Queston for X iphone users - Hero, G2 Touch General

I had a iphone 3GS and sent it back so I could get the Hero.
I'm not sure now if it was the best trade off? The Apps are much more polished as is the whole iphone OS. Now the 3GS can be jailbroken and unlocked it can be used on any network which is good because O2's 3G coverage is not good.
So... are you regretting the switch? would you go back to iphone?

I had the original iPhone and the 3G for ~6 months months, but haven't used either in more than a year. Since the iPhone, I've used a Blackberry Bold, e71, Xperia X1, and Touch Diamond 2.
The Hero has been the closest to an iPhone experience compared to any of those phones. No, it's not quite as polished, and nowhere near as fast as the 3GS (based on my brief experince with it), but its design, flexibility, and Sense UI makes up for it.
I've had iPhone users comment on the design of the Hero, as well as the Sense UI. It is the general consensus amung people that have played with my phone that the UI is far nicer designed than the iPhone design.
I couldn't stand the iPhone because it would always lock up when I tried to answer a call, which proved to be extremely frustrating. I don't get that with the fact, it's the best PHONE I've had, with the exception of the Bold.
All in all, yes, the lag is annoying, and there are definitely a few things I would change, but for the most part, the Hero is the most enjoyable phone I've ever had, and don't regret switching from the iPhone (or any other phone) to it. Plus, the exclusivity of not having a phone that 10+ million other people have is always nice .

i keep wanting to sell my hero and go back to iphone, i hand the original 3g and now think the 3gs would have been a better purchase.

The only thing I really miss about the iPhone are some of the games. Games are a weak point for Android at the moment though this will eventually change as more and more handsets keep coming out and developers will be unable to ignore it. Come to think of it, that's about the only thing about the iPhone I actually liked lol.

I am missing my iphone a bit now that i'm using the hero. I think the iphone had one of the most fluid interfaces of any phone i've ever used. I miss the screen automatically turning on and off during a call when it is close to your face. I always try to turn off the screen during a call out of habbit on the hero and end up disconnecting the call. I also liked the hardware silence toggel on the iphone for quick ringer switching. The keyboard on the iphone was also a little bit more responsive and got more of my keystrokes correct. The main reason why I got the hero was for the widget and facebook integration. I got sort of board with the limits on the iphone os, and always having to open individual programs everytime I wanted to do anything. If the iphone started to offer home screen widgets i'd probably switch back in a heartbeat. I think the sense ui is cool, but until they make it less buggy, its just hard for me to fully enjoy it. I'm also getting mad at the fact that my facebook links in my contacts keep getting erased for no good reason, if anyone has an idea to why this happens and how to prevent it please share. Also i've noticed the signal and call quality are lower on the Hero than the iphone and my other HTC devices, I can hear a hiss in the background of all my calls, and tend to drop calls in places my iphone never did. Hopefully this can be fixed with a new radio version. I would like to keep my hero because I think it has so much potential, I just hope HTC releases some new firmware soon.

Well, though question...
I´ve had the iPhone 3G for more than a year now but bought the Hero after having drained the iPhone in a heavy rainfall. I also (don´t ask me why..) ordered the new 3Gs simultaniously and I´m still waiting for it...
I loved the iPhone, and still do, but the Hero is more "interesting" and more flexible when it comes to customization.
The iPhone is more "snappier" and more polished but the Hero is something fresh and interesting. Keep in mind that Android is still in it´s first year on the market which I find VERY impressing.
Will I keep the Hero, the iPhone or both? I seriously don´t know...
If both phones have had been new to me I would have bought the iPhone because of its (imo) still superior ease of use and "snappines".
Hero on the other hand is the only phone that I´ve met that can compete with iPhone on the ´overall experience´, the both ´simply works´ (...just that iPhone works a little bit better. Question is, will it last?).
I only know one thing for sure. It will take Microsoft more than ´some´effort to make me go back...

Video playback on iphone is unrivaled, The camcorder with editing is better than expected. Battery life is also better.
I waited ages for the Hero and really want to like it. But as with the facebook issues and the camera/video quality isn't great either? Video playback on the Hero is not great with the stuttering.
Seems the only thing going for the Hero is the widgets?

mwatson said:
Video playback on iphone is unrivaled, The camcorder with editing is better than expected. Battery life is also better.
I waited ages for the Hero and really want to like it. But as with the facebook issues and the camera/video quality isn't great either? Video playback on the Hero is not great with the stuttering.
Seems the only thing going for the Hero is the widgets?
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I actually totally agree with you. I tried to play an mp4 just now and get stuttering every 4-5 secs. The music app can't compete with the iphone either, I love the widgets and the customization on the hero, but as of right now that’s about it. I have another week to return it but I want to give HTC the benefit of the doubt that they will be upgrading software quickly. Man I don't know what to do.

dondula said:
I actually totally agree with you. I tried to play an mp4 just now and get stuttering every 4-5 secs. The music app can't compete with the iphone either, I love the widgets and the customization on the hero, but as of right now that’s about it. I have another week to return it but I want to give HTC the benefit of the doubt that they will be upgrading software quickly. Man I don't know what to do.
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Thats where i am with it. Dunno what to do and time is ticking before we get locked into contracts.
Maybe iphone is the way to go for now. Not to dismiss Android and HTC, maybe during next year's contract renewa'/upgrades HTC and Android maybe have caught up. But for now, the damm iphone just can't be beat on every count. Sure the widgets are great, but in 3-6 months (or less!) will the novelty wear off and we're left with a duff battery, dodgy signal reception, a less than impressive camera, don't even go there with video recording.
Tell ya what though.... being a geek is tough! and expensive!

I'm sticking with the Hero personally. I hate Apples ridiculous policies and I hate having to close out apps in order to use something's so annoying. Android is getting there and Donut is coming soon which I hear is using 2.6.29 kernel which brings a nice little speed increase. I know more apps and games are on the way, especially since a couple major US carriers will be getting Android devices in the next couple months. Hero is coming here as is something from Motorola from what I hear. BTW, I think iPhone is so smooth because it only really runs one thing at a time while Hero for instance runs a lot widgets, sense ui, etc. I mean iPhone 3G has what a 434mhz processor? That's not much at all.

plbe said:
...I mean iPhone 3G has what a 434mhz processor? That's not much at all.
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Agree on that but mhz isn´t everything. Hero is running a Qualcomm processor and iPhone 3G a higher quality (some say...) ARM processor.

plbe said:
I'm sticking with the Hero personally. I hate Apples ridiculous policies and I hate having to close out apps in order to use something's so annoying. Android is getting there and Donut is coming soon which I hear is using 2.6.29 kernel which brings a nice little speed increase. I know more apps and games are on the way, especially since a couple major US carriers will be getting Android devices in the next couple months. Hero is coming here as is something from Motorola from what I hear. BTW, I think iPhone is so smooth because it only really runs one thing at a time while Hero for instance runs a lot widgets, sense ui, etc. I mean iPhone 3G has what a 434mhz processor? That's not much at all.
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Some good points there. I'm not sure the Hero will be able to upgrade to Donut. I understand its out the loop. I might be wrong though.
The thing is, its not just speed, actually i'm not bothered about that. I had a touch diamond before so the Hero flies in comparrison. Its the low quality camera/camcorder/battery life/video playback and signal quality that let it down.

superswede said:
Agree on that but mhz isn´t everything. Hero is running a Qualcomm processor and iPhone 3G a higher quality (some say...) ARM processor.
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It should be said that both the Qualcomm processor *IS* an ARM processor.
The IPhone 3G uses a Samsung designed processor based on the ARM11 core,
and the Hero a Qualcomm processor, again based on an ARM11 core.
The IPhone 3GS uses a Samsung processor again, but this is based on the superior ARM Cortex-A8 core.
Essentially ARM licenses processor cores to semiconductor manufacturers who then build their own SOCs (System on a Chip) by integrating a range of other components onto the same die.
I remember ARM when it stood for Acorn Risc Machines (not Advanced Risc Machines or just ARM as it does today!) and powered the Acorn Archimedes.

