Summary of known issues with Galaxy S - Galaxy S I9000 General

OK so from what I can gather looking at this forum and various stuff on the web the issues with this phone are (not in order of importance)
1. UI lags. However, this can be overcome via a 3rd party launcher and some 'Nand' hacks? which pardoxicallly means limited app memory again !
2. The GPS is unreliable. It can be fine one time and refuse to lock on another time?
3. The WiFi connection is also unstable for many users?
4. The battery life is not very good out of the box but improves after a few recharges? However, its still difficult to get a full day if using it heavily?
5. Samsung have a poor record when it comes to updates. There is no guarantee when / if the phone will be updated so it should be bought based solely on the features it has today?
Have I got this about right ? Anything missing or just wrong ? Are there any known fixes for issues 2 and 3 above.
Please note this not an attack on the phone I am considering buying and, as much as possible, I want to understand upfront what the issues are.

Don't forget Kies is rubbish and there's no apps for Android on the Kies marketplace, despite what the manual says.
If you are on a Mac (and presumably Linux) you have to enable USB debugging mode to be able to mount it as a USB storage device.

1 and 2 applies to my phone and I must be having a memory leak issue. My available memory drops pretty steadily throughout the day even after killing all the apps with a task manager. I need to reboot once or twice a day or the phone dips below 100mb. My guess is this is also the cause of the laggy UI.
My gps is quick to get a fix but it drops often for no good reason.
The wifi has been flawless for me, I'm on a 802.11n only network.
My battery is ok, not great but not bad either.
I still love this phone and I would buy again even with these minor annoyances.

Wifi wont reconnect when waking up from standby mode...(sometimes)
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

1- pretty minor problem IMO, i don't bump into it a lot. Let's see what samsung will do.
2- From what i see, after upgrading a firmware the problem is solved, in most of the cases.
3- Seen reports, but i didn't bump into problems with it even once.
4- After comparing with a nexus one, an HTC desire and a motorola milestone, i can clearly say that currently, after 5-7 charges, the SGS has the best battery in the android market.
I manage to squeeze over 3 days of moderate use from my device, or 2 days of heavy use.
5- I can't really say anything about it, samsung does have a poor support record for it's devices.

I'm running firmware XXJF3
1.Lag) applies to me, with any launcher. it's ok most of the time, but when it happens it is very annoying.
2.GPS) No problems so far. Not using it much for navigation, thus. Just for stuff like checking into foursquare and buzz.
3.WiFi) No problems now. I had a strange problem with wlan not working at all at my first day with the device, but I did a factory reset once and since then I never had any problems with networking anymore.
4.battery life) Everything just as with the nexus one or G1: I need to charge it at least once a day, unless I do not really use it.
5.update support) It's annoying, and it's a shame. But except for the nexus one, there are not really better alternatives with better update support out there. At least here in Europe. Motorola and HTC and Sony all abandon their devices after a few month as well.
We can only hope that Samsung thinks this is something that is worth doing better than in the past, and better than the competition currently does. Or that building custom ROMs based on upcoming Android Versions on the Galaxy S is not going to be as difficult as psychoace thinks.
If Samsung fixes the blackout/lag issues soon with a new firmware, I'm going to keep the device. Most of the time it is a great mobile. I even like touchwiz 3.

MetaDude said:
OK so from what I can gather looking at this forum and various stuff on the web the issues with this phone are (not in order of importance)
1. UI lags. However, this can be overcome via a 3rd party launcher and some 'Nand' hacks? which pardoxicallly means limited app memory again !
2. The GPS is unreliable. It can be fine one time and refuse to lock on another time?
3. The WiFi connection is also unstable for many users?
4. The battery life is not very good out of the box but improves after a few recharges? However, its still difficult to get a full day if using it heavily?
5. Samsung have a poor record when it comes to updates. There is no guarantee when / if the phone will be updated so it soils be bought based solely on the features it has today?
Have I got this about right ? Anything missing or just wrong ? Are there any known fixes for issues 2 and 3 above.
Please note this not an attack on the phone I am considering buying and, as much as possible, I want to understand upfront what the issues are.
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1. Yes I get lag. Very irritating on the supposed "most powerful phone around". On original jf 3 firmware though, but will surely try the new rom from modaco as I don't think I could live with this in the long term.
2. Only time I tried to use google navigation, it let me down badly.
3. Generally been ok but for the first time today I had wifi icon but no internet connection. Had to restart phone (toggling had no effect).
I've had other issues as well, complete lock ups, mass storage randomly not working, and other weird seemingly random behaviour.
Overall, so far this has been a frustrating device to live with. Things can only get better I hope.

