Facebook syncs Bad Quality contacts - Hero, G2 Touch General

Currently using VillainROM 6.1.0 (Same problem is on BeHero+, I quit using that rom duo to this problem)
And if this cant be fixed, i have to change rom again.
Facebook sync my contacts like it should, but i only get blurry images for my contacts, very low quality.
I want the standard high-quality images like before..
Anyone else having this problem?
I've tried:
- Delete and re-add my "facebook for HTC Sense" account
- Cleaned cache of "Facebook for HTC Sense" and "com.htc.socialnetworking...something"
After that it syncs again, but still with low quality

I don't think it is the ROM. The photos on my HTC People widget/People application fixe themselves after a few minutes (but I have a limited number of contacts - not the hundreds that some people have). It looks like locally, it needs to process the image to shrink it down and sharpen it for display in the environment.


Facebook -> Outlook -> Mobilephone

I wrote a little app called Fonebook which syncs your facebook friends photos into your outlook contacts - when you then sync with your phone you get the profile image.
Im looking at adding a few more features and possibly creating a "Pro" version to try and recoup the cost of the library Im having to use so I can get full sized images into outlook (the outlook api sucks!)
Im not sure which windows phone allow the caller id to be full screen (I know mine doesnt!) - if you know of anywhere I might be able to get a list of smartphones/pda's which support this could you point me in that direction please!
If you have any ideas for this type of application, or have any suggestions when it comes to creating a "pro" version of something as oppose to relying on donations could you please fill in this short survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=xOAJWNgBXsnGAopW7zqDNQ_3d_3d
Thanks for reading this (the current version of the app is here in case you are curious: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2442338999
you might wanna take a look at s2u2 it's a iphone slider app which gives us wm touch screen users full screen caller id if there was a way for your app to resize the facebook pictures to the size of the screen wqvga, qvga, vga, wvga
you may also want to look at skybook. I think it has a similar feature where it takes the profile picture from facebook and adds it to your contacts picture. I tried it once with skybook and it worked fairly well until I received errors with logging in, so I uninstalled it.
using the new facebook app from winmo 6.5 and don't have any issue logging in, only problem is that I can't update the photos like in skybook.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
good luck
I would also be interested in some way to sync the contact details from Facebook to WM.
people tend to keep facebook up to date with phone numbers email addresses etc, and it would be handy to have this information downloaded automatically.
EDIT: I see you have covered the fact that Facebook block this option on the page above, but I still think its a worthy idea and have joined the petition!
Fosimo was the only thing that I could get to work for syncing facebook data. My only complaint was that it added everyone's birthdays to my calendar...
I like the idea behind this, however, I do not use outlook on my home pc.
Does this work without hooking your phone to your PC? I ask because I rarely ever sync my phone with my home PC, I do sync to my work PC but I don't sync the email, and it's a work pc, so no facebook there....
I know that new SPB mobile shell program does this but I really don't see a point in installing that and keeping it around just to sync outlook pictures. I prefer to use my touchflo that came installed on my phone. I just picked up a Fuze, my old phone was an 8525 and SPB was the best solution for it...
Is there a standalone program that would do the same thing?
You really should put a mirror of that file somewhere else, man. SkyDrive is being broken. I was searching for an app like that, saw Fonebook and OutSync. i don't care which one I get, i just want a link. Hors Skydrive, please.
well to be honest fonebook is the best app i saw so far for syncing facebook contact pics with outlook contacts.
i liked the feature to be able to choose manually which facebook contact corresponds to an outlook contact. (a missing feature to many other apps)
the only problem it has is that at the moment almost everyone use high resolution screen mobile phones with vga and wvga and the pics that sync with your app are very small and blurry when viewed in full screen incoming call apps like s2u2 that most people use. so a great addition to your app would be to add an option to download the contact pics to a chosen resolution that corresponds to vga/wvga/qvga/wqvga and to save the cashe somewhere in the pc even.
please keep this project up and running and update it asap
Got a Topaz, and have TF3D (the touchy interface from HTC), set that up to sync image to facebook.
So My images go Facebook -> phone -> outlook
instead of Facebook -> outlook -> phone
Works for me.
Personally, I don't think there's much money to be made on this (a pro version) when newer phones have this built in, and there's already other good free apps out there, unless you can add some seriously impressive functions, and even then, the free competitors would soon add those same features.
- Anthony
Hope can syncs the high resolution pics in next version.
And is it cannot syncs the birthday if the user didn't type the birthday year?