My Experience - iPhone / WinMo / Blackberry / Android
I brought the original iPhone when it launched in the UK with no apps etc. Since then I have jumped about to Windows Mobile (Touch Diamond + Xperia X1) and also Blackberry (Storm - Curve 8900 - Bold).
Throwing myself back at Apple I got the 3GS when it launched, very nice phone and very fast.
My issues with Apple are the stupid controls they have around the app store and the refusal of background apps. (I totally understand the end user experience can be quantified with no running apps and for the less techy masses this is a good business move).
I however feel grown up enough to be able to manage my own running processes and know that if I run too many it will slow down.
I still do love my iphone and all the apps/games available but all through my iphone life I get drawn back to Windows Mobile as I can do so much on it.
Now I have been waiting for a unlocked Android phone to come along and jumped at the Hero as I have a company SIM card and no personal contract.
I am loving my Hero so far (been just over a week), its not perfect and does hang up sometimes, but at least it comes back quickly and I have not had to reset it etc. I am sure future builds will improve these things, I remember iphone 2.0 release!
Just so nice to be able to run FuriousStream and then actually continue to use my phone for checking mail/twitter/web etc. On my iphone it drove me nuts I had to close the streaming app!
Video recording is SO much better on the 3GS but in fairness for me is a very small part of what I use a phone for so not end of the world.
Sense UI is very nice, I like being able to customise the experience.
I get bored quickly and it saves me getting fed up with the same old.
Will I never go back to the iPhone??? Maybe/Maybe not. Too early to tell, but for me Android is like Windows Mobile as it should have been with background apps plus a good UI with a good marketplace but the option of just installing what you like with no one dictating to you straight from a developers webiste it you want.

I'm coming from this issue at a different angle. I had (still have) the Xperia X1 and although on the face of it it should do everything you want it is unresponsive at times even with the cooked ROMs that the geniuses here manage to cook (Thanks to them I didn't send the phone back!).
That being said I wasn't too enamoured with WinMo even in its 6.5 guise. Then there is the HTC issue with video which it should do well but never does. So my other contract was up and being an advocate of Linux and Open Source etc. I wanted an Android phone and was gonna go for the HTC Magic - I had a play around with it and even in its infancy Android just blows WinMo away. However the Magic is a touch underpowered and I was hearing not so pleasant things about Video.
Cue the Hero and I was about to jump onto it until... I read about the lag. I couldn't believe it - I didn't want another device that I had to fiddle with so much just to get it running smoothly. I then checked the HTC specs and it is the same that they use in all their phones - and given the video issues that cause problems for Coreplayer etc. I decided I wasn't gonna tie in to another contract on a phone which really should be good but with too many niggles to leave you disappointed.
I then went into the Apple Store to try out the new 3GS and was blown away by the speed, the apps, the seemless integration of everything and realised that it had finally come of age and it would be next device (which it is). It is the closest thing to an all in one device - nothing else comes close. Android will eventually - in fact I would argue in 18 months time it will have surpassed the iPhone and Apples policy of drip feeding features which should be standard. However HTC really needs to change the internals and start upgrading their processors etc. They have designed the most beautiful interface with Sense UI but their hardware just fails to match....
I say this as somebody who really did NOT want to get an Iphone but realised that the competition is still a bit behind and to be fair it is a fantastic device (of course not without its flaws but these are ones that I can live with). I hope my next device will be Android - I suspect though it won't be a HTC device....

fuzzmo said:
However HTC really needs to change the internals and start upgrading their processors etc. They have designed the most beautiful interface with Sense UI but their hardware just fails to match....
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To be honest, I'm not sure I agree with this. The hardware is perfectly capable - you just need to realize that if you have a lot running, it will slow the phone down. Thus far though, from my perspective at least, lag has not been a particular issue - yes, it is there, but it is not ever present (at least for me) and even when it does occur is really is only a minor hiccup. I can happily run MyTracks when walking and surf the web at the same time, and then take a phone call, or do any number of other things, but I appreciate that if I want to do them all at one it is going to be slower.
The iPhone will rarely suffer this kind of issue all the while that Apple mandate that 3rd party applications can't multi-task. I understand their point regarding the user experience, but surely they could allow a user to override this via a system setting.
I get the Apple experience - I really do! I have an iMac and a MacBook, but I really don't like the restrictions they're placing on the iPhone and the App Store, plus I should be able to decide what applications I install on my device.
The problem with the iPhone IMHO, is not the hardware or the software, but the fact that Apple seem to be of the opinion that you don't own your phone, you've just leased it from them!

I used a iPhone as (and various other LG / Samsung dumb phones) my primary phone before I got my HTC Hero. I've been on the borderline weather to sell my HTC hero or not, I've decided not to for now... but it depends on what comes of any updates (if any).
At the end of the day - in my opinion - Android is as good as the iPhone software but only that 'as good' it does nothing better (and that's not saying much!) and I can see why some people comming from an iPhone might be disappointed... very disappointed.

foxmeister said:
The problem with the iPhone IMHO, is not the hardware or the software, but the fact that Apple seem to be of the opinion that you don't own your phone, you've just leased it from them!
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Yep... nothing quite like an arse in a black turtle neck jumper telling you what you can and can't do with a device that will cost you a grand in total is there

mwatson said:
Some good points there. I'm not sure the Hero will be able to upgrade to Donut. I understand its out the loop. I might be wrong though.
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Why would hero not get donut? Even if not officially released by HTC which would be odd, a 3rd party ROM will be released just like G1, Magic

Man this phone is just dropping the ball for me, I used it as an mp3 player tonight while I was at the gym and audio quality through the supplied headphones was not very good. There is no bass at all in the music and no option to adjust an equalizer, after a while the high treble and no bass started to give me a headache. Well I think this just pushed me to my answer, Hero is a sweet phone with incredible possibilities but I literally have a problem with 90% of the functions being inferior to iphone (other than phone freedom and customizations). It makes me sad because I was so excited for this phone and so bored with my iphone, but I just have to stick with what works the best. Hopefully these issues can get polished up real quick.


Advice: Nexus One over iPhone (not quite a vs. thread)

