So apparently this phone isn't very popular... - Imagio General

I'm having serious contemplations about picking up a TP2 and flashing it over to 6.5 with the Leo Sense UI ROM. With that beautiful keyboard, it almost seems too good to pass up. I can keep the Imagio sidelined for a while until the community grows and we start seeing real customization happen for this device. What do you guys think? Honestly, money isn't an issue and my phone is literally the most important thing I touch all day (aside from my girl, man if she saw this haha) so "wasting" the money isn't something I'm concerned with.
I'd be very happy using the flashed TP2 for several months or longer until the Imagio community picks up, then I can always switch back and Ebay the TP2.
It seems like the Imagio launched with very little push from Verizon; a lot of stores by me don't even carry the device in the store, and I pretended not to own the device and ask about it and they seem to have been told to downplay the Imagio in favor of the Droid. Leaves me scratching my head a bit, but oh well. Honestly I love the Imagio, but the lack of customization and the seemingly small amount of people that have one right now are shying me away over to the TP2. I have too many issues with the stock ROM including the memory issues and apparent GPS problem (it's like using QuickGPS is a necessity and that the GPS won't work without it, very annoying).
Any comments guys? I'm sitting on the Verizon site wondering if pushing the purchase button laying before me on the TP2 will be worth it. That Leo ROM looks too promising >_>.

Ive been having the thought of trading my Imagio for a TP2 or even a Droid cross my mind several of times the past week.
7 More days till I can trade it for anything.
Fairly certain I'm going to keep it as I find it's styling is much better than the TP2's, definitely better than the Droid's, and I like it's thickness.

SaosinEngaged said:
I'm having serious contemplations about picking up a TP2 and flashing it over to 6.5 with the Leo Sense UI ROM. With that beautiful keyboard, it almost seems too good to pass up. I can keep the Imagio sidelined for a while until the community grows and we start seeing real customization happen for this device. What do you guys think? Honestly, money isn't an issue and my phone is literally the most important thing I touch all day (aside from my girl, man if she saw this haha) so "wasting" the money isn't something I'm concerned with.
I'd be very happy using the flashed TP2 for several months or longer until the Imagio community picks up, then I can always switch back and Ebay the TP2.
It seems like the Imagio launched with very little push from Verizon; a lot of stores by me don't even carry the device in the store, and I pretended not to own the device and ask about it and they seem to have been told to downplay the Imagio in favor of the Droid. Leaves me scratching my head a bit, but oh well. Honestly I love the Imagio, but the lack of customization and the seemingly small amount of people that have one right now are shying me away over to the TP2. I have too many issues with the stock ROM including the memory issues and apparent GPS problem (it's like using QuickGPS is a necessity and that the GPS won't work without it, very annoying).
Any comments guys? I'm sitting on the Verizon site wondering if pushing the purchase button laying before me on the TP2 will be worth it. That Leo ROM looks too promising >_>.
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I have had it over a month now and really like it.There are issues but nothing that will be a deal breaker.I thought about the droid but didnt want to re invent the wheel.I don't regret buying the phone.Having internet email at the touch of a button is very cool.I am happy with my decision

I guess it depends on what you want to do. I'm not particularly interested in cooked roms (for now) so I don't mind the absence. I've been able to customize with tweaks so that the things that bugged me are either gone or invisible. And I find it phenomenally useful for work.

I love this phone!!!
I like that it is not main stream, since I can still use most of the TP2 hacks and make it do all I like, I find my self with a very unique phone that does all and more than I wanted or needed and still look gorgeous. My battery issues are a thing of the past after tweaking the memory some and it is very reliable.
Many use Iphones/Droid and when I pop out my HTC Imagio people still jawdrop off how nice it looks, as americanmetal says, it is thick and feels strong yet perfect size.

Only thing I miss is a hardware keyboard, but this makes up for it nice enough. Other than that, I love my Imagio. I have no idea why it doesn't seem to be popular at all.

y0himba said:
I have no idea why it doesn't seem to be popular at all.
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Part of it could be that "Windows Phone" sparks excitement in no one at all. What a terrible marketing campaign.

untitled_one said:
Part of it could be that "Windows Phone" sparks excitement in no one at all. What a terrible marketing campaign.
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Dido, Exactly. Unfortunately, it released in a time when Moto droid commercials where running ramped, the imagio was doomed from the start. Not to mention my fiance and I were exchanging our droid for a new one and the whole store is set up around android. They have a booth with bright colors with the droid and droid eris. It took me searching through the entire store to even find the imagio it was put next to the freakin casio exilim. The only people who buy it are the ones who actually know enough about mobile devices to know that as of right now the imagio is the most functional device in the store. I am finally starting to see imagio ads on sides of websites but honestly it is a bust on the imagio. I think once sprint gets their diamond2, which actually is a whitestone, not a topaz, we'll have more support. Sprint I hope will promote the device, I'm not looking for droid or iphone type bandwagoning, but enough to entice those moderately tech savy.
But let's face it both the imagio and moto droid phones are out of date currently due to the upcoming passion and hd2 so sprint needs to hurry and mobilize the cdma diamond 2. Of course when you buy anything it is immediately out of date. The imagio has a much better chance of staying as current as possible due to flashing than the moto droid, which you can flash new roms, however, there is a limit to what you actually can acheive. this is one of win mo's strong points.

Yeah the fact is, the Imagio is on 1 carrier worldwide and has only been out like 6 weeks. Other devices like the TP2, have been out in other countries, and on more carriers both GSM and CDMA so the support/demand is higher there. It will come, but it will be slower with less overall demand by the userbase.

Droid - No Exchange
I have a friend who just did the opposite and traded in his Droid for the Imagio. The lack of corporate Exchange support was a MAJOR factor in his trade. I traded in my TP2 for an Imagio myself and I'm very happy with it.
Now someone please get the new Sense UI working on this thing!!

Yeah, honestly if I could be using the new Sense UI on my Imagio I'd be much happier.
I don't get why HTC went with WM 6.5, but didn't throw Sense UI on there as well. It seems stupid.

SaosinEngaged said:
It seems like the Imagio launched with very little push from Verizon; a lot of stores by me don't even carry the device in the store, and I pretended not to own the device and ask about it and they seem to have been told to downplay the Imagio in favor of the Droid.
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It's all ABOUT the MONEY.
Moto is trying to BUY their way back into the Cell Phone Market
that they lost. Moto is buying TV ads to get back in the game and
who is Moto Promoting - Verizon. If you had a Company Paying for
your Advertising - which product would you push onto Customers.

I just thought it was funny that the add on the top of this page right now is for Windows Phone and it has the tiniest pic of the imagio. You really can't tell what it is even unless you are familiar with it.

My only issue with the Imagio is that it lags, when browsing and moving from app to app. The Exchange support on the Droid is just plain half ass'd. You cannot accept appointments and move emails or see your nested folder stucture. Exchange integration is primary for me so WinMo wins despite its shortcomings. Unfortunately, WinMo has a bad wrap and then forum posters all over just want to follow the crowd.

It should be.........
I've had my Imagio about 2 weeks now and I think it's a fantastic device. Although issues have been posted on this site, most appear to be solvable as the product matures. My biggest issue has been that the phone has no "hold" button.

I'm trialing an imagio for 30 days. Coming from the tp2 which I love I thought it was a no brainer to have basically the same device in a more lightweight package, sans hard kb. I still like to whip out the stylus tho and find it's location on the left side cumbersome. I'm right handed. I am missing my hardware kb also, but hope to get used to not having it in some more days time. I hate getting finger grease/smudges on my beautiful device, So dealing with that. I may find I'm just a hardware keyboard kinda guy. Keeping the tp2 so no worries going back. Was going to try a droid, but I have so many wm apps that would go to waste,I hate to do that. I'm on the fence, love the lesser weight and good looks, but , but, but.......gotta keep going with this trial.
Side note: I'm dealing with the imagio's seemed memory issues and apps like opera not loading fully because of lo mem issues. When I look at my free ram I see an ample amount so I think this a bug. I've heard rumors of a patch that fixes this from htc, nothing solid, but if it becomes a pita then it will go back and tp2 will again reign supreme.

