Stuck on a basic issue - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I was trying to upgrade my Wallaby from WIN CE to Win 2003. I managed to mess up the ROM upgrade using active sync and so am now stuck on the white screen!
I can get to the bootloader screen ok (showing Bootloader 5.17 - soft reset with the power button) but can't get the device to boot from an SD card. I have downloaded XDATools and can run the osimage tool but I don't know what name to give the destination file, or what file extension. If I simply select the destination from the dropdown box, I get an error message when trying to write to the SD card (it's a 1Gb SD). I have also tried with a 64Mb MMC and get the same errors.
I've also tried browsing to the destination (card reader) and using nk.nb1 as the file name but when soft resetting to boot loader I don't get the option to boot from the SD card.
I'm well versed with flashing Universals or Himalayas but the Wallaby has me stumped currently!
Any help please?

I hope this help
I don't know much about updating wallaby because I discovered this forum too late, but I updated the rom via activesync. The rom was in an .exe program cooked from (very easy).
I read somewhere (I can't remember) that other ways of upgrading where difficult, I don't know yours.

If i remember from my wallaby you had to use a program to format and install the image to the sd card. You couldnt just copy the nbf file straight to the card. Once the sd card was created the card was no longer readable by windows. But it contained the image and the wallaby booted but i am sure it would only work with a 32mb card

Found the Problem!
Well I finally found out what was causing the issues. Bloody Windows Vista!!! Ran the XDATools on my XP system and managed to load the sd card without any problems, then proceeded to upgrade (downgrade??) the boot loader to 1.15 and now have it running with Windows 2003SE (I think - can't quite remember as I've zapped it so many times trying to get a ROM I like).


