Gracias guys.
I have to say... after toying around a bit, I am ready to root this bad boy and do some poking about. Not that I am entirely surprised (c'mon its google) but android seems to be a very robust and fleshed out mobile operating system. Especially for one so young. WinPho 7 is gonna have to be a "game-changer" to catch up to Googs and cupertino. (though I am pulling for MS, ... I know, fanboi)

1. I would say probably the best repository for all things android would be to go to the developer section at:
It's documented by Google, Has a dev guide and much more.
2. I've been using Dolphin since I first got my G1 a year and half ago. It suites me well. Everyone's been talking about this Opera Mini being so hyped I may have to try it.
3. I use standard GMail App but I'm curious to know how to sync it with other email accounts I have through Google Labs.
4. I stick with the default or any apps such as Grooveshark / Pandora.
5. I was using Advanced Task Killer. I'd love to know exactly why/how Android handles apps which makes task killing unnecessary as one had pointed out.
;p Still a noob too.

phragg said:
5. I was using Advanced Task Killer. I'd love to know exactly why/how Android handles apps which makes task killing unnecessary as one had pointed out.
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By setting priorities for an app, the one currently running on the screen is the highest, the longer an app has stayed cached without being used the lower it gets. Android will remove the apps starting with the lowest priority whenever more memory is needed.

Are priorities set by accordance to how you use that specific app?

phragg said:
Are priorities set by accordance to how you use that specific app?
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not really how, more when.

The g1 thread for development has a great sticky for adb. I would just root (2 minutes if your time) and download Root Explorer from the market. Just way too easy.
I would get adfree once you root to disable app ads.
Mixzing us a great media player.
Don't use a task killer. It will hamper performance. I promise.
I only use gmail, but k9 is really good and touchdown is the best for Exchange, hands down.


G1 Very Sluggish

Not that I'm asking for help about the sluggishness, it's just that the G1 is just overall way more sluggish than my friends iPhone 3G. As in web pages load WAY faster (Wifi on both devices being used). The UI is way more snappy.
And I understand the trade offs I'd get with an iPhone. No true multitasking or alerts from apps (like twitter email etc. . .) No Gmail push (I think) no Google Cal sync over the air, or contact sync OTA. All these things are great, but I dunno, I think I'm going to crossover into iPhone land soon. The G1 just became a let down for me after using it closely for about 6 months. And using other peoples iPhones on and off.
This is just a rant. And mostly I'm talking about browser load speeds and UI. It would be nice if Google maps oriented the direction we're facing since it has a compass. But the new update is moving in the right direction. Love the walking directions. But I think I'm gonna move on to 1 app at a time, Draconian app approval, HYPE land, release 5 HW revisions before making a new product, iPhone land.
Any Takers. Who can refute my arguments. I'm using Google Ion ROM also.
Heh, and the iPhone 3GS supposed to be even faster!
You're pretty much begging for a flame by asking that in here.
It's all down to personal choice and preference. Your thread isn't about your 'sluggish G1'; You're asking us to convince you why you need a G1.
Nobody cares that you no longer want a G1. But don't make a new thread masquerading as a plea for help that is really about:
Any Takers. Who can refute my arguments.
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i hope you enjoy your seemingly faster (much more expensive, much less useful) iphone.
my personal experience has been different, but you seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be convinced even with hard evidence.
Alright. Well. I don't benchmark or use "hard evidence" tests, I just go off the feel of things. Of course I know the iPhone is locking you into a Lot of things. But a jailbroken iPhone 3G / 3G S will be more fun app / mobile safari. And as far as a reason for keep the G1 I'm not looking for a reason. I've rooted the phone, used apps2sd 2 with an ext3 partition. Made sure data/data is in intmem etc. . . The Rom dev is great, but an iPhone is like having an SL500. Of course more gas, higher maintenance cost. G1 is like having a nice truck that's a hybrid. It just doesn't feel as sexy. It can do Way more, but its a truck.
I'm cool with hearing other reasons why the G1 isn't sluggish etc. I'll listen, but I was just posting this out of my frustration of a slower browser and slower UI. I don't really know what the flame talk was about or me covering up intentions. These are just phones. But I think a jailbroken iPhone 3G beats out a rooted G1. Plus I'm not trying to ssh into my linux server with debian installed over hero.
Anyway, its just a conversation I wanted to spark with people who understand what I'm talking about. Not to mention the apps are a big plus too. And don't get me wrong, the g1 is good for the things it was built to address. The iPhone will just be more fun.
do you have all the newest and update firmware and radio installed?
your title is misleading.
also, only way to find out which one is better......... go and get both and use both and decided from there
I'm pretty sure I have the newest firmware. Haykuro's that was causing bricks on non PVT boards. I was using JF 1.51 ADP. I moved to cyanogen mod of JF. I moved on to hero, then google Ion rom. Oh and the sapphire rom. Ion rom was fastest, but iPhone's overall fell and touch is simply night and day. So is the browser. Steel was great before cupcake but it closes so much now its not even useable.
Oh yeah, radio is up to date too, hence the non bricked phone. Nevermind no 3G here in our area. I just want to hear others opinions before I drop 300 / plus a deposit for bad credit / and charging me for txt msg! But I'll have more apps.
The g1 does seem to get sluggish over time. I would try a wipe. That should restore the speed of the phone.
However, there's no getting around the performance of the iphone as it supports 2d hardware acceleration. The g1 and android only does software rendering so its never going to be faster than the iphone until the google devs start supporting 2d hardware acceleration (g1 has a graphics chip so it should be possible).
I personally don't find the g1 very sluggish. Maybe its sluggish compared to the iphone (I don't know as I don't have one to compare with), but on its own, the g1's UI is quite snappy (i'm running cyanogen ROM).
larrygates said:
Not that I'm asking for help about the sluggishness, it's just that the G1 is just overall way more sluggish than my friends iPhone 3G. As in web pages load WAY faster (Wifi on both devices being used). The UI is way more snappy.
Do you have a lot widgets running or background tasks? All those take up memory and cpu cycles which will end up slowing down the phone a lot.
And I understand the trade offs I'd get with an iPhone. No true multitasking or alerts from apps (like twitter email etc. . .) No Gmail push (I think) no Google Cal sync over the air, or contact sync OTA. All these things are great, but I dunno, I think I'm going to crossover into iPhone land soon. The G1 just became a let down for me after using it closely for about 6 months. And using other peoples iPhones on and off.
This is just a rant. And mostly I'm talking about browser load speeds and UI. It would be nice if Google maps oriented the direction we're facing since it has a compass. But the new update is moving in the right direction. Love the walking directions. But I think I'm gonna move on to 1 app at a time, Draconian app approval, HYPE land, release 5 HW revisions before making a new product, iPhone land.
Any Takers. Who can refute my arguments. I'm using Google Ion ROM also.
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Here's my take:
I love the iphone ! I think it's the best comsumer phone (and i'm not kidding). The 1 app at a time applies to G1 too (almost): try playing Mafia then going to the browser (or another game) and back... Good luck with that !
Now the reason i use the G1 is that i NEED to be connected to yahoo messenger, i NEED to have my tweets as soon as they come (i use twitter for work). And i NEED a hardware keyboard. And i NEED weather on a widget, and background downloading of RSS feeds (NewsRob). And i NEED better integration between apps (i'll explain).
