HTC Sync 2.0.4 problem - need help! - Hero, G2 Touch General

Happy owner of a Hero for 2 weeks now, but I have a problem with HTC Sync 2.0.4:
When the Hero is not connected to my notebook (XP SP3), there is some activity on the notebook every 4 seconds, shown as a short flash of an hourglass next to my mouse pointer.
It took me a couple of hours to pinpoint this back to HTC Sync. Apparently, one of the processes needed for HTC Sync, HTCVBTServer.exe, keeps very active all the time even when the Hero is disconnected. Every 4 seconds, it spawns and kills a new instance of an other process called FsynSrvStarter.exe.
Leading to the very annoying flashing hourglass every 4 seconds.
I found some more information on this:
The only way of stopping the flashing hourglass is killing the process HTCVBTServer.exe in Windows Task Manager.. Of course, HTC Sync doesn't work anymore after that, even after restarting HTCVBTServer.exe.
My request:
I want to install the previous version of HTC Sync (I think it was called 2.0.2) that was on the SD card, to see if that version has the same problem. Stupidly enough, I formatted my SD card and lost the program file. I've looked around everywhere on the internet (including, without success.
Is anybody willing to help me and send the install file of HTC Sync 2.0.2 to me or provide me with a download link?
I appreciate your help!

I can't help you with the older version as I deleted it from the SD card too.
I wish they'd make HTC sync start when you plugged the Hero in, and then have it shut down (and all related processes) when you unplugged it. Surely it can't be that hard.
I don't like loads of processes running unnecessarily.

Kadison, I totally agree.
Is nobody else having the problem I described?
And nobody who has version 2.0.2 for me?
I have monitored the process HTCVBTServer.exe with Process Explorer: with the Hero disconnected from the pc, it creates two additional handles every 4 seconds (explaining the flashing hourglass). 20.000 handles per 24 hrs, if I'd leave my pc on for a couple of days XP will certainly crash.
Serious bug! And annoying hourglass every 4 seconds..
I have found a workaround by suspending HTCVBTServer when my Hero is disconnected and resuming it before I sync, but would appreciate to get version 2.0.2 from somebody and see if that works better.
BTW I contacted HTC via email: 'we do not have older version, try to get from somebody else. RE: problem described: please reinstall'. ??!!

marc112 said:
Is nobody else having the problem I described?
And nobody who has version 2.0.2 for me?
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If you can wait a while, I'll have a look at my old SD card (the one that came with the phone) and see if 2.0.2 is still on it.
Ok - I looked, what I have seems to have 2 version names i.e. AND 2.0.2 - would that be right?

Hi Vonne,
2.0.2 is the one I'm looking for.
As the file will be around 40MB in size, can you please upload it to Rapidshare and PM the file ID that you get from Rapidshare to me?
Uploading will take quite some time I'm afraid, I hope this isn't too much of a problem for you.
Thanks for helping me out!
Cheers Marc

Well, in case somebody else has the same unwanted behaviour of HTC Sync 2.0.4:
Vonne was so kind to send a copy of her 2.0.2 version to me (thanks Vonne!), which I installed after uninstalling 2.0.4.
Result: 2.0.2 has the same problem as 2.0.4!
The culprit process HCTVBTServer.exe still leaks handles (2 additional handles every 4 seconds) when the Hero is disconnected from the pc.
As a workaround I now suspend and resume HCTVBTServer manually (well, actually via 2 tiny batch programs on my desktop), to get rid of the blinking hourglass icon and several thousands of leaked memory handles.
Cheers, Marc

Pity it didn't work! I'm curious though to know if it's HTC Sync that's causing the annoying hourglass? I use a netbook and it seems to have a million background processes that cause a spinning hourglass

I too have hourglasses flashing now and then due to background processes doing stuff, but never one at a regular interval like this (every 4 seconds).
Googled around a bit and found the link mentioned in my startpost. One of the guys in that link had discovered that one of the four HTC Sync processes (HTCVBTServer) is leaking handles when the phone is disconnected. Killing this process via the Windows Task Manager stopped my flashing hourglass, so: gotcha!

haha, well, there I was going along blithely ignoring flashing hourglasses all over the place.....turns out I do have one that flashes ever 4 seconds...just checked! Don't know if I have the energy to be turning stuff on and off though.