Bootloader 5.22 to 5.15

I have a 5.22 Bootloader and wondering how to back it up before downgrading to 5.15 from Jeff's tools.
Thanks. !
I tried with the XDATools but does not give option for Bootloader only ROM!
we made xdatools as safe as possible, no option to screw around with bootloaders.
I did create some other tools that you can use to backup your bootloader.
if you download these tools
and run
pmemdump 0x80000000 0x40000 bootloader.nb0
that will save your bootloader in bootloader.nb0.
or you can use this pocketpc tool:
it runs on your xda, and save your bootloader to a file in the root of your xda
Great thanks this works fine.... but when I run
pnewbootloader bootloader_v5_15.nb0 I get
Unable to find flash info offset, cannot disable bootloader writeprotect
I wish to upgrade to rom 4.0.x but would like to have a 5.15 wallaby before doing so. In case I need to downgrade back to 3.17.
Any help appreciated. Thanks. !
If their is no solution to this... Can I upgrade to 4.0.x and still be able to downgrade again later using another method!.
this is the same error message I got when I tried to downgrade bootloader from 5.22 to 5.15. I was not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. I hope there is a fix to this.
Is the problem the Rom version or is it the 5.22 issue?
Use the old xdarit which gives an option to create a boot flash card. I have used this but as the developers warn this will "brick" your XDA if it goes wrong. My guess would be that you can downgrade to 3.17 on a 5.22 bootloader anyway. My advise would be to try that first because if it works theres no point in risking your bootloader and if it doesn't work you only have to reflash a 4.x image or try the old xdarit.
Thx for the reply, but the issue is how to downgrade to 3.17?
Program A is not working with this bootloader version (5.22) and I am not sure if XDArit will work with it.
Has anyone used XDArit with bootloader 5.22?
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I have bootloader 5.22 and have loaded 4.x images via flash using xdarit. I have also re-loaded bootloader 5.15 using the old xdarit to write a bootloader file.
Many thx Richard,
I do have an SD card reader (6 in 1) and I am not sure if this is the reason for the many errors I am getting when I try to use it. Recently posted posts say it could be.
I have also an image for the 5.15 bootloader.
Do I need the SD card reader to do the bootloader downgrade?
I have a six in one card reader and have the same problem you and many others have. In my case my SD card reader is disk six but I have to select disc 5 to get xdarit to see it. The bit to watch out for is to make sure that in selecting another disk it doesn't pick up your hard drive. The best way to be sure is to use the rom image tool to write a an image to your disk. Then using the old xdarit from the strat screen use the drop down list for the drives and you will see a load of data apear when you hit a valid drive you can recognise you have the right disk because you will see "Wallaby HTC" or simmilar. Then select write to disk and select 3.5k header and your 5.15 bootloader and write the file. when you put this disk in your XDA and enter bootloader mode it will offer to write it for you.
As I have said before I think you should try to write a 3.17 image to the disk first and try that. At the end of the day a corrupted rom is easy to recover from a corrupted bootloader = brick.
Also I have no problem with Program A and bootloader 5.22
No luck till now
Not sure what happened so far but I am unable to use my card reader now. Even when I connect it to a different laptop and insert an SD card from my camera, it says the card needs to be formated and even when I say ok format it, it says can't format.
When you right to the SD card using XDArit, my understanding that it will generate a file taht has the header required for bootloaders greater than 5.15. I am now ONLy trying to downgrade the bootloader. SO, the created file should be small. If you make this file available, would it be then easy to copy and pase it to a different SD card without using any tools?
Thanking yoy for your pateince
When you put your card in the SD card reader it is Windows that is offering to format it. xdarit does not need the card to be formated. If you put the card in and open xdarit can you see a string of data in the box ? If not use the drop down menu and try a different drive.
You can't (to the best of my knowledge) create a file that can be copied direct to the card because of the header required. i.e i can't email you one.
If you are having no joy reading from the card i.e you can't see the data as above try a different card perhaps the one you are using is duff.
It seems my card reader now has a problem.
I got an SD backup from an XDA that has bootloader 5.15 and the Rom CE
Now my Boatloader is 5.22 but this is what I am trying to get rid from. So, when I insert it in my device, it asks me if I want to press the action item to boot from SD. I am afraid that this will screw up my machine!
Is there a need that this file be written to the PC first then moved again to the SD card after checking the higher than 3.15 boatloader box?
If the backup you took was just the CE image then go ahead and restore the image. If you took a CE+bootloader image then you may want to transfer to your desktop and reload just the CE image but if your card reader is down I guess you can't do that. So if you have access to another XDA just redo a backup making sure you just have the CE image.
Why are you so determined to loose the 5.22 bootloader ? if it works on a 3.x image just leave it there its not doing any harm. If you are really nervous I will try a 3.x image on my XDA with 5.22 and let you know before you try on yours.
Let me know soon I live in Australia and its Friday night and the pub is calling.
You bet that I am nervous.
I would greatly appreciate your help in trying this first.
You can also e-mail me at [email protected]
I did try it and the Rom is downgraded now.
I still need to downgrade the bootloader so I can use XDAtools easily.
Will the same method work if I backup both the Win CE and Boot?
You don't need to HONHESTLY all the tools work fine on 5.22 BELEIVE me
If you must then yes is the simple answer but there is always a risk that it will go wrong and screw your XDA
Off to the pub now
OK got it all figured out!
I had:
A Rogers ATT (Canadian phone) running the Rogers ATT ROM.
Rom: R.20.x (don't remember) probably a 3.x
Radio Version: A.20.10
Bootloader: 5.22
Here are my steps. I will skip everything that went wrong on my journey and go straight to the point.
First I tried to use the new XDATools to upgrade the rom via Program A but with no sucess so used on method. !
NOTE: Their is not need in Canada to upgrade radio version cause the phone is already shipped with the latest. !
1- Used the old version of XDArit 1.0 to burn Wallaby Bootloader 5.15 from JEff's tools on my SD card (32Mb) with a Dazzle SD card reader
2- Inserted the card in my XDA and started the actual bootloader 5.22 and pressed action to download boot image.
3- Used XDATools (New version/product) to burn the SN40016wwe_vs.bin (see 4.0.16 rom is here post). (XDARit failed to get that one on the SD).
3- Inserted the card in my XDA and started the actual bootloader NOW 5.15 and pressed action to download CE image.
4- Did a soft reset and got T Mobile prompt... !
5- That's it phone works A1. !
Thanks for the info Yanick
So now u have 5.15?
What is SN40016wwe_vs.bin and where to get it from?
Is it specific to the ROm version you are upgrading to?
I have to say I am kinda of lost now (not unusal :lol: )
I was thinking that the problem is in the boatloader but when I followed your method, my XDA seems to run 5.15 now.
Why an I still unable to use the XDAtools to write a new Rom file?
When I try to, I go as far as seeing upgrading in the laptop and on the XDA screem but then the connection (I use USB) is lost between the laptop and the XDA
When I try to upgrade the RSU (an excutable file), it goes as far as downloading the file to my XDA and restarting it to get a button saying start on my xda screen. When I press it I get the error message saying "als Failed " after 1% downloading?
If it is not the bootloader that was the problem, what is it?
Or am I having a non 100% functional bootloader now (5.15) or what?
OK so you are running Bootloader 5.15...
Now download 4.0.16 ROM CE from
refer to this topic for download
Then Use XDATools to burn image on a 64MB or greater SD card. Then Reset your PDA using (RESET + POWER) combination with the SD card already in the machine and it should prompt you to download CE .. Press Action and here you go !

