Need help with Proximity Sensor Problem - HD2 General

I open a new thread because those already opened are quite dead... the subject is the proximity sensor on the HTC HD2... as i described in oter places this is the behaviour:
Upon receiving calls ALL works as it should
Sometimes when making a call:
1. dial a number
2. press talk
3. take the phone to my ear
4. the screen turns off
5. it starts ringing
7. take the phone from my ear and put it back
8. the screen goes off
9. it answers on the other side
11. take the phone from my ear and put it back
12. the screen goes off and all works well from now on on this call
I have at least a number that EVERYTIME when called does not acts like this... the proximity sensor does its job very well
I have at least one numbet that almost always did the steps described from 1to 12... only 4-5 times it didn't
If i get a busy tone the screen turns on... it will turn of if i do step 7
I've put back original rom and i have the same behaviour. I tried with clean roms and noting installed... still the same...
One time on a clean rom... I called a number that always did that and the first two calls were ok, after that it started again...
Now I'm using Hyper ROM 8.0 and I see that after step 6 if i keep the phone to my ear th screen will turn itself off after a sec or so... i cannot say right now if always...
Considering that this does not happens to many of us and it is not something permanent I think it can have something to do with the network... I don't know exactly what but this is my guess; like in the moments the screen turns on maybe the networks sends out a "signal" like the call would be over... I know it sounds weird but I don't know what else to think...
I even attached a poll to see who gets this behaviour...
So, to all the CHEFS out there... please help.... because HTC is not willing to... they're answer was not helping at all...

This is weird... I use netDrg's 2.5g ROM and I have no issue with the proximity sensor. Sometimes, when receiving a call, if I rotate the phone from portrait to landscape and then immediately take it to my ear, the screen doesn't turn off, but as soon as the display is back to portrait mode, it turns off. This isn't annoying at all, since I rarely pick up the phone and hold it in landscape to talk !
Maybe you should try a different ROM ? If you understand French well, netDrg's ROM is quite good, although it seems to me that the battery drains faster than with the stock ROM...

french is fine.. actually i would learn any language just to have this fixed... i know about landscape and sensor not working... but it is not the case here
it happens so aleatory... i would think it is a hardware issue... BUT i have one number and with it, this NEVER happened
i had almost all the cleanex suite... touch-x, energy and others... i really can't remeber if this happend since the first day i bought it... i've put back the stock rom downloaded from htc and still the same...

ok... i've made like 15-20 calls to the same number and all worked as it should... than all of a sudden it started to do what i've described in first post... just like this... i'm starting to hate this phone...

it looks like i'm not the only one with this issue... how you guys got it solved?..

just a thought... what triggers the screen on on this phone... i know that some apps open the screen... maybe there is a registry tweak to keep the screen off if proximity detected... this should be done automaticly i know... the fact is that the proximity sensor works...

uhm, just to point it out, you should edit your post instead of posting 4 messages in a row in the same thread
Anyway, this is the exact same problem I noticed reported in another thread, and I didn't have it, I mostly receive and rarely call, yet the few times I called I don't seem to remember such problems, will try and remember to test with my other mobile when I get back home.

today i went back to default rom that came with my phone...
and still it does the same
i HSPL again and than put
the same thing
if I call my home landline it works perfectly... if i call one of the numbers i was telling you about it acts like described in post #1
one other thing i discovered though... with the original roms there is a courtain over the buttons on the phone canvas... this not only blocks aditional buttons on the screen but also blocks the top taskbar... wich is a goos thing
anyway for a 4-500 euros phone this thing i'm having shouldn't happen...
still searching... i've seens something with Rilphone.dll... can this make a difference?
LE: Rilphone.dll broke thephone module... hard reset...

Same here ccezar
I only realised in the last couple of weeks that I've hung up on people a few times & sometimes I've tried making the same call on the spot like 5 times in a row & the line has been cut off before it evens rings, which brings me to say that different behaviours on different calling numbers is just a coincidence.
Sort of experimenting at the moment, I think that when I dial, & put the phone to my ear slowly it works. i can see the screen turn off, & the call goes smoothly. Although after I've hung up sometimes the comm manager or arkswitch is on my screen, which only mean that the taskbar is still active...
I almost thought that the screen may have been switching off but the touch function was still there at least for a few more seconds...
There are hundreds(thousands maybe) of us HD2 owners out there, so my feeling is that if there ain't many complaints, it may aswell be a faulty device.
Then again I wonder if that phone canvs slider would make a diference? Anyone know if there's cab for this?

