I Dream of a new Phone - G1 General

You know, at some point you almost have to wonder how much more do we really "need" in software.
Things we needed were GPS, wifi tether and better audio. We have all that now in hacks, workarounds. While we didn't need to OC that's just a nice bonus along with apps2sd but the fact still remains, it's a phone.
The sad thing about the G1 is the hardware and particularly the camera/video functions among others.
Thank goodness for android and google. They really got it right and are really pushing the technology, which makes it exciting. One day we'll have hardware that's as good as android and the development going on at this forum but even today we have so much more functionality than the typical phones out there.
I was a blackberry user for many years. I liked blackberry for one reason. They just did what they were supposed to do.
My son and I were out of town the other day and we had this discussion. (he works for T-mo.) I asked him if you were stranded and had only one phone call to make, would he pick his BB or his MT3g. He said without hesitation, the BB and I concurred. It's not that we could not count on Android, but if we were betting our survival on it, the BB hardware would get the call.
I like the g1 better than any other phone out there right now. The virtual keyboards lacks a lot to be desired. Having the best android phone and the work that Enom, Cyan and others have made a pretty lame hardware phone better obviously but we still have a ways to go on hardware.
I've looked at all of the newer offerings out there but always come back to the G1. Fact is, as lame as it is, it's still better than all of them.
Who will make a really fine android phone is anyone's guess. If you have not followed some of the pocket video cameras that technology is really moving along. We can already do 1080p/30fps and 720p/60 in the Kodak zi8. Panasonic and Canon both have optical image stabilizers that actually work and shoot still images at 5mp and up. Some are using Zeiss and Leica lenses. Get some of that technology inside an android phone along with a flash and you really have a "camera phone".
I never understood why HTC and others put the speaker on the back away from your ears. As small as the speakers are, it only makes sense to put them where you can hear them. If your phone is to be used for an mp3 player, video player, GPS device, speaker phone why not put the sound where you ears are?
It also boggles my mind why something with all these capabilities, like gps wifi, email, web surfing and such a large screen has such pathetic battery life. The stock battery is about 900mah usable as we know, and that's a battle we fight every single day.
One of these days it's going to dawn on manufactures what we actually need in a all in one device. The OS is solid and getting better everyday, but the hardware is lagging waaay behind from current state of the art and some of these designs for android are only incremental and cosmetic upgrades at best and some of the makers are STILL missing the point entirely.
If it's going to be a phone that does multimedia, surf the web and has a camera, let's bring up the hardware changes up to the rest of the technology and I suspect many of us will leave the G1 far behind. Until then, my G1 has to stay.
Oh yeah, one more thing, if it's going to be a camera phone, add a tripod mount to the bottom of the phone. How hard could that be?

IMO they leave all the high tech junk out to keep the cost down. Before android, I always wanted the TP2, or the htc fuze. The high sticker price is what kept it out of reach for me. These htc android phones retail for a steep amount already, if the add high-def cameras, state of the art processors, big RAM and screens the cost will be out of the "average consumer price range". I've seen a couple smartphones that cost well over a grand, I think that's what your looking for
Remember 10 years back, phone screens were monocrome, ringers were just beeps, and motorola was king. Give it some time, maybe in another ten years all that you described will be standard in a smartphone.

Even Nokia in the N series has a much better camera for a camera phone. While it's still SD it does an excellent job for video and the "N" price is about the same as a G1.
You can buy one of the Panny Lumix P&S cameras for about $200.00 at costco that does 720p/30 that have both optical zoom and optical IS and very sharp lenses and that's a full fledged camera. I just can't see it costing that much more for something similar and even if we didn't have HD, we still should have something usable for our G1 which we don't right now.
Look at the Creative Vado, that thing is 99.00 and while it's not state of the art, it does a surprisingly good job at video.
The G1 was $599.00 when it first came out. That's pretty steep for the hardware we actually received. HTC didn't even give us a headphone jack. Who's bright idea was that one for a "multimedia device"? Yes we can add one with some drilling and soldering, but why should we for $600.00?
The "upgrade" if you can call it that, to the MT3g was ram and styling. HTC still didn't see the need for a headphone jack. FINALLY, they heard us and gave us a headphone jack in the Touch Pro 2. Like I said, I think we get incremental upgrades in these HTC phones for whatever reason. I'm not shelling out for another phone unless I see some real improvements which I haven't seen in the last year.
The virtual keyboards are hard to use, I'm much faster with the hardware keyboard. Great idea, but not ready for prime time IMO. If HTC is going to mandate I use one like the MT3g, better make it really work well, which let's face it, it does not.
I'm not telling you anything you don't know, we all have the g1 on here. I just wish someone would do better and I'm hoping one day they will because I believe in Android but I'm not happy with the HTC hardware or their design flaws. I think we all could agree on that point.
I just ordered an extended battery for my G1 because I don't see anything coming soon worth replacing it. I wish it wasn't so, but appears to be the case from my viewpoint at least.

I don't see me changing from a G1/Dream for a long time, especially with the new Tmo contract set up. I am no longer on a contract, so that means the next time I want a phone, I have to pay for the phone in installments for 20 months or up front. That alone will make me think harder about an upgrade in phones. The "minor" improvements for me have not been worth the pricetags they have been asking, so If and when my G1 dies or I feel the need for a new phone, I will just use my insurance to get a new one for 100 dollars. Maybe by then the g1 will be phased out and I will get a g2

I was pretty happy with the g1 when i got it. the hardware is pretty decent though the camera is a let down.
The stock battery is actually 1150 which is the same as what my old mda vario had and that is a smaller battery aswell. Ive toyed with the idea of getting an extended battery but i dunno if i could deal with the extra bulk it adds to the phone.
what baffles me is that the g2/hero is practicaly the same phone, without a hardware keyboard. the only difference i have found is more ram. i would have expected a cpu upgrade atleast.
there is 1 android device that catches my eye and thats the verizon. it looks to have a much larger screen.
im hanging off until another droid phone comes out that has a full upgrade, cpu mem, camera and screen.
the screen was a disapointment being actually smaller than it looks in pictures, and very noticably smaller than the iphone. and thats what makes the virtual keyboard a little difficult, is that hhalf inch of less csreen width comapred to the iphone

veda_sticks said:
The stock battery is actually 1150
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Well, all of 1150 is not usable because it cuts off at 900 to save settings. Ever notice when the phone won't start you still have a little battery life left? That's the 15% you cannot use. Yes, it's 1150, but only 900 until your phone does not work.
There is a thread on here about the Yoobao battery where someone came up with these numbers. Bottom line is it's 900 usable.

jlacy76 said:
Well, all of 1150 is not usable because it cuts off at 900 to save settings. Ever notice when the phone won't start you still have a little battery life left? That's the 15% you cannot use. Yes, it's 1150, but only 900 until your phone does not work.
There is a thread on here about the Yoobao battery where someone came up with these numbers. Bottom line is it's 900 usable.
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The phone shuts off and refuses to turn on when it cannot operate with stability with the voltage that the battery is currently providing. Phones don't save a few mah to save settings because they mostly use non volatile memory to store data nowadays (taking out the battery won't erase your settings)...

You are right and I was wrong but still it's 900 usable.


N1 downfalls...

