Can't seem to log into marketplace - HD2 General

I have tried all yesterday and again today, I click on marketplace, go to sign in and then nothing it won't log me in, no error message or anything. Do you know how I can resolve it, I have tried deleting it and downloading it again

I think it is one of my applications that is causing it, I have installed Motweets from the marketplace, Skype, Audioroute and S2U2 and the phone is constantly freezing, behaving really slowly and most of the time marketplace won't log me in.
It was working okay before I installed these applications.


Problems with IM+ locking up at login

I recently tried im+ and every time i try to log into AIM with it. The AIM icon turns green. A scroll bar apears at the right of the screen and shrinks as if there is a lenghening list being formed. Then the wizard locks up and hangs for a few minutes. Then the scroll bar looks as if the list is shrinking very quickly and IM+ just disconnects completely for a minute before starting to connect on its own again. In fact it did it so many times that i was banned from aim for an hour. Has anyone else had this problem. And do you have a way to stop it?
I have not been able to get AIM to work reliably with any of the Pocket PC apps I have tried, and also end up getting banned when it fails to fully connect over and over.
What HAS worked well for me, is to log in with my Google Talk account and import AIM contacts into it. I am doing this with IM+ and it works well, except for a crash now and then I think might be IM+.
You can get instructions on how to import contacts from other services into Google Talk here:
I'll have to look into the google talk thing.
Whats weird is that im+ seems to not like either of my screenames. I've let a few of my friends log into aim and they dont have any problems at all. Its just my screenames that cause problems. I dont get it.
Well i got it working. And all i did was install and uninstall it 5 times and it finally works. That same aproach has worked for other programs as well. funny how that works. funny and annoying...

Facebook Help: Help: An error had occurred while fetching data [null]

All of a sudden I got "An error had occurred while fetching data [null]" every time I want to see my live feed and my own profile from my Nexus One phone (stock Facebook app). I have no problem accessing it from the browser or PC.
Strange thing though, when i log out, then re-login using OTHER facebook account, I can see the live feed and the profile page no problem. Everything works fine again.
However, once i login using MY account, problem starts again.
I have hard reset my N1, problem still there.
Any idea? Please help.
I like the stock Facebook app on N1, don't really want to install another app or use browser to access it.
Oh and my N1 is stock, no root yet.
Thank you
Calm down and take a deep breath I have the same problem. It is not your phone it is facebook server. I had the problem yesterday shortly and today in the morning. Now it seems ok for me...wait until they repair the problem and use the browser application in the meantime...
i had the same issue also, mine seems to be working now though.
so server related not my phone?
mine still isn't working though
still not working? dang, just give it some time, mine was out a good 6-7 hours
I've had this issue on the Desire ROM where the live feed on the Friend Stream just refuses to update... I was "locked out" for a few days.
strange, it wasn't working for a while until u put the facebook widget on my home. click on the facebook icon, then ta-da! all working again.
Not sure if it was a coincidence...
It's a problem with some 3rd party apps that push data to your facebook feed and the client's interpretation of the XML. Zynga apps being one of them.
You can experiment by hiding various 3rd party apps form your facebook feed (or logging in when you get the error on a computer and seeing what apps were there and not on your phone).
Once they're hidden (or, over time as they pass further down the history list) your feed will work fine.
i don't play games on facebook, nor have i allow any games to be on my profile.
strange, but it works ok now.
Not just games this can be form ANY third party app that has an illegal character in it....this includes quizes, "who visited your profile", horoscopes, any of those things, anything that is not a pure-facebook update.
Same problem here on htc desire S. On wifi all is ok. On 3g ''An error had occurred while fetching data (null.)'' This is very strange.

Marketplace not working... server error please retry or cancel?

Cant get onto Marketplace today! all other 3g web apps etc or maps is working fine. but when trying to search or look at apps or my downloads on marketplace I get A server error has occurred. Retry or Cancel and return to previous screen.
Has anyone else had this? tried rebooting the phone etc
Just noticed im getting internal server error when trying to refresh facebook aswell! although maps etc still working and opera

[Q] Apps not showing on the list

I purchased a few basic free apps via Marketplace on my PC (Shazam, Youtube, Voice Recorder, Google Search), everything went okay, I got the message that the application was successfully installed every time. But when I disconnected my phone from the PC, the applications I installed weren't on the apps list. I connected the phone again in a few hours, synced it and still those apps didn't show on it. I tried to install them again, but I got the message they are already installed. Help?
the same problem, can anyone help ??

Skype doesn't log-in, Americandroid/CM7

I'm running CM7 from my SD card, via HaRET
installed skype, dwouldn't log in, and crash
read the official FAQ,
cleared the data, move to phone, cleared the data
and still not logging-in, not crashing though, but not logging in, and not displaying any error messages,
did the same thing with angry birds, "unfortunatly" it started working,
so I fear this semester is doomed...
what do I do??? I really need skype, and don't want to use other programs
anyone?! anything?!

