Android & Exchange Sync - Touch CDMA General

i always thought android was the next best thing and i still think that based on all the different builds i got to try on this forum. some of you are amazingly talented and dedicated for doing what you do.
however, there is one thing that was been annoying me to no ends and I can't seem to find a solution for it so i am turning to the community for some help.
i use gmail a lot and i am also married to my exchange account. i use my exchange email, calendar and tasks. i can't stop using them or my life will fall apart due to all the stuff going on... i got the contacts and the calendar to sync somewhat but i just can't figure out how to sync my tasks!
i imported parts of my contacts to my gmail account and i am syncing my exchange calendar to google calendar using google calendar sync but i can't figure out how to sync my tasks with android. can you please share if you know how to keep everything in sync?? i am literally at the verge of giving up on android completely and going back to windows mobile because i can't figure this out...

Google does not support task syncing with exchange.
At the moment they only support Calendar and contacts and email.

detour522 said:
i am literally at the verge of giving up on android completely and going back to windows mobile because i can't figure this out...
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There are several apps and builds which support full exchange sync (email, calendar, contacts) but only two paid apps support + tasks syncing: Touchdown Pro and Moxier Mail. I have great experience working Moxier and i would recommend that you try out that.

If you are willing to pay, this will handle tasks on Android:
There is a free trial in the marketplace for it if you want to try it out. Personally I think it is kinda crappy - if it were free or a couple bucks then whatever, but since we have the option of WinMo or Android if you really need tasks then it is best to stick with WinMo for now.
I've seen rumors that Google is working on task support so we shall see how it looks in Android 3 or whatever...


