Strange Marketplace problem - HD2 General

Non branded hd2 on stock wwe 1.66 rom on t-mobiles network. For some strange reason I can connect to Marketplace via t-mobile but not through my home wifi, on wifi it says unable to connect to server, pls check your connection (the that it has encountered a serious problem), but my connection is fine as I can surf via wifi no problem. I uninstalled marketplace, soft reset, reinstalled, still ith problem persists, anyone else have this?


some mobile programs require a cellular data connection to work properly. I'm guessing marketplace is one of them.
On second thought, looks like I can access Microsoft Marketplace on wifi. Are you sure that your wifi is working and doesn't require going through an approval process? (Some wifi's have a home page that you have to agree to terms on before you can access)

I had the same problem with Active sync with a cable I could surf the internet but couldn’t access market place downloads (Marketplace could not cannot connect to a server) so I disconnected and just connected to the modem Wi-Fi and no problem with Market Place all downloaded.

Had this issue myself with T-Mobile,
After months of searching it would appear that the problem was that Marketplace requries and authentication code and at some point when using the phone this was switched off.
From what I read the person didnt know how to change it within the phone but could view that it was turned off, they put on a new ROM and Marketplace flew into action.
I followed this and also slapped on a new ROM..... has worked for me and am using Marketplace to the best of its abilities.
Basic answer....flash a new ROM!


VPN using new T-mobile UK ROM - cant get it to work

I work in IT and often need to conect to customer sites to resolve issues.
Many of our custoemrs allow me to have VPN access in.
This works a dream from XP PRO.
However I thought I would try and access 2 customers via VPN over WIFI from my MDA PRO which I have just upgraded to the latest T-mobile UK ROM.
I created my 2 connections both use PPTP.
I then tried to connect one of them , holding the stylus over the connection I wanted and selecting connect.
Nothing seems to happen.
tried again the same.
Disabled WIFI and tried over the usb connection and activesysnc, nothing.
How do you know when you are connected.
I removed the password info and tried to connect again.
Exepecting to be prompted for password.
nothing appears on the screen.
no error messages, I would expect to see conenction failed, or a disconnect option once you connect.
Am I missing something.???
No this is a problem with T Mobile, if you talk to their UK support team they are aware of the issue and have passed it to their German HQ to try to get fixed.
I guess the more people that complain the more likely they are to do something about it
Where did you get the 'latest' rom from? What version is it?

wifi help, yes again i know...

i read pages of threads on this forum, but im not getting nowhere fast!
I'll start at the begining, mda t-mobile original rom, working as it should, upgraded the rom several diff ones and not working, tryed the origainal rom and not working!
rom now on the mda,
ROM version
radio version 01.13.10
protocal version
ExtROM version
ive intsalled DJVW WLAN 302.11g Activator
Now the problem, when the wifis switched on it takes awhile to even detect the network, my old ipaq would be conected as soon as switched on?
when it does detect the network it trys to conect for about 2mins then gives up ( in same room as router )
it wont conect but i can see the mda has downloaded about 20kbs of info, but can get no further?
Am i missing something here?
Also where do you go to check you have the latest drivers, updates, newest rom etc
Thanks for taking the time to read this :wink:
I have found that i am having similiar problems with Wifi after updating to the latest qtek 9100 ship ROM on my qtek 9100 device.
the device can "see" the WIFI but it will not/connot "use" it.
Ya same here. I can turn on the wifi but it doesnt connect anymore ! I know fopr sure that there are at least 4 wifi connections around me normally but I dont see any of them !
I had this problem but was able to fix it by giving my router my DNS settings (that I got from my ISP).
For some reason, certian routers will not serve the MDA with any sites unless it has the IP address of your ISP's DNS server.
This should take care of your problem.
If this doesn't work, go to your public library and see if you can get on their wifi. This will help you troubleshoot to see if there's actually a hardware problem.
Actually the problem i had is unusual in that i could connect to any open WIFI zone aswell as our work and home one, BUT it will not carry any traffic AT ALL. Only uses GPRS NO wifi.
I actually hard reset the device yesterday and ensured that Push email was switched off - WIFI is functioning fine now.
There is still one problem. When i cannot the device to my PC for an active sync. It will sync with the PC but throw an error when trying to sync with exchange server via the WIFI.
The error on the PC active sync is
"The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions
SUpport code:85002003"
It also throws an error on the device.
This is a right pain and did not happen on the previous version of the ROM. It means i have to do a seperate exchange server sync when disconnected from the PC. ANyone have ideas on how to fix this.
Incidently, another thing I have noticed with the NEw ROM is that contact lookup is noticeably slower - sometimes I have to wait for a few seconds
before the contact i am searching for actually comes up. This is in comparison to the immediate results of searches in my old ROM.
right ive reload a rom, and the wifi works, then after adding each of my aplications, ive tested the wifi conection, i found wififofum being the problem.
now i know the developer of wififofum has an wizard himself , that runs this aplication no problems, ut on mine it seems to just freeze the wifi, giving a rssi signal of 90 no matter how close or far im from the source?