When Push notifications come to the iphone, things are going to change. It will be very close to what i have now on my G1. The only things missing would be the RSS thing and the HW keyboard.
About the integration: I can click share on a picture, and it will list the programs that can do something with it (like Twidroid). I really like this, and there are more examples.
Now, what you have to ask yourself is: What do YOU need ? When you know that, you'll know what you have to choose.
Bah, long post. I hate long posts.
Do you find the G1 UI significantly more sluggish than the iphone?
RPG0 said:
Here's my take:
I love the iphone ! I think it's the best comsumer phone (and i'm not kidding). The 1 app at a time applies to G1 too (almost): try playing Mafia then going to the browser (or another game) and back... Good luck with that !
Now the reason i use the G1 is that i NEED to be connected to yahoo messenger, i NEED to have my tweets as soon as they come (i use twitter for work). And i NEED a hardware keyboard. And i NEED weather on a widget, and background downloading of RSS feeds (NewsRob). And i NEED better integration between apps (i'll explain).
When Push notifications come to the iphone, things are going to change. It will be very close to what i have now on my G1. The only things missing would be the RSS thing and the HW keyboard.
About the integration: I can click share on a picture, and it will list the programs that can do something with it (like Twidroid). I really like this, and there are more examples.
Now, what you have to ask yourself is: What do YOU need ? When you know that, you'll know what you have to choose.
Bah, long post. I hate long posts.
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dwang said:
Do you find the G1 UI significantly more sluggish than the iphone?
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If i were to rate UIs of phones (based ONLY on smoothness) i would give the iphone an 9/10 and the G1 a 8/10.
The thing is... actually the difference mostly comes from the touchscreen sensitivity. There are two bad things about the G1 here:
SPOILER ALERT: After reading you might notice new bad things about your G1...
1. Try touching the screen with a small part of your finger (the very tip) and you'll see it won't register. This happens more in real life than you would think...
2. Try opening the notification bar SLOWLY and you'll see it shakes as you move your finger. If you stop mid-way it will shake most of the time... Actually any list will shake if you drag it and then stop... kinda cheap.
3. The sides of the screen in portrait have a "snap" zone. Try moving an icon to one side, and it will stop folowing your finger at a moment, then it will snap to the border. (On my phone this only happens on the right side. On the left side it's worse. I CAN'T register touch on the edge there. It's a nightmare to move an icon to a screen to the left.).
I knew HTC was bad news when i dug deeper into my Kaiser.
So.. G1 actually 7/10... Android on a good phone 8-8.5/10.
Yes this is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not very in the know, but I do know how to follow directions and root phones. But YES the missing HW acceleration is felt when I go from iPhone to G1. It's unsettling. But . . .
dwang said:
The g1 does seem to get sluggish over time. I would try a wipe. That should restore the speed of the phone.
However, there's no getting around the performance of the iphone as it supports 2d hardware acceleration. The g1 and android only does software rendering so its never going to be faster than the iphone until the google devs start supporting 2d hardware acceleration (g1 has a graphics chip so it should be possible).
I personally don't find the g1 very sluggish. Maybe its sluggish compared to the iphone (I don't know as I don't have one to compare with), but on its own, the g1's UI is quite snappy (i'm running cyanogen ROM).
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You gave pretty much all the reasons I waited for the G1 and went with it. I knew it acted more like a computer and actually integrated different api's into 1 whole (if you will). Or let the app devs get to the api's. But I like having my feeds come to me without thinking, I like twitter updates, I love gmail being like my old blackberry exchange solution. I WISH live maps or mesh or whatever it's called for Windows Mobile 6.1 would come to android. Someone asked about widgets etc. I disabled all widgets, actually I wiped to a clean Ion Rom that isn't running anything in the background but essentials. It's the HW accel I'm thinking, and the sensitivity of the touch screen. It's great on the iPHone. These were the replies I was looking for. Just something to chomp on before I make any moves. Cause I'm seriously thinking about making that move. I'll lose a lot though. But I'll gain a lot back.
Oh yeah, how come maps on the G1 doesn't auto orient like the iPhone does now. We have a compass, and the new maps is better, at least it shows the direction, but I have to rotate the phone though.
RPG0 said:
Here's my take:
I love the iphone ! I think it's the best comsumer phone (and i'm not kidding). The 1 app at a time applies to G1 too (almost): try playing Mafia then going to the browser (or another game) and back... Good luck with that !
Now the reason i use the G1 is that i NEED to be connected to yahoo messenger, i NEED to have my tweets as soon as they come (i use twitter for work). And i NEED a hardware keyboard. And i NEED weather on a widget, and background downloading of RSS feeds (NewsRob). And i NEED better integration between apps (i'll explain).
When Push notifications come to the iphone, things are going to change. It will be very close to what i have now on my G1. The only things missing would be the RSS thing and the HW keyboard.
About the integration: I can click share on a picture, and it will list the programs that can do something with it (like Twidroid). I really like this, and there are more examples.
Now, what you have to ask yourself is: What do YOU need ? When you know that, you'll know what you have to choose.
Bah, long post. I hate long posts.
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The iphone 3gs does look pretty great, but I'm not switching from tmobile to att just for the iphone. There's going to be some nice android phones coming down the line, hopefully with upgraded cpu and memory to match the pre and 3gs. That should narrow the performance differences significantly. And hopefully android 2.0 (donut) finally implements 2d hardware acceleration.
larrygates said:
Yes this is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not very in the know, but I do know how to follow directions and root phones. But YES the missing HW acceleration is felt when I go from iPhone to G1. It's unsettling. But . . .
You gave pretty much all the reasons I waited for the G1 and went with it. I knew it acted more like a computer and actually integrated different api's into 1 whole (if you will). Or let the app devs get to the api's. But I like having my feeds come to me without thinking, I like twitter updates, I love gmail being like my old blackberry exchange solution. I WISH live maps or mesh or whatever it's called for Windows Mobile 6.1 would come to android. Someone asked about widgets etc. I disabled all widgets, actually I wiped to a clean Ion Rom that isn't running anything in the background but essentials. It's the HW accel I'm thinking, and the sensitivity of the touch screen. It's great on the iPHone. These were the replies I was looking for. Just something to chomp on before I make any moves. Cause I'm seriously thinking about making that move. I'll lose a lot though. But I'll gain a lot back.
Oh yeah, how come maps on the G1 doesn't auto orient like the iPhone does now. We have a compass, and the new maps is better, at least it shows the direction, but I have to rotate the phone though.
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See I'm worried about that. Why wouldn't android have he hw accel. I'm using an iPhone now to post this. Hw key is good, but this iPhone is very nice. I'll try to hold out and see. But I'll take it up the a!! Yeah I'm getting one. A 3G S.
dwang said:
The iphone 3gs does look pretty great, but I'm not switching from tmobile to att just for the iphone. There's going to be some nice android phones coming down the line, hopefully with upgraded cpu and memory to match the pre and 3gs. That should narrow the performance differences significantly. And hopefully android 2.0 (donut) finally implements 2d hardware acceleration.
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larrygates said:
See I'm worried about that. Why wouldn't android have he hw accel. I'm using an iPhone now to post this. Hw key is good, but this iPhone is very nice. I'll try to hold out and see. But I'll take it up the a!! Yeah I'm getting one. A 3G S.