Why Google needs “Direct Push” for Google Apps

Direct Push with Google Apps?!?!?!
Hi everyone. I think I might have asked this question before but maybe something has developed in the last few months.
I am running my own IT consulting business and as I get more and more busy my calendar is becoming an ever more important tool. My dear wife went out and got me a good old-fashioned spiral bound day-timer but I have a sophisticated day-timer right here in my pocket in the form of my HTC Touch. As an IT consultant I think I should be using it rather then pulling out the pen and paper. Right now I am using the calendars in my Touch, Outlook, Google Apps and the calendar in the Exchange account I have with one of my customers. Too many calendars and all because I really want to use my Google Apps calendar and have it sync with my Touch.
I really want Google to develop “Direct Push” technology so that I can get my email, calendar and contacts all from my Google Apps account just like it was an Exchange Server. I am even considering switching my email back to an Exchange Server just so I can sync with my Touch. This way my wife could login and add stuff to my calendar and it will appear on my Touch. Right now I have my Email coming in from Google Apps via IMAP, my Calendar synching with Outlook (installed locally on my laptop without Exchange) and my Contacts syncing with my customer’s Exchange server. This is a pain and I want everything in one place that can be maintained/synced in real-time.
I will say this right now and keep in mind that as an IT consultant I like Microsoft’s products and install things like Windows 2003, SQL Server and Exchange on an almost daily basis. If Google develops “Direct Push” for Google Apps it will be an Exchange killer. The only, and I mean only reason I am thinking about switching my domain back to Exchange (I moved from Exchange to Google Apps about 1 year ago) is for the ability to sync everything (not just email) with my Touch.
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
The Fish
Oh and just in case anyone from Microsoft is listening, “threaded inbox” isn’t what I mean by “conversation style”. Come on Microsoft. Just admit that Google has actual built a better mousetrap and managed to improve on the age-old email model of “folders” and “sent items”. Go ahead and copy them… copy, copy copy! Oops sorry, I mean “embrace and extend, embrace and extend”
Something like that would be great!
matthew232 said:
Something like that would be great!
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And not to mention totally do-able. There is already an non-Exchange mail server out there called “KerioMail Server” that implements Microsoft’s Direct Push protocol. Check out this link
Microsoft’s Direct Push is entirely HTTP based. It shouldn’t be that difficult for Google to do.
The Fish.
I guess you have to wait for Google Android.
thefish123 said:
On the other hand if Microsoft comes out with a version of Outlook/Exchange that dispenses with the whole “Inbox/Sent items/Delete” model and goes for the Google-style “conversation & archive” model along with the search capabilities I might fall back in love with Exchange.
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The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but have you checked out any of the 3rd party sync options? GMobileSync is a free little program that allows bidirectional syncing for your calendar (not push though). GooSync offers a free service level that also gives you calendar syncing. If you upgrade to their payed version (I think it is something like $30-40 for a whole year) you get not only calendar sync, but contacts, tasks etc. Might be worth a look.
jeffreycentex said:
The moment they do that (without giving an option) is when I would have to quit using Exchange. I **hate** Gmail's threading and forward those mails to another account that isn't threaded (and the fact that they don't let you turn it off).
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Microsoft would never do it without making it an option. But I am surprised to hear you say that you head Gmail’s threading. Quite honestly you have got to be the FIRST person I have heard say that.
I have never (till now) talked to anyone who switched to Gmail who didn’t have anything but good to say about it. Most people I know who use Outlook or Outlook Express and who do ANY real volume of email spend at least an hour to two hours a day “organizing” their email. They have a whole list of sub-folders under their Inbox and then have almost the exact same set of sub-folders under their “Sent Items”. They spend time trying to decide how to file things or if they should file it in the first place or just delete it. Sometimes they delete and email and two of three days later the whole issue has ballooned into a big issue and they are filing the responses but no longer have their original email because they didn’t think it would become important.
Gmail lets me keep my Inbox clean while at the same time never worrying about filing or organizing or having trouble finding things back. I would probably hate Gmail if I was still trying to fit it into my narrow 20-year-old “I must use folders” paradigm of thinking (which I did when I first started using Gmail) but it was fun to give up on that and the new paradigm of “never file, never delete” is so superior.
I don’t really case WHERE my email is as long as I can find it back in a natural way. I think in years to come we are going to see the same thing happening on computers and to some extent we already are. The #1 reason most people hate Windows Vista is because of the way the new “Explorer” obscures the hierarchal folder model that everyone is used to from our Norton Commander days. It is really very Mac-like. Most Mac users couldn’t tell you where their pictures were in terms of a “directory” or a “folder” but they have less trouble finding them, or copying them to a USB drive, or attaching them to an email then most Windows users.
If we ever do see WinFS (Windows Future Storage) it is supposed to be a Microsoft SQL layer bolted on top of the file system and gives you database-style searchability with all kinds of meta data attached.
The thinking behind the Reiser file system is that any structure on top of the file system for storing data indicates that the file system isn’t doing it’s job. And I can kinda see the point.
The Fish
I agree, Gmail should definately come out with direct push technology
I currently use gmail with pocket outlook with imap.
It's annoying having it set to check my email in intervals.
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange first reaction was wow...i want that!!
I'm hoping android will implement features like direct push, among others.
surgex0 said:
I didn't even know what direct push was until today, until i saw a friend using his phone w/ his private exchange first reaction was wow...i want that!!
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It’s not even so much that I want “push” email (although that would be cool). The biggest issue is that there is no way to sync my Calendar and my Contacts with Gmail. This means I either A) have to use the Calendar/Contacts on my Touch in their “stand alone” form without syncing to anything or B) have to sync them with something else.
I really like being able to use my web-based Gmail calendar (Google Apps) but I wish like crazy there was some way to get this on my Touch.
The Fish.
PS: when you sign-up for Google Apps it asks you what (if any) previous mail system you used. As an example it says in brackets “Microsoft Exchange”. This makes me think that Google Apps is positioning themselves to take the SMB email market away from Exchange. I think if they really want to do this they will make Google Apps look just like an Exchange Server to the millions of WM devices out there. Currently I am seriously considering moving my email back to Exchange when I get my own server online (in a few weeks).
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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Googlemaps apparently has a native app now (altho I would rather use Livesearch), so no, they aren't all JAVA. I take it you visit the HTML site instead of using IMAP so that you can see the threading and other g-mail features?
If you want gmail to push, use SEVEN at
Sync & Push
I use to push my gmail and it works instantaneously. Fantastic. This is free, perhaps only while they are in beta.
I also use for syncing my calendar. There is a free version, but I bought the software and daily sync about 11 calendars 2 months backwards and 2 years forwards. Hardly ever any issues. They are working on contact sync - have a public beta out now.
surgex0 said:
Google's apps for WM are all in java aren't they?
I know the gmail one is, and it sucks big c---.
I'd rather use opera and gmail html mobile than use their ****e java client.
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I don’t know if it’s really the Gmail client that sucks so much as that it just doesn’t run properly on the version of Java that comes on my Touch (the Bell Mobility Touch in Canada). I was pretty happy to have the Java Gmail client on my Razr back before I got my Touch.
That being said I keep hoping they will come out with a native Windows Mobile version like they did with Google Maps. But then again it seems kinda silly to come out with an email client for a device that already has a built-in integrated email client. The better solution would be to make the pre-exiting email, calendar and contacts features work properly (as in within their native capacity – meaning DirectPush) with their Gmail counterparts.
The Fish