So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
lostinbeta said:
So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
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they're both amazing.
the nexus one is great. features and all. but after like three months, you kinda want your iphone back.. or i do at least.
depending on the 4th Generation iPhone, i may upgrade.
for the time being though, i LOVE my nexus one..
buy it if you are having any doubts. you wont be sorry.
all those issues only apply to a select few or to people that have major ocd..i did like my iphone but i didnt love it..i love my nexus one its a really great phone..i love that i can use it to tether too my laptop, use it as BRIGHT flash light, customize it too my liking, and not having to deal with iphone.
The one thing i did miss when i went back to android from my iphone was the games..iphone games are really really nice but that feeling has gone away since now alot of the 3d games on the iphone are being made for android.
the iphone is a great phone but the UI is sooooooooooo boring..i hated that 4x4 icon page on it.i love having widgets
so to sum it all up get a nexus one......and a ipad ahah
That's kind of my worry. I don't have that kind of money to throw around every couple of months, I don't want to invest all that money and in a couple of months just be jealous of all my friends with iPhones. But it is nice to hear you love your N1, the only apple fanboy thing I'm into is their operating system, anything outside of that I'm not really a huge fan of Apple (I stuck with WinMo just because I could customize it without hassle, unlike the iPhone which is a risk to brick every time you jailbreak it and there's a firmware update)
lostinbeta said:
That's kind of my worry. I don't have that kind of money to throw around every couple of months, I don't want to invest all that money and in a couple of months just be jealous of all my friends with iPhones. But it is nice to hear you love your N1, the only apple fanboy thing I'm into is their operating system, anything outside of that I'm not really a huge fan of Apple (I stuck with WinMo just because I could customize it without hassle, unlike the iPhone which is a risk to brick every time you jailbreak it and there's a firmware update)
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ya i love my macbook its the best thing that ever happened to me ahah..and honestly the chance of bricking and iphone while jailbreaking is slim to none but its a pain when apple is constantly sending you updates to unjailbreak me you will not be jealous of their iphones
bobdude5 said:
all those issues only apply to a select few or to people that have major ocd..i did like my iphone but i didnt love it..i love my nexus one its a really great phone..i love that i can use it to tether too my laptop, use it as BRIGHT flash light, customize it too my liking, and not having to deal with iphone.
The one thing i did miss when i went back to android from my iphone was the games..iphone games are really really nice but that feeling has gone away since now alot of the 3d games on the iphone are being made for android.
the iphone is a great phone but the UI is sooooooooooo boring..i hated that 4x4 icon page on it.i love having widgets
so to sum it all up get a nexus one......and a ipad ahah
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Awesome note with the games though, I don't play games on my phone much (sadly I'm horribly addicted to solitaire...haha) so I never really got into the games aspect, I only have one or two on my iPod Touch, most of the time I use the basic Apps which are also available on Android (twitter, facebook, shazaam, things like that). So that's a good thing to keep in mind.
I think one of my biggest worries is battery life. I don't work a job where I can charge my phone at all throughout the day, and there are times I leave at 8am and don't get home until 7pm or later, and I don't want to have to worry that my phone won't make it. My WinMo phone always ends at around 60% with standard/moderate use so I never have to worry about running home to get a charge if I get hung up after work.
idk man, by far the best phone i have ever owned so far. (may be contradicting to what i just said but i literally do not care)
features list is just BOOM!
battery is amazing for me. no dead pixels. saturated screen. bright flashlight (nexus one torch).. idk so many to list.
if you wanna buy RIGHT NOW. go for the nexus one,
if you can wait til July...... wait. becuase you may regret it if you dont have the money to buy the newest badass thing, like maybe the 4Gen iPhone, and new product from HTC, or anyone... really its all so hard to tell but if you can wait, i think that'd be in your best interest.
and the only thing i miss about the iphone thats slowly sucking me back in (happens about twice a year, ive owned all the iphones and sold them too haha) is the slickkkkkk UI. the LARGE community and the apps that actually work clean, and flawlessly. the iphones' transition between homescreens is definitely smooth as butter. nexus one? smooth as sand paper.. the ability to take screen shots on the iphone with ease... idk.. haha
nexus one last me a whole a day with heavy usage (texting, internet, games, music, calling) i disagree with the slick UI..iphone has a HORRIBLE UI in my opinion its too plain and transition is just as smooth..the community for android is also huge and screenshots is easy too..just shake the phone (shootme app on market)
bobdude5 said:
nexus one last me a whole a day with heavy usage (texting, internet, games, music, calling) i disagree with the slick UI..iphone has a HORRIBLE UI in my opinion its too plain and transition is just as smooth..the community for android is also huge and screenshots is easy too..just shake the phone (shootme app on market)
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slick as in quick and easy i guess?
and my nexus easily lasts me 1.5+ days under HEAVY usage.
cool i didnt know about that app! thanks!
although you dont need an app for the iphone haha
lol well i never really got a chance to test past 1.5 days lol i charge it when im go to bed but it usually has 40 percent at the time ( i got to bed like at 1-2 am lol)
bobdude5 said:
lol well i never really got a chance to test past 1.5 days lol i charge it when im go to bed but it usually has 40 percent at the time ( i got to bed like at 1-2 am lol)
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i totally agree.. just one night i forgot to plug it in. died later that day though (didnt necessarily let it "die" i just shut it off at like 2%)
My phone is simply perfect. No issues whatsoever, apparently I am one of the lucky Nexus owners. The only thing though, I do like about the iPhone more - is the UI polish. Apple is simply great at designing things. I'm ok though, as long as I have a Desire ROM. HTC Sense is quite nice.
Youll be happy with the nexus. It is great now and stands to realize much of its latent potential if Google wants it to. If you've had an iPhone you will definitely be disappointed in the touch screen. It's possible though that Android might be able to iron out some of the jittery, jumpiness of the nexus touch screen. But its a decent screen,those who have never used an iPhone think the nexus has the best touch screen there is so its definitely not a deal breaker.
Also, the nexus has higher resolution but I don't think there's and denying that the iPhone just looks crisper, especially the browser. But the nexus gpu definitely loads pages faster. I think I'm just rambling now...
lostinbeta said:
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
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The fact that it's unique and NOT an iPhone that everyone and their mother has
Live wallpapers
High resolution (2.5 times the iPhone)
Flash Lite
DMaverick50 said:
Also, the nexus has higher resolution but I don't think there's and denying that the iPhone just looks crisper, especially the browser.
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what?
No denying that? I 10000% heartily deny that. Disagree to the nth power.
lostinbeta said:
So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
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It all comes down to your personal preference. You can read all types of reviews and you'll see that Nexus One wins over iPhone 3GS. The features of the phone are outstanding. Just ask yourself what you want in your phone. If you want lots of applications, music, go for iPhone but if you want free applications, customizations, widgets, great camera, blazing fast web experience, go for Nexus One. Its just a matter of time before android applications touch the mark set by iPhone. Once you root your Nexus One, its going to be a whole world of possibilities....
For the issues you read about Nexus One, I want to tell you that the tinted screen is only present in the newer devices which would be very soon fixed by an update. The capacitive buttons work perfectly when pressed on the upper half of the button. The dust problem is present in a very small no. or hardwares and if you live in US, then you can call for a replacement if it happens with you.
Android would very soon be taken up by most of the mobile makers as its open sourced and free. I read somewhere that the phone companies who have taken up android OS have to pay very little in comparison to Windows Mobile.
So go for Nexus One, you wont be sorry....
Here's what I wrote in another forum regarding this question:
Having thought about it I realised that the choice to go for an N1 is easy if it fits your needs. Since it has been released all the focus has been on how it compares to the iphone. Understandable as apple set a high bar with many features such as the apps, the graphical physics and ease of use. The n1 more or less matches them and comparing many of these features doesn't get you far. They both are fantastic bits of hardware, great screens, amazing computing power, touchscreens etc. In some ways the N1 performs a bit better in others the iphone but the differences between them are small.
However I think the N1 has gone to a new level with features the iphone simply hasn't got. I don't have to open an app to access the information I want. My calender, agenda, weather, news, daily Bible reading, personal photo's, music player (and playlists) one touch dialling to favourite contacts (and many other thing I don't use) all run on my home pages. And here's where it moves mobile information on; all these widgets update automatically and wirelessly. I don't have to plug my phone into my computer to update my agenda, it happen without hassle right onto my homescreen. Furthermore these services are free - and yes I did pay for mobile me and no its not worth it.
Bottom line is that both the iphone and the N1 are great bits of kit, you won't notice many gains in function between either hardware as far as I can tell but the software has moved on from simply apps. Unfortunately the press just focus on the things that you can compare but the how can you compare widget on a N1 to nothing on the iphone? The N1 is in a different class to the iphone because it does things the iphone can't dream of doing, try to keep up apple!
Thank You everybody. Your advice has been helpful. I actually feel that the Android UI is nicer than the iPhone, to me the iPhone seems plain. Though I will admit that the iPhone is probably a little more user friendly, I don't mind the extra clicks on Android, and it's not like it's difficult to figure out by any stretch of the means. And it's good to know that the issues people are having are only occurring in a small percentage of devices, I was really worried that I would throw down that kind of money and have a jacked phone that only lasted me half a day and had a dusty mis-tinted screen...haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get my N1 ordered by the end of this month.
The next step would be rooting. I don't think I'll root it until after the warranty is up, but I don't know, I said the same thing about ROMing my FUZE and that didn't happen. Though on an unrelated question, how come so many N1 ROM threads don't have screenshots of the ROM. The ShootMe app works great, I use it on my FUZE with Eclair. It just seems like a big risk to install a ROM without knowing what you're supposed to be getting.
actually its less clicks for android lol you know with the widgets and all..with the iphone it takes four clicks to modify your brightness for android it takes one, it takes 3 clicks to turn on wifi and bluetooth on iphone and on android it takes one, it takes 4 clicks for gps on iphone and android 1, it takes 3 clicks to post something on facebook and 1 on android (same for myspace), it takes takes 2 clicks to search on iphone and none on see my point lol
lostinbeta said:
The next step would be rooting. I don't think I'll root it until after the warranty is up, but I don't know, I said the same thing about ROMing my FUZE and that didn't happen. Though on an unrelated question, how come so many N1 ROM threads don't have screenshots of the ROM. The ShootMe app works great, I use it on my FUZE with Eclair. It just seems like a big risk to install a ROM without knowing what you're supposed to be getting.
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Warranty is 1 year, you will get hot feet by then. There should be desire screenshots around. CyanogenMod's UI is identical to stock, extra features being the selling point.
zachthemaster said:
slick as in quick and easy i guess?
and my nexus easily lasts me 1.5+ days under HEAVY usage.
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Are you running on the HTC Li-Ion battery or some new U-235 battery?
The Nexus One is great. I don't have complaints so far other than the tiny loudspeaker. Heard that the Desire ROM gives it a louder volume. Anyway, like someone has pointed out, if you can wait until June, I would wait. I think Apple sees the Android OS as a thread so they must be building something big for the iphone 4Gen. The iphone 4Gen will probably be better the Nexus One... BUT I am confident that the Nexus Two or whatever Google wants to release in the future will take over eventually
Not saying the Nexus One will lose to the 4Gen for sure. Remember FroYo and Flash 10 are coming to the Nexus One.