I see more Imagio commercials than Droid commercials now

The Forgotten Phone
This is really strange, I know in the on going battle between form and function everyone on this site will always pick form, but lets face it, the iphone is sexy
HTC finally makes a phone with the function of the glorious HTC touch pro 2 and the sexiness of the iphone and its a flop. I mean I really enjoy this phone ( I even signed up for the Vcast TV... Lame I know
It has real open platform availability (not like the iphone or even the droid )
There are tons of reviews about who's browser is better the iphone or the droid, I current have 3!!! browers on my phone ( I just pick which one I like better at the time ) (internet explorer mobile does better at mobile websites then opera or skyfire ). My friends at work were wondering whens flash going to be added to the iphone or droid, so I showed them sky fire
5 Megapixal Camera (eat your heart out TP2, and Iphone )
Real (not hacked ) Tethering (sorry Iphone, Droid)
Real FULLY functional exchange support, which some of us NEED!!!!!
ability to run simultaneous apps ( sorry iphone ) ability to EASILY close and running apps (sorry droid, 5 clicks to close an app is way too much)
Yeah I know the droid as the google maps navigation, which is buggy, but it is kool. But its windows mobile, you can purchase your own nav software or download ( from a site that rhymes with ppcTorez ) the windows mobile version of google navigation.
Free and functional Microsoft Office!!!!!! *sorry iphone and droid
I should give a shot out to the TP2 for having an awesome keyboard, but when I'm watching comedy central on the highway ( not driving of course) while shooting 5 megapixal shots, while the girl in the next car is starring at my oh so sexy phone. I dont feel so bad
Although it does bug me to have to explain to folks all the time its not an Iphone or a blackberry storm!!! Jesus christ Microsoft can we freakin get just one commerical!!
But as much as I love this phone, and I regret sending in the rebate form ( now I cant exchange the phone ) this lack of support from the gods of windows mobile ( in this forum as well as the great guys at ppcgeeks ) means less cool customizations except for the ones we can mooch off the TP2 threads
PS Hey guys, this new Samsung Omnia 2 that just came out, any thoughts
it has a bigger screen
faster processor
a flash
I feel like those samsung guys went straight after this phone

I like my Imagio. When I went to the standard Windows Phone interface instead of HTC's, my memory issues disappeared. I always have 40-50% of my memory available.
I probably would have gone to the Omnio II if it had been available within my 30 days, just for the faster speed and flash. And the issue of faster speed for me is how fast it rotates when I turn the phone to landscape. Oh well. Otherwise, I'm happy enough.
To me, google nav has the same problem google maps has: you don't always have a 3G signal even with Verizon, and relying on downloading maps as you're moving is...not reliable. I use Garmin XT for nav. Try using Google Nav while you're in the mountains!
Heck, I even got my Imagio Garmin nav to work while I was flying to Philly (in airplane mode no less). Funny seeing that speed indicator at 520mph over Toledo (I was trying to figure out where we were).
Like others, I've certainly impressed some iPhone users with live video via on Skyfire, and they had to gather around my little phone on its funky pop-out stand like everyone else.

3 weeks now
I love mine , heavy MS exchange user and it works great . would like to get my tomtom working or at least a really good 3d gps. i put swipe and finger keyboard on it and love the swipe keying. find new apps every day. it really is the phone that gets me.


[Question] Is HTC HD2 Worth it?

I'm pretty much looking for a long term phone, looking forward to watching movies, playing games, surfing the net, etc. I've used Xperia X1 (was great for a while, but little to no official support), the iPhone 3g (quick, way less laggier than the X1, great for mindless games to kill time)
Guess what I am asking is, is HTC HD2 worth the buck? $500 SGD (About uhm 250 Euros) for the phone (incl 2-year plan)
As you can see from my signature I've had a LOT of phones in my time, but never been very happy with one for very long.
Finally , at least for me, the HD2 will be something I'm going to own a very long time to come. It really does everything you could want in a phone/media player/comms/office/game device...all be it with a good bit of the expected modding and tweaking that comes with WinMo And if you can get it as cheap as €250 then I wouldn't think twice, go for it.
But remember my analogy for having a HD2/Leo. It's like having a child.
You have the painful labour pains of paying for it (€700 in most places). The joy of holding it for the first time (unboxing it)
Then like a child, you need to teach it how to work properly (modding and reg editing). Also like a growing child, you need to put up with it's little annoyances now and then (the odd bugs that need fixing). After that, you need to teach it to be interesting, (add apps, themes etc) Basically if you're willing to put in the work it's going to be worth every penny/cent
Thanks for the quick response! Appreciated! Yup, one thing I love about WinMo devices is the huge community(Actually the HTC Community) which allows me to pretty much customize the phone Another question, is there any major bugs/flaws that I might be concerned about? Because I've wanted this phone ever since the rumours surfaced and the hype made all the more irresistable lol
Yes, the HD2 is worth every penny!
There are a few flaws out of the box yes. Some have speaker issues, screen over/under sensitive, pinkeye camera, and a few more, all of which can be fixed with some reg edits and a few cab files. You can find all the fixes and tweaks Here.
The only as yet unfixed problem is the SMS issue. Some people (not me) who have over 200 or so SMSs (why don't people use the delete button?) notice a slow down when replying. But who uses SMS anymore in this modern age of emails, twitters, Google wave, Facebook and what not Anyways for the SMS issue I think there is a workaround until HTC come up with a patch.
jagnet said:
As you can see from my signature I've had a LOT of phones in my time, but never been very happy with one for very long.
Finally , at least for me, the HD2 will be something I'm going to own a very long time to come. It really does everything you could want in a phone/media player/comms/office/game device...all be it with a good bit of the expected modding and tweaking that comes with WinMo And if you can get it as cheap as €250 then I wouldn't think twice, go for it.
But remember my analogy for having a HD2/Leo. It's like having a child.
You have the painful labour pains of paying for it (€700 in most places). The joy of holding it for the first time (unboxing it)
Then like a child, you need to teach it how to work properly (modding and reg editing). Also like a growing child, you need to put up with it's little annoyances now and then (the odd bugs that need fixing). After that, you need to teach it to be interesting, (add apps, themes etc) Basically if you're willing to put in the work it's going to be worth every penny/cent
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700 euros in most places??.. no way
But to stay on topic.. imagine when it is summer.. how will you carry your Leo with you?.. so I find that a better case in the package would have been absolutely no luxury!
Then you have the software flaws.. device.exe sometimes crashes the phone totally.. the htcmessage performance.. the camera... seems to me that Leo had to be released..
seems to me like a business decision.. release it now albeit with software flaws and fix them later.. it turned out to be not a bad decision
but.. if you use Leo with navigon (my preferred navigation software) then you will be in for a real treat.. the same if you use it to browse websites.. so as always it depends
on your usage..
Like Jagnet, I've owned a rather odd collection of phones in my life. I've never been keen on Smartphones as I was rather disappointed by them during my little spree of owning them during 2003/04 and was put off since. I went as far as considering "a phone is just a phone, nothing else" and swore by living in the dark ages by avoiding Smartphones (even though I was working as a promoter and technical adviser for Windows Mobile back in 2003/04 >.<).
The HD2 was something that caught my eye earlier this year and is the first phone that I've waited patiently for, it certainly was worth the wait! Apart from the odd niggles you get from the phone such as the SMS bug and the odd lag, the phone works great (lets be honest here, there are always minor niggles with any phone you get, even my Nokia 8800 Arte, retailing at £1100 at the time I got mine had awful bugs which took over 8 months to fix and there are still bugs that remain).
Much fun can be had with the HD2, the great community behind it (you are looking at it now ) and modding. I've spent endless hours customising it to meet my needs. After a few weeks of playing about with registry / system files and hard resetting, I've now got a phone that does everything I want, customed to how I like and works flawlessly...
apart from the bluetooth compatibility issues...
and the battery life incomparable to non-smartphones (however, the HD2 does very well compared to most smartphones on the market)...
and the marketplace which is in need of some love...
