WM6.1 doesnt load after flashing bepe 0.66 - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Hello everybody,
i have major problems after trying to flash bepe rom 0.66. The rom before flashing was bepe 0.59. The flashing finished fine, but after automatic restart, the windows mobile failed to boot, it stuck on green WM6.1 screen. After all, i tried to hard-reset my device, but nothing helped.
I can enter bootloader, but it is bootloader version POLA200 SPL-1.25.0000. When i try to flash ram, the flashing stucks at 0% and the error 262 occured.
So i have no idea what to do, and how i can reanimate my polaris. I have some questions, in another thread i have read that it isnt possible to flash the rom with this bootloader, i have to install the HardSPL, but i dont know how i can install hardSPL?
Another question is, can i flash the original rom without hardSPL?

Incubant said:
Hello everybody,
i have major problems after trying to flash bepe rom 0.66. The rom before flashing was bepe 0.59. The flashing finished fine, but after automatic restart, the windows mobile failed to boot, it stuck on green WM6.1 screen. After all, i tried to hard-reset my device, but nothing helped.
I can enter bootloader, but it is bootloader version POLA200 SPL-1.25.0000. When i try to flash ram, the flashing stucks at 0% and the error 262 occured.
So i have no idea what to do, and how i can reanimate my polaris. I have some questions, in another thread i have read that it isnt possible to flash the rom with this bootloader, i have to install the HardSPL, but i dont know how i can install hardSPL?
Another question is, can i flash the original rom without hardSPL?
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i have tried this, but it changed nothing, always stuck in green WM6.1 Screen or by 0% flashing with error [262].

I'm not sure it works but you can try flashing hardSPL by microSD.
Take a microSD and format in FAT32, rename RUU_Signed.nbh in POLAIMG.nbh, insert microSD in Polaris, put it in bootloader, press the power button, it takes some seconds to start, wait.
If it works you can after flash the ROM with the same procedure.

Thanks for all replies!
This is a good idea batista, but i have some questions to this procedure.
Which rom would you take? first hard-SPL and after that a cooked rom?
How i can see that it works, cause you say you dont know wheather it works? Have you made experience with flashing from micro-SD?

Flash before HardSPL and after a ROM, i've Bepe 0.65 ITA.
You can see if it works if after you can flash a ROM, i've never flashed by miscroSD 'cause i've a PC with XP and i prefer to flash via usb but a lot of
people use to flash via microSD.

Trying to flash rom from microSD, has no satisfying effect as well. It stucks on a white screen with blue label "Loading...". Maybe its because 8GB microSD card and it is not able to load a rom from that one.
Please, i am happy about every post. Because i wont have destroyed 450 €

Do you format microSD before ????
Can you try with another one ????
If in FAT 32 doesn't work try in FAT 16.

No i cant try it with another one, but ordered another one on amazon, so on wednesday i hope i can try with another one. Formating with FAT16 is also impossible, i have no such choice in windows XP, but i think FAT32 would be the right one.
I think the main problem is, i have not installed hard SPL, but i dont know how to install without connection to windows xp. And i havent found any thread where it is mentioned to install hardSPL without connection to windows xp.

Have You tried to flash hardSPL via microSD or not ???
Same procedure of ROM flashing.

yes both hardSPL and direct bepe 0.66 but none of them worked. both stucking on loading... screen. Maybe there is a problem with 8GB hc micro sd?

Remove microSD and SIM and try flashing hardSPL via PC with Polaris in bootloader.

i also tried this, but it stucks on 0% updating and on windows xp the 262 Update Error appear. I will give this one a retry tomorrow. But i am not very hopefull.

I'm really sorry, i hope someone has a solution for your problem.

another user named sassa80 had exactly the same issue like you. he did not HardSPL first and tried to flash a new radio rom. the story ended with a RMA return of his HTC.

Hi Incubant,
You may try to flash an *original* ROM renamed to POLAIMG.nbh trought microSD. I used that procedure with a Sandisk 16GB, FAT32 and it worked ok. Before that, mine were kind of bricked on the SPL loader.
I think the step I may have missed the first time was to unplug and replug usb cable the first time I run the update on windows, right after the reset when on the palm screen it said to do so (after all on windows, the application were telling to *not* unplug the cable for 10 minutes). Anyway, if I recall correctly, I failed to update the SPL and at the end of flashing a beta of 6.1 it stopped at 99%. So... I was stuck - couldn't reflash anything. Nevertheless, the procedure that I mentioned on the first paragraph did solve it. After that, I had no problem installing the HardSPL and any other ROM.
Good luck

Another one here with the same problem.
Tried everything I can think of and still stuck on the 6.1 boot screen.

