I know you want it, but do you r-e-a-l-l-y want it? - EVO 4G General

I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).

audscott said:
I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).
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Android to me is way better then windows mobile.

android way better than winmo?
i agree absolutely -it is not even close in terms of speed and stability. I have had a winmo phone for years (htc vogue) and 6 months ago i put android on it -WOW! i will never go back again. Just to be sure i flashed a streamlined, upgraded (winmo 6.5) version back on my phone...again, in terms of speed/stability no contest. As for features...android is light years better -and will most likely stay ahead of the curve. Now android is coming to cars, microwaves, tv's and more. ...will be nice to have your android apps (widgets) on the screen of you tv if you please. Winmo simply won't be able to compete w/ the android!! ...btw, i also recently purchased an htc hd2 from T-mobile (returned it. thought maybe i couldn't wait for an android version and figured it would be ported anyway...just wasn't worth the return to winmo)

audscott said:
I have a Euro HD2 on T-Mo in the states. The phone is great but I admit even the best custom ROMs let me down with freezes and anomalies.
I have not used an android phone or iPhone. WinMo since the T-Mo Shadow (so 2.5 years.....seems longer) and of course blackberry (I mean...who hasn't?) which is a company phone on the Sprint network.
Couple of things: Sprint and T-Mo work equally well with phone and edge signal in my area. Signal quality is not a factor in any area I regularly (or not so) travel.
Here's my question: Is Android at least as appealing to most who have used a phone based on this OS? I am open to just about any changes needed, for example, google instead of outlook for contacts (I use both....prefer google due to portability).
Things like fluidity of the OS, appearance, video and audio quality. Are these comparable to WinMo, from some experiences who've used both?
I don't game, so that's not an issue, although I enjoy custom ROMs (and I contribute). But I don't think finding cooks will be an issue.
And maybe some shortcomings of Android will be overcome by an excellent kitchen and maybe, just maybe Android 2.2 will be in the works.
Anyone care to share, maybe this will help others, such as myself, to make an informed decision on the love Ev(o).
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Keep in mind that I don't have an official android phone, the vogue was made 3 years ago and officially stopped at WM6.1, android is not ment to be on this phone but still runs beautifully.
I've been using the HTC vogue on sprint for a year, I had it running with windows mobile for the first 8 months, 3 of which were stock rom (i didn't know better), 5 were NFSFANS 6.5 build (a very good build), and lately the lovely people managed to put android on it, even with NAND.
When the G1 first came out, it looked cool until I tried it. 10 minutes with that device and I was floored, the speed, smoothness, useability, flair of the android operating system just blew me away. The second I put android on my vogue, I was hooked.
I personally think that android is way better then winmo, sure there's some things that windows mobile can do that android isn't able to do yet. Here's a handful of tasks and how each system handles them:
WM = windows mobile 6.5
Music Formats
WM = due to how long WM has been around in general, there's a million programs that can handle anything you throw at it, from aac to mp3
Android = supports aac, midi, mp3, wave, ogg natively. I don't know about 3rd party apps
Video Formats
WM = with the player TCPMP and the codecs you can play just about anything
Android = only supports H.263, H.264, MPEG-4 natively, to my knowledge no app is out yet to support more
WM = wm's threaded text messaging is nice, but it seems so clunky. It was slow and annoying, soon as i got over 100 messages it would lag extensively while opening and closing the threads
Android = I haven't seen any problem with the messaging app, even with 1500+ messages
WM = I had some push email with a sprint service but it was buggy and didn't really work
Android = gmail works beautifully, I haven't tried another email yet
Overall use
WM = seems clunky, IMO because it was built piece by piece, never really upgrading just tacking on more stuff and glitter
Android = since it was built from scratch it's much faster and cleaner
To me, android wins, if I had to go back to windows mobile it would be at gun point.

WOW!! Amazing responses. Thanks so much - I'm on board and I'll get the little woman (looks over shoulder) a new droid too.

I haven't used a Windows Mobile phone since the T-Mobile MDA, and even then, it was my dad's. Here's what I know:
Android Browser: Based on Webkit and in 2.1 supports HTML5 and other new standards. Compared to WinMo, which runs a pathetic version of IE. Not dogging on it, as it was one of the first mobile browsers capable of desktop sites, but the newer tech allows for a lot of web based apps and smoother browsing.
Android Market: Second largest app market for a smartphone. Lots of great apps and widgets, that easily rival iPhone apps. They are also easy to code and it doesn't cost much either.
Android has a much nicer UI. It uses homescreens with widgets, wallpapers and shortcuts. There is an app drawer to access all the apps with one swipe.
Android is just as customizable as WinMo, probably more since its open source. Easily make deep level changes, or just change wallpapers. Awesome devs working on stuff too.
Android isn't as good at media as some phones. From what I remember of WinMo, its not exactly a thrilling experience either. Nevertheless, if you want good media, Zune or even iPods are better than phones, especially since they have their own batteries and smartphones don't exactly last all that long.
Basically, I recommend Android over anything. The Google integration is awesome of course, and allows for some excellent base services that keep in sync with the cloud. There is still some fine tuning, but same can be said of WinMo. 2.2 should be out soon and it is 4.5 times as fast as 2.1, so major speed boost.
If you are looking at a specific phone, HTC Evo, Nexus One, and Droid Incredible are your best options. All feature fast processors (snapdragon) and plenty of Rom/Ram. Should see apps on sd cards in a near future release. Evo is probably the very best, since it includes everything you could possibly fit in a phone and still keep it in a pocket.
Good luck with your decision.


Jumping ship to the new iPhone?