and having to change my handset due to a dodgy touchscreen within the first 4 days.
On the games front, you will be disappointed when comparing it to the iPhone but there are a few good games around. On the apps front, if you ignore the Windows Marketplace and Google around, there are plenty of places to buy good apps from. It's just the iPhone has a good app store that consolidates all apps into a nifty marketplace for you to browse.
Windows Mobile needs you to put the effort in ownership, but in many ways, I see it as a good thing. You get the flexibility to do what you want, on phones such as the iPhone, you are controlled to what you can or cannot do unless you "jailbreak". The iPhone is user friendly, everything is setup for you and for those looking to get a phone that does everything the minute you take it out of the box, it is a product for you. The HD2 fairs well with HTC Sense and it's a good starting point for HTC and Windows Mobile, there is still the horrid Windows Mobile 2003 look lurking in the background though.
Thanks for the replies fellas, appreciate it I am getting my HTC HD2 in a couple of hours, and I hope I won't be disappointed I'm pretty much looking forward to unboxing my 'child' (like how jagnet put it Most of all, I'm looking forward to WM7, though from what I've read it might take a while, but as long as it is worth the wait, I'm cool with it...
It really is like a new baby, because you will breast feed it every 2 hours.
Hi Ive had my HD2 for a few days and to be honest its been a difficult transition form my iphone 3GS which was very simple and easy to use but the 3gs is very basic and doesn't allow for real working integrations.
Its been buggy, very slow compared to the 3gs, the keyboad for some weird reason is of center which is a nightmare to type on compare to the 3gs.
The phone isnt as simple to use as the iphone but for some weird reason i still want it and still want to get use to its quirks.
I have another 10 days left to see if i am going to commit to an 18 month contract, just wish i new what the new iphone was going to be like when released in june.
Its like anything personal choice your will either love it, grow to love it (as hopefully i will) or hate it.
Good luck
Worth it?
If you owned an xperia then you have something to go on.
Leo is WM but with the HTC hardware & shell.
I used to own a Ducati.
My experience was, it was sensational to ride, no other bike comes close, but it had to be kept in tune and maintained. Riding it in the traffic to work would put it out of whack and it would need a nice long blat on a country road to make it right again. High performance and superlative handling made it a unique experience.
Where am I going with this?
Oh yes, performance and usability.
Clearly this is the fastest and highest performing pda phone you can get.
This, and the sense ui make it a great experience.
It is not such a good analogy as heavy usage doesn't put it out of tune so much as excessive poor quality 3rd party apps and too many untested mods.
This is partly why the though of an iphone full of crapstore junk turns my stomach, because if it could multiask, it would choke on the garbage it was running.
Sense iu means I can access what I need in a minimun of steps, but with wm6.5 underneath, I can reach down and tune it to do what I want.
Contrary to my analogy, the stock rom on Leo is pretty good, with a few fixes needed, nothing as serious as having to take it back to the store.
As a stock phone it is great, but it can be modified(tuned) to push the performance envelope and make it even more usable.
As a Ducati rider, I found it very hard to step down to anything else, and as a Leo user I'm the same.
The promise of simplicity makes me cringe as it translates to settling for mediocrity.
Mobile phone hand held computers were pioneered by HTC.
This is the latest evolution.
I love the Leo.
@Xaddict; Well said, I just got my HD2 and I'm loving it so far, knowing this community, I am looking forward to the the custom roms/apps that will be available to everyone soon (I hope) And regarding Ducatis, love em, especially the 948
knightrider66 said:
Hi Ive had my HD2 for a few days and to be honest its been a difficult transition form my iphone 3GS which was very simple and easy to use but the 3gs is very basic and doesn't allow for real working integrations.
Its been buggy, very slow compared to the 3gs, the keyboad for some weird reason is of center which is a nightmare to type on compare to the 3gs.
The phone isnt as simple to use as the iphone but for some weird reason i still want it and still want to get use to its quirks.
I have another 10 days left to see if i am going to commit to an 18 month contract, just wish i new what the new iphone was going to be like when released in june.
Its like anything personal choice your will either love it, grow to love it (as hopefully i will) or hate it.
Good luck
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There will always be a newer, nicer phone 7 months down the have to commit sometime or you will never own anything!
jagnet said:
There are a few flaws out of the box yes. Some have speaker issues, screen over/under sensitive, pinkeye camera, and a few more, all of which can be fixed with some reg edits and a few cab files. You can find all the fixes and tweaks Here.
The only as yet unfixed problem is the SMS issue. Some people (not me) who have over 200 or so SMSs (why don't people use the delete button?) notice a slow down when replying. But who uses SMS anymore in this modern age of emails, twitters, Google wave, Facebook and what not Anyways for the SMS issue I think there is a workaround until HTC come up with a patch.
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Um, firstly there are NO current fixes for the loud call volume or call distortion problems. None whatsoever.
Neither are there any fixes for the over-sensitive keyboard. Yes there is a CAB floating around and it helps to a very small degree with text input but it also makes the screen less sensitive in EVERY app and every screen. This isn't helpful.
Secondly, SMS is still the most popular form of mobile a country to try and cover up the fact that the HD2 is severely crippled in this area is laughable!
We need some balance here folks. Yes the HD2 is fantastic for web browsing and video but it is shocking for calls and texts - the mainstay features of a mobile phone. Hopefully HTC will address these problems but it is in no way guaranteed that they will!
theredundant said:
I'm pretty much looking for a long term phone, looking forward to watching movies, playing games, surfing the net, etc. I've used Xperia X1 (was great for a while, but little to no official support), the iPhone 3g (quick, way less laggier than the X1, great for mindless games to kill time)
Guess what I am asking is, is HTC HD2 worth the buck? $500 SGD (About uhm 250 Euros) for the phone (incl 2-year plan)
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Well, no phone is perfect. But IMO, the HD2 is THE device that comes closest to being perfect.
It has some small bugs that will get fixed soon or can be fixed manually, there's different opinions on the keyboard and call quality (some say it's the best ever, some hate it) and Windows Mobile, just like any other OS (iPhone OS, Android, Symbian...) has its flaws as well.
But compared to the problems/shortcomings of other devices, the HD2 has very little issues, great hardware, great software - the closest you can currently get to perfect, IMO.
So yes, it's worth it.
Oh, and don't take sunking101 serious. He's a troll and a whiner, spreading FUD against the HD2 since the first day he entered the forum.
definitely (but i don't have the sms problem and i can charge my phone at work)....
maati said:
Well, no phone is perfect. But IMO, the HD2 is THE device that comes closest to being perfect.
It has some small bugs that will get fixed soon or can be fixed manually, there's different opinions on the keyboard and call quality (some say it's the best ever, some hate it) and Windows Mobile, just like any other OS (iPhone OS, Android, Symbian...) has its flaws as well.
But compared to the problems/shortcomings of other devices, the HD2 has very little issues, great hardware, great software - the closest you can currently get to perfect, IMO.
So yes, it's worth it.
Oh, and don't take sunking101 serious. He's a troll and a whiner, spreading FUD against the HD2 since the first day he entered the forum.
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Gosh, I actually thought you were making a sane and rational post until I got to the last sentence.
The OP is asking the pros and cons of purchasing an HD2. Therefore all pros and cons are relevant.
As for the HD2 being "the closest you can currently get to perfect" - that is your opinion. Not fact.
sunking101 said:
As for the HD2 being "the closest you can currently get to perfect" - that is your opinion. Not fact.
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And so is all your whining.
On topic: yes, the HD2 is worth every sigle dime. And yes, it has some shortcomings (which phone doesn't these days with the speed they are propelled into the market). The only problem I have with the HD2 is the speaker volume which is too loud. But, I have to admit that, it got much better after upgrading to the 1.48 ROM.
Off topic: Maybe it's best not to reply anymore to the contributions member sunking101 delivers to this community. Saves a lot of time and yes/no discussions.
It's well worth the price .

