coding help - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i have searched the internet for tutorials or anything that would help and could not find much at all so i figured what better place to ask than here...
i have a little experience in VB and would like to start doing some applications for my PPC. i have done a few small math programs that do simple simple as taking input from an input box hitting a button and displaying the output in a label. i would like to learn how to manipulate files, do such things as creating a launcher and doing input functions like the moving of an image like in slide to unlock or scrolling with finger etc. so if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great whether it be a tutorial or source code or what ever.
thanks in advance and thanks to all the people that provide awesome software and help on this forum...maybe one day i can share something i make

Google is your friend:


Read GPS coordinates and upload them to a website

Hi all,
I'm looking for a very simple program which will read GPS coordinates from my bluetooth GPS receiver and use a GET or FORM request to upload them to a website, i.e.
Does such a program exist? I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
If not, I would be willing to have a go at making it. In this instance, does anyone have any pointers for reading the data from the Com port?
Try the search next time
Oliy said:
I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
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Thanks for the link, however all the solutions in there are far more complex than what I want, or limited to me making an account on someone else's server.
Is there just a really simple app to do this? Or could anyone provide source code of getting the GPS coordinates, and I could make the rest of the program from there.
Oliy: it's a little more involved then just reading the com port. What kind of experience do you have? You have to do quite a bit of token and string parsing. Have a read of the GPS protocols:
Hi Vijay,
Thanks for the link. String and token parsing is fine. I have plenty of experience in core operations of programming languages, it's when you get into hardware specific things that I have very little experience.
I don't have a whole lot of time to program at the moment, I start my internship on monday and I have work on my own little OmapScaler project building up as well, but I've found a guy on this forum who seems to have the same ideas as me, I've PMd him and will hopefully get a reply soon.

software suggestion - typing program

I came across this on the android and searched and search and could not find one for the windows mobile device.
The idea is you get a new phone and sometimes you have to learn to type on it. A game that has the words go from right to left and you have to type them out to get rid of them otherwise you loose life or something. It would be simple, and extremely useful. Anyone seen a program like this? Any developers up to creating a game like that?
faceless stan took a walk.

need help coding app

Ok so I've never coded in java before its all new to me and i am trying to make an app that would do the same as this (check it out here) old Motorola razr mod, the led's and screens would flash in a pattern when music was played or any vibration into the microphone. I thought this idea could make a cool app for android, so i have begun coding it, and i have pretty much got the interface setup, but when it comes to making the slider i added actually do anything i have no idea and i have no idea how to make buttons actually preform an action, also i have no idea how to go about controlling hardware on the phone like the microphone and various lights to flash. Is there any way anyone can help or give some tips i appreciate any input. Thus far my layout consist of a spinner to chose the different patterns for the lights to flash, then the start button, then a slider to choose how sensitive the microphone is to incoming vibrations. They do nothing yet cause i am not quite sure where to go from here. If you feel you can contribute any knowledge my way i will be grateful, the only coding i have done is minor html stuff although not much different than the xml code involved i have no idea what to do for the java part. Please Help.
Thank you much!
You'll need to use the required APIs detailed here: , I'm not sure you can actually control the sensitivity in Android as I haven't written any apps using the hardware as you want to. And this should help you out with the the backlight:
So basically what you would need to do is set up an intent reciever that is listening to the mic, and when theres any input activate the brightness of the display.
For more detailed help I'd have to actually start coding to be of more help. Hope this helps.

[Q] Internet - Graphics help pls someone? :)

Hi guys. This should be easy for someone with experience so hopefully this will come in handy for a lot of 'new to windows mobile' types like myself.
Ok so the issue - start up Internet Explorer. Go to say... and check your accoutnt for example. Then the fun begins. I want to ask a seller a question. In classic view this takes a while to load (ebay mobile won't even allow you to do this function by the way!). The problem is this. Buttons are missing on the screen. Certain ares of the selctions are not showing. Bottom line is i can't click on ASK QUESTION to continue. Guessing something is needed like java or adobe flash but i'm not going to start adding things at random and by guesswork.
So can someone advise what is needed please, if anything? Maybe a setting i have is incorrect?
Sorry for the semi-vague details as far as the technical side goes. If you need a bit more clairty then please just ask and i'll try to better my comments.
Many thanks if you can help, TSS
160 views and no replies? someone spare a few secs please? i've tried adding a java cab (javafx) but no use so now i'm seriously stuck.
hope someone breaks the silence
Try using a better browser, e.g. Opera Mini. The built in IE has many limitations.
I experience previously with internet banking where IE fails to send Login id and passwords but Opera Mini works.

[Q] Finding right place to mod an app

I hope this is the right place to post a question about modifying an existing app. In the long run, I want to create a Xposed module to do the modification, but to get started I work with modding the decompiled app. The app in question is, which is a German newspaper reader app (I am not expecting anyone to know it). What I want to do is to get rid of the scrolling animation when reading an article, because I am using this app on an eInk device (Icarus Illumina).
Now my problem is, I don't find a starting point. I have to say I don't have much (read: almost none) experience with writing Android apps (although I have a lot of programming experience otherwise). Thus I have no idea how such an animation would be implemented. I searched for references to the Scroller class and replaced the duration argument of the startScrolling method by 5ms, but this didn't change anything.
Is there any way to run the app in some kind of debug mode to see which methods are called at which time? Another idea how to find the right spot might be the trigger of the scroll: I am using the hardware page turn buttons of the device to scroll down exactly one page. How would this be implemented, what should I search for to find the code that reacts on these buttons? (Also: how can I press these buttons in the emulator?)
I am sorry if I am asking too many noob questions. If there is relevant documentation I have obviously missed, please point me to it. Thank you very much for any help!
Try looking under res/anim*
mhier said:
I hope this is the right place to post a question about modifying an existing app. In the long run, I want to create a Xposed module to do the modification, but to get started I work with modding the decompiled app. The app in question is, which is a German newspaper reader app (I am not expecting anyone to know it). What I want to do is to get rid of the scrolling animation when reading an article, because I am using this app on an eInk device (Icarus Illumina).
Now my problem is, I don't find a starting point. I have to say I don't have much (read: almost none) experience with writing Android apps (although I have a lot of programming experience otherwise). Thus I have no idea how such an animation would be implemented. I searched for references to the Scroller class and replaced the duration argument of the startScrolling method by 5ms, but this didn't change anything.
Is there any way to run the app in some kind of debug mode to see which methods are called at which time? Another idea how to find the right spot might be the trigger of the scroll: I am using the hardware page turn buttons of the device to scroll down exactly one page. How would this be implemented, what should I search for to find the code that reacts on these buttons? (Also: how can I press these buttons in the emulator?)
I am sorry if I am asking too many noob questions. If there is relevant documentation I have obviously missed, please point me to it. Thank you very much for any help!
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Hi, very late after the question, but I am considering buying an Illumina XL HD e-reader in order to have e-ink to read newspapers. What has been your experience with your device (which model in particular is it?)? Also, I would like to root it. Do you know if that is possible? Finally, did you manage to modify the app? If so, was it difficult?
Hi, hope you found the solution