Latest firmware seems to have solved almost all of these "problems"

Latest firmware released today solved the lag problem.
Not sure about the others. never had problems with the GPS.
Wifi connection was solved 2 firmwares ago


Any one single issue that may stop me buying?

so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
The biggest issue for me was the SMS problem. Now fully corrected by HTC. I'm proud of my little Leo I use mine with email in push all the day, and I've about 30% at the end of the day, using my phone every minute
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
I get 2-3 days of light use(Dont use it much at work just texting) and at least 1 day of heavier use(sitting browsing the web, playing music etc on the weekends). I have a second battery with me most of the time just incase i let it run out
There's tons of information already on here to help you make your own decision.
The question YOU have to answer is whether there are any deal breakers for you from the stacks of info that is already on here. This thread, for example, is a good place to start...
There are just so many threads on here now where people are effectively asking others to make a buying decision for them/asking exactly the same thing. The unique features of the HD2 will remain the same no matter how many times this question gets asked.
At the end of the day, whether you buy or not is entirely down to you.
i've read that thread, usefull but far from concise. I am of course reading taking particular interest in this sub-forum, reading much of it but....
I'm not looking for what "most" people are looking for. I've left this fairly open ended question in the hope(?) that someone will mention what is a fairly unobvious to the masses issue but is a serious issue for them.
I'm looking for something that might be silly and therefore probably not mentioned by most of you but could stop it for me. I don't know what "it" might be but for example it could be that you can't put delivery receipts on a text message ....
I will be using ALL the functions of this phone and I wan't to try to eliminate any suprises!
Power hungry!
For me it's the power hungry nature of this beast. You can actually watch the battery draining right before your eyes if you are using it to surf or watch movies. I was shocked just how fast it drains.
Got a second battery now which I keep with me at all times. Batteries are the achilles heels of these powerful mini devices and I am very much looking forward to the new 3D lithium ion batteries becoming widely available as this will surely revolutionise mobile phones. Sorry going off topic there!
Can't say there's one MAIN problem, but it takes a lot of work to get it set up and running how you want it to, especially if you are unfamiliar with Winmo as I am
Hello again,
I quite understand where you are coming from but the approach I would have taken would be to make a private list of all the functions the device absolutely must have for you to be happy with it then confirm there aren't any issues with those functions through the info on here, sufficient for you to say no.
The key thing you have to remember, which new adopters from other devices don't realise, is that the HD2 isn't really a phone in the traditional sense. Its more like a small computer with telephony and messaging capability added on.
It therefore has much in common with the behaviours of a Windows computer (not surprising really as the OS is a "miniturised" version of windows). What kills it for a lot of people is that they expect it to behave exactly like a Nokia phone which it won't.
For many of us who have used winmobile devices for years, the things that may well be deal breakers for you just would not come up on our radar, hence my suggestion above of a different approach from you to get to a decision point. Being able to tweak the device, for example is a major plus as this gives great flexibility to customise the device. That attraction for me is a major deal breaker for others.
I would wager that there is a direct correlation between the numbers of people new to the winmobile platform and the number of posts on here expressing dissatisfaction with the device in one shape or form (SMS issue aside, of course).
Hope this is helpful.
Indeed it is WB! very welcome and very helpfull.
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
Also spent many years in support roles so very adept at extracting relevant info from a mass of other stuff.
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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I dont have these issues at all. As long as you dont mind tweaking things here and there, I think you will enjoy the experience.
Monty Burns said:
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
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And here was I , thinking you were a mere babe in the woods.