arrgh... hero or HD2.. cant choose ;0(

title says it all really... its upgrade time and i was set on the hero,,, then they release the HD2 and now im stuck back in indecision land again..... *sigh*
main reason im still pulled toward the hero is the upcomming jump to android v2.1 eclair in the new year,,,,
Main reason im pulled toward the HD2 is its just so damn sexy... and who wouldent want that screen!
i have had quite alot of experiance with the hero... but as of yet havent even seen the HD2 in the flesh so cant compare how they operate in comparison to each other........ Is winmo 6.5 as bad as alot of the reviews make out? and does the hd2 suffer from it?
another thing is although people say the winmo market place is pretty poor atm.... after experiancing the android marketplace im feeling pretty let down by it also,,,, yeah sure theres alot of stuff... but really 90% seems a complete waste of time.... really poor stuff i cant see anyone needing.. not to mention the games are woefull.... i feel myself missing my old N95 as it had better games than the hero i would say.. ;0(
i have no idea what the games platform is like on winmo though so if anyone could offer a little insight please?
soo.. what would u go with... the hero or HD2? help me out as my pac code expires in 6 days so gotta pick sumthin sharpish.. lol
If you complain a lot and get frustrated by little nuisance that comes with new technology, then get the Hero. Otherwise, get the HD2.
the hero is old , you can't buy a 6month old phone
How can you even be considering the hero? HD2>>>>>Hero. The Hero is a great phone, but paying almost 480€ for old hardware is not something I'd like to do.
Answer to your question is simple; if you want a device that is predominantly a phone then it's the Hero, if you want a device that is a focused PDA then it's the HD2.
Also, as someone said above, if you don't like hassle then again, it's the Hero but if you don't mind spending weeks on end tuning and retuning your device (sometimes just to get it to work properly) then it's the HD.
I assume price is not a factor here?
i have had both ohones, i changed from the HERO to the HD2 and can say the HD2 is MUCH better!! no questions and wouldn't go back to the HERO or android.
1. The main downside of the HD2 is that he runs windows mobile : it will give your geek friends with an iphone or an androphone a reason to call you a noob.
2. However, if you can live with that, just get an HD2. The screen is amazing, and the hardware is perfect for real multi-tasking.
3. Don't trust Gizmodo or Endgaget. These people just think that saying windows mobile is crap make them look cool (see 1.). Winmo runs well, and the HTC Sense interface will make you forget it's windows.
4. Windows mobile has a huge application store : it's called the World Wide Web.
5. If you're mainly interested in games, you should get an iPhone. It's got a lot of beautiful ones. Winmo has some too, but you'll have to deal with compatibility issues. Since there's no official API for accelerometer or multitouch, really few games will use them.
6. HD2 is really bigger than Hero. You can see this as an advantage or a disadvantage.
I had a Hero and like dit a lot Then my wife got HD2 as an upgrade and found it too large. So now she likes the Hero and I prefer HD2 over hero.
Here are the limitations of Hero/Android for me:
1 - Exchange support. Lack of tasks was an issue for me. Touchdown fixed it but still not as good as winmo implementation.
2 - Out of the box ms office support is another minus for Hero.
3 - Also windows mobile devices are compatible with Napster to go, so you use their unlimited downloads service in HD2 nicely. You cannot do that on android or other OSes.
4 - Speed is a big plus for HD2.
5 - Feature complete os for HD2. Things like VPN support, connection exceptions make it a better choice for me.
6 - Application availability for windows mobile. While it does not have a good marketplace with tens of thousands of applications, the essential applications such as voip software and video players make it a better choice for me.
7 - Live services integration and myphone service from microsoft are also pluses for winmob.
HTC Sense solves most of the issues with default windows mobile interface and even for non technichal people, it allows smooth transition from android to winmob and vice versa.
I like the Hero a lot and was not thinking to go back to winmob until wm7, HD2 has changed my mind.
However, the items above are pretty much personal and depends on your work as well I suppose.
Zunzun really sums this up well.
I was in the same seat as you, deciding between hero or waiting for HD2. I decided to wait for HD2 because of the sexiness and the screen mainly, and even though all the bashing of WinMo, I am not let down at all. On the other hand I like how you pretty much can change anything, which is why I always favor PC to Mac for example.
i am glad to see i am not not the only one stuck in this notion of indecision!
I had the Hero and when i got the HD2 couple of days ago my first reaction was "wow so similar to hero but so much better" the screen really DOES make a big difference honestly
the web browsing is sensational in a word
i agree with previous posts, the downside is winmo, but tbh HTC front end is so robust you barely notice it and it is much much finger friendly than it has ever been - once you have your basic settings sorted you will barely ever have to go back into it
although people compare the market place, i would agree with one of the guys who said that most stuff on the google marketplace is a shambles - it really is - its like Tesco Basics vs Tesco finest
Again if you want gaming get an iphone - better still get the ipod and use the HD2 wifi router option to connect to the net! this phone is very good, someone is very likely to bring Android to it and you can try that too but tbh HTC have done a very bang up job on it
Performance wise it is miles ahead of the Hero - i used to work for t-mobile so have had exposure to phones and the problems you get - for normal everyday use, i would get this phone over the Hero, simply for better user experience overall
sorry if that was more than my two cents worth!
Toss3 said:
How can you even be considering the hero? HD2>>>>>Hero. The Hero is a great phone, but paying almost 480€ for old hardware is not something I'd like to do.
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^ This ^
Because well, the hd2/leo is one damn hawt phone, but theres bugs in it that will make you pull your hair out (well in a matter of speech ofc, but ye, random signal loss, hanging sms, bugs with sd cards etc etc)
On the bright side theres alot of smart people here, and they already solved some bugs, and HTC themselves are appearing to take notice of all hd2 problems now, more and more 'fixes' appear
i moved from htc diamond (1.7+ year) to omnia ii
i really missed XDA when i moved to omnia ii
omnia ii sold
waiting for my HD2
immyl said:
i am glad to see i am not not the only one stuck in this notion of indecision!
I had the Hero and when i got the HD2 couple of days ago my first reaction was "wow so similar to hero but so much better" the screen really DOES make a big difference honestly
the web browsing is sensational in a word
i agree with previous posts, the downside is winmo, but tbh HTC front end is so robust you barely notice it and it is much much finger friendly than it has ever been - once you have your basic settings sorted you will barely ever have to go back into it
although people compare the market place, i would agree with one of the guys who said that most stuff on the google marketplace is a shambles - it really is - its like Tesco Basics vs Tesco finest
Again if you want gaming get an iphone - better still get the ipod and use the HD2 wifi router option to connect to the net! this phone is very good, someone is very likely to bring Android to it and you can try that too but tbh HTC have done a very bang up job on it
Performance wise it is miles ahead of the Hero - i used to work for t-mobile so have had exposure to phones and the problems you get - for normal everyday use, i would get this phone over the Hero, simply for better user experience overall
sorry if that was more than my two cents worth!
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Why is winmo a downside? Surely it's only a downside if you care more about how pretty the UI is than how powerful/flexible/feature-rich/functional it is? And surely if you're a member of this forum that isn't true?
It is a far more sophisticated OS than any other mobile phone platform. Period.

With a HEAVY HEART I feel I have to give up on the HD2 (TMOUSA)