FILESYS.EXE consumes 94% of my CPU time!!!!! :(

hi all, I am new to xda-developers, I have recently bought a Qtek 1010 device & upgraded its ROM into PPC2003 4.00.05 ENG Kitchen from
I've notices that sometimes my device goes too slow for a few seconds then it returns to normal.
I've installed a task manager software (SuperTasks) that will monitor the CPU usage of the running processes. I have found that FILESYS.EXE is tha cause of slowness!! it takes up to 94% of my CPU time for 10 or 15 seconds!
This is very annoying, I've formatted my PPC & installed my regular programs, and still suffering from this problem!
Is is a ROM problem?? Please help, please!
Thank you all
FILESYS.EXE consumes 94% of my CPU time
I have the same on my O2 XDA II running WM2003. filesys.exe starts its action for example after I take the PDA out of the cradle. It takes 10-15 seconds full CPU and then it comes back to 0.
Not sure what is happening. Filesys.exe is for the file system (disk access). For example, if you kill it with Supertasks, you may find your device stalls completely. You cannot even do a warm or cold reset. The only thing to get back into business was to take out the battery of my XDA II!
There are also posts on about memory leaks in filesys.exe. There seems to be an issue with accessing files that go accross the 32MB limit.
All in all typical Microsoft: Bugs all over the place and no patches available...
Micro$oft = BAD! 8)
yeah you are right! it seems to be memory leaks!
but I have done something which has reduced the longly effect of filesys.exe!
I usually leave my XDA turned on all the night, but on charger. I've noticed that this could give a good time for windows to DEFRAGMENT the main memory, cus i think that when filesys.exe takes up to 94% of CPU time, then its doing some defragmentation to the main memory, even if you have more than 20 MB of free space! :roll: :evil:
So I just leave it running all the night because this issue PLUS another issue which still I suffer from!!! when i suspend my XDA while its being on the charger, the sound completly goes off!! even when i got incoming calls & SMS message, I can't hear them at all!!!!!
Hope Micro$oft will fix all these bugs in their outcoming version of windows 2003 second edition
Dude, You're blaming Microsoft for all these problems when you've screwed about with your machine's ROM! Speaking from experience as an XDA2 owner, I have no problems with my machine at all, and it's running the original ROM and original Bluetooth stack.
Most of the people who seem to have problems are the ones who've modified their ROM, either with an official upgrade from another service provider (and another country!!), or with some cooked-up ROM from Yorch.
Stop blaming Microsoft when the problem may be your own! :roll:
Original ROMs?
well, I have a cooked ROM from yourch, but I don't think its the problem. We all know that Microsoft products are full of bugs! but also I am beleiving that using original ROMs will solve the problem, but I really donno from where can I find original ROMs for W2003 second edition? :roll:
Re: Original ROMs?
Filesys DOES defragment the filesystem on a regular interval.
I notice that filesys.exe is also doing overtime after switching the XDA II on and after taking it out of the cradle. No idea what happens, but I have the feeling it is caching data (what doesn't make sense on a diskless system).
To sublimatica: have you tried to see what happens to your "standard machine" after installing SuperTasks?
yes its the defragmentation process, it occurs usually when the device is idle or when the device is turned on!it takes at least 90% of CPU time, and if it was running while a call is coming then u will miss that call before you get notified about it!!!! :?
I was just wondering, I did a permenant backup of my contacts & calendar on the ROM using the tool that comes up with the windows. But I've notice that everytime i soft rest my device, an annoying status bar comes up & saying SYNCHRONIZING YOUR CONTACTS and SYNCHRONIZING YOUR CALENDAR,, it takes about half minute & I can't do anything until it finishes!!!
If anyone knows how to get rid of this please tell me,, Am thinking to make hard reset :?
Backup on ROM
Just disable the backup using "Settings", "System", "Permanent Save". Make sure all check-boxes are clear.
On my XDA I had another problem: when you have a lot of contacts and tasks, you get an error message: "backup area is full". The only way to get rid of that was to stop sync-ing to ROM.
If you regularily dock your XDA, it is really not needed to do the extra backup on ROM. Your Outlook on your PC will be the backup.
After restoring your normal backup, you need to tell the restore process to replace all items on your device with the items on the computer and off you go...
It worked, thanks ahiemstra.... it was really annoying me, now its gone :lol:
I noticed something strange in my XDA I...!! when its docked & connected to the power supply, it goes faster than when it not! :? I donno, maybe its an issue to save battery at the cost of less CPU speed!
I have the same problem with filesys.exe and CPU usage (I have an I-Mate PDA2K). Anything new to solve this?
Mr B
Wow... this has been happening for this long? It's still happening with WM6.

ActiveSync and Messaging cause a memory leak or sommat?