Skyfire will connect to internet, NOTHING else on my phone will??

This is very odd. Suddenly today I'm getting connection errors (GPRS) on every program on my phone EXCEPT for Skyfire. Skyfire can connect and surf the net with no problem, but not one other app on my phone will connect to the net, and I've tried several browsers as well as apps that connect directly (i.e. YouTube, Google Maps, etc).
I'm on AT&T in the US (New Orleans, specifically). I've checked and triple-checked my Media Net connection settings, and nothing has changed that I can see since the last time I was able to use it successfully. I've soft-reset several times, to no avail. I don't know if this is an issue, but while I was using WiFiWMRouter yesterday, it crashed. But I used the "Reset All Settings" function of that which is a crash cleanup of sorts, and still no luck.
What else can I check? It would seem that if it were an AT&T issue, Skyfire wouldn't be able to connect either!
Weird, I have the exact same problem too. I probably wouldn't have known that Skyfire could connect until I saw your post. My problem began (I think) when I uninstalled WMWifiRouter last night. I haven't gotten a connection with any other app since then. I had a hell of a time uninstalling an old version or WMWR I had installed just so I could install the PAID version and now it is apparently causing problems even on uninstall...
To add to this - I've confirmed that devices connected with ICS can connect to the internet through the phone. So it seems to me that the problem is related to some wifi settings (maybe that WMWR sets up) that aren't being "released" when wifi is turned off/disconnected.
If I do a hard reset the connection seems fine. If I then restore a backup from right before the problem started the connection is okay, but only until I try wifi again. From then on it's borked until I restore the backup again... frustrating as hell.
FWIW - I think I pinned down what was going on with my phone. In my wifi settings something (probably WMWR or Phojo) had set a static IP when establishing an ad-hoc network and didn't revert to "obtain an IP address automatically" when I quit/uninstalled the program. I don't know why the IP address of the wifi network adapter affects my cellular data connection, but setting that to "obtain automatically" and turning wifi back off allowed my phone to connect again. So it seems like it was using that IP address regardless.

[Q]gmail and market app not working on wifi

Hey guys, I am facing a weird problem after updating an OTA released yesterday by HTC (2.2.1). My gmail app and market app is not working when on wifi. It works perfectly on Mobile data connection though (EDGE). I get a no connection error in gmail and network error in market app.
I have done the following but to no avail.
1. Soft reset and boot into safe mode.
2. Uninstalled task killer app.
3. Deleted all data for these apps and updated the gmail app and setup the account again.
I have not tried the hard reset as yet. Can anyone help me out please? TIA
Thats not good at all. Is your handset branded?
Hey Andy,
Thanks for replying although your reply does make me nervous :s. I am from India and we only get unbranded sets here. So to answer your question it is a unlocked unbranded phone running stock firmware.
By the way after I posted the question I did get these two apps working once for sometime but since then it's the same problem. I am starting to wonder whether it has to do something with the wifi although all the remaining apps are working fine and dandy.
Is the wifi access point owned by you? You could try turning it off and on again, that may help.
Have tried that. It is my home network that I am connecting to using a linksys wireless router.
UPDATE - I connected my phone using internet pass through i.e. sharing the internet through PC via the data cable and I still get the same error which leads me to believe some setting on the router provided by my ISP is causing this. Although what I fail to understand is that it was working fine till yesterday and nothing have been changed in the router setup recently.
Hmm... that's odd. Did your ISP supply your router? My ISP pushed a firmware update to my router about 8 months ago that broke pretty much everything wireless.
Is it just Gmail & Market that don't work over wifi? Does your browser and other apps work?
Yes indeed, my ISP provides a router which is then connected to my wireless router. The strange thing is everything else is pretty much working including gtalk.
If your router supports DMZ and you know how to set it up, you could try putting your DHD's IP into the DMZ to eliminate the possibility of your routers inbuilt firewall blocking Market & GMail.
Maybe a DNS problem? Ensure you have good ones... You can always test Google ones and/or
Thanks for showing interest guys. I for some strange reason cannot access my router settings page. I will figure that out but the stranger things are happening with my apps. After a bit of tinkering I have found a behavior which stumps me.
These are the steps I follow:
1. Sign out from gtalk.
2. Go to manage applications and clear cache and data for gmail, market, download manager, Google backup transport, google partner setup and google services framework.
3. Restart phone.
After this my gmail app starts working on wifi but talk does not start anymore and market also throws an error before even accepting the terms. I uncheck and check the background data services and I am back to square one i.e. gmail stops syncing saying no connection, gtalk works as usual and market starts giving connection error (after accepting terms).
I seriously think now there's a serious flaw in the software and not something to do with my router settings.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading.
Simillar problem appeared for me in Locations. I couldn't list country maps for preload on wifi without 3G. After turned on 3G, it listed the maps - turn off - and i could download with wifi.