Task app? Outlook Sync? Online Sync?

My G1 shipped today and I'm excited to get it tomorrow sometime. But I'm curious about getting tasks to work with my G1.
It looks like Google is thinking the same as Apple in that it doesn't have a built in task app. I think right now it will sync with Google Calendar and Gmail (for contacts), but there is no service to sync with tasks.
So... that said... are there any solutions working from the app store right from the get go or does anyone know of any future plans from any devs?
I'm using Funambol on WinMobile right now to sync contacts, tasks, and calendar data. It works great... and I even found that they have an app created for Android (I'm not sure if it's available yet), but so far it only syncs contacts.
Is there is anything out there I can use right now to get tasks working on the G1?
nothing yet, but should be up over time, outlook sync is one of the big ticket items developers are working on
Hopefully something comes out soon. I've come to depend on tasks and I have also come to depend on a shopping list program (hopefully this comes out soon).
From what I understand, anyone can start publishing apps starting on Monday. However, it won't be till Q1 2009 that apps from the app store can be purchased. I'm all for freeware and there's always great apps out there that are free... but I've had better luck with programs I actually had to buy.
Anyways... I'll eagerly be checking for updates to see what tasks managers come out into the market.
On a side note... is there any RSS feed I can subscribe to showing new or updated additions to the android app store? Or if not, perhaps there's a blog or two I can subscribe to so I can stay on top of all the new apps coming out?
Ayodeji13 said:
nothing yet, but should be up over time, outlook sync is one of the big ticket items developers are working on
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Well I have a few days left of my 14 days, if I cant sync with Outlook, I am done with G1 and its going back/
Just extracting my contact from outlook and importing them correctly in Gmail was a pain in the ass. Despite what is indicated on gmail help's page they absolutely don't support outlook csv format. Unless throwing every number in the "notes" fields is what they consider "supporting".
It took me a whole evening writing my own application that reads the csv and upload it properly into gmail using their contact API. No way I was going to re-input 600 contacts by hand.. I'd share the c# code for the app with whomever asks for it but it is *not* something for end-users just a quick hack that worked for me *once*. If you can't code you don't want it.
I managed to get the funambol app (Market is so slow...) so I will try to open an account there and see if it can sync all of outlook, gmail and the phone properly after all they have plugins for everything. Too bad they don't support appointment right now but it's still the best bet.