So as much as I wanted this phone to be perfect, after playing around with it for a few days... it just isn't happening. All the shortcomings of the device are starting to get to me...
- Low speaker volume (can be fixed with a mod)
- Low ringtone volume
- Bad sound quality (hissing and low volume)
- Bad radio placement (holding the bottom drops a few bars)
- UI laggyness (this did go away for me after throwing on cyanogen)
- Touchscreen problems (glitches out/goes haywire, not always responsive...)
All of these problems remind me of the Dream/Magic... Is HTC ever planning on improving on any of these downfalls (...ever)? The worst one out of all of them would probably be the touchscreen. I mean the iPhone has been out for what, 3+ years now? Why can't HTC/android put out a decent working KB yet? Typing on this thing efficiently is near impossible. I've owned tons of phones, and with that being said, I was never an Apple fanboi, but in the world of touchscreen smartphones I always end up going back to that damn phone. Sure android is fun as hell to play around with, but it isn't there yet... I can care less about the next processor HTC uses I just really hope they address some of these issues because that would really put them ahead of the game
In all fairness, the iPhone is no king in the RF department either, and the speaker sucks as well, but it has pretty damn good sound quality when it comes to the media department, and the touchscreen on it is perfect. If only HTC (or is it android?) can fix these issues... Because right now the phone feels gimped, and I'd much rather use a JB'ed iPhone, sadly.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but want to see what other people think. 3 friggin years and iPhone has yet to be dethroned. Android is great, but we need someone else to adopt it and produce a worthwhile phone ffs. Look at the X10, another android fail on the horizon *sigh*.
Had mine since January. None of these issues have presented themselves on mine. Although I did just notice a lot of dust under my screen. Replacement time.
I guess it's possible I got a defective unit. Or maybe I'm just too godamn picky I don't know... I compared it to a friends Droid (Milestone) and his had me beat on the first four things I mentioned. Kind of disappointing when this is the flagship android phone. Though it was manufactured by HTC and I had all these issues on the Dream and Magic, so it's not surprising...
digital bliss said:
So as much as I wanted this phone to be perfect, after playing around with it for a few days... it just isn't happening. All the shortcomings of the device are starting to get to me...
- Low speaker volume (can be fixed with a mod)
- Low ringtone volume
- Bad sound quality (hissing and low volume)
- Bad radio placement (holding the bottom drops a few bars)
- UI laggyness (this did go away for me after throwing on cyanogen)
- Touchscreen problems (glitches out/goes haywire, not always responsive...)
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Yeah, sounds like you had a bad unit. I've had mine for a few weeks and so far so good though I have noticed sometimes the low volume on the call. But ringtones are loud, no hissing and living in Denver, I've had great reception.
digital bliss said:
So as much as I wanted this phone to be perfect,
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This pretty much sums it up. You're expecting a perfect phone, and essentially looking for issues.
No phone is perfect.
Hell, the iPhone's been out 3+ years and can't multitask.
Look at my sign and realize that I've had the gamut of phones.
This by far is the best.
I'm still getting used to the keyboard and the camera isn't as good as 5 MP should be. But then again. No camera is as good as the one that was on my W800.
the droid has a far better speaker on it than the nexus..
i haven't heard any hissing or popping listening to music on mine
the radio placement is only an issue in low signal strength areas, like when you are around -80+DBm signal strength
my UI is fine, sometimes it lags when making a shortcut and im pulling up the application list, but that's only cause i have soooo much installed
have not had a single touchscreen problem, i think most of the time people aren't realizing that part of their hand or fingers holding the phone are touching it.. The digitizer runs almost to the metal edge of the screen it seems, it is very sensitive. The tiniest bit of skin touching the edge of the screen will throw it off.
digital bliss said:
So as much as I wanted this phone to be perfect, after playing around with it for a few days... it just isn't happening. All the shortcomings of the device are starting to get to me...
- Low speaker volume (can be fixed with a mod)
- Low ringtone volume
- Bad sound quality (hissing and low volume)
- Bad radio placement (holding the bottom drops a few bars)
- UI laggyness (this did go away for me after throwing on cyanogen)
- Touchscreen problems (glitches out/goes haywire, not always responsive...)
All of these problems remind me of the Dream/Magic... Is HTC ever planning on improving on any of these downfalls (...ever)? The worst one out of all of them would probably be the touchscreen. I mean the iPhone has been out for what, 3+ years now? Why can't HTC/android put out a decent working KB yet? Typing on this thing efficiently is near impossible. I've owned tons of phones, and with that being said, I was never an Apple fanboi, but in the world of touchscreen smartphones I always end up going back to that damn phone. Sure android is fun as hell to play around with, but it isn't there yet... I can care less about the next processor HTC uses I just really hope they address some of these issues because that would really put them ahead of the game
In all fairness, the iPhone is no king in the RF department either, and the speaker sucks as well, but it has pretty damn good sound quality when it comes to the media department, and the touchscreen on it is perfect. If only HTC (or is it android?) can fix these issues... Because right now the phone feels gimped, and I'd much rather use a JB'ed iPhone, sadly.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but want to see what other people think. 3 friggin years and iPhone has yet to be dethroned. Android is great, but we need someone else to adopt it and produce a worthwhile phone ffs. Look at the X10, another android fail on the horizon *sigh*.
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My media volume was ok at best on full volume but since applying the audio hack its perfect. I never once had a problem with ringtones.
The loud speaker is essentially a single mono speaker so you can not expect 5.1 stereo surround sound. but it does annoy me that my old wizard had 2 speakers and a decent sound.
The radio problem is something I agree with you on. It's like they intended for us to buy Bluetooth headsets because its ridiculous that we have to hold our phones in an unnatural position.
As for the touch screen I only have problems if I have some oil on the phone from my hands. And even then it is rarely an issue.
Sony made the x10 a failure , not Google
Meh... I love This phone.... everything about it.....
Paul22000 said:
This pretty much sums it up. You're expecting a perfect phone, and essentially looking for issues.
No phone is perfect.
Hell, the iPhone's been out 3+ years and can't multitask.
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That's very true, and probably the reason why I keep getting a new phone every 3 months.
mrbkkt1 said:
Look at my sign and realize that I've had the gamut of phones.
This by far is the best.
I'm still getting used to the keyboard and the camera isn't as good as 5 MP should be. But then again. No camera is as good as the one that was on my W800.
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I've had quite a few in the past year alone, and pretty much embarrassed to type them all out. I look at my addiction more as a hobby heh. I am enjoying this phone, don't get me wrong, but maybe expected a little too much for a ~$530 unlocked phone. Then again though, for the price, we're getting a LOT and I really shouldn't be complaining. But also, if these issues were to be addressed (seemingly small issues to most) I wouldn't mind paying the extra.
malicious85 said:
the droid has a far better speaker on it than the nexus..
i haven't heard any hissing or popping listening to music on mine
the radio placement is only an issue in low signal strength areas, like when you are around -80+DBm signal strength
my UI is fine, sometimes it lags when making a shortcut and im pulling up the application list, but that's only cause i have soooo much installed
have not had a single touchscreen problem, i think most of the time people aren't realizing that part of their hand or fingers holding the phone are touching it.. The digitizer runs almost to the metal edge of the screen it seems, it is very sensitive. The tiniest bit of skin touching the edge of the screen will throw it off.
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I hope HTC ups their speaker quality. Motorola has been putting phones out for a lifetime, and I've never had problems in regards to build quality or RF with any past Moto phones I've owned... so in terms of the Droid, I'm a little envious on those two fronts.
I'm in an area with great 3G, so admittedly it's more a pet peeve for me, reminds me of the E71 which had an equally bad radio placement, but that phone actually dropped calls because of it, I haven't had that problem *yet*.
UI is smooth as butter on cyanogen, but when it was stock it'd be spiky going from frame to frame which made me wonder, why... especially with a snapdragon... I guess the memory being freed up by cyanogen really makes the difference?
As for the touchscreen, that could very well be my problem indeed... Reminds me of my laptop touchpad (which is made by Synaptics too, lol). I guess you really need a lot of discipline when using the keyboard/touchscreen something I guess I'll eventually get used to after using it for a few weeks.
jz9833 said:
My media volume was ok at best on full volume but since applying the audio hack its perfect. I never once had a problem with ringtones.
The loud speaker is essentially a single mono speaker so you can not expect 5.1 stereo surround sound. but it does annoy me that my old wizard had 2 speakers and a decent sound.
The radio problem is something I agree with you on. It's like they intended for us to buy Bluetooth headsets because its ridiculous that we have to hold our phones in an unnatural position.
As for the touch screen I only have problems if I have some oil on the phone from my hands. And even then it is rarely an issue.
Sony made the x10 a failure , not Google
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I'm going to try that audio hack later tonight, haven't had the chance to yet but I think it will make me at peace. And yeah it's true that Sony kept to the trend and effed up yet again another flagship release.
I just want a touch with great RF and speakers. Motorola did it, but it included the slideout which I didn't want.
digital bliss said:
So as much as I wanted this phone to be perfect, after playing around with it for a few days... it just isn't happening. All the shortcomings of the device are starting to get to me...
- Low speaker volume (can be fixed with a mod)
- Low ringtone volume
- Bad sound quality (hissing and low volume)
- Bad radio placement (holding the bottom drops a few bars)
- UI laggyness (this did go away for me after throwing on cyanogen)
- Touchscreen problems (glitches out/goes haywire, not always responsive...)
All of these problems remind me of the Dream/Magic... Is HTC ever planning on improving on any of these downfalls (...ever)? The worst one out of all of them would probably be the touchscreen. I mean the iPhone has been out for what, 3+ years now? Why can't HTC/android put out a decent working KB yet? Typing on this thing efficiently is near impossible. I've owned tons of phones, and with that being said, I was never an Apple fanboi, but in the world of touchscreen smartphones I always end up going back to that damn phone. Sure android is fun as hell to play around with, but it isn't there yet... I can care less about the next processor HTC uses I just really hope they address some of these issues because that would really put them ahead of the game