Hi guys, I've had a look around, but can't find an answer on what I'm babbling on about, so I thought I'd join and ask outright.
I brought an MDA Vario last week on T Mobile, and having used PDAs since the Psion Organiser feel that I'm fairly competent with the technology.
It seems that when ActiveSync or Messaging have been running for any length of time the device slows down to such a grinding halt that it is barely usable. Is this a common issue, and if so, is there a resolution on the horizon. At present, I see the phone as a major downgrade from my 3 year old Axim X5, and I'm hoping someone can reassure me that I haven't been sold a turkey.
I think I have the same problem. When I plug in during the evening for a recharge and sync, the device's green LED flashes like normal, but if I press a button or the screen, it is slowed to a ridiculous and unuseable speed (like minutes to draw a screen such as Programs), and a soft reset is needed.
It does happen on AS connection or during/after syncing; I am using AS 4.1 and a T-mob vario with a selective ext ROM install.
Anyone got any ideas please?
Glad I'm not imagining it. I found a regitstry hack that gives you application cache that seems to improve it, but I still do at least three reboots a day.
I got a QTek9100 2 weeks ago and noticed exaactly the same thing. For the first few days, the device was really fast, but it slowed down days after days.
Even a soft reset doesn't fix this.
I finally fixed that yesterday (hope so) and it's again pretty responsive.
What have I done:
- Removed synchro to Outlook e-mails (I don t use it anyway)
- Emptyied the Outlook e-mail box
- In Activesync: Declared that I was connecting to a Server, changed schedules to "Manually", then removed the server.
Since then, no more ActiveSync starting by itself (it still works perfectly when I connect via USB), no more slowness.
The other IMAP and POP3 mail accounts works well, and the performances are good.
Hope this will help.
Thanks the add/remove serversync tip helped me.
After having tried the direct push my device never had more than about 7 or 8 MB free program memory.
Now I am back on 11 to 12 MB. Still not muchm but better than it was.
I still dont know why i have so little memory available.
I am only running in background:
MS Voicecommand
and few extra today plugins:
SIM status switcher (Wivit, WM2003 version)
Cant imaging this (together with the WM5 overhead takes up 32 of the available 45MB program memory!!!
Any extra clues??

Loosing the will to live!

