Orange offer htc Shift with phone, from their website! ! ! - Shift General

can i have my hands on that one please ?
or some good moderator? :>
i've gone mad!
Oh god tell me that it's just a mistake...!
i found the link over there :

I'll believe it when I see the flesh...working....

That would be a capital mistake of Orange...
Nice going Orange, sell a device and post the address of the owner, we need to speak to that guy urgently.

It has been advertised as comming soon for well over 2 months now, I have phoned Orange a few times but nobody knows when it will be released, I just get told to keep checking the web page.
Hopefully the delay is because Orange are waiting on HTC to give them a version with phone working.
I am overdue a upgrade so if they release it and I can get it at a good rate I will be ordering one, if it has the phone enabled I will sell my other shift and if it does not have the phone enabled I will send it back as it is clearly advertised with "speaker Phone".
I think when Orange do get it the advert will change as I cant see HTC releasing a version with the phone enabled, I think if the phone was enabled it would be rebranded.

actually i have some faith now...
because of the fact that we now have ROM's with GPS, something we've been waiting for for considerable time, one has to pop the question :
"What is the Shift Project team worknig on?"
If the Shift team does not see any opportunity to enable Phone or SD access on the Shift, what's the point of the team anyway (now that the GPS is working)
Guessing the answer is easy : the point of the team is try and enable SD and GSM on the Shift, because they see possibilities.
So, if the team sees light at the end of the tunnel, why shouldn't HTC see it? Especially when a Telco asks for it... If they did...
It would be hard for the team if Orange released a GSM + SD + GPS enabled ROM before they can do it. So much work and good effort put in, only to loose the race against HTC ?
don't get me wrong - I respect the effort of all people here, I just don't want to see them "passed over" by HTC, who may finally come to their senses and finish the work they started.

I'm curious to know, who exactly do you think the 'Shift Project Team' is?
Our original donations supplied two free shifts, one to cmonex and one to Itxda.
At the moment, Itxda has far more important things to worry about - see this thread
That leaves cmonex - it looks like she is working on many projects at the same time, and the Shift doesn't seem to be top of the pile.
Thaihugo released the ROM which started all the recent Shift improvements, and I know he is in touch with cmonex, but there doesn't seem to be a Team working on it at all.

vulcan_gr said:
can i have my hands on that one please ?
or some good moderator? :>
i've gone mad!
Oh god tell me that it's just a mistake...!
i found the link over there :
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That is a very old news dated sometime in July.

Pantaloonie said:
I'm curious to know, who exactly do you think the 'Shift Project Team' is?
Our original donations supplied two free shifts, one to cmonex and one to Itxda.
At the moment, Itxda has far more important things to worry about - see this thread
That leaves cmonex - it looks like she is working on many projects at the same time, and the Shift doesn't seem to be top of the pile.
Thaihugo released the ROM which started all the recent Shift improvements, and I know he is in touch with cmonex, but there doesn't seem to be a Team working on it at all.
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Exactly. I'm pretty much on my own on this, with few contacts with cmonex, but I need help to go further, and cmonex seems to focus on different priorities than me for now. I guess we are on our own on this one, with maybe at some point a providential help form the "project".
I suggest every potentaly technical savy users to come forward so we can see what we can do.

I still have the hope that the Shift Project Team will deliver us SD and Phone calling. Unless Cmonex is really loosing her mind, something I can't believe, I've seen so many comments from her that voice callnig would more than likely be possible....
My hope, my bet, yes, even my faith lies in those remarks..otherwise...I feel I have been fooled. I did not donate (yet) so it's not about money, it's about the many postponements.
I can't believe that. So I won't. Have faith + alottapatience !


How do you "love" your Universal?