This is TMOUSA (sorry for not being more clear)
I want to say, I love the HTC HD2 (when it worked) When I bought, at 10am EST on release day, I was in awe! The beautiful screen, all the great apps preloaded on it. I was in heaven.
Here I am 2 weeks later, I'm on my 2nd HD2 (the 1st one wouldn't hold a data connection, so the tech told me to return it) and this one seems more buggy than the 1st one I had.
I want to say I know absolutely ZERO about flashing and ROMs, but I really shouldn't have to for the machine to simply work out of the box.
I again say with a heavy heart I am on my way to the Tmobile store to return it. I love the phone, just wish it would have worked properly out of the box.
Going back to my HTC TP2....maybe one day I will try the HD2 again after all the bugs are worked out.
this is not the kind of post i wanted to read about this phone. has anyone else had this kind of trouble with this handset?
I want to say, I love the HTC HD2 (when it worked) When I bought, at 10am EST on release day, I was in awe! The beautiful screen, all the great apps preloaded on it. I was in heaven.
Here I am 2 weeks later, I'm on my 2nd HD2 (the 1st one wouldn't hold a data connection, so the tech told me to return it) and this one seems more buggy than the 1st one I had.
I want to say I know absolutely ZERO about flashing and ROMs, but I really shouldn't have to for the machine to simply work out of the box.
I again say with a heavy heart I am on my way to the Tmobile store to return it. I love the phone, just wish it would have worked properly out of the box.
Going back to my HTC TP2....maybe one day I will try the HD2 again after all the bugs are worked out.
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you say im using the stock rom/radio i got when i bought mine, works perfectly, its only my own stupidity that breaks it
quasi_mojo said:
you say im using the stock rom/radio i got when i bought mine, works perfectly, its only my own stupidity that breaks it
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because he has TmoUS...not TmoUK. The OP returned his phone because of crappy TmoUS network.
Sorry to hear that.
Windows Mobile has never been known as an OS that works perfectly out of the box. This is accentuated further by all the resource hogging crap t-mobile loads on the phone before it ends up in your hands. Flashing the ROM certainly helps things run smoother IMO.
I don't think flashing ROMS is too harder than updating the official firmware on my iPhone....Its really just a matter of downloading a few files, syncing up your phone, and running a piece of software. Done.
Jailbreaking an that is a tough job.
lude219 said:
because he has TmoUS...not TmoUK. The OP returned his phone because of crappy TmoUS network.
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ahh! ok,
I Have had mine a week and the device,especialy loading web pages is sooo slow. My orbit2 is much faster and user friendly. I am even considering switching back to it. So much for snapdragon.
Sorry to hear about the problems you are having...
...I on the other hand am loving my TmoUS HD2. I got mine 9:00am on release day as well and have had zero problems that were not easily fixed.
(The 2nd or 3rd day...I wcould not access the internet....although I did have data...wierd, but that was fixed simply by changing the APN)
My phone is crazy quick (stock ROM and radio / cookies home tab / and a few other simple mods) and I have yet to have a single crash (my rooted android phones...G1, MT3G, and my N1 crash all the flippin time...yet they bash winmo for this).
anyhow...again im sorry...just wish you would give it a bit more time (though I understand that you probably want to make it within the 14 day return period
Stock Rom user with no problems
I don't understand what the original post is complaining about?
I use the stock rom on the HD2 and I still haven't encountered a single problem...
If you don't understand how the phone functions then you will have problems because of your own mistakes... learn about the phone before you buy it...
Unlike the iPhone.. this is not a toy for kids to play with .. you have to know what the heck you are running on the phone and what applications are open .. anyways I don't want to make this a tutorial post...
All I can say is that know the phone before buying it...mine works perfectly fine with stock rom because I manage opened applications properly...
Sorry to hear. I've had mine since release day and loving every minute of it. I have had none of the major issues that people have complained about. Even so, I flashed my ROM to Kumar's Premium 1.5 and it runs even better on it.
The ONLY thing that I know was an issue for me was the HTC/Sense messaging app. If I happen to open that to read or write a message, my phone would start lagging and eventually, freeze up. But if I stayed out of it, the phone ran like a champ. So, I've simply disabled the HTC/Sense messaging and use the Windows text messaging app instead, and so far, so good.
I'm waiting for Kumar to come out with his Titanium ROM so I can try the device without HTC/Sense at all and maybe even try out the SPB Mobile Shell on it. This phone has a TON of potential, but alas, you do have to want to tinker with it to get it to sing the song you want it to sing.
This is one of the reasons I love the HD2 with WinMo. I'm not locked into how the manfacturer or carrier wants the phone to work or look like. There are great chefs here who have really good ideas on how to make a WinMo device run.
In any case, the phone is definitely not for everyone.
Yeah, I gotta say though even out of the box to a total winmo noob this stock rom is very solid. I haven't even bothered to flash yet, just did some registry tweaks that sped up sense a bit, really no problems crashing/freezing and that is with 9k contacts and many games added. A LOT probably comes down to tmo service if changing carriers to get the phone for some people. In my area, though, tmo is slightly better than att and cheaper.
Mine rocks!
I have had my HD2 for about a week now and everyday I LOVE IT MORE! Seriously I was coming from a Wing so I guess I had a little experience with winmo phones. I am using it straight out of the box with a few games added. A lot of music and a few movies. Only thing I have done to it was cookies home tab + editor and a reset app. Best phone I have ever seen thus far! Obviously there are things that you need to get used to...but for me its worth the effort!
np231 said:
I don't understand what the original post is complaining about?
I use the stock rom on the HD2 and I still haven't encountered a single problem...
If you don't understand how the phone functions then you will have problems because of your own mistakes... learn about the phone before you buy it...
Unlike the iPhone.. this is not a toy for kids to play with .. you have to know what the heck you are running on the phone and what applications are open .. anyways I don't want to make this a tutorial post...
All I can say is that know the phone before buying it...mine works perfectly fine with stock rom because I manage opened applications properly...
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No offense bro, but dont talk to me like Im a child. This has nothing to do with me trying to "play games with a toy" (even though TMoUSA does market the thing as "entertainment on the go"). When the damn thing doesn't come out of sleep mode without pushing the button 30 times, there is a problem, when I have to slide to unlock back and forth, back and forth for long periods of time before it will unlock, there is a problem, when the HTC Sense refuses to load mins after restarting, there is a problem. I am very aware of of what is open and how to close them (on a mind numbing constant basis mind you). I don't see how you can arrogantly assume this is all in human error and not the machine's. Please explain to me how I am supposed to be "aware" of what I'm doing, when the damn thing barely turns on?
I came on here to express that I was upset that I was forced to return the phone, not to be talked to like I was an idiot...I apologize that we all cant be so high in your IQ group that we actually need something we pay a lot of money for to work properly (without having to worry about putting it in direct sunlight and feeding it after midnight)
I am ecstatic for you that you have not experienced any problems with your device, I wish I was that lucky. All I am saying, is that I wanted to love the phone...but... it simply wouldn't work (TWICE). I did not install any 3rd party apps, I did not alter anything in any way, I always killed the tasks almost immediately after finishing with them (the proper way with the task manager).
So is this my human error? Please tell me oh great one...since I obviously do not have your intellect.
I can't stand people like np231. I had to return mine also, the phone lags and going to MUSIC caused it to freeze, scrolling through the album arts is not as smooth as on the iPhone. This is supposedly the 'entaintainment' device that Tmo claims and it can't do the simple things right.
I returned mine also. I bought it on day 1 and used it for almost 2 weeks. The biggest factors for me were the lack of a physical keyboard, terrible battery life and the total abandonment of 6.5 by MS and developers. I also hated the capacitance screen. I went back to my TMO TP2. While at the store I used my upgrade and bought my daughter a Cliq XT.
The HD2 has a beautiful screen but the screen was not big enough for me to type with reasonable speed and accuracy compared to the TP2 keyboard. It was also very susceptible to pocket dialing. When HTC comes out with an android with a decent keyboard I will probably try that.
wiggindude said:
I can't stand people like np231. I had to return mine also, the phone lags and going to MUSIC caused it to freeze, scrolling through the album arts is not as smooth as on the iPhone. This is supposedly the 'entaintainment' device that Tmo claims and it can't do the simple things right.
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guy did come out and sounded like an ......
sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your phone. i was considering one but i would like to us at&t. t-mobile is cheaper than the telstra and tempting to buy. i have a sony xperia x1a on a at&t prepaid and it works great and i think they have the best prepaid, data plan. i rarely ever get any calls and so this is my be solution for me.
Think twice about your decision.
I had a lot of the same problems you are experiencing. Thanks to the brains in these forums I have pimped the heck out of my HD2 and my release day excitement has returned. If you want to know how to flash the rom / hack the phone, drop me a line. I can give you the straight forward dumbed down version. I may even write a noob's FAQ that's a little less intimidating than the jumbly ones in here. It's really much easier than it seems. All the posts in these forums can tend to be a bit overwhelming. I am a former iPhone 3g user. I learned how to unlock and jailbreak my phone. That was a chore!! This is much easier. Its no different than owning a Windows PC. Out of the box there is a bunch of crap the company pre-installs on your computer. You just have to learn how to tweak a bit. Don't be intimidated by the brains in here. They are really quite helpful. Now, If we can just figure out how to get Adobe Flash 10 to work on our phones. That would be sweet.
too bad you had such issues. the Hardware on this phone does make it the best on the market. while it's true that things should work perfectly out of the box, life isn't always as it should be.
it's understandable to be frustrated when you pay this amount of $$$ for a phone, but with some research & time you can completely customize this phone like none other.
phinphan said:
I returned mine also. I bought it on day 1 and used it for almost 2 weeks. The biggest factors for me were the lack of a physical keyboard, terrible battery life and the total abandonment of 6.5 by MS and developers. I also hated the capacitance screen. I went back to my TMO TP2. While at the store I used my upgrade and bought my daughter a Cliq XT.
The HD2 has a beautiful screen but the screen was not big enough for me to type with reasonable speed and accuracy compared to the TP2 keyboard. It was also very susceptible to pocket dialing. When HTC comes out with an android with a decent keyboard I will probably try that.
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that's exactly the only problem that I had with my bro's Tmobile HD2. The touch screen keyboard is even worst than the iPhone because of my small fingers and hands. Even worst, the battery is so small, and the OS needs to be developed more than what it is now.
All of this agreed aside from the capacitive screen.
P.S. I think the keyboard sucks not because the screen is small but because you don't have a good physical keyboard like the Touch Pro2.
I tride my friends iphone. The keyboard works just as good as his. It is different for the layout, so maybe that is why you dont like it.
And for those that blame WM for everything. It ain't because of that. If it was, I would have all the issues he has and I don't. Most of the problems I have is either something I didn't know about the new software, or something I added.
Battery life is on par with phones like this. Another friend ownes a Android One. Battery last about a day or so. My old Touch Pro lasted just as long.

HD2(tmobile) anyone comming from android?