Exchange on the Hero, first impressions

I've noticed that not has much been said on the Hero's exchange support in any of the reviews or user reports so I thought I'd let people know what it's like as, for me, this is a must have feature. I should say that I have not had an android phone before and so I have had no experience with Nitrodesk's exchange solution so I can't compare.
Well, I entered my exchange details during initial set-up and after my first attempt was unsuccessful (SSL needed and is off by default) it than worked. Asked me if I wanted to sync Mail, Calender and Contacts all of which I selected. After the rest of the setup had finished the phone told me I had a new e-mail arrive so I could tell it was working straight away.
Mail is fantastic. Downloads everything fine, has at least as many options as WM for choosing which messages to download. E-mails look great on the display and html e-mails show up fine.
Contacts are great, they all appear straight away in the people and the phone application. All the Facebook and Flikr integration works perfectly. Only niggle is that you can't group contacts by company which is something I used to do on WM.
Calender seems to work fine. Appointments showed up ok, including appointments sent by e-mail.
All in all, the exchange sync is way better than expected and in some ways better than WM. The integration seems very deep and integral to the OS rather than a bolt on feature.
I agree with you there Bud, just a shame that there is no task sync support yet - still looking
All was fine for me, but as soon as I've allowed it to connect my contacts to FB contacts, sync fails for conacts with a 'client/server conversion error' message.
I'm using exchange 2003, mail and calendar are syncing fine, and I too would love tasks to be added, along with a fix for contacts and I'm a happy hero user
Strange - I have had no issues with the Fb sync but i use Exchange 07
Just Exchange, or...
...also Outlook?
not tried to sync with outlook yet, whats the best app for that?
I would settle for an outlook connector that I could just set to sync contacts and tasks, as these two arent really changing so frequently I wouldnt mind having to 'plug in' to sync these.
I just use exchange so can't comment on outlook sync. Facebook linking worked fine for me but I also have exchange 2007 so can only assume it's a problem there. Not sure if the exchange functionality is all implemented by HTC or whether they've used part of Nitrodesk's Touchdown but I saw on the Nitrodesk website that they don't support exchange 2003 yet.
gingepaul79 said:
not tried to sync with outlook yet, whats the best app for that?
I would settle for an outlook connector that I could just set to sync contacts and tasks, as these two arent really changing so frequently I wouldnt mind having to 'plug in' to sync these.
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The only app is HTC sync which is included along with the hero's manual on the sd card supplied with your phonbe, word of warning i just installed htc sync on my vista pc and it caused windows explorer to continuously crash until i uninstalled it, not impressed
Tried to install the app ealier, drivers failed and the app wont work (win 7 32 bit)
Going to try the long way round for now - sync outlook contacts to my google account and keep the google contacts synced to my phone - would I end up with a duplicate of everyone then though?
gingepaul79 said:
Going to try the long way round for now - sync outlook contacts to my google account and keep the google contacts synced to my phone - would I end up with a duplicate of everyone then though?
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I, like you (not I like you!), have synced up this way. I too cannot get HTC sync to work. I am sure Orange have bundled the wrong version.
So, I export Outlook to a file, then import contact file to google cal, then sync gcalendar to hero. Job done.
No duplicates, google calendar seems intelligent enough to recognise the dups
I would like to share my experience
Booted up.... would you like to set up exchange?
enter the details..... (internet accessible exchange server)
What you wanna sync my boy?
oooooook here we go.......
Thinking about an Adriod as my next phone, since I think WM is really falling behind everyone else! I use it mostly for work so a couple of questions if you don't mind....
No tasks syncing so far?
How does the calander work, are the views easy to see, day and week stuff?
Meeting requests work?
Can you flag email messages? This is a must for me and I hate that WM 6.5 can't even do it!
How do you find the keyboard replying to emails?
Can you open Word, Excel, PDF files?
Any other features it has for work that WM doesn't?
I'm having probs with exchange.
It will only sync my main inbox, not any of the subfolders I have, and will only sync via mobile network - fails on wifi ? ?
Then again can't get ANY web stuff on wifi ? ?
Word and excel fully creatable and editable with Docs to Go, and Open Office I think does let you read different docs though not sure which. Best PDF Reader seems to be RepliGo Reader which is good for books as well.
I'm only just getting to grips with Google Calendar but seems to have a great deal of flexibility for appts and stuff.
Widgets really just getting going, so I'm not sure of all those available...
Daisy - Magic owner, so Hero may be slightly different xx
herman3101 said:
I've noticed that not has much been said on the Hero's exchange support in any of the reviews or user reports so I thought I'd let people know what it's like as, for me, this is a must have feature. I should say that I have not had an android phone before and so I have had no experience with Nitrodesk's exchange solution so I can't compare.
Well, I entered my exchange details during initial set-up and after my first attempt was unsuccessful (SSL needed and is off by default) it than worked. Asked me if I wanted to sync Mail, Calender and Contacts all of which I selected. After the rest of the setup had finished the phone told me I had a new e-mail arrive so I could tell it was working straight away.
Mail is fantastic. Downloads everything fine, has at least as many options as WM for choosing which messages to download. E-mails look great on the display and html e-mails show up fine.
Contacts are great, they all appear straight away in the people and the phone application. All the Facebook and Flikr integration works perfectly. Only niggle is that you can't group contacts by company which is something I used to do on WM.
Calender seems to work fine. Appointments showed up ok, including appointments sent by e-mail.
All in all, the exchange sync is way better than expected and in some ways better than WM. The integration seems very deep and integral to the OS rather than a bolt on feature.
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I have reiceved my G2 touch and havn't been able to setup exchange sync over the air. It goes past first option i.e. to show me what i want to synch mail, contacts, calendar and than when I click on finish setup it fails with message unable to create account try later! Any idea what is going wrong. How can I fix it?
Anyone have any experience with exchange sync where the server requires you to set a password/pincode for the phone?
Heard some people saying that this was not supported by the Hero. A pity if true, as I need this to work in order to be able to use the Hero as a work phone (in other words, if I am to buy a Hero).
The out of the box exchange support is really very good. It just needs the ability to authenticate via password or client certificate.
I much prefer it to WM, but only because its completely finger friendly.
Yes you can flag emails, and they show up under the flagged emails tab at the bottom.
I really really hope the update within 10 days or September will affect this thing? Need to be able to sync more than one folder at the time.
cbailey said:
I, like you (not I like you!), have synced up this way. I too cannot get HTC sync to work. I am sure Orange have bundled the wrong version.
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works for me on vista 64 with orange branded HTC Touch. I believe there is an update on the HTC website, not sure if that enables win7 support
I certainly didn't notice explorer crashing after I installed it, chances are it's another explorer extension interfering (either a media codec that is failing at showing thumbnails, or a right-click extension or similar)