The people who are having problems above with the latest flash e.t.c, which brand of device you using? XDA Orbit II?

For me, it's an O2 Orbit II.

~J~ said:
For me, it's an O2 Orbit II.
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I thought you might say that, I also have an XDA Orbit II and have noticed a different set of behaviours under the same conditions as compared to the HTC Touch Cruise users. It appears that an Orbit II and a Touch Cruise are both a Polaris but an Orbit II is not a Touch Cruise if that makes sense. Apart from the quite apparent visual differences between the two, are there any internal differences we are not aware of? The Orbit II always appears to act differently, some tweaks/roms/advice have outcomes different to the touch cruise, especially certain reg tweaks.
From using the latest bepe ROM it appears to be quite buggy, also reported by other users, look at bepe ROM thread. Hopefully bepe which deal with the bugs because his ROM, in my opinion, is by far the best.
I too had the STUCK-AT-GREEN-SCREEN issue when I flashed the latest ROM, I waited about 5 minutes, then HARD-RESET, then when presented with the GREEN-SCREEN again for a few minutes, I pressed one of the upper buttons (green phone / red phone).
I hope you sort the problem out.


Artemis USPL v.01 upgrade error with 270 code, Please HEPL

Hi Profs,
there are some problems with a Artemis Update SPL (USPL) v.01. I've found this problem is several topic but there was no solution for it.
The problem:
use USPL to get rid of the CID....count goes up to 100% screen shows black with green text, then pops to white. I need to do a soft reset to get it running again.
Then i use ROM Update Utility to update my p3300....and it still keeps hanging on 3%....damn. i get mad...!! Have read almost all here online...no virusscanner, no firewall....I use win XP.
i even tried without memory card and phone card....and nothing seems to work.......
ipl 1.14.0001
spl 1.14.0000
gsm 02.07.90
Who has any clue...?
With other words:
I've just got back my P3300 from repair, they changed the main board. With the previous main board I was able to upgrade the device and I was using the B&B versions.
But with this new board I'm not able to upgade the SPL. When I try to upgade the device after and start the start_uspl .exe the 10...20... ....100 my device become an interresting "blue screen" status and only the reset help to get out from this status. If I start the RomUpdateUtility.exe after the upgrade I got the error message #270
IPL: 3.13.0001
SPL: 3.13.000
GSM: 02.94.90
ROM version: 3.13.405.1.WWE
ROM date: 8/28/07
ExtROM version: 3.12.405.102
This is not the solution for the problem. I've tried it:
Plug in USB cable. Hold voice recorder button and press reset button. Bootloader will appear (Three color stripes). Then you may flash up ROM. (This works only for RUU installation types, not for PDAmobiz modified installator) Original english HTC P3300 ROM you may download form here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...temis_Upgrades ....
Please help us to solve this problem....
Probably the same problem
This should be the same:
Hello POF,
I was directed to this link by Rudegar because I want to change the french ROM to English ROM.
The relevant data of my PDA is:
The version of the ROM: 1.14.406.1 FRE
Date of ROM: 9/27/06
Radio version: 02.67.90
Protocol version:
ROM extension version: 1.14.406.101
I tried exactly the way you described in the USPL_manual and everything went well till I got to a stage where I was asked to click the update button which I did. After then there was a window which showed "updating from current version to version 9.99". I was confused at this point but clicked "continue" and after this stage I got an error message and there was no longer a connection bw my PDA and my computer.
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Also the same
Problem "lost connection PDA-PC"
first I would like to thank you for goooood job to many people here !
Back to my problem. I have HTC Artemis (T-Mobile MDA Compact III), OS WM6 T-Mobile Czech version.
I ran start_uspl.exe on my computer. The part in DOS based screen seems to finish everytime OK, but finally the connection with PC is lost. Therefore when the PDA Phone ROM Update Utility starts cheking version the error "lost connection with PC" appears . PDA stay in "black screen" mode and only hard reset start it again as usual.
Does anybody have the same problem? Any idea, how to solve it ?
When the screen goes white, don't restart. Just start flashing to the new ROM. Worked for me
Unfortunately it not a white screen, it a black one, connenction lost with the PC, and only the reset PDA helps to restart the unit again....
lenocs said:
then pops to white. I need to do a soft reset to get it running again.
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What im saying is when it pops to white, dont soft reset it, just start the upgrade.
Anthony2oo5 said:
When the screen goes white, don't restart. Just start flashing to the new ROM. Worked for me
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that what i also do When the screen goes white, don't restart. Just start your RUU
lenocs said:
Unfortunately it not a white screen, it a black one, connenction lost with the PC, and only the reset PDA helps to restart the unit again....