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Well you laid out the talking points pretty well in your first post (and frankly aside from multitasking, iPhone OS 3.0 has fixed a lot deficiencies), so if you're set on an iPhone, just go for it.
Frankly, if having used a G1 for a while you are still considering an iPhone, then the iPhone is probably a better product for you. Reasons such as avoiding being locked into Apple's closed ecosystem probably weren't ever a factor for you at all.
Hey thanks for the civil post. The last thing you said is a hard one along with at&t. Apple is pretty slick with marketing, and they're hardware upgrades really screw you. Plus I think one of the guys here said something about dual core chips in phones next year.
About the Eco system hopefully jailbreaking side steps a lot of the walls on the phone. We'll see. I need to wait some things out and see how the dev team comes along. Someone said I should look into the pre, but I wonder if its similar to the G1.
jashsu said:
Well you laid out the talking points pretty well in your first post (and frankly aside from multitasking, iPhone OS 3.0 has fixed a lot deficiencies), so if you're set on an iPhone, just go for it.
Frankly, if having used a G1 for a while you are still considering an iPhone, then the iPhone is probably a better product for you. Reasons such as avoiding being locked into Apple's closed ecosystem probably weren't ever a factor for you at all.
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Bah. This is only personal preference nonsense. Go get the iphone if ur tired of the g1.
larrygates said:
Hey thanks for the civil post.
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Just because i'm using and love the G1 doesn't mean the iPhone is a bad phone. I really don't have time to spend writing up a long convincing article why you should stay with the G1, let alone flame-coat it.
The last thing you said is a hard one along with at&t. Apple is pretty slick with marketing, and they're hardware upgrades really screw you. Plus I think one of the guys here said something about dual core chips in phones next year.
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All hardware obsoletes, iPhone or otherwise. It's just a fact of tech life. If you constantly wait for the better hardware upgrade then you will never have any hardware at all.
About the Eco system hopefully jailbreaking side steps a lot of the walls on the phone. We'll see. I need to wait some things out and see how the dev team comes along. Someone said I should look into the pre, but I wonder if its similar to the G1.
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Obviously the phone is better in some respects than others. But for example it will only sync with iTunes. I will never install iTunes or Quicktime ever again because they are poorly written pieces of spyware crap. Also, the cloud sync clearly prefers Mobile Me as the primary service. Remember when Mobile Me launched? It was a pile of cowpie. Even Apple admitted this.
The iPhone has a sleek interface and a powerful advertising machine behind it. That's why it and the iPod are such popular devices among consumers. However, being that I am an engineer by trade, I'm not so easily swayed by Apple's glitzy advertising. In that respect, iPhone's deficiencies, past and present come into stark contrast. For example, the inability to multitask userapps is just ridiculous. I actually want to receive my emails and instant messages in realtime, without having to open the Google App. Some people say "just use SMS", which opens up a whole new bag of rant about how SMS is the most ridiculous ripoff scheme ever...
One thing I want to mention regarding sluggishness is if u are running one of those third party home apps like dxtop or ahome, I would try uninstalling those and see if your sluggishness goes away. Also, badly written widgets can cause slowdowns as well. The g1 isn't as fast as the 3g but it really isn't that slow. Especially if u are running ion at 528mhz or cyanogens rom.
jashsu said:
Just because i'm using and love the G1 doesn't mean the iPhone is a bad phone. I really don't have time to spend writing up a long convincing article why you should stay with the G1, let alone flame-coat it.
All hardware obsoletes, iPhone or otherwise. It's just a fact of tech life. If you constantly wait for the better hardware upgrade then you will never have any hardware at all.
Obviously the phone is better in some respects than others. But for example it will only sync with iTunes. I will never install iTunes or Quicktime ever again because they are poorly written pieces of spyware crap. Also, the cloud sync clearly prefers Mobile Me as the primary service. Remember when Mobile Me launched? It was a pile of cowpie. Even Apple admitted this.
The iPhone has a sleek interface and a powerful advertising machine behind it. That's why it and the iPod are such popular devices among consumers. However, being that I am an engineer by trade, I'm not so easily swayed by Apple's glitzy advertising. In that respect, iPhone's deficiencies, past and present come into stark contrast. For example, the inability to multitask userapps is just ridiculous. I actually want to receive my emails and instant messages in realtime, without having to open the Google App. Some people say "just use SMS", which opens up a whole new bag of rant about how SMS is the most ridiculous ripoff scheme ever...
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Out of curiosity, how is SMS the most ridiculous ripoff scheme ever?
Also, a friend of mine has a 3.0 beta developer firmware of the iPhone which allows multitasking. I myself found a cheap 4gb iPhone on Craigslist and am planning to unlock it for (most likely) a backup phone or business phone, when I've seen both phones and compared for about a week I'll post my findings here.
I was noticing the same sluggishness and such with the G1. You have to remember that, if you're like most users on the forum here, you -are- using an unsupported version of the phone, and it's not working how it's supposed to and how the provider intended for it to be used. Someone else mentioned this, but third-party apps also contribute to that. Depending on what you use, some apps could constantly be taking up extra memory and make your use of the G1 more of a chore, because of the time it takes to open up even a browser.
Anyway, to OP: You could just do what I did. Instead of spending $300 on a new iPhone that you have to dump out another extra $x-amount for new service at AT&Suck, why not just buy a used one on Craigslist or eBay and unlock it? Then you can use it with your current T-Mobile service and not have a lot of extra loss. You don't even need to get rid of your G1, just use one or the other as a backup or something.

Samsung Galaxy S a dissapointment?

Hi guys,
I decided to share with you my thoughts about Samsung Galaxy S.
Historicaly, in the last 2 years I owned HTC Tyt'n 2, iPhone 3GS, HTC HD2, and now Galaxy S.
Out of all these devices I have to recognise that the iPhone wad the most user friendly phone I ever have. Unfortunatly the fact my local cellular company doesn't sell it so after a re-softing to 3.1.3 I had to sell it....
I took HD2 because at that moment of time Galaxy S was not available. When it become available in Romania, last week, I quiqly buy it.
And now...... I am totaly dissapointed!
1. I can not use the embeded email client for Exchange and Yahoo accounts.
2. I had to serch and to install a separate Exchange email client, Moxier. It's ok but it has some limitations;
3. I installed the Yahoo email client from Android Market, but simply I can not use it!!! If I open it the CPU is going to 100% and the phone is working ver slow. So practicaly I can not check my Yahoo emails;
4. When I open for the first time an application, I wait arround 15 seconds!?! I saw on the forum that this is normal..... Strange.
And I can continue.....
What's wrong with this phone? My impression is that, simply it is not prepared for mass market delivery! Samsung doesn't care about their customers and it hurry up to launch it.
I saw how Apple react at the anntena signal issue.... Big difference! Samsung doesn't care that Google launch Android 2.2! How can they wait for launching it on their phones, when they have so big troubles? And we are speaking about the highest end phone in their portofolio.
I am still patient, but if I continue to have issues in my daily staff using the phone I 'll change it.
What do you think?