You don't have to read this, you can just vote.
Ok, we have all heard about OS 3.0.
Faster, multi - tasking, A2DP, other bluetooth improvements such as file transfer, MMS, video capture, onboard video editing software included, etc..
The new iPhone to be released end of June is also going to have a few hardware changes. Have heard that it is 16 to 32 gb, that there is a 5mp autofocus camera with a quality lens on back, and a 3mp on the front (compared to our VGA), thinner (of course, pretty much a guarantee), possible bigger and sharper screen, etc...
It seems to me as if Apple has really (unlike MS) done what a company should...analyze the competition (primarily Android but also webOS and RIM), and redesign and improve their product accordingly. They have gotten rid of pretty muh all of the stupid annoyances, made it faster and smaller, and given developers much more access to different system level things for their apps, along with about a million other changes and improvements that you can and probably have read about. I am also really thinking that they will have good integration with things such as facebook, gmail, and outlook.
I really think there will be no question and that it truly will be the #1 device really without any competition. The only competition I can see is maybe something such as the HTC Magic that is thinner, has a larger, higher res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5 (such as some of the HTC line up we have seen).
I just DESPERATELY hope that Apple isn't so stupid and naiive as to not put on MORE BUTTONS! Buttons are always better...always having to quit what you're doing and go back to the home screen to do ANYTHING would drive me insane...I love texting on my HD, then pulling up the phone and calling someone, sticking it on speaker, then going back to texting...that's not too much to ask I don't think.
So vote!
As for what I'm doing. I am jumping ship to the new iPhone. If I find it doesn't satisfy me, I will sell it and get the best Android handset I can find. Hopefully something like the Magic, but thinner, having a bigger, more high res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5. If no new non - keyboard Anroid handsets are out by that time...Magic it is! (if it is ever released)
im gonna have to see the official specs and the actual device before i decide anything,if what is mentioned is true then perhaps. but im looking more at the Palm Pre than the iPhone, we will see
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
Current iPhone is a no go for me - with such low screen resolution reading eBooks and surfing the internet is really, really bad.
Waiting eagerly for the new iPhone so definitely jumping ship...
I've got a Mac and syncing is nearly impossible. I've tried all sort of apps but none worked perfectly. I really need to sync address book and calendar and I've had enough of transferring mp3 files one by one, artwork not working etc etc.
the mp3 function is very important for me and the iPhone is perfect for that.
only problem I've got is I don't like the iPhone's current design. It's so 2 years ago. Hopefully they'll come up with a nice sleek design.
Why are Windows Mobile Apps falling behind IPhone ones?
One of the things that has always interest me when making such a decision is: What do developers think? How do they view developing for iPhone versus for winmo platform?
To gain insight into the thinking of developers, including some rather big names in winmo application development, you guys might want to read these extremely interesting threads:
dazza9075 said:
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
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1. We all know MS is doing something about it. But we also all know that virtually all MS products suck. We also all know that MS is SLOOOW...therefore (like I said), by the time winmo 7 is released, it will already be behind. It will be released around 3rd quarter 2010...that's ridiculous. Another year from now Android will no longer be so new, and Apple will have put out something entirely new as they know ppl will be getting tired of iPhone by then. Not to mention what RIM and Nokia will be doing.
2. Where is the basis that Android sucks? It is faster than WM, that much is for sure. It is also more customizable. It is more modern. 3rd party app support does not make an OS good or bad....your argument that they suck cuz they don't have apps is no good to me. Sure it can make or break the success of the OS but...that's got nothing to do with the OS itself. Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android. It looks ancient, it runs ancient, and it's that simple. I think we can all agree on that last line there.
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers.
5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)
6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook.
7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however and...it truly is really nice. MS sucks. Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5.
MrYdude said:
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
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No kidding. Couldn't agree more. Coming from a Touch HD and having looked at a lot of friends iPhones...their screens look terrible when reading text (altho they do have 16 million colors compared to our 65,000. Side note: Android also has 16 million colors).
Sadly though I have read that they plan not to change the resolution in order to keep all apps usable. I reallly hope not.
It's true, MS does not have any influence on the phone hardware.
However, an operating system's success is not about hardware potential or software potential or about a combination of both: it's about a tangible offer of potentially attractive software which can be easily obtained via a single entry point, i.e. an APP STORE. That's currently the BIGGEST drawback of the WM platform. I love the customization part of WM but it took me ages to get there. Many users won't take that road and therefore go for the iphone.
There's also a lock-in effect to this -> More users to an OS platform means that developing for that platform gets attractive, thus attracting developers and making the apps offer even more powerful. That in turn increases the chances of attracting new users to the platform, etc.
Honestly, considering all this, do you really a 50 megapixel camera or a nVidia Geforce 8800 GTX in your phone ?? What about all the already hidden potential in your phones which never gets explored because developers and users do not get a realistic chance to discover all of its limitations ?
I'm pretty sure that the new iPhone does not support multi-tasking, you're still stuck to doing one thing at a time. I believe Apples official unofficial stand on it is that they spent way too much time and money on their failed push notifications, and they're not going to allow multi-tasking. (Apple does not like to say it's wrong...and if they would release multi-tasking, I'm sure they'll call it something else, and put a patent on it for no reason).
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even more....so let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
andes83 said:
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even more....so let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
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I really think it is going to be more than "a bit better".
As you saw there are hundreds of features and fixes in the new OS, plus new hardware changes such has considerably better CPU, double the RAM, better camera, thinner etc..
iori said:
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
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There are lots of misconceptions about iPhone, so I don't blame you for having incomplete or wrong information.
iPhone is extremley customizable too, and you too can have multitasking once jailbroken. Therefore, you do not get what it is - you get what you want it to be. You don't get stucked with iTunes and online store. You get the benefit but you can also get things outside iTune and online store.
Whoever gives you the idea that the iPhone aplls are not useable does not know what he is talking about. When app store was first available, many low quality applications did get listed. Not anymore. Whether you're an advanced IT network adminstrator, sales executives, finance director, web site marketer, shipping agent, there are really nice applications for you. Trust me on this one. Don't just anyhow believe people who tells you that iPhone is just a toy and winmo is for corporate use. iPhone can be as corporate as you want it to be.
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
Roupette said:
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
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Yes, that's tue still. If you're in US, there is an application called G-Map, which on the surface looks quite decent, but nothing outside US yet. However, this is expected to change with Firmware 3.0. The reason why there was none in the past was because Apple did not allow any such application, thanks to their stupid policy. Respectable company like Tom Tom would of course refuse to release it into the "underground" cydia store. With the policy change by Apple, TomTom is expected there soon.
I'm all for having everything in one device too, and GPS has been a sore point for me. The other sore point is the fixed battery, but that I can accept because iPHone's battery life is not bad.
1, im sorry but your statment about everything MS produces are rubbish, is in fact rubbish, i cant comment what you do with your PC / Mobile but i rarely have system crashes, on my mobile i cant even remember the last time i was forced to do a hard reset, on my desktop im using one of the most stable OSs ive ever used and its BETA! I do agree it takes them time to produce the software and i do agree that in the past SOME of their projects are flakey but not all.
"2. Where is the basis that Android sucks?"
You miss the point of an OS here, if nothing good works on an OS NO ONE will use it, its that simple, If i cant use the programs i need then that OS is useless to me, it may have a place in the linux following groups who challenge everything MS and claim to be better than everything else but in the real world if i cant use what i want to use its useless. MS also has a massive software base including various distribution sites, some free some not, everything is cated for. Android looks no better than my WM device with Touch flo, its no quicker, i know this because i have both of them sitting in front of me.
Because something is more modern doesnt make it good, take the Pentium 4 over Pentium 3 as an example. but i agree android IS more customizable
"Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android"
Really? a LOT is a big statement that i bet you cant quantify with factual information and not hand back subjective reviews and "feelings" about things.
"It looks ancient,"
The core OS does yes, but tell me, is android not a Shell over a command line? i believe it is, So technically the core OS on android looks crap too but thats just nit picking!
"it runs ancient"
that makes no sence, only and new programs work on it fine, quick and responsive so what makes an OS ancient?
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
Ah yes i was refering to Linux and its intresting cult of followers but i retract that statement as it was below the belt.
"4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers."
nope, it isnt to me, graphics wise its slow compared to hardware excelerated devices, whats bizzar is that the phone can still pump out ok graphics on its CPU and still multi task, if qualcomm released graphics drivers for many of the 7xxx based chipsets i think you will find a near perfect device. but even without that it works....just!
"5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)"
I really cant comment, since WM2002 ive not had that on a multitude of different devices. and Windows doesnt do that either, perhaps the common denominator here is the user.
"6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook."
quantify please?
"7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however and...it truly is really nice"
I too have used Linux, OSX and all the different versions of Windows and they have there places i do agree that in different markets different OS's suit different people. but tell me which one of those is the best for all markets all be it perhaps not as good as the other OS's designed for those markets?
"MS sucks. "
you lose all credibility with that statment attact a spacific product if you choose but to say Apple sucks or MS sucks is crazy and wrong.
"Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5."
You started off well there, but lost it at the end, PROVE to me that the new OS is better on the Iphone? without using speculation and subjective views an opinions.
I believe MS will be increasing the colour depth on the new devices but i doubt it will make any significate difference, except in its speed. what the WM based devices need is some new tech that uses resistive screens without the 70% (about that) loss of light, that in turn would increase battery life. Dont say capacitive screens, a stylus can be very useful, but definitely a combination of the two somehow.
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
lancemate said:
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
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Hi Lancemate,
How do we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with Tom Tom? I must have missed that information somewhere.
I'm too disappointed with Steve Jobs for not providing multitasking. So, looks like we still have to jailbreak to get that.
HD's resolution is very nice. No doubt about it. Although vast majority of the applications (phone, weather, music player for example) would not really miss this. Web surfing is in my mind a leading exception, as it would be nice to be able to clearly read the font without zooming in. It is for me a compromise, although an acceptable one for myself. I guess one has to take everything into account (multitouch vs resistive, number of applications available, speed, smoothness, stability, user interface, etc) and decide for oneself if such a compromise is worth it.
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
lancemate said:
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
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I'm aware Tom Tom and Navigon will be available, but as separate purchase rather than being shipped with the phone. Guess I misunderstood what you said. Thanks anyway.