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Same situation as above. Depending on the Artemis, the screen might go white or black. Just don't freak out and keep on flashing the USPL. It WILL work and then reboot. Then you can flash the actual ROM you want.
Hello from an absolut newbie trying his first upgrade,
And I have just experienced the same problem than lenocs.
I have run start_uspl.exe, but when the screen is suposed to become white or dark, it becomes dark and the artemis is in fact totally off and connection is lost.
Anyway I supossed that it was because the scrren got black and I tried to run the update utility, but I´ve got an error (the terminal is disconnected or similar) and nothing happens.
I have had to soft reset the terminal and fortunatelly it seems that I still have my previous ROM and it seems that it works. But, do you know if there could be some "side effect" because the first step of start_uspl script?
Anyway I would like to move to WM6, so, any suggestion would be really appreciated.
Thank's a lot
When you restart, what is the USPL number?
I didn't pay attention.
As I've said, I'm a newbie, so I was just woried because I thought I had "bricked" my new atemis.
How can I know now the USPL number?
Anyway I tried the star_uspl again (I'm a crazy newbie) and it failed. The artemis went off almost inmediately.
Thank you very much for your help
SpiggyTopes said:
When you restart, what is the USPL number?
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solved ... at least for me
I think the problem is in SPL version 3.13 (or maybe anyone newer than 1.11).
Try different Artemis USPL - for me worked version from this page:
It's very confusional, because file sizes and also dates are the same as in unfunctional version, but this one worked.
Hope it'll help you as it helped to me.
Maybe this can help you
I bought a 8gb card the week before, so I needed to update the rom in order to have my new SDHC working. But whn I was trying to update the rom, through UPSL 1.1, I had an error. This was the first time I had an error because I have modified the room many times before. My error was about a CMD.EXE issue, something like Error code line 26 "can´t spawn cmd.exe" so I was not able to change my rom. What I did was to copy CMD.EXE from Windows/System32 and put in the same folder where I had the start_uspl file, and finally works!
Do not ask me why, but this was the only way I could make works the update process.
Just try.
Rocheau said:
I bought a 8gb card the week before, so I needed to update the rom in order to have my new SDHC working. But whn I was trying to update the rom, through UPSL 1.1, I had an error. This was the first time I had an error because I have modified the room many times before. My error was about a CMD.EXE issue, something like Error code line 26 "can´t spawn cmd.exe" so I was not able to change my rom. What I did was to copy CMD.EXE from Windows/System32 and put in the same folder where I had the start_uspl file, and finally works!
Do not ask me why, but this was the only way I could make works the update process.
Just try.
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do u have ur card in the phone while updating
you are suppose to remove the card
Problem solved (for me)
i had the same problem error 270, 3% and lost connection with Activesync.
IPL: 3.13.0001
SPL: 3.13.000
GSM: 02.94.90
ROM version: 3.13.405.1.WWE
ROM date: 8/28/07
any way to upgrade was wrong ->> error 270
My good way was:
1. Downgrade to WM5 - original shipped ROM 1.12.405.1(link found on Wiki pages)
2. Under WM5 run USPL to unlock CID (now without any errors)
3. Final STEP - Upgrade to new ROM Artemis Touch 3.01 (without any errors by upgrade)
Now my Artemis seems to be OK.
I ran USPL with storage card inside the device...
no problem
switch SD card back to 2GB or smaller before USPL
for me USPL did not work with my SDHC 8GB card but then I switched back to my previous 2GB SD card and then it works.
Perhaps the SDHC driver blocks USPL in some way.
i have been trying for 3 months
once i have upgraded my artemis to wm 6.0 everything seemed to be OK for two days... then the screen started to go black when i restart... şi downgraded to 5.0 but nothing changed... when i remove battery for a while, my arte works... when i try to do anything with it, the screen slowly goes black as if it is broken... please DO HELP ME! i am going to go mad... i have a new iphone, ihave i kaiser as well... but i miss my artemis very much...
I have the same problem and realized hundereds have too. I have been checking in all forums and no asolution to it
The issue that happens to me is that I used USPL for upgrading to WM6 and worked, but now for the Touchflo it does not. Tried with all USB ports, tried with different computers and no good news.
The USPL msdos screen indicates that there is no connection at all in all percentage levels, then it bocomes dark and the 260 error whne installing the rom.
please help us soon !!!
we are in trouble!!
Same Problem : Screen shut down
Anybody can help us on this point ?
The only way to solve it is to remove the batterie during 30 min., then put it back and pray...
Then, for no reason, the screen shut down, a few minutes or days after
I've upgrade from WM5 to WM6 with the original Rom of HTC, it seems a little more stable but it shut down every 2 days when i'm lucky