Is there anyway that iPhone is better than HD2?

I've used my T-Mobile HD2 for one month now, I just love it, love it!
I went to BestBuy last weekend and played two 3G iphones for several minutes, I really couldn't find anything attractive, plus its screen is so "small"
Since I never used an iphone, is there any way that it is better than HD2?
sears1234 said:
I've used my T-Mobile HD2 for one month now, I just love it, love it!
I went to BestBuy last weekend and played two 3G iphones for several minutes, I really couldn't find anything attractive, plus its screen is so "small"
Since I never used an iphone, is there any way that it is better than HD2?
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application selection, but thats if you just wanna try a bunch of apps, I had an iPhone 3G, got bored after 6 months, now I got a few apps I use and thats it.
chaoscentral said:
application selection, but thats if you just wanna try a bunch of apps, I had an iPhone 3G, got bored after 6 months, now I got a few apps I use and thats it.
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I hear ya. With 75% of the app store filled with farting and tits juggling apps, it takes time going through them all...
Yeah, it's intellectually not demanding.
Couldn't agree more. The vast majority of the claimed 50,000 apps are consumer crap. I mean, c'mon, now... do you really need an app to help you pick toppings on your pizza or color match Gap pocketbooks to the jeans?
I had this conversation with a Tmobile sales rep the other day who was thrilled when she heard me mock the iPhone. It's a consumer platform, not a line-of-business tool. The HD2 is what iPhone wants to be when it grows up. ;-)
the hd2 is more powerful than the iphone in every aspect. the only catagory the iphone wins is apps. but who knows the 4g version might change the game as the 2g did.
I always wondered if the iphone is still an iphone if it didnt have the app store today. I mean, it alone, is it good enough? Does the app store make the iphone?
I have used an iphone 2g and 3g before but not the 3gs. Windows phone are still my favorites.
My only reason is that although iphone OS is great in term of smoothness and basic usability, the major disappointment is push email. I depend heavily on my emails and setting my exchange email to be push onto the iphone is a complete suicide to the battery. My iphone 3g can be drained till flat in less than half a day. (not sure if there is any improvement in 3gs or newer iphone OS). But on my HD2 or any other windows mobile phone (that support direct exchange push), i can easily use up to a day or more. This is the most important thing for me.
Consumer apps might be attractive in the beginning but hey, how long can you keep yourself enchanted with these apps .. soon I get bored with them. At the end of the day, I only need a couple games, a few daily apps such as news, GPS navigation, emails and a responsive phone (PLUS a big clear vivid screen ). For these, i feel that HD2 can easily surpass iphone.
The only thing i hate with HD2 is WM6.5 (a multi-touch phone on a non-multitouch OS) and the stupid HTC Messaging bug (super lag after SMS count goes over 300). But i think these will soon be solved easily.
Iphone that toy... no more.
Windows Mobile itself is dated, but with HTC Sense on top, its fantastic!
Too many apps on the iPhone, most of them are completely pointless.
hd2 screen senstivity is ****ty compared to iphone
I think, in the way I configured my HD2 now, my HD2 is better in every way compared to the iPhone. But without the knowledge how to configure and use the HD2 correct, the HD2 is close to worthless. The iPhone works out of the box. So the iPhone is made for a much wider audience. Everybody understands the iPhone, only a bit "geeky-types" understand and enjoy the HD2.
hoss_n2 said:
hd2 screen senstivity is ****ty compared to iphone
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With regards to scrolling, you're probably right.
Kalavere said:
With regards to scrolling, you're probably right.
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i read some where that there is a reg edit to make scrolling like iphone but i don't remember here , i will use search function and post it here

X10 vs iPhone (only serious replies)