It's Christmastime so Im posting a topic on peace and love...
I was originally planning to post a topic on whether there's such an application for the Univ where you can schedule your SMS... I had this app on the P9 and surprised my friends by scheduling SMS to them to send at exactly 12midnight..Was planning to do this later for Christmas.. but works great on birthdays too.. I wish I had that for my Universal/Dopod too. Then it got me thinking that it was like comparing an ex-boyfriend to a current one.. and it lead to me this topic...
Whew, what an intro!
Anyway, I wanted to ask if you guys had the same "feeling" too. This forum is probably dominated by guys and I wanted to know if my feelings are way overboard already. You see, I "love" my dopod. It's a gift from my husband so I dont think it counts as an affair. But i treat it as a really special thing. I handle it really gently. I almost broke into tears when a drop of water almost seeped through the speaker. I look at it once in a while. I dream of wonderful apps to install into it. I always compare it with my old P9 (now being used by my hubby) and tell it, it's far more superior. Sometimes, i think it smiles at me when I say that.. haha. I spent hours looking for the right case. The first one I found was too hard, the other one, too snug. When I found the right case, I still didnt think it was the best for it but at least it could serve its purpose. It's the last thing I see when I go to sleep.. It stays on my left while my hubby's on my right at night. It's the one who wakes me up in the morning with a soft gentle voice. I smile whenever I open it. I just love it...
Scary huh? I think my hubby's the same way with his xbox and gamecube coz Prince of Persia is the last he sees at night.. haha.. We are one weird couple, arent we?
Anyway, Im rambling here.. just wanted to know if you had the same way for your universal.. and how do you "love" it?
And also if anyone could tell me if there was an SMS Scheduler for the universal, that would be great too!
Angelica, i think you just managed to alienate even a few of us freaks with your degree of devotion!
When I'm programming, i can't sleep for hours mulling over unresolved issues. when my better half is talking to me I find myself phasing out and wondering how to make a better today plugin or somesuch. it's getting scary... but i digress:
Universal - it's beautiful but I barely use it, because i'm always just developing for it, not using it... i haven't installed any customisations yet (except vjlumos). i use my magician as my phone.
however, universal is a beautuful multifunction device. love? hmm. maybe not. but certainly the occassional lust! damn htc have too many devices coming out to settle down as a one phone man
if anyone has a spare Atom (i know not htc) let me know.
re sms app, if you don't find one, let me know. i used to take good advantage of the p900 sms scheduler for sickies at work, so i could sleep in
Let me start with wishing you guys a merry christmas!
My craze for the Universal started back in Aug, was thinking of getting a PPCPE for my work since I'm always on the outfield and seldom in the office.Was at that time thinking of buying P50 until a good friend of mine send me a link of a picture of Black universal :shock:
I start talking about it ever since.Call the local telcos and even ask some of my connections on news when universal launching in my country.Was so excited when I got rumours that O2 launching the Black beauty!! Then came the sad news that O2 not launching any HTC product in Asia as HTC wants their Dopod subsidiary company to monopolise Asia.What a thud on my head! Duh! :evil:
Then I decided to get a set from UK. search everywhere try to contact long lost friends whom happen to study in UK am getting sleepless nights and even nightmares...yes can you believe this nightmares!! Then a good samartian whom I came in contact with in UK. He help me making my dream come true. I am really greaful to him.I'm now in possesion and a proud owner of an Exec. The set have not leave out of my sight since! Msn,surfing,documents editing, send/receive emai-l free WiFi is everywhere here...too many" friendly neighbour "if you know what I mean.
I would to say thanks to Vijay555 for making my dream come thru
argh2000 said:
Let me start with wishing you guys a merry christmas!