Newbie: cannot install Hard SPL for love nor money help!!!

Before anyone ask's I have read all the posts regarding installing the Hard SPL but still have the same problem.
When I connect through Vista 32 via WMDC it recognizes my device fine, I then follow the steps in the tutorials but as soon as I press the button to update the ROM image it goes into the 3 colour screen and then into the updating ROM progress bar were it sits at 0% for ever.
My WMDC has disconnected at this stage and then I get a screen saying communication error which is obvious as WMDC has disconnected.
Is this a WMDC issue/ Vista or am I missing something
I then have to soft reset and it just re boots into my standard ROM.
Any advice woiuld be greatly appreciated
1) connect your polaris to PC
2) run update utility
3) when you see 3 color screen unplug USB and replug it immediately
4) your SPL flash may start
5) when flash end correctely your polaris reboot
6) Flash any ROM you want
Thanks for the quick reply.
Tried doing exactly as you have stated.
Unplug and reconnect in the 3 colour bar screen, after which it goes into the updating screen and sits at 0% for ages until communication error comes up.
My WMDC has disconnected and does not reconnect.
I'm at my wits end!!
Do it from MicroSD, before format it in FAT 32, after rename the file .nbh in POLAIMG.nbh e copy in your microSD, put microSD in Polaris e put it in bootloader ( photo + softreset ) you will see something like IPL, bootloader, SPLASH1, SPLASH2, gsm & OS, press POWER button and wait, it might be long,
never put off microSD, when it finishes soft reset, in the same way you can flash any ROM, always format microSD before.
Do it from MicroSD, before format it in FAT 32, after rename the file .nbh in POLAIMG.nbh e copy in your microSD, put microSD in Polaris e put it in bootloader ( photo + softreset ) you will see something like IPL, bootloader, SPLASH1, SPLASH2, gsm & OS, press POWER button and wait, it might be long,
never put off microSD, when it finishes soft reset, in the same way you can flash any ROM, always format microSD before.
I think hard-spl can not be installed with sdcard method!
Why not ??? With Trinity you can do it.
cheers guy's for the feedback ,but not sure about the SD method unless someone can confirm it works for Orbit 2/ Cruise.
Somebody out there must have had the same issue as me regards this....what did you do to resolve.
batista70 said:
Why not ??? With Trinity you can do it.
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But this is not Trinity...Try it...
I know You can flash polaris if you use jumpspl (this is used by hard-spl flash) or hard-spl (this is used by os and radio flash).
But if you have original spl on you pda, and you want to flash with sd card, you will not use nor jumpspl neither hard-spl.
mikee5402 said:
cheers guy's for the feedback ,but not sure about the SD method unless someone can confirm it works for Orbit 2/ Cruise.
Somebody out there must have had the same issue as me regards this....what did you do to resolve.
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hi there.
try to hard spl with your sd card not in the device.
go in to bootloader mode (BL mode - by pressing down the Camera button, then using the stylus, press and hold the RESET button at the bottom of the phone and release when tricolor screen appears),
now connect the device to your pc (it should show usb in the white part)
flash what you may... hard spl first, oli's recomended by me.
Did you try the hard-spl flash with sd method? Does it work?
I didn't read it was Vista compliant so I ran it from a windows XP SP2 machine with Active Sync 4.5.
I did mine by taking out the SIM card and the SD Card then resettting and running the HardSPL.
Cheers for the advice guys I have managed to do it.
I used the Hard-SPL-V2 first which worked fine then I flashed to one of A.Serg roms, very nice and quick it is too.
However my reception bars are down to 2 from 4 that I previously had, although the reception seems ok.
Sim: O2 UK
Rom: 1.52.ASerg.4 WWE
The radio version I have is:
Now this is were I am confused.
Can I flash the radio Rom without affecting the o/s Rom, I have downloaded a couple of radio rom versions but not sure if you do it the same way as I am scared of over writing something.
Also could anybody advise if they are in UK on O2 which version gives best reception.
Any further advice much appreciated.