Hello XDA,
I'm not really sure if such a thread is allowed, but I'll give it a shot anyway (if it ain't, lock it please).
I was almost ready to get an X10, when a friend told me he is running Android on his iphone.
So I'm like:
X10: 4" screen (NO MULTITOUCH FFS)
Android (1.6 FAIL, and it can almost run normally on an iphone and 2.1 later on ??? why the hell not 2.2 ?!)
1GHz Processor (hell yeah!!, that's a huge plus for the X10) <--- EDIT: THIS IS NOT IRONIC !
8MP camera is win win
3.5" screen (obviously smaller than X10's)
iPhone OS seems really good (plus it can run Android....almost)
CPU is worse than X10's
HUGE amount of apps ('specially when you jb it)
So please give me some replies about my thoughts and feel free to add something.
Thanks in advance!
sekibun said:
Hello XDA,
I'm not really sure if such a thread is allowed, but I'll give it a shot anyway (if it ain't, lock it please).
I was almost ready to get an X10, when a friend told me he is running Android on his iphone.
So I'm like:
X10: 4" screen (NO MULTITOUCH FFS)
Android (1.6 FAIL, and it can almost run normally on an iphone and 2.1 later on ??? why the hell not 2.2 ?!)
1GHz Processor (hell yeah, that's a huge plus for the X10)
8MP camera is win win
3.5" screen (obviously smaller than X10's)
iPhone OS seems really good (plus it can run Android....almost)
CPU is worse than X10's
HUGE amount of apps ('specially when you jb it)
So please give me some replies about my thoughts and feel free to add something.
Thanks in advance!
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If multitouch is everything for you. then buy a ****ing iPhone, geeze..
The screen on the x10, is bigger and more bright than the iPhone's. The screen does also have a higher resolution as well, as it being bigger.
Why don't people stop ****ing crying about it having version 1,6? jesus.. Buy an iPhone then! Or a Nexus one!(It will get version 2,2 this week).
You seem kind of ironic when it comes to the cpu, of the x10...
In my opinion, is the x10 better than the current iPhone(s).
The only thing that I do like better when it comes to the iPhone, is the games on the iPhone's application store.
edit: Neither do I like the design on the iPhone that well. They do have almost the same design on all theyre phones. the exeptions are 2g and 4g. 3gs and 3g looks exactly the same. the front of the phone is basically the same on all the iPod touch's and iPhones.
Personally I don't care about multitouch. So for me the only thing better in a iPhone is that it's tougher and feel more solid but only because it don't have a removable back cover and that come with a price. You can't change an iPhone 16 gb xd card for a 32 gb or have many xd card and change them as you like. You can't change the battery and I don't like the way to put the sim card in. I know a lot of peoples with iphone and i'm the only one with a x10. For me x10 is way better than a iPhone.
You ask for serious replies, then you say things like "FFS" and "FAIL!!!!"
Go away, troll.
As you yourself pointed out that X10 has better hardware in every aspect, so then the only remaining thing is the software aspect of the phone. Well when I bought this phone I was pretty sure that we will be able to root it pretty soon, quite unfortunately though, it turns out to be not true. Well I am pretty sure SE is noticing the frustration among us (some of us are even thinking of selling this phone). I hope pretty soon we will have the flashing tool we need for rooting.
After rooting, the remaining comparision lies between Android and iphone UI. Well that's another topic entirely, the way Android apps are growing, I am pretty sure we will catch up to iphone by the end of this year. And UI wise, well..... I haven't seen their OS 4 yet. I am pretty sure it's great, but if not Android 2.2 then 2.3 will beat it , yep I am pretty sure about that.
Dear sekibun,
This is my first post in this forum.
I used Iphone for almost 6 months and I was so happy with it. However, on my past days I used only SonyEricsson mobiles starting from P Series (P900i then P910i then P990i then P1i). When I heard that SE going to release X10i with android OS, I immediately sold my Iphone and I bought X10i. To be honest with you. I am more than happy with X10i. It is definitely better than Iphone in the following aspect:-
• Faster GPS and better Bluetooth.
• Timescape/Mediascape UI build-in app which make your phone alive. Plus all my friends they get impressed when I show them.
• Smoother and faster internet browser.
I noticed that a bit X10i is slower than Iphone, However, it does not get slower even than if you run 25 applications in the background plus you are browsing internet and listening to wireless fm.
You don’t have to agree with me. But was my experience when I switch from iPhone 3GS to Xperia X10 .
the only good thing about iphones , that they never dies ,even the first released iphone still gets updates till now
Hardware on paper looks nice. But thw software on thy x10 doesn't take advantage of the phone. I would wait for root or 2.1 update if I were you.
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sekibun said:
Hello XDA,
I'm not really sure if such a thread is allowed, but I'll give it a shot anyway (if it ain't, lock it please).
I was almost ready to get an X10, when a friend told me he is running Android on his iphone.
So I'm like:
X10: 4" screen (NO MULTITOUCH FFS)
Android (1.6 FAIL, and it can almost run normally on an iphone and 2.1 later on ??? why the hell not 2.2 ?!)
1GHz Processor (hell yeah, that's a huge plus for the X10)
8MP camera is win win
3.5" screen (obviously smaller than X10's)
iPhone OS seems really good (plus it can run Android....almost)
CPU is worse than X10's
HUGE amount of apps ('specially when you jb it)
So please give me some replies about my thoughts and feel free to add something.
Thanks in advance!
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I've used both the 3gs and the x10. The x10's screen is gorgeous compared to the iPhone's as the pixel density and the size is greatly improved. Web browsing wise, the x10 is also about twice as fast at rendering websites. Now usability wise, the x10 belongs in the gutter of smart phones. Selecting small links in the browser is a huge pain and a lot of times when you mean to scroll in the browser the phone will open a link instead. The music player is beyond incoherency and just lacks all sorts of functionality while the iPhone uses the true and tried iPod format. Application wise the Android lags behind and x10 is even worse as a lot of apps do not support the 1.6 system. Without root, the x10 is even less customizable compared to a jailbroken iPhone. In conclusion, the x10 have a supierior hardware but it does not have the software needed to even make the everyday usage not frustrating -_- the iPhone is not as powerful, but it just works.
almaqdad, lifeflayer (and the others) ty for your answers.
first of all, i'm not ironic towards the x10's hardware.
don't know what to write lol.
i think i'm leaning towards the x10, but still not 100% sure.
waiting for more replies,
thanks !
hoss_n2 said:
the only good thing about iphones , that they never dies ,even the first released iphone still gets updates till now
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No, it doesn't. The first iPhone will not be getting the 4.0 update. The iPhone 3G will not be receiving multitasking, or a few of the other new features of the update.
Same for the iPod touch.
Only the new models will get the full updates.
The Problem of the iPhone is the lack of Multitasking! I have both here an Iphone and an X10. The iPhone doesnt make me happy.
Simple expample. I'm on icq and receive an sms. To read the sms i must close icq (it doesn't stay in the background) and so i loose the icq messages sent in the meanwhile.
This is the problem with everything. it's solved through push notifications, but that has nothing to do with multitasking and won't work in icq for example, because if you simply closes the program icq server thinks you're still online and all messages send in this time are sent to /dev/null ^^
Second problem is that apple always wants you to use iTunes. You can't simply copy songs etc. off the phone (only the one that you buyed in iTunes). You're also not allowed to send songs through Blutooth to friends etc.
The iPhone OS seems to be pretty smart and like apple users say "snappy", BUT use it for a while and you see all the limitations of this OS (even with Jailbreak). If you are okay with this the iPhone is a good choice. If not choose an Android phone.
The only point which is a PRO an iPhone is multitouch, but I never needed it till now.
For me the X10 is much better than the iPhone.
So choose on of your friend and play with his iPhone for a couple of hours and you will see if its good for you or not.
Here is my 2 cents.
iPhone is limited by its hardware.
X10 is limited by its software.
In the long run, X10 will only go as far as the developers at SE make it go. So potentially, it could be one of the best Android phones on the market.
This is where it won't even compete with the iPhone.
iPhone is already proven to be a success. It's OS is super good and smooth. X10's OS is laggy and basically cripples the phone with its limitations.
Technology should be here and now. You want to have everything now, not later. And the problem is that the wait doesn't give what the end-users what they want - the current best thing.
So is the iPhone better than X10? Right now it is. And when iPhone 4g comes out, X10 would be eating the dust from Apple and other Android phones.
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Thank you for your answers once again !
One question though; isn't the new update coming to the iphone providing multitasking ('cause this really is a big problem). If I finally pick the iphone, I'm getting the 3gs, so I'll be able to get the latest version of the OS right ?
Also, what arcticreaver said; I want (we all do) my features here and now !
From what I read on the forums, we are not even sure if the X10 will ever be root-able.
Ahh and by the way, do we know when iphone 4g or w/e it's called is coming out ?
Think about that and google for "Fast App Switch" on Iphone OS4.0
There is NO MULTITASKING in Os 4.0.
It's similar to Android but not so good. The OS 3.0 frezzes the Apps and send them so background (similar to Android) if you wanna use them they are waken up. BUT you can't let active apps in background, this will not be possible even with OS4.0, Apple only allows 2 more apps for real multitasking. There are still the same problems with OS4.0 than before. Only the apps start faster because they are frozen in background.
ICQ e.g. still won't work in background.
What's with all the bashing of the x10s software? It has some little lags sometimes but every smartphone has these kinds of lags. My jb iPhone was kinda slow and the browser crashed when surfing complex websites due RAM limitations. The iPhone is good for using as a mobile music and videoplayer. An Android device is good for nearly everything.
The x10 is not that bad with the 1.6 Android os. Multitouch is overrated. The browser experience is great. It's no problem for me to click the smart links on forums like xda. It was a pain in the ass with iPhone and hd2.
If you get an iPhone 3gs now you also could use the x10. The x10 maybe has some little limitations with Android 1.6 but the 3gs lacks hardware...
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Now and Future
I have both of devices compared (Iphone and X10).
The size of both are the same, visible screen is juste larger than Iphone.
Speed :
User Interface speed : Iphone is faster and smoother
Web Speed : Android Web Browser is faster, but less reliable than Iphone,
but i think it will be better with Android 2.2
Applications : look the same, but X10 is more beatyfull
Application Store :
the Iphone AppStore is beter, more beautyfull and more reliable.
Install and Uninstall is more userfriendly on Iphone (i don't know how to uninstall on Android)
X10 Specific :
Camera (Photos) : One word ... Beatyfulll !!!! It quality is nearly my APN
Sony N1 (8.1 Mp too)...
->Iphone's Camera is very poor !!!
Videos : Beautyfull too !!! Actualy with 800x480/30is... Nearly a Midle
quality Numeric Camescope... And Sony Promess a 720p
Reacording with the next update Android 2.1...
->CyCirder is good, X10 is so far better..
Sound : Beauty full too... Realy Better than Iphone... but actualy not so
userfriendly like iPhone... Headset is very good quality
->Iphone's sound is good, but X10 is so far better...
I'm realy wait someone find a solution to be root on this device !!! Or hope to have the lastest Update (2.2)...
I don’t understand why people making so much big deal with a small limitation that Xperia X10 have with android OS 1.6 which incomparable with big problem that Iphone does with multi-tasking.
iead1 said:
No, it doesn't. The first iPhone will not be getting the 4.0 update. The iPhone 3G will not be receiving multitasking, or a few of the other new features of the update.
Same for the iPod touch.
Only the new models will get the full updates.
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but it has been updated for along time may be 4 years of updates
Bin4ry said:
Think about that and google for "Fast App Switch" on Iphone OS4.0
There is NO MULTITASKING in Os 4.0.
It's similar to Android but not so good. The OS 3.0 frezzes the Apps and send them so background (similar to Android) if you wanna use them they are waken up. BUT you can't let active apps in background, this will not be possible even with OS4.0, Apple only allows 2 more apps for real multitasking. There are still the same problems with OS4.0 than before. Only the apps start faster because they are frozen in background.
ICQ e.g. still won't work in background.
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Some applications are allowed to run in the background, like skype, or the messenger applications.
Other applications like games and such are not allowed, and are instead frozen as you said.
Atleast, this is how I understood the whole thing.