Why I'm migrating to Windows Live services...NOT LOL

This sounds awkward, doesn't it?? Comitting to the use of Microsoft services when I own a Google-branded phone. Well, here's why I think it's the right move.
Of course, you must maintain your Google account in order to use your phone, market, etc....but MS recently unleashed a slew of updates that make the end-user experience very fluid, IMO.
Because hotmail now supports exchange for contacts, calendar, and email, integration with AOSP android ROMs is nearly as seamless as the gmail equivalents. Once you've set up your exchange account (note that the Sense email app has some problems with this), you're good to go. Contacts, calendar and email entries sync two-ways without issue.
Where MS really shines now is in the desktop experience, particularly if you're using a Windows 7 machine. The new suite of Windows Live applications work very well with the online services. And the new Hotmail interface and functionality is right up there with Gmail. I actually prefer the aesthetics of Hotmail much more now, and I haven't found anything that I can't do with it that I've done with Gmail in the past. Threaded messaging, filters, etc. It's all there. There still isn't the concept of labels, but I never sort email into multiple categories anyway. Could be a deal-breaker for some.
I'm not a MS fanboy or rep. I run Linux at home part of the time, and I've been on Gmail for eons (after coming from Yahoo! Mail). I just can't ignore the tight integration between mobile, cloud, and desktop services that MS is heading toward. They seem like they've jumped ahead of the competition. Perhaps when the Chrome OS is finally released this will change. Wait and see, I guess.
Any other Hotmail users with the Incredible?? How is your experience? I've only made the switch within the last day.
EDIT: Just kidding! Everything was chugging along nicely until I realized you could only sync one exchange calendar. It's a limitation of Android, not Hotmail. But as it is, I need my multiple calendars. Back to Gmail. Fun while it lasted. Will be back to Hotmail if ever Android supports multiple calendars on an exchange client.
I love my google and won't be switching.
sent by Violent J's wicked 6300
pete_kowalski83 said:
I love my google and won't be switching.
sent by Violent J's wicked 6300
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Fine, but you might want to work on your argument a bit