Problems with FM Radio & Camera

Hi all,
I encounter some problems with the polaris. When I want to use the camera I encounter the message:" unable to initialize....".
I also encounter problems with the FM radio: when I want to use my radio, it starts up, you see the screen, but no sound radio stations can be found. This means no radio functionality as well.
I've perfomed soft reboots but also hard reboots (so it initializes completely again). I also tried new ROMs. Nothing helps. Anybody recognizes this problem? Looks like that it has problems initializing the radio/ camera function.
Is there an update available which could fix this problem? My device is not damaged at all. Or would there be an other solution, as far as you know? Furthermore, the phone works perfectly. Hopefully you can help me with this.
First flash ur pda with :
If that doesnt work.Keep the one murata radio on your pda and flash another win mobile rom(without radio rom).
I prefer khanx vanilla v6 (radio isnt working, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398796 ) or swtos roms (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=404977 )
look also:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=414436
Other radio roms are crap....
2 ALL. My FM radio very very poor, allways noice & appear and disappear signal, in same moment - mobile phone samsung about 200$ give 100% better quality
any suggest ?maybe need forget to use radio in cruise ???
Hi Badguy,
Yesterday I tried to flash my pda, as you said, with the radio rom "http://www.4shared.com/file/46948092...a_1582123.html". the update ended up in 99% completeness. So now....I have the tri color error (so I cannot use my phone). Hopefully I will be able to restore it again.
You have any tips?
Yes i forgot to tell you, that u have to flash HARD SPL first, then u can flash any custom rom and any radio rom.
Now, u have to flash ur pda with original touch cruise rom, which will restore your pda to normal working mode.Original rom is on CD, which was in box, when u bought ur phone.When the iriginal rom is flashed, u do the hard spl, then u can flash any software made for polaris.
Thanks for the info...I am not aware that I received any CD's with original roms.
If I have not received any CD with Rom on it, can I not just update the ROM with ,for example, Diamond r7 Rom?
I tried this, but I didn't succeed. Normally I connect the phone to my pc, then enter the 'bootloader mode (from hard SPL)' on my pda by starting up the bootloader on my polaris and then I run the new ROM from my computer. When I use this procedure, the ROM is updated. I used this procedure as well for this 'flash'.
Since I have now the permanent tri-color, and therefore cannot enter bootloader, how can I update my ROM to the original version (or to any other ROM)?
Any further tips?
ftp://xda:[email protected]_radio_sign_25.65.30.04_1.58.21.23_Ship.exe
U need this rom, This version u should get with the phone.But it doesnt matter now. just ON/OFF the phone, connect it with cable and pc. Start flashing. Then make hardspl.
Did u hear for flashing through microsd card?? All what u must do is:
1. U have to have memory card in mode fat32.
2. Put onto the memory card rom file. Usually is named something.nbh .You have to rename it to POLAIMG.nbh .
3. put the memory card into the PDA and u have to go to bootloader mode ( press the camera button, make soft reset with stylus and u have to press camera button all the time, until u get 3color mode.
Radio roms, splash screens, roms , all, u can flash with microSD mode.
btw http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=381600&highlight=microsd Its a MUST!!
Hope it works now.
badguy999 said:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_radio_sign_25.65.30.04_1.58.21.23_Ship.exe
U need this rom, This version u should get with the phone.But it doesnt matter now. just ON/OFF the phone, connect it with cable and pc. Start flashing. Then make hardspl.
Did u hear for flashing through microsd card?? All what u must do is:
1. U have to have memory card in mode fat32.
2. Put onto the memory card rom file. Usually is named something.nbh .You have to rename it to POLAIMG.nbh .