can't get the xda to load from sd to upgrade to WM2003

i'm using the xdatools to put the nk file on the SD card, but when i hard reset my xda, i get into bootloader 5.22 mode, it says "gsm ok", and when i press the action button i get into a test menu.
How can i load the nk file from my sd card? please help.
thanks guys.
Did you place the ROM on the SD card by browsing to your device (...) or using the drop down and choosing your SD reader or XDA SD slot?
I had the same problem until I used the drop down... if you browse to your card, XDA tools will not create a bootable SD.
i used directy dropping down the box to SD
When you use the drop down menu on the destination there should be a drive letter next to your card eg: F: 59.60M USB sd reader or similar, choose that and it should work.
do we soft reset or hard reset
well after loading nk.nbf file
do we soft reset or hard reset to get into bootloader.
the drive letter in destination folder will come if u use card reader,
but if in expansion slot than it does not give the drive letter.
I did hard reset .
I am having this same problem...
I download to the SD card through the cradle, using the phone's expansion slot. I do a SOFT RESET, to get the bootloader, and all I get is a GSM OK message. If I hit the action button, I then get into the test menu.
Means you have no nb.1 on your SD card .
as per the instructions I've been following that have been listed in detail here on this site as well as the att siemens support forums, you are supposed to copy the nk.nbf file and use that with the OS Image this incorrect?
I just installed new ROM from new ROM Kitchen .
1) Get the file on your desktop ( download or ...I do not care)
2) Open OSInage
3) Source :arrow: Brows to your file
4) Destination :arrow: your SD card (where is it :?: -on your phone
or on the SD card reader)
5) Copy the file to SD card (takes 20 seconds)
6) Remove the XDA from the cradle and soft reset with power button held in.
7) When it says press action to download, push the big button between dial and hangup.
8) Hard reset.
9) Injoy the rest of your day
No way getting SD-Card recognized
i have the same problem, the ROM (Made with xda-tools or XDArit) on sd-card is not recognized to download when i boot into bootloader!
I found no way to get this running.
Any ideas?
read this thread:
most likely, your wallaby bootloader is not 5.15. Anything above 5.15 won't work. I could downgrade from 5.17 and 5.22, but not from 6.22
still awaiting for some help to down grade 6.22. Nobody seems to care. THis forum has become "too" big that it is not as effective as before ...
People tend to just "shout" and ask before digging deep enough...
too many people posting the same questions into different threads again and again
andhy said:
read this thread:
most likely, your wallaby bootloader is not 5.15. Anything above 5.15 won't work. I could downgrade from 5.17 and 5.22, but not from 6.22
still awaiting for some help to down grade 6.22. Nobody seems to care. THis forum has become "too" big that it is not as effective as before ...
People tend to just "shout" and ask before digging deep enough...
too many people posting the same questions into different threads again and again
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I'm in the same situation - I have v6.22 on T-Mobile 4.01.00ENG and can't do anything, even with an SD card!
Even the BootLoader downgrade tool with XDATools doesn't work.
Any help with this would be appreciated by many other users in the same situation.
The downgrade batch file in XDA-Tools doesn't work for a lot of people (didn't work for me either). However the wallaby patch should work. Otherwise, use XDARit to downgrade the bootloader using the .nb0 file that comes with the downgrade batch in XDA-Tools.
You write the wallaby patch onto the SD card using XDARit, go into the bootloader and enter diagnostics. Then take the SD card out, write bootloader 5.15 onto the card using the bootloader option in XDARit, and place the SD card back into the device. Then from the patched diagnostics screen select Restore SD and it will recognize a bootloader update. I'd recommend saving your original bootloader from the diagnostics first, but that wouldn't work for me for some reason.
i had a 5.17 boot loader that i downgraded to 5.15 via OS image tools, i also downloaded a rom file from the Kitchen & wrote it on SD but i still can't load from SD & i only get the test phase thing
i also downloaded a rom file from the Kitchen & wrote it on SD but i still can't load from SD & i only get the test phase thing
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Try using XDRit instead of XDA-Tools (use the older version of XDRit instead of the newer version). I'm not sure what you mean by "test phase", but maybe your bootloader screwed over during the update? If so you may need to rectify that first, but that's definately beyond me. If you burn the image correctly onto the card it should pick up automatically as soon as you enter the bootloader with 5.15. If you don't burn it correctly then it won't be picked up.
I'm just throwing in my 2c because I've made all this stuff work with a 5.15 downgrade. There's a possibility the thing simply doesn't like your card too, so try a different 64MB SD.
well i do have a 256 mb card & as far as i can tell the downgrade worked fine, now to use the xdarit files to i need to have the SD reader or i can do it the same way i do in XDAtools which is directly into the card through Active Sync