Wifi not working

Creating a new topic, because the other one is tagged as solved, but it doesnt solve my problem however.
So my wifi is not working, it's connecting to any wifi hotspot but not sending data thru that, which ends in failing loading any pages on IE, cannot download any apps from market and so on...
Anyway this is what I tried so far:
1. Flashed to stock rogers (also tried different Tango roms)
2. Did hard reset procedure via hardware keys (Format all Yes)
3. Did hard reset procedure via About menu
4. Did hard reset procedure via Samsung Diagnosis code sequence
5. Logged to my wifi network, everything looks fine at this point.
6. Opened IE and entered
"We're having trouble connecting to this webpage" (sometimes no error message but white page with scrolling bars appearing on touch)
7. Tried to access my wifi router via IP address ( - the same results like above
8. Tried to ping my Samsung Fous IP ( from my PC with success
9. Disabled wifi network security on home wifi router, the Focus still not working
Additionaly tried a method that fix issues with wifi after using latest wp7 tools, but it didnt help at all.
When using my providers APN there is no problem with opening pages on IE etc., but it's not Wifi.... Internet is also working if I have USB cable plugged in, but again it's not wifi.
Cannot use warranty, the phone is from the USA and I'm in Europe... without any warranty service.
What else I can do, maybe there are some diagnosis codes that can actually help with real diagnosis on what happened with wifi on my phone?
Hello again (from the other thread). For completeness, add the following:
- current OS version
- did/not use WindowBreak
- when did the problem start (if you can identify an event and OS version/revision) - or you noticed
There might be a test for wireless in the "diagnosis codes"... Good luck!
After you use the diagnosis fix, it might take some time, mine didn't work immediately but after some time, it detected my home network. But it seems you are able to connect but internet does not work, this is certainly issue with router/DNS settings in your phone, because I have faced these problems in iPhone, it might wrongly mapped to unreachable ip, but never faced this issue in Windows Phone, you might try changing the default gateway/dns settings, you should also reset your modem/router, and try basic setup before WPA/WPA2 setup
EnderPsp said:
Hello again (from the other thread). For completeness, add the following:
- current OS version
- did/not use WindowBreak
- when did the problem start (if you can identify an event and OS version/revision) - or you noticed
There might be a test for wireless in the "diagnosis codes"... Good luck!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi there
Currently using 7.10.8773.98, (MAGLDR 2.0) but tried different versions, even vanilla pre-mango ones, they didnt work well with wifi on my phone either. I checked it at friends home wifi, which is totaly different network and routers.
I never used WindowBreak, never had to because my phone was already unlocked long time ago with ChevronWP7 application.
Noticed the problem about 2 weeks ago, but I didnt use wifi too much, so it could started much earlier. Last installed application was WP7 Tools 0.8 alpha, and all I did back then was using some built-in tweaks (3G?) if there is any, cant remember to be honest but for sure I wasnt editing registry or anything like that, I just play some games from time to time, cant event tell why I installed it, maybe because I noticed there is a new version. I cant tell because I never paid attention to it especially with rare wifi usage at a time.
I have isolated the problem I guess, and it's not the phone's fault. Something wrong with the main access point (Mikrotik) at my place. This is weird because everything is working just not on Samsung Focus. I digged thru many options and couldnt find anything that blocked or stuff like that. Well took it to totaly different place and another wifi network, and guess what - it's connecting to wifi with data flow...
Anyway consider this topic as solved.