unresponsive screen and contact pic issue

Hello, my hd2 is 10 days old but i started seeing couple of issues.
1. the capacitive screen stops responding quickly in outdoor environment. i have to press it with additional pressure to open a notification tray or any icon in the home screen. this happens only when the weather outside is really cold which was the case in london since last week.
2. If i have a profile picture against a contact after a while the image started getting blurred. Everytime i have to delete it (not from facebook) and add the profile pic. I use google contacts to sync my contacts and has anyone faced this issue?
Same problem with contact picture
I have the same issue as far as the contacts are concerned.
I sync my contacts with Gmail exchange server.
I put some pictures on my phone for my contacts who aren't on facebook. When I choose their pic from the phone memory the quality is almost perfect.
But after a while, Google sync the contact's pic, so it uploads the picture to their server and I guess, there, they convert it to a much lesser quality. Then, I guess what's happening is that Gmail "pushes" the lower quality picture back on the phone.
It's pretty annoying. I don't how to change that since there's almost no options in Gmail regarding contacts. And obviously i want to keep synchronizing my contacts with Gmail...
Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks!
Anyone getting the same problem ?
I just wanted to know if anyone is getting the same problem ?
It seems syncing your contacts with gmail must be pretty common amongst the "power" users who hang out here.
Did anyone come up with a workaround for that ?
Any reply greatly appreciated, thx!

Stop Facebook auto photo saved in HTC Sense 2.5

Reason: (if you really want to know)
I really like the facebook and sense's people integrated feature. It helps me update birthday, phones, and my friends recent news. However, I do have most of my friend's photo on my outlook. I really don't need to save 200 extra pictures in my windows' drive. Beside, sometime my friend's profile picture are kind of random.
Help needed:
Any one know how to stop the photo update from facebook to the people contacts? A reg. tweak or something? Or just a want to select multiple contacts to use outlook picture? In sense 2.1, after the facebook linked your friends, a window pop up and you can uncheck the saved photo box, then facebook would not overide the saved picture you have. But this feature seem to be missing on 2.5.
facebook picture
you can override the facebook picture in sense 2.5 edit the contact then click the picture and choose, facebook, or outlook contact.
Thanks but I have more than 160 friends
Thanks for you suggestion, but you know I have more than 160 friends to update. And if I have to do that every time I upgrade a room. I am doom.
please someone help
Double this request! I was about to open a thread in despair...
I have 20 FB-connected contacts. Not a big deal one would say - change them manually. But if one takes into account that i flash almost every other day (yes i like to play with builds and upgrades) and everytime i have to go through this 20 pics... Ahhhh!!!
Getting mad everytime this stupid manila feature replaces neatly prepared and assigned photos of outllook by it's tiny meaningless photos (in some cases just mess-up madness!)
Please, please help us to stop facebook messing up with contacts

Sharper images on contacts in favorites tab?

It seem some of the images I'm using for my contacts are very dimmish and low quality, yesterday when I had SPB MS installed (I hard reset my phone today) I edited my contacts in there and then they showed up awesome in Sense also.
So what can I do to fix this?
I get much better contact picture fidelity if i've linked them with facebook accounts. Any existing picture I had of that contact is replaced with their current facebook picture, is automatically updated and is much better quality.

[Q] Question about the best image quality for Contacts

So, I just bought the Epic.. Coming from HTC Pro 2... Syncing with my contacts from my Exchange 2007 server and Outlook 2007.
So, I have loaded up most of my contacts with photos using Outlook.. The issue is, they degrade the image to 72x72.. Looks horrible.. At one time or another, I used Photo Contacts Pro for Windows Mobile, and it made the image quality 300x300 which was much better,
So, now on the Epic, I want to start replacing some of the contact pictures I have.. What is the best way of going around that? If I use Oulook (which is the fastest method), it will degrade the picture to a blury/jaggy mess... If I use the contact settings on the Epic, I see I can load them from my Picassa... But what resolution/dpi will that be at?
Is there a better method?
Bonus question: Is there a way to backup all the links I make with my contacts (ie: linking each to Facebook), so when I put a new custom ROM on, I woun't lose all that work?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I would say the problem is def the limitations of outlook. I have noticed this happen to me before when syncing my contacts from outlook to any device I used iphone the biggest problem. Now using android I have google manage all my contacts because its effortless. Just type in your email and they are there. I will note though that you can set the images of your contacts from gmail contact page but they still do not seem to be quite as high quality as when I set them via the phone. But once they are set threw the phone the quality will remain high on the next device I sync them to.