In all fairness, the iPhone is no king in the RF department either, and the speaker sucks as well, but it has pretty damn good sound quality when it comes to the media department, and the touchscreen on it is perfect. If only HTC (or is it android?) can fix these issues... Because right now the phone feels gimped, and I'd much rather use a JB'ed iPhone, sadly.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but want to see what other people think. 3 friggin years and iPhone has yet to be dethroned. Android is great, but we need someone else to adopt it and produce a worthwhile phone ffs. Look at the X10, another android fail on the horizon *sigh*.
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You're brave people in this forum don't like to be told he phone has issues, I was too afraid to even read the responses yet. It's one of the best phones available but I know exactly what you mean. People here don't like this for some reason but its ok to admit that android and specifically the nexus is meant to compete with the iPhone. And so the comparisons logically follow !nd that's a good thing.
The iPhone is Michael Jordan, it changed the game and that's good for us because its really the only competition for Android in my opinion. The iPhone (should) bring the best out of Android.
But I too am frustrated that Android didn't look at the things that work on the main phone its competing with because the nexus really should have a keyboard, touchscreen and browser on par with the iPhone since it came out long after the iPhone. I wish to whichever god is the right one that I had never used the iPhone because I wouldn't realize how different the touchscreens are. It's not that the nexus one is bad its just that it could've been SO SO much better and its doubly frustrating that it came out so long after the iPhone, why not at least aim for iPhone quality? Also, The iPhone is ever so slightly wider and uses a thick keys like system, easy characteristics that make its keyboard substantially better. But with the HTC IME once you get used to it its actually almost adequate.
But be patient because, although I've ranted about wanting Android to fix the vast amount of issues ASAP it looks like Android is more concerned with putting out froyo that's supposed to be the last major update before Android focuses on updates defragmenting its OS. So wait and see what froyo has to offer, im confident and excited about it and I'm as hard on Android and the nexus oneas anyone here.
digital bliss said:
I guess it's possible I got a defective unit. Or maybe I'm just too godamn picky I don't know... I compared it to a friends Droid (Milestone) and his had me beat on the first four things I mentioned. Kind of disappointing when this is the flagship android phone. Though it was manufactured by HTC and I had all these issues on the Dream and Magic, so it's not surprising...
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I doubt you have a defective unit..you are being a LITTLE picky but those problems are there
Paul22000 said:
This pretty much sums it up. You're expecting a perfect phone, and essentially looking for issues.
No phone is perfect.
Hell, the iPhone's been out 3+ years and can't multitask.
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ya but see thats a software issue which can be fixed by jailbreaking the iphone..i had full multitasking on my iphone and it worked perfectly..the hardware on the iphone was flawless for me
the touch screen was PERFECT it supported TRUE multitouch because apple put a proper touchscreen in their phone unlike htcs descion to put a 3 year old glitchy touch screen on their "superphone". Its not glitchy for normal use but for mulitouch is SUCKS. I loved the games on my iphone and controls that were implemented but i cant have them because htc is cheap
altough my g1 and magic had a 3.2mp camera and my iphone had 2.0, the iphone took much better pictures than my htc devices, it didnt have to be bright sunny day to not get a dark picture.
so pretty much android is great htc is cheap. I dont know what happened with the speaker this time because my g1 and mytouch were pretty damn loud, but the touch screen is really annoying. Hopefully they have a better touch screen on the evo4g clearpad 3000 please
When threads like this come around, why do we post in them (I'm being hypocritical of of course), he thinks the iphone (and the Droid I guess) is more superior than this phone, and then everyone in the forum must take out little tidbits of his post and try to convine him otherwise or prove him wrong - which I believe is completely pointless.
Let the guy go on to the next phone, I mean who cares lol
None of these issues are pressent on my phone anyways, I don't use the speaker - I use headphones, my signal is great, my touch screen is great, really everything is simply great. Honestly to me the sole purpose of these threads are to try and make the members of forums mad or shaken up, because lots of people in the Android community get rather irritated when you compare these phones to the iphone. Though they are meant to compete with it - people seem to praise the device to a point that is inhumane.
Really Steve did a good job making little iMinions.
DMaverick50 said:
I wish to whichever god is the right one that I had never used the iPhone because I wouldn't realize how different the touchscreens are. It's not that the nexus one is bad its just that it could've been SO SO much better and its doubly frustrating that it came out so long after the iPhone, why not at least aim for iPhone quality? Also, The iPhone is ever so slightly wider and uses a thick keys like system, easy characteristics that make its keyboard substantially better. But with the HTC IME once you get used to it its actually almost adequate.
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Exactly. It's even worse imagining an iPhone running on android. You would truly have the best of both worlds. But instead you have to settle for one or the other which both have their drawbacks... I'm interested to see what Apple decides to introduce this summer, especially if they decide to unlock multitasking to fight off android.
DMaverick50 said:
But be patient because, although I've ranted about wanting Android to fix the vast amount of issues ASAP it looks like Android is more concerned with putting out froyo that's supposed to be the last major update before Android focuses on updates defragmenting its OS. So wait and see what froyo has to offer, im confident and excited about it and I'm as hard on Android and the nexus oneas anyone here.
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I've always been a fan of Google. With that being said, I'll be looking forward to their next update, but HTC better consider updating a few things... And the reason why I say HTC is because they seem to be Googles main advocate. Perhaps instead of releasing 20 devices a year they should step back and put some $ into R&D and make fewer, but more perfected devices. I hope things change after froyo, and that Google stops playing games in terms of their phones (getting HTC to make them).
bobdude5 said:
so pretty much android is great htc is cheap. I dont know what happened with the speaker this time because my g1 and mytouch were pretty damn loud, but the touch screen is really annoying. Hopefully they have a better touch screen on the evo4g clearpad 3000 please
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That's the conclusion I'm drawing to as well. I was initially surprised at the build quality of the N1, as it was an enormous step up from the G1, Magic and Dream, but it seems the internals (speakers, radio placement, etc) are still lacking as well as the touchscreen (in comparison to the iPhone). They should have included the clearpad 3000 to begin with, that's what's driving me crazy. Seems they cheaped out on us... to cut down on costs or whatever the excuse was, because didn't that tech surface last summer? I'm curious to see how the clearpad 3000 matches up to the 3 year old Apple touchscreen tech... Then again it's some moderately small company (Synaptics) vs. the monstrous Apple, so I'm not holding my breath. But will try to be optimistic about it. HTC should focus on building high end device because it seems they're just aiming for the mid end and hoping android will sell their devices... at least that's what it seems like to me.
Eclair~ said:
When threads like this come around, why do we post in them (I'm being hypocritical of of course), he thinks the iphone (and the Droid I guess) is more superior than this phone, and then everyone in the forum must take out little tidbits of his post and try to convine him otherwise or prove him wrong - which I believe is completely pointless.
Let the guy go on to the next phone, I mean who cares lol
None of these issues are pressent on my phone anyways, I don't use the speaker - I use headphones, my signal is great, my touch screen is great, really everything is simply great. Honestly to me the sole purpose of these threads are to try and make the members of forums mad or shaken up, because lots of people in the Android community get rather irritated when you compare these phones to the iphone. Though they are meant to compete with it - people seem to praise the device to a point that is inhumane.
Really Steve did a good job making little iMinions.
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I'm not trying to shake anyone up. If you enjoy your phone, all the power to you, honestly... And LOL at you calling me an Apple fanboi, I haven't used an iPhone in 6 months. The reason I'm comparing certain aspects of this phone to it is because they've done something right. I seriously hate Apple, Steve Jobs and his black turtlenecks... but if I want a touch phone that's reliable, I'd go with the iPhone, hands down. The only reason why I'm posting this is 'cause I'm so distraught at how this phone could have been IT, but it was another miss... And at this point in the game it's starting to get sad. I'm still laughing at you calling me an iMinion. I've owned 3 BBs, 3 HTCs, 2 iPhones and almost forgot the N97 all within the past year... and I hate all of them. Still waiting for THAT phone. If the iPhone had great RF and speakers, I'd love it. Same with regards to the Droid (even more so) but they are a few steps behind to make that happen.
Anyway, this wasn't the discussion I was trying to spark, far from it. Was hoping for some possible ROM remedies to some of my issues more than anything (mostly being the max volume for everything on the damn phone that makes sound). RF I don't have a big problem with considering the area I'm in is fantastic, and the touchscreen I'll have to suck up and get used to. Perhaps try that swype KB?
DMaverick50 said:
The iPhone is Michael Jordan
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If the iPhone is MJ then it'd be easy to say the Nexus One is Lebron James... but since Google doesnt advertise the N1 much then I'd say its more like Kevin Durant (current best player who doesnt get much attention)
I wasn't calling you an iMinion (though I could've been fooled), I was calling PEOPLE iMinions, because it has been irritating hearing so much of the 'revolutionary' iPhone. Please, I really don't need your phone history.
I guess the love of the phone has just gotten to my head, because I just don't see what the problem is with this phone, and how so many people don't seem to be satisfied. And then they all have to go online and complain as if this phone is simply horrible. Like it doesnt even stand a chance against the iGod, and should be shoved aside until Apple's new invention.
Maybe because I'm simply not having problems, I don't expect anyone else to be having any either. Though, that is an unreal expectation.