Is the Androind OS and the N1 overrated? I think it is!

FIRST: the intention of this post it not to flame. These is just my point of view and I would love to hear some other people’s point of view.
This is just an observation from a real cell phone junkie who is coming from WinMo and iPhone to android and is a bit disappointed.
It just feels like the Android platform is overrated and half baked. While it has its “Google apps” advantage, most of the other parts of it are seriously lacking.
Coming from an iPhone(which I hated because of apple’s dictatorship and because it feels like a dumbphone) and the HD2, which is a brilliant device with a very capable OS which has stability issues and lack of new useful apps development, I wanted to try something new with Android. It should have been the prefect mix between openness and development of new useful apps (which WinMo lacks). So far I have been nothing but disappointed.
Some of the issue I noticed and why I think Android is really overrated are:
- Very low end apps. Most of them are poorly designed and unstable. There are a few good apps but none from the major players.
- BUGGY apps!!! One of the reason WinMo was failing is because of cross device support for apps. Apps that would work on one device would not work on another because of different hardware chipsets. I was sure that Google would see this is a point of failure and will make sure this won’t happen with Android. WRONG: almost every app I downloaded has bugs and is not working properly with the N1 and if you just read the comments for the various apps you see the horror. So many people complain about FC’s and instability of the apps. This means that Google simply failed in this area and there is no real cross device support. Each app needs to be tweaked to work on each hardware set to get it right. This is going to be a huge point of failure for the platform.
- Crippled copy and paste. Seriously? You can’t copy and paste from everywhere in version 2.1??? didn’t they learn from apple?
- No built in Tethering. Again this is OS version 2.1 and there is no tethering option unless you root you phone.
- Feels sluggish at time: even on a 1Ghz processor the phone does feel sluggish at time (and yes I close my apps with task manager). Some say it is because the RAM was not fully utilized in this OS. Why have Google released a phone that suppose to have 512MB RAM with only half active? Didn’t they think it would cause bad experience?
- Very poor multimedia support: and I mean VERY poor. Even the built in YouTube Video player will not rescale the video to show on the entire screen if the video was not encoded specifically to the N1 resolution, not to mention other video apps who will NEVER show videos at full screen as they were designed for lower resolutions. There is really no way to watch DIVX or XVID and everything needs to be converted. There are dozens of media players on the market and NONE can do either tasks! And yxflash, the only player that can supposedly play DIVX is doing such a poor job it is a joke. WinMo has ONE player that beats all dozens on the android market. I read somewhere it isrelated to the SDK being very limited in Multimedia. I find it hard to believe that Google is trying to compete with apple witch such a poor Multimedia support. I even purchased OrbLive and the picture quality is extremely poor because they were forced to use the only codec that Android can support for streaming which is 3gp and has very poor quality.
- No big brand name apps: Skype, Sling and many other big brands are simply not there. I know you can use Fring as an alternative (or Nimbuzz) but both are very buggy and have delay when using skype calling. You also can’t turn off the screen when you use the VOIP apps as it is causing the sound to break.
- VPN: very poor support. I can’t get the connection to stay connected while it works just fine on the HD2 and iPhone. The latest software update from Google completely broke VPN support and now it won’t connect at all.
- There is no real way to backup all you apps AND settings of the apps unless you have rooted your phone. If you want to upgrade your ROM or change ROM’s you need to reinstall everything (unless you are rooted and then you can backup your apps settings as well). This is something that should be implemented out of the box. WinMo has exactly the same problem.
- Failure in the gaming area. There are maybe 20 good games on the Market that actually use OpenGL 3d. other games look like they are from the mid 90s. I was hoping to see better games on Android than on WinMo. I guess I was wrong here as well.
I wanted to like Android, I really did, and maybe it will get better with time, however currently it has exactly the issues as WinMo phones has (buggy apps mainly, some OS slowdowns ) and if Google is not going to address these issues they will find themselves in the same position as Microsoft is finding itself now.
For now I’ll have to go back using my HD2 and just wait until Android gets a little better and more usable for me. I just really don’t understand people hate WinMo so much if Android is not much better (at least from my consumer standpoint).
Thanks for reading.
Number one reason and the only one I need to hate WinMo is Internet Exploder. It's broken badly. They had better fix this in 7 or they are done. The fact that you have to use a third party browser to do anything useful is total BS.
I think for most people, who don't want to think to hard, Iphone OS is probably a better choice. The interface is dead simple and there are a ton of apps. Most people won't realize that they are being fenced in.
The majority of your rambling is about apps. I don't think anyone overrates Android's app catalog. Everyone knows it's much smaller than the iPhone's.
It's not overrated in the way that people tend to praise it, which is openness and customization.
I agree on IE but like the fact that you can chose various browsers.
App support is dreadful compared to the Iphone but you have to look at the sales figures in ITMS vs. Market; $ = incentive. Yes right now it's apples and oranges but when someone is researching what device to buy and what carrier to swear allegiance to for 2 years, there are certain variables considered.
Take a heavy facebook user. The iphone fbook app is solid. Yes it has issues, but compared to the android solution, there is no contest. The fact that you have to use m.facebook.com when linking from your notifications panel in android is quite unacceptable (just one of many issues people have brought up). Pandora on the iphone is also quite a bit better than on android.
I disagree in regards to your comment about the phone being snappy. I have my old iphone 3g and my nexus 1 sitting side by side and real world feel says that the n1 wins in performance.
For me there are two things I wish were present with the nexus one/androidOS that are present on the iphone.
1 - app support. That is targeting android.
2 - the keyboard. For some reason I can type far more accurately and with greater speed on the iphone than on my n1. Not a deal breaker at all