Hi Guys
Been having the usual "Turn on" problem with my TyTN since having it, you know, very occasionaly - maybe once a week - you try to turn it from the button on the side and it wont. No matter what you do it stays off and you have to soft-reset.
Well, over the past few weeks its been getting MUCH worse. Im now resorting to rebooting the phone maybe 8 or 9 times a day! I have tried various diferent ROMS and the same issue keeps occuring. I've also checked the ROMS threads to see if anyone else has had this problem as severe as me and they haven't.
I REALLY like my TyTN and don't want to be forced into buying a new phone with the Ultimates just down the roads.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
Current build (remember, tried with a few diferent ROMS):
Crossbow Prof
CE OS 5.2.1236 (build 17741.0.2.1) = LVSW build
Date: 17/4/07
Proto: 32.74.7020.18H
Monty Burns said:
Hi Guys
Been having the usual "Turn on" problem with my TyTN since having it, you know, very occasionaly - maybe once a week - you try to turn it from the button on the side and it wont. No matter what you do it stays off and you have to soft-reset.
Well, over the past few weeks its been getting MUCH worse. Im now resorting to rebooting the phone maybe 8 or 9 times a day! I have tried various diferent ROMS and the same issue keeps occuring. I've also checked the ROMS threads to see if anyone else has had this problem as severe as me and they haven't.
I REALLY like my TyTN and don't want to be forced into buying a new phone with the Ultimates just down the roads.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
Current build (remember, tried with a few diferent ROMS):
Crossbow Prof
CE OS 5.2.1236 (build 17741.0.2.1) = LVSW build
Date: 17/4/07
Proto: 32.74.7020.18H
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The problem is you have told us nothing about what is running whether you leave it to sleep by itself what's on the today plugins whether you have active sync turned off (ie set to manual) etc etc etc and which of the freezing fixes you have tried. Whether your plugins are on sd card whether it freezes with sd card not inserted etc etc.
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
Monty Burns said:
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
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Well I can see why you kept those things secret. If someone asked me to compile a list of things more or less guaranteed to cause freezing and refusal to turn on, I think I'd give 'em a link to your setup!!
If you must have push mail (that requires active sync to be active) and weather applications then you will likely continue to have problems.
You may be able to reduce the number of them by NOT allowing device to sleep by itself. I have mine set to never sleep. However I do always use the on/off button when finished.
It's fine to have applications that require connection to internet and today plugins on main memory BUT others should be on SD card. The reason is that running low on main memory (and not even that low!) can cause freezing.
PIE can rack up loads of storage memory - can move storage to card.
Regularly run a third party clean out application.
PS. resisted the urge to get my laughing gear out. Think I was in shock actually. You could consider writing a "how not to setup your Hermes" guide.
mikechannon said:
Well I can see why you kept those things secret. If someone asked me to compile a list of things more or less guaranteed to cause freezing and refusal to turn on, I think I'd give 'em a link to your setup!!
If you must have push mail (that requires active sync to be active) and weather applications then you will likely continue to have problems.
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Why would these apps cause it to lock up? One comes with the operating system and one connects to the net once a day. Surley Outlook can't be that unstable as to cause lockups on average every two hours. I doubt SPB Weather is that unstable as well!
Yes, I must have push email. Why waste battery power polling every thirty minutes or so with pull email?
The memory card is going back in. I took it out, went to Sainsburys and BAM its locked again
I will now try the "no auto sleep" thing and see how that goes so thanks for that suggestion.
i had problems like these with my Tytn and eventually upgraded to WM6 (Black 2.5). It really made a difference. Much faster, never freezes and battery life is better.
Severe fix I know but worth considering
mikechannon said:
.....You may be able to reduce the number of them by NOT allowing device to sleep by itself. I have mine set to never sleep. However I do always use the on/off button when finished. .......
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TOTALLY agree with you there Mike. I was having some real issues with the "coma" effect once the device has automatically gone into sleep mode, this wa admittedly on the original HTC ROM, and was caused by pocketzenphone however since I have (without fail) set the device to NEVER switch off automatically and have got into the good habit of using the on/off button liberally.
warmkiwi99 said:
i had problems like these with my Tytn and eventually upgraded to WM6 (Black 2.5). It really made a difference. Much faster, never freezes and battery life is better.
Severe fix I know but worth considering
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See my orginial post Crossbow
It has! Sadly though it was still "sleeping".
However, i have taken it out of auto sleep and put it to manual, guess what .... been a couple of hours now and NO lockup! Yay!
Monty Burns said:
Why would these apps cause it to lock up? One comes with the operating system and one connects to the net once a day. Surley Outlook can't be that unstable as to cause lockups on average every two hours. I doubt SPB Weather is that unstable as well!
Yes, I must have push email. Why waste battery power polling every thirty minutes or so with pull email?
The memory card is going back in. I took it out, went to Sainsburys and BAM its locked again
I will now try the "no auto sleep" thing and see how that goes so thanks for that suggestion.
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Even official applications are not immune from problems. The Hermes perhaps for some configurational reasons (though it's not just Hermes)does not like running active sync from sleep mode and it does not like running other applications that require syncing (eg. weather type ones).
Active Sync is not a particularly stable app and combine this with the Hermes weakness when being allowed to sleep by itself and you end up with a lock-up. (I have seen some explanations for this but only guess work and theories)
Many people have set their devices up to run active sync in manual mode only and this does help to reduce freezing. Of course you cannot do this with push mail enabled. (It might be possible to run some script or a scheduler programme to start and stop Active sync at set times - though the complexities here are as likely to cause a freeze as anything else!!
I am pleased your SD card seems not to be the cause - it can be for some.
I see you are possibly getting some benefit from a manual shut down rather than auto sleep
You may find the odd other idea on my site - freezing/lockups:
There is a thread here somewhere but i'd need to search for the thread.
You could also try doing without the weather app for a test. However you may not see a difference as active sync is already running for the mail.
Monty Burns said:
See my orginial post Crossbow
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Sorry, didn't notice that......
Hi Mike
Turning off the auto sleep thingy has worked a treat. I'm down to one reboot a day now and that has been related to t-mobiles 3g network failure collapse me thinks
So this tip alone is worth its weight in gold!
SPB Weather is running and so is Activesync/push email.
Also now added today plugins:
RhinoStats (CPU/memory monitor - realtime)
RhinoLaunch (custom program launcher)
All seems pukka and "coma" free
Good news, pleased things have improved.
Of course I suppose we could all agree auto sleep should not cause the device to go into a "coma", but still, I've got used to just using the on/off button. Curiously this has improved my battery life as I turn off as soon as I finish, rather than waiting for it to turn itself off (which it won't anyway as I disabled that mode).
Monty Burns said:
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
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I'll share my experience so that maybe it will help. I use WM6 on my 8525 and have found the "unable to wake" problem to be related to my SPB Mobile Shell. When I have the phone set to display SPB Mobile Shell's "Now Screen" upon wakeup, it quite often will not wake. But if I manually put the phone to "sleep" mode, then it will always pop alive fine. Disabling the Now Screen all together leaves me no problem. My guess is maybe it's an SPB issue. So maybe SPB Weather is causing it. I used to use SPB Weather before Mobile Shell, but since Shell has weather built in, I don't need SBP Weather any longer.
Hope this helps diagnose the problem a bit. For the record, I never had a wakeup problem with WM5.
Since going to black 2.5 and then 3.0 I have not had any of the sleep issues.
I run SPB Weather which is set to update every 5 hours, I run activesync to the exchange server which checks emails every 2 hours. My phone auto-offs after 3 minutes.
I did have AS set to When it arrives - but found this to be bad for battery and also stability. Every ten minutes was fine when I needed more urgency. All programs are installed to the phone, exept pie cache and outlook attachments which are on the card. I have not done any special tricks to avoid any sleep/card problems.