What radio you using
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the 2.10.... radios is the culprit for me.
I just flashed my old radio, will test for a day or so and see what happens.
If your on a 2.10.50.. radio urself or anyone with the same prob and radio, can I suggest you downgrade to a 2.07 or 2.08/ or 2.09 for euros?

i thought also that it is radio raleted... i tried other radios and still the same...
anyway i don't think it is hardware related... because i have at least one number that never ever got this behaviour... and neither when calling landlines... it is only on some numbers on mobile networks... and i have numbers that get this behaviour only from time to time...
so... how does the proximity sensor works?... when in a call (there is a reg key that appears upon making a call and says activecallcount=1) the proximity sensor activates... if something in the way it turns the screen off... if the call ends the proximity sensor is deactivated... this is where i dont have exact facts... like if i keep the phone to my ear if it will remain with the screen off or once the call ended the screen goes on... i'd go for the second one...
so... my belief is that is has to do with network parameters... you make the call and on steps 5 and 9 from first post i think the phone belives that the call is over... and i guess the network sends a signal that triggers that... i know it sounds like a fairytale...
now i will try to find a sim card from another mobile operator and see if it does the same... i already tried with another seem from my operator and there is no change... maybe if i try a different sim type (there are simple and 3G sims - i have a simple one)
i'll keep digging... anyway... at least one mobile number and all landlines numbers this NEVER HAPPENED...

well that just makes sense ccezar. I'll do the same over the weekend & see what happens.
with another providers sim card that is.
Hey when say you tried with nothing installed, was cookie's hometab on the rom? just a thought

i don't think so... because i also tried with a stock original rom...
LE: i just realized that my phone is network locked... how can i unlock it?

ccezar2004 said:
i don't think so... because i also tried with a stock original rom...
LE: i just realized that my phone is network locked... how can i unlock it?
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I couldn't tell ya, I can suggest that if you're on a contract your paying for the phone anyway, so you should be able to ring the phone op & ask them for the codes. Where I am, the only time I couldn't have it unlocked is if it was pre paid & less than 12 months old.

after long debates that's the conclusion of HTC
The only option that is left now is to send the device to the Repair Centre so the engineers could examine it. Your device is still under the warranty. But after the diagnosis the engineers will determine whether the fault of the unit is due to misusage, accidental damage or a manufactured fault. Before proceeding with the repair you’ll be notified with the cost of the repair, if it is an out of warranty case. Kindly note that your phone has a global warranty, which means if you have any issues with the phone and would like to get it examined (repaired) it will be through one of our global repair centers Please follow the link below for information about those repair centers. Bear in mind as well that if you have European warranty, you’ll be able to repair your phone in any official repair centre in the European Union. Thank you for using HTC products. Please contact us again if you have any questions. Best Regards, HTC Team
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Moaning Groaning Phoning

Hi Folks,
I was unlucky/ lucky enough to smash my Hermes in to bits the other day.
Insurance stumped up the cost of a spanking new Vario II from the T-Mobile shop the same afternoon.
It came back with the original ROM, Radio
I have a problem (Duh! otherwise I wouldn't be posting)....
Every time I receive an incoming call when I'm on the phone, I press answer to pick it up, (thereby putting Caller 1 on hold normally), Caller 1 goes on hold, and phone freezes, Kupput!
Bizarre huh!
2nd time round, I thought, I'd ignore the call, press the button, some bloody thing!
Now I have to let the call ring off to answer phone if I'm on the other line.
I also seem to have to reboot the old phone rather a lot (3 times a day).
Was this a dodgy ROM, or do you think it's hardware related?
The only reason I'm reluctant to upgrade the ROM is that if it's hardware I can just take it back to the shop.
Many thanks in advance,
Your title sounds like a bad porno
Anyways, you can try a new ROM and if it turns out to be hardware, you can downgrade to the stock ROM/radio.
I think its the ROM as mines still stock rom and i have Noticed that, some times it works but most of the time it hangs, when i do switch to the other incoming call it seems to cut the other person off and not hold them, but that could be me doing it wrong lol
normally i just leave the other incoming call "ringing" then they can leave a voice message and i can ring them back, would rather do that than lose both call's
maybe someone with a non stock rom could help out with this one and post if it does the same on theirs or not
If I were you I would take it back to the shop and get it exchanged now. If its a hardware problem you are not likely to be unlucky enough to get 2 phones with the same hardware problem. This way you are reasonbly safe.
If you find that the second phone also has the same issue you can then install a different rom and see how you go. Easier to do it this way than to go through the pain of reversing roms just to send the kit back.
What you haven't said is whether this is a WM5 or WM6. If WM5 I had hellish problems with my Tytn when I first got it with freezing problems, etc. I was on the brink of getting a sledgehammer out and smashing it to bits when I discovered this website. Since I moved to WM6, upgraded my radio, and used all the various hints and tips e.g. the one around activesync, life has been much easier.
Hope you get it sorted.