Atrix \ Galaxy S2 Comparison

I have prepared this thread to help myself and others compare and contrast the different phones and hopefully come to a decision here. If anyone has anything to add to the comparison that I have missed, please list it and we can get it all chocked up.
For the record. I have only listed something as a "Disadvantage" if I believe that the category is below what we would expect of the average Android.
Battery Life - This is a big thing for me. I can make my vibrant last through a 14 hour day by crippling every single possible feature. But people here are saying that the Atrix runs solid though 30 hour periods. This is a huge plus for me.
Higher Resolution (even if its fake) - Even though this resolution is fake and can actually cause text to blur, I can say first-hand that I saw the screen in action at a local wal-mart and found it to be acceptable by my standards. I think it may help overall with browsing. The GS2 has a larger screen size, and no pentile matrix display, which could possibly be considered better. This is one that may work out to be a tie.
Tegra 2 - I list this as an advantage not because it is faster, the various benchmarks for either processor seem to be inconclusive at this point. I am listing it as an advantage because it has its own series of games optimized specifically for it, and because Google has chosen to build their framework around tegra 2.
Webtop - I am initially hesitant to even mention this. The phone has a webtop environment, it is most likely Debian Linux and it is said to also be very sluggish. If, in the future, devs gain access to this environment and find ways to optimize it and add in worthy apps such as Chrome and open office, then this will be a massive advantage, but right now it is pretty much just a gimmick.
The webtop interface retains its session when you disconnect it. So you can plug the phone back into another dock and go right back to what you were doing. This is one of the good things about webtop.
Laptop Dock - We all know it is hideously overpriced right now and maybe in the future a cheaper solution will be available. But regardless of how you get the dock, it is an advantage to run your apps in full screen, even if you don't use the sluggish webtop interface and firefox.
The dock charges your phone, but plays sound through your atrix speakers, it has no speakers of it's own, you can answer calls by removing the phone, picking it up on bluetooth or by just yelling at it from behind the laptop. The phone retains its session when you remove it and there is no special unmounting procedure, you just grab it and run.
Screen - Bright beautiful and extremely rich. Those who have seen the screen firsthand have claimed that there is nothing like it at all and that it is miles above even the old Super Amoled display. The 4.3 inch size is also a bonus for those of us with large hands. This is probably the best overall feature of the Galaxy S2.
Camera - 8 Megapixels, and 2 megapixel front facing camera. People say that megapixels don't really matter in the long run but the Atrix camera is also said to have a purple wash to it and that the video can be splotchy in certain situations.
Design - Even though it looks way too much like the iPhone, this phone actually looks exceptionally nice. I like the three button design much better than the 4, the search button is pretty useless overall. The thinness of this phone is also amazing if you are into that sort of thing. Naturally it may come down to the US carriers to ruin the design, but by it will likely be summer before that happens.
32GB internal storage - Expect to pay for it, but it is there, you get 64 gigs total with this phone.
Gingerbread - The Atrix won't likely get gingerbread until at least this summer, this phone will have it much sooner if you get the international version coming sometime this quarter.
Gyroscope - This phone has it, do any apps support it? Not sure, but it is there.
NFC - In the off chance that any stores upgrade to NFC this year, you will have the ability to use it. NFC may have other uses that we haven't envisioned yet. It is a protocol, so it can be applied to just about anything. You could potentially set it up to unlock your home, cars could start with it, whatever.
So it has a lot of potential use other than having your money stolen from you.
Bootloader - To sum it up for those not familiar, the phone can be rooted, a custom ROM can be flashed, but the kernel cannot be altered at all. (someone will likely correct me here) but if part or all of the webtop code is contained in the kernel somehow it will be difficult to alter it to add new software or make it run more efficiently. This would be a terrible shame.
I can tell you that Team Whiskey has made my Vibrant browse faster than I have seen in Atrix videos, with half the memory and a single core processor. It is scary to think of what this phone could actually accomplish if Moto decided to allow it.
Motoblur - I read that this requires you to sign up for an account before you can even use the phone. I find it alarming that Motorola has decided to help themselves to all this information and it makes me wonder just exactly what they really have access to and why.
Crippled FM radio - WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. All of these phones have both transmitters and receivers for FM. So can someone tell me why in god's name anyone would disable them? FM radio has many more uses than just listening to local stations and why again should I have to burn my limited data on
internet radio when there is a receiver right in my phone?
Heat - My current Galaxy S runs very hot already, if the screen is active while the phone is being charged it will heat up to what seems to be a very dangerous temperature. The pre-release Galaxy S2 was said to be scorching hot after running with the screen on and the charger active.
Fail File System, Hideous and crippling lag - Update: the galaxy S2 is said to not use RFS. Chock one up for Samsung.
Updates - Samsung has a horrible reputation for updates when working with US carriers, even for new phones. If it was not for this community I would have likely given up on Android and Samsung altogether. Although I know that part of the update delay has been t-mobile, it is also in Samsung's interests to ship out new phones instead of updating their old ones.
Battery Life I have a feeling that Samsung tried to push the limits to get their phone to be as thin as possible and I am worried that they have done so at the expense of battery life. We won't know for sure until it gets in people's hands but I expect the battery life to be subpar.
NO HID Bluetooth Support (possibly) - I have had a black wiimote sitting here for 6 months waiting to connect to my Vibrant. I love emulated classics but action games are near impossible to play with the on-screen kb. So if you want this feature, I would make sure that the GS2 has it first, because it is not likely that it will.
Availability - What it really comes down to now. Unless you want to shell out over 1000 for the phone, you will probably need to wait 5 months from now for any kind of US availability this summer. And don't doubt that those versions will become crippled and even more bloated in the process. But again there is no locked bootloader here.
Ok I think that covers it. Having written all this down, I think I am really leaning more toward the Atrix. There just doesn't seem to be anything else out there now that will be able to match it at the moment. And as you can see, our experience with Samsung has not been exceptional.
Good comparison there. I am also looking at the exact 2 models and thank you very much, looks like Atrix will too be my choice.
I guess I'll get the atrix laptop dock too and prays for the devs here to make it all better. Otherwise, I think its still a good piece of hardware I don't mind owning.
""Samsung's dual-core, Gingerbread-powered Galaxy S II has appeared on Play.co.uk alongside a tentative SIM-free price and release date. According to Play, which is currently taking pre-orders for the phone, it'll ship Mar. 31 for £599.99 (~$960). Pre-release prices are never guaranteed to be accurate and are always subject to change, but £599 seams like a realistic price point for the Galaxy S II, as it's slightly higher than current single-core offerings from other manufacturers.""
Just published at androidcentral. £599.99 (~$960)?? Get a grip..
Not bad, just a couple of things to note that I thought of while reading. First, the screen resolution can be arguable considering the Pentile screen that the Atrix uses. That gives the SGS2 more sub pixels, but then it's a bigger screen, so less (I believe) pixel density still... it's really kind of a toss up, but I think they will both look great. I think the lower resolution and bigger screen on the SGS2 will look just fine with the full 3 subpixels per pixel.
Also, the SGS2 looks nothing like an iPhone. I wish people would stop saying that about every phone that comes out. Apparently every square black phone with a screen is an iPhone now.
And also it's been reported that the SGS2 does not use RFS.
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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The updates aren't really an issue for people who visit sites like this. I would never rely on Samsung to update my phone. My Captivate has been running 2.2 for ages while they just released the update for everyone else. Yes, Samsung sucks at updating, but the hacking community will always get it done regardless.
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
eallan said:
I must be the only one, but i use the search hotkey absolutely all the time. I love it and I realize that you can hold menu for the same effect on the SGS2, but i'd prefer to have the 4th hotkey than their ugly stupid home button. It is not an iPhone, embrace uniqueness samsung.
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I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Man_of_Leisure said:
I really miss the hardware home key! The orientation of the 4 buttons makes it a bit awkward to thumb navigate since its so close to the bottom. Its actually one of the things about the sgs2 that is making me think twice about my atrix. Despite how much I love it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I wouldn't mind if the buttons were hardware, thats another debate. I just want all four of them!
The back button is beyond crucial. Maybe back and home should be two hardware with the other capacitive? For symmetry, obviously a concern for samsung .
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
King Shady said:
I definitely want the new Galaxy S 2. I've heard that the Atrix was a huge let down. I used to own a Captivate and I loved everything about it except the ****ty build quality and lack of flash for the camera. It was so smooth with voodoo and custom roms. The Galaxy S 2 will have an amazing screen and I think it will do average on battery consumption. Just my 2 cents
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
AJerman said:
****ty build quality? Like hardware wise? I personally think the Captivate is the nicest of all of the Galaxy S phones. The hardware itself has been absolutely wonderful for me. The software quality leaves a lot to be desired from a stock standpoint though.
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The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
SGS2 is apparently RFS-free. Also, some versions will have Tegra2 instead of Exynos - hope this includes us.
People knock Samsung's plastic designs, but they're actually a lot harder to break than the "well-built" iPhone 4.
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
By looking at my signature, you can see that I just got the Atrix as well, and I love the phone. Amazingly fast, awesome screen (love the higher density and the effect itbhas on the overall experience), and the battery is pretty good too.
I'm seriously thinking about buying the laptop dock, but I don't know how well that will perform, and I haven't seen any live videos of it.
I really like the design and specs of the GS 2, but there are a lot of possible problems holding me back....
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix
FLAC Vest said:
Very good write up man, these are the posts that I like to see.
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Thanks a lot, bro.
I am no engineer and I can't build tools. But I can put a few thoughts together and provide someone with some information.
This is an amazing community and what people do here is outstanding, I just want to do what I can to add to that.
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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S2 looks like meizu m9
I have both and a Galaxy S 2 on order
Why? I really liked the Captivate. My plan was to use both but the Atrix is so much more fun to use I'm selling the Captivate. Well, maybe. Maybe not.
Yesterday after I removed the SIM card and replaced it, the Atrix went bonkers with freezes and instability issues. After numerous soft resets, two factory resets and replacing the SIM card, SD card and battery a couple of times it seems to be back to normal. I suspect I had reinserted the SIM card incorrectly but maybe there was another issue.
So why would I pay $1000 for the Galaxy S 2? The Captivate was that much fun. Although I'm sure we will be able to do more custom rom's shortly on the Atrix, the Galaxy S 2 sounds like an even bigger blast than either. And boy oh boy does that LG 3D look interesting. But you have to draw the line somewhere.
Here is what the Atrix has that the Captivate does not:
1-better graphics and screen quality, dynamic and vivid visuals, a joy to read and watch (text as well as video quality is sharp and crisp, very clear)
2-more interactive features with outside devices (i.e. computers)
3-interacts more efficiently with e mail, voice and text programs (really like the way it handles multiple incoming calls especially when you are already on one-notification, instructions and directions for handling)(I can now actually use Excel spreadsheets and Word documents) (works well with contacts)
4-updated browser can handle more types of video content and pop up windows better
5-it feels better when you hold and talk or watch or do most anything with it (I did make one call and even though I could hear the other party clearly they could not hear me-I do not what happened.)
My friends all tell me I should get an iphone. I had one for years and the Androids are far more fun. I'll never return. I don't think. LG 3D anyone?
I think Tegra2 is actually a disadvantage for Atrix 4G.
As a new generation dualcore processor, it's early, but not strong.
It's video playback ability of H.264 is limited, but H.264 is currently the most frequently played format.
It has no neon support, big loss on processing power.
Till now Tegra2 has not proven itself in Graphics power. In benchmarks it's no superior to Hummingbird.
However the performance of Mali400MP on GS2 is also questionable, so just wait and see...
hotleadsingerguy said:
The Galaxy S2 looks like a great phone, but even as much as I hate Motorola's implementation of the lockdown...I can't *STAND* Samsung for updates. They've promised up and down that they would release updates for every phone since Android came out, and they've delivered on about 3 of those promises...out of probably 20. They are *HORRIBLE* at updating devices and they don't even apologize when they cancel. I would *never* buy a Samsung on the hopes that it would get an updated OS.
As for the screens, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm a pretty severe audiophile and videophile and although I can tell a difference it's absolutely not enough to make me go with one phone over another. I'm coming from an iPhone 4 which has the best screen to date on a mobile phone...and even between that and my Atrix I barely see a difference. They're both fantastic screens.
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+1 great post!
King Shady said:
The plastic build was a huge downgrade for me, especially coming from a beautiful iPhone 4. I'm much happier with the Inspire 4G now though. HTC Sense is amazing and super smooth, and HTC build quality is great. The phone feels ultra solid.
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See, I don't understand that. There is far less plastic on the Captivate than the majority of the phones out there. The front is all glass, and the back is mostly metal. It's only the top and bottom on the back that are plastic, and they have both felt very solid to me since I got the phone on launch day. I came from an iPhone 4 as well, and granted nothing compares to the iPhone 4 in build quality, the Captivate definitely doesn't seem bad at all to me.
As long as you're happy with what you have now though, that's what matters. I just think the Inspire is a bit of a waste of money considering it's lack of power compared to all the other phones coming out now. It feels like it's last generation still. I did play with it a little at the AT&T store though, and it seemed nice. If it had come out last summer with the Captivate (even if it didn't have 4G), I might have gotten it. Now I'm going to wait until a dual core offering I like though.