Seriously preformance issues

I have to soft reset my HD2 all the time because it often lags too much.
I will now list the things which makes me wanna reset my device:
- The HD2 lags so badly, that most actions take up to 5 seconds.
- One application can crash (mostly HTC_Messaging), and I have to soft reset.
- When I write messages, the keyboard has a input lag of 5-10 seconds.
- Screen wont turn on when I push the buttons
- The device wont unlock when I slide the slider, it just stops up.
Now this happens each time I upgrade my ROM, and I am currently using Artemis now.
The programs I've installed each time is:
- FingerKeyboard
- Touch X reset and wifi
- Touch X button icon in messaging
and now I use WMLongLife also.
My SD-card is an 8GB card.
So if someone could help me, I would be happy.
(Sorry for bad english.)
try installing the cleanRAM app
djchubbs said:
try installing the cleanRAM app
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Doens't help either, ends up with the program crashing when its at the end and I try to klikk "OK!"
have you try to reinstall factory setting or hard reset
henninghh990 said:
Doens't help either, ends up with the program crashing when its at the end and I try to klikk "OK!"
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Start again. Install nothing and just configure settings.
Does it run slow and crash then?
If so you have problem that could be harware.
Try another ROM and if the same then I think you need to return the unit.
If all runs fine on a clean, vanilla phone then you are doing something in the install process that is causing the instability.
Try installs one by one to the phone mem and check operation each time.
NB. Some background info would have been helpful. ROM version, Model etc!
pa49 said:
Start again. Install nothing and just configure settings.
Does it run slow and crash then?
If so you have problem that could be harware.
Try another ROM and if the same then I think you need to return the unit.
If all runs fine on a clean, vanilla phone then you are doing something in the install process that is causing the instability.
Try installs one by one to the phone mem and check operation each time.
NB. Some background info would have been helpful. ROM version, Model etc!
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The problem is that I can't predict when its gonna happen. It can happen randomly, and then I have to restart the phone. After the restart, everything works normal and perfect.
This can happen upto three times a day, some days it wont happen at all.
Currently using 2.10.531.7 Artemis, but this also happens with the stock ROM. The newest one that is. My radio version is
Its kinda difficult to run things vanilla phone, cause the applications I use, I need.
for me htc messaging has never crashed...
i suggest you to flash a stock rom, 1.66 for example and try it without the sent button.
if there are still problems, u can try using mtty or send it back for repair...
edit: i had the problem where the phone was freezing while loading for a long time (over night), and the display won´t turn on. Switched back to manually update Facebook, Twitter and Weather, and had no more problems since...
Bimme said:
for me htc messaging has never crashed...
i suggest you to flash a stock rom, 1.66 for example and try it without the sent button.
if there are still problems, u can try using mtty or send it back for repair...
edit: i had the problem where the phone was freezing while loading for a long time (over night), and the display won´t turn on. Switched back to manually update Facebook, Twitter and Weather, and had no more problems since...
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Well I think its crashing.
That's what I usually use when I lock the screen. So sometimes when I try to unlock it, I just get half of the messaging program or nothing, on screen. And I cant do anything.
When I try to click the Home-button, it respons in some seconds and Home-screen is all laggy.
henninghh990 said:
Well I think its crashing.
That's what I usually use when I lock the screen. So sometimes when I try to unlock it, I just get half of the messaging program or nothing, on screen. And I cant do anything.
When I try to click the Home-button, it respons in some seconds and Home-screen is all laggy.
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When you lock the phone apps still run in the back ground as if asleep and when you unlock they attempt to restore themselves as they were before the lock.
You have something clashing installed and that is calling the registry at the same time as something else. Remember when windows full size used to do it?.
I think you have a badly written piece of software installed (either preloaded or installed by yourself) and suggesting starting from vanilla is a way to issolate it!
i've also had similar problems as you. after hard reseting a couple of times, i noticed that the intermittent lag began after i started syncing my phone to my PC and myphone. it turns out that my terrible management of appointments, messages and contacts was the root of my problem (several duplicates of everything, and almost 5000 text messages). i suggest you attempt to work your phone a couple days without loading up any PIM information, archive messages and remove duplicates (sktools is excellent at doing this)
i suggest you do something similar, it really helps. i was able to get my device to prrform as well as when i still had the vanilla ROM
best of luck! your device is better than you think!
Also, use the Task Manager, and close applications that you don't use, especially the Internet browser and applications that use data connection. These ones can really block the phone when connection is intermittent.
Yet again, I'm left dumbfounded by claims of "serious" issues with this device. I just don't understand how almost everyone has a "story" regarding the HTC HD2 being SLOW or LAGGY. Fortunately for me, I haven't soft reset my unit in 46h 5m 19s and everything is still running flawlessly.
your phone sounds faulty or something. for me.. even with the Stock 1.66 ROM i had, it was working pretty fast n smooth. now with Dutty's ROM, its faster n smoother than ever. i love this beast
I never have these problem! I used Official or Clean EX HQ roms and never got these problem!
Try a Task 29 and flash with 1.66 Official or Most popular Cook ROM
Pa49: I have only installed the programs which I have listed in the first post. I guess im not the only one using them.
Kev007: I usually have a lot of textmessages when I dont delet them, but thats max 2000. I dont sync my phone with my computer, so no uneccessary contacts or something either. Dont even use calendar, so have no appointments.
Reignzone: It is really bad. It can happen upto three times a day, and I just cant use the phone at all. Just sliding the home-screen to see all my shortcuts takes maybe 10 seconds. I could film it with a camcorder next time it happens so people could see.
The same thing happens each time I've installed a ROM. So it has clearly something to do with the phone and not with the software I've installed.
Pa49: I have only installed the programs which I have listed in the first post. I guess im not the only one using them.
Kev007: I usually have a lot of textmessages when I dont delet them, but thats max 2000. I dont sync my phone with my computer, so no uneccessary contacts or something either. Dont even use calendar, so have no appointments.
Reignzone: It is really bad. It can happen upto three times a day, and I just cant use the phone at all. Just sliding the home-screen to see all my shortcuts takes maybe 10 seconds. I could film it with a camcorder next time it happens so people could see.
The same thing happens each time I've installed a ROM. So it has clearly something to do with the phone and not with the software I've installed.
I get lags too when twitter is updating in the background. You would think a 1ghz processor could do two things at once
Backup your miscrosd. Try a microsd format. Restore your data. See if this helps.
T-Mo US HD2, still completely stock. I was having some issues with sluggish animations, applied many of the tweaks in the sticky threads here, things got better. However, it was super super slow to switch into some applications (SMS *always*, others occasionally).
Eventually I wondered about that fancy Swype keyboard and tried switching back to the full qwerty. All that disappeared and it moves like lightning now, I have to say.
I haven't played with updating Swype or maybe at least loading a ROM without it that I can do a regular install on top of. However, right now I don't miss it .
Lag issues
I have no idea what is causing your issues, but if it travels from one rom to the next, it may be your sd card.
I had an issue with lag in swype and other apps.
I noticed when I popped out the sd card the device instantly unfroze.
I then copied all files except App data and reformatted the sd.
No issues after that.
Hope this helps.