I start talking about it ever since.Call the local telcos and even ask some of my connections on news when universal launching in my country.Was so excited when I got rumours that O2 launching the Black beauty!! Then came the sad news that O2 not launching any HTC product in Asia as HTC wants their Dopod subsidiary company to monopolise Asia.What a thud on my head! Duh! :evil:
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We are kindred spirits!
My obsession started at about the same time too.. I was saddened by the news that O2 is not releasing it in Asia.. Emailed them too... and they said I ought to settle for Atom. But I was dead set on the Universal as it really was the "universe" for me. I had a picture on it on my pc and it was my constant piece of motivation at work.. haha..
Finally got it and it really was a great device. Sure there are some bugs but I have accepted the fact that there's no such thing as perfect in this universe, much more in my Universe. And I believe in Kaizen.... continued improvement... I too, would like to say my thanks to Vijay for continuing to improve this wonderful device. Hats off to you.. and to us lovesick puppies, let the love continue!
Its almost Xmas day. Merry Xmas everyone, and especially for you, Angelika. I'm smiling when I read your posting, we can even talk about 'love' even though this is a techie forum. That's really great!
I have the same 'feelings' so that I reply to this posting.
My first love was not the Universal though. It was the XDA, the very first generation. We call it T-Mobile PPC here in the US. Its the best device I ever had in my life, and that's true even until today. It works almost in every condition and places I go everyday: office, car, airport, home, and at night it sits right to my bed. And yes, it does wake up every morning.
Then I tempted to replace my XDA with a XDA mini. Because we don't have XDA in the US, then I got one branded as i-mate JAM. Main reason was because its smaller and has bluetooth. After using it for 2 weeks, I wrap it as a gift for my dear little brother.
Since then I had plenty of pictures of the coming Universal. Could not wait until it was released. I read the review about it a lot, I imagined holding it, etc. Then I was so sad when they said it might not even come to the US as no wireless provider wanted to carry it. etc etc.
I bought it when finally it was here available in the US though it was so expensive. Even though its 3G does not work here. Even though we could not use the video conferencing feature. Even though ppl reported many bugs. But I show it proudly to ppl and talk about it everytime somebody asks about it.
After using it for a while, I found it really delicate. So that when I go to work I would prefer to carry my XDA instead. And when I got home I will use my Universal. May be its not that delicate as I said, but the point is that, I do not want anything happen to my Universal while I'm bringing it around. Is that 'the love' I feel for it? Nah... I'm just kidding.
Btw, last nite I dropped my Universal when I was sitting in a restaurant, and on my way home, I kept telling myself not to carry it out anymore. I did not cry though when it dropped, but I did inspect the detail: no scrath, SD card was pulled out due to the bump, and I think the swivel mechanism is a bit lose after that. May be just my feelings.
It took me few years to reach the point when my XDA handles everything I need it to do perfectly in all scenarios: when I work, when I play, when I drive, when I travel, when I sleep, etc.
In the case of this Universal, though its a pretty device and far superior to my XDA, but today, it still cannot handle all scenarios correctly. For example, something really funny I have everynite, my Universal rings me up every 12 AM because there is an All Day Appointment I set for the next day in Outlook. My XDA never does that to me and they're both synced to the same PC. If I think the same as you, Angelika, then I should believe the Universal tries to get more attention from me. Ha ha ha..
I love my Universal but my first love still my XDA. And my XDA will remain the best device I ever have.
Universal + "Love, Peace" = :shock:
Universal + "Cute" = :shock:
Universal + "oh chooo chweeeet" = eiyuuuuuu :shock:
Universal + "its muh byabeeee" = :shock:
XDA-Dev + (Any of above) = holyyyyyy helllllll no wayyyyyyyy!!!
"I think my BULLDOG kicks some baddd ass!" - Yeahhhhh!!!
Cheers and merry christmas to all of you
I love my Universal as much as I love sheep........
Merry Christmas everyone
I am missing my XDA Exec as it is having some repairs hopefully it will come back all fixed
Merry Christmas and lets hope we have a little more Peace on Earth in the New Year