It's a great device, but before buying one, I'd suggest to test it if you have the possibility...
In eastern Europe there were very many faulty devices; was unlucky to get one myself...
thanks but won't have that issue, we are very well protected in the UK when buying from a shop.
If you have experience with past WM devices, then the HD2 will blow your socks off!
I've had WM since my MPX200 back in 2004, and the HD2 is by far the best WM device ever, even with it's few minor niggles (and be realistic, what phone doesn't have niggles?).
Well, my main issue was the crappy messaging but with the latest sms-hotfix that is also corrected! No more issues now... loving it every single minute!
No Voice control over bluetooth
Have had an HD2 for a few weeks now, and while it’s a great machine in most respects, the main deficiency for me is the lack of voice control over bluetooth. It's mentioned in quite a few other threads.
I ride a motorcycle and have used a helmet mounted scala-rider headset with a Dopod 838Pro for a couple of years (mostly for initiating and receiving phone calls, but occasionally having messages or calendar entries read out).
The lack of this function on the HD2 is a major drawback for me, and I imagine anyone for whom voice control is important (eg. if you drive/ride a lot).
Have had WinMo since before there were WinMo phones (HP 620lx, then XDA II, then JasJar, JasJam and now HD2) and I bought an iPhone 3GS (surreptitiously for my girlfriend) to see what all the fuss is about and to see for myself if the device is as good as the fanboys in my office gush on about.
I hate the way it's all locked-in to iTunes and you can't really tweak things to the level we're used to with WinMo, but everything "just works" (wi-fi, voice control, SMS conversation mode etc.)
If the voice control isn't enabled in an imminent ROM update I may have to consider selling my HD2 and begrudgingly keep the iPhone for myself.
Just my opinion – hope that helps with your decision.
For anyone with a previous satisfactory experince of winmo it's a no brainer...go for it! I personally had all sorts of problems years back with an Orange MDA and was slightly nervous about going down that road again but so far my HD2 has lived upto and exceeded all of my expectations. My requirements boil down to:
Must work well with a bluetooth headset in a noisy place (I drive a truck) does!
Obviously must function well as a wouldn't be any good if I couldn't speak to anyone but no problems whatsoever on that count!
Must have decent internet does (grabbing e-mails and surfing all day)
Must let me tweak it to add various does (6 sat nav progs and still adding them!)
Texts I use very infrequently as its easier just to speak but the texts I send and recieve seem to be fine (and thats without any hotfix applied!)
My only slight concern is battery life but as I'm near a charger all day long its no biggy and I've yet to address this with any of the tweaks floating about.
thats my twopenneth..
just seen the post above me...I use Cyberon Voice Speed Dial which works fine for me but as I have to tap a button on my headset to fire it up I guess it's not much use for you (unless you drill a hole in the side of your shoei so you can prod a button)
Retraction time...owing to a PM from Lordbowl I've just checked and it would appear that CVSD actually uses the mike on the HD2 and not the one on my bluetooth headset to obtain the info about which contact I want to call so it's not much use if you are wearing a helmet!
bzdemes said:
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
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This was fixed yesterday!
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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To be honest, if you are lucky you may end up with a zero faults device, but you my also consider,that you may have the sms problem which is not solved as many here seem to say.
Also you may get the pink spot that even with htc fix it will still there but not as ovieuse.
Also you must take in consideration that you cannot trust your future phone for making calls, because some times he does not wake up.
And must take in consideration that you may end up with the noise bug while in a call. plus many littel other bugs that you can live with (extrimily difficult to type,with out faults) the screen is over sensitive......Hope it helps for your desition
Audio Booster
Since the SMS outbox bug was fixed yesterday there is only 1 bug that irritates the crap out of me... Audio Booster needs to be re-enabled for every song that is played using Audio Manager unless you want untouched EQ.
I have tried setting AB & hitting "Done"/Home/Back but whatever I do it still dies after 1 or 2 tracks.
HTC reassure me this is to be fixed in a future release otherwise I would be looking for other alternatives.
I think the HD2 is a fantastic piece of kit but let down by HTC's bugginess.