You bring up tethering. There is no native tethering on the iphone without jailbreaking or paying for an app (pdanet) for the official stateside carrier (att). Your nexus one has the ability to install pdanet and you can tether all you want at a small price. Of course, you can root your phone and suddenly this ask is satisfied; just like jailbreaking and updating your carrier file.
If you want to talk about setbacks; how about the lack of MMS for the first gen iphones while the 3g/3gs both have this. No reason whatsoever to not include the functionality in the 2g other than slow deprecation of support for the phone...that just sucks.
There are plenty of solid games in Market for your device. I had to watch a video "50 android games" to be made aware of quite a few of these tiles.
For me, nothing you wrote kept me from migrating back to android after spending a year with an iphone (g1->iphone->n1; the entire time I had the iphone I missed my g1) But I am not the target audience device manufs are going after...almost nobody here is.
All your points are valid and are what the atypical customer thinks about, cares about and bases their monetary decisions on.
Good post
deprecate said:
App support is dreadful compared to the Iphone but you have to look at the sales figures in ITMS vs. Market; $ = incentive. Yes right now it's apples and oranges but when someone is researching what device to buy and what carrier to swear allegiance to for 2 years, there are certain variables considered.
Take a heavy facebook user. The iphone fbook app is solid. Yes it has issues, but compared to the android solution, there is no contest. The fact that you have to use m.facebook.com when linking from your notifications panel in android is quite unacceptable (just one of many issues people have brought up). Pandora on the iphone is also quite a bit better than on android.
I disagree in regards to your comment about the phone being snappy. I have my old iphone 3g and my nexus 1 sitting side by side and real world feel says that the n1 wins in performance.
For me there are two things I wish were present with the nexus one/androidOS that are present on the iphone.
1 - app support. That is targeting android.
2 - the keyboard. For some reason I can type far more accurately and with greater speed on the iphone than on my n1. Not a deal breaker at all
You bring up tethering. There is no native tethering on the iphone without jailbreaking or paying for an app (pdanet) for the official stateside carrier (att). Your nexus one has the ability to install pdanet and you can tether all you want at a small price. Of course, you can root your phone and suddenly this ask is satisfied; just like jailbreaking and updating your carrier file.
If you want to talk about setbacks; how about the lack of MMS for the first gen iphones while the 3g/3gs both have this. No reason whatsoever to not include the functionality in the 2g other than slow deprecation of support for the phone...that just sucks.
There are plenty of solid games in Market for your device. I had to watch a video "50 android games" to be made aware of quite a few of these tiles.
For me, nothing you wrote kept me from migrating back to android after spending a year with an iphone (g1->iphone->n1; the entire time I had the iphone I missed my g1) But I am not the target audience device manufs are going after...almost nobody here is.
All your points are valid and are what the atypical customer thinks about, cares about and bases their monetary decisions on.
Good post
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Thanks for all the replies.
However please keep in mind that in my original post, i was hardly making any comparison to the iPhone and at the end of my post i stated that i am going back to the HD2 . The iPhone is the last platform i am going back to, even with all the apps. i Just cant keep with the Apple / Jailbreakers game and all the limitations.
You do have native tethering on the iPhone, only it is disabled because at&t does not want you to have it. in other countries it works out of the box. no Jailbreak needed.
I agree that market share = incentive for developers however i am a bit worried that with the current state of the SDK, we will see the same old issues with cross device support for apps, and this is exactly where WinMo failed and the iPhone won (because there is only one device to support (chipset wise), so far)
If only the apps that are in the market now would work better, my point of view will be much different.
I want to use Skype, OK there is no real skype app so i tried to use Fring...DELAY on the call. unusable. I tried to use Nimbuzz, it is better but you cant turn off the screen so the battery dies fast.
I want to watch a movie > need to convert.
I want to watch live TV > there is still not a single app that can actually do this. ORB's app is really bad at the current version.
I want to tether > need to root (i am ok with this) but wireless tether never connected to my laptop. unusable. Wired tether worked fine.
I did watch the 50 best games on Android Video and the are in par with WinMo's games and so far WinMo is giving better usability. but the OS is not so stable hehe...
I guess there is no perfect phone.
Overall is the lack of actual functionally is what killed it for me. I hope it will get better in the future and then i can give it another try
as you said, there is no perfect phone. but give it a little time, android is only a year old after all. i for one have little to no problems with FCs from any of the apps i'm using, so it also depends on what you like to do with your phone.
my main issue atm. is the lack of good bluetooth enabled voice dialing (and lack of any voice dialing at all for non-english users).
and the pet peeve would be the missing framework for the trackball colors.
other than that i'm really enjoiying the relative openess of the platform, and having cyanogen as a developer
Tether without root with PDAnet. This program works great.
Looks like the OP need's to have a read over yonder
There's also been a great deal of talk in the development forum regarding new openGL support in 2.0.
App space has been limited in android and thats a factor, but this is being resolved and we will start to see more 'pretty' applications, but I would argue that android has just as many useful and good applications as the iPhone.
The ONLY windows mobile device that I would trade my Nexus One for is an HD2. It'd be a tough decision though. My touch pro 2 was fun from a customization stand point because I seemed to flash a new rom at least once every couple of days. However, it was painful to use, it was slow, required frequent restarts, work-arounds galore, etc etc. Android may have some bugs, but I have far less trouble with day to day use with my Nexus than I did with my TP2. The hardware power of the HD2 would probably alleviate the thing that killed the TP2 for me and that was the annoying speed (or lack thereof).
Iphone OS is boring, but it works reliably. Safari mobile on my Ipod touch is a great browsing experience (nexus is better though, simply due to the power).