Hi everyone Im just wanting some opinion on the HD2. right now I have a G1 and im looking to upgrade my phone in june and Im wondering if i went to a HD2 instead of a N1 would I regret it? I have never used a newer winmo phone in my life & im only familiar with android on a smartphone.
anywho any advice,tips are all appreciated.
Hey there, I had a G1 for about a year and I love Android personally. I might still have it but I lost it so I traded up for a Touch Pro 2 which was awesome. I had WinMo before Android so I was already familiar with it but the HD2 is the best WinMo phone out and one of the best on the market to be honest.
The N1 is a great phone as well so it really boils down to what OS you prefer, WinMo takes a learning curve and there may be some things that will frustrate you but this phone more than makes up for anything lacking in WinMo. Plus it's even more open than the open source Android platform so modding and personalizing is even easier.
WinMo is not as app centric as Android or Iphone due to no central location for apps (Marketplace & Omarket notwithstanding) but there are thousands of WinMo apps spread across the net so you just have to look a little harder.
So out of Tmo's lineup the HD2 is the best choice right now but that's my opinion, I would go to a store and spend some time playing with it. Really give it a good test drive so you can see for yourself
I had a G1 and then most recently a MyTouch 3G and upgraded to the HD2 the morning it came out.
My biggest reason to upgrade aside from the obvious graphical and asthetic improvements, is the ability for it to sync up with Exchange which Android doesn't do nearly as well as Windows Mobile.
Sure the apps are a plus, but as already said, there isn't an app out there for Android that I haven't been able to find for this phone. The customization of this is endless and I don't even think the developers and folks out there who build the ROM's have even scratched the surface.
Freezey said:
Hi everyone Im just wanting some opinion on the HD2. right now I have a G1 and im looking to upgrade my phone in june and Im wondering if i went to a HD2 instead of a N1 would I regret it? I have never used a newer winmo phone in my life & im only familiar with android on a smartphone.
anywho any advice,tips are all appreciated.
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first of, don't think about android if ur willing to try hd2. these are essentially two different mobile os. winmo targeted mostly business oriented people, using office mobile and such.
i still have my g1 because i like android and i switch to either one from day to day since i got my hd2. or i just carry both around. i like showing off my hd2 tho haha people go, hey what phone is that?
My only experience with smartphones was a G1 and I was nervous about making the transition as well, but I haven't had any problems. The biggest difference of course is the app market. The WM market is nothing like it, but if you're resourceful, you can find all the apps you need.
HD2 is definitely NOT an easy phone to get along with.
I've had my frustration during my first 2 weeks with the phone.
It's much harder to get used to than iPhone, G1, Blackberries I've come to across.
Now that i've pretty much tweaked this phone to exactly how I like it, everything seems too perfect. I do miss the voice recognition from google, but hey, I can easily type them on the google search on my internet tab.
If you're willing to get HD2, you should really read up on flashing with custom ROM.
Check it out in the store first for a while. Take a couple of visits and use it like you would normally use it
I also had a G1, though I did have some WM experience before. I miss the Android notifications, which are much better integrated. I miss Android gtalk, I barely use it WM now (bad integration and not good UI).
I do find myself doing more reading of websites and ebooks now, also videos. These were my goals for the HD2, so I'm happy with my decision. The bigger screen helps a lot and the physical size is barely taller than the G1 and a bit wider, but also thinner.
These forums can help out a lot if you have patience and the ability to read and follow steps.
I also have a G1 and have been considering getting the HD2... my only hesitation is that it's running WM. I had 2 prior Windows mobile phones (Wing and Touch pro) and really hated them. Just didn't really like anything about the mobile Windows. About 2 months ago I needed to get my G1 replaced and broke out my old Touch Pro to use while I waited for the replacement and forgot how much I hated Windows Mobile but to be honest the Touch Pro wasn't a great phone, lots of lag running 6.5 but still seemed halfassed finger friendly.
Windows Mobile, just like Android or Apple isn't for everyone. They all have their good point and flaws and each will appeal to different users for different reasons while being utterly unappealing to others. Go to the T-mobile store and play with the floor model... go beyond the home screen, check apps, look at the layout, setting options...etc to really get a feel of it and whether you can deal with it. I'm going to wander over myself soon to do that.
I'm excited by the future of Android and looking forward to the updates to the OS where this phone will always be stuck running WM 6.5.x.
I know WM7 will eventually be unofficially ported over to this phone but I have zero desire to use WM7.
Still... the phone is soooo nice and some third party software may make it usable for me and I can use the installment plan with it and keep my family plan together... if I could do that with the N1 I would jump at it.
I had a g1 (rooted) and mytouch (rooted) and sold them both for an HD2
Its been a learning experience, the HD2 has its pros and cons, some of the things I like
The video recording is way better and you can pick the format, same for taking pics, the video player supports several formats at least , twitter , youtube and the basic apps are nice
Beyond that is the problems, the biggest downer for me was no turn by turn gps, and I have no idea where to find one that works (either pirate or buy it, no idea where to get one)
Also the GPS is not real gps, its AGPS only I think? meaning no gps in offline map mode if you lost data signal (correct me if im wrong)
The options on the phone are crazy, most of the good things are hidden in the registry and not turned on (clear type, other video /photo options, etc)
Opera is decent, IE is horrible, I ran it once and the fonts were huge, I just gave up on it
The market sucks, no decent apps at all, and im not sure where to find good apps, luckly on the net I was able to find skype, and it does work
I installed duttys task manger, its a life saver
So for me, really, other than the gps it mostly has the same options as the hero phones/roms
just with a lack of apps and no free turn by turn, I am still impressed by the big screen and graphics, watching transformers on it is cool and youtube is nice
I am using it unlocked with ATT , sometimes it has trouble when I am not on wifi, the apps don't reconize my connection (google maps) which is an upset, I installed the media net cab file
Prophet621 said:
I also have a G1 and have been considering getting the HD2... my only hesitation is that it's running WM. I had 2 prior Windows mobile phones (Wing and Touch pro) and really hated them. Just didn't really like anything about the mobile Windows. About 2 months ago I needed to get my G1 replaced and broke out my old Touch Pro to use while I waited for the replacement and forgot how much I hated Windows Mobile but to be honest the Touch Pro wasn't a great phone, lots of lag running 6.5 but still seemed halfassed finger friendly.
Windows Mobile, just like Android or Apple isn't for everyone. They all have their good point and flaws and each will appeal to different users for different reasons while being utterly unappealing to others. Go to the T-mobile store and play with the floor model... go beyond the home screen, check apps, look at the layout, setting options...etc to really get a feel of it and whether you can deal with it. I'm going to wander over myself soon to do that.
I'm excited by the future of Android and looking forward to the updates to the OS where this phone will always be stuck running WM 6.5.x.
I know WM7 will eventually be unofficially ported over to this phone but I have zero desire to use WM7.
Still... the phone is soooo nice and some third party software may make it usable for me and I can use the installment plan with it and keep my family plan together... if I could do that with the N1 I would jump at it.
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I thought the TouchPro was a great phone. I've liked all the WM phones I've had. But I also loved my Dell Axim and 2 Ipaqs before that, too. Anyways, if you couldn't stand any of your previous WM phones, I wouldn't recommend getting the HD2. It's not gonna be much different from your other WM phones if you hate using WM.
though i love the hd2's hardware... i cant go back to winmo... i'm eligible for an upgrade so i'm just going to get the hd2 for the 2yr contract price and sell it, then use that money to buy an n1 from google. so there's another alternative.
Had N1 with Tmobile and now HD2 with T mobile...Same signal issues. 3g then all of a sudden HSPA then Edge. I thought with GSM you could use 3g service while on phone. Haven't been able to do that on either phone.. I like HD2 because i can watch Divx. I like N1 because of navigation and all the apps that are available. The internet is faster on N1 then HD2. Plus you have apps that cater towards different websites so much easier. But then again you don't get a 4.3 inch screen. All in all if i didn't have t mobile as a carrier i think i would enjoy both phones.
Edit - Oh and i have to soft boot the HD2 quite often. "I ran all Rom's" Apps just like to freeze HD2
Hello all,
My last 3 phones were Android powered. G1, Mytouch and Cliq.
Even rooted, with custom roms non were anywhere near as fast or have the multimedia power of the HD2. I have yet to flash a custom rom, cause the stock rom on the HD2 is quite good the way it is.
I have to agree, that the HD2 is a "grown ups" phone. It does what it does well, with no problems or freezing straight out of the box
I have 2 rooted G1's and had an N1 for a couple of months. I sold my N1 (it was a TMobile band phone) and was going to buy the ATT version N1 but I thought I would try the HD2 first. I'm just setting it up and slowly getting it how want it so I can't give a comparison to the N1 yet. I suspect I will go back to the N1, I love the Google navigation and voice search on the N1.
You will miss apps from Android Market, and customized home screens. Other than that, it's a nice upgrade.
digitallysick said:
Beyond that is the problems, the biggest downer for me was no turn by turn gps, and I have no idea where to find one that works (either pirate or buy it, no idea where to get one)
Also the GPS is not real gps, its AGPS only I think? meaning no gps in offline map mode if you lost data signal (correct me if im wrong)
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TMobile US version includes TeleNav free trial ($10/mo after that). But I suggest CoPilot. It's $30 one time fee. Better than Google Nav because the maps are on your SD card and as long as you can find a GPS satellite it doesn't matter if you have data. And it's just a standard Nav system. If you have a car dock it's no different than any other Nav device. Which is nice.
The GPS is one of the most accurate I have ever used. You can turn on and off AGPS (Settings...Other...AGPS). I find i works fine with it on. BUT in Google Maps you have to hit MENU and choose Enable GPS or it is just using cell tower triangulation and it is WAYYY off.
I just got and HD2 this past Monday and I am coming from a G1. The HD2 is very disorganized compared to the G1 IMHO. my G1 was rooted, had Custom Rom, themed (I did some of the theming to my phone), fast and reliable. As for the person who said the WinMo is a grown up's phone you juts are not using the G1 correctly and the G1 does do exchange EXCELLENTLY!!. I could use my G1 to manage my home network and Web server while on the road, seems pretty safisticated to me. I don't have that ability with the HD2, that I am aware of at this point. The HD2 has a nice screen but it is only doing a 16K color depth so there is no real HD but the video is still better than the G1. I am having issues at this moment with data not working over WiFi, For example I could connect to the WiFi on the G1 and still get my Exchange email push out as it arrived to my phone and get my Gmail. With the HD2 I cannot get gmail but I get exchange email, hmm.... Siound fishy. Apps that require data some work on wifi and others don't but everything works on edge and/or 3G and/or HSPA.
I will be going back to the Android OS, picking up the Samsung Galaxy S or TMO Branded Samsung Vibrant when it is released July 21st
[EDIT] I did root and custom rom the HD2 that seems to help performance some a little
I have an N1 and an hd2 prior phone was a G1 both android phones rooted and hd2 stock HD good for buisness a differnent animal all together I use the hd2 duing the week and my N1 on the weekend. Hell of a learning curve.
like many others, i also came from a g1. had the hd2 for about 2 weeks. its a great phone. but it is not an Android. there are a lot if free apps. but you're gonna spend a lot of time searching for them, especially if you want free ones. thered no refunds once you purchase. but it is faster, the screen is beautiful, just takes a while to get use to. but i do wish tmo when with the Evo... i would go for the n1 if i could afford it. no family plan upgrade. plus you get cyanogen. that guy is awesome!
Windows mobile takes a while to learn and set up the way you want, but once you do it is a lot more capable and versatile than android. I've used WinMo since 2003, and android since 2008, so I know both very well... I much prefer WinMo right now, but like I said, I've used it for 7 years. It is much more like a full computer os. You have to understand, too, that WinMo was designed originally as a PocketPC OS, and phone capabilities have been worked in since. Android was designed as a phone OS to begin with. Also, Android is still new and is actively developed, so in a couple years I'm sure it's capabilities will catch-up and surpass WinMo.... but for now WinMo is much more versatile, just not as user-friendly. It's not for the average phone user. I wouldn't suggest it to any new users at this point... especially ones used to android or iphone os.