Pros/Cons of U8800

Hi there, this is my first post and I have an interest in this phone. Can owners of this phone please briefly state the pros and cons of this device as it would be a real help for me (and others) to decide whether I purchase this phone or not.
I will create a list in the next post weighing out all the good and the not so good features of this phone.
Thanks in advance!
List of Pros/cons
The list so far:
- Great value
- Very fast 2nd Gen Snapdragon CPU which is easily overclockable
- Adreno 205 GPU (very good graphics)
- 512mb RAM
- 2gb Internal memory
- Large 3.8" WVGA screen
- 3g / HSDPA / Wi-Fi b/g/n / Bluetooth / GPS
- 5mp Camera with 720p HD recording
- Parts are cheap to replace (batteries, chargers etc.)
- Feature packed
- Decent battery (personal preference)
- Bulky
- Not the best aesthetics (personal preference)
- Low quality components (crappy Bluetooth, Mic, Camera, Internal Memory and Poor touchscreen/multi-touch implementation)
- Android 2.2 (However, you can easily flash a stable 2.3.5 Rom)
- Lack of knowledge/customer support from Huawei[
- Branding (I'm being picky )
only thing i could call a con and that's really stretching it is it's relative bulkiness.
No dual core
Actually Android 2.2 is pretty old already, that would be a bad thing. But we already have a stable 2.3.5-ROM so it is no big deal at all. Not the best aesthetics? I think it looks pretty expensive if you ask me. The galaxy s of a friend of mine does not look any better than the u8800. As far as I know the camera is not that great, and the megapixel do not provide any information about the quality (my old camera with 3MP makes better photos than any phonecamera, simply because it has a real object lens and a bigger sensor).
In my opinion the real advantage of this device is that you get the speed of devices that cost twice as much. Of course those devices have a much bigger screen, do not forget that.
There is one situation in which the processor will be too slow: Playing some n64-games; for example Zelda - Ocarina of time is not really enjoyable. Also the screen is almost too small if you do use the touchscreen-controls (you can use a ps3 controller).
Lack of prestige? You gotta be kidding, right?
If you have the money for the u8800, go get it. If you have slightly more money you can go for a used galaxy s. I would have bought the galaxy s but I wanted a phone with 2 years warranty. If you have a lot more money you could be a galaxy s 2 for example, it will have a dualcore (no problems with emulating n64, that i can assure you) and a bigger screen.
XphX said:
Actually Android 2.2 is pretty old already, that would be a bad thing. But we already have a stable 2.3.5-ROM so it is no big deal at all. Not the best aesthetics? I think it looks pretty expensive if you ask me. The galaxy s of a friend of mine does not look any better than the u8800. As far as I know the camera is not that great, and the megapixel do not provide any information about the quality (my old camera with 3MP makes better photos than any phonecamera, simply because it has a real object lens and a bigger sensor).
In my opinion the real advantage of this device is that you get the speed of devices that cost twice as much. Of course those devices have a much bigger screen, do not forget that.
There is one situation in which the processor will be too slow: Playing some n64-games; for example Zelda - Ocarina of time is not really enjoyable. Also the screen is almost too small if you do use the touchscreen-controls (you can use a ps3 controller).
Lack of prestige? You gotta be kidding, right?
If you have the money for the u8800, go get it. If you have slightly more money you can go for a used galaxy s. I would have bought the galaxy s but I wanted a phone with 2 years warranty. If you have a lot more money you could be a galaxy s 2 for example, it will have a dualcore (no problems with emulating n64, that i can assure you) and a bigger screen.
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Thanks for your input. Updated list accordingly.
XphX said:
Lack of prestige? You gotta be kidding, right?
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Just to clarify, from lack of prestige, I meant it as if somebody asks you what phone you have, and you say Huawei U8800, they'd probably think that you have a cheap chinese model. It's not really a big thing for many people but I thought it was worth mentioning.
- Good specs for the price
- Good battery life on 2.3.5 (unofficial)
- Low quality components (crappy Bluetooth, Mic, Camera, Internal Memory - big but useless without hacking)
- Real problems with official Froyo Roms, which should have never go out on the market with so many bugs/issues (not going to sleep properly, unstable wifi etc etc)
- No official Gingerbread support, even Huawei actually owns the 2.3.5. license
- Lack of knowledge/customer support from Huawei (if you have an issue, they replace the handset and you get an identical handset with the same problem)
I would like to say, that this phone would have been one of the biggest fails on the market, if there was no support from excellent developers.
It's only because of people like Dzo, Stockwell and Genokolar, that I didn't throw this phone in the bin.
Huawei is fresh in the phone manufacturing industry and this handset reflects this aspect loud and clear. This is why no one really heard about it...
huawei is everything but fresh in the phone industry
darkado said:
huawei is everything but fresh in the phone industry
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I said phone manufacturing, not telecommunications (I know that they are major manufacturer of WCDMA backbone and access network elements), there is a small difference...
katu2006 said:
I said phone manufacturing, not telecommunications (I know that they are major manufacturer of WCDMA backbone and access network elements), there is a small difference...
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Thanks for your input. It's very disappointing that you get such a great value smartphone which is spoiled by basic features and low quality components. I'm really doubting if I should get this now.
everybody has a set of pros and cons on this phone, and i dont think its a good idea to make ur buying/non-buying decision purely basing on others comments..
for me, its only mattering "pro" is the high price-performance ratio..
(and one more now, after seeing such an active on-going development effort to make this phone better..)
and no "con" at all (as this is what i expect from a product of this price..)
thus if u think single-core cpu is a "con", no official support is a "con", little brand recognition (outside china) is a "con", u can alway pay a few bucks more to get dual-core, famous-branded models..
and honestly speaking, this phone is indeed NOT intended for everybody..
its just not as idiot-proof as iphone (as with most android phones..), not as good-looking (to some) as sensation, not as ego-boosting as sgs2, etc..
but its definitely easier to hack with, to manipulate with, and to brick with (not sure on this point though, as more flexibility does not necessarily imply easier brickability..)..
imho, its more suitable if u r the kind of person who would like to play with android instead of just using it..
as usual, the above represent my opinion only..
OP, just tell us what you are looking for and how much money you want to spend.
XphX said:
OP, just tell us what you are looking for and how much money you want to spend.
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Between £150 - £200 is my budget. The U8800 is more towards the lower end of my budget and as I can get it at that price brand new, it is quite appealing. However, you can get other phones like a second hand Galaxy S for a bit more while still being within reach of my budget.
What I'm looking for is killer hardware as well as a good community which makes the phone easily hackable and 'tweakable.' Regarding the U8800, it has exactly what I'm looking for at the price point but if it falls short of basic things like the touch screen, then what can you do. Being a previous ZTE Blade owner, I was extremely impressed as basic functions were not sacrificed.
There are a lot of people that switched from the Blade to the U8800 and are quite happy it seems. I think you do not have much choices here - luckily. You can either get the galaxy s or the U8800, as you already said yourself.
If the galaxy s is in a good condition and if you can live with a phone that has no warranty anymore, I'd say go for it. For me, none of my phones ever had any hardware-problem, so I could have easily bought all of them in used condition.
It is just that buying something off ebay is risky. I do buy little stuff there every now and then, but no expensive stuff - if the seller just lies about a "little" problem and you want to return it, you probably won't see your money again. If a friend of yours sells you his used galaxy s, take it. That would be the best choice in my opinion. Either get a galaxy s that you can inspect and try out before you buy it or go for the u8800.
katu2006 said:
Low quality components (crappy Bluetooth, Mic, Camera, Internal Memory - big but useless without hacking)
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Bluetooth was reported to be problematic, yes; some people reporting it to be fine (I just use the headset sometimes and it works perfectly well). Mic also works perfectly fine for me. Camera is not as good as with other handsets, yes. It takes 10 minutes to make the memory useable, but I admit, what Huawei did there makes not even sense.
katu2006 said:
Real problems with official Froyo Roms
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Froyo does not matter to me as it already is old and I would not recommend anybody to buy this phone if he wants to install Froyo.
katu2006 said:
No official Gingerbread support
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That with Gingerbread is a shame, right now I hope for support in the future. Worst case: You won't get the new features... but: it works fast and stable already, so you won't miss more than the new features (whatever they are and will be...).
katu2006 said:
Lack of knowledge/customer support from Huawei
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Instead we got the community. As long as everybody stays here at xda-devs or at modaco we will get support. When everybody leaves in one year or maybe in two, then you are pretty much f...on your own. On the other hand, in a year all the problems should be sorted out.
katu2006 said:
this phone would have been one of the biggest fails on the market, if there was no support from excellent developers
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Exactly, and now it is a fast and stable phone with android 2.3.5 - at least for me it works perfectly well.
Noob here....
I have this phone and bought it about 3 weeks ago. It's my first smartphone and did a little research on the reviews.
From my perspective, being a total noob, so far I've been really happy with the X5. Sure, battery life is horrible and the camera could be better but I've managed to take some nice shots and some OK video. For me it's great to have this capability in my pocket and liberating to be able to catch up on the day's news and podcasts siting by the pond in the backyard in the morning.
Strangely perhaps I haven't been having problems with the reported wifi problems nor any problems with the Hi Suite software from Huawei.
I have had a couple of little glitches but nothing a quick re-boot hasn't fixed.
My first android has exceeded my expectations but I come from a point of nothingness.
Towards the end of it's 1 year warranty I plan doing all what seems to be the fun things to do like rooting and other fiddling around
Even after reading about the X5 shortfalls I'm still happy with what I have and don't feel inferior at this stage.
I bought the phone for $AUD260. Have spent around $25 on apps and around a further $25 on accessories...like extra mini USB cables for my various stations where I can charge the phone, a in-car charger just in case, a case and some screen protectors.
I've been having fun on my X5 and that's what it all comes down to for me.
seems this phone doesn't support UMTS 850/1900Mhz
so it may only use 2G data service in North American
policeman0077 said:
seems this phone doesn't support UMTS 850/1900Mhz
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Someone said that he got an answer about that from Huawei and they told him they just forgot to write this on the description page... someone could try it out to make it clear.
Clevo89 said:
Sure, battery life is horrible
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Hold on, I get 2-3 days of standby when I do only use the phone for about 1 hour calling per day and about 20-50 sms per day. If I play n64 or something it lasts a day, maybe another half day. Actually this is the best battery life I ever encountered with a handset. I use 2.3.5 which seems to have a good battery management and SetCPU has 245min and 806max, scaling conservative.
XphX said:
Someone said that he got an answer about that from Huawei and they told him they just forgot to write this on the description page... someone could try it out to make it clear.
Hold on, I get 2-3 days of standby when I do only use the phone for about 1 hour calling per day and about 20-50 sms per day. If I play n64 or something it lasts a day, maybe another half day. Actually this is the best battery life I ever encountered with a handset. I use 2.3.5 which seems to have a good battery management and SetCPU has 245min and 806max, scaling conservative.
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You're exaggerating with 3 days... The most I ever got on this phone is 51h and that without using it at all, mostly on stand by the whole time...And I've tried ALL Roms available till today.
I'm 100% sure that NOBODY got 72 h of this phone.
You probably didn't had many phones and don't have a good term of comparison...This phone has average battery life and only on Gingerbread Roms. On any Froyo Roms, you'll be lucky to get 20 h out of it.
If you can root it and install a good ROM, it can become really fast, faster than many android phones (except dual core).
Very nice price.
It seems expensive and has a really sturdy exterior. The screen crystal is also very hard and resistant to scratches.
It is fully featured (sensors, very nice screen, high resolution, etc).
I had not the slightest problem with any of its subparts (bluetooth, GPS, camera). (Maybe I am lucky, though).
If you root it and install a good ROM, video recording becomes very good.
If you dont play with it all the time, battery lasts for one day or two.
You catch friends with iPhones 1 and 3G looking at it with envy.
You catch friends with iPhones 4 looking at you with envy, as soon as they hear its price and find out about the prices of apps at android market. (They paid for many of the apps you will get free).
As with all smartphones, if you play demanding 3D games, in 2-3 hours you will need to find a wall socket (so this is not really a con).
Something with the multitouch doesn't seem perfect. I don't know why.
It's not an iPhone.
It has not a dual core CPU.
It's not a tablet.
If you are amongst some friends with iPhones, you will still not have one.
Conclusion: I am very happy with the X5. My wife wants to steal it from me, and she plays with it all the time. She already has finished many games on it (Angry Birds, Angry Birds Rio, Diversion, Cut the Rope and others). I managed to read two books on it, while on vacations.
It was a good buy.