PS: I am using the official last software
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
With the 2.2 Update, it's only barely come out officially. While its likely true that developers would have had internal builds to test out on, they only now have their solid base. You can see this with the desire being close to having it's froyo update to come out soon - looks like that we are going to be about a month or two past that.
I'm not dissapointed with this phone, love the interface so far, and the thought samsung put into things like divx playback.
I am a bit let down by not having it an easily to use device for development though.
For your mail woes, maybe you didn't do enough research.
It's common knowledge that only Froyo brings in Exchange support. There will be other apps, but until Froyo, there won't be any official google support.
For POP/IMAP (which'll be your Yahoo, Gmail and probably your Exchange if you ask your IT Support nice enough), look at K-9 Mail. It's fantastic. It's taken from the original mail client android comes with and built ontop, with things like IMAP IDLE (push) and some other very nice features.
My Galaxy S is simply fantastic, yes i have noticed a few slow-down issues, which i wasn't expecting, but the Samsung guys are working hard to fix them i'm sure, as are the hacker community here on XDA.
One thing i have noticed, where i am in London, i haven't seen a single advert for the Galaxy S. However they are selling really well, and getting very good feedback. I'm convinced Sammy did this to release the device, iron out the wrinkles, then attack it with Marketing. The hackers have already got the device running faster than a Nexus One with Froyo on it, with a slightly modded 2.1. Imagine what 2.2 will be like.
Simply amazing phone, don't regret choosing it over the Desire a single bit.
And FYI, Apples initial reaction to the Antenna issues were appauling, 'Don't hold it like that', is not the response you expect from one of the big 3. They are only now 'patching' the issue with a free rubber band, instead of actually fixing it.
You should try out k9. It's so much faster than the crappy stock email client. UI is good. You can refresh all mail account instead of having to do it one by one as in the stock. You an set up yahoo account whereas stock mail can't. There is a select all button for mass deletion, mark read, or mark unread, which is great. Performance is still slow compared to iPhone's but is way better than the stock. I also like the gesture feature to move from mail to mail like one would in viewing pictures. Try it. You might like it.
You may need a task killer as the phone multitasks really well, please consider that the phone will be like %150 better when froyo comes and for me this phone is a beast already
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
mirceal said:
Hi guys,
I decided to share with you my thoughts about Samsung Galaxy S.
Historicaly, in the last 2 years I owned HTC Tyt'n 2, iPhone 3GS, HTC HD2, and now Galaxy S.
Out of all these devices I have to recognise that the iPhone wad the most user friendly phone I ever have. Unfortunatly the fact my local cellular company doesn't sell it so after a re-softing to 3.1.3 I had to sell it....
I took HD2 because at that moment of time Galaxy S was not available. When it become available in Romania, last week, I quiqly buy it.
And now...... I am totaly dissapointed!
1. I can not use the embeded email client for Exchange and Yahoo accounts.
2. I had to serch and to install a separate Exchange email client, Moxier. It's ok but it has some limitations;
3. I installed the Yahoo email client from Android Market, but simply I can not use it!!! If I open it the CPU is going to 100% and the phone is working ver slow. So practicaly I can not check my Yahoo emails;
4. When I open for the first time an application, I wait arround 15 seconds!?! I saw on the forum that this is normal..... Strange.
And I can continue.....
What's wrong with this phone? My impression is that, simply it is not prepared for mass market delivery! Samsung doesn't care about their customers and it hurry up to launch it.
I saw how Apple react at the anntena signal issue.... Big difference! Samsung doesn't care that Google launch Android 2.2! How can they wait for launching it on their phones, when they have so big troubles? And we are speaking about the highest end phone in their portofolio.
I am still patient, but if I continue to have issues in my daily staff using the phone I 'll change it.
What do you think?
PS: I am using the official last software
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Yup yup yup, my experience is exactly the same as yours ...i also could not attache files on the email client program, although there is button that says 'attach files".
Yup it took long time for the email to start and download the emails....and everything else is slowed down.....
After having some more issues with the phone and the crappy GPS system.... i opened the map program and the gps initially showed my position on the map and as i moved , it didnt track my position, so after traveling more than 60km, i was still in my original position....
i just got fed up and sold the phone.....
everything about this phone hardware wise, the screen, big internal memory, 720p video recording, iphone style app browsing are very good, but when the basic function is as flawed as this, it just doesnt cut it....
K9 can attach files though. Just drop the stock mail client and half your problems are gone.
Samsung Galaxy S doesn't support Exchange accounts???
Yes it does, I have one setup right here!
Do you guys have different firmware????
I cant help but to look a little suspiciously at some of the threads that have been started lately. There are a couple things that need to be fixed but the problems are not nearly has huge as they are made out to be. Not once did i have to wait 15 seconds for an ap to open. In fact after installing autokiller on the stock firmware the phone has been great with the excepton of the gps. The gps usually gets a lock quickly but it often loses connection for about 15 seconds or so making it impractical to use as a turn by turn solution. Driving for 60 miles with no lock is ridiculous, you are making things up or your phone is broken.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I agree Dakine, note how he did once have an iphone. There is already a thread started for the iphone fanboys attacking the Samsung Galaxy.
Yes i have a few issues with my phone, only minor ones but you show me an absolutely perfect smartphone without one glitch and i guess we can then shut XDA down and all buy that one. It ain't gonna happen
I reckon someone's got an iphone 4 and because they can't use it they spend their time trolling other phone users with ridiculous remarks like 15 seconds to open an app?? i can choose to fire up any app and i don't wait no more than 6 seconds. Use a task killer to clean up the back ground and that time drops even further. Even with the problems i am still totally happy with this phone
Either someone had a very faulty phone which is possible (in which case send it back) or you have an iphone 4 on the desk (not in your hand because it won't work )
Maybe hire goons from iphone.
How well did apple handled the signal issues? first they start by telling you that you are holding it wrong. Then until more fact comes out that the problem are design defects they decided to offer users cheap case rather than refunds.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
sjdean said:
Samsung Galaxy S doesn't support Exchange accounts???
Yes it does, I have one setup right here!
Do you guys have different firmware????
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yeh, i had no probs setting up my Exchange account straight out of the box.
Hello guys,
I see that finally I succeded to open your interest with my thread. I already opened 2 thread regarding my issues but I got few answers.
It seems that, speaking about iPhone in this Forum, everybody become a litle bit nervos.
Anyway answering to kcharng and stickfinger I am not an iPhone boy or something simillar. I spent some money for Galaxy S! Do you think I am stupid to spend money senseless!?!?!
Anyway I got some hints from thes answers:
1. Obviously Galaxy S has an issue with the Exchange client. What I don't understand is why some phone's are working without any problem (I have coleagues which own GAlaxy S working with this feature) and other not! What can be different....
2. I will try K9 email client. I see that it has good referencies;
3. I will start to use an Auto Task Killer program. Now I am using Advanced Task Killer but it seems it is not so eficient. Can I get some referencies about an Auto Task Killer program and how this is working?
And one more thing: finally these devices should help you in your job and also bring you more fun, and not bringing you all the time issues to be solved....
I can not belive that, related to Exchange client, an Windows Mobile 6.5(which finally is a ****ty OS....) can work so easily with any email server!!!
Thanks guys for your answers,
mirceal said:
Hello guys,
I see that finally I succeded to open your interest with my thread. I already opened 2 thread regarding my issues but I got few answers.