Questions and Answers Section for BA Forum. Post Your Questions Here.

As a celebration for my 1000th post, I decided to open a new thread based on Tweakman's idea, which seemed to work very well in the Development and Hacking Section. The idea is simple, a single thread for all Questions, Problems, and Concerns regarding Blue Angel. This includes, but it is not limited to:
[highlight]*Problems with Flashing.[/highlight]
Can't get your device in bootloader? Did it freeze during flashing and now it doesn't get past the 4 colored screen? Are you a complete noob and need some guidance as to how to flash? Etc.
[highlight]*Have questions about which Rom is best?[/highlight]
[highlight]*Want to install software but don't know if it is compatible with your BA[/highlight]
You get my point. All the questions that I have seen/answered over the past couple of months are just repetitions of posts, threads, and things that are readily available on the wiki or in other threads. However, people are either lazy, don't know what a Wiki is / where to find it, or just flat out don't know how to search (or read the forum rules for that matter). Having something general (in this case a sticky) that says "Hey, if you have a question, you can ask here" should draw enough attention and start minimizing the number of new threads and posts opened by users (both new and seasoned). This way, we will be able to keep the development threads a little cleaner and smaller... hence making the site's search function work a little better in the process.
Kinda like the Q&A team, I will need your help in trying to keep the influx of questions to a certain level by answering them as we see them. None of us are logged in 24/7 (or at least some of us aren't ), but if you guys see a question, please try to answer it. I know that xplode, Chef_Tony, markanthonypr, red_hanks, sun_dream, imatrix, +Que_PPC, motisu, and others normally try to keep this under control, but if we centralize it and contain it, we will have a cleaner forum.
Reserved for future use.
Post Stickied Per Request...
Siemens SX66 BlueAngel Q&A, Help
You know very well you can count on us. Great idea mate. Also congrats on your 1,000's post. I've added a few "tags" to the thread. I hope some others do the same to. Tags help users to find what they are looking for when they use search.
hi specialists
my friend has Blue Angel,he has strange problems.
in (sounds & notification),it didnot saved after changing any parameter,we tried by reflash the rom again,but nothing changed,also we reinstalled radio 1.15 but no change,also the ring tone of the msg is discontinue or irregular when played,and some times didnot wake up (of the device) when recieve a msg.
this is strange issued problems but in mine (BA) every thing is ok,this problems only in my friend (BA),I mate PDA2K.
any ideas?any suggestions?
notice:when we down grade to wm 6.1 every thing is ok
homam_france said:
hi specialists
my friend has Blue Angel,he has strange problems.
in (sounds & notification),it didnot saved after changing any parameter,we tried by reflash the rom again,but nothing changed,also we reinstalled radio 1.15 but no change,also the ring tone of the msg is discontinue or irregular when played,and some times didnot wake up (of the device) when recieve a msg.
this is strange issued problems but in mine (BA) every thing is ok,this problems only in my friend (BA),I mate PDA2K.
any ideas?any suggestions?
notice:when we down grade to wm 6.1 every thing is ok
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Hey homam,
Thanks for kicking things off
First of all, which OS were you having problems with? This is important because it could have been a bug in a rom that could have been fixed in a later version.
I know I can count on you, buddy I need help from the mods as well though. I cannot redirect posts to here and/or close threads
My BA, keeps turning on from standby, by a light shock! I maen, if you press the Power button, and then you knock gently on it's back, it turns back on!!
I've set to "Lock all buttons except the power button", However, I still have this issue.
Well, I must confess that once it dropped off of my hand, and it's the result of that...
Any ideas?
by "it turns back on" i assume you mean it wakes up from stand by, it doesn't really start like after a soft reset, right?
since the BA's only battery activated wake-up is in the cradle and we are not talking about soft reset, my first guess is, the battery is not to blame.
have you checked whether you can use your camera at all time? i mean, the camera_detect does not usually run at all times but if the camera connector is a little lose, from now and then it could "discover" the new camera hardware and wake up, that is unlikely for normal devices, but if yours had a crash before...