The only major problem I have with Android 2.1 on my nexus is its lack of full exchange support. However, if I really cared that much about it I would drop the $20 to get Touchdown and be done with it. Oh, and I would really love it if a full version of Epocrates made its way to android sometime soon.
This is of course for my uses, and in my experience. Therefore, I am just adding my opinion to the bunch...
Firstly, how can you say the N1 is laggy? Seriously? Especially compared to a WinMo device, and even the iPhone 3GS. The N1 is hands down the fastest smart phone I have ever used, whether it be my own personally owned smart phone, or one I was testing for work. Most actions are instant or near instant in their result, and the only time I find myself waiting at all is when data transfer from the network is involved, and it does that faster on my N1 than any other phone I have tried! Actually, I can load some websites faster than my computer, and I am not talking about sites that use flash either.
Secondly, yes a 1 year old OS platform does not have the same level of app support that a 4 year old platform has(iPhone/iTouch) or a decade old platform (WM). However, it is an open source platform that is growing quickly. While not all 15K apps are perfect for every device, this is true of the WM platform and the iPhone platform. There are plenty of great apps, that don't reqiure root.
Thirdly, the Android OS supports the same media playback functions as the iPhone OS... and actually can handle more in some regards. The N1 will have native flash support someday(hopefully very soon), where as Apple has picked a fight with Adobe, and likely never will have flash support. To say the Android OS, and the N1 falls short in multi-media compared to the iPhone is ignorant, to say the least. WM does support more formats, but at the same time that is a result of a OS in developement a lot longer than Android, as well the current Android OS can support Divx, et al, but companies like CorePlayer do not want to make an app until this support is in the SDK natively, and CorePlayer has pointed out they are working closely with Google, and it looks as though Android 2.5(Froyo).
Fourthly, as someone that sells cell phones for a living, the Android OS is the best smart phone OS for me to sell to consumers by a long ways. It is much more functional than the BB OS, yet maintains the ease of use. iPhone OS lacks most of the top smart phone functions, and WinMo is too slow and buggy. While 3rd party apps are not perfect, this is true of any platform, and at least with Android it will force close instead of freeze the phone. As well, the apps that are quality work very well and blow most other stuff out of the water, ie CameraFX. I have yet to have a customer complain that a free app wasn't working right... nor complain that the phones were buggy.
I was someone that came from winmo.
Android is much more polished than wimo, but it's barebones out of the box.
Winmo is much more packed with utilities out of the box, but lacks the polish of android.
That has alot to do with the timeframes of when these things derived. Android thrives on the "there's an app for that!" ecosystem.
Up until winmo (6.1?) there was no place to just get a quick app, so MS had to implement more things to give a better out of box experience. Too bad they lacked cleanliness.
Yes, Android has bugs and Yes, Market is poor compared to iPhone. But if you sum things up, I think Android wins. And Nexus wins as well, since I has the best hardware on the market today (or one of the best) 1Ghz CPU + AMOLED display + big resolution
Sorry, double post.
- There is no real way to backup all you apps AND settings of the apps unless you have rooted your phone. If you want to upgrade your ROM or change ROM’s you need to reinstall everything (unless you are rooted and then you can backup your apps settings as well). This is something that should be implemented out of the box. WinMo has exactly the same problem.
Give the market a closer look, and download MyBackup - it does indeed backup apps and settings, along with other things like bookmarks, contacts, the usual. This is the only point I could point out from your post without having to go into extensive detail ._.
As well, to add to my last post, there is multi-phone support with the apps and the Android OS... if this wasn't so, why would the Moto apps work on the Nexus One? While an app written for Android 1.0/1.5/1.6 might not work on 2.1 perfectly, this does not change the fact an app written with the 2.1 SDK will work on any phone running 2.1(actually, SDK 2.0+ will work with any 2.0+ phone, minus live wallpapers.)
But that is to be expected, just as an app written for iPhone OS 1.0 won't work properly with 3.1.3, or WM5.0 apps won't work with WM6.5 properly.
Isn't this a pointless debate.
It like like trying to debate good vs evil, butter vs margarine, pro-choice vs pro-life?
He seems to have come up with his own very logical, sound reasons why and why not android is over rated. There are countless arguments for both sides and I've read all 15 post of this. Android like the iPhone OS like Windows, like symbian all have their strong and weak points. No perfect phone OS out there. But rather whiny and complain of this and that maybe improve it, like some of the really great developers here which advances Android OS and make it great for all of us users.
In the end do I care if you move to Window mobile...not really. Hope you are happy. Move on. Have a nice life.
amen sir
this thread is only worthy of a one line reply. ...
Well... Having never used a WinMo device. I can't argue that side of things... I owned a Blackberry (NEVER again!!!!), and I own an iPod Touch. Sure, the iTouch isn't the phone, but they're certainly one in the same. My iTouch is jailbroken btw.
With that said, I've never owned a better overall device than the N1. Don't get me wrong, it has its quirks and issues. But man, this thing IS my Media Player, my GPS, my overall entertainment "finder" (Where/Places/Aloqa), Grocery Lists, Forum browser (I'd say I'm 50/50 with Phone and PC while surfing web and forums now).
Sure, the apps could use some work... But, with quality devices being placed on the market, the apps WILL follow. Realize that the main reason the apps market isn't bigger, is because of the strangle-hold that Apple currently has on the market. Many Devs have invested into Apple development and have customers there. It's hard to talk them into changing their ways. In time, they'll sure move over to Android though.
With that said, the apps I get... Work for me. Just the basics: Handcent, Meebo, Car Home, Where/Places, "OurGroceries", Mixzing (Still not my ideal choice, but it gets the job done for now... And yes, I've tried Meridian, nemoPlayer, Stock, and TuneWiki), "Listen", and so on.
Yes, I've deleted as many apps as I still have on my phone (Many more than listed above)... But I've stuck with some that get the job done. If I could ask for only 2 other apps, it'd be Mint.com and Audible.com... Otherwise, I can be content in knowing I have my ideal communication device, with some GPS goodness, and it plays through my car speakers wirelessly.
So no... I don't consider it overrated, but rather too young. It'll mature in time.