3. put the memory card into the PDA and u have to go to bootloader mode ( press the camera button, make soft reset with stylus and u have to press camera button all the time, until u get 3color mode.
Radio roms, splash screens, roms , all, u can flash with microSD mode.
btw http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=381600&highlight=microsd Its a MUST!!
Hope it works now.
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I have tried the above steps. I have downloaded the rom, upacked it and renamed into POLAIMG.nbh
I pressed the camera button all the time and performed a soft reset with stylus. The following happens:
1. The three color comes again (it says: POLA100, SPL-1.25.0000, CPLD-2; in the red part; also in the above right corner of the red part it says: RUUNBH).
2. Then it turns into a white screen with: 'Loading...'.
3. After that it says...'checking...'
4. After this it says:
not allow"
Then it returns again to the three color with same text as above.
Do you know any tips to solve my problem? Hopefully you can help me!
Kind regards,
Here I am again.
I now concluded from the text in the red section, that I indeed don't have Hard-SPL on it. I think this causes the fact that it is 'not allowed''. Would you agree on this one?
This means that I need to install HARD-spl from the tri-color situation.
This is the next big challenge I think. Do you have tips for me? Hopefully we will [email protected]
badguy999 was trying to tell you that about 3 or 4 posts back. Yes you must HardSPL your device before you load anything other than the Stock ROM. Read and follow the following thread to hardspl:
also read this
hope this helps... good luck
mewsijben said:
Here I am again.
I now concluded from the text in the red section, that I indeed don't have Hard-SPL on it. I think this causes the fact that it is 'not allowed''. Would you agree on this one?
This means that I need to install HARD-spl from the tri-color situation.
This is the next big challenge I think. Do you have tips for me? Hopefully we will [email protected]
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I know that I need to install Hard SPL and I have read the threads you mentioned (before). The thing is, how can I install Hard SPL without the use of any active sync. In other words: how can I install Hard SPL by using the SD-card?
If you can help me with this...it would be great.
bkeaver said:
badguy999 was trying to tell you that about 3 or 4 posts back. Yes you must HardSPL your device before you load anything other than the Stock ROM. Read and follow the following thread to hardspl:
also read this
hope this helps... good luck
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U cant. First u have to flash original rom to make the pda working again. Then u can install hardspl through cable. original rom can be flashed with microsd method.
Are u sure that u have memory card in fat32??Cause error u described few post before.
When I want to flash it with original rom (rename the rom to POLAIMG.nbh, it starts loading, than checking, and than it says 'not allow....and a number' See also a few posts back. I formatted the SD to FAT 32
Somehow I'm not allowed to install the original rom. Therefore I thought that I needed to install Hard SPL.
Or should I press a combination of buttons on my phone? When I press the camera button and then soft reset, the same happens, when I just reset (he tries to load the image, but does not work).
I'm now allmost through all my options here. Hopefully somebody can help.
camera problems
as far as i understand the "cannot initialize" camera problem is a know HTC hardware problem and the only solution to it is to send the phone to HTC for board replacement.
(it might suddenly start working for some time - i saw reports that it happens , but than the problem will probably return -- there are lot of touch cruise users i saw with this problem and the only known solution i saw was HTC repair)
Is true that the polaris is "weak" phone. mine had trouble with connecting to 3G. And during calls, persons didnt hear me well and from time to time i was muted . So, they change motherboard.
Polaris has really weak signal strenght. Far far better signal i got from tytn2 and trinity.With regular radio rom...

Stuck in bootloader...