/INIT process Desire HD lag problems...SOLVED ! See post 1

I'd like to know if anyone is having the same lag problems as I am getting from time to time..
The lag happens for no reason and comes at different times while doing different things.
I downloaded Watchtower from the Android Market to monitor what was happening. When the phone is running fast the /INIT process is showing as soon as the lag starts to happen I check Watchtower again and the /INIT process is at anywhere from 70% to 100% CPU usage.
I dont use an app killer but I donwloaded one to try and see if it would correct the problem, it doesn't. The only way to solve the lag is to Restart the phone, then its fine for the rest of the day, sometimes two days but it always comes back.
I sold my SGS because of the lag issue and now it seems I have it with the DHD..
I did google this and I found that it maybe something to do with android itself..looks like /INIT is an android process..
If you notice your DHD lagging then download Watchtower and I'd bet you will see the /INIT process killing your phone..
EDIT - A fix has been found to stop the /Init process lagging the phone.
On your phone go to..
Menu/settings/applications/development/now turn on Usb debugging..
This seems to keep the / init process at 0% CPU usage, it also works when the /INIT problem starts, turning USB debugging on will make the /INIT process drop back to 0%, very nice to see.
Ive contacted the Dev to find out if he can tell us why this method has fixed the problem.
Still need an update from Htc but at least we can use our phones again..
There doesn't seem to be any negative effects from turning this option on, the only thing to note is turning it off to connect to your pc could bring the /init process back and lag your phone. You can download Android Manager from the market for free which will allow you to transfer data from your pc using Wi-Fi, using this app you can keep the USB Debugging on.
EDIT 2 - It looks like you can connect to the pc via USB cable with the debugging turned on without problems, the only difference is that it will try and install additional drivers...because of the debugging mode..
Im using windows 7 and the ABD driver wont need to download Htc Sync on your pc which downloads the ABD driver !!
We should also watch the battery as this may actually increase battery life...
EDIT 3 - Not one single person has come back to me and said that the /INIT problem has returned after this fix...lets hope it stays that way.. 10/11/10
EDIT 4 - A lot of people including myself have found that this fix improves their battery life quite a bit.
Last EDIT before thread is locked just for reference and to help people !!!
For people that have the process that loads the CPU it stays at 80-90% all the time, and i have autosync on, if you stop auto sync the process goes out....
So here is the final fix in the link below (post 7)
Thank you to everyone in this thread for there efforts...amazing response.
Thanks to all the XDA Community...Including the Devs and Mods
Thread Closed
nednapalm said:
I'm getting the problem.
No apps installed except the flash and maps update, oh and OS Monitor.
Have turned off "Fast Boot" and removed battery to reset, ok for now. Very scared to start installing more apps, nearly unusable when it is lagging
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I also tried the "turn off fast boot and it was ok for 2 days, it came back this morning though..It is very worrying and yes, the phone is unusable until it is Restarted..Thanks for the reply.
sanju007 said:
I hope not, the samsung galaxy s have lag issus and its very bad and i sold de sgs
And now the DHD gets also lag problems ?
Ik hope not, then i will not buy this phone
Maybe an good task killer wil help ?
More people have lag issus ?
Can you make a video ?
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An app killer doesn't solve the problem and Im unsure how many people are having this problem, to my understanding its not many...that's why I started this thread to try and find out.
I wouldn't worry yet...
I will make a video when it happens may take a few days to come back....but it always does...a video added to this thread would be most useful...just have to wait till it rears its ugly head again.
So it seems that /init is a core process regarding the initialisation of the Android system and userspace hence the fact it cannot be killed using OSMonitor. It is always the first process that runs on Linux systems after boot and acts as a parent process which itself initialises then processes needed to get the OS going.
Here is a description of the Android Init Process from elinux,
A key component of the Android bootup sequence is the program 'init', which is a specialized program for initializing elements of the Android system. Unlike other Linux systems (embedded or otherwise), Android uses its own initialization program. (Linux desktop systems have historically used some combination of /etc/inittab and sysV init levels - e.g. /etc/rc.d/init.d with symlinks in /etc/rc.d/rc.[2345]). Some embedded Linux systems use simplified forms of these -- such as the init program included in busybox, which processes a limited form of /etc/inittab, or a direct invocation of a shell script or small program to do fixed initialization steps.
The init program processes two files, executing the commands it finds in them, called 'init.rc' and 'init.<machine_name>.rc', where <machine_name> is the name of the hardware that Android is running on. (Usually, this is a code word. The name of the HTC1 hardware for the ADP1 is 'trout', and the name of the emulator is 'goldfish'.