Android vs Windows Mobile for Vogue

I've recently started playing with some of the various Android builds available for the Vogue and I just can't make up my mind as to which OS I prefer.
On the one hand, Android is the shiny new toy. Many more apps are being developed for it than for Windows Mobile these days. In most cases, if an app has been ported to both platforms, the Android version is more polished and includes more features. Facebook and Foursquare are prime examples. Plus, it seems with the news on Windows Phone 7, much of the excitement for 6.1 and 6.5 is dying down, even though it is unlikely that the new OS will be Vogue-compatible.
On the other, Android for Vogue still has a ways to go to catch up to the native OS. In the various builds I've tried, camera support has been low-quality or non-existent. The battery meter doesn't seem accurate; I'll think everything's OK just to have the phone die of low battery. Exchange support (on the Donut builds at least) is limited to mail only, a real pain when I use the calendar functionality daily in my job, and I've come to take ActiveSync for granted in keeping contacts and calendar synced. The best workarounds I've seen so far are third party Exchange clients like Touchdown or Moxier (and have tried both), but neither actually syncs the Android address book or calendar directly to Exchange, so the integration is not as seamless as I was used to with WinMo.
I do think it's amazing the progress that the community has made at getting this brand new OS to run on our aging hardware, but I'm just questioning whether or not it's truly ready for everyday use. I will concede that I've been running Android from the SD card, and this may be some of the cause for the performance and stability issues, but I'm still not ready to commit.
TL;DR - Android is new and exciting, but doesn't do everything I was used to in Windows Mobile.
Which OS do you prefer for the Vogue? How has Android worked out for you?
I guess some of the main pitfalls you've run into with android, do not effect me. All of my calendar/contacts/mail applications are thru google, so android just syncs so much nicer than winmo. I know google has an activesync server, but it just seemed flaky, and the integration just wasnt nearly as smooth than with android.
I spent about 2 months with winmo, and 2 months now with android, and can say that I have zero reason to go back to windows.
And lately, Im leaning more towards eclair with the newer builds, they are getting more and more stable & fast. So much that the latest lite eclair build runs about the same as donut (but with all the extra features & nice-ities of 2.1). Only negative that effects me is the camera doesnt work with eclair, which I can do without.
For all practical purposes, I think it is best to keep Windows and simply load from SD if you feel like Android. While there are some advantages to running Android from NAND, I personally believe that the ability to do certain things with WM greatly outweighs a slight speed increase.
Just my 2 cents...
egzthunder1 said:
For all practical purposes, I think it is best to keep Windows and simply load from SD if you feel like Android. While there are some advantages to running Android from NAND, I personally believe that the ability to do certain things with WM greatly outweighs a slight speed increase.
Just my 2 cents...
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I agree with that analogy
I would concur as well. I want to be able to go to Android full-time, but it just isn't "there" enough yet.
The emphasis on Android development seems to be on adding new features rather than getting old features to work more reliably. As such, I don't see these Android builds ever being able to fully replace WinMo.
Since all of the Android developers are basically doing volunteer work, they are free to work on whatever they damn well please. As a S/W developer myself I understand it's not much fun tracking down esoteric bugs, but porting over the shiny new code is a lot of fun.
Still, both the newest WinMO builds and the latest Android builds are infinitely better than the drab old WinMo 6.1 my phone came with, so I'm still happy either way.
Try Myn's Warm Donut. It have everything working. The only issue is no video recording and poor camera quality.
One of the main reasons i keep switching back to winmo is the resolution (or clarity). android is no where near to winmo, it just feels native to vogue. Other reasons include offline map capability. I wish Ovi maps come to winmo
I tried android on HTC Diamond and because of the resolution it really is usable but the advances done on vogue by all the developers/contributors are really amazing. Its probably the best winmo device to run android.
The only thing that keeps me from always using Android is the BT audio... :|
Everything else seems better on Android; apps, web, messaging, etc...