I have just abandon One X and back to HD2!!

IMO, Disappointing "upgrade" to one X.. HD2 Still the king! So, I sold it off and is back to my trusty Good Quality Phone.
If there is anyone that is interested to know why, let me know. will be glad to post the experience here.
why oh why oh why
i was just dreaming of the 1X
We had an X1 on demo, our outcome was buying 20 new Andida cells for current HD2 fleet & aiming at another 12 month+ service life as nothing to offer but a IT hassle changing over to something with no heavy benefits & a big price tag. HTC handsets really need to implement better inovation & some clever reworking of Android ...
You are crazy man.... really.... HD2 is great but one X is the greatest ever....
Personally, I am not big fan of sense unless in the older times of wm6.5. I just favour HTC for their build quality and dev support for custom roms unlike some plasticky builds like ahem*..S*M***G
Honestly I must be blind not to read properly that OneX is polycarbonate.. As far as I remember, their higher end model have excellent built. Sadly, not this one though..
To go deeper..
I am only mentioning stuffs that I would be considered as an "upgrade" over the HD2 . All comments are imo. U may say I am bias but these are my true feelings and experience. My HD2 are usually switching between GB Nand roms in general.
Built quality- Polycarbonate=Plastic most of the reviews and even those in store are the white version which looked better.. but i am true to HTC, which usually produce industrial designs so, white will never be for me.. all my phone are black or dark colour.. I am truly shocked at the quality of the material used.
Screenwise- Honestly, I imagine the screen will be a huge reason for upgrade. 720p, SLCD2, gorilla glass, 4.7in screen etc. BUT, its really does not feel much bigger as the screen ratio makes it taller. I mostly use the phone in landscape so compared to hd2, it really only a few mm wider. abt 3mm at most. I have a HTC Titan as well, absolutely love the screen size and ratio. The only time I love the One X screen is when I am watching a movie on it.. any ****ty grainy video quality looks gorgeous on it!
Processor- Yeah.. so it have a 4+1 core processor, 1GB ram.. HD2 1ghz single core, 512mb ram. Day to day usage, its does feel faster BUT, Just by a few millisecs.. I can live with that.. Free ram for ONE X is pathetic.. 300+mb left after running sense. HD2, 200+ to close to 300mb without sense. (I mentioned b4, I hate sense on android). theres no way a phone can replace a computer for work. Its mostly for adhoc. So, its there really need for such a processor on a phone??
Battery life- Theres no need to comment further.. sucks. People will say that this is normal for a superphone. But imo, if HD2 can do similar function though millisec slower, HD2 is the superphone.
Camera- The biggest letdown imo. Stupid Autofocusing works half the time so what if it have zero lag...
Wifi/3G connection- For some reason, after the phone screen off, the data on both Wifi and 3g sleeps as well. Coz very often, when I wake the phone there will be a error message smthing like this " no network, pls check connection". This means I will be missing emails, whatsapp messages etc that works via data.
Minor irritating things- Super cheap quality headset for Flagship model is a joke.. at least include a in-ear type..pls.. Most of the time, I cant find the volume rocker.. It too darn small.
There are many more that I cant remember...
If I have so many complains, why did I buy this? Because my contract is up and I trust HTC blindly. And the dimmly lit shop doesnt help much either.
I am just glad this overhyped phone is no longer with me.
I am not a troll.. I am just pissed..
Interresting report !
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
scpion said:
Personally, I am not big fan of sense unless in the older times of wm6.5. I just favour HTC for their build quality and dev support for custom roms unlike some plasticky builds like ahem*..S*M***G
Honestly I must be blind not to read properly that OneX is polycarbonate.. As far as I remember, their higher end model have excellent built. Sadly, not this one though..
To go deeper..
I am only mentioning stuffs that I would be considered as an "upgrade" over the HD2 . All comments are imo. U may say I am bias but these are my true feelings and experience. My HD2 are usually switching between GB Nand roms in general.
Built quality- Polycarbonate=Plastic most of the reviews and even those in store are the white version which looked better.. but i am true to HTC, which usually produce industrial designs so, white will never be for me.. all my phone are black or dark colour.. I am truly shocked at the quality of the material used.
Screenwise- Honestly, I imagine the screen will be a huge reason for upgrade. 720p, SLCD2, gorilla glass, 4.7in screen etc. BUT, its really does not feel much bigger as the screen ratio makes it taller. I mostly use the phone in landscape so compared to hd2, it really only a few mm wider. abt 3mm at most. I have a HTC Titan as well, absolutely love the screen size and ratio. The only time I love the One X screen is when I am watching a movie on it.. any ****ty grainy video quality looks gorgeous on it!
Processor- Yeah.. so it have a 4+1 core processor, 1GB ram.. HD2 1ghz single core, 512mb ram. Day to day usage, its does feel faster BUT, Just by a few millisecs.. I can live with that.. Free ram for ONE X is pathetic.. 300+mb left after running sense. HD2, 200+ to close to 300mb without sense. (I mentioned b4, I hate sense on android). theres no way a phone can replace a computer for work. Its mostly for adhoc. So, its there really need for such a processor on a phone??
Battery life- Theres no need to comment further.. sucks. People will say that this is normal for a superphone. But imo, if HD2 can do similar function though millisec slower, HD2 is the superphone.
Camera- The biggest letdown imo. Stupid Autofocusing works half the time so what if it have zero lag...
Wifi/3G connection- For some reason, after the phone screen off, the data on both Wifi and 3g sleeps as well. Coz very often, when I wake the phone there will be a error message smthing like this " no network, pls check connection". This means I will be missing emails, whatsapp messages etc that works via data.
Minor irritating things- Super cheap quality headset for Flagship model is a joke.. at least include a in-ear type..pls.. Most of the time, I cant find the volume rocker.. It too darn small.
There are many more that I cant remember...
If I have so many complains, why did I buy this? Because my contract is up and I trust HTC blindly. And the dimmly lit shop doesnt help much either.
I am just glad this overhyped phone is no longer with me.
I am not a troll.. I am just pissed..
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according to you weird logic, old CRT TVs are better then HDTVs
guys go the One X forum and check the tons of user reviews, so many of us are in awe with the One X, there are only the issues of build defects in early batches, everything else its an uber, brisk, super sexy device
HTC at its best
and the camera, well i don't need to argue check the pictures thread and you wills see for yourselves http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1585398 easy as hell to take gorgeous photos
our friend scpion in here is missing the whole point lol
here is a better quick review http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=25468262&postcount=3544
Well.. That thread is all abt the best shots that users have taken with the one x camera. Naturally, all the shots will look good.. Mine does not have any hardware related issue and in direct comparison to the HD2, OneX is without doubt better. My point is that, is the One X that great a upgrade from the hd2 ? IMHO, call me strange or fussy, my answer is still no. Neither is it worth all the hype. Its just another phone with better or even great specs but in real life, the performance is subpar.. Entirely imo. Maybe I have too high expectations for it.
One X is a great phone! You must've been smoking something special. Comparing the awfull camera of HD2 (mine is already 2 years old) with OX is absolutely ridiculous....
Check this out..
I can't believe hTc still have crap software in their new phone. I recall vividly with HD2 the bugs ohhhh the bugs...
Have a Galaxy S now and that is superb...
xlr8me said:
Check this out..
I can't believe hTc still have crap software in their new phone. I recall vividly with HD2 the bugs ohhhh the bugs...
Have a Galaxy S now and that is superb...
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all the crazy bugs/glitches have been sorted by firmware 1.29, took them less than a month to clear them out
we still have only one issue which is backlight flickering when the phone overheats, seems related to Tegra 3's power saving feature called PRISM, which controls back-light dynamically to save power, HTC said its software and promised an update soon
so please spare me, the fastest and most generous Android updates provider is HTC, most of their end of 2010 devices are receiving the ICS upgrade too
I would have to admit the Note was better liked than he One X when had them on Demo ...
Samsungs efforts on Android seemed better than HTC for most practical phone use.
Sound quality on HTC still is very poor & the build quility & design of the current polycarbonate plastic handsets is not that good, no wonder 2012 sales are down ...