argh2000: how are you getting on with it? everything ok? you still want some more to complete your harem of Universals!? will email next week. Love the forum btw, coming on very well.
i've got some new releases coming next week, and for all you VGA universal lovers, I had an idea for a new app you might find useful. news next week.
angelica, have you tried vga yet? and did you get your launcher sorted?
I keep it charging on my bedside at night with the screen turned on. Sometimes I leave it with a movie "The Incredibles" playing till the next morning.
Yay! It's Christmas day! Although I got my Christmas present days ago, Im still very happy about it..
Vijay555, Im really looking forward to your new release... Im sure it's a great app again. Ehem....Could it be the sms scheduler I've been searching for? Either way, I know it's still something great. Ive installed your PhoneTools and I have them in my Today Screen but I seldom use it coz I still need to edit the messages I send anyway... and it's still defaulted at +1234.. Cant seem to edit it.. I uninstalled Clauncher and just stuck with SPBPocket Plus...
cktlcmd, wow! What a way to maximize your universal.. Im tempted to try the same thing..
dreamtheater39, I know I'm so faaaaar away from the techies here in this forum and the universal isnt probably meant to incite any cute or mushy feeling from anybody, as it is cold as steel. But hey, cant help it.. i really get this mushy warm feeling whenever I look at it. Now, aint that some kind of passion too? I bet most of the techies here have the same passion for a new program or when deciphering a code. I guess to each his own... But hey, I bet I made you smile, didnt I?
Confucious, sheep? Then, are u a shepherd?
Merry Christmas Everybody!
cuteangelika said:
Yay! It's Christmas day! Although I got my Christmas present days ago, Im still very happy about it..
Vijay555, Im really looking forward to your new release... Im sure it's a great app again. Ehem....Could it be the sms scheduler I've been searching for? Either way, I know it's still something great. Ive installed your PhoneTools and I have them in my Today Screen but I seldom use it coz I still need to edit the messages I send anyway... and it's still defaulted at +1234.. Cant seem to edit it.. I uninstalled Clauncher and just stuck with SPBPocket Plus...
cktlcmd, wow! What a way to maximize your universal.. Im tempted to try the same thing..
dreamtheater39, I know I'm so faaaaar away from the techies here in this forum and the universal isnt probably meant to incite any cute or mushy feeling from anybody, as it is cold as steel. But hey, cant help it.. i really get this mushy warm feeling whenever I look at it. Now, aint that some kind of passion too? I bet most of the techies here have the same passion for a new program or when deciphering a code. I guess to each his own... But hey, I bet I made you smile, didnt I?
Confucious, sheep? Then, are u a shepherd?
Merry Christmas Everybody!
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hee hee I was just kiddin
Its great to see you love your universal soooo much! I wish my girlfriend did so too Instead she says 'you and your stupid gadget obsession' She's really sweet and shares my 'high', but i sometimes go overrrr boardddd (if you know what i mean!)
You all have fun & merry christmas once again
angelika: are you using ilauncher? go to my phonetools page on my site, and there's a subpage talking you through how to set up for that app.
i'm not working on the sms scheduler, but it's easy enough in principle. if you can't find one elsewhere i'll start, but next week will be busy with new release VJAccioPhone (that's not the _other_ idea had for VGA universal!)
hope you guys & gals are having a great xmas, best wishes from a very
wet but delightful italy...
vijay555 said:
angelika: are you using ilauncher? go to my phonetools page on my site, and there's a subpage talking you through how to set up for that app.
i'm not working on the sms scheduler, but it's easy enough in principle. if you can't find one elsewhere i'll start, but next week will be busy with new release VJAccioPhone (that's not the _other_ idea had for VGA universal!)
hope you guys & gals are having a great xmas, best wishes from a very
wet but delightful italy...
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VJ what is the app that you've been working on?????????!! I hate surprises
Atleast a hint????
And whats VJAccioPhone???