Let's face it: HD2 has many problems.

No need to hide. This phone has many problems, still many people seems to ignore them completely. No need to start the "It's your phone, it's strange, I use it a lot and it never happens" saga. The problems are there. And for everyone. The fact you don't notice some bad behaviours doesn't mean the phone is perfect or that your baby is exempt from problems. Let's start:
1) Suboptimal WI-FI performance. On a 802.11g wireless network, connected to an 8Mbps internet connection, the phone can't even saturate the badwidth of the network. reports an approximate 2Mbps download capacity (EDIT for those who cannot distinguish: 2 megabits, not megabytes). Test it yourself: try to download something from a fast website and try to figure out which is your maximum download transfer speed. You will be disappointed. As a comparative, this means the phone can use 1/4 of the available bandwidth. A SonyEricsson Satio can fully use the available bandwidth, instead (someone told me "tell me a phone that can do it. Now you have one).
2) Stanby freeze: it's there. The phone freezes randomly while in stanby draining all your battery juice. Sometimes happens rarely, sometimes happens frequently.
3) Poor memory space handling: after just 20 days of use from a fresh ROM update, my free memory space on ROM is just 36MB. Without installing big things or hacking anything. Sure, there are fixes produced by the community, log cleaners, temp files deletion utilities, etc. etc. Still, it's a quite a disappointement: it means this phone can't work properly in a "factory state" for much time.
4) "Always on" features: nice, apart the fact in random periods of time the services just stop to download data. The Twitter client doesn't work well. Sometimes you can hear a tweet sound, sometimes it downloads data without the sound, sometimes it downloads nothing until reboot.
5) Poor stability in general: the OS crashes frequently. Less frequently than the first shipped rom. Still it's not very stable.
6) Poor support in general with the updates: finally the SMS stuck problem has been fixed but they spent 3 months for it without a valid solution. The camera fix doesn't hide the fact the sensor is defective.
I don't say this to start a flame, of course, but only because I'm frustrated with these problems. And people, instead of spreading words about them, just pump the hype, including some notorious web sites that have no scope but pushing the hype even further. But the truth is another: this phone doesn't work as expected.
I honestly do not have the problems you're describing..
Your "truth" is very different from mine, but ne1 is allowed to have no
Can't comment on all those, but i hear you, defo had some of them and i'm on my 2nd unit after 2 weeks.
With Nokia it took them at least 6 months to iron out the flaws in their released phones, defo the case with N95 & N96, i didn't expect it to be the case on this phone.
SMS fix? is it? or only in 1.66, because the hotfix's don't work on the 1.44 ROM
I would like to add the Audiobooster problem to that list
well, I don't pretend mine is perfect but there are more things to love than to hate about it. regarding the problems, I think you cannot generalize because I've never experienced some of your issues but I'm bothered by other myself. finally I guess it's just a subjective call anyway...
I had some of your problems when my HD2 was on the original 1.48 WWE Hong Kong ROM. However, since I flashed HSPL, Merlion LEO V1.90 ROM and Radio version, it's been faster and absolutely stable. No more freezing/"Sleep of Death"/etc...
jonbaker76 said:
I would like to add the Audiobooster problem to that list
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That one really annoys me too. Still can't find a way to get video and audio in sync without manually adjusting the offset whilst encoding. And HTC still can't get the hang of getting Audiomanager to handle AAC files properly (ie sort albums in track order, or show.their album art). Still, it's a lot quicker than my Touch Pro was ; )
Yeap! I'm very happy that I could be refunded. Too many bugs for such a device.
If you want something that works out the box, get an iPhone
I have none of your issues and i can prove it with tests and videos.
I wish i had an "unlike" button to use it here. You are frustrated because either you don't know how to work with this phone or you have some bad software or even a bad phone. Replace it!
You are emitting false statements here!
PS: I have the phone for 2 months.
I'd love to see a phone or device that was perfect.
Every piece of hardware has its own problems.
