hd2 from orange france - select language - HD2 General

hello everyone,... i just received my new htc hd2 in paris, and i was told by orange in france that i could setup the language in english if i wanted to, but, cannot find a way to do this,...
anyone know how to change the language to english,...?
thanks for your help,...

This is not possible
Windows Mobile firmwares with TouchScreen are "mono langage".
The only way to change the langage is to flash an other firmware with a Gold Card.
If you want support in french : http://forums.smartphonefrance.info/

that is not true
u can add some lange changer as arabic english and u can change most of title to english
as i did
any help let me know

thanks guys, both,... figured this out but was misled by orange france who specifically told me through 'online' help, in writing that it was possible to change the language,... you can change the 'region' but not the language, and, i just read that the 'goldcard' does not work with orange france,...
this is getting complicated,...! i have 4-other htc devices, 2 of them from orange, and it was a breeze to change everything,... now, you have to be a 'rocket scientist' which i am not,...
thanks for your help, but would like a simple and easy tutorial to change the 'orange france' ROM to a WWE ROM,...
your help is appreciated,...


Change Language (EN -> SP)

Hello !!!
I have bought PDA (HTC P3300) in USA but I live in Argentine. Windows it has appeared on english language. It is possible to change language of system to spanish.
I think, that it is necessary to change ROM. Where I can download? I saw in german, italian but not in spanish.
Thank you very much.
I have same problem. I bought my qtek 9100 in England and i need it in spanish.
Is not a big problem because i understand english well but i prefer to have my pda in my language.
If somebody knows how can we do it, please, tell it to us.

How to change language HTC PU10??

can any one please guide me how to change language Italian to English..
ROM Reflash ?
Hi mahadi,
THe HTC PU10 seems to be the same as the HTC Universal, you'll probally get better answears here.
that said, what Lukasnix posted is correct, usually the only way to change language is to reflash the ROM.

[Q] WM HTC Prophet Question Language Pack

I'm new in windows mobile modding and I whant to know how to add Romanian language to HTC Prophet
Need help quick!!!
so far we managed to unlock the phone but I dont found how to add romanian language bc it has fr language

[Q] Qtek S200

Hi, folks. I've been offered a Qtek S200 with Windows Mobile 6.2 . The problem is that the system language is in Danish and I donĀ“t speak it at all. Is there any way to change the language to another european language, for instance Portuguese? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks...
You would have to flash a ROM with a different language.
Read this for instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Prophet#ROM_Upgrading:

French language on HTC Surround with AT&T

I'm from Belgium, and I recently won a Surround. The problem is that English isn't my mother language (And sorry for any language mistake, I'm trying to do my best ) and I can't change the language to French.
Well I read a lot about debranding or simply install a new ROM but I don't really know the difference between those two thing.
What is the best way to get french language on my phone (and btw french vocal recognition)
I saw ... this ... and ... this ...
What is the better way to get french language on my phone?
What about the future update?
Is it risky or not?
About my WP7: HTC Surround / HTC T8788, Carrier: AT&T. If you want any other information just ask
Thank a lot (And sorry for the grammar or spelling)
Is there anyone who can help me?