You have a great xmas and new years m8
I told mine i loved it .... but then it messed me around a bit , so I dumped it and hooked up with it's younger sister , which seems to be behaving itself so far - but I won't hesitate to replace it if it messes me around :evil:
vijay555 said:
argh2000: how are you getting on with it? everything ok? you still want some more to complete your harem of Universals!? will email next week. Love the forum btw, coming on very well.
i've got some new releases coming next week, and for all you VGA universal lovers, I had an idea for a new app you might find useful. news next week.
angelica, have you tried vga yet? and did you get your launcher sorted?
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Hey Vijay555, how is your holiday in Italy going?
My Exec is great, after upgrading the rom and plus some tweaking,it's flying :wink: well maybe I'm abit to exagerating.. but i love my set
Looking forward for your new applications
Holiday in Italy is going well but looking forward to being back in the uk now! the free time is giving me too much time to think of new apps.... too many to program, i'm going to have to start programming full time!
The universal app will hopefully improve life for VGA thumb usage.
Another for general WM5 use bringing back a missing feature hopefully. No more details till I know if I can do it. Hopefully shortly I'll also get my blog going to discuss ideas, progress and general programming & improving/hacking the PDA
VJAccioPhone is a program I finished coding just before the holiday that had kept me busy for quite a few late nights. I've not released it yet, but search the board to find my 'preannouncement'. Hopefully it'll be very useful for us idiots carrying $1000 phones! Proper news next week...
ps while waiting for a table in a restaurant in florence yesterday I met a guy who asked about my phone (magician) He'd just bought himself a wizard. i felt embarrassed sounding so passionate about the phones! Freaks we are, one and all....
Hi Vijay! Merry Christmas too! Wow, what a way to spend your vacation--- still thinking of wonderful apps to share with us..
Your new app looks promising! If only I had the technical know-how, I'd be helping out too.. but then, Im a mere mortal, waiting for blessings from techie gods like you..
Im not using ilauncher. I've stopped tinkering with you phone tools.. Needed to rest for a while to clean the slate and reflect on where I went wrong that I still couldnt make it work like I want to..
dreamtheater39: Good thing, that was a joke.. I was seriously thinking non-geeks like me are not allowed..
Merry Christmas!
Thought about this a bit more.
I have a "love"/"hate" relationship with my XDA Exec. The hardware is great (keyboard, sceeen and all the wireless connectivity) but the software seems incomplete and on some areas very poor quality (why memory leaks on a device in 2005? memory management is not bleeding edge tech!). I really think if HTC could double the user storage and available RAM this could have been a device well ahead of its time. It is the first of a new genertion of wireless PDA/mini tablets. I really want to carry around all my business data (2/3GB) on this device, but the need to reset it a few times a day doe snot make the Universal a reliable business tool. Perhaps we'll get some fixes in the new year.
jah said:
Thought about this a bit more.
I have a "love"/"hate" relationship with my XDA Exec. The hardware is great (keyboard, sceeen and all the wireless connectivity) but the software seems incomplete and on some areas very poor quality (why memory leaks on a device in 2005? memory management is not bleeding edge tech!). I really think if HTC could double the user storage and available RAM this could have been a device well ahead of its time. It is the first of a new genertion of wireless PDA/mini tablets. I really want to carry around all my business data (2/3GB) on this device, but the need to reset it a few times a day doe snot make the Universal a reliable business tool. Perhaps we'll get some fixes in the new year.
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i have the same problem too I have a qtek with stock rom loaded....and the free ram slowly drops....and after a couple hours of use, its down to 10-15megs of free ram even with all apps closed
Hope they'd fix it soon....!
Another quirk...using it as a phone is crazy without the bluetooth need two hands, and complete attention to pull off the "Answer the phone" maneuver :x
Otherwise, its just awesome