I've been waiting for so long for someone to start a thread entitled as "Let's face it: HD2 has many problems". Eagerly watching this thread for some positive and negative input.
All in all, HTC Sense is at it infant stage. This "is" the culprit. Perhaps by end of this year, we will worship it someday...
To the developer/creator of HTC Sense, please use your common "sense" when trying to convince people to buy your idea. The first major mistake was SMS failure. Totally non-Sense.
1. have to say the WiFi (at work) is slow (2.2Mbps) but is SO unreliable I'll hold off commenting until I try at home tonight on my O2 LLU connection.
2. never had it
3. doesn't happen to me, currently got 107MB free of storage and 266MB of program memory free
4. other than Twitter client being a bit crap it's fine
5. mine doesn't crash
6. updates are fine but I've not had any of the issues others have had in the first place, less so now running a custom ROM
Return your phone and get an iphone/android device.
This kind of issues, even if I haven't myself had most of those you list, have been around with EVERY WM phone that has been made.
Of course WM is far from perfect, but as someone already said to me the advantages far outweigh them, and I can live with them and the need for tweaking.
1) Wifi speed, show me one phone that can transfer at full G speed. The processing power/memory bandwidth/flash memors speed can't handle that.
It also depends a LOT of the software used.
I do get 1-1.5MB/s (8-12Mbps) transfer on wifi between the HD2 and one of my home computers, with WiFi remote access, and on balanced wifi performance. With Resco explorer, I get 150kB/s...
2) Never had one.
3) Depends... could be just normal, now that the album and browser caches have reached their limits, and would stop there. Stock ROM has a lot of useless stuff on it.
dgtel2 said:
To the developer/creator of HTC Sense, please use your common "sense" when trying to convince people to buy your idea. The first major mistake was SMS failure. Totally non-Sense.
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Sense is fine, but the vanilla Win6.5 fails hard.
And if this thread gets to about page 5, it would probably just turn into another Leo vs iPhone flame war.
For the WiFi "problem": ~ 2 MByte /s is just the normal average speed, even with my laptop I won't get much more on 802.11g .. It also depends on with how many other devices you share your WiFi-channel.
btyeh said:
Sense is fine, but the manilla Win6.5 fails hard.
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What is manila win6.5?!?! Do you even know what manila is? manila = sense!!!
I think there are a lot of 'duff' units, this must be the case with the 'sleep of death' and the crackley call as many of had it but most don't.
I took mine back, got a new one yesterday, no crackles no sleep of death... yet
But true, there are always gonna be problems, it will take months before a near perfect firmware, sorry, rom is out
Thank god for my HTC HD2. No problem here beside the screen shaking. But I hardly notice it.
kilrah said:
1) Wifi speed, show me one phone that can transfer at full G speed. The processing power/memory bandwidth/flash memors speed can't handle that.
It also depends a LOT of the software used.
I do get 1-1.5MB/s (8-12Mbps) transfer on wifi between the HD2 and one of my home computers, with WiFi remote access, and on balanced wifi performance. With Resco explorer, I get 150kB/s...
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SonyEricsson Satio, for example. I download at 900Kb/s with it on the same network (using the same browser, Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3). Poor implementations doesn't mean it's not possible. Do we need 4Ghz quad core processors to use a wireless g network? Obviously not.
3) Depends... could be just normal, now that the album and browser caches have reached their limits, and would stop there. Stock ROM has a lot of useless stuff on it.
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A bad behaviour, even when happens at factory settings is still a bad behaviour. You have a strange definition of "normal". Surely a phone that in 20 days saturate all the available space on the rom cannot be considered "normal". It's a poor implementation of things. A good implementation would have addressed it from the start by allowing the user WHERE to store that files or giving him an option to clear that files without an hard reset. No, it's not normal. Software design it's a much more complicated thing than those "normal" things.
You know you have problems when your best programs are Hd2tweaks, Bsbtweaks and Resco registry editor. And you are continually wiping out your system and trying new roms. Although Xannytech evolution was a good one.