It seems that, speaking about iPhone in this Forum, everybody become a litle bit nervos.
Anyway answering to kcharng and stickfinger I am not an iPhone boy or something simillar. I spent some money for Galaxy S! Do you think I am stupid to spend money senseless!?!?!
Anyway I got some hints from thes answers:
1. Obviously Galaxy S has an issue with the Exchange client. What I don't understand is why some phone's are working without any problem (I have coleagues which own GAlaxy S working with this feature) and other not! What can be different....
2. I will try K9 email client. I see that it has good referencies;
3. I will start to use an Auto Task Killer program. Now I am using Advanced Task Killer but it seems it is not so eficient. Can I get some referencies about an Auto Task Killer program and how this is working?
And one more thing: finally these devices should help you in your job and also bring you more fun, and not bringing you all the time issues to be solved....
I can not belive that, related to Exchange client, an Windows Mobile 6.5(which finally is a ****ty OS....) can work so easily with any email server!!!
Thanks guys for your answers,
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You cannot believe that a MICROSOFT OS works with MICROSOFT exchange easily?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
If you use yahoo, the sgs is not for you... lol
Been using my sgs for a month now, and love it. Just rooted it and been using launcher pro from day one. Also a good task killer makes a big dif. Using it for sat nav have been a pleasure aswell. No signal problems here.
Using the app called auto memory cleaner. Works out of the box.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I have had the Galaxy S (vibrant) about three days, but have used it a lot.
First, as a behold 2 owner, I know that Samsung is a crappy company when it comes to support. If you are not willing to root and play with your phone, then I would def not go with Samsung. That said, they also make their phones the hardest to root. As I am sure the developers on this site are figuring out if they hadn't already.
I did decide to purchase this because of the phone already being rooted, I figured the community would have froyo on it within a month or two. Either way, I really like this phone.
I have not had any of the issues posted. A tad bit of lag when opening games, but other than that, even apps load instantly.
In short:
Samsung = Crap
Galaxy S = Best phone out with horrid customizations to android and firmware altogether.
I'd advise you not to base your opinion upon the expirience with the samsung galaxy i7500.
Since it's release, samsung already released 3 firmware updates, IN ONE MONTH.
They're working very hard to change their poor public image about software support.
I think it'd be wise to see what diraction this is going in before starting to judge them, and especially before stating stupid stuff like "Samsung=Crap"
regarding Exchange... i have a windows mobile phone, and not even itself works all that great with exchange
ironically enough, if i use gmail as my exchange server, everything works wonderfully.
now back to SGS, i'm quite confortable with K9 it works just fine and i can attach files
i think what you need to do, is to configure the "lagfix" that people has been talking about, that will solve half of your problem regarding speed
i'll also suggest to upgrade to the latest firmware
Omfg fed up of reading this bull
Hi guys,
Thanks for the hint with K9. It's exactly what I need for my acciunts from Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App


I can feel the flames coming
OK I am definitely not disappointed with the Hardware itself. Great form factor and I converted a few of the office Apple fanatics to it... Some guys in my office actually bought the tab after seeing mine
It's my first Android device and... I am disappointed by Android (Flames coming closer) or more precisely by the lack of refinement of the "productivity" apps.
Let me be more precise: I come from the WM 6.5.5 world (boooh). Android OS is definitely more stable (No memory leaks, etc...) more finger friendly, etc... BUT also
* It has way less options, at least in its stock version vs my custom made WM ROM (Sure my Grandma could use it (This is iOSesque type of OS), but that's not exactly what I am expecting for myself)
* The email app, so much praised in many reviews is still way behind outlook for WM. I miss the little arrow sign indicating me whether the email was forwarded, replied, etc... Not even talking about all the options available in pOutlook that definitely simplify the everyday life. A lot of very simple things are just not there. If you have multiple attachments, you need to download them one by one (Have to wait for the first one to be downloaded to have the option to download the second one). Unbeded links and pictures are displayed immediately when in Outlook they are blocked first to protect you in case it's a fishing email. Etc, etc...
* You don't have a single box (Or let's say single app) for SMS, MMS, eMails
* Implementation of Activesync is not good, neither full. SMS are not synced, and there seems to be bugs and quirks here and there (Why the hell is my Sent box often TWO DAYS late on sync ?? Just havent found a way to fix this. It just refreshes... sometimes, when it feels like it)
* Copy and paste is not present everywhere, I cant seem to be able to copy from any text I see on the screen (In WM just long press and then you get the copy and paste menu and the ability to select some text). It's possible in some places that have been thought for, but not from anywhere
Etc, etc... I definitely appreciate the slickness of the OS, the smoothness overall (That said I believe my TP2 would also be super smooth with a Hummingbird processor on board...). The fact that it's a growing platform allows to have access to the latest apps while there was barely anything new for my TP2 these days. But yeah, honestly... a lot of the applications need more refinement. I guess this will grow with age (hopefully) but it's definitely not there yet at least out of the box
I am not saying this for the sole purpose of criticizing. I will keep my Tab and I do like it. But I thought the jump would be without regret and it's not the case for the moment. I feel more like I did a compromise and a move taht had to be (No interest in a closed platform like WP7 and can't stay on a dieing one). And hopefully some of you while reading me will point me to some solutions they found for themselves, some suggestions of third party applications. meanwhile I still go back and forth between my tab and my TP2 and I find it easier to email with the TP2 (OK the physical keyboard helps too) while also cant take my eyes off HTC Sense (This I know it's just up to me to make some effort and install the right stuff to have great home screens)
You have some valid points (copy & paste, sms+emails in one place) but the other features are so obvious.
You can't compare the native apps on Win (Outlook, Active Sync) that suppose to work well on Android. I wouldn't think this is a surprise.
Android definitely has a little bit of a learning curve. My EVO was my first android OS device and after learning the little quirks I am a borderline fanboy.
I am not sure I agree with the comparison to iOS. I think Apple does a lot more "dumbing down" where Android gives you more freedom but you have to learn how to use it. Apparently it's working well for Apple. Can't fault their success.
Are you missing copy/paste in a certain app? I used it just last night (just got my tab yesterday) copying my Launcher Pro plus key from an email to LP. Menu>More>Select Text>Copy, I think. Long press where you would like to paste.
Anyway, give it time. I think it'll grow on ya.
Yes you're right I was a bit unfair to compare with iOS
And yes it's true it's evolving the right way
Copy and paste: simple example. How do I copy amd pate text from a webpage?
I believe you have to press the menu button, go to 'more' and then hit 'select text'. After that gliding your finger over text will select it. Its still not refined because it doesnt add the two 'pins' to move your selection area...that is in Gingerbread I think.
More gives me only print, share page and page info...
Founds new bugs that are very unprofessional: some sms going to the wrong inbox
And some emails answers sent... Without the text I typed (empty)
And of course since I dont have the aent emails for the past 2 days I juat cant event check this
I understand it's normal to expect Microsoft technology to be better implemented by Microsoft. However if Google wants to be serious with Android in the enterprise world they need to work on their exchange implementation
honeatly this email problem is just incredible...
Forgot to add that even though there are lots of free apps, some of the very useful ones are not included by default. If you wnat a good RDP client --> $20 for instance (Free with WM) All adding up it makes Android a "luxuary" OS in some cases...