Damn you Steve Jobs...

I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.
The only thing that seems like a significant improvement is the display other than that the iPhone isn't conjuring up alot of envy for me right now.
I agree...I'll stick with Android!
He can't touch the Evo IMO
I don't care how cool the new iPhone is, AT&T still blows.
I was kinda interested in the new imovie. Records in full HD w/ flash on. You can create edit with transitions right from the phone. Even add any music that you have on the device as a soundtrack.
thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone.
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I'm not. All the cool stuff about the EVO that I loved last night haven't suddenly disappeared this morning. So far, nothing really revolutionary about "iOS4." Plus, considering the downside (closed ecosystem, AT&T only, etc.), I still like the EVO better.
thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.
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You still have time.. 30 days return policy if you want to get the new iPhone 4
The only major improvement I'm seeing so far is the screen, and that's a lot less impressive than expected when it's still on a 3.5 inch screen.
The gyroscope is also sort of neat, I guess, but it's no reason to change phones.
The camera also looks rather impressive, but I can't help but wonder whether it's compressed at all. After all, Jobs mentioned that nothing has been done to the recorded video after the user is done filming. From what I've seen, HTC compreses the hell out of their video files, something that might be changeable by software.
geekylinford said:
I'm not. All the cool stuff about the EVO that I loved last night haven't suddenly disappeared this morning. So far, nothing really revolutionary about "iOS4." Plus, considering the downside (closed ecosystem, AT&T only, etc.), I still like the EVO better.
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That's a biggie for me too. I have the Ipad and Ipod Touch, both hacked precisely because I need my freedom.
I think they made some nice changes, but not enough for me to switch back from the Evo/Android to iPhone. I'm gone from the Fanboi ranks.
While I must admit, the fluidity of the iOS is nice, refined, etc etc...Millions of apps (1/512th of which you'd actually use daily) and accessories out the is still nice.
Let's be realistic, iMovie?...on a 3.5 inch screen? Or the resolution...on a 3.5 inch screen?'s pointless. It's a tiny screen, I mean even a 4.3 inch screen with those specs would be mildly thrilling.
Gyro?....Meh...not a gamer so I don't care...
It's a nice phone, but I like my Evo more. The only thing I hate about the Evo is that I got spoiled with a huge screen, I hated it at first and felt that I made a mistake in buying it because it's bigger...but now I look at my Hero and think..."How the hell will I ever go back to a small screen like that!?"
If he surprised me with a 3.8 or 4.0 or even 4.3 screen with that resolution I would have to consider it heavily and in fact would have upgraded my 3GS for it. But at 3.5 inch screen I don't care that he packs in that kind of resolution. My EVO is not my movie studio or camera. They were put in place for moments you are in a pinch.
You can have flash on full time as well while recording video. It's call Torch on and Video On
The iOS4 is nothing much. Battery life will remain to be seen. The can claim better battery life because he upgraded the processor (efficient) and kept the screen size smaller. A good move for battery life but not a good move for people who would like a larger screen.
WP7 will require at least a 3.8" screen to start. So it will be interesting to see what happens next with them.
evo vs. iphone, I'll take evo.
Sorry iPhone, for all your sexiness you're missing too much.
1) AT&T is trash, heard nothing but complaints
2) replaceable batteries + Micro SD cards? yes please.
3) completely closed architecture vs. complete openness? I'll take android.
4) I have an iPod Touch so I already can do everything except make phone calls, thats what my Evo is for
iphone4 video chat only on wifi! Not on 3G or 4G like EVO. AT&T sucks!
And only from iphone4 to iphone4. Can you say "locked in"?
Not regretting my EVO purchase one bit!
I can Qik or Fring/Skype video call on 3G or 4G or WiFi
the new iphone isnt bad
if we all think about this....our phones and the new iphone are kind of tapped out. There isnt much more to be done with phones anymore.
Sorry guys and girls, I had a moment of weakness, lol. I love Android too. In fact this is my 4th Android phone. You gotta admit random "Forcecloses" is starting to get a lil old though.
thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.
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please give up the EVO if your even remotely thinking about the ICRAP
I've had all three iphones since their respective launch days over the years. I've recently switched to the Evo and loving it. Even with their new hardware, I still think the evo is superior. The android OS is a little quirky, and I especially think scrolling is way worse on the evo and the android market is a joke so far, but I really like the OS overall compared to Apple's locked down OS.
I'm not switching back!
thelastgoodbrother said:
Sorry guys and girls, I had a moment of weakness, lol. I love Android too. In fact this is my 4th Android phone. You gotta admit random "Forcecloses" is starting to get a lil old though.
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seriously? I have had every iphone and also android since g1. I really do like the iphone but I hate att. I was just watching the same feed of the release about ios4 and there is nothing new. Yes, I do like the way you can video chat with ease but only on wifi and only with other iphone 4's?
I think there is a place for the iphone but this announcement was more of a "keep up with the jones" than anything earth shattering.
Im keeping my evo.
Im paying less with sprint by almost 50% than with att...
I hate Apple
Yep, I'm a hater. I only own 1 apple IPod Nano, and the only reason I have that is I needed the close stereo integration on my boat (long story).
Having said that, if this IPhone was available on Verizon or Sprint or even TMobile...I would probably consider it.
Although the screen is smaller than the Evo the IPS technology looks slick not to mention a 960x640 resolution.
I also like the gyro. That has a lot of potential...granted it's also a little gimmicky, but I'm a geek and I like new toys.
I think the Evo could have better picture quality with an 8mp camera vs 5mp for Apple, but Apple does a great job with the actual image quality.
It also sounds like Apple finally implemented multi-tasking without killing the battery life. I don't completely believe it until I see it in person...but it looked promising.
I also like the free video calls from Iphone4 to Iphone4.
Having said all that, I still hate Apple. I will stick with my 3rd generation Nano and my Hero & Evo. It's just too bad someone can't put Apple in their place. The IPad could have been placed on the backburner with a HP Slate, and Android has a lot of cool phones, but none I would consider a complete IPhone killer.
Its so frustrating because I believe Android has the ability to put Apple in it's place, but when it comes to an actual full released's just not quite there yet.