Impressions after a week...

A lot of us have had the device for at least week now so it would be a good time to post impressions after a bit more hands on time. I’ll start...
10 days in I’m still glad I got it but there are plenty of things that could be improved. I’ve been on HTC phones (Desire, Desire Z) before this running at different times standard HTC Sense ROMs as well as various versions of Cyanogen Mod and AOSP based ROMs. My views after 2 weeks of use:
* Loving the fact that Samsung appears to be treating this almost like a developer phone (ala Nexus) in terms of open bootloader, availability of source code etc. I’ve said my goodbyes to HTC precisely because of this.
* Based on the frequency of updates Samsung also appears to be focused on addressing issues. They are one if the first out of the gates for Gingerbread updates to their existing devices so I’m hoping they continue to focus on delivering on the latest versions of Android.
* Touchwiz is not as invasive as HTC’s Sense. It improves on stock android in many ways. My first Samsung phone so I can’t really speak of improvements over previous versions of Samsung ROMs but so far I don’t hate TouchWiz but I do find that they seem to take a lot of inspiration from Apple even when the standard Android implementation is better in some cases (I didn’t hate HTC Sense either but I did find it too far from stock for my liking). Having said that there are some totally brain dead decisions that Samsung appear to have taken which I just don’t get:
1) Default home screen on the left instead of the middle. Why copy Apple on this one when Android’s default makes so much more sense. I love having frequently used apps with a swipe to the right and an agenda widget on the left so I can get to both with a single swipe. Now I have to pick one.
2) Fixed icons at the bottom. I understand Phone and Apps being fixed but not messaging and contacts. I’d like to change those - hell, even Apple lets you change those. *** NEVERMIND *** See posts below. It CAN be edited.
3) Lock screen - talk about making something worse - this one takes the cake. Thank god for widget locker.
4) Dialer logs - I don’t want my SMS messages to show up on my phone dialer logs. There is no option to just view all calls without the rest of the stuff cluttering it up. (Yes I know I can switch to Dialer One but apart from this one major issue I actually like the default Samsung dialer).
* Wireless - Everything wireless about this phone has issues. May be a function of how thin it is but my experience so far:
1) Phone - Much improved after the latest firmware updates but data connection can take a while to latch on when moving out of WiFi coverage and sometimes just drops out for 5-10 minutes at a time for no apparent reason (even when the phone shows five bars in a strong signal area).
2) Bluetooth - The headset I have is not working well at all. Quality seems fine but every few seconds drops out or gets noisy for a second or so. The same headset works perfectly well with the HTC devices as well as with an iPhone.
3) GPS - Sometimes flawless but lock time is definitely a lot slower than the HTC devices. It also has a tendancy to lose lock a lot easier than the HTC devices. Other times it jumps around all over the place before getting a lock. Lots of weird behaviour here.
4) WiFi - Where other phones get weak coverage this one gets none. If you have strong WiFi signals everywhere you use the device this is not an issue. 5 Ghz also performs significantly worse than 2 Ghz.
* Battery life - It appears this phone has only 2 gears. A low gear for phone / SMS / push mail / browsing where battery life is excellent but then kicks into hyper-turbo mode if you use Flash video, games or anything taxing where it burns through battery life in no time. You can easily get through a whole day with power to spare if you stick to only the basic activities but best to use everything else while plugged in.
The reality is even with all these issues, I couldn’t give this device up. The power and speed coupled with the slim form factor and gorgeous screen are just too damn impressive and all the problems pale in significance. I might have had buyers remorse if the HTC Sensation was coming with an open bootloader and a slimmer profile but at the moment I don’t see anything that compares. I’m just hoping Samsung can fix some of the problems I’ve listed in software.
Regarding fixed items at the bottom: you can edit them from within the applications screen.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
2) Fixed icons at the bottom. I understand Phone and Apps being fixed but not messaging and contacts. I’d like to change those - hell, even Apple lets you change those.
You can change those - Go to app drawer-> menu -> edit -> and drop the app you wants.
EleCtrOx666 said:
You can change those - Go to app drawer-> menu -> edit -> and drop the app you wants.
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Works! Thanks
Interesting thoughts indeed.... I hope there is some help out there ^^
Here's a solution for 1
Nice honest and informative post. Most of the issues will hopefully be fixable once we start getting some custom ROMs I'm hoping. Or hopefully fixes direct from Samsung in regards to GPS, WiFi, and 3G. I guess time will tell.
gstar_raw said:
Nice honest and informative post. Most of the issues will hopefully be fixable once we start getting some custom ROMs I'm hoping. Or hopefully fixes direct from Samsung in regards to GPS, WiFi, and 3G. I guess time will tell.
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Very puzzling that Sammy would have issues in key connectivity areas on such a high profile phone. Wonder if they''re all antenna related? As you say, hopefully not, and it's all solvable with SW.
Homescreen order
C'mon guys - it's not that hard to reorder your homescreens...
Just pinch zoom (helicopter mode) longpress & drag.....
Hope this helps you...
EleCtrOx666 said:
Here's a solution for 1
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Thanks! Will try it.
BatterBits said:
C'mon guys - it's not that hard to reorder your homescreens...
Just pinch zoom (helicopter mode) click & drag.....
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The issue isn't re-ordering. It's changing the default home screen from the left (on TouchWiz) to the middle (As on stock Android / Sense etc)
Abra_Cadabra said:
Thanks! Will try it.
The issue isn't re-ordering. It's changing the default home screen from the left (on TouchWiz) to the middle (As on stock Android / Sense etc)
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in the old TW, it allowed users to change the default home screen. I have no idea what happened to the new TW
Abra_Cadabra said:
Thanks! Will try it.
The issue isn't re-ordering. It's changing the default home screen from the left (on TouchWiz) to the middle (As on stock Android / Sense etc)
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Sorry, Didn't quite catch that - I understand now where you're coming from.
<note to self - dont respond to posts you haven't read properly>
After my first day with this phone I switched to the the ADW Launcher, Samsung really didn't think the TouchWiz launcher through - not only the default homescreen being on the left, but also the fact that Apps in the drawer aren't sorted alphabetically.
I used to own the Samsung Galaxy Vibrant. It's disturbing that Samsung is still not getting the GPS working right!
briansj said:
I used to own the Samsung Galaxy Vibrant. It's disturbing that Samsung is still not getting the GPS working right!
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My gps works like a charm
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I'm on the latest firmware but it's still pretty buggy...
I've tried switching to launcher pro but I still get crash reboots and loss of sound.
Last night I entered the pin and the phone just reboots.
I also loose the clicks on the pin screen. When this happens you have to reboot go get audio back...I tried playing an mp4 video with no sound when it was in this state and it just said unable to play. Of course it worked fine after a reboot...
So pretty buggy at the moment
mine has no bugs or what so ever, after 2 weeks of used i can never compare it to other phones performance either android or iOS,i used both before but this one is simply way above them..
no built in stock music widget was a dissapointment for me as well as the horrible lock screen style and the lag during wakeup..apart from that this phone is really amazing..but touchwiz needs some serious thought...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Agreed that this phone is as speedy and steady as the HTC Desire and iPhone 4 that I have owned. The trick to all these phones is that if you play around too much with settings,tweaks,launchers you are likely to get problems.