where i am going wrong!!!!!!!!

well i tried to upgrade my xda1 to windows 2003,
here is the description of the problem i m facing....
i used xda tools(osimage tool) to transfer nk.nbf file to my sd card-> go into bootloader(wallaby bootloader 5.17)
->says gsm ok and starts taking test(like tap test, recording test, sd card test etc) which it should not...
and is not loading the os software. (getting stuck in one of the test like sd card test)
well following things i tried:
1. transfered nk.nbf file, tried both from siemens site as well as from site--->both giving same problem.------->using xdatools.
2. tried loading the sd ,tried both destinations -->xda slot and as well as the card reader.
3. using drop down only to choose the destination.
4. also after loading sd the current rom asks to format (which means sd is loaded properly)
5. initially it was not loading the bootloader then i fixed it using xda tools , after that i started getting wallaby bootloader 5.17
6. now after going to bootloader it starts taking various test and shows no sign of loading the new os.
now i have moved as per the instruction and tried everything mentioned above to install wk3 but all in vain....
dont know where the problem seems to lie....
need suggestions desperately...
current rom:3.17.03
current rom working ok.
maybe it's a problem with the nbf file content ... did u try burning the nbf file directly to the ROM using the XDAtools ?
You arent hitting any other button when entering bootloader are you? Just press the stylus in reset while holding power, it shouldnt go into test mode unless another button is pushed, maybe you have a button stuck or something.
any more suggestions............
well if burning means choosing source to nk.nbf and destination to drop down
to sd card using xda tools then yes i did burning....
also i m sure no other buttons are pressed or thing like that....
any more suggestions............
I meant by burning to make the destination to be the XDA flash ROM
any more..
ya i tried burning to.,...
same problem.
can your sdcard reader read whats on the sdcard (it's not suppose to be able to read after it's been flashed with the rom)
also are you 100% sure that your nbf file is valid ? maybe it's broken
more suggestions ....
well after loading sd card , i cant browse to read it, moreover xda asks to format, which is the sign that card is loaded ok.
secondly i have tried nk.nbf file from siemens as well as,
both should not give same problem, which it is.
this mention the 5.17 bootloader you should read it
Rudegar said:
this mention the 5.17 bootloader you should read it
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The best way that I've found is to find somebody with a XDA that has the 5.15 bootloader then do a CE+BOOT TO SD then do a SD restore.
Sounds like a good project for some of the ROM Kitchen owners doesn't! :wink:

How to fix failure during upgrading ROM

I have a siemens sx56 with AT&T. I was trying to upgrade the ROM version to unlock it. Using XDA developer software and during this process, somehow the connection between the computer and the phone stopped (active Sync). Now the phone is not responding and the screen still displaying the upgrading process. I tried to reconnect but the Active sync does not recognize the devise. I read in this forum that you can solve this problem by using SD card with a good ROM version. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf to the SD card using my computer SD read/write slot. I inserted the SD card in the phone and did the boot loader mode. What I got is "Wallaby boot loader v5.22 GSM OK" that set. Does the phone will automatically ask to press action to start flashing or I have to press a certain key. I tryed all the keys but they give me different tests that they work fine. So far I am not able to find the key that will install the the cooked rom. After that, when I tried to use the SD card in the computer, it did not recognize the card and ask me to format the SD card. I tried the fat and the fat 32 format and download NK.nb1 and/or NK.nbf and again I got the samething. Do I need to down load the ROM file using the XDAtool or just copying the file from the computer to sd directory will do it. I would really appreciate it if someone points out the best way of handling this problem (i.e. get the phone to work with the appropriate ROM and unlocking it) thanks.
Seif said:
I have a siemens sx56 with AT&T. I was trying to upgrade the ROM version to unlock it. Using XDA developer software and during this process, somehow the connection between the computer and the phone stopped (active Sync). Now the phone is not responding and the screen still displaying the upgrading process. I tried to reconnect but the Active sync does not recognize the devise. I read in this forum that you can solve this problem by using SD card with a good ROM version. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf to the SD card using my computer SD read/write slot. I inserted the SD card in the phone and did the boot loader mode. What I got is "Wallaby boot loader v5.22 GSM OK" that set. Does the phone will automatically ask to press action to start flashing or I have to press a certain key. I tryed all the keys but they give me different tests that they work fine. So far I am not able to find the key that will install the the cooked rom. After that, when I tried to use the SD card in the computer, it did not recognize the card and ask me to format the SD card. I tried the fat and the fat 32 format and download NK.nb1 and/or NK.nbf and again I got the samething. Do I need to down load the ROM file using the XDAtool or just copying the file from the computer to sd directory will do it. I would really appreciate it if someone points out the best way of handling this problem (i.e. get the phone to work with the appropriate ROM and unlocking it) thanks.
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Bro, you shouldn't change the Sd fat you erased what's written on it anyway your unit is still on the safe side and you can bring it to normal.
First of all downgrade your bootloader to 5.15 >>>
goto this
I also have exactly the same problem with my Siemens SX56 as those of Seif's. My Wallaby's boot loader version is 5.22. Ramram said that the first thing to do is to downgrage bootloader. But I couldn't understand how to downgrade the bootloader because I do not have a copy of old bootloader. Should I use 'OSImageTools' or 'XDArit' to write backed up CE image to SD card?
Seif, how did you solve your problem?
Best Regards
rafia said:
I also have exactly the same problem with my Siemens SX56 as those of Seif's. My Wallaby's boot loader version is 5.22. Ramram said that the first thing to do is to downgrage bootloader. But I couldn't understand how to downgrade the bootloader because I do not have a copy of old bootloader. Should I use 'OSImageTools' or 'XDArit' to write backed up CE image to SD card?
Seif, how did you solve your problem?
Best Regards
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You need XDArit to write the rom to your SD read the past post on how to copy rom to your SD which is the safest way of installing the rom into the device, by using XDAtools press on FIX BROKEN BOOTLOADER this will downgrade you bootloader to 5.15 don't forget to connect your unit to the cradle when you want to downgrade.
I recommend 1rst of all to make a quick search in threads to be totaly ready for this
this would help :
Good Luck now.
Update : How to fix failure during upgrading ROM
The problem was solved. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf file to the SD card using the XDAtools. It seems that the XDAtools uses special format for the bootloader that well recognize the ROM file on the SD card. Rafia your bootloader (v5.22) is fine you do not need to downgrade it.
You should follow this procedure:
1. Install ActiveSync that comes with the device.
2. download XDAtools from this site and install it in your computer.
3. Cook the ROM ( or get it by extracting the zip file from the XDA developers special edition ROM.)
4. Use the XDAtools to copy the cooked NK.nbf file from your computer to the directory of the SD card
5. Insert the SD card in the dead device and go to the bootloader mode (soft reset while pressing power key). Make sure it has more than 80% battery before starting.
6. If it is still working and the bootloader ver. is older than 6.22, it will ask you to press action to start flasing.
7. Once finished, remove the SD card and hard reset, wait 60 sec and hard reset again.
Good Luck and special thanks to Biso for his help.
Re: Update : How to fix failure during upgrading ROM
Seif said:
The problem was solved. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf file to the SD card using the XDAtools. It seems that the XDAtools uses special format for the bootloader that well recognize the ROM file on the SD card. Rafia your bootloader (v5.22) is fine you do not need to downgrade it.
You should follow this procedure:
1. Install ActiveSync that comes with the device.
2. download XDAtools from this site and install it in your computer.
3. Cook the ROM ( or get it by extracting the zip file from the XDA developers special edition ROM.)
4. Use the XDAtools to copy the cooked NK.nbf file from your computer to the directory of the SD card
5. Insert the SD card in the dead device and go to the bootloader mode (soft reset while pressing power key). Make sure it has more than 80% battery before starting.
6. If it is still working and the bootloader ver. is older than 6.22, it will ask you to press action to start flasing.
7. Once finished, remove the SD card and hard reset, wait 60 sec and hard reset again.
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Thanks a MILLION for this info. I'm in the same boat, with bootloader 5.22. One question though, when I'm in bootloader mode, which option do I choose from the menu to transfer the ROM to my device from the SD card? Will there be something automatically coming up? Or will I use one of the options listed below:
By the way, so I never do anything to ruin my device again, can someone please explain what each option does?? I really don't have a clue.
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
Rudegar said:
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
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Thanks for answering my question. Now I simply need to find a really good ROM to use to load back onto my device. What I would like to do is end up with Windows Mobile 2003, but the device is locked at the moment.
Can someone recommend a ROM for me to load onto the device so that I can then unlock it and THEN upgrade to 2003? Or is there a 2003 ROM out there that will also unlock? Originally, I ended up in this predicament by upgrading to the 2003 upgrade from Rogers AT&T, but that locked the device on me. I then tried to use a cooked 2003 ROM, and that's where I am now, without a useable device.
Thanks for all replies!
Linger1974 said:
Rudegar said:
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
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Thanks for answering my question. Now I simply need to find a really good ROM to use to load back onto my device. What I would like to do is end up with Windows Mobile 2003, but the device is locked at the moment.
Can someone recommend a ROM for me to load onto the device so that I can then unlock it and THEN upgrade to 2003? Or is there a 2003 ROM out there that will also unlock? Originally, I ended up in this predicament by upgrading to the 2003 upgrade from Rogers AT&T, but that locked the device on me. I then tried to use a cooked 2003 ROM, and that's where I am now, without a useable device.
Thanks for all replies!
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First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck
First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck[/quote]
Thanks, Ramram. I'm sure I'll have more success this time, but it's just odd that I went from a 2002 ROM, which was unlocked, to the Rogers 2003 ROM, and the phone was locked after that.
I guess I should stay away from that Rogers ROM then?
Linger1974 said:
First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck
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Thanks, Ramram. I'm sure I'll have more success this time, but it's just odd that I went from a 2002 ROM, which was unlocked, to the Rogers 2003 ROM, and the phone was locked after that.
I guess I should stay away from that Rogers ROM then?[/quote]
Why to worry about the Rogers Rom you know now a way to unlock your phone.
I assume the Rogers rom is based like the At&t rom which it has the sound clipping bug , so I'd rather say that you could cook a T-mobile rom 4.01.16 WM2003 and try it it does not have the sound clipping bug..