the 'init.rc' file is intended to provide the generic initialization instructions, while the 'init.<machine_name>.rc' file is intended to provide the machine-specific initialization instructions.
The Bug
The /init bug has presented itself on numerous handsets including the HTC Desire, Nexus One and Droid X models. It seems to be specific to Android 2.2 and reports the same symptoms on all handsets. Primarily this is due the 99% CPU usage causing system slowdown and left unchecked, high battery usage. It is not specific to HTC Sense ROMs as it also presents itself on stock releases. The only solution so far is a reboot. Hard Reboots and altering system settings seem to have no effect on the reproduction of this bug.
I can only speculate to what is causing the issue and hopefully a Dev can shed some more light.
Logically it seems as though a 'rogue' process is triggering /init to resume its primary function in regards to checking filesystems and attempting to spawn other system process. Due to some form of miscommunication between the processes in question, /init continues to perform these post boot tasks in a constant loop.
Think of it like this, if you try perform tasks straight after boot, the phone is unresponsive while the SD is mounted/checked and all other processes are fired up. The /init process is responsible for these tasks. If it were to loop, you would experience the symptoms we are having.
I found this on Wikipedia:
After /init has spawned all of the processes specified, init goes dormant, and waits for one of three events to happen:- processes it started to end or die, a power failure signal[clarification needed], or a request via /sbin/telinit to further change the runlevel.
So our trigger should hopefully be narrowed down to these three events.
Regarding what I posted before, the connection between sync and the bug has proven itself to be a false one.
I've also noticed that sometimes the bug can be present, however there is little impact on the responsiveness of the OS. It can seem as though everything is ok yet the CPU load can be extremely high, resulting in poor battery performance.
Anyway, hopefully more people can contribute to this thread so we can build up a better picture of what is going on. I will also try and grab a Logcat and ask anyone else near their PC when it happens to do the same.
There is a thread here which has users complaining of the same problems, yet no solutions are presented. Hopefully we can make a bit more noise and get some definitive answers.
Hey guys some great feedback here, as with my link on starting this thread the /INIT is an android 2.2 process, auto sync on/off doesn't solve the problem neither does a hard reset, taking the battery out ect...
The guy in the link says his method worked for him, can't say the same for myself, I have a feeling his problem will be back...but if it did fix it for him then thats great, just cant say the same for me
I have gone 5 days without the problem coming back and then Oh no its back, sometimes it happens twice a day, all the above doesn't fix this problem im afraid from what I have experience anyway.
The /INIT process is only 132k, something so small causes the phone to be basically unusable....very frustrating.
The 1.32.405.6 update also doesn't solve this problem, I updated yesterday and 10 min later I had the dreaded /INIT problem...
The so called "turn off fast boot doesn't fix the problem either, I have had the /INIT lag problem with it switched on and off...
What I find to be the most strangest thing is that if this is indeed an android process which it most likely is then why doesn't every DHD phone have this lag from time to time???.....why only certain phones??..
I haven't had the problem since yesterday (around 12 midday), when it occurs again I will be posting a video as requested...
The mystery continues.......There is NO solution as yet that fixes this problem.
Thanks to Lynxboy, your posts give some good information.
I wonder if this has any relevance to the problem from a linux based PC..
It seems that /INIT uses the same Process ID - 1 (found from using watchtower)
BigMango said:
You purchased it from ebay, but did you buy it from a shop or from an individual (second hand)?
If you got it from an ebay shop they should give you a receipt. If it was from an individual, he should give you his original receipt (that's when the warranty started).
Anyway, the phone has a 2 years warranty, so you are covered for the next 2 years minus 1 or 2 weeks. And the paypal transaction is a valid payment receipt (it can be verified directly with paypal); so even without the receipt from the first owner HTC should cover you since the phone can't be 2 years old.
Get in touch with HTC directly, they should replace it. But the tricky part is that the problem must happen when they check it out, for this reason I would also make a video of the problem the next time it happens and send it to them by email so they can keep it on file with your RMA.
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Thanks for the advice, Im going to contact the seller, he had it on upgrade and shipped it to me the following day..he seemed a nice guy so It should be ok...Now its just a matter of waiting for MR INIT to show up haha....wonder if he wears a hoodie LOL
bimmerfox said:
I'm not wrong because I see it with my own eyes. Even my DHD had the same problems as described. After the update no more /INIT at 90% and it keeps running smooth now.