Nexus 7 extremely slow :(

I got my Nexus 7 in the first batch from Gamestop on the day of release. Initially, the performance was very fast, even faster than my Galaxy S2. However, after a couple of weeks now, it has become extremely slow. It is still stock, havent even rooted it. It is a 16gb model, and has close to 10gb free. I have tried clearing cache, closing all running applications, restarting but nothing really has worked.
The problem is almost every app is very slow. I get a notification of an email, i click on it and then stare at the white email screen for almost 10 sec before it opens up (the regular email app). It almost feels like a different device now than what i bought few weeks back. Other applications that run equally slow - Google Reader, Chrome, WSJ (this is perhaps the worst), Fluent News Reader. I am not much into games so havent tried a lot of them.Oh, and it is no match now to my Galaxy S2 Skyrocket or even HP Touchpad Cm9 that i got rid of last week.
I don't want to exchange it as it does not suffer from all the other problems being reported here (and am afraid that the new one might exhibit those). Please help.
Just a guess, but you most likely loaded something on it that is doing that. Check what you have installed on it, perhaps uninstalling some of the larger things to see if you can figure out what is holding it up.
Stock Nexus 7 Image
If cleaning the device does not work, you can always flash back to the stock image, which can be found on
Be sure to backup your apps and data!
or for the most simple of us...
Setting>Privicy>Factory reset.
That will remove any app that might be causing it.
Be warned tho, i think on this device it wipes the internal storage...
how is your WiFi signal?
seeing how almost every app require internet access, the delay could be it trying to connect.
Actually I thought that too... but my wireless signal is very strong in my small apartment and i have 30mbps line. I checked with speednet app and i am getting 13mpbs down, 4 mpbs up on nexus 7.
I am happy that this seems like my issue only - i will try to remove apps one by one to see if it helps or worst case, i will do a factory reset.
I was wondering if there are any known culprit apps responsible for memory leaks or something.
dilldoe said:
how is your WiFi signal?
seeing how almost every app require internet access, the delay could be it trying to connect.
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I have noticed how mine has been very sluggish when there are apps upgrading in the background or installing, etc. Maybe turn off auto update for play store?
dbjunction said:
Actually I thought that too... but my wireless signal is very strong in my small apartment and i have 30mbps line. I checked with speednet app and i am getting 13mpbs down, 4 mpbs up on nexus 7.
I am happy that this seems like my issue only - i will try to remove apps one by one to see if it helps or worst case, i will do a factory reset.
I was wondering if there are any known culprit apps responsible for memory leaks or something.
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If you send me a PM, I'll give you my email address and I can help you narrow it down by using screenshots of your app drawer.
install watchdog task manager lite, it monitors app in the background and tells you which one is causing problems.
have you tried turning off gps (location service) and see if hats the issue?
same thing
dbjunction said:
I got my Nexus 7 in the first batch from Gamestop on the day of release. Initially, the performance was very fast, even faster than my Galaxy S2. However, after a couple of weeks now, it has become extremely slow. It is still stock, havent even rooted it. It is a 16gb model, and has close to 10gb free. I have tried clearing cache, closing all running applications, restarting but nothing really has worked.
The problem is almost every app is very slow. I get a notification of an email, i click on it and then stare at the white email screen for almost 10 sec before it opens up (the regular email app). It almost feels like a different device now than what i bought few weeks back. Other applications that run equally slow - Google Reader, Chrome, WSJ (this is perhaps the worst), Fluent News Reader. I am not much into games so havent tried a lot of them.Oh, and it is no match now to my Galaxy S2 Skyrocket or even HP Touchpad Cm9 that i got rid of last week.
I don't want to exchange it as it does not suffer from all the other problems being reported here (and am afraid that the new one might exhibit those). Please help.
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Just wanted you to know you aren't alone here...I have been seeing the same exact behavior on mine. I have started to uninstall apps one by one. I must be a bad app or something. If not I'm gonna wipe it and start over. It does feel disconcerting to go from easily the best tablet experience I have ever had to it becoming so sluggish.
i have the same problem, mine did the same thing on stock, ran great for a week or two, then became unbearably slow. so i rooted it and it wiped all data and the problem seemed to be fixed. then another week or two passed and its back to slow. i found out after testing with quadrant it has something to do with the i/o on the device, because the i/o score was abnormally lower than all the devices. putting a custom kernel will help, but still the i/o score is still quite low. i dont want to wipe all data again and if anybody knows a fix it would be greatly appreciated
nexus 7 has Kingston eMMC, it is better then the crummy Prime Hynix eMMC, but is eMMC none the less, not proper NAND flash/SSD
Well you could've had a bad app that is bogging your system down. A factory reset may be the only option so you can start fresh
Sent from my Google Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Check the cache size of your Google Playbook or Magazine apps. It keeps downloading large files (400 mb) and may fill up your storage...causing it to slow down?
Having the same issue after owning it for two days. I really wanted to like this tablet,but between the sluggishness, and other various shortcomings, I'm going to be returning mine.
I deleted WSJ app and it seems to have helped a lot - not as fast as new, but a lot better. One thing which still irritates me is email app which just seems to be too slow...
Sorry to say but mine so fast I can't keep it down it trys to fly away lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
has anyone been able to figure this out? I'm having the same problems and I've been running watchdog but there been no out of control process is on my device. I have wiped the device and the same thing just keeps happening after a little while it'll get very slow. it happens more often than not when there something in the background downloading are using the internet, but it's definitely not my connection because I've had no problems with any other devices.
Been getting similar behavior recently. cm10 euroskank, trinity 7.
Edit: in logcat, getting stuff like
I/Choreographer(10656): Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
W/InputEventReceiver(10656): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
I think I may have come across a solution. For me, the slowdowns were always connected to when something was downloading in the background, or when a process was using data, so I went through and turned off syncing on any non-essential Google services and other apps, and it seems to be working much better right now.