Already thinking of ditching HD2

The hd2 is probably by far one of the most perfect windows mobile phones out there, I've had soo many before it and they were rubbish in terms of performance.
but, the quirkiest problems are really destroying my joy with this phone. I can't seem to get all the apps to work with multiple languages. I can't seem to get a decent battery life when I'm travelling, now I have an extra battery and a heavy Duracell battery pack.
Great camera, yet it's still having the same problems I've had since the beginning of wm phones (slow with low light conditions) and no 720p video recording. There are no decent applications for the life of me. (I've been ruined by that from the iphone)
I hate how WM7 looks, with no skinning allowed, I'm pretty positive I don't want colored boxes to be my home screen. Also the fact that it's receiving less and less support from developers everyday, it simply isn't catching up to anyone anytime soon. (I have the feeling it's going to be delayed, because of the kin disaster)
I'm thinking I'll be selling this phone in approximately 2 months. I'll sell it here if anyone would like it.
Thinking of getting the new Galaxy S series phone, best hardware around with a mature (but not ancient) operating system.
Note: I'm currently in the middle east thats why it seems I've posted this early, it's 3:45pm over here.
ehhhhh,,,, everyone wants something different in a phone. Personally I thought the tmo roms were rubish. I loaded some custom roms and like almost all my problems went away immediately. Not sure about other languages because I'm pretty stupid and can't even speak 1 properly. Support I wouldn't worry about. Yes many people are jumping ship and going to android development but we still have some of the best guys still working with WM. Also a reason we don't have the devs staying with wm is many of the programs are final and work perfect. Why make a 28th wm music player? Android is great and all but I don't see it as great as everyone says. Yes its fast and optimized but its almost a cross between WM and iOS. After every thing I heard about android I was quite surprised when my friends got them and had them locking up and glitching as much if not more then a wimo phone. I almost bought one till my coworker bought an incredible and basically killed his battery in 2 hours listening to pandora, then had to pull the battery after he checked his tweets. I also feel once WP7 comes out it will renew interest in coding for WM. I feel we will see the same stuff we saw in vista and XP where the coders took the best features of Vista and added them to the stable XP OS. I'm hoping we will get the cool WP7 roms and they can whip out the spatula's and blenders and get to work on a frankenstien super os.
The ROMs have saved this phone, but as an Android fanatic, the apps, and ease of discovery/installation of apps has ruined me.
I've got my phone posted and I'm hunting for someone with a Nexus One thats willing to trade with me adding some cash.
I'm not giving this phone away because hardware wise HD2>>>>>>>iphone/nexus one, etc. But if I can't get Android soon I'll be dropping this phone.
But thanks for all the help guys! Its because of this phones quirky issues I discovered this site! lol
4theU said:
The ROMs have saved this phone, but as an Android fanatic, the apps, and ease of discovery/installation of apps has ruined me.
I've got my phone posted and I'm hunting for someone with a Nexus One thats willing to trade with me adding some cash.
I'm not giving this phone away because hardware wise HD2>>>>>>>iphone/nexus one, etc. But if I can't get Android soon I'll be dropping this phone.
But thanks for all the help guys! Its because of this phones quirky issues I discovered this site! lol
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you know there are android roms out there for the hd2 right? granted, they BARELY WORK, but in a couple of months, we may be looking at a full blown army of HD2's running android
maxpower097 said:
ehhhhh,,,, everyone wants something different in a phone. Support I wouldn't worry about. Yes many people are jumping ship and going to android development but we still have some of the best guys still working with WM.
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I want a better phone, that's definitely what everybody wants. Not a half-a$$ed phone that goes for the same price as a phone that has god-like script that allows unlimited multitasking with no loss of battery or memory
I feel WMP7 is following the suit of the iphone, having a very limited way to customize, and having people to jailbreak it if they want the full potential of the phone, chasing update after update and looking for compatibility and cracks... that's why i left the iphone... (I had 2g but my family has a 3g and a 3gs)
I feel the android is king right now because it allows enough customization for developers to mess around with, and has great functionality out of the box without having to chase down problems.
Our family consists of 4 HD2s, and 2 iphones. I regret purchasing the hd2s since they have brought me more trouble than ever, my mother asking me about navigation while my brother and father require language packs THAT DOESN'T WORK.
maxpower097 said:
Also a reason we don't have the devs staying with wm is many of the programs are final and work perfect. Why make a 28th wm music player?
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Well, wm6.5 for example, no decent games, no decent applications MADE FOR IT SPECIFICALLY. Before, I thought backwards compatibility is a positive, I'm quickly realizing that it's the worst negative. Companies are getting lazy by creating something thats made for a wm2003 but compatible up to WM 6.5.... how is that even possible? At least upgrade the graphics for newer phones.
HTC is even embarrassed by wm6.5, they skinned everything from top to bottom.
HD2 was dead on arrival in my book, it packs a punch in hardware, yet it will be obsolete within months.
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm trying to burn anyone here, I really appreciate the work everyone has done. I donated money and time testing, commenting and helping.
Metallic-Force said:
I want a better phone, that's definitely what everybody wants. Not a half-a$$ed phone that goes for the same price as a phone that has god-like script that allows unlimited multitasking with no loss of battery or memory
I feel WMP7 is following the suit of the iphone, having a very limited way to customize, and having people to jailbreak it if they want the full potential of the phone, chasing update after update and looking for compatibility and cracks... that's why i left the iphone... (I had 2g but my family has a 3g and a 3gs)
I feel the android is king right now because it allows enough customization for developers to mess around with, and has great functionality out of the box without having to chase down problems.
Our family consists of 4 HD2s, and 2 iphones. I regret purchasing the hd2s since they have brought me more trouble than ever, my mother asking me about navigation while my brother and father require language packs THAT DOESN'T WORK.
Well, wm6.5 for example, no decent games, no decent applications MADE FOR IT SPECIFICALLY. Before, I thought backwards compatibility is a positive, I'm quickly realizing that it's the worst negative. Companies are getting lazy by creating something thats made for a wm2003 but compatible up to WM 6.5.... how is that even possible? At least upgrade the graphics for newer phones.
HTC is even embarrassed by wm6.5, they skinned everything from top to bottom.
HD2 was dead on arrival in my book, it packs a punch in hardware, yet it will be obsolete within months.
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm trying to burn anyone here, I really appreciate the work everyone has done. I donated money and time testing, commenting and helping.
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Using custom ROMs, the hd2 is superior to the iphone 3gs or Droid in my experience. i have only used those two other phones to compare.
crisisinthecity said:
Using custom ROMs, the hd2 is superior to the iphone 3gs or Droid in my experience. i have only used those two other phones to compare.
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While I agree the phone is superior, the apps/ or lack of apps for this phone and its ****ty OS are going to be the death of it.
Even with the custom ROMs, I still have quirks like dropping 3G coverage, text messages coming in out of order, apps crashing, occasional restart (admittedly rare with the custom ROMs)
I have spent HOURS just to get this phone to do what it should do out of the box. And now that its finally working great, I discover it was pretty much in vain because I can't even fill cookie's home tabs with apps that I want and would use.
I think it really just comes down to WM is not as user friendly as Android or iphone. They have basically taken the computer out of the phone and made it super easy for anyone to install anything. I don't know what you guys are talking about with android phones and battery life. All the android phones I've seen running HD2 specs kill the battery in half the time of the HD2. I see it everyday at work when I'm the only one with a phone at the end of the shift. Now about your 3G issues that sounds like your carrier or location issues. I'm rock solid (H) 24/7 365. Take into account how android going to be when they get upwards of 500 phones on the market and glitches and bugs. WM runs on thousands of phones with minimal bugs. Android from what I've seen has about the same amount of bugs but with many fewer phones. iPhones do tend to be less or non glitchy because they only support 4 phones, much like their PC's. I think if you take the time to properly hook your HD2 up and learn a bit more about these new gen phones you'll be happy. You need to search out WM apps, but there are literally tons of them out there to do anything you could imagine.Most of these new inovation droid and iOS are claiming to invent have been on WM for ages. Please please please try out Kumars rom, experiment with a couple different tmo radio's for your area, and keep track of what is setting of your bugs. Usually you just need to change one program or setting and it fixes itself.