Iphone to note, 1st time android user

Just upgraded to the note from iphone 4 (ios 5).
Although the obvious flexibility with android is instantly obvious, I guess there are some workarounds for the other things that the iphone (apps) do beter.
Here are some questions I have, if any experienced android users wouldnt mind answering thanks: -
1) The stock calendar isnt very good, what is the best alternative?
2) Relating to above, any way to sync with outlook calender?
3) Anyway to sync contacts with outlook?
4) How do you set the email to delete from the server (IMAP)?
This linking with gmail and google calendar seems as bad as having to have Itunes installed
Bengaz said:
Just upgraded to the note from iphone 4 (ios 5).
Although the obvious flexibility with android is instantly obvious, I guess there are some workarounds for the other things that the iphone (apps) do beter.
Here are some questions I have, if any experienced android users wouldnt mind answering thanks: -
1) The stock calendar isnt very good, what is the best alternative?
2) Relating to above, any way to sync with outlook calender?
3) Anyway to sync contacts with outlook?
4) How do you set the email to delete from the server (IMAP)?
This linking with gmail and google calendar seems as bad as having to have Itunes installed
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Good on you for taking the Android challenge.
I rather like the S-Planner.
Syncing contacts with outlook is possible a number of ways.
If you export a contacts.cvs from Outlook and import it into gmail/contacts, these will then sync with the phone.
There are number of expensive apps for syncing Outlook.
I ditched Outlook when I went to Windows 7 and now use Windows Live on the pc.
BTW, I never use gmail for email, but only to access my Youtube account, and now to sync with google calendar.
It is possible to sync with MS windows Live calendars and contacts too.
You can get a hotmail app for this.
I find syncing to google really easy, much better than MS activesync.
I frequently got duplicates and / or wiped my phone with activesync.
And nothing could be worse than itunes.
Never owned it but have often tried to help others with issues.
It's a trojan piece of #@!*.
Delete emails from the server is in settings for the account.
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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Ahhhh exciting times, I'll never forget my first Android phone, after years persevering with good old Windows Mobile. Your in for a treat
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I've been using Android for just over a year and when I looked for satisfactory sync options for Outlook 2003 - contacts, calendar, notes and tasks - the thing that seemed to fit the bill best at the time was gSyncit -
It's paid software with a one time cost rather than an annual charge. In terms of syncing reliably I find it to be very good. Everything goes where it should, both backwards and forwards, and I don't get duplicates or missing entries. I bought a copy for my girlfriend as well when she bought an Android phone a couple of months after me.
There is a problem which has prevailed on and off pretty much since day one, for both of us, and still hits occasionally. That is an inexplicable failure on startup, leading Outlook to want to disable to addon. Usually it can be fixed by closing and restarting Outlook, although sometimes it need three of four attempts before it will play ball. Nowadays the occurrence is fairly low, maybe happening once a fortnight or less, and that's with the software used seven days a week and for most of each day.
Once you have your stuff in the Google cloud, whether you choose to access it there or not, Android takes care of syncing from the cloud to the phone and back again.
There are other possible options including Kies for Samsung owners, or free software such as MyPhone Explorer -
What I like about gSyncit is that once set up it sync automatically in the background and is entirely hands off in operation. The other solutions I've seen appear to require a deliberate action to connect hardware together and initiate a sync operation. Regarding the stability issues I've experienced, I've downloaded several upgrades over the year or so I've had it, but those were all for V2. A while ago a V3 was launched, with a small premium for the upgrade. I haven't bothered to upgrade as I find V2 does all that I need, but maybe it fixes that little stability issue my girlfriend and I have experienced.
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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S planner...
your probably right about the standard iphone calendar but I was used to using "week calendar", the best calendar app ive ever used, Ive been in touch with the Dev and it may come out for android...
Another excellent app I used on the iphone was "notebooks".
This is soon to be out on android and desktop (with dropbox sync). Cant wait for that one, for now I use colour note.
One thing ive found in the last 2 days, the apps for the iphone seem far better.
Ok, ive solved my first problem (calendar) and hopefully make the switch to android easier for some other people...
On the iphone, upgrade to ios5.
Sign up for icloud and get a .me email address.
sync your iphone with icloud.
download the desktop icloud app (syncs to outlook)
(ive been using this for a while now and its 100% reliable so far, you can also ditch itunes for good then)
install "caldav-sync beta" on android phone.
using icloud server details, set up a new sync connection.
the icloud server details can be found here