[Q] Torn Between Atrix and Iphone 4

I like a lot of things I'm hearing about the Atrix, i'm just concerned about the low data speeds, and wonder if the iphone 4 might just have it beaten (for now).
Seems like many of you out here have good experience on both. You guys can help me (a lot) by rating which phone is better in my areas of biggest importance. And i know i am going to get iphone haters but I'm not sure i understand specifically WHY. The phone really is a great device, so please be fair to it here, but do feel free to also tell me why you think i won't like it.
1. GPS
2. Internet Browsing speed/ease
3. Stability/Speed
4. Call Quality/Least dropped calls
5. Speaker Quality/Volume
Feel free to touch on any deciding factors you might feel i did not have listed...and thanks
Your going to get some very biased answers asking this on the atrix forums, let alone xda!
Sent from my DAMN Galaxy 4G¡!
1. GPS
Pretty damn good; I used it while walking down the street to the coffee shop and got a fast lock and accurate reads.
2. Internet Browsing speed/ease
Very, very fast, although not that much faster than current generation top tier phones.
3. Stability/Speed
Amazing; the phone in its entirity feels fast and snappy. It never sslows down, even when a lot of applications are running.
4. Call Quality/Least dropped calls
I'm part of the group that never gets dropped calls or a bad signal wherever I am. Nothing but positive experiences with me.
5. Speaker Quality/Volume
Very good. Calls canned through clear. However, there is a widespread issue with the notice cancelling feature. If you have it set too high, people can't hear you.
I ended up taking mine back though. The fact that on the same wifi network, it only beat my Nexus 1 aand Captivate by asecond or so; and the quality of the screen isn't that great, even though it has a higher pixel density.
Honestly i had this same debate before i bought my atrix, after having my jailbroken iTouch(which isn't much of a difference from an iphone) and my htc aria, i've noticed how locked down the iphone is, and i love customizing my phones/devices, and android seemed like it had so much more to offer, i can't lie, i like the design of the iphone 4 and almost bought it, but the atrix is waaay more powerful and has a very bright future ahead of it rather than the iphone 4 which is about to be sorta outdated in a few months when the iphone 5 comes out(which really isn't gonna have much of a difference from the iphone 4.
This is my first motorola phone with motoblur, and a lot of people don't like motoblur but actually it's not bad at all, i blame the bad rep on the motorola backflip
ok now to answer your questions:
Motorola Atrix
1: the GPS works great, no complaints
2: the internet is blazing fast and very smooth
3: 1ghz dual core processor, pretty self explanitory lol, but i haven't experienced any lag at all
4: I haven't had any dropped calls, and the speaker is very clear and loud
5: speaker is clear and loud enough to hear from another room
and no i'm not giving a biased opinion, i like both phones, but the Atrix seems more stable and dependable which is important when on the go
I will play devil's advocate for you. My buddy's Iphone 4 is "faster" in a race. I have NEVER seen him upload anything through his iphone. So saying that the iphone is faster is almost a mute point, but it does upload faster. Our download speeds are the same, his Iphone, my captivate, and sadly my Atrix all hit the same download speeds.
The ONE thing that makes me android green with envy, his stupid "unreal" games. I mean its freaking gorgeous to look at, I dont even know the name of the game but its badass. I know that we are going to get some sweet game via nvidia tegra zone, but so far they all look cartoony to me. I am sure we will eventually overtake the iphone in terms of games.
Ok so back to why my phone is better... I can use my phone as a nintendo, supernintendo, playstation 1, or nintendo 64 AND connect it to the big screen AND play the games from my wii remote...
And we have webtop so neiner neiner.
atrix screen
I strongly disagree with the previous post. The Atrix screen is GREAT. Motorola did not include any hi res movies either becasue they were rushing it out the door or just not fully developed the apps. But I have seen hi res videos on the Atrix and the screen is excellent. The Atrix beats the IPhone hands done in every category. Droid phones can be optimized and customized and the result is a phone that does exactly what you want, better than any other phone out there. Trust me, get the Atrix...spend time here looking at the apps and homescreens and spend time on's worth it!
Dillsnik said:
1. GPS
2. Internet Browsing speed/ease
3. Stability/Speed
4. Call Quality/Least dropped calls
5. Speaker Quality/Volume
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1. Atrix - by a lot
2. iPhone 4, by a small margin
3. Speed goes to Atrix, stability goes to Atrix if you are familiar with Android
4. Atrix, hands down. very loud speaker, very clear voice. Far fewer dropped calls.
5. ATRIX - loudest speaker I've ever had.
I just came from the iPhone 4 to the atrix, so I figure I can speak better then most.
I really like both of these phones, and figure that either way you go will be a win for you. So that's the good news.
Some quick comparison thoughts:
The screens on the same are very very comparable. They both have a notably high pixel density, and look super sharp and clear. The colors on the iPhone are perhaps a tiny bit better, but maybe that's just a trick of the mind. Regardless, they are very comparable.
Both phones are fast, very fast. Generally, I would say that the Atrix is a bit more responsive then the iPhone. But this is not true when it comes to changing orientation. I've noticed that the Atrix can stutter for a second, where the iPhone was instant. Could be my launcher.
GPS is excellent on both. But the Atrix comes with Google Navigation built in, which basically gives you a full blown GPS on your phone. iPhone requires an expensive app, or more of a maps view then a nav view.
Stability wise, I'm torn. The Atrix does... weird things sometimes. I can't exactly explain it. I had to do a battery pull to get it to work yesterday... brought me back a few years to my blackberry days. Not that it's a terrible thing, but it is a little different. I don't think I was forced to reboot the iPhone once due to issues. It is very very stable.
Build quality goes to the iPhone 4 hands down. The Atrix has little annoying things like the fact that the back on it creaks on some phones (mine is one). Not a big deal by any stretch. But I do miss the awesome build quality of my iPhone 4. Again, Atrix is awesome, but just can't compare to the best in class iPhone.
I love the notification LED on the Atrix. That was probably the thing I missed most on my iPhone.
Call quality and clarity is better on the Atrix. The earpiece is crystal clear, which I can't say for the iPhone. My friends say I sound better on the Atrix too.
To me what it comes down for overall is the software though. I am by no means an expert developer or crazy programmer, but I am very good with most technology. I love controlling my experience, and being able to mess with it. The iPhone is... for lack of a better word, very boring. It is kind of all the same stuff, and once you have it for a week, nothing ever really changes on it. You have the same home screen and everything else. It is what it is.
The possibilities on Atrix are endless. Even without an unlocked bootloader, there is a ridiculous amount of stuff you can do with this phone. Depending on your mood on a given week, you can completely customize things to fit your demands. What widgets and setup you use one day you can completely change the next. I like that freedom a lot.
And call me stupid... but I love my live wallpapers. They are so cool to me.
Overall, the move to Atrix was an awesome decision for me.
I just switched from an iPhone 4 yesterday to the Atrix and the bottom line is that I am incredibly happy with the switch.
A lot of people covered the basics: The GPS is great and built in Nav is nice. Call quality is very crisp, the phone is fast and web browsing is just as smooth as the iPhone. I have had no difficulty adjusting and actually, a lot of things, such as notifications, are designed much more logically.
My reason for a switch was that I was very bored with iOS, going through 3 generations of the phone. The OS is sort of stagnant.
There are a few hiccups on the Atrix - I don't love the texting app and the way it handles embedded images. I also think that the battery indicator is a little strange - still figuring it out.
Aside from, the customization options (even without bootloader access) are incredibly diverse. I love the screen (don't understand all the hate, honestly) and I similarly have had no problems with motoblur yet. Some of the moto widgets are bad, but I just delete them.