I am afraid my Polaris bricked, but I hope somebody knows a solution. Let me explain:
I turned off my device to get my microsd card out. I put the card in my cardreader to fill it with a lot of music. After that I inserted the card in the polaris, turned on the pda, and I got into the bootloader screen .
I tried to soft reset: bootloader screen again, tried to hard reset: bootloader, tried to flash original rom: rom update complete and after that bootloader, tried to flash several cooked roms: rom update complete and again the bootloader. When I try to charge my polaris it automatically turns on and goes to the bootloader. Flashing with microsd doesn't work. I also tried the thing with mtty, but it doesn't show the usb option in the list...
I DID hard-spl, I was using udk diamond R8 and never had any trouble before, while flashing about once a 2 months. I really am desperate, because I am unable to charge the pda now. I searched well and I only found threads of people who forgot to hard-spl before flashing custom roms.
I hope someone comes up with a brilliant idea, I love my Polaris way too much working and I don't want it to be a nice looking pda that doesn't work anymore.
I now manage to get into the mtty application, but I don't know if it is a good idea to use it. The problems I found here which could be solved with mtty are different from my problem I think. What would be wise to do? I flashed various original roms, and radios. That seems to work as normal, but after flashing I keep returning in the bootloader screen .
I hope one of you has an idea what to do. If it is something that is involving risk, I think I should do it anyway, because in this current state my Polaris is useless.
a few ideas! maybe they can help!
1) do you have warranty? you can restore back to original spl and then get HTC to ix it!
2) Try flashing your phone without the MicroSD card in place, maybe with the stock HTC Rom
Another option - try to delete all files from your memory card.
Thanks for the replies.
1) do you have warranty? you can restore back to original spl and then get HTC to ix it!
I read the thread about restoring back to original spl. There is stated that you can't restore to original spl if you are stuck in bootloader...
2) Try flashing your phone without the MicroSD card in place, maybe with the stock HTC Rom
I tried a lot of times, but every time after flashing has finished, I return to the bootloader
Another option - try to delete all files from your memory card.
I formatted my memory card in fat32, tried to flash with sd-card. When I turn on the phone it shows about 0.5 seconds something like "no rom image" and returns to bootloader screen
My cruise is still stuck, and I really think about trying things in mtty as a last resort... Anybody who knows what commands I should give in mtty in this situation? All help is appreciated, and if a suggestion makes my polaris work again I will donate the brilliant xda-member 20 euro's!
I have the same fault and have not found a solution. Every time I soft reset I am stuck in the boot loader screen. If I switch off the phone using comm manager then soft reset the phone will boot okay.
The only method I have found to be able to boot properly is to leave the battery out overnight and then start the phone in the morning. Always boots without a problem this way.
To make matters worse the USB port on my phone is broken...

[HELP] Bricked TyTN

I'm kind of new around here.
My problem is as follows:
- TyTN running PaysRom for about 9 months
- Started to get very sluggish
- Unable to get signal
When i booted my HTC the 'R' and 'G' that appear on screen and used to have values in front of it now display 'none'.
So, I connected it to my PC, 'activesynced' it and tryed to install a new ROM, hoping it would solve the problem.
But the new ROM wasn't installed sucessfully and now all I got is a brick.
I can't even connect it to ActiveSync since it's not recognized.
Is there any solution to my problem?
Can you get to the Bootloader?
By pressing the Ok+Power+Reset on the bottom button, I see the 'RGB'+white thingie, that I believe is the bootloader..
What SPL do you have? Is it Hard SPL V7(2.10)?
If it is, use the sd card method to install a new ROM.
remember to backup your card 1st.
1. Format 2Gb or less sd card FAT32. Copy .nbh file of the ROM you want onto it and rename to hermimg.nbh .
2. Insert card into Hermes and reset into bootloader.
3. If all things have been done right, follow the prompts....
If the radio ROM has died, I'd suggest trying to flash the Shipped Stock ROM 1st and see if that actually fixes the problem with the blank values on R & G. WM06 upgrade of shipped carrier ROM should also work.
Tks for your response.
I tryed the SD Card method already, with no sucess.
The red stripe shows as follows:
Everytime I tryed on another ROM I always perfomed it using SafeSPL.
Since I don't have 2.1, what can I do?
Tks for all ur help.
What happens when you try and flash a ROM over?
Do you get any kind of error?
You need to find the SHIPPED STOCK ROM. WM06 upgrade should be OK as the CID should match.
Put Hermes into bootloader and connect to PC after unticking "Allow USB Connections" in Activesyncs settings on the PC.
Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe file of the SHIPPED STOCK ROM. ven though activesync won't etect it, the flash file should. Follow the prompts.
Good luck as this seems to be the only way to fix this.
Good Luck...
You might be able to flash a Stock WM5 ROM using the SD Card method. Worked for me when I had SPL 2.03. In fact that's the only ROM it would let me flash over when mine bricked.