FREE: my old Universal as i've upgraded.

Yes i'm giving away my old Universal.
i'll even help with shipping
i've upgraded to the TOUCH HD, and want to leave my Uni to someone that could benefit.
the way i figure it, i've loved it since i had 3 years ago and if it wasn't for the hard work of the cookers who cracked the updates and even WinMo6, i would have been a lot less happy.
they're very responsible for a lot of the productivity and fun i've had along the way, which i've payed forward. now this is a little direct payback .
The forum members have been great support too, and this community has been a constant source that fuels the evolution of our Uni's.
Included is :
1) HTC Universal G3 (very good condition)
2) 2gb SD card
3) USB to Mini-USB (for data and charging)
4) Tomal's 8.2 ROM (excellent)
5) 2 stylus' (replacement for the original i wore out!)
6) replacement battery (bought 2008, 1600MaH. original wore out)
*pics upon request*
I'd like it to go to one of the cookers that may need an new/extra Uni for testing, so that it can help with their efforts in supporting the rest of the Uni lovers here.
if there are no takers from any of the cookers, i will happily leave it to anyone else that wants it
now, how do you get it? simple.
for ONE WEEK i invite any cookers to PM me or post here their interest here in a free Uni.
if no cookers want it, then i'll accept interest from anyone else that cares to have ask for it.
my partner upgraded to a Samsung Omnia, if anyone wants a free Nokia 7710 give me a prod
I'll take both, cover shipping, and give you something for your troubles if you u have them.
I am very interested!
Hope you consider this request
%Thanks in advance
some people already PM'ing and posting here.
i'll keep the option open for a single week to let more prospective people get a chance as i want the devices to go to the best person for the greater good.
all people responding are automatically "on the list" to be chosen.
happy bidding (wait, wrong website)
greeting from hong kong
looking for replacement for my uni. my uni RIP need to rewrite boot loader
first i have to say that you must be the kindest soul in the human race to want to give your handsets FOR FREE and not sell them on ebay..
and second becouse i loved it,becouse i admired it and becouse i cant live without a touch screen and i want it like mad.. PLEASE SEND ME THE NOKIA
i live in london
well i believe the small amount of money i could sell it for on Ebay (a few hundred dollars AU) and how i could invest that much money, compared to some that can actually use a free device for the greater good is no comparison for me.
there's an Ebay sale HERE where the person has a great offer for a complete Uni with accessories, for a reasonable price.
seriously the value of a few hundred bucks means little to me compared to the value of the device in the best hands.
think of it like:
*giving $300 to a starving stranded man on an island.....or giving him a $50 picnic hamper.
*or, a wealthy person giving $10 to someone in need, compared to a poor person giving $10 to someone even more in need.
there are many energy forms of value, depends who you're relating to and how. that much money in my life isn't worth much, those devices in other lives could mean a lot.
So there's no loss for me, i've already gained enormously from the device and i already have a replacement. i have an efficient upgrade.
someone can benefit a free device/s and gain enormously. an efficient upgrade too.
just sharing the energy
singer12 said:
first i have to say that you must be the kindest soul in the human race to want to give your handsets FOR FREE and not sell them on ebay..
and second becouse i loved it,becouse i admired it and becouse i cant live without a touch screen and i want it like mad.. PLEASE SEND ME THE NOKIA
i live in london
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well consider yourself on the list simply by your interest
i'm glad there are people wanting the Nokia, i thought it would be difficult to find interest as it is a phone that not many people liked when it came out.
i'm happy these devices will goto good homes
Sent you a message, No matter who you pick you're doing something that deserves respect, so you have mine.
I resent just now, let me know if you received it properly.
User665 said:
Sent you a message, No matter who you pick you're doing something that deserves respect, so you have mine.
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hmm....haven't received any PM, but no matter as your interest here is noted. just let me know which device/s your were interested in
try PM again, if no success just post here.
Hello, that's a very generous thing from you, there should be more people like you out there
I would like to have your UNI, but reading the forums here I saw theseas's posts about being scammed by shakal007, so it seems he lost his UNI. I don't know, but maybe he could get a replacement by you If he wanted, of course....
gottfroa said:
Hello, that's a very generous thing from you, there should be more people like you out there
I would like to have your UNI, but reading the forums here I saw theseas's posts about being scammed by shakal007, so it seems he lost his UNI. I don't know, but maybe he could get a replacement by you If he wanted, of course....
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I think this is a very good idea as well, it must be bad to loose something this way in good faith!
User665 said:
Sent you a message, No matter who you pick you're doing something that deserves respect, so you have mine.
I resent just now, let me know if you received it properly.
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received and replied
Wow! I agree with the person that said you have to be the kindest soul. You're a shining example of niceness and I hope it rubs off on all of us. Thanks for your shining presence.
Is it G4 or G3?
Cotulla said:
Is it G4 or G3?
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hmm... been a while since i knew, remind me what the easiest way to check is?
p3ngwin said:
hmm... been a while since i knew, remind me what the easiest way to check is?
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Put it in bootloader mode. You can see small note at the bottom of the screen, if it starts from 1, then its G3. If it starts from 2, then its G4.
satanisme said:
Put it in bootloader mode. You can see small note at the bottom of the screen, if it starts from 1, then its G3. If it starts from 2, then its G4.
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ah, yes that rings a bell
The Uni a G3.
info added to main post.​
Any news on the winner?
Please let me be me to win the nokia