That said not to be unfair the market of free apps is quite impressive (compared with WM)
I think Android is great. The new Android 3D maps are amazing both on my Nexus One and Galaxy Tab.
That said, my single complaint so far is the lag in the native browser and with Dolphin HD. I can't say I blame this on Android OS because my N1 does not have this problem. I'm a noob so I blame this on Samsung.
Alcibiade said:
Founds new bugs that are very unprofessional: some sms going to the wrong inbox
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Got that 3 days ago, an incoming sms displaying the wrong contact!... So I found that after answering to that same wrong contact, who warned me I probably have mistaken. I wonder how this can be possible... Samsung app?
Alcibiade said:
Forgot to add that even though there are lots of free apps, some of the very useful ones are not included by default. If you wnat a good RDP client --> $20 for instance (Free with WM) All adding up it makes Android a "luxuary" OS in some cases...
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Except that unlike Android, WM is not free in and of itself anyway, so the comparison is slightly flawed - only slightly though because as an end user you do not pay directly for WM, the OEM does!
Personally, I've found Wyse PocketCloud to be excellent, even in its free incarnation - it was so good, I bought the Pro version!
Of course, no OS is perfect - despite WM6s age, it still has some strengths. In many ways, it's a shame that MS threw the baby out with the bathwater with WP7!
Alcibiade said:
More gives me only print, share page and page info...
Founds new bugs that are very unprofessional: some sms going to the wrong inbox
And some emails answers sent... Without the text I typed (empty)
And of course since I dont have the aent emails for the past 2 days I juat cant event check this
I understand it's normal to expect Microsoft technology to be better implemented by Microsoft. However if Google wants to be serious with Android in the enterprise world they need to work on their exchange implementation
honeatly this email problem is just incredible...
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Android gets a lot of blame for things that have been modified by the vendor. I've been on Android since the launch of the G1. One thing I can tell you is every device is different. HTC has their own Exchange client, same with Samsung. Many times I see their proprietary apps cause these problems. It's the price we pay for open.
The Galaxy Tab's ROM is pretty flawed. Typical for a first gen device. I'm counting the days till an update is released.
My suggestion is go with an Exchange client from the market. Touchdown (no longer called that) was generally considered the best or just hang on till the next update. For SMS I use Handcent which I love.
Alcibiade said:
Forgot to add that even though there are lots of free apps, some of the very useful ones are not included by default. If you wnat a good RDP client --> $20 for instance (Free with WM) All adding up it makes Android a "luxuary" OS in some cases...
That said not to be unfair the market of free apps is quite impressive (compared with WM)
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All enterprise apps demand big bucks. In Wimo's case that's a MS app hence free. But all the other enterprise stuff is $$$ for any platform. I agree with the other poster, PocketCloud is very good. I also have an Ipad and can tell you their apps are totally "luxuary" priced.
Give the platform more time. You're new and things are different so you're just going to see the negatives. Over time I would be shocked if you could even look at a wimo device...much less use it on a daily basis.
orenxda said:
Got that 3 days ago, an incoming sms displaying the wrong contact!... So I found that after answering to that same wrong contact, who warned me I probably have mistaken. I wonder how this can be possible... Samsung app?
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Wait what ? That happened to me couple of days ago.
orenxda said:
Got that 3 days ago, an incoming sms displaying the wrong contact!... So I found that after answering to that same wrong contact, who warned me I probably have mistaken. I wonder how this can be possible... Samsung app?
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Yeah I think we can blame Samsung about this. It's a real shamr cause I answered in a similar fashion to the wrong girl... Got in little trouble... But in the end kind of funny
Anyway shame on Sammy on this one. Very unprofessional...
Been reading the previous posts. My point was not to be critical of the OS itself. I do believe it's a much better OS than WM. It was much more about the applications that are still rough on the edges and not as mature as for other platforms
another example: in the samsung messaging application you cannot click on an HTML link to go straight to the webpage. Which year are we? 2005?
I too am very happy with my TP2, but I want a 7" phone. Although the Tab is the most close, it is still not there: many web contents are still available to WM and iPad only, the CDMA versions cannot make calls and are too pricey for the sluggish built-in browser.
Fixup said:
I too am very happy with my TP2, but I want a 7" phone. Although the Tab is the most close, it is still not there: many web contents are still available to WM and iPad only, the CDMA versions cannot make calls and are too pricey for the sluggish built-in browser.
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I have both now
Just need to find a good way to sync SMS between both...
Sad point is in the US you cannot have 2 SIMs with the same number. Otherwise would be living ina perfect world
Just found out it may not be possible to change my outlook calendar entries inthe Samsung calendar
i can delete but not move it to another dats
Maybe I am not doing it right... But we are getting close to a deal breaker
Honestly Android is a cool toy but feels so far from a professional well rounded product and only comparing with WM 6.5...
more and more diaappointed day by day..
This is why android is so great said you had no complaints about the hardware being used, and I hear that a lot.
There are so many developers working on android devices including the tab trying to improve the UI and enable hardware acceleration etc.
I think that within a few months the tab will have roms that will fix or work around the various issues that are present in the current tab software.
Agreed android has a great future ahead
but there is quote some work to do. We are not there yet!!
Alcibiade said:
Agreed android has a great future ahead
but there is quote some work to do. We are not there yet!!
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I think the point is that Android scores lots of points where WinMo scores none, and vice versa!
My business uses Google Apps for Domains, so Android is a massive win for me. If your an MS shop, WinMo stills holds a great hand though 3rd party apps on Android can fill many of the gaps.
Over time we will see an awful lot of convergence - WP7 will get better and so will Android.
To be honest, for the most part, thus far Google have pitched Android as a consumer rather than business OS, and have relied on 3rd parties to provide full business integration. I expect 2011 will bring more to the biz table.

change from iphone 4s to Nexus 4?

hi guys i'm a new member to this community and i'm ready to change from apple and IOS to android which i have never use..
i have find to sell my iphone and with that money to buy the nexus 4. During the last 3 weeks i have read and view many reviews about the nexus 4 and i believe it's a great phone !
what do you think will be the difficulties that i will face during this transition between the two different softwares??
is finally the nexus 4 a better phone than the iphone 4s?
thanks in advance for your answers!!
If your a techie, you shouldn't have any problems and you should be able to guide yourself through Android. Everything you need is in the Notification Drawer! You might have a hard time adjusting to no physical home button, but you'll get used to it. Music is just drag and drop, or it would be worth it to download Google Play Music on your computer and sync your music in the cloud. Just explore the phone the day you get it. I personally like the overall look and feel of Android more than iOS. Welcome to the best Android experience out there, a Nexus 4!!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Gorjira said:
If your a techie, you shouldn't have any problems and you should be able to guide yourself through Android. Everything you need is in the Notification Drawer! You might have a hard time adjusting to no physical home button, but you'll get used to it. Music is just drag and drop, or it would be worth it to download Google Play Music on your computer and sync your music in the cloud. Just explore the phone the day you get it. I personally like the overall look and feel of Android more than iOS. Welcome to the best Android experience out there, a Nexus 4!!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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thanks for your answer!!!