Problems I have with my Huawei P8 Lite

1. Battery
2. Sometimes when typing outputs two letters when pressed once so I have to resort to swipe typing which is unreliable...
3. Can't connect with Bluetooth to many items. For example, when connecting to my PS4 controller it says can't connect because of incorrect pin...
4. Sometimes when WiFi and Bluetooth is on, both may disconnect and bug.
5. Temperature can be high at times.
List may go on but I have had this phone for about 7 months and it hasn't been delivering...
Also, you really can't screen record on this phone...
Which really sucks cause Snapchat filters records your screen xD so you won't get that far with Snapchat.
1.Battery problems are common for this device so you have to deal with it.
2.I do not remember such error. I am using gboard and it's all fine..mostly. It lags sometimes if you switch between apps very often but it's also something you have to deal with because of the hardware..not for heavy multitasking.
3.No ideea about that, maybe there are some more steps to follow and it will work somehow.
4.Also known as a bug on EMUI, if both enabled, issues might occur.
5.That is useful since the winter season is coming lol.
Screen recording was working fine on mine.
I had 2 years with the P8Lite and it got me more into Huawei because it offered me a lot for it's price. Of course, aint a perfect phone nor a phone with high expectations but it's more than a decent phone.
Right now I'm using a P10 and it's a huge difference in terms of performace/design/screen..most of the aspects but even with that..P8Lite was a great experience for me.
Yeah I just think I got served a broken phone? Coz I've been browsing the internet and no one has been going through my problems... Well maybe I might grab a new phone lol coz I love this phone and I Kno my expectations are better, as you mentioned that these problems didn't occur with your phone I think I did indeed get served a broken p8lite... Thanks for your information btw..?