Yeah. With a history of sexy metal outfits on higher end device, I am deeply disappointed. I dun care if its polycarbonate. If its plastic, it just feels plastic.
scpion said:
Built quality- Polycarbonate=Plastic most of the reviews and even those in store are the white version which looked better.. but i am true to HTC, which usually produce industrial designs so, white will never be for me.. all my phone are black or dark colour.. I am truly shocked at the quality of the material used.
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I love the material, very strong and very light in weight. You might prefer a bakelite phone, but technology has moved on.
Screenwise- Honestly, I imagine the screen will be a huge reason for upgrade. 720p, SLCD2, gorilla glass, 4.7in screen etc. BUT, its really does not feel much bigger as the screen ratio makes it taller. I mostly use the phone in landscape so compared to hd2, it really only a few mm wider. abt 3mm at most. I have a HTC Titan as well, absolutely love the screen size and ratio. The only time I love the One X screen is when I am watching a movie on it.. any ****ty grainy video quality looks gorgeous on it!
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If you want a bigger phone, get the galaxy note.
Processor- Yeah.. so it have a 4+1 core processor, 1GB ram.. HD2 1ghz single core, 512mb ram. Day to day usage, its does feel faster BUT, Just by a few millisecs.. I can live with that.. Free ram for ONE X is pathetic.. 300+mb left after running sense. HD2, 200+ to close to 300mb without sense. (I mentioned b4, I hate sense on android). theres no way a phone can replace a computer for work. Its mostly for adhoc. So, its there really need for such a processor on a phone??
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You only need the speed for games. For the rest, when using an OS/UI a few millisecs make a lot of difference. But if you don't care for that, the HD2 will do just fine. I wonder why you are even considering an upgrade.
Battery life- Theres no need to comment further.. sucks. People will say that this is normal for a superphone. But imo, if HD2 can do similar function though millisec slower, HD2 is the superphone.
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It lasts longer then the HD2, so i don't know what your complaint is. if you want better batterylife, get a Droid RAZR Maxx.
Camera- The biggest letdown imo. Stupid Autofocusing works half the time so what if it have zero lag...
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Again, its alot better than the HD2, and on par with most smartphones.
Wifi/3G connection- For some reason, after the phone screen off, the data on both Wifi and 3g sleeps as well. Coz very often, when I wake the phone there will be a error message smthing like this " no network, pls check connection". This means I will be missing emails, whatsapp messages etc that works via data.
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Probably just a setting, i don't have that problem.
Minor irritating things- Super cheap quality headset for Flagship model is a joke.. at least include a in-ear type..pls.. Most of the time, I cant find the volume rocker.. It too darn small.
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True, its a **** headpiece.
If I have so many complains, why did I buy this? Because my contract is up and I trust HTC blindly. And the dimmly lit shop doesnt help much either.
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I wonder this too, just keep your HD2, 2012 technology just isn't for you.
I agree on Sense thing.
I just don't get why all those manufactuers are trying to make the user 'happier'.
Android is really customizable (unlike iOS ) so one can set his/her system according to personal preferences.
Pr0 users are going to root and install something like CM/AOKP anyway...
So... Why the hell manufactuers can't just release phones with stock unlocked bootloaders + plain, AOSP compiled Android, and whole vendor/build/kernel related stuff?!
I came from an HD2 too.
I take some of these points - but the One X is a evolution of the HD2, not a revolutionary device.
If I had paid NZ$900 for the phone to upgrade from the HD2 I wouldn't be that happy - I agree it probably isn''t worth it. But I took a 'free' upgrade.
But the bottom line is, it is the best Android phone you can buy.
Once the AOSP roms come, i think you will really see the One X pull ahead.
Still awaiting update to OP's blog.What exactly were you expecting from the phone? Holographic video calling? Concierge Service? a BJ whenever you felt randy lol?
I just had to post a reply to this post...
My personal choice was between three hadsets:
Galaxy S3
All have basically the same spec with minor variances.
I Pre-Ordered and recieved the One X upon release to great delight...
However, there were a couple of things i didn't like which were:
the 1800mAh battery
the lack of an SD slot
the unibody shell
More power is needed to run a quad-core handset & 4.3" screen comfortably for a day. Although it had 32gb, i currently have a 16gb in my HD2 and it's loaded. I like to be able to change my battery if i needed rather than having to send it of for a repair or smple change...as well as getting easier access to it.
Outside of these gripes, it is a great phone but it didn't hit me as oustanding as the HD2 when it was released.
My Galaxy S3 is also on Pre-order, but that wll come with a 2100mAh battery...which s also accessable. It has an SD slot whch can accomodate 32gb on top of the 16-32or 64gb on the phone.
These alone sell this phone to me and not the Samsung name or the screen which is on par with the One X apart from size...i was hoping HTC had something just a bit better than the One X.
Lastly there's the LG 4X HD not due till approx June...so a long wait.
I can't say owt apart from released specs, and they look good...it's a pity the phone is an ugly bugger.
To conclude, i wouldn't knock the One X comparing it to the HD2 they're a world apart. Although a great phone, the HD2 is outclassed in every way by the new crop of handsets...maybe not with build tho'.
However, in saying that...it's only now that i'm prepared to replace it. this says heaps about the longevity of the HD2. Long may it continue to show how it's done.
you have to be very carful when comparing different OSs across different hardware, several generations apart.
on paper the one x is better in everyway, I don't have one so cant comment on build quality, but I can say the HD2 has issues with the buttons and the digitiser.
however the real question is do you need it?
as you pointed out the 3 YEAR old HD2 runs absolutely fine, running WP in my opinion is as fast as you can get, the limiting factor in the UI is me, I cant move any quicker so having a better CPU or GPU wont make any difference.
So, does a quad core SoC make any difference? nope, not one iota when comparing it to an HD2 with WP and running day to day "phone" tasks
Will it (one x) run games better, of course it will, we have a S1 snapdragon in the HD2, with a very old A200 GPU, but that's irrelevant if you don't play games.
So I guess the question is, is the one x a worthwhile upgrade... for me no its not, will it be worth it for some people, yeah, if games are your thing.
Ive been debating about upgrading my HD2 to a real WP device and I simply cant justify it, and I think that's the point the OP is making, despite 3 years of "progress" there really hasn't been anything worthwhile if games aren't your thing.
Of Course we are talking about Android here, and if you compare android on the two devices then you have a different situation, I don't want to get in to an which OS is better debate but I think we can all agree that Android needs more horsepower to get it running well, if that's progress for an phone OS in your mind then so be it, but, that is that fact of the matter
Ah.. That's the word. " justify". It simply not justifiable to blow $800 to get a new hardware that does things a little faster or better. Theres no wow factor to this phone at all other than the specs. Maybe its not optimised yet, but the first impression is disappointing enough. I have to admit i am quite a htc fanboy but this device does not cut as a flagship. Camera is in a way better but the interface really screw up. Its simply a great challenge to get it to focus on something especially in macro. If u still have to get it done manually, I think this camera has failed. Android and sense combo is simply not a great combo looking at how One X runs on it. It still lags or daydream at times. mind u, hd2 hardware is 3 years old and day to day usage, its still performs well or on par. Screen resolution, colour, brightness on One x is way way better. I am just saying the ratio is wrong imo. If i want a bigger screen than the HD2, i would expect it to be bigger in all directions. And not just taller. i have to admit for HD2, when i am outdoor, i struggles to see the screen, which i really hate. My point is, as another poster has said. OneX is just like a evolution of the HD2. Not a revolution. I would love to one a One X again. But not at this kind of price tag and definitely at at this current stage of development.
To Reckless- i would want a phone to function as a phone. HD2 does just as well with 3 or 4 cores lesser. unfortunately, it doesn't do a bj. If i ever need one, i will pm U.