Like most iPhone users, you're going to spend weeks posting threads asking how to exactly replicate iPhone functionality before realizing that the Android experience is different and you just need to learn new ways of working.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
stefanos7 said:
hi guys i'm a new member to this community and i'm ready to change from apple and IOS to android which i have never use..
i have find to sell my iphone and with that money to buy the nexus 4. During the last 3 weeks i have read and view many reviews about the nexus 4 and i believe it's a great phone !
what do you think will be the difficulties that i will face during this transition between the two different softwares??
is finally the nexus 4 a better phone than the iphone 4s?
thanks in advance for your answers!!
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Any phone is better than an iPhone.
Just kidding, but seriously. don't get me wrong, iPhones are good phones, they really are. People get them cause they like them, I get androids because I like them. Spec wise, Nexus 4 blows iPhones away. IMO, Nexus 4's are way better than any of the iPhones out right now. I talked to my friends who went from iPhones to Androids, and they said the only difficulty they had was getting used to how the OS is. iPhones are simple, and straight forward. Theres not much you can change about an iPhone unless you jailbreak it. Androids are customizable right out of the box.Only problem you MIGHT face is getting used to android.
@mrjoeltan: I agree with you, just want to add: I feel that android, starting jelly bean, doesn't require any customization. Let me explain.
For the longest time, people compared android to iOS this way: iOS you can't customize, but it works pretty amazingly right out of the box. Android, on the other hand, can be customized to incredible levels; however, right out of the box it is not a great experience. And up till jelly bean, I agreed with this claim.
What I think changed in the last half year is that now android (jelly bean, so Nexus 4 for sure) is as amazing out of the box as iOS, with the added ability to customize the sh*t out of it if you want to.
To not be completely off topic:
There will be very few things you need to "learn" during transition. I think the largest one is the way system handles settings of notifications and alerts: b/c iOS uses only its own push notifications, all sound settings for all apps are done in the "settings" app. Android is a bit different- the apps keep a service running in background for themselves, and so you have to edit sound/alert settings in the apps themselves. The reward for this is that apps can have more advanced notifications with popup menus, repeated alerts etc. They will all appear in your notification drawer, but they can do more.
Music is simple drag-and-drop.
Other difference is handling of files. PDFs will first download, only then you can click on them to view them. They will be stored in the "Download" folder, accessible either via the "Downloads" app or via file manager of your choice (I recommend installing one).
If you have more apps that allow opening some file (ie, you have Adobe Reader and the built-in quickoffice viewer), when you click on a PDF (or some other supported file, even link), you will have a window allowing you to choose what program should open the given file. (don't worry, you can set defaults and not worry about it again)
I suggest you set all google maps links to default to the google maps app, not the browser. Similarly, set all youtube links to go to the youtube app, not the browser.
Hope I helped!
matus201 said:
@mrjoeltan: I agree with you, just want to add: I feel that android, starting jelly bean, doesn't require any customization. Let me explain.
For the longest time, people compared android to iOS this way: iOS you can't customize, but it works pretty amazingly right out of the box. Android, on the other hand, can be customized to incredible levels; however, right out of the box it is not a great experience. And up till jelly bean, I agreed with this claim.
What I think changed in the last half year is that now android (jelly bean, so Nexus 4 for sure) is as amazing out of the box as iOS, with the added ability to customize the sh*t out of it if you want to.
To not be completely off topic:
There will be very few things you need to "learn" during transition. I think the largest one is the way system handles settings of notifications and alerts: b/c iOS uses only its own push notifications, all sound settings for all apps are done in the "settings" app. Android is a bit different- the apps keep a service running in background for themselves, and so you have to edit sound/alert settings in the apps themselves. The reward for this is that apps can have more advanced notifications with popup menus, repeated alerts etc. They will all appear in your notification drawer, but they can do more.
Music is simple drag-and-drop.
Other difference is handling of files. PDFs will first download, only then you can click on them to view them. They will be stored in the "Download" folder, accessible either via the "Downloads" app or via file manager of your choice (I recommend installing one).
If you have more apps that allow opening some file (ie, you have Adobe Reader and the built-in quickoffice viewer), when you click on a PDF (or some other supported file, even link), you will have a window allowing you to choose what program should open the given file. (don't worry, you can set defaults and not worry about it again)
I suggest you set all google maps links to default to the google maps app, not the browser. Similarly, set all youtube links to go to the youtube app, not the browser.
Hope I helped!
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thank you all for your help!!
I have just ordered the 16 gb with the official bumper!!
i will return with my first impressions as soon as I have it in my hands!
Welcome to the world of Android. You will really enjoy the Nexus 4. The phone is smooth as butter and the customization is fantastic. I actually replaced the standard launcher with Nova Prime launcher as it offers even more customization than the standard launcher.
if you have your iphone jailbroken, it will be easier to port to Android, have fun..
Definitely get back and let us know if you have any questions - I just held my boyfriend's hand through his iPhone to Nexus 4 transition (I give great Valentines presents!), so I'm sure some of your questions will either pop up for him or already have.
calanizzle said:
if you have your iphone jailbroken, it will be easier to port to Android, have fun..
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I have jailbroken it in the past once but now my iphone is without
qocarekeri said:
Definitely get back and let us know if you have any questions - I just held my boyfriend's hand through his iPhone to Nexus 4 transition (I give great Valentines presents!), so I'm sure some of your questions will either pop up for him or already have.
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thank you (great gift!!)
I'm sure about that
how does your boyfriend finally feel with your gift??
does he miss the iphone?
You wont regret buying and android device like the nexus 4.
IMO android is much more flexible customisable and powerful than iOS. The iOS is soo God darn easy to use because there isn't much to do in it. It has a homescreen and... Well that's pretty much it!
But android 4.0+ combines ease of use and great functionality. Once you switch to android and start using all of its features, you'll never go back.
Oh and BTW, I think the Nexus 4 looks damn sexy, looks better than an iPhone.
stefanos7 said:
I have jailbroken it in the past once but now my iphone is without
thank you (great gift!!)
I'm sure about that
how does your boyfriend finally feel with your gift??
does he miss the iphone?
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There was an adjustment period for him - how do I get X, where can I find apps, where is X setting.
He was a little pouty at the beginning of the process, but after a month or so, he's up and running and very happy. The main thing that he missed was a collection settings that covered all apps.
qocarekeri said:
There was an adjustment period for him - how do I get X, where can I find apps, where is X setting.
He was a little pouty at the beginning of the process, but after a month or so, he's up and running and very happy. The main thing that he missed was a collection settings that covered all apps.
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Yeah I can see how that could be a problem. However I went the other way (Android to an iPad) and was greatly dissatisfied with the super easy and noob setting of iOS.
On topic, I would suggest OP to use the phone for a couple months, before venturing into any customization options (rooting, kernels, ROMs, launchers etc). Getting used to Android could take you a while but once you get used to it your production will be greatly improved.
wngmv said:
On topic, I would suggest OP to use the phone for a couple months, before venturing into any customization options (rooting, kernels, ROMs, launchers etc). Getting used to Android could take you a while but once you get used to it your production will be greatly improved.
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And when you decide to do so, follow the link in my signature. Do not use a toolkit!
Good luck with it all, you'll love it! Let us know if you need any help. :thumbup:
wngmv said:
Yeah I can see how that could be a problem. However I went the other way (Android to an iPad) and was greatly dissatisfied with the super easy and noob setting of iOS.