One more key factor - I LOVE BEING ITUNES FREE. It is SO nice to just drag and drop files to my phone and have them show up appropriately. It's a world of difference.
If you have any specific questions for a recent iPhone 4 switcher, feel free to PM me.
As an owner of both phones, I can say both phones are great. As much as I hate Apple as a company, it has saddened me the past year to say build quality wise, nothing really compares to the's like a nice expensive watch, glass on both sides and metal on the sides. The Atrix's plasticy build with small creaks here and there(all phones with some plastic removable battery cover will always creak). Both phones are pretty snappy but iOS has always been more smooth and fluid when it comes to UI transitions. My i4 is jailbroken and tweaked to hell, but I don't theme it with Winterboard as I see some lag with it. Apple must use a better digitizer and have some better touch algorithm implemented, because no other touch device is on par with them. The Atrix screen comes close, but you still can feel the difference on touch response. You can also tell the IPS screen on the iPhone4 is still sharper and produces colors more accurately, but then again, it is an IPS screen. While I've always loved how the Android browser loads the pages quickly with no transparancy checkerboard, browsing on the iPhone4 is just smoother, but that could be a by-product of the better screen. Sometimes people say I sound muffled on the Atrix, but it may depend on how I hold the phone.
I wanted to see the hype about Tegra2 so I download Samurai2 for Tegra2. It looks stunning on the Atrix, however, it looks just as good on the iPhone4 too. So that was kind of a letdown to see that Tegra2 was matched by Apple's 9month old SOC. I also have a NexusOne(currently running on Modaco's GB) and love how I can install ROMs and Nandroid to backup my device to try other other ROMs, but with this bootloader lockdown and the possibility that there is a Nvidia efuse in Tegra2, it makes buying Moto almost as bad as buying Apple. While xda is a great community with some very very intelligent people, the jailbreak scene on iOS has worked wonders because they only focus on one OS version for basically one device(Pod/Pad/Phone/TV).
Basically, you shouldn't even consider the iPhone4, when the 5 is coming. Spec wise, if it's using the dual core A5 chip that they just announced on the iPad2, then it will probably be one of the fastest and most powerful phones available. The only thing is, you have to deal with the Apple tax of iTunes and a locked down system until it's jailbroken. The Atrix is a great phone and if you had to buy a phone tomorrow, it should be the one to get...but July isn't that far away.
If you can wait....
I have been thinking about both. It might make sense to wait a month until iPhone 5 details come out. It is supposed to have a HW upgrade and there are some pretty interesting rummours out there (NFC, etc).
Do not buy the iPhone 4 right now as 5 is coming out in a few months...
That being said, the Atrix has VERY fast web browsing. From what I remember of using the iPhone 4 for a month, whenever you try to scroll quickly or zoom out quickly, you get a slight gray loading area. This also happened on the Captivate and n1, but on the Atrix, that never happens on heavy content sites like Engadget.
If you really dont care about the differences between iOs and Android, and LOVE gaming and the best battery life of any smartphone, get the iPhone. But if you want "freedom" and hands down the best integrated google service, get the Atrix.
I think both devices are extremely good. If you want to live in the iTunes ecosystem, then the iPhone is the way to go. However, I have not a single dropped call with my Atrix in St. Louis, and my cousin's iPhone 4 drops calls constantly. It's not the network, it's the phone.
The iPhone has a better app store ecosystem in that the quality of apps are often better and there are a ton of high-quality iOS games from big developers, not quite up there for Android yet.
The iPhone also has a very good camera and camcorder. Better media support (as in netflix, hulu +, AirVideo streaming, etc).
The Atrix is a great all-around device too. I think the camera and camcorder are pretty good, and the screen is wonderful. I just can't use a 3.5" screen on the iPhone anymore. And the iPhone notification system is just terrible.
Google Maps, Voice and Gmail are extremely good on the Atrix and they are all lacking on the iPhone. I also think the battery life on the Atrix is incredible. I'm getting better battery life than I had on any other phone ever.
I had to make this decision and I chose the Atrix.
illmatic416 said:
Basically, you shouldn't even consider the iPhone4, when the 5 is coming. Spec wise, if it's using the dual core A5 chip that they just announced on the iPad2, then it will probably be one of the fastest and most powerful phones available. July isn't that far away.
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Agreed, At least on a personal level. used my upgrade for the Atrix, returned it for the iPhone 4 a few days later. Today ill be going back, returning the iPhone and getting the Atrix at full price ($499). That way ill get my full upgrade back for July when I see how the next iPhone looks (if its not a 4" screen I doubt i'll waist my time, but we will see). I'm considering just staying with the Atrix and maybe supplimenting my lack of iOS games with the iPad 2, but we will see.
iPhone screen seems awfully small after using an atrix
I went from an iPhone 4 to an Atrix, and i don't miss the iPhone at all, really. Will the iPhone 5 be better? Possibly. Will i care? Not really. The main turn-off for me in regards to any Apple product is their OCD towards iTunes. I want my phone to be a phone..... just as much as i want a 16GB storage media to be a 16GB storage media. I don't want to have to either constantly sync it to iTunes, or rely on some 3rd party work-around to be able to access the data stored on my phone without using Apple's sh*tty software.
If it wasn't for iTunes, lack of complete customization, and basically being just another sheep in the herd carrying one around.... i wouldn't mind another iPhone. But until that time comes (which it never will), buh bye iPhone.
elementaldragon said:
I went from an iPhone 4 to an Atrix, and i don't miss the iPhone at all, really. Will the iPhone 5 be better? Possibly. Will i care? Not really. The main turn-off for me in regards to any Apple product is their OCD towards iTunes. I want my phone to be a phone..... just as much as i want a 16GB storage media to be a 16GB storage media. I don't want to have to either constantly sync it to iTunes, or rely on some 3rd party work-around to be able to access the data stored on my phone without using Apple's sh*tty software.
If it wasn't for iTunes, lack of complete customization, and basically being just another sheep in the herd carrying one around.... i wouldn't mind another iPhone. But until that time comes (which it never will), buh bye iPhone.
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Definitly agree
Well, the choice also depends on whether you prefer stable and simple os or a more complex but not as cleaned up os. As for now, I agree with the other posters to wait for the iphone 5, then compare. Right now I have the atrix, and already the iphone 4 camera and screen are both better. The atrix may be powerful, but nothing is capable of fully utilizing it, not to mention that the iphone 5 will be just as, if not more, powerful. The atrix may be good in a few months, but for fast updates, reliable stability, and damn nice designing, wait for the iphone 5.
Oh and android doesn't have monopoly (I mean the board game)
Thank you everyone
Thanks to all that contributed...some very good points made all around.
Basically here's how i have broken down the comparison with all other things being practically equal:
Iphone has slightly better screen, excellent build (best of any phone possibly), and better cams, but proprietary OS etc make it hard(er) to customize.
Atrix has more customization/freedom, led notifications, possibly better call quality, and the potential to be a great phone once it's cracked.
I can't hold off for i5, although i'm sure i can give it a look when it's here. For the meantime i think i am going to go with the Atrix. It's a shame Apple turns off so many with having to use itunes bc i think that is where it's biggest argument against seems to be from and i am sure if i owned it i would not like that either
after 4 years of using an iPhone, once I tried out Android, I stayed. User-customizability is what won me over (among other things such as notifications, google apps, swype, google nav, google voice, etc).
My timeline of smartphones as follows:
iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Evo, Captivate, Nexus One, Atrix