Try to keep your patience before quoting a person who is willing to help others.
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What?? Why do you think I made this help myself and we do at XDA....the update doesn't fix the problem....just because yours hasn't lagged since the update doesn't mean its fixed....I've gone 5 days with no lag and it came yours probably will.
EDIT- You can't post a statement that the problem as been fixed when numerous people have done the update and still experienced the /INIT can it be fixed??...and since the update only came out yesterday you have no way of knowing this for sure... its way to early to say that.. Try reading through posts in the forum and gather some information next time.... the update was for the youtube fix, we're not even sure that HTC were aware of the problem at the time.
Hi guys,
Just finished work and have caught up with the thread since I last posted and wanted to clarify a few things. I would also ask any new readers to find my previous post which covers much of the nature of the /init process.
The problem is solely software based. The hardware is NOT at fault!
The /init process is the parent process of Android/Linux, hence the PID 1 in OS Monitor. Imagine it as the ignition system in your car. You need to turn the ignition to fire up the other systems and that technically is the role /init takes.
It is not a rogue process in itself. It cannot be killed or closed via a task manager.
The latest update was not a fix nor does it resolve the issue.
The bug IS a Froyo bug and affects numerous devices not just the DHD although it is not present in all Froyo ROMs.
It is possible the memory management is to blame however I have run many Froyo based ROMs from FRF55 and not experienced it before; they all use the same memory management.
The three triggers for /init to awaken after its boot tasks are completed are specified in my previous post. These are the most likely causes for our issue and are in my mind triggered by some rogue process interactions.
A logcat will only really be useful if it captures the event taking place. A logcat taken when the /init process has started will report back specifically that.
Just because you haven't experienced the bug in 2days doesn't mean you are bug free, nor is there a bad batch of phones as this would indicate a hardware issue.
Continuing this thought, it is possible if you are on a branded operator ROM you may be bug free.
The /init bug is extremely annoying.
Yes off topic...
Im asking the mod to still keep this a sticky but to lock the thread as there is really nothing left to discuss and its just here for people that are still having the /init problem as a reference...
EDIT - Thread being locked soon so....
Agian thanks to all xda community !!
Is this stickie needed anymore? Has this been corrected by any software update?
I've had this problem since the day I got the phone (December 2010) and got it again today. Once I see the obvious lag of everything, I just restart.
If it can help...
I have noticed this phenomenon the first time just after installing 2 things in my DHD :
- creating the HTCSense account (and keeping it synchronized one a day)
- installing the HTC plugin for Picasa Web Albums in the Album application.
Maybe coïncidence, maybe not.
I have disabled all HTC Sense stuff I can see. It always happens when performing some action, like opening a new app. It seems to occur so randomly, it happened again the day after my last post, but has been fine since then.
Problems with calendar after removing cache and program data.
I had major problems with using up to about 90% of my processor from time to time. When I searched the forums I found this thread.
I tried what is stated in the top post and went ahead and cleared the calendar data and the gmaill data. This is all fine, I don't seem to get any more warnings about reaching the 90% mark. One slight problem that occured though is that now when I'm syncing my calendar back to what it was, it either does not search or does not find all the other calendars that I have. The list is just totally empty. Strange as it is, It does find and sync with the default [email protected] Gmail's working fine and syncing properly though.
Since I rely on the calendar I really need this to be fixed as soon as possible.
I don't want to put words in your mouths, but I figured I might need to factory reset the phone. No biggie, but a time consumer, since I need to recustomize everything again (not rooted, not titanium).
Are there any ways of luring the calendar back on track. Jumpstarting it without a factory reset?
Thanks in advance.
So apparently all it needed was a full night of syncing, because now it works again.
It seems though that I got rid of the annoying com.HTC.bgp that drained my processor.
Thanks to the thread
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Have not experienced this since the 2.3.3 upgrade, problem solved!
I'm having this problem on my Defy after installing SetVsel, setting any values, after time the cpu stuck at 100. Watchdog lite didn't show nothing but 100%, not any process higher than 50 even. I turned on in the watchdog to show system processes and ther it showed that:
Linux process
Had most the time the highest percent used
I googled and found this topic. The
Menu/settings/applications/development/now turn on Usb debugging.
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solution solved my problem. The proc isn't anymroe stuck at 100%.