On topic, I would suggest OP to use the phone for a couple months, before venturing into any customization options (rooting, kernels, ROMs, launchers etc). Getting used to Android could take you a while but once you get used to it your production will be greatly improved.
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Yeah, I used an iPad recently and I actually found it very counter-intuitive having all of the individual app settings under the general settings app. I wanted to sign out of the email app for example but I genuinely could not find a way to do it from within the app itself, and ended up having to go to settings then manage accounts or something similar. In Android I just hit menu in any app I'm using and I can be certain that there will be some sort of settings or options button, which to me seems much more logical since if I want to change an app setting the likelihood is that I'm using that app already. Obviously the opposite will apply for users moving from iOS to Android, but I think I'm just so used to Android now that iOS simply doesn't work for me.
Vangelis13 said:
And when you decide to do so, follow the link in my signature. Do not use a toolkit!
Good luck with it all, you'll love it! Let us know if you need any help. :thumbup:
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ok thanks a lot for your help i will follow your advice !!
however you could find a better avatar!! the red one!!!heheh
na sai kala!!

Switching To Windows 8 Phone

Hello... hope this finds everyone well.
I am a long time android user and keep getting the urge to jump into the windows phone arena. I was just curious from those who have done the switch what you found good and bad about the experience. Just looking for justifications from either spectrum really before doing so I appreciate all of your time and look forward to hearing your experiences.
Tancreddo said:
Hello... hope this finds everyone well.
I am a long time android user and keep getting the urge to jump into the windows phone arena. I was just curious from those who have done the switch what you found good and bad about the experience. Just looking for justifications from either spectrum really before doing so I appreciate all of your time and look forward to hearing your experiences.
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Hi, it's nice to see you're willing to make the switch.
Honestly, there are some things from Android that you're going to miss here, but there's also a bunch of new exciting stuff on WP, so in the end it all depends on your ability to adopt something new and different.
Although I don't use an Android phone as a daily device (because that place is taken by my Lumia 820), I have one for various mods and stuff, and I just find WP a better option for me (but obviously both have their advantages and disadvantages). The difference in performance and optimization is most visible on low-end hardware - WP excels there, Android not so much. There's also a difference in terms of features and customizability - all those nifty things you could change/modify/replace in Android are mostly not in WP. The hardware of WP mostly caught up to Android, so there shouldn't be any deal breakers there. The store is growing daily and now includes most "major" apps, but it really depends on you whether you'll be able to find your apps or not.
But before you decide and make opinions about WP, I urge you to wait for the 8.1 update - it brings a lot of new stuff and further refines the user experience, so it'd be wise to make judgment based on that. If you can, I suggest you get a cheap WP to have the first taste of the platform, and then decide if you want to upgrade or go back to Android.
In any case, make a decision based on your own opinion and experiences, it'll surely be the right decision for you.
I switched from my Nexus 4 to my Lumia 520 a few months ago.. one thing I noticed is the speed difference. Even though the 520 only has 512 mb of RAM, it feels more fluid than my Nexus 4.
I actually just made the switch.
From a Nexus 4 to a Lumia 925
Its been about a week, so far not regretting it at all. I managed to find all but i think 3 apps or so that i used on android in the WP store. One thing you will notice, some apps dont have all the functionality as they do on android.
What i do notice about WP is that everything is much more fluid. Tasks are easier and quicker to do. Also, in a lot of cases some of the apps on WP are generally nicer than you'll find elsewhere. I am really glad i made the switch. My main reason for switching was because i was just bored with my Nexus, wanted something different.
The only thing that its really missing at the moment is a google music app, i noticed like the day i got my WP, google changed the api or something in google music with borked all the gmusic apps on the windows store. But in everyday use, i dont miss it much. I just use pandora.
Give it a try, people hate on the apps and selection (i did too at one point) but WP has a great selection and some of the apps are absolutely beautiful.
Many people have a go at WP without ever trying it so well done to the OP for this thread.
I have had 10 Android phones and 4 tablets in the past 4 or so years. I think Android is a fantastic OS, easily the most powerful, feature rich and customisable available. In January I was contemplating swapping my N4 for a N5. However looking around at the fact that Android is so popular now I thought about trying WP8. So I got a brand new Ativ S for £140. The plan was to run two phones for a bit. The thing was I never looked at my N4. I know the lack some Google services is a problem but I have music, email & calendar one way or another so I can still interact with my Android family members.
The biggest let down in WP8 is the browser. IE is …. erm not very good. It needs text reflow (but so does Chrome) as a start but in reality MS need to open the platform to allow other browsers to run their own engines.
My advice is to see how tied in you are to Google and Android apps and see if any are missing on WP8. If the missing ones are vital to you then maybe WP8 isn’t for you.
I am now waiting for the new set hardware coming later in the year. I will then decide whether to get a new WP device or go back to android.
finbaar said:
The biggest let down in WP8 is the browser. IE is …. erm not very good. It needs text reflow (but so does Chrome) as a start but in reality MS need to open the platform to allow other browsers to run their own engines.
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Luckily, IE is getting several improvements in 8.1, so it'll be a more viable option for people. The thing that's missing the most IMO is password management. Every decent browser should have it...
finbaar said:
My advice is to see how tied in you are to Google and Android apps and see if any are missing on WP8. If the missing ones are vital to you then maybe WP8 isn’t for you.
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Yeah, if you're heavily tied into Google's ecosystem, you may need to reconsider your choice. Not that support for Google's products and services totally sucks, but it's quite lacking compared to what it could be (mostly Google's fault). But the good thing is, if you manage to make the switch to Microsoft's services, they've got you covered.
Me too.. my final android phone was the Xperia z (for a few days).. i just got bored of Android, wanted something different... i may get the LG G Pro 2 when it comes to the Market as a second phone, but my Nokia 1520 is not going anywhere in the near Future.
Super_Sport said:
Me too.. my final android phone was the Xperia z (for a few days).. i just got bored of Android, wanted something different... i may get the LG G Pro 2 when it comes to the Market as a second phone, but my Nokia 1520 is not going anywhere in the near Future.
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I am considering a WP however the applications ... Will I be able to install free programs like we do on Android? I can download games and chunky programs from android app sites, and don't burn my precious internet credit.
agispapatias said:
I am considering a WP however the applications ... Will I be able to install free programs like we do on Android? I can download games and chunky programs from android app sites, and don't burn my precious internet credit.
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Depends on how you define "free". There's free and trial versions of apps available on WP as well. There's only one store for WP, but you don't really need 10 app stores just to get your apps, do you? But if you're talking about piracy, you're out of luck.
DaviUnic said:
Depends on how you define "free". There's free and trial versions of apps available on WP as well. There's only one store for WP, but you don't really need 10 app stores just to get your apps, do you? But if you're talking about piracy, you're out of luck.
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I mean is the system accessible like android? In android I can download and install apps from other sources like app sites.
Do WP has a similar system?
As I said, no, and doesn't really need one because quality apps are found in the store. The only other source of apps are homemade apps, but you need dev unlock for that.
DaviUnic said:
you need dev unlock for that.
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It`s free. And @reker says you`re free to install 10 apps now (was 2 for free unlock).