Going on like 16 days without a reboot! Yeeehaw. My tab slider does have a touch of lag though now but I'm gonnna hold out and see how long I can run it without a reboot.
One more thing, people with preformance issues have found replacing the SD card with a fast one works wonders. I haven't tried it yet but I am gonna toss a 8giger I have lying around in it to check it out.
4theU said:
While I agree the phone is superior, the apps/ or lack of apps for this phone and its ****ty OS are going to be the death of it.
Even with the custom ROMs, I still have quirks like dropping 3G coverage, text messages coming in out of order, apps crashing, occasional restart (admittedly rare with the custom ROMs)
I have spent HOURS just to get this phone to do what it should do out of the box. And now that its finally working great, I discover it was pretty much in vain because I can't even fill cookie's home tabs with apps that I want and would use.
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How many apps do you want? How many apps do you need?
I have about 500 apps in my WinMo download folder and about 50 on my phone, don't use a third of them ...
Shear number of apps do not make them better .. Now I am not bashing the Android, it is a good platform, but the "Appstore" argument is so Iphone-ish.
I am not going to try and "Talk You Into", keeping your HD2 it is your phone you need a phone you can use, if the HD2 is not for you then it is not, BUT it is not a ****ty OS, that might be your opinion, but for the people that use WinMo on a daily basis and want the power of and flexibility of the WinMo OS it works great for them.
Android, simple interface, great, fast , fairly stable, locked down, big brother back door, MUST have gmail account to activate the phone, so that "Big Brother" can access your phone remotely.
WinMo, More complicated interface more like a portable PC than a Phone, customizable right down to the OS by the user, no external account needed, no "big brother" install apps you want and not have them removed, as of June 2010 Microsoft still has a 90.18 market share of PC's, so WinMo is directly compatible with 90.18% of the PC's in the market.
watcher64 said:
How many apps do you want? How many apps do you need?
I have about 500 apps in my WinMo download folder and about 50 on my phone, don't use a third of them ...
Shear number of apps do not make them better .. Now I am not bashing the Android, it is a good platform, but the "Appstore" argument is so Iphone-ish.
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Apps like "fring", yeah we have that app... from 2005. Tt doesn't have video conferencing... that's a major feature missing.
It's as simple as that, we have the same apps, but they are outdated and lack many features that we'rent possible before.
How is the "appstore" argument so "Iphone-ish" thats the worst argument I ever heard. It's soo much more superior than what we have now.
You sound like a person that steals applications more than he buys... 500 apps, yeah and you bought them? I highly doubt you bought 5. App stores are a godsend for developers, they make a decent amount of money and it protects their investments, encouraging them to create more applications. That's why the app store is so successful. You're only complaining since you've barely bought any apps for the PC or your PPC, so you find the app store "iphone-ish" w.e that means.
I admit I'm being too harsh for no reason, and I also admit I don't usually buy them, but for decent applications I do happily purchase.
These are the only decent applications I use often, but I wish there was more, and I wish the prices were more reasonable, 30$ for an app? are you serious? The prices for the ppc applications are overblown. Spending over 100$ on applications on a phone is a little ridiculous. I haven't spent that amount on applications for my laptop.
- Handy Safe Pro (bought it twice, for different phones)
- SPB Traveller
- SPB Backup (Fantastic application)
- SPB Wallet (Waste of time and money)
- Office Mobile (Hell no I didn't buy it, can't believe they actually started charging for it)
watcher64 said:
Android, simple interface, great, fast , fairly stable, locked down, big brother back door, MUST have gmail account to activate the phone, so that "Big Brother" can access your phone remotely.
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That's another poor argument, "Big Brother" or google is already pretty much in your life. Why do you think the google advertisements are all about websites related to what you search for or websites you visited in the past.
watcher64 said:
WinMo, More complicated interface more like a portable PC than a Phone, customizable right down to the OS by the user, no external account needed, no "big brother" install apps you want and not have them removed, as of June 2010 Microsoft still has a 90.18 market share of PC's, so WinMo is directly compatible with 90.18% of the PC's in the market.
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Has anyone complained about "google remotely removing apps" I'm sure google has other reasons why it has that capability, apple and palm have it too... and guess what? wmp7 is going to have it as well. The future is less and less private, this is something we will have to deal with, it's not some evil conspiracy.
Google is compatible with 100% of the computers since it doesn't even need one, so what are you getting at?
sell it, buy android phone
How much do you want for your crappy phone? Let me know. I might know of someone you can pwn it off on. they would love you long time.
2 months and it's theirs
maxpower097 said:
I'm pretty stupid and can't even speak 1 properly.
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I love how some people hate the HD2 and others love it. It's funny to hear people's stories, because it seems almost random, the chances of you having an HD2 that works flawlessly or doesn't work at all...
I came from the rooted G1 and I love this phone. Rooting android and flashing custom ROM's became nothing but a headache for me. My phone would never work right and every time I flashed a new ROM (with dozens of "flashed ROM, it's FLYING, fastest ever!!!" replies in the threads getting me all hyped up) phone would run smoothly for maybe a day but after that nothing but hang's, random reboots, f/c's, etc...
With my HD2, it's been the opposite: OS runs smoothly, I can pretty much do what I want (except for stable flash support in Opera, for some reason that still alludes people...none of those opera builds with flash support ran as well as stock opera and fixoperaflash is all buggy..very irritating) and I don't have to continually reboot or wipe the phone.
Yet I read people's comments that talk about how the phone is virtually a big paperweight right out of the box...go figure...
tresanus said:
sell it, buy android phone
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Well, since my stock HD2 has had none of the problems this person mentioned and has actually been a very good phone why sell it? Obviously, there is a variable here that is not common with all HD2's, so why give up so easily?
Wait till you get your new one, use the stock 2.13 and see how that goes. If you still can't stand it, then try cooked ROM, and if you still can't stomach the site of that 4.3" screen, then go ahead and sell it...
Mod Edit: Post removed read the rules and follow them, take this as a warning
Metallic-Force said:
I want a better phone, that's definitely what everybody wants. Not a half-a$$ed phone that goes for the same price as a phone that has god-like script that allows unlimited multitasking with no loss of battery or memory....Well, wm6.5 for example, no decent games, no decent applications MADE FOR IT SPECIFICALLY. Before, I thought backwards compatibility is a positive, I'm quickly realizing that it's the worst negative. Companies are getting lazy by creating something thats made for a wm2003 but compatible up to WM 6.5.... how is that even possible? At least upgrade the graphics for newer phones.
HTC is even embarrassed by wm6.5, they skinned everything from top to bottom.
HD2 was dead on arrival in my book, it packs a punch in hardware, yet it will be obsolete within months.
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm trying to burn anyone here, I really appreciate the work everyone has done. I donated money and time testing, commenting and helping.
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I can definitely agree with Metallic-Force on most of his arguments. Even though this phone can do just about anything and everything, and even though it can run smoothly with custom ROMS, and even though it has awesome hardware......I just still can't look past the fact that the apps for this phone looks like absolute crap. Not only are there limited apps made for the HD2 specifically, but most of the apps that we can get for this phone (via marketplace, omarket, or warez) looks like the sh*tiest graphics I've ever seen on a mobile phone. I wish HTC would skin all the apps available for this phone as well as they did for the OS. I'm not even talking about the "crazy 3d" games that rock on this phone (cause I don't care for them), I'm talking about simple apps or games like Pandora or Moorhun. Microsoft or HTC needs to invest more money into the devolopers if they have to to make this OS more appealing app-wise. That way we can all finally say how great it is to own a WM phone.
OK, done venting.
Stable Android.
See post
I don't see whee you guys are getting android phones are so bullet proof. Everyone I've seen has reset problems and lock up problems. Thats just gonna keep getting worse as they release new phone after new phone. Personally on wimo I can't live without.
1. PSX emulator,
2. Core Player,
3. Mortplayer
4. Hava Player
5. PDF reader
6. Wifi Router
7. GPS weather Radar
and lots more. When iphone or android can run a 2gb divx with AAC audio without charging $20 for an app call me. Till then its wimo.
lol... I'm going be receiving my hd2 this week, and your ditching it. It's funny, but android isn't that awesome the people make it out to be. That's why I'm going back to windows mobile ( windows phone).
Anyway, good luck.