you could refer to this site for checking possible hardware reasons:
the hardware things aside, there are also many possible software reasons for the device to wake up on:
- update of titanium weather
- automatic email checking
- cell broadcast
- if bluetooth is on
- if beam is on
- automatic update of any software...
plus of course the usual:
- incoming call
- incoming text message
- incoming mms
- upcoming calendar event...
so please check the possible software wake ups first to make sure this is really a hardware issue, because that would be a shame, that could be tricky to solve.
or let me put it this way, if it is really the moving that wakes it up, you have the first BA with accelerometer
EDIT: last but not least, it could only be a bug, maybe a hard reset or change of the rom could also be a way to go, since spontaneous waking up is a known bug for BAs
If there was only a way to hack the hardware and make this work at least on Edge. I can live with everything else, but its a shame paying for a full unlimited Internet service and only getting G connection Sighhhhhhh
Ok, I had to let that frustration out !!!!!!
Chef_Tony said:
by "it turns back on" i assume you mean it wakes up from stand by, it doesn't really start like after a soft reset, right?
since the BA's only battery activated wake-up is in the cradle and we are not talking about soft reset, my first guess is, the battery is not to blame.
have you checked whether you can use your camera at all time? i mean, the camera_detect does not usually run at all times but if the camera connector is a little lose, from now and then it could "discover" the new camera hardware and wake up, that is unlikely for normal devices, but if yours had a crash before...
you could refer to this site for checking possible hardware reasons:
the hardware things aside, there are also many possible software reasons for the device to wake up on:
- update of titanium weather
- automatic email checking
- cell broadcast
- if bluetooth is on
- if beam is on
- automatic update of any software...
plus of course the usual:
- incoming call
- incoming text message
- incoming mms
- upcoming calendar event...
so please check the possible software wake ups first to make sure this is really a hardware issue, because that would be a shame, that could be tricky to solve.
or let me put it this way, if it is really the moving that wakes it up, you have the first BA with accelerometer
EDIT: last but not least, it could only be a bug, maybe a hard reset or change of the rom could also be a way to go, since spontaneous waking up is a known bug for BAs
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Wow! Tony! I really appreciate your complete answer. I mean it.
Yes, as you correctly assumed, I meant wake-up. It just wakes up and continues the routine WinMo operation; no soft-reset occurs.
It's less than a year that I've replaced the battery with a new one. I remember all the funny things used to happen when the old battery was dying. But non of them were similar to this one.
It can't be the Camera. Well, I'm able to use it all the time, and the "camera_detect" has been always loaded in the processes whenever I've checked it. About the looseness thing, ummm, I'm not sure. I tried to knock on it to see if it's more sensitive than other parts. I think the upper part of the device is more likely to wake it up by an easy hit (like knocking). but it's the whole upper part, not only the camera section nor the camera button.
Unfortunately, the software possibility, is unlikely to be the problem:
I've used many ROMs on my lovely BA which 3-4 times of them taken place since the wake-up problem.
The software and the usual reasons you counted, do wake it up. but shakes, too.
Finally, to be honest, I'm agree with you! This is the first Blue Angel with accelerometer. yeaaah! I did it!
I bet my friends that I can wake my BA up, without touching any buttons or screen! It's fun this way, but I comes to be annoying when I put it in my pocket or just put it on a table! and it wakes up... consider the forced battery consumption, unwanted screen taps if I don't lock the screen. God bless A_C! and... .
I know it's a hardware issue (((((
@raizaM: My Thought.... Have you ever taken it apart? One of my BA's had 3 loose bolts inside. All 3 were from what I think is the Radio/Antenna part at top. However, in my case, I had a rattle going inside. Thats why I put it apart. You might have something loose inside, causing a connection to arc when you knock on your phone. If you do deside to open it, there is a tutorial on the wiki on how to.
markanthonypr said:
@raizaM: My Thought.... Have you ever taken it apart? One of my BA's had 3 loose bolts inside. All 3 were from what I think is the Radio/Antenna part at top. However, in my case, I had a rattle going inside. Thats why I put it apart. You might have something loose inside, causing a connection to arc when you knock on your phone. If you do deside to open it, there is a tutorial on the wiki on how to.
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Hey mark!
I had that same issue a while back, but with only one screw (also from the same area as yours).
Just to knock off Chef_Tony's theory out of the table completely, try to erase camera_detect.lnk from \Windows\startup and SR your device. If Chef was right, then your issue might be gone. However, I would follow markanthony's advice and take it apart in case Chef's idea doesn't work.
Oh man, your not my hero anymore LoL.. and here I thought I would be the only one with a mechanic inside my phone.
markanthonypr said:
Oh man, your not my hero anymore LoL.. and here I thought I would be the only one with a mechanic inside my phone.
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Well, it kept me entertained when my BA would run out of juice
Thanks for your kind advices.
Actually, I tried to remove "camrea_detect" from the startup once, but any way, I gave it a shot again... no success...
Frankly, I'm a lil bit afraid to take my lovely BA apart... :-s... What if... :-(
But, I guess sooner or later I need to do so. so what the heck... lets do it.
Maybe I'll do it tonight. Guys please help me through it. I don't wanna loose my Angel!
Ton'y link provided in the previous posts, would be my start:
any more advices?
raizaM: You're not going to go that far deep. Only remove the cover. If you look at picture #4 on that link, the top green area has about 6 bolts all around it. Those were the ones that were loose on mine. 2 of them were rattling inside the phone. I still can't believe they didn't cause a short circuit. You don't need to go down into the camshell area. Do you use the sliding keyboard? If so, you could have a bad flex cable. But, don't worry about tha for now. Just remove back cover and carefull inspect for loose bolts. Don't over tighten them.
all the master please help, my BA strange,,,,, the screen suddenly go dead after actived wifi or playing game, its suddenly dead, and i must push power button to turn it on again through proses like softreset, that in battery power. but if i conect in charger power mode, i turn wifi,playing game, its normal, the BA still on and working normal,
please2,,,,,if someone knows the problem please help, im desper now....
loryshoe said:
all the master please help, my BA strange,,,,, the screen suddenly go dead after actived wifi or playing game, its suddenly dead, and i must push power button to turn it on again through proses like softreset, that in battery power. but if i conect in charger power mode, i turn wifi,playing game, its normal, the BA still on and working normal,
please2,,,,,if someone knows the problem please help, im desper now....
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It seems that you have the backlight settings set to dim/turn off too fast. Go to \Settings\System\Backlight and modify the settings in there (particularly the ones labeled "On Battery Power"). Then, soft reset the device (stylus on the bottom).
Hope this helps.
markanthonypr said:
raizaM: You're not going to go that far deep. Only remove the cover. If you look at picture #4 on that link, the top green area has about 6 bolts all around it. Those were the ones that were loose on mine. 2 of them were rattling inside the phone. I still can't believe they didn't cause a short circuit. You don't need to go down into the camshell area. Do you use the sliding keyboard? If so, you could have a bad flex cable. But, don't worry about tha for now. Just remove back cover and carefull inspect for loose bolts. Don't over tighten them.
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egzthunder1 said:
It seems that you have the backlight settings set to dim/turn off too fast. Go to \Settings\System\Backlight and modify the settings in there (particularly the ones labeled "On Battery Power"). Then, soft reset the device (stylus on the bottom).
Hope this helps.
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not the setting, it got black scren, its dead screen after running wifi or application, suddenly goes dead, black screen,.
Have you tried with another battery? It sounds to me like your battery is about to die. It won't hold the heavy battery consumption of Wi-Fi and heavy CPU usage while on Games. Try with another battery. Also make sure you followed Egzthunders suggestion to change your Power Settings. If you still need help, post back and include more info about your device, such as, what version of Windows are you running and how old/new is your battery.