I have to say this is the best phone I've ever owned.

Obviously relative to the time I loved my 3210 and 3310 but you cannot say they're better phones than what we have today. I thought I wasn't going to buy this because of the screen protector thing, however I needed a new phone because I sold my Windows Phone as that OS is just plain bad. I ended up going for this phone in the end because I hate big phones and it finally felt like Android got its iPhone... a normal sized flagship. I've avoided the mini versions in the past as they're always the poor peoples phone, for some reason OEMs see smaller phones as this? However this phone really makes no compromises.
I love the size, love the speed, love the fact Sony don't do a Touchwiz, the construction is so solid and nice, the camera is great, the screen is great etc. It is such an amazing phone to fit in this size, which next to my iPhone 5c it is barely any bigger. What has amazed me though is I'm getting 4 days on a single charge, I'm not a heavy user, I used to get 2 days on my HTC One, but my Windows Phone only lasted a day and this one is thrashing them all. I'm currently on 70% at 1 day 19 hours, those battery saver things built in really work.
I have to wonder if wanting higher and higher resolution screens is worthwhile, I don't miss the 1080p screen of my HTC One, I didn't miss it with my Windows Phone which was 720p, I don't miss it with this one either. I use my iPhone (which I own because IOS has the best games) and that is even lower res and I just don't care it looks good enough. I don't miss not having 460ppi or whatever the HTC One was, I cannot see a pixel on the screen of this phone or my iPhone, I don't look at my phone with a magnifying glass.
My only gripe is I wish they used the bottom bit for capacitative touch buttons.
Really great phone I'd recommend it to any one, maybe people can pick faults with it, I dunno I can pick faults with every phone I've ever used, at some point you just have to accept there is no perfect phone. The HTC One went on about the front stereo speakers, only they weren't great quality, weren't loud after the updates that toned them down because they would crackle at high volumes, the camera sucked, it was impossible to repair. The 1020, the camera was over rated, it would take 4 seconds between shots, have lots of noise, the battery would barely last a day, Windows Phone sucked. I could go on and on but I think so far the Z1 Compact is the best all rounder I've owned and definitely the best normal sized phoned that you can actually fit in your pocket comfortably.
I have to agree, love this phone so far. Before buying the phone, I was a little apprehensive due to various complaints on this forum about touchscreen, slow to wake, etc. But after 9 days without a reboot, I have yet to experience any bugs. Performance is lightning fast, Sony 4.3 ROM is very stable, and the size is almost perfect (would prefer even smaller, but I don't expect anything smaller with similar performance anytime soon).
Venekor said:
My only gripe is I wish they used the bottom bit for capacitative touch buttons..
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^^^^ THIS! There is plenty of room on the bottom bezel for the buttons, and that would get more usable screen area back. But that's a minor complaint for an otherwise superb phone.
I've not got bugs on 4.3, I just don't get why people want to be on the latest version all the time, I've been on Kitkat with my HTC One and never noticed a difference...
I like the apps that keep the on screen buttons but make them opaque and get rid of the black bar, it means you don't really notice them and you feel like you're getting the whole screen. I still don't get why there is a big unused Bezel there, maybe that didn't have the space and it is a tight fit in there?
The other thing I don't get is you can easily remove the back cover and it is a bit like a Galaxy phone in there, the internals are covered by plastic, you can get the battery out quite easily and it is easy to repair. They should have just made it into a battery cover instead of giving them impression the battery cannot be replaced.
Still it is nice that you can open it up so easily.
I agree...best phone I ve ever used
Sure is best!. I have 4.4.2 rom now and it rox
Send from my Z1C using tapatalk
First of all sorry on my english
Bezel on the end of phone is probably place where you holding hands when you play games or watching movies
a title?
sorry for my poor English
I like its size and the appearance and no shrinkage to Z1.
Im worry that few people choose this phone here(they often appreciate big ones)and it appears few roms. My last phone was Moto me525 defy, it could use dozens of roms.
Finally I would complain that the forum here is not so friendly as in my country.
11 numbers! are needed, I was used none or 6 numbers when you submit frequently.
Love the dimensions and specs of this phone as well.
But I am still not a fan of Android coming from Nokia's Meego Harmattan.
If the Sailfish OS port ever comes (bug free), this would be my perfect phone.
I completely agree. I came from a Find 5, which is nice in its own right, and this phone is just ridiculously good. I left it stock for about 5 minutes before rooting and unlocking, and have not looked back. I have had no issues thus far with KK (the slightly modded version from munjeni), and the performance / battery and build quality is superb. I haven't messed with BT or camera much yet, but getting a few little things like the softkeys out of the way is about all I needed to make this my perfect phone.
Venekor said:
I've not got bugs on 4.3, I just don't get why people want to be on the latest version all the time, I've been on Kitkat with my HTC One and never noticed a difference...
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Google does not leave an update/work for nothing uh... If you do not see the differences, is that your usage is too basic to see (e.g., UI improvements...).
Btw, I always used Xperia smartphones and this is the best phone I've ever owned too!
couldn't agree anymore with you! this is my favorite phone too, and i just love it! all other "mini" smartphones either need a large batteri or have little internal memory or something else. this phone is a beast and have it all!
I agree 100% that this is the best phone I have to date. For a compact phone, the specs alone was a winner and has proven to be in it's performance. It's by no means a mini when it comes to resources. Superb processing and battery power and proprietary Sony battery usage software which I don't even have to use, lol.
I appreciate that Sony doesn't have to be out there marketing wise like Samsung and elegantly meet and surpass their performance. Water proof, dust proof, no biggie full LTE support no limitations except maybe finger print reader (like they even use it). I have owned Samsung s2 to s4, even their minis. Ironically I loved the s2
I am soo happy I have jumped ship and look forward to continued Sony development.
sllik said:
Love the dimensions and specs of this phone as well.
But I am still not a fan of Android coming from Nokia's Meego Harmattan.
If the Sailfish OS port ever comes (bug free), this would be my perfect phone.
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yes sailfish os on the z1c would it make perfect.