2003se upgrade for a dummy

So, ive read post after post on performing this task and it is still beyond my capabilities. My wallaby is running ppc2002, rom version is 3.20.06, radio version 4.21.01 protocol version 32s54. It's running bootloader 6.22, i havent got active sync, xdatools wont run due to missing dll's or some such thing. Have a 1gig sd and a 512mb mmc,,,,
How can i upgrade with this setup? visited rom kitchen (awesome site) and cooked up a rom, extracted NK.nbf,
Need help! Surely i can upgrade with this equipment, make an exe then
Rudegar said: make an exe then
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So is the exe executable from an sd card?
no the exe is only for activesync upgrades
how to flash using sd
if the tool is missing dll's then type in the name of the dll in google and find a place to get the dll and it will work
Rudegar said:
no the exe is only for activesync upgrades
how to flash using sd
if the tool is missing dll's then type in the name of the dll in google and find a place to get the dll and it will work
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Right, well got active sync which meens the dll's i needed are in system 32 or whatever. But,,, Does bootloader 6.22 cause problems?? Thanks for all the help,, sure this fone is a bit old but who cares. Massive screen, runs office, windows media, touch screen, great fone
Any suggestions? I cant be the only one without a data cable or cradle. At the end of the day i want the fone to run best as possible. I am thinking there is alot more compatable software for wm2003 then ppc2002? @ the moment im running mame and pacman,,,,,,,, Speaking of software, is the media player in 2002 meant to be slow? As far as video go's ive given up there.
what is your problem?
Problem is i dont seem to be able to downgrade from bootloader 6.22 to 5.15 so i can update the rom to 2003. doing ll this without a data cable or cradle.
Bootloader should not cause any problems.
Missing Dll´s for XDATools came as you have ssen correctly form ActiveSync. So you need to install this programm on your PC to use XDATools. Afterwards you will be able to wirte the ROM on your SD-Card and then flash the new ROM on your device.
So if you don´t have any cradle or cable, and don´t sync with ActiveSync, how did you manage your conacts,install software, exchange files, ....?
I see the confusion
I have card reader's on the front panel of my pc. So i am using xardit to transfer the bootloader images onto either an sd or an MMC card. So i transfer the patch with the NB2 extension on to the card. Cold reboot xda and it gets to the normal screen telling me i need the keycard.
I can use either xdarit or isoimagetool to transfer the .NB1 file on to an SD.
I have no data cable, so these are the only methods i can use. Just pc with multi card card, sd car, mmc card.
LumpiStefan, the rom kitchen is a damn fine peice of work!
when i had a wallaby i only ever flashed it using a sdcard reader
was pretty easy used ositool put the nbf / nb1 on the sdcard
after which the cardreader could no longer read the sdcard(that mean it's successfully planted)
then i put in the sdcard and entered the bootloader and it autostart upgrading
and when it's don i hardreset and thats it
Hi And thanks
I have tried this with a 1g toshiba sd and a 512 sandisk mmc, neither seem to auto start an update. I have browsed the web a bit and have found different theories on bootloader being a problem. My card reader is a panel on the front of my pc, or using my ngage. tried formatting fat16 or fat32. Im sure it's currently ppc2002 as this is the first screen after the o2 water screen
I think your problems come from your card reader. Many people have reported, that the internal card reader causes problems in writing the ROMs in correct way on the cards. I would s uggest to use an external card reader/writer.....
and those are only 10£$€'ish
Thanks guys for your help, all up and running now. I appreciate the advise. Rudegar, my problem was getting the wrong info from elsewhere, the solution was the card reader, Cost me $9.00 au to buy one. I thank you both