Never seen a problem LIKE THAT ...

I`m having an awful problem with my HD2.
When using the GSM Band the phone drops almost all of the calls when I cover the proximity sensor. I have tried all ROMs till now but that didn`t help. Also made several hard resets ...
So after a hard reset the Network Band is set always to AUTO. At AUTO when the phone switches from 3G to GSM it automatically ends the call. That`s why I tried using just 3G. When using 3G I don`t get drop calls. But when I tried the GSM option I get it all the time. I have 3 or 4 signal lines, but it still drops the calls.
When I don`t cover the proximity sensor and leave the phone on the table the call doesn`t drop at all - it works perfect in GSM or 3G. That`s strangest part of the problem. How come the proximity sensor has anything to do with the Band of the phone ???
I don`t know exactly what to do .. don`t want to get the phone to repair center because it will take a lot of time to be returned.
Someone had a same issue? Or if someone knows a way to fix this ?

Really someone ?
Have you tried a hardreset? The proximitysensor shouldnt interfere with the radio and definately not drop calls... Have you tweaked your device using an app (ie BsB or similar)?
have you tried a new radio?
Device works like this Hardware<->radio<->rom
So the radio communicates with the hardware and the rom with the radio.
So the radio commands all the hardware functions, not only the "radio" components.
So with a new radio you can have a better way off communication with the hardware and with the rom
I've just tested, and this doesn't happen to me.
However, there is an update for the radio available (actually, it's that SIM Contacts update). Did you apply it? For I didn't do that yet.
And in case you have, it would be interesting to know if others who have applied the update are facing similar problems...
Are you sure that you're not holding the phone at the bottom/back when you test the proximity sensor, I've noticed that touching this area of the phone (where the antenna is located) can have a massive difference to signal strength and in weak areas it can make you drop the call everytime.
WoW ...
Thank you for so many replies.
1st. SMUPPY - I`ve tried all official ROM`s + several cooked ROM`s + 1.61. I also tried without any applications installed, just after I make a hardreset (have made over 50 at least ). Same situation.
2nd. thomas_pieps - Now I`ll try installing ALL different radio ROM`s out there and see if anything helps. Thanks !
3rd. amang2205 - I don`t know about that SIM Contacts update ... will try and post results !
4th. Noony - I never had problems with the reception of signal at all. It happens when the signal is strong enough to drop calls. I tested it with the phone on the table, so without holding it. Immediately after covering the proximity sensor with my hand the call is dropped. So that`s not the issue here!
Thanks all again for all replies. Hope I can fix something !
Tried installing the hotfix and tried all different radio ROM`s out there.
SAME RESULT .... the problem still exists.
It was an obvious result because as I said previously, that happened also when using the first 1.43 ROM without installing any radio ROM`s or any other 3rd party software. Also after hard reset the result was the same. So I don`t think it`s the radio.
Just can`t figure it out. How come the proximity sensor has anything to do with the network BAND I select ?
How can that be connected ? I would make a video showing exactly where the problem is ....
This is sounding more and more like a hardware fault. The PS should not have any impact on the call connection.
You need to speak to customer support from where you bought it, and ask for a replacement. If you do this, make sure you flash the original ROM back to it
I have another (I assume) hardware issue, because I can`t turn my phone completely off. After selecting TURN OFF it just restarts, or whenever I pull out the battery and place it again the phone starts alone, without me having to press the power button.
Maybe it has something to do with the other problem ... I don`t really know.
The only solution is to go to the store I bought it from .... MAYBE it`s just that!
yep, it sounds like your phone definitely has a case of the crazies. flash back to original spl + stock rom and get a replacement.
Noony said:
Are you sure that you're not holding the phone at the bottom/back when you test the proximity sensor, I've noticed that touching this area of the phone (where the antenna is located) can have a massive difference to signal strength and in weak areas it can make you drop the call everytime.
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That is *very* true. Question is: how the h*ll am I supposed to hold the phone, if covering the back with my hand causes the signal to drop?
NeilM said:
This is sounding more and more like a hardware fault. The PS should not have any impact on the call connection.
You need to speak to customer support from where you bought it, and ask for a replacement. If you do this, make sure you flash the original ROM back to it
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Agree wth above, hardware fault.
ps. let us know how things progress!
Finaly I went a sent my phone to repair... will update when it arrives back ... hopefully I will have a brand new phone !!!
c0rp1 said:
I have another (I assume) hardware issue, because I can`t turn my phone completely off. After selecting TURN OFF it just restarts, or whenever I pull out the battery and place it again the phone starts alone, without me having to press the power button.
Maybe it has something to do with the other problem ... I don`t really know.
The only solution is to go to the store I bought it from .... MAYBE it`s just that!
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I'm not an expert or anything
but it looks like you have a problem with the OFF Button. As this button responcible for turning the phone on/off and ending the calls as well..
so maybe there is an electrical problem with the phone and it glitches..
any way
good luck
Voffchik said:
I'm not an expert or anything
but it looks like you have a problem with the OFF Button. As this button responcible for turning the phone on/off and ending the calls as well..
so maybe there is an electrical problem with the phone and it glitches..
any way
good luck
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Thought of that too. Maybe it`s something like that. I remember the first time I realized there is a problem ... the OFF button stopped working at all after doing something with the phone (don`t remember what, but it wasn`t anything unusual). It wasn`t functioning for couple of hours and then it started working again. After that happened I started finding problems. So maybe you`re right. Maybe it`s the electricity or something. If there is an expert with hardware around here, maybe he can tell the actual reason for why this is happening.
Strange that it has connection with the network band and with the proximity sensor. If someone had explained a problem like that to me, I would not believe that it`s true. It sounds so strange ...