now you can make a gradual transition from iphone, desktop (outlook) and your android phone while keeping the 3 in sync.
You get 5gb free space on icloud, more than enough for contacts and calendar and the android app is around £1...
To add to this, you can do the same with contacts using "carddav-sync beta".
However im only getting 25 of my 300 contacts synced for some reason. I need to fix that, anyone have any ideas why?
3Labs said:
are you using the stock android calendar or the s planner calendar--they are different and s planner is at least as good imho as iphone calendar from my research
i am making the exact same transition--this week, my note arrives on Tuesday
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Interesting you say the S-Planner is as good as iphone's calendar.
I really like it.
I would like to customize the colours, but you can't have everything.
Maybe a mod will appear in the Themes section for this.
I hope you have a good experience of the SGNote.
You might find it different, but I hope you enjoy the freedom and power.
Week calendar
Bengaz said:
S planner...
your probably right about the standard iphone calendar but I was used to using "week calendar", the best calendar app ive ever used, Ive been in touch with the Dev and it may come out for android...
Another excellent app I used on the iphone was "notebooks".
This is soon to be out on android and desktop (with dropbox sync). Cant wait for that one, for now I use colour note.
One thing ive found in the last 2 days, the apps for the iphone seem far better.
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Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
Made the Same step from iphone to note and I think the calender are at least equal to iphone (used saisuke, calengoo,...) but due to the fact that I sync everything over Google, it's easier with an android device.
If you need outlook I recommend, as mentioned, gsync, too. Is about 10 bucks per licence and syncs from contacts to tasks everything but slowed down my office 2010...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Guys Guys Guys...
There is an easier way of doing this. For free... I follow this approach & it works like a charm.
1. Download Google Calender Sync from this link:
2. Install the program on your laptop/PC. Set it up to sync outlook calendar with your Google Calendar at whatever frequency you want. I have it set to 30 mins. This way, your Google calendar will sync with your Outlook Calendar.
3. On your android phone, setup your calendar to sync with google calendar. This way, all your 3 calendars, Outlook, Google & Phone, will be in sync all the time.
I have never needed to sync my outlook contacts with my phone, so I have never tried that. If I do come across some info on that, I will let you know...
triandy said:
Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
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Hi, did you tried out business calendar? it's really brilliant i think. I just looked at screenshot of week calendar app. Looks like the business calendar week view, wich is great i think.
i use it together with a tiny but powerful app, quick addroid, wich lets you add everything in batches.
triandy said:
Please go easy first time post. I am also looking to go to a note from the iPhone4. One of the only reasons to keep with iPhone is week cal app. I too asked them about an android vesion a few months ago. Week calendar is the best calendar app. I've tried all the others including Jorte etc
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My main use for my phone is my calendar and notetaking. The S planner maybe as good as the STANDARD iphone calendar but that is pants as well. There is nothing on the android market comes remotely near week calendar I'm afraid.
Same goes for notes as we'll I'm afraid. Nearest you can get to notebooks for iphone is note everything pro. Still way off in function and sync though
As for sync. Use icloud and the desktop app to link to outlook if you need to email directly from office like me.
Nasobem said:
Hi, did you tried out business calendar? it's really brilliant i think. I just looked at screenshot of week calendar app. Looks like the business calendar week view, wich is great i think.
i use it together with a tiny but powerful app, quick addroid, wich lets you add everything in batches.
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Tried it but its nowhere near
Raghav1980 said:
Guys Guys Guys...
There is an easier way of doing this. For free... I follow this approach & it works like a charm.
1. Download Google Calender Sync from this link:
2. Install the program on your laptop/PC. Set it up to sync outlook calendar with your Google Calendar at whatever frequency you want. I have it set to 30 mins. This way, your Google calendar will sync with your Outlook Calendar.
3. On your android phone, setup your calendar to sync with google calendar. This way, all your 3 calendars, Outlook, Google & Phone, will be in sync all the time.
I have never needed to sync my outlook contacts with my phone, so I have never tried that. If I do come across some info on that, I will let you know...
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The problem with this approach is that google calendar sync has issues with not syncing certain formats of appointments from outlook to google cal. I googled it and its a wide spread issue with no easy workaround that I was able to find. I got tired of not having all my calendar items sync and just snagged the gsyncit app.
The whole point is to NOT use Google. My way works perfect and supports all the contact formats, reminders etc.