Donate My Crushed G1

Please be kind to me as this is my first post on XDA although I have been reading and utilizing these forums for quite some time. If this question has already been addressed, please let me know. I have already searched the forum and was unable to find anything on the subject but perhaps I wasn't as diligent as I could have been.
I left my G1 on the roof of my car and it fell off and was run over by a car. I already ordered a new one which will arrive in two days (I do nightly nandroid backups so all is well in that department). I would, however, like to donate the crushed G1 to one of the developers on this site so that they can salvage it for parts. Believe it or not, I was actually able to boot to the recovery screen and do a wipe (Alt-W). Obviously I could not see this as the screen is crushed but it rebooted after I hit Back+Home so I am pretty certain that there are some valuable working parts for someone who knows what they are doing.
I have taken advantage of the ROMs on this forum for awhile (Kavana's WinMo 6.1) as well as How-To posts (Apps2SD, Rooting G1, Nandroid, MAM, etc.) and countless other posts to keep my phone in perfect working order, and would like to give at least a little back to the hard working developers here. I would like a moderator to assist me in getting the phone into the hands of the right developer. I am sure it has some value to someone. I am pretty certain that the motherboard is in working condition as well as the keyboard and various other parts (it still vibrates on boot). I don't know much about hardware as I am largely a developer and a user. I don't want to take it apart only to find out that I have ruined what was once a good part. Ebay was an option but I figure that I will actually get more value out of donating it since XDA is literally my lifeline and smartphones would just plain suck without this site.
Please reference the attached photos. Sorry they are not so great. They were taken on my Dash because I was too lazy to take out my good camera.
Post replies here and we can go from there.
Cool I'm sure someone will find this useful. You might want to save the battery so you have two
alritewhadeva said:
Cool I'm sure someone will find this useful. You might want to save the battery so you have two
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haha ill take it
i was gonna say send that battery my way because the one i have drains too fast for me and a new one cost like 60 bux.
ill take it... i know im not a dev but ive been wanting to learn how to take the g1 apart and put it back together but i couldnt justify the price of buying one.. ill surely make a guide (both a pictoral one and a video on youtube)... if not i understand
PM Sent to you a little earlier.
jaygajay said:
i was gonna say send that battery my way because the one i have drains too fast for me and a new one cost like 60 bux.
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heres a solution
I believe you should donate it to one of the members working on finding the jtag pins so the people who were effected by the spl brick might have a second chance
Amazon sells them as well for about $7 + $3 for shipping.. OEM, safe..never had issues..
I am keeping the battery which still works. Now I have three! The battery door is crushed too. My goal is for the phone to better not just one person in need of parts but the community in general. If a developer can use this to help out the rest of us it will have been worth it. Like I have stated, I am not sure what use it will be but I am sure that someone out there can utilize it for the benefit of the rest of us.
jusplainmike said:
I believe you should donate it to one of the members working on finding the jtag pins so the people who were effected by the spl brick might have a second chance
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Can you, or someone else, point me in the direction of one of these developers? This sounds like a worthy cause.
brian_v3ntura said:
heres a solution
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ICBM said:
Amazon sells them as well for about $7 + $3 for shipping.. OEM, safe..never had issues..
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So why do T-Mobile and HTC sell them so expensive?
donate your Devices
if you would like to donate any device that you dont use.
i take any cellphone i fix them and recycle the one that dont work...
the one's that work i give it to people that need it...
also i use them to make videos take them aparts///// and e.t.c..
donate @ [email protected]
just pm you
G1 disassembly
If you want to take apart your G1, here's a good start:
Donate it to one of the big Devs, EX: JesusFreke, Cyanogen, The Dude, JAC, Etc...
Im sure they can MORE then utilize an extra device in futher learning/releasing Android related ROMs.
oreoOozZz said:
Donate it to one of the big Devs, EX: JesusFreke, Cyanogen, The Dude, JAC, Etc...
Im sure they can MORE then utilize an extra device in futher learning/releasing Android related ROMs.
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A battery from HTC directly (after they first tried to deny my warranty status) is 37, shipping included.
As for a crushed device, I should try to find one in that condition since emulator will not run on my laptop. More or less the process goes make a program or update, open my sd card, load it, try it, improve it on the computer, delete the sd card copy, move the new one... very agravating.
Not to mention if you plug the device into the computer right, you can load your device AS the emulator (but I don't really want to do that to my "daily driver")
I would like to suggest a moment of silence to honor your G1.
aaronratner said:
Can you, or someone else, point me in the direction of one of these developers? This sounds like a worthy cause.
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lbcoder has expressed a desire to jtag the g1.. I'm not sure if anyone's sent a dead board his way yet.
goldenarmZ said:
lbcoder has expressed a desire to jtag the g1.. I'm not sure if anyone's sent a dead board his way yet.
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Haven't got one yet, the lead I had seems to have disappeared.
If interested in sending it for jtag study, PM me.

BT issues on Hero ROMs

Anyone know what the status is with the issues? Are they close to resolving it?
Not one single person can answer this question? I find that very hard to believe. I would put it on the developer board but I'll probably get *****ed at...
rickytenzer said:
Not one single person can answer this question? I find that very hard to believe. I would put it on the developer board but I'll probably get *****ed at...
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No one's posting because the issue is not resolved, and probably won't be until HTC releases a sense-ui sapphire rom. Wait a few weeks..
Yea it looks like it's so much of an issue they don't even mention it anymore in the 'not working' list, it's just kind of accepted it's not going to be included. I get more frustrated with the fact that it is just not included in the 'still not working' list than the fact they are not able to fix it.
I do expect that once it is working you'll see... xxxx Hero version X.x.xx.x. W/BLUETOOTH [XX.XX.XX] or something close in the thread headers.
Yeah there will probably be a big banner and a parade once bt and LED's are working 100%. But really both of those in my world aren't missed. But yeah once sense ui gets to the Dream/MT3G it'll be fixed.