Problem when calling

Hello eveyone.
I have a problem, my mobile mini hd when i call someone after less than a min. the lights go off and i can't end the call by all ways only if i remove the battery or the one who i am calling end the call ):
I tried everything, reset the phone couple times and i upgrade the ROM with no change ,,,
What is the problem and what you think i can do...
Thank you ...
Sounds like something wrong with the proximity sensor. The phone should light back up when you take it away from your face. Although i can't be sure. (I'm no expert yet.)
I would suggest reporting it immediately to the retail shop. You'll get a replacement if it's really a defect.

Poor phone app on LG G2

I just got a G2 and I hate to say that I'm very disappointed with it.
It absolutely fantastic in many ways e.g. screen, battery etc but it does its main function badly i.e. the phone.
I have several problems with the phone app but I suppose the main 3 are:
1. very slow/laggy i.e. the phone rings for a short time before the screen becomes activate and I can answer the call.
2. It take a long time for the screen to become active again when I remove remove it from my ear i.e. when I wish to end a call, the screen takes about a second to become active again (proximity sensor).
3. When I am on a call, any sound from my side completely mutes the far side. So if I, for example, say "yes" in agreement to something the far caller is saying, I miss what the caller is saying for that time when I am speaking.
I hope what I have written makes sense :silly:
I'm really sorry that I bought this phone, I think its unusable as a phone. I have tried both JB and KK ROMs and both are the same.
Any help anyone? I'd rather stay stock but I'm willing to load a CM ROM if it will improve the phone.
Return it and get something else. There is only so much a phone can do.
robogo1982 said:
Return it and get something else. There is only so much a phone can do.
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Why the smart-arse answer?
The number one thing I would expect a phone to do is perform as a, erm, phone? I'm not trying to get it to perform as a PC or helicopter
Anyhoo, I got problem 3 sorted. I flashed a 20C ROM and that fixed that problem. Problem 1 also seems to have improved a little.
Problem 2 was and still is the main problem. I have tested the proximity sensor and its fine so it must just be the phone apk. I find it very annoying to have to wait for the screen to become active again so I can disconnect the call.
It's not a smart-arse response at all. Like I said, there is only so much a phone can do. If it does not perform to your liking, you can either send it back to be thoroughly tested in a service centre (it can be almost anything), or exchange it for a different phone that performs as a phone.
I never had such issues with my phone so it just could be that you got a bad device. Of course, you can always load an AOSP ROM and see if the problem persists.