[Q] Flash on Android Build. General Question

Hello everyone. I am new to Smartphones, in particularly Android. I got stuck on a choice to Buy HD2 or not to buy. Pros: Inexpensive. Huge Scream with great resolution. Fast..
My only concern is - Ability to play TV shows via flash web players. I read a lot that 10.1 Flash supports it all.
1. Can you guys please tell me whether Flash 10.1 works flawlessly on Android on HD2.
2. The skyfire that I have on MyTouch 3G can play only some of the flash sites. Is there a difference between WinMo skyfire? Can it play Novamov.com and VideoWeed.com sites?
WinMo users please can you check if your skyfire can access those, I would be so thankful. I really want to buy this phone, this is only things keeps me from buying it Right Now. Thank you.
Android itself does not work flawlessy on the HD2, and as such Flash isn't completely stable either. The browser on Android is considerably better than Skyfire, even more so now that Skyfire has been seemingly shut down on WinMo. My advice-If you wan't to use Android...then buy an Android device.
Second that. The HD2 hardware/build quality is excellent but the WinMo software ie browsers is lacking the Android functionality with seemless video/flash support and it will probably never get there. Was hopefull that Adobe was going to implement Flash 10.1 for 6.5 back in April but it never materialized. If it existed and was integrated into IE the phone would be perfect (near perfect) for several years.
I've tried Android on the HD2 and while the port I'm using is fantastic it does have its problems and I'm a little hesitant in using it as a daily use phone in Android when the HD isn't designed for it and a native OS isn't and probable won't be available for it. Same goes for WM7 - more than likely will never have a native OS just a hacked port. The port I'm using sort of makes me a little jealous and have some buyer's remorse with the HD2. Browsing is far superior, overall speed is excellent BUT I absoluted HATE the way Android is navigated. Using hard keys versus softkeys to "go back" or exit on the HD2 only leads me to believe those hard keys on the bottom are going to get tons of use and eventual failure as I rarely use them in WINMO except to get the phone out of sleep.
Looking at some of the problems people are having with their Android hardware (cracking plastic around power button EVO) (Screen failure Droid X) (Poor keyboard G2) (delaminating screens - several) its hard to choose one that is built as well as the HD2.
I don't even know with Android phones. I would love to have an Office app on my phone. But with Android phone market - HTC makes new MyTouch every couple of month, so as for other android devices. With each new Android phone the value of older one is extremely dropping. Now I am not sure as of what to get.
There are several office type applications - Documents to Go is one. The only phone that allows you to perpetually upgrade without really a loss of cash is the iPhone. You buy in at 200 and in two years you can get another for 200 and sell the old one if its in excellent condition for 200. You have to give Apple something in that they do support their older phones with upgrades to the OS. Doubtful the HD2 will be worth the initial buy in of 199 although I was fortunate to buy it at 80 dollars almost the first few weeks it was out. With the new rom Voice Quality has improved and it feels faster with less lag. If someone would update the browser it would be a better phone. Android's browser almost makes the phone a desktop replacement if they came up with a working version of Flash and the scrolling was a little faster/smoother.
If you look at the eBay values of the Nexus One the dollar values are up there although the intial buy in was pretty high.
Looked today at Tmobiles Android offerings - except for the G2 they were pretty poorly constructed - almost toylike and not worth the 199+two year commitment. The only thing about the G2 I didn't like was the smaller screen size and the keyboard's hinge which didn't feel that sturdy. I wish they evolved the Nexus One with a larger screen and kept the build quality.
The WM 7 was even worse. Press on the screen and the LCD actualy crushes so the that the pixels bleed/distort! The phone felt WAY too flimsy and the plastic was very cheap - lots of creaking and flex. Interface of the new WM sucked big time and I don't think I'll continue with WM.
I liked the EVO but I've heard it has quality control issues with flimsy plastics cracking around the power button. The Droids are ok - not great and they seemed to be harder to upgrade/update.
Although you can run Android on the HD2 I'm not sure how good it is for the phone. It does heat up more than the HD2 under load. Also its pretty bottom key heavy so those hard keys will get a lot of use and wear. I rarely use them with WM except to return out of sleep. Even with that I use Shake'nWake which works most of the time.
That is so true. I am really unhappy with a new android lineup.
If Motorola Defy will get FroYo, I will reconsider my choice )
If you want to run android, I would definitely itely get an android phone... especially if you're new to smartphones. It takes a lot of reading and experience to get android running decently on the hd2... its not really the best choice for a new user.
There are plenty of good android phones available now, so there's no reason for someone to get a hd2 at this point just to run android.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I have a tv show app that streams hulu shows via a web browser using flash. Its good enough with the stock browser where you can watch shows in full screen and have no problem playing them. Its a flash player so all you have to do is hold down on the flash and the option for full screen appears. MUCH better than windows mobile. I don't think win mo will ever have the capability to watch hulu again.