[DONATION] Native API Project - Chris Walsh Donation Thread

Okay it's not often I bring up the word donate seeing how its going to look to some people here. But I've been tweeting Chris Walsh regarding a root solution (yes I know nodo is looming but let's be real, it doesn't fix any of our problems )
At least here we have a huge break to allow for customization of the dell venue pro. Yes chevron unlock is grand, we know that. But this is a far different beast that puts the dell venue pro on a scale of customizability that all the wp7 devices now have.
The problem is, he needs a device. So the options are
He gets an unlocked device - he's in australia
We raise funds for a device
With raising funds, we can raise enough funds. Or if someone can send an unlocked device, that works too. Whichever way works I am open to.
So I am leaving it up to xda users with the dvp, just like me. Do we want our device to have some access to registry and stuff so we can possibly theme and maybe fix some of our own problems? Or do we want to wait for dell to do it? (look how well that's working out).
I am not just talking - I am donating too and my donation is
40 USD
That will go to Chris Walsh's paypal. We need enough to buy a device. Or maybe someone can donate one. Or we can buy one from xda I don't care how we do it. But he has to get a device. Anyone else up for a little donation to one of the chevron members?
GOAL TO RAISE Enough for an unlocked dvp
Donation Link will be Updated ASAP
Donation list
Let's get started. As soon as he gives me his paypal info we can start this off. And I will donate 40 USD toward the project.
Well, I'm up for 20€ ~> 30USD...
I'm eager to buy it but I'm anxious because of all the problems...(Europe here)
I'm just waiting for Chris to send me his paypal so we can get this underway but we are also looking into some other options. It should be interesting. I mean I found a focus on cg, but if i had some extra I'd buy that use it and send my dvp to him immediately!
this may be better though XD
Im a bit of a noob to all the lingo on here... could you inform me what "go native" means and what chris will be working on... I'm willing to donate if its something we can all make use of ....#
Don't mean to be rude, but who's Chris Walsh, and why should we be buying him a DVP?
elyl said:
Don't mean to be rude, but who's Chris Walsh, and why should we be buying him a DVP?
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He is one of the Chevron team members. And he needs a DVP as he has some trick up his sleeve (suppose ?)
notebookgrail said:
He is one of the Chevron team members. And he needs a DVP as he has some trick up his sleeve (suppose ?)
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I say if he thinks the dvp architecture is childplay, that is a good sign for us...I'll still donate but I've had it with dell. 7 Devices and it still doesn't work...
I'll still contribute any way I can too..actually...
maybe...I'll call dell say I changed my mind and send chris the device when he's in vegas for mix. I think that may be a good idea. I will need the device back but as long as he can work his magic for the better of the community
chevron works for DVP
I've used chevron to unlock my DVP n side load some apps.
all apps that install on my unlocked hd2 run equally fine on dvp.
i am more interested in un-branding of my DVP so that we can get access to updates easily..
n yes!! i'd love to donate for this project..
sideload =/= native
please understand the full intention of this. Chevron allows for developer sideloading of homebrew programs and applications (sometimes games) but it does not give us native dll access for deeper entry into windows phone where most devices have (LG, specifically having a registry editor, and htc is so open its not even funny). We know that the wp7 update does not solve many issues dvp users are facing (in fact many users are complaining of the same issues we are currently having)
So with that said, its a good idea to try native for a variety of reasons. One is to rule out whether the issues are our own, or are they hardware/software. Access to the registry helps. Access to a file explorer helps too. All of that is possible through native.
Like I said before, I have no qualms of chris using my device and I am ready to deliver it to him anytime. I just need his okay. The thread will change to an update thread on progress of native access. Let's hope some magic can be worked
If you are in contact with Chris Walsh, let him know that myself and a co-worker will be in Vegas for Mix as well and he's free to hack my (our) DVPs as much as he wants. We'll be staying at the Mandalay. Seems a much cheaper option than crowdsourcing ~600 USD.
wow okay this is becoming quite option filled!
I have my dvp for him to use and other dvps available! I'll notify him at once
domineus said:
wow okay this is becoming quite option filled!
I have my dvp for him to use and other dvps available! I'll notify him at once
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any updates??
varunverma said:
any updates??
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yeah, what happened here? any news?
I am very interested... Although I cannot donate cash -I am willing to donate some time even on coding if necessary ...
what else does this mean for us? Could we eventually see Android running on the DVP? And yes, I'm very well aware of the Dell Venue and I dont want to hear someone getting butt hurt over me wanting Android on the DVP. Tell me this can be done and I'd be willing to invest more than just 20 bucks to this cause.
Does anyone have an update on anything? What are our other options if this is not happening anymore? We will likely need to have an unlock for NoDo in addition to this now that the majority have updated or received new phones with NoDo preinstalled.
I don't think this is happening from what i heard last.
the main thing right now is to hopefully gain registry write access (SOON!! I HOPE! ) ...I wonder if there will ever be a way or should I just trade my phone for a HD7 ? IDK...
from what i've noticed, 99% members who actively post in the DVP forums are very upset with their devices. registry editing or side-loading app development is on no one's priority list it seems.
it's really sad. DVP could have been a great device..
Is this thread still alive? please let me know. I might have a working device (with a few small defects) I am willing to donate. Just give me a couple of days.