WP7 Vs Android Vs WinMo 6.5

Which do you prefer and why>?
For me:
1. WinMo 6.5
2. Android
3. WP7
What do other users experience suggest>?
i prefer wp7 because the it unlocks 16m color of the screen
instead of winmo and android that works with only 256k colors
First off, personal opinion, winmo 6.5 is a PoS. It doesnt even make the list for me.
I love android through and through. I'm a big supporter of open source.
However, Since it has never been perfect on the HD2, (GPS is never right for me, signal loss, random other mishaps), WP7 is the best choice for me on the HD2 hardware. If Android was native on the device, and not everything had to be slapped on there Half-ass like, Android would be the only choice for me.
In WP7, the first unofficial pre-release from DFT is amazing. All my data is working (gprs, 3G, and HSDPA), GPS is EXTREMELY ACCURATE and very fast, the interface is simple and bliss. storage is somewhat of an issue atm but that will be dealt with, and the camera isnt focussing right. Those two things are the only problems that i have found so far. Call volume is also great, and speaker works.
The app market for WP7 needs a lot of work. The basics i got, Seesmic, Foursquare, TWiT. But it hasnt been out for long at all, and apps will come.
If you can tell me any different, id be flabbergasted.
Here is a short vid of my WP7 experience.
m2shakiba said:
i prefer wp7 because the it unlocks 16m color of the screen
instead of winmo and android that works with only 256k colors
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Can anyone confirm this?
Haven't tried WP7 yet,but my findings so far with WinMo6.5 and Android....
WinMo will remain my main OS on the HD2 as it does what I want when I want it,
Android is great fun to use especially all the handy Apps and games,but
it frustrates me as equally as it entertains,particularly the lack of ability to
change the MAC code to the same one I have on WinMo.
There is absolutely no contest, it's Android every time. Open ended and so diverse.
WM6.5 was ok but very limited for capacitive devices and it was only really Sense that made it a decent experience, I haven't used it since Android became a viable alternative on the HD2 about four months ago. With WM7 Microsoft looked at Apple and the way Jobbby Jobs doesn't like the end user to have any control over their own phones and decided to have WM7 behave the same way - it is so limited in comparison to Android with very little scope to change the way it looks or works. Quite a lot of people might be jumping across to WM7 at the moment but a lot of them will soon realise the open ended experience offered by Android is infinitely better and come back.
Also, to say the UI on WM7 is an acquired taste is putting it mildly, it looks like it's designed for a short-sighted 5 year old. I prefer things a little more subtle.
xlr8me said:
m2shakiba said:
i prefer wp7 because the it unlocks 16m color of the screen
instead of winmo and android that works with only 256k colors
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Can anyone confirm this?
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It's rubbish. The HD2 screen colour depth is a hardware limitation and can't simply be 'unlocked'.
2.WinMo 6.5
Android is so open and easy to customize its just far better in that aspect. WP7 is pretty much iOS minus the words Apple on it. It is so closed and locked down that its damn near impossible for any customization, no access to your SD card as you have to format at it for it to even read it, and the biggest deal breaker for me is the lack of tethering. Tethering may be a niche market but damn it as a college student trying to save money this is a HUGE deal breaker that has automatically swayed me back to Android.
1 Android
2 Android
3 Android
and maybe android as well
I think people need to look at these choices objectively. When you compare capabilities of all three operating systems then you can see a clear difference. All you have to do is get a pen and pad and write down features.
Android is the best well rounded and feature rich Operating System. To argue that it's not is just uneducated to say the least.
WinMo was nice 5 years ago but now is just dated and doesn't have the simple feel a cell phone should have. Sure it has Sense but that lag fest of an interface (HTC Messaging) didn't impress me. Covering up a dying OS is what Sense was. Now that NAND Android is out why are people still using WinMO.....?. What does WinMO even have to offer to the table anymore not to mention it will be a dead OS.
Windows Phone has a very lovely interface and beautiful transitions and scrolling. I love the Operating System and as of yesterday I been using it regularly. Windows Phone is not even close to the functionality of Android but the smooth fluid behavior and interface I like. One thing I hated about android is its choppy behavior.
Fanboying WinMo is going to leave you in the dark ages. Fanboying anything is just not good consumer sense anyway. If you want full featured OS then Android is 100% that. Windows Phone is for someone in the experience of a device. I most likely will flash Android back on my device once I have played enough around with Windows Phone because mass storage and tethering are kinda important for a business user such as myself. Its nice the devs have given us all these options
On native phones:
Android, WP7
On HD2:
WP7, Android
WP7 is so much smoother than Android on the HD2 it's almost comical. There's a near-negligible performance difference between the HD2 running WP7 and an actual HD7 running Windows 7 (in fact certain elements like the loudspeaker performance are even superior in the HD2).
Android on the HD2 has, comparatively, a very long way to go. Compare any of the ROMs on the HD2 with a native device running an analogous ROM (e.g. HD2 running anything vs. GalaxyS running anything) and the HD2 will be soundly embarassed.
friend'scatdied said:
Android on the HD2 has, comparatively, a very long way to go.
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That is news to me, I'm running Jaws MIUI and, other than the MMS being a bit flaky, it's as good as perfect. As for you thinking WM7 is near perfect on the HD2, the storage issues and button configuration say otherwise in my opinion.
I can see the writing on the wall for this thread, but I will post my 2 cents' worth:
Android is my OS of choice, and I really can't see that changing. The reason being is that I am able to customize every inch of this phone to my specifications. Windows OS is so limited in that respect.
I am using Darkstone's SuperRam Froyo and it really can't be beat. I have no glitches, no hiccups. Everything works for me.
I also love having an app for every aspect of my life. As soon as I think of something I need - google it and Bam! there's an app for that!
I can't for the life of me see why I would trade this in for something as glitchy as Windows Mobile 7. Maybe when the rough spots are smoothed over I might give it a try, but right now I'm not convinced.
And don't even go there with 6.5 - I hated it from the getgo. Was so glad when I finally took the plunge and put Android on my phone.,
My OS of choice is Android.
WinMo is very good OS, but simply outdated and there are practically no good commercial games/apps for that platform. It's more or less dead platform.
I have tried WP7 recently and i must say I'm impressed. When i watched about it on youtube, i thought it sucks hard. But i was impressed when i installed it. Everything was smooth and was simply working. Biggest problem was no good way to install apps. I don't want to give M$ my data for that code and sideloading does not work properly (it shows error that i have to uninstall app after some time). Also pinch to zoom is crappy. But otherwise really good OS.
I fell in love with WP7. I miss how cool I could make android look, but dang, WP7 is so smooth and everything just werks.
Pagnell said:
That is news to me, I'm running Jaws MIUI and, other than the MMS being a bit flaky, it's as good as perfect. As for you thinking WM7 is near perfect on the HD2, the storage issues and button configuration say otherwise in my opinion.
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Android's not smooth at all.
The button config can't be helped since the HD2 doesn't have a physical camera actuation button, and WP7 can't hardware map send/end call. But besides that, yeah it's pretty much as perfect as it is on an actual WP7 device (which also eats SD cards, doesn't save camera settings on exit, et cetera) if the end-user hasn't borked the install. The biggest part of this closeness comes from the smoothness and speed, which are comparable to WP7 on native handsets like the HD7.
Unless you mean to suggest that Android is nearly as fast and smooth on the HD2 as it is on native Android handsets..
k8108 said:
I am using Darkstone's SuperRam Froyo and it really can't be beat. I have no glitches, no hiccups. Everything works for me.
I can't for the life of me see why I would trade this in for something as glitchy as Windows Mobile 7. Maybe when the rough spots are smoothed over I might give it a try, but right now I'm not convinced.
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What kind of glitches, besides the OS-related ones inherent to WP7 (e.g. eating SD cards)?
I just think there's a different superiority on native handsets vs. superiority on a hacked handset.
Have had wp7 installed for about 24 hours now and its a breath of fresh air. I was increasingly getting fed up of not having room on the home screen of my phone for my links and info, I have always thought the 5 or 7 horizontal screen screen swipe was best for tablets as you can have each page for different interests where as when I'm on my phone I need it there.
If Microsoft can keep updating the flaws I will be using wp7 for a phone and android for a tablet.
Android wins for me.
WP7 is very smooth, which is awesome. Also, I like the "time set" UI element (such as when setting an alarm.) It's really convenient.
But it's so limited. I feel like I'm in handcuffs. I can't have a background image. Very few apps support live tiles. Tiles are only 1x1 or 1x2. Live tiles are not interactive. The status bar keeps insisting that it should disappear after a few seconds. USB mass storage is a no-go. Pinch-zoom doesn't work correctly. Why can't I replace the keyboard?
The basic UI is terrible. There is so much wasted space, and I can't figure out why all of the words are cut off all of the time. So cluttered. Also... why is everything only one color? Can't I customize my phone?
The marketplace is an utter mess. I thought Android's market needed work (and it does) but this is enormously frustrating, trying to navigate through this mass of music and apps.
There's also not very many apps, though I suppose that will change in the future.
Android is so much more flexible. I will gladly take a little bit of lag if it comes with the freedom to actually be able to use my phone.
WinMo isn't really on the list for me. I used it for probably a grand total of 20 minutes since I owned this device and removed it as soon as NAND was released.

